Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fourism."" "subject:"colourism.""
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Jubel för rubel? : En studie av rysk turism i SverigeGordon, Sergiy, Strukova, Irina January 2008 (has links)
This C-level thesis deals with Russian tourism in Sweden and explains what measures are being used in Sweden in order to attract Russian tourists. Since a high number of companies and organizations are actively involved in developing Russian tourism to Sweden, we have decided to focus primarily on the most active Swedish and Russian companies within the industry. Therefore several big and well-established companies, often located in the largest cities of Russia and Sweden i.e. Stockholm, Moscow and St Petersburg, have been the subject of our analysis. Chapter “Bakgrund” presents numerous facts and information about the nature and scale of the Russian tourist market today and in the nearest future. The reader will get a chance to take a closer look at the changes that have happened in the Russian society contributing significantly to the fast development of the tourism industry. In chapter “Metod” the methodology applied during the research, analysis and drawing conclusions is described. Our choices are discussed and motivated as well as key terms and concepts are defined. The theoretical framework of the thesis consists of selected theories. The theories used include among others such concepts as push- and pull factors, classifications of tourists and Butler sequence model (Resort Life Cycle Model). The theoretical framework follows of our empirical research, which includes documentation of our interviews with chosen companies and organizations along with analysis of existing publications and sources within the field. The interviewed and analyzed subjects were Visit Sweden, Stockholm Visitors Board, Junibacken, Vasa Museum and several larger Russian travel agencies i.e. Federal Tourism Agency of Russian Federation. Also an own survey between the immediate consumers of the Swedish tourist offers was covered by our research and will be summarized in this chapter. The analytical part of the work consists of discussing the information gathered through the different channels. The analysis is carried out in the light of the applicable theories and models. The conclusions are drawn about the existing situation and an attempt is made to create several future scenarios describing possible development of the Russian-Swedish tourism exchange. Finally a criticism of the sources and a review all references used in the thesis are carried out. / Denna C-uppsats handlar om rysk turism i Sverige och beskriver de aktiviteter som pågår i Sverige för att locka hit ryska turister. Med hänsyn till det höga antalet företag och organisationer som aktivt arbetar med att utveckla rysk turism till Sverige har vi valt att avgränsa oss framför allt till de företag inom branschen som förefaller mest aktiva. Av denna anledning har ett urval av stora väl etablerade företag från både ryska och svenska storstäder, Stockholm, Moskva och St Petersburg, varit föremål för vår analys. Kapitlet “Bakgrund” presenterar ett flertal fakta och information som beskriver den ryska turistmarknadens karakteristika och potential idag och inom den närmaste framtiden. Läsaren kommer att få möjlighet till inblick i de förändringar som har skett i det ryska samhället och som har blivit en starkt bidragande faktor till den snabba utvecklingen av turismindustin. I kapitlet “Metod” beskrivs den metodik som används i samband med undersökningen, analysen och slutsatsformuleringen. Vårt urval diskteras och motiveras och de viktigaste begreppen och termerna definieras. Den teoretiska referensramen of arbetet består av ett urval teorier. Tillämpade teorierna omfattar bl a sådana begrepp som push- och pull faktorer, klassificering av turisttyper samt Butlers sekvensmodell (Destionationsutvecklingsmodell). Den teoretiska referensramen följs av vår empiriska studie, som inkluderar både dokumentering av våra intervjuer med valda företag och organisationer och analys av existerande publikationer och källor inom området. De intervjuade aktörer som underkastas analysen är Visit Sweden, Stockholm Visitors Board, Junibacken, Vasa Museum samt ett antal större ryska resebyråer t ex Rosturism. Arbetet inkluderar också vår egen enkätundersökning bland slutkonsumenter av svenska turisterbjudanden och resultatet av undersökningen sammandras också i detta kapitel. Den analytiska delen av arbetet går ut på att diskutera den information som har blivit tillgänglig via de olika informationskanalerna. Analysen genomförs mot bakgrund av lämpliga teorier och modeller. Slutsatser dras avseende nuläget samtidigt som ett försök görs till att måla upp möjliga framtidsscenarier för hur utbytet inom rysk-svensk turism kan utvecklas framöver. Slutligen genomförs källkritik och granskning av de referenser som åberopas i arbetet.
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Study on the Policy and Strategies for Industrial Tourism Development of Kaohsiung SiaogangLee, shun-chin 23 August 2010 (has links)
Industrial tourism is a real sense of new tourism products, produced in the 20th century, 50s. From the tourist point of views, refers to the people through organized to visit the factory, learn about science and production knowhow and skill with the product and industry knowledge and derive travel experience. In the tourism industry, the involvement with the local people, or between production-related exchanges and contacts between the learning and experience, etc. The resulting knowledge has become the focus of an adequate sense. That is, with the former ¡isingle, only to visit a sightseeing tour for the purpose of tourism¡j, ¡idifference is to meet for the purpose of tourism¡j curious form of tourism that can be expanded as will the possibility of hidden tourism industry and have generated rising expectations.
In this study, the first order around the world the case for the industry and the tourism development strategy, through Japan, Germany and other industrial tourism development strategies and models of case analysis, induction suitable for a development of Kaohsiung City's tourism industry and related major dimension of development strategies Finally, and related agencies and representatives of civil society, through the Delphi questionnaire to form the government, the public, industry, three in Kaohsiung City Tourism consensus strategy to identify suitable tourism industry, Kaohsiung City overall strategy.
Research results showed the development of tourism, Kaohsiung industry tourism points, moving line of industrial tourist attraction the most important planning and integration, followed create tourism of Siaogang unique industry characteristics and tourism brand, Make use of different business combination or series of tourism activities, the formation of travel packages to promote and enhance road safety Kaohsiung area. Importance of the 6-10 strategy was to increase tourism industry to meet the diverse needs of resource types, the development of industry specific tourist areas, snacks, tourist areas catering industry environment to improve and enhance the quality of Kaohsiung area and re-planning of tourism services to industry, the main attractions of tourist services.
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Dependency and development in northern Thailand's tourism industryLacher, Richard Geoffrey 15 May 2009 (has links)
Tourism in the rural areas of developing countries is expanding at a rapid pace
and is often a primary means of income in these areas. While the WTO (World Tourism
Organization) and local developers encourage the expansion of this industry, others
criticize tourism’s use as a tool for development in poor regions. Critics frequently use
the core-periphery framework to examine how external control and high external
leakages often result in the destination area remaining underdeveloped despite the large
expenditures by tourists. Several studies have used the dependency framework to
examine the core-periphery relationship on the international scale, but due to
dependency’s traditional confinement to the international scale, the dependency
framework has not been employed on smaller spatial scales. This study will examine the
utility of the dependency framework on a regional scale in a rural area of a developing
country by examining the distribution of income between the core and periphery.
Additionally, while this economic problem of leakage, a major symptom of dependency,
is well documented, there is a paucity of research on the methods to reduce leakage out
of peripheral areas. Strategies that can be employed on the village level may be
especially useful, as they do not require the cooperation of outside stakeholders who
may profit from the leakages.
By conducting informal interviews with key stakeholders, consulting informants,
and surveying tourism businesses, this study seeks to understand the issue of dependency
in Northern Thailand's rural tourism industry as well as to identify and evaluate the
strategies currently employed in these villages to reduce leakages. The four case studies
of rural villages determined that in all cases, the urban areas profited more from rural
tourism than the villages; however, the amount of leakage out of the villages was highly varied. This variation appears to be largely due to the different strategies that each
village employed. The villages, which employed a proactive economic strategy, had
more success in reducing leakages than other villages. These findings support the
unorthodox dependency framework.
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Celebrity fandom and its relationship to tourism and leisure behaviors: the case of Korean waveLee, Soojin 15 May 2009 (has links)
This dissertation research was conducted to help understand this under-researched area particularly in the field of leisure and tourism. It is argued in this study that the celebrity fandom is a novel form of leisure/tourism activity, which should be understood in relation to other leisure and tourism constructs. Two separate models were proposed: one model was concerned with the impacts of celebrity involvement on various tourism perceptions, and the other model investigated the efficacy of celebrity involvement within the constraints-effects-mitigation model. The results corroborated several hypothesized relationships within the first proposed model. The level of celebrity involvement positively affected destination familiarity and visitation intention. Destination images and familiarity were also positively related to visitation intentions. The positive association between affective images and cognitive images was empirically supported as well. However, contrary to the expectation, the posited relationship between celebrity involvement and destination images was not empirically supported. The results supported all the hypothesized relationships within the second model. The level of celebrity involvement positively affects constraints negotiation and frequency of participation in celebrity fandom activities. The study also found that the level of leisure constraints positively influence constraints negotiation and frequency of participation. The positive relationship between constraints negotiation and frequency of participation was empirically supported as well. This dissertation study makes several significant contributions to existing literature in the field of tourism and leisure studies. First of all, it introduces a concept of celebrity fandom to the field of tourism studies. Second, although leisure involvement has received widespread attention over the last two decades, its application to celebrity fandom has gone virtually ignored. Third, in spite of conceptual and operational parallels between leisure involvement and motivation, the possible interchangeability between the two concepts has never been empirically examined. Lastly, this research helps clarify the effects of leisure involvement on the leisure negotiation processes, which eventually contributes to making this mitigation model more comprehensive.
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Dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) behavior and human interactions: implications for tourism and aquacultureDuprey, Nicholas Matthew Thomson 15 May 2009 (has links)
Interactions between humans and dusky dolphins in the coastal waters of New
Zealand are increasing. My research focused on tourism interactions, with Kaikoura as the
study site; and, on habitat use in an active aquaculture area, with Admiralty Bay as the
study site. In Kaikoura, companies engaged in commercial cetacean tourism (For Hire
Company) have permits issued by the New Zealand’s Department of Conservation,
allowing them to take paying customers out to view and swim with wild dusky dolphins.
During summer and fall of 2005, I assessed the effectiveness of a voluntary ‘rest
period’ established to give time free of humans to the dolphins. I used a theodolite to track
the movements of large groups of dusky dolphins and recorded the arrival, departure and
behaviors of all vessels approaching within 400 m of the group. The ‘rest period’ resulted
in a reduction of vessel visits compared to non-rest periods, yet one For Hire Company
and private recreational vessels continued to visit dusky dolphin groups during this time.
To increase compliance with the voluntary regulation, more education is needed targeting
private recreational vessels.
Weekend traffic was higher compared to weekday traffic, during both rest and
non-rest periods; a large increase occurred in weekend non-commercial vessel traffic.
Swimming with calves is prohibited by New Zealand’s Marine Mammal Protection
Regulations of 1992, yet 71.4 percent of the swim attempts I observed on-board For Hire
Company tours were conducted with groups containing calves. More should be done to
reduce the number of swims conducted with groups of dusky dolphins containing calves. In winter of 2005, I used hourly theodolite scans to record the number of dusky
dolphin groups using Admiralty Bay, a different near-shore environment with less tourism
than off Kaikoura, and with near-shore mussel farms. Groups of dusky dolphins were
observed in Admiralty Bay using the full extent of the bay. This re-enforces previous
findings that Admiralty Bay is an important winter foraging ground for dusky dolphins,
and further aquaculture development in the bay would remove available foraging habitat.
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Tapping the invisible market: the case of the cruise industryPark, Sun Young 02 June 2009 (has links)
The definition of business success has evolved from winning larger market share
in fierce competition to creating one’s own markets. Exploring new markets is crucial
especially for tourism businesses, as one of the basic motives for leisure travel is seeking
new or different experiences. Nonetheless, current non-customers have rarely been
studied in the context of tourism.
Using the cruise industry as a case, the first purpose of this study was to enhance
the understanding of current non-customers (i.e., “the invisible market”). Current noncustomers
of the cruise industry were defined as leisure travelers who take other leisure
vacation types, but have not taken a cruise vacation in the last five years (i.e., pastcruisers)
or have never taken a cruise vacation (i.e., non-cruisers). The second purpose
was to propose practical approaches for the cruise industry to utilize to tap the invisible
market based on the findings.
This study consists two phases using a sequential study design. In Phase 1, 22
guided conversations were conducted with people with and without cruise experiences
using a modified Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique to explore their images of cruise vacations. The findings suggested that current non-customers had different
images of cruise vacations than current customers.
In Phase 2, a conceptual model was developed based on the findings of Phase 1
and the literature on destination image and choice, the Model of Goal-directed Behavior
and the leisure constraints model. Eleven hypotheses were tested with data collected
from a survey of U.S. leisure travelers using descriptive statistics and structural equation
modeling. Most relationships (e.g., directions and valence) among constructs were
found to be in accordance with previous studies.
Further, results suggested that current non-customers were more similar to than
different from current customers in terms of socio-demographics and general vacation
behavior. However, results implied that current non-customers’ biases or negative
images of cruise vacations could be the underlying factors that influence their decisions
not to choose cruise vacations over other leisure vacation types. Practical
recommendations for innovative marketing strategies are presented for the cruise
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The Study of the Cultural Tourism as a Strategy for Regional Development--A Case Study of Kaohsiung City,Kaohsiung County,Pintung Countywang, wen-tsui 09 February 2006 (has links)
In the 21st century, tourism has become a very popular and important industry all over the world. The success of tourism lies in the sound infrastructure of the scenic spots and, more importantly, in the unique cultures behind different localities. According to the statistics published by the World Tourism Organization (WTO), 37% of tourism abroad is related to culture and this ¡§cultural tourism¡¨ is experiencing a 10% annual increase. Cultural tourism has undoubtedly become a new trend in invigorating regional development. In the long run, culture-based tourist activities may be the only activities that can attract and keep tourists.
The Kaohsiung and Pingtung districts are well-known for their natural resources, beautiful landscapes, and cultural backgrounds, all of which have been intertwined in creating this unique community. Through competition, complementarity, and finally cooperation, these districts have become an inseparable whole. The continued integration of the cultural resources among these districts can further promote cultural tourism and greatly benefit the regional development in these districts.
The purpose of this dissertation is mainly to analyze the developmental processes and cultural resources in the Kaohsiung and Pingtung districts. Based on the SWOT approach adopted in several foreign cases, the internal as well as external factors involved in the environment and resources related to cultural tourism were investigated. Also, informed by the Delphi approach, viable strategies were recommended for the future development in the cultural tourism industry in these districts.
The strategies proposed in this dissertation include (a) development of strategic alliances between public and private sectors; (b) establishment of cooperative as well as compensatory mechanisms in relation to cultural tourism; (c) synergetic marketing of cultural activities; (d) organization of relevant administrative departments in relation to cultural tourism; (e) designing of thematic cultural tourism packages; (f) synergetic marketing of scenic spots with similar cultural tourism attractions; (g) integration of cultural activities as well as development of communities that value art appreciation.
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Agri-tourism:as A New Element Ofrural DevelopmentDemirbas Topcu, Elif 01 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
DemirbaS Topcu, Elif
MS., City and Regional Planning Department, Urban Design
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baykan Gü / nay
October 2007, 187 Pages
This thesis study is developed under the lights of new developments related to rural tourism sector in the world. With the effects of emerging term &lsquo / sustainability&rsquo / in 1980s, sustainable tourism concept has found new implementation areas. The increasing demand on the tourism activities taking place in rural areas has lead the governments to find ways of benefiting from this tendency in a sustainable way.
Since the early 1990s, a new type of rural tourism called as agri-tourism has been developed as a concept that integrates agriculture and tourism activities in the western world. Whether it is evaluated as a tourism or agriculture development element, it is a new element of country planning. Nowadays, it is seen that there is also a new tendency for agri-tourism at local level through local initiatives in Turkey. Although there is still no governmental regulation for agri-tourism activities, political and practical developments demonstrate that the sector should be evaluated as a planning element for Turkey.
The main purpose of this study is examining the rural development element characteristic of agri-tourism concept as an element for enhancing the rural tourism activities in Turkey. To achieve the purpose, two examples from EU- Lublin and Tuscany Regions were examined to understand the dynamics of agri-tourism as a planning element. For these study interpretative-comparative-textual method is used. Accordingly, the present condition in Turkey is evaluated through the obtained data and SWOT Analysis method was employed for analyzing the data. Accordingly, some suggestions are presented for developing agri-tourism sector in Turkey.
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Tourism In Russia: From Tsarist To Post-soviet PeriodErsoz, Deniz Hasan 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes tourism and tourism policy in Russia from Tsarist to post-Soviet period. In this respect the main focus will be on the post-Soviet period. The collapse of the Soviet Union negatively affected tourism and tourism industry in the country. Tourism and tourism industry found itself in an uncertain environment during the transition period. With the establishment of Russian Federal Agency for Tourism in 2004, tourism policies became more effective in the Russian Federation. This study discusses the implementation of tourism policies and efforts of the Russian government for transforming the country into a well known touristic destination of the world.
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Tourist development and capitalist transformation on Koh SamuiWilliamson, Peter, January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Sydney, 1993. / Includes questionnaires. Bibliography: leaves 423-445. Also available in print form.
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