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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wide angle search for extrasolar planets by the transit method

Alsubai, Khalid January 2008 (has links)
The transit method is considered to be one of the most promising for discovering extrasolar planets. However, the method requires photometric precision of better than ∼ 1%. If we are able to achieve this kind of accuracy, then we are set to discover extrasolar planets. The uniqueness of my experiment will lead to the discovery of transiting planets around the brightest and most important stars quicker than the competitors in the field. The importance of the transit method stems from being able to supply many more planetary parameters than other methods, which plays a crucial role in testing planet formation theories. This thesis is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter provides a general background about transits and their theory. We discuss other methods of extrasolar planet detection, recent developments, future space missions, and what we have learned so far about properties of hot Jupiters. The second chapter details the theory of signals and noise on CCDs followed by the design of the PASS0 experiment. The third chapter reports on the difference imaging data pipeline that we developed and applied to a set of PASS0 data to search for transiting planets. The fourth chapter shows how we apply the PASS0 pipeline to SuperWASP data and improve on the accuracy obtained with their aperture photometry pipeline. The fifth chapter reports on the search for variable stars from the PASS0 and SuperWASP data sets that we consider in this thesis. In the sixth chapter we perform a transit search on the PASS0 and SuperWASP data sets and report the results. In the seventh chapter we use the PASS0 pipeline to process a full season of observing data from 2007 for two recent planet discoveries, WASP-7b and WASP-8b, that have not yet been announced. We analyse their lightcurves and predict their radii. Finally we conclude in the eighth chapter.

Project PANOPTES: a citizen-scientist exoplanet transit survey using commercial digital cameras

Gee, Wilfred T., Guyon, Olivier, Walawender, Josh, Jovanovic, Nemanja, Boucher, Luc 09 August 2016 (has links)
Project PANOPTES (http://www.projectranoptes.org) is aimed at establishing a collaboration between professional astronomers, citizen scientists and schools to discover a large number of exoplanets with the transit technique. We have developed digital camera based imaging units to cover large parts of the sky and look for exoplanet transits. Each unit costs approximately $5000 USD and runs automatically every night. By using low-cost, commercial digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras, we have developed a uniquely cost-efficient system for wide field astronomical imaging, offering approximately two orders of magnitude better etendue per unit of cost than professional wide-field surveys. Both science and outreach, our vision is to have thousands of these units built by schools and citizen scientists gathering data, making this project the most productive exoplanet discovery machine in the world.

A search for transiting extrasolar planets from the southern hemisphere

Hamacher, Duane Willis, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
To date, more than 300 planets orbiting stars other than our sun have been discovered using a range of observing techniques, with new discoveries occuring monthly. The work in this thesis focused on the detection of exoplanets using the transit method. Planets orbiting close to their host stars have a roughly 10 per cent chance of eclipsing (transiting) the star, with Jupiter?sized planets causing a one per cent dip in the flux of the star over a few hours. A wealth of orbital and physical information on the system can be extracted from these systems, including the planet density which is essential in constraining models of planetary formation. To detect these types of planets requires monitoring tens of thousands of stars over a period of months. To accomplish this, we conduct a wide-field survey using the 0.5-meter Automated Patrol Telescope (APT) at Siding Spring Observatory (SSO) in NSW, Australia. Once candidates were selected from the data?set, selection criteria were applied to separate the likely planet candidates from the false?positives. For this thesis, the methods and instrumentation used in attaining data and selecting planet candidates are discussed, as well as the results and analysis of the planet candidates selected from star fields observed from 2004?2007. Of the 65 planet candidates initially selected from the 25 target fields observed, only two were consistent with a planet transit. These candidates were later determined to be eclipsing binary stars based on follow up observations using the 40-inch telescope, 2.3-m telescope, and the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope, all located at SSO. Additionally, two planet candidates from the SuperWASP-North consortium were observed on the 40-inch telescope. Both proved to be eclipsing binary stars. While no planets were found, our search methods and results are consistent with successful transit surveys targeting similar fields with stars in a similar magnitude range and using similar methods.

A study of power spectral densities of real and simulated Kepler light curves

Weishaupt, Holger January 2015 (has links)
During the last decade, the transit method has evolved to one of the most promising techniques in the search for extrasolar planets and the quest to find other earth-like worlds. In theory, the transit method is straight forward being based on the detection of an apparent dimming of the host star’s light due to an orbiting planet traversing in front of the observer. However, in practice, the detection of such light curve dips and their confident ascription to a planetary transit is heavily burdened by the presence of different sources of noise, the most prominent of which is probably the so called intrinsic stellar variability. Filtering out potential transit signals from background noise requires a well adjusted high-pass filter. In order to optimize such a filter, i.e. to achieve best separation between signal and noise, one typically requires access to benchmark datasets that exhibit the same light curve with and without obstructing noise. Several methods for simulating stellar variability have been proposed for the construction of such benchmark datasets. However, while such methods have been widely used in testing transit method detection algorithms in the past, it is not very well known how such simulations compare to real recorded light curves - a fact that might be contributed to the lack of large databases of stellar light curves for comparisons at that time. With the increasing amount of light curve data now available due to missions such as Kepler, I have here undertaken such a comparison of synthetic and real light curves for one particular method that simulates stellar variability based on scaled power spectra of the Sun’s flux variations. Conducting the respective comparison also in terms of estimated power spectra of real and simulated light curves, I have revealed that the two datasets exhibit substantial differences in average power, with the synthetic power spectra having generally a lower power and also lacking certain distinct power peaks present in the real light curves. The results of this study suggest that scaled power spectra of solar variability alone might be insufficient for light curve simulations and that more work will be required to understand the origin and relevance of the observed power peaks in order to improve on such light curve models.

A search for transiting extrasolar planets from the southern hemisphere

Hamacher, Duane Willis, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
To date, more than 300 planets orbiting stars other than our sun have been discovered using a range of observing techniques, with new discoveries occuring monthly. The work in this thesis focused on the detection of exoplanets using the transit method. Planets orbiting close to their host stars have a roughly 10 per cent chance of eclipsing (transiting) the star, with Jupiter?sized planets causing a one per cent dip in the flux of the star over a few hours. A wealth of orbital and physical information on the system can be extracted from these systems, including the planet density which is essential in constraining models of planetary formation. To detect these types of planets requires monitoring tens of thousands of stars over a period of months. To accomplish this, we conduct a wide-field survey using the 0.5-meter Automated Patrol Telescope (APT) at Siding Spring Observatory (SSO) in NSW, Australia. Once candidates were selected from the data?set, selection criteria were applied to separate the likely planet candidates from the false?positives. For this thesis, the methods and instrumentation used in attaining data and selecting planet candidates are discussed, as well as the results and analysis of the planet candidates selected from star fields observed from 2004?2007. Of the 65 planet candidates initially selected from the 25 target fields observed, only two were consistent with a planet transit. These candidates were later determined to be eclipsing binary stars based on follow up observations using the 40-inch telescope, 2.3-m telescope, and the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope, all located at SSO. Additionally, two planet candidates from the SuperWASP-North consortium were observed on the 40-inch telescope. Both proved to be eclipsing binary stars. While no planets were found, our search methods and results are consistent with successful transit surveys targeting similar fields with stars in a similar magnitude range and using similar methods.

Implementing a pipeline to search for transiting exoplanets : application to the K2 survey data

Weishaupt, Hrafn N. H. January 2018 (has links)
The detection of exoplanets has rapidly evolved to one of the most important frontiers of astronomical and astrophysical research. The recent decades have seen the development of various techniques for detecting exoplanets. Of these approaches the transit method has received particular interest and has lead to the largest number of discoveries to date. The Kepler K2 mission is an ongoing observational survey, which has generated light curves for thousands of stars, a large fraction of which have yet to be fully explored. To discover and characterize the transiting planets hosted by the respective stars, extensive transit screens are required. However, implementing a pipeline for transit analyses is not straight forward, considering the light curve properties of different survey, the rapid changes brought by technological advancements, and the apparent lack of a golden standard with respect to the applied methodology. The project has reviewed several aspects of exoplanet detection via the transit method. Particular focus was placed on the identification of a suitable workflow covering the relevant steps to move from raw light curve files to a final prediction and characterization of transiting planetary candidates. Adhering to the identified strategy, the major part of the project then dealt with the implementation of a pipeline that integrates and executes all the different steps in a streamlined fashion. Of note, primary focus was placed on the actual selection and implementation of methods into an operational pipeline, but due to the given time constraints extensive optimizations of each individual processing step was outside the scope of this project. Nevertheless, the pipeline was employed to predict transit candidates for K2 campaigns C7, C8, C10, C11, and C12. A comparsion of the most conservative predictions from campaigns C7 and C10 with previously reported exoplanet candidates demonstrated that the pipeline was highly capable of discovering reliable transit candidates. Since campaigns C11 and C12 have not yet been fully explored, the respective candidates predicted for those campaigns in the current project might thus harbour novel planetary transit candidates that would be suitable for follow-up confirmation runs. In summary, the current project has produced a pipeline for performing transiting exoplanet searches in K2 data, which integrates the steps from raw light curve processing to transit candidate selection and characterization. The pipeline has been demonstrated to predict credible transit candidates, but future work will have to focus on additional optimizations of individual method parameters and on the analysis of transit detection efficiencies.

Searching for Exoplanets in K2 Data

Georgieva, Iskra January 2018 (has links)
The field of extrasolar planets is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and fast-moving in astronomy. Thanks to the Kepler Space Telescope, which has given us the Kepler and K2 missions, we now have thousands of planets to study and thousands more candidates waiting to be confirmed.For this thesis work, I used K2 data in the form of stellar light curves for Campaign 15 – the 15th observation field of this mission – to search for transiting exoplanets. I present one way to produce a viable list of planetary candidates, which is the first step to exoplanet discovery. I do this by first applying a package of subroutines called EXOTRANS to the light curves. EXOTRANS uses two wavelet-based filter routines: VARLET and PHALET. VARLET is used to remove stellar variability and abrupt discontinuities in the light curve. Since a transit appears box-like, EXOTRANS utilises a box-fitting least-squares algorithm to extract the transit event by fitting a square box. PHALET removes disturbances of known frequencies (and their harmonics) and is used to search the light curve for additional planets. Once EXOTRANS finishes its run, I examine the resulting plots and flag the ones, which contain a transit feature that does not appear to be a false positive. I then perform calculations on the shortlisted candidates to further refine their quality. This resulted in a list of 30 exoplanet candidates. Finally, for eight of them, I used a light curve detrending routine (Exotrending) and another software package, Pyaneti, for transit data fitting. Pyaneti uses MCMC sampling with a Bayesian approach to derive the most accurate orbital and candidate parameters. Based on these estimates and combined with stellar parameters from the Ecliptic Plane Input Catalogue, I comment on the eight candidates and their host stars.However, these comments are only preliminary and speculative until follow-up investigation has been conducted. The most widely used method to do this is the radial velocity method, through which more detailed information is obtained about the host star and in turn, about the candidate. This information, specifically the planetary mass, allows for the bulk density to be estimated, which can give indication about a planet’s composition.Although the Kepler Space Telescope is at the end of its life, new missions with at least a partial focus on exoplanets, are either ongoing (Transiting Exoplanets Survey Satellite – TESS) or upcoming (Characterising Exoplanets Satellite – CHEOPS, James Webb Space Telescope – JWST, Planetary Transits and Oscillations – PLATO). They will add thousands of new planets, providing unprecedented accuracy on the transit parameters and will make significant advances in the field of exoplanet characterisation. The methods used in this work are as applicable to these missions as they have been for the now retired Convection, Rotation et Transits planétaires (CoRoT) – the first space mission dedicated to exoplanet research, and Kepler.

Transiting exoplanets : characterisation in the presence of stellar activity

Alapini Odunlade, Aude Ekundayo Pauline January 2010 (has links)
The combined observations of a planet’s transits and the radial velocity variations of its host star allow the determination of the planet’s orbital parameters, and most inter- estingly of its radius and mass, and hence its mean density. Observed densities provide important constraints to planet structure and evolution models. The uncertainties on the parameters of large exoplanets mainly arise from those on stellar masses and radii. For small exoplanets, the treatment of stellar variability limits the accuracy on the de- rived parameters. The goal of this PhD thesis was to reduce these sources of uncertainty by developing new techniques for stellar variability filtering and for the determination of stellar temperatures, and by robustly fitting the transits taking into account external constraints on the planet’s host star. To this end, I developed the Iterative Reconstruction Filter (IRF), a new post-detection stellar variability filter. By exploiting the prior knowledge of the planet’s orbital period, it simultaneously estimates the transit signal and the stellar variability signal, using a com- bination of moving average and median filters. The IRF was tested on simulated CoRoT light curves, where it significantly improved the estimate of the transit signal, particu- lary in the case of light curves with strong stellar variability. It was then applied to the light curves of the first seven planets discovered by CoRoT, a space mission designed to search for planetary transits, to obtain refined estimates of their parameters. As the IRF preserves all signal at the planet’s orbital period, t can also be used to search for secondary eclipses and orbital phase variations for the most promising cases. This en- abled the detection of the secondary eclipses of CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-2b in the white (300–1000 nm) CoRoT bandpass, as well as a marginal detection of CoRoT-1b’s orbital phase variations. The wide optical bandpass of CoRoT limits the distinction between thermal emission and reflected light contributions to the secondary eclipse. I developed a method to derive precise stellar relative temperatures using equiv- alent width ratios and applied it to the host stars of the first eight CoRoT planets. For stars with temperature within the calibrated range, the derived temperatures are con- sistent with the literature, but have smaller formal uncertainties. I then used a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique to explore the correlations between planet parameters derived from transits, and the impact of external constraints (e.g. the spectroscopically derived stellar temperature, which is linked to the stellar density). Globally, this PhD thesis highlights, and in part addresses, the complexity of perform- ing detailed characterisation of transit light curves. Many low amplitude effects must be taken into account: residual stellar activity and systematics, stellar limb darkening, and the interplay of all available constraints on transit fitting. Several promising areas for further improvements and applications were identified. Current and future high precision photometry missions will discover increasing numbers of small planets around relatively active stars, and the IRF is expected to be useful in characterising them.

Suivi photométrique de candidates exoplanètes identifiées par le Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite

Cadieux, Charles 08 1900 (has links)
La majorité des exoplanètes connues à ce jour ont été découvertes par la méthode du transit, qui infère indirectement l’existence de tels objets, si l’alignement le permet, en mesurant la baisse temporaire et répétée de la brillance d’une étoile lors du passage d’une exoplanète devant celle-ci. La recherche de biosignatures, donc de vie, dans l’atmosphère d’une exoplanète est désormais le principal objectif dans ce domaine d’études, et pour maintes raisons, celles de taille de moins d’approximativement deux rayons terrestres autour d’étoiles naines rouges sont particulièrement convoitées. Afin de connaître davantage de tels systèmes dans le voisinage solaire et dans toutes les régions du ciel, le Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) fut lancé en avril 2018. Le grand échantillonnage de 21'' par pixel des caméras à bord de TESS résulte fréquemment à une contamination des données des étoiles d’intérêt montrant un signal prometteur de transit, par le flux d’autres étoiles à proximité. Lorsque l’une de ces sources contaminantes est une étoile binaire à éclipses, phénomène astrophysique pouvant mimer un transit, la détection constitue très souvent un événement faux positif. Ainsi, de nouvelles observations photométriques et spectroscopiques sont généralement requises pour identifier les véritables exoplanètes. Ce mémoire présente les résultats du suivi photométrique de neuf candidates exoplanètes identifiées par TESS à l’Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic avec la caméra Planètes Extra-Solaires en Transit et Occultations (PESTO). Une routine d’ajustement de courbe de transit développée durant cette maîtrise procure une estimation de certains paramètres physiques (rayons, demi-grand axe et inclinaison) des candidates. Parmi celles-ci, TOI 1452.01 ressort du lot, car cette probable exoplanète d’environ deux rayons terrestres orbite dans la zone habitable de son hôte naine rouge, c’est-à-dire à une distance permettant la présence d’eau liquide à sa surface. / The majority of the exoplanets known to date have been discovered using the transit method, which indirectly infers the existence of such objects by measuring a temporary and repeated drop in the brightness of a star when, for the right alignement, an exoplanet passes in front of it. The search for biosignatures, thus life, in an exoplanet atmosphere is now the main objective in this field of study, and for several reasons, planets with a radius less than approximately two Earth radii around red dwarfs are particularly targeted. With the goal of finding more such systems in the solar neighbourhood and in all regions of the sky, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) was launched in April 2018. The large image sampling of 21'' per pixel of the cameras on board TESS often results in data contamination of stars showing promising transit signal, by the flux of nearby stars. If one of these contaminating sources happens to be an eclipsing binary, an astrophysical phenomenon able to mimic a transit, the detection is most likely a false positive event. Thus, follow-up observations in photometry and in spectroscopy are generally required to identify the genuine exoplanets. This thesis presents the results of a photometric monitoring campaign at the Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic with the Planètes Extra-Solaires en Transit et Occultations (PESTO) camera of nine exoplanet candidates identified by TESS. A transit curve fitting routine developed during this master’s provides an estimation for certain physical parameters (radius, semi-major axis and inclination) of these candidates. Among them, TOI 1452.01 stands out, because this probable exoplanet has an estimated radius close to two Earth radii, in addition to being located within the habitable zone of its red dwarf host, i.e. at a distance allowing the presence of liquid water on its surface.

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