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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh rekonstrukce poškozeného koryta toku Rusavy v obci Rusava / Design of reconstruction the damaged streambed Rusava in the village Rusava

Zelíková, Gabriela January 2014 (has links)
Design of reconstruction the damaged streambed Rusava in the village Rusava The task of this thesis is to evaluate the existing capacity of the streambed and design the reconstruction of Rusava river km 26,000 to 28,230. Rusava watercourse takes place in urban area of village Rusava in Zlín region. Channel revetment was badly damaged by floods in July 2011. The assessment of the current state of the watercourse was based on personal visit of the place and taken photos. Current state was modeled in HEC – RAS 3.1.3 software. The reconstruction is designed according to the assessment of the current river channel condition and also contains proposals for new buildings on the river.

Optimalizace nabídkového procesu / Offer process optimization

Koryciński, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis concerns optimization of quotation process. It describes mapping of value stream by VSM Method (value stream mapping) in practical way in order to minimize cost. Further on it describes three points of view method when surveying and modifying process. It analyses process on three levels and describes suitable solution which makes process smoother and more effective. At the conclusion of this diploma project belongs evaluation of realised solutions and measures that need to be taken in future.

Analýza hodnotového toku / Value stream analysis

Perutka, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis “Value stream mapping” is to analyse the montage workplace of the company IFE-CR, a.s. with focus on the value stream and the methods of lean production. The thesis aims to identify priorities for applying lean production methods at the montage workplace and to propose concrete measures in order to reduce different types of wasting. The first part of the thesis is dealing with the theory, understanding the main principles and methods of lean production, as well as with the method of value stream mapping. The second part is dealing with value stream analysis of the montage workplace and proposes concrete measures to reduce wasting and to increase the production effectiveness, respectively to improve the material stream trough implementation of selected lean production methods in the montage workplace.

Analýza hodnotového toku / Value stream analysis

Hrnčíř, Roman January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis: „Analysis of the value stream“ deals with the mapping of production processes in terms of flow value, their analysis and application of possible improvements that should be task to speed up and improve process. Finally, correctness will be proved with process audit of proposed solutions and will be quantified also possible savings. The goal of this work is to design, implement and validate methods of lean production in working process.

New Elements of Heat Transfer Efficiency Improvement in Systems and Units / New Elements of Heat Transfer Efficiency Improvement in Systems and Units

Turek, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
Zvýšení efektivity výměny tepla vede k poklesu spotřeby energie, což se následně projeví sníženými provozními náklady, poklesem produkce emisí a potažmo také snížením dopadu na životní prostředí. Běžné způsoby zefektivňování přenosu tepla jako např. přidání žeber či vestaveb do trubek ovšem nemusí být vždy vhodné nebo proveditelné -- zvláště při rekuperaci tepla z proudů s vysokou zanášivostí. Jelikož intenzita přestupu tepla závisí i na charakteru proudění, distribuci toku a zanášení, které lze všechny výrazně ovlivnit tvarem jednotlivých součástí distribučního systému, bylo sestaveno několik zjednodušených modelů pro rychlou a dostatečně přesnou predikci distribuce a také aplikace pro tvarovou optimalizaci distribučních systémů využívající právě tyto modely. Přesnost jednoho z modelů byla dále zvýšena pomocí dat získaných analýzou 282 distribučních systémů v softwaru ANSYS FLUENT. Vytvořené aplikace pak lze využít během návrhu zařízení na výměnu tepla ke zvýšení jejich výkonu a spolehlivosti.

Řízení datového toku v ISP síti / Data flow control in ISP network

Důbrava, Marek January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the control of data flow in networks of Internet service providers. The problem of aggregation and related overload network elements are shown. Theoretical section describes the standardized methods for managing data flow. The parameters associated with managing data flow are described for devices selected devices. The thesis displays measurements depicting to which extent the ECN algorithm occurs in practice. In the thesis is theoretically described HTB program, which is complemented by a newly described algorithm. The new algorithm is implemented into the program and tested on a real network ISP.

Optimalizace procesů ve společnosti / Company Processes Optimization

Lindovská, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on optimization of working processes in Witzenmann Opava by using Value Stream Map. The aim of the thesis is on a basis current status of value stram propose to suitable actions and draw them into new value stream map. The thesis is devided into three parts – theoretical, analytical and proposal part. In the first part of the thesis are compiled theoretical knowledge about lean management sphere, tools for elimination of wastings and theory about mapping value stream by using VSM. Analytical part is deal with characterictic of company Witzenmann Opava, its internal and external factors of developments and implementation of lean production. In this part there is also characteristic of choosed product. Proposal part is deal with value stream analysis of choosed product and specific actions to reduce wasting and getting production more effective with the help of lean production methods.

Počítání lidí ve videu / Crowd Counting in Video

Kuřátko, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis prepared the programme which is able to follow the trajectories of the movement of people and based on this to create various statistics. In practice it is an effective marketing tool which can be used for instance for customer flow analyses, optimal evaluation of opening hours, visitor traffic analyses and for a lot of other benefits. Histograms of oriented gradients, SVM classificator and optical flow monitoring were used to solve this problem. The method of multiple hypothesis tracking was selected for the association data. The system's quality was evaluated from the video footage of the street with the large concentration of pedestrians and from the school's camera system, where the movement in the corridor was monitored and the number of people counted.

Hydromorfologie jako nedílná složka ekologického stavu vodních toků / Hydromorphology as a component part of ecological condition of water bodies

Kujanová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Today, the study of fluvial-morphological processes is focused on evaluating hydromorfological status of streams and on proposing restoration measures. A fundamental prerequisite for assessing the current hydromorphological status of streams is establishing reference conditions for each stream type that serve as a benchmark and represent the target status after restoration. The aim of this thesis is to describe type-specific hydromorphological reference conditions for rivers on the territory of the Czech Republic with the help of determining river types, developing the REFCON method for establishing reference sites and recording characteristics of reference status. The approach to establishing reference sites is based on meeting the criteria of having minimal anthropogenic impact that are first assessed using cartographic data and subsequently verified through field survey. Parameters - altitude, sinuosity, and valley floor slope - for classifying river reaches into types were determined on the basis of the results of statistical methods applied on 3197 river reaches covering the whole territory of the Czech Republic. The classification of river reaches into 9 river types was verified through field survey at 44 sites. Detailed field survey and measurements of characteristics of natural channel...

Vliv etherů celulózy na reologické vlastnosti vápna / Influence of cellulose ethers on rheological properties of lime

Hegrová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a study of the influence of cellulose ethers on the rheological properties of lime. The theoretical part focuses on rheological parameters, techniques and test equipment used in rheology measurements. Various types of cellulose ethers and their influence on the rheological properties of fresh mortars are described. The practical part deals with the study of the influence of different types and quantities of cellulose ethers on the properties of fresh lime pastes and mortars. The results were obtained from measurements on a rotational rheometer with a special geometry for building materials. Measuring methods used were flow and oscillatory tests. Yield stress, viscosity and flow index were determined by the flow measurement. The stability and stiffness of fresh materials were determined during the oscillation measurements. The measured results are then evaluated and compared.

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