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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Board characteristics and firm performance: evidence from New Zealand

Bathula, Hanoku January 2008 (has links)
Due to various corporate scandals and failures, there has been a renewed interest on the role of boards in the performance of firms. This thesis examines the relationship between the key board characteristics and firm performance. Unlike most studies on boards which predominantly use only financial variables affecting governance, I take a different approach by combining them with non-financial variables. This combined set of variables is used for theoretical and empirical modelling. Based on the extant literature, I develop a conceptual framework and a set of hypotheses to examine the relationship between board characteristics and firm performance. Board characteristics considered in this research include board size, director ownership, CEO duality, gender diversity, educational qualification of board members and number of board meetings. Additionally, I use board size as a moderating variable to examine how the effect of other board characteristics is contingent on board size. Firm performance is measured by return on assets. I test my hypotheses on a longitudinal sample of 156 firms over a four year period from 2004 to 2007. My sample includes all firms listed on New Zealand stock exchange as on November 2007. Empirical analysis is undertaken using Generalised Least Squares analyses. The findings of the study show that board characteristics such as board size, CEO duality and gender diversity were positively related with firm performance, where as director ownership, board meetings and the number of board members with PhD level education was found to be negatively related. Board size was found to be moderating some of these relationships, indicating the critical role being played by board size in the design and role of corporate boards. The findings also provide partial evidence to different governance theories, further indicating the need for theoretical pluralism to gain insights into boards’ functioning. The study contributes to the understanding of board-performance link by examining both the traditional variables such as board size, CEO duality, and number of board meetings as well as other organisational attributes such as gender diversity and competence variables represented by women and PhD holders, respectively. The theoretical framework and the findings of my thesis are expected to stimulate scholars for further research to identify the contingency conditions upon which the board characteristics and firm performance may be dependent.

Return on diversity : a study on how diversity in board of directors and top management teams affects firm performance

Pohjanen, Becky, Bengtsson, Douglas January 2010 (has links)
<p>Today, gender quotation in the Board of Directors has become an important political question that is being discussed not only in Sweden but in several other countries as well. However, research on gender diversity and, for that matter, other forms of diversity in the corporate world is not something new. Diversity in Board of Directors and Top Management Teams and how it affects firm performance have been the topic of many researches the last two decades. Nevertheless, there are still many unanswered questions in this field that need to be answered. The purpose of this dissertation is to study how diversity in BoDs and TMTs affect firm performance. We used five different diversity variables, tenure, age, education, nationality and gender in our research and we tested them separately to see how they each affect firm performance. Because there is limited previous research conducted on diversity in Sweden and on Swedish firms, this dissertation attempts to fill that gap.</p><p>This study is conducted on Swedish firms that are listed on large cap on Stockholm stock exchange. We used several ways to measure the five different diversity variables in both BoDs and TMTs. Firm performance was measured by using two well established measurements, Return on Equity and Return on Assets. We developed ten hypotheses to test how diversity affects firm performance; some diversity variables had positive effect on firm performance, while others had negative effect. The hypotheses are based on earlier research. There are mixed results from our study; seven out of ten hypotheses had to be rejected due to insignificant relationship between diversity and firm performance. Three hypotheses were rejected, even though they showed a significant relationship between diversity and firm performance, because the relationship was the opposite of our hypotheses. One reason for these results can be that there is low diversity in both BoDs and TMTs, and this makes it difficult to measure and establish a relationship between diversity and firm performance.</p>

Ledningsfunktionen i tillväxtföretag : ledningsteamens sammansättning och funktion i tillverkande företag inom informationsteknologiindustrin

Steiner, Lars January 1990 (has links)
Genom elektronikens olika tillämpningar och genom ett varierat utbud av produkter har informationsteknologiindustrin effektiviserat organisationers och människors informationshantering under de senaste 20 åren. Därigenom har människors tillvaro och företags administrativa funktioner och produktionssystem förändrats. De snabba förändringar både av nya produkter och nya företag som sker i denna bransch skapar tillväxt för de enskilda företagen. Teknologisk föränderlighet och en extremt osäker marknadssituation ger ökad administrativ komplexitet för företagen. Detta ställer särskilt stora krav på kompetensen i företagsledningarna. I avhandlingen utvecklas en teoretisk och empirisk grundad livscykelteori för ägandet och ledningen av företagen. Beskrivningen avser företagens utveckling från deras bildande till dess att de är medelstora. Följande forskningsfrågor besvaras: På vilket sätt förändras ägandet av ett företag i extremt osäkra marknadssituationer när företaget växer från att ha varit ett småföretag till att bli ett storföretag? Vilka funktioner har grundaren till ett företag i olika skeden av företagets tillväxt? Varierar dessa funktioner med hänsyn till ägarformen? Hur förändras ledningsteam och ledningsprocesser? Vilka ledningsideologier kan återfinnas bland entreprenörer i företagen? Hur påverkar affärslogik och ledningsideal strategier, relationer och engagemang, i ledningen av företagen? / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 1990</p>

Omvärldsmodeller hos beslutsfattare i industriföretag : en studie av svenska leverantörer till fordonsindustrin

Söderlund, Magnus January 1993 (has links)
I denna avhandling studeras hur beslutsfattare tänker på förhållandet mellan det företag i vilket de arbetar och företagets omvärld. Avhandlingen syftar till att blottlägga "modeller" som beslutsfattare måste använda för att överhuvudtaget kunna hantera information om företagets omvärld. En viktig uppgift för beslutsfattare i företag är att försöka begripa hur det företag i vilket de arbetar förhåller sig till företagets omvärld. Detta eftersom varje företag är beroende av ett utbyte med sin omvärld. Men uppgiften är långt ifrån enkel, ty ett företags omvärld omfattar definitionsmässigt "allt" utanför företaget - kunder, leverantörer, konkurrenter, lagar, ränteläget, arbetsmarknadens villkor, politiska trender och mycket, mycket annat. Ingen kan emellertid tillgodogöra sig information om allt i omvärlden, därför att människans informationsbehandlingskapacitet är begränsad. Konsekvensen blir att beslutsfattare måste arbeta med förenklade "modeller" av företagets förhållande till omvärlden. Senare tids forskning har visat att många problem som företag räkar ut för kan förklaras med de modeller beslutsfattare använder - ibland blir modellerna alltför enkla och ibland tillåts modellerna att träda i kraft så automatiskt, att beslutsfattare inte är medvetna om vilken modell de använder. Ett par exempel där detta tycks ha varit fallet är gasolyckan i Union Carbides anläggning i Bhopal och rymdfärjan Challengers tragiska öde. Av denna anledning, dvs att beslutsfattares tänkande påverkar vad beslutsfattare gör och inte gör, framstår det som väsentligt att försöka undersöka hur beslutsfattares modeller egentligen ser ut. Det är just detta som är syftet med studien Omvärldsmodeller hos beslutsfattare. Studien handlar om beslutsfattare i svenska företag som har leveranser till fordonsindustrin som huvudsaklig verksamhet, det vill säga s k underleverantörer. I ett läge där fordonstillverkningen kännetecknas av många förändringar - inte minst övergången från massproduktion till "lean production" - samt i ett läge med ökande osäkerhet om vilka aktörer som egentligen skall vara delaktiga i framtidens fordonstillverkning, står beslutsfattarna i underleverantörsföretagen inför en betydande intellektuell utmaning: deras uppgift är att försöka begripa vad som händer i omvärlden. Men det är inte bara begriplighet som står på spel - de som inte kan anpassa sig till den nya tidens förändringar torde ha föga som motiverar deras fortsatta existens som underleverantörer. Studien visar att beslutsfattarna delvis uppträder i enlighet med vad man kan förvänta sig mot bakgrund av kognitiv teori - beslutsfattarnas modeller är förenklingar av verkligheten, exempelvis i så måtto att de innehåller en låg grad av samband mellan variabler, förhållandevis korta kausala kedjor som sammanlänkar variabler, få inslag av återföring mellan variabler, samt att modellerna fokuserar på ett par omvärldsdelar i det lokala företagets omedelbara närhet. Eftersom de företag där beslutsfattarna arbetar kännetecknas av att företagen ännu inte blivit föremål för den utslagning av leverantörer som ett flertal tidigare utredningar antyder att vi kan förvänta oss, och givet att vi tror att beslutsfattares modeller av omvärlden påverkar företagets beteende, kan resultatet tolkas som att det går att klara sig med enkla modeller. Men studien lyfter också fram ett antal egenskaper hos beslutsfattarens modeller som inte kan relateras till befintlig teori på ett tydligt sätt. Ett exempel är att beslutsfattarnas modeller ger uttryck för en kundorientering som vida överskrider det som rekommenderas inom ämnet marknadsföring. Ett annat exempel är att beslutsfattarna förefaller att ha en kluven inställning till vad konkurrens egentligen är. Kundorientering och konkurrens har onekligen kommit att bli allt viktigare begrepp i den strävan mot ökande marknadsorientering som vi ser inom både offentlig och privat sektor, såväl inom enskilda branscher som hela länder, men det tycks som om beslutsfattares syn på detta inte sammanfaller med vad vi tror oss veta från tidigare forskning - något som får betraktas som ett intressant kunskapsgap, därför att beslutsfattare i företag kommer att spela en central roll i genomförandet av ökad marknadsorientering. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 1993</p>

The Role of Top Management in Supply Chain Management Practices

Sandberg, Erik January 2007 (has links)
Supply chain management (SCM) has been discussed by researchers as well as business practitioners for more than two decades now, but still surprisingly little of this philosophy can be seen in today’s business practices. One important enabler for taking the SCM philosophy from theory into practice that is often mentioned, but not investigated in-depth, is top management support. The role top management plays in a company’s SCM practices could be an important piece of research that is not yet in place in the big SCM puzzle. The purpose of this dissertation is therefore to describe and explain the role of top management in a company’s supply chain management practices. The purpose is approached with the aid of two studies, where the second is partly built upon the findings from the first. The first study is an explorative, broad survey study aimed at investigating how companies’ SCM practices, here limited to include a focal company’s logistics collaboration with suppliers and customers, are performed. In the second study, which is an explanative, multiple case study, the role of top management is investigated more in detail. The empirical foundation for the survey study is a questionnaire that was constructed based on SCM literature. The questionnaire was sent in November 2004 to 482 logistics managers at Swedish manufacturing companies and a response rate of 177 usable questionnaires (37.8%) was achieved. Apart from purely descriptive statistics such as mean values, standard deviation and frequencies, other tests were used such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and cross tabulations with χ-square tests. The results are summarised into five major findings, concluding that (1) existing collaborations are mainly performed at an operational level in the companies, (2) there are differences in the focal company’s attitude and behaviour depending on if the collaboration partner is situated downstream or upstream in the supply chain, (3) increased intensity in the collaboration results in more positive effects, (4) top management involvement is an important driver for increased intensity of the collaboration, and (5) top management involvement in a dyadic collaboration is an important driver for increased collaboration with supply chain members on the other side of the focal company. The empirical basis for the multiple case study is three companies considered to be best practice within SCM. In total 15 focused, open-ended interviews with members of the top management teams were conducted during winter 2006-2007. All interviews were typed and transcribed, and objective case descriptions with citations were thereafter written. The analysis includes separate analysis of each case as well as cross case analysis. The SCM framework that was used in the first study was complemented with a framework on business strategy theory in the second study. More specifically, the analysis incorporates the positioning perspective, the resource based view, and Mintzberg’s view on the strategy formation process. The theoretical contribution of this dissertation is mainly given to the SCM field. In short, the results include a more thorough explanation of top management’s role in a company’s SCM practices. Six archetypes of this role are presented; the supply chain thinker, the frame setter, the process designer, the relationship manager, the controller, and the organiser for the future. Other implications for SCM literature being discussed in the conclusions are that (1) a systems approach should be considered separate from collaborative thinking, (2) the interdependencies in the investigated supply chains are mainly serial, (3) a systems approach is not the same as having a pure process orientation, (4) the responsibility for logistics issues is shared among members of the top management team, and (5) top management is not directly involved in the company’s distinctive logistics capabilities. / Supply chain management (SCM) har flitigt diskuterats av forskare och näringsliv i över två decennier nu, men fortfarande kan mycket lite av denna filosofi ses ute i verkligheten. Stöd från företagsledningen (top management) är en av de mest omtalade faktorerna som kan möjliggöra att steget från teori till praktik kan tas. Trots detta har inte företagsledningens roll beforskats mer ingående, och syftet med denna avhandling är därför att beskriva och förklara företagsledningens roll i ett företags praktiserande av SCM. Syftet besvaras med två studier, där den andra delvis är baserad på resultaten från den första. Första studien kan karaktäriseras som en bred enkätstudie som syftar till att undersöka hur företag praktiserar SCM. Mer specifikt behandlas ett fokalt företags logistiksamarbeten med dess kunder och leverantörer. I den andra studien, som är en explanativ, multipel case-studie, undersöks företagsledningens roll mer i detalj. Den empiriska basen för den första studien är en enkät som är baserad på SCM-teori. Den skickades i november 2004 ut till 482 logistikchefer på svenska, tillverkande företag med mer än 100 anställda och 100 miljoner SEK i årlig omsättning. Med en svarsfrekvens på 177 (37,8%) användbara svar gjordes förutom rena deskriptiva analyser (medelvärden, standardavvikelser och frekvenser) också analyser med hjälp av faktoranalys, klusteranalys, ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), samt korstabeller med χ-tester. Studien kan summeras i fem huvudresultat: (1) Existerande logistiksamarbeten sker på en operativ nivå inom företagen, (2) Företagets attityd och uppförande gentemot sin samarbetspartner skiljer sig beroende på om denna är en leverantör eller kund, (3) Ökad intensitet i samarbetet leder till mer positiva upplevda effekter, (4) Involvering från företagsledningen är en viktig drivkraft för ökad intensitet i samarbetet, samt (5) Involvering från företagsledningen i ett pågående samarbete på antingen kund- eller leverantörssidan är en viktig drivkraft för att öka intensiteten i samarbeten på företagets andra sida. Den empiriska basen för den multipla case-studien är tre företag som anses vara ”best practice” inom SCM. Under vintern 2006-2007 gjordes totalt 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer från företagsledningarna. Alla intervjuer blev inspelade och transkriberade, för att sedan forma basen i objektiva case-beskrivningar med citat. Analysen innehåller både separat analys av varje case, såväl som en korsanalys (cross case analysis). Den teoretiska referensramen om SCM som användes i första studien är här kompletterad med en referensram om strategiteori. Mer specifikt grundar sig analysen på ett positioneringsperspektiv, resursbaserade teorier, samt Mintzberg’s arbete om strategiformeringsprocesser. Det teoretiska bidraget från avhandlingen ges först och främst till SCM-litteraturen. I korthet innehåller resultaten en mer noggrann beskrivning av företagsledningens roll i ett företags SCMpraktiserande. Sex arketyper för denna roll presenteras; ”the supply chain thinker”, “the frame setter”, “the process designer”, “the relationship manager”, “the controller”, samt “the organiser for the future”. Andra implikationer som diskuteras i slutsatskapitlet är att (1) en systemsyn ska ses som helt separat från att idén att ha samarbete, (2) den typ av beroende som undersöks i försörjningskedjan är framförallt seriell, (3) en systemsyn är inte samma sak som att ha en ren processorientering, (4) ansvaret för logistikfrågor delas mellan olika personer i företagsledningen, samt (5) företagsledningen är inte direkt involverade i de logistikrelaterade förmågor (distinctive capabilities) som ger företaget dess konkurrensfördelar (sustainable competitive advantage).

The Study of Top Management Team, Business Strategy, and HR System ¡VAn Integrated Model

Tsao, Chiung-Wen 05 September 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Drawing on the upper-echelons (UE) theory and strategic human resources management (SHRM) framework, this study aims to study the effects of top management team (TMT) characteristics on business strategy, strategic HR system relationship, and TMT behavioral integration as a moderating variable among the relationships. This research used both a survey and company data of 122 publicly listed firms in Taiwan to tested an integrated theoretical model relating to TMT characteristics (i.e., TMT demographic heterogeneity and TMT perception towards HR value), business strategies (i.e., differentiation strategy), strategic HR system (i.e., high performance work system ¡VHPWS) and TMT behavioral integration. The findings of this study included: (1) the direct positive relationship between the differentiation strategy and HPWS; (2) the significant relationship between the TMT demographic heterogeneity (i.e. TMT functionality heterogeneity and TMT educational background heterogeneity) and TMT perception towards HR value, and differentiation strategy; (3) the significant relationships between TMT perception towards HR value and differentiation strategy as well as its relationship with HPWS; and (4) a full moderation effect of TMT behavioral integration in the relationship between TMT perception towards HR value and HPWS. This study demonstrates significant associations between TMT, business strategy and HPWS. Reported results support some of the previously established relationships. Implications for future research are discussed.

Are Women Impact Players? The Effect of Female Executives on Firm Performance and Capital Structure

Abramovitz, Alexandra M. 01 January 2012 (has links)
This paper examines the relationship between female participation in top management and firm performance and capital structure. Additionally, we assess whether this relationship differs at Female Friendly versus Non-Female Friendly firms. Today, women account for nearly half of the total labor force, but constitute less than one tenth of Fortune 500 Top Earners. This warrants further exploration, and thus, we hope to understand the impact gender has on firm value. After controlling for industry, size, age, leverage, and other firm specific measures, we find that female participation in top management is associated with a higher interest coverage ratio. We then investigate the difference between firm classifications and find that Female Friendly firms tend to outperform their Non-Female Friendly counterparts on the basis of operating profit margin and tend to carry a more levered capital structure. This exploration offers foundational evidence to fuel a new direction for this conversation—enacting corporate policies that better accommodate the female talent pool may allow firms to access a source of competitive advantage.

The Empirical Research on HR Departmental Power

Yang, Teng-Hui 09 August 2010 (has links)
This research, based on literature discussion related to issues on intraorganizational power, aims to discover the critical factors affecting the power of HR department within a firm and measure their causal relation as well as correlation through questionnaires. The questionnaires, being sent to any possible representative firms within each industry on our lists, were distributed in a convenient way. They mainly contain two sets of items, one for the HR department manager, another three for the line department manager. In the HR manager one, the questionnaires has 10 questions on HR departmental power index as dependent variable in our study; in the line manager one, it has 15, 5 and 5 questions on HR effectiveness, Top Management Support and HR Innovativeness respectively as independent variable. Based on our findings after statistical analysis, we conclude the followings: 1. As the HR effectiveness increases, the power of HR department does in the same. 2. As the Top Management Support increases, the power of HR department does in the same. 3. As the HR Innovativeness increases, the power of HR department does in the same.

The Coherence of Corporate Knowledge, Belief, and Action: A Case Study of K Company

Chang, Chin-hsing 06 September 2012 (has links)
This is a case study to take the Top Management Team (TMT), as the main part; moreover, the point of view in the study is to apply ¡§Resource-Building Mechanism¡¨ to explore multicultural companies how effectively building resource on their practical operation in the enterprises. Gradually, the operation leads the Group into a competitive advantage with sustainable development. The secret is not in the esoteric management theories, but in the tangible and intangible resources to integrate the unity capabilities of Knowledge, Belief, and Action. By the methods of questionnaire survey and in-depth interview on the case study of the TMT in the K Company - one of the largest instant noodle food group in the world, this research aims to understand how the Belief strongly affects TMT in common interactions between CEO and TMT in the company. In addition, the research tries to realize how they integrate the idea in the process of organizational change and jointly establish the same faith and trust for the shared vision. Based on result of the research, a key factor to comprehend the maintaining growth of high-performance and competitive advantage which makes opponents hard to imitate and surpass is the tight coherence between the CEO of the company and the Top Management Team. By resolution and perseverance practice of organizational belief, it leads to a unique true essence in the strategic business actions and management. The research proposes a significant value of the unity capabilities of Knowledge, Belief, and Action for the company and provides a practicable way for future research.

Managerial prestige and post-IPO firm performance: a partially mediated model

Reutzel, Christopher Ray 15 May 2009 (has links)
The role of top managers in shaping the performance of the firms that employ them represents a central issue to strategic management research. Indeed, a substantial amount of research has examined potential linkages between the characteristics of top managers and firm performance. However the empirical results of research in this area have been ambiguous. This study attempts to theoretically and empirically extend research on the influence of top managers on firm performance by examining the relationship between managerial prestige and firm performance in the post-IPO context. Although upper echelons researchers have attempted to link top managers with firm performance in the past recent reviews of the upper echelons research note that little attention has been paid to top management characteristics other than those of top management team (TMT) heterogeneity, TMT size and TMT tenure. Additionally, recent reviews also suggest the need to consider potential intervening mechanisms between TMT characteristics and firm performance. This study addresses these two limitations of prior upper echelons research by examining the direct and indirect influences of managerial prestige on post-IPO firm performance.In this study I develop a model which incorporates the resource based view and resource dependence theory with insights from upper echelons research and research on the IPO context. Results for the model developed in this study suggest the following. First, executive undergraduate prestige is positively related to post-IPO firm growth. The other aspects of managerial prestige examined in this study were not found to influence post-IPO firm performance. Second, the influence of the key external resource holders identified in this study, namely prestigious alliance partners and institutional investors with stable equity portfolios, were found to enhance firm survival rates, but were negatively associated with firm growth. Third, executive undergraduate prestige was found to garner the support of prestigious alliance partners. The remaining aspects of managerial prestige were not found to influence the support of prestigious alliance partners or dedicated institutional investors. Finally, no support was found for prestigious alliance partners and dedicated institutional investors as mediators of the relationship between managerial prestige and post-IPO firm performance.

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