Spelling suggestions: "subject:"transmissionlines"" "subject:"transmissionline""
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Parameter extraction and characterization of transmission line interconnects based on high frequency measurementKim, Jooyong 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text
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Μελέτη σφαλμάτων σε γραμμές μεταφοράςΚαραμπογιάς, Χρήστος 24 November 2014 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η συμβολή στην διαδικασία εκτίμησης του αριθμού των αναμενόμενων σφαλμάτων των γραμμών μεταφοράς στο Ελληνικό Δίκτυο με στόχο τον καλύτερο σχεδιασμό των γραμμών μεταφοράς. Λαμβάνοντας τα στοιχεία του αριθμού των σφαλμάτων για τα έτη 2007 και 2008, στο παρόν έργο, συγκρίνονται τα πραγματικά σφάλματα με τα αναμενόμενα (εκτιμηθέντα με τη βελτιωμένη μέθοδο ANACOM) και εξάγονται συμπεράσματα για την ικανότητα της μεθόδου να συμβάλλει στον επαρκή σχεδιασμό των γραμμών μεταφοράς στον Ελλαδικό χώρο. Συγκεκριμένα μελετήθηκαν δεκαπέντε (15) γραμμές μεταφοράς 150kV και 400kV αρχικά υπολογίζοντας τα αναμενόμενα σφάλματα με την προαναφερθείσα μέθοδο και στη συνέχεια συγκρίνοντας τα σφάλματα αυτά με τα πραγματικά. Παρατηρήθηκε ότι, ενώ στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις ο αριθμός των πραγματικών σφαλμάτων ήταν σημαντικά μικρότερος από τον αριθμό των αναμενόμενων, υπήρξαν τέσσερις (4) γραμμές για τις οποίες η μέθοδος ANACOM είχε ως αποτέλεσμα σοβαρή υποεκτίμηση. Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης συγκρίθηκαν με αποτελέσματα προγενέστερων σχετικών μελετών και συμπεράσματα εξήχθησαν με στόχο την αξιολόγηση της επάρκειας της μεθόδου ως μοναδικό κριτήριο για τον σχεδιασμό των γραμμών μεταφοράς. / The aim of this paper is to contribute to the process of estimating the number of expected errors of transmission lines in Greek Network in order to better design of transmission lines. Taking the figures of the number of errors for the years 2007 and 2008, in this work, comparing actual to expected errors (evaluated with the improved method ANACOM) and draws conclusions about the ability of the process to assist in the design of adequate transmission lines to Greece. Specifically studied fifteen (15) transmission lines 150kV and 400kV initially calculating the expected errors to the aforementioned method and then comparing these errors with the actual. Observed that, while in most cases the number of factual errors were significantly smaller than the number expected, there were four (4) lines for which the method ANACOM resulted serious understatement. The results of this study were compared with results of previous related studies and conclusions were reached in order to assess the adequacy of the method as the sole criterion for the design of transmission lines.
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In modern power transmission systems, the double-circuit line structure is increasingly adopted. However, due to the mutual coupling between the parallel lines it is quite challenging to design accurate fault location algorithms. Moreover, the widely used series compensator and its protective device introduce harmonics and non-linearities to the transmission lines, which make fault location more difficult. To tackle these problems, this dissertation is committed to developing advanced fault location methods for double-circuit and series-compensated transmission lines.
Algorithms utilizing sparse measurements for pinpointing the location of short-circuit faults on double-circuit lines are proposed. By decomposing the original network into three sequence networks, the bus impedance matrix for each network with the addition of the fictitious fault bus can be formulated. It is a function of the unknown fault location. With the augmented bus impedance matrices the sequence voltage change during the fault at any bus can be expressed in terms of the corresponding sequence fault current and the transfer impedance between the fault bus and the measured bus. Resorting to VCR the superimposed sequence current at any branch can be expressed with respect to the pertaining sequence fault current and transfer impedance terms. Obeying boundary conditions of different fault types, four different classes of fault location algorithms utilizing either voltage phasors, or phase voltage magnitudes, or current phasors, or phase current magnitudes are derived. The distinguishing charactristic of the proposed method is that the data measurements need not stem from the faulted section itself. Quite satisfactory results have been obtained using EMTP simulation studies.
A fault location algorithm for series-compensated transmission lines that employs two-terminal unsynchronized voltage and current measurements has been implemented. For the distinct cases that the fault occurs either on the left or on the right side of the series compensator, two subroutines are developed. In additon, the procedure to identify the correct fault location estimate is described in this work. Simulation studies carried out with Matlab SimPowerSystems show that the fault location results are very accurate.
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Printed circuit board (PCB) loss characterization up-to 20 GHz and modeling, analysis and validationRajagopal, Abhilash, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Missouri--Rolla, 2007. / Vita. The entire thesis text is included in file. Title from title screen of thesis/dissertation PDF file (viewed November 26, 2007) Includes bibliographical references (p. 112-113).
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Low temperature cofired ceramics for LMCS/LMDS applications /Panther, Alex, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Eng.)--Carleton University, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 189-193). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.
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Parameter extraction and characterization of transmission line interconnects based on high frequency measurementKim, Jooyong, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2006. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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Multi-mode antennas for hemispherical field-of-view coveragePrinsloo, David Schalk Van der Merwe 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis ((PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation proposes a multi-mode antenna element excited through a multiconductor
feed. It is shown that each of the orthogonal transverse electromagnetic modes supported by
the antenna feed results in a unique radiated far-field pattern that collectively allow for nearhemispherical
field-of-view coverage.
Three multi-mode antenna designs are presented: a dual-mode antenna, integrating a single linearly
polarised dipole antenna with a co-located monopole, as well as two quad-mode antenna
designs integrating two dual-polarised dipole elements with a co-located monopole element.
The dual-mode antenna is excited through a balanced transmission line feed supporting both
differential- and common-mode signals that, respectively, result in typical dipole-over-ground
and monopole radiated far-field patterns. The quad-mode antennas are each fed through a
quadraxial transmission line allowing for excitation through four orthogonal transverse electromagnetic
port modes.
To characterise the multi-mode response of the multi-mode antennas, generalised transformations
are derived by which the multi-mode S-parameters and radiated far-fields can be calculated
from the S-parameters and far-fields corresponding to single-ended excitations. These transformations
are implemented to validate the response of a dual-mode and quad-mode antenna design
through measurements.
An equivalent network representation for active multi-mode antennas is presented, including generalised
transformations relating the multi-mode signal and noise response of the low-noise amplifiers
to the two-port S-parameters and noise parameters of the low-noise amplifiers. Through
the use of classical beamforming algorithms, the performance of an active dual-mode and quadmode
antenna is presented. In the case of the active dual-mode antenna, it is shown that through
the added use of common-mode signals, a variation in sensitivity of less than 50% is achieved
in the E-plane. Similarly, the additional excitation modes supported by the active quad-mode
antenna is shown to result in a significant improvement in the polarimetric capabilities over the
field-of-view coverage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif stel ’n multimodale antenna element voor wat deur ’n multi-geleier transmissielyn
gevoer word. Dit word gewys dat elk van die ortogonale transversale elektromagnetiese
opwekkingsmodusse wat deur die antenna voer ondersteun word, ’n unieke vêrveld stralingspatroon
skep, wat gesamentlik lei tot ’n hemisferiese gesigsveld.
Drie multimodale antenna ontwerpe word voorgestel: ’n dubbelmodale antenna, waarin ’n enkel
lineêrgepolariseerde dipool antenna en monopool mede-geleë word, asook twee viermodale antenna
ontwerpe waarin twee dubbelgepolariseerde dipool elemente geïntegreer word met medegeleë
monopool antenna elemente. Die dubbelmodale antenna word gevoer deur ’n gebalanseerde
transmissielyn wat beide differensiële- en gemene-modus seine ondersteun, waar elk onderskeidelik
dipool-oor-aardvlak en monopool stralingspatrone voortbring. Die viermodale antennas
word elk gevoer deur vier-as transmissielyne wat vier ortogonale transversale elektromagnetiese
opwekkingsmodusse ondersteun.
Om die multimodale gedrag van die drie multimodale antennas te karakteriseer, word veralgemeende
transformasies afgelei waardeur die multimodale strooiingsparameters asook die vêrveld
stralingspatrone vanaf enkelpoort strooiingsparameters en vêrvelde bereken word. Hierdie transformasies
word toegepas om die gedrag van ’n dubbel- en viermodale antenna ontwerp te karakteriseer
deur metings.
Ekwivalente netwerkvoorstellings vir aktiewe multimodale antennas word voorgestel, insluitend
veralgemeende transformasies om die multimodale sein asook ruis gedrag van die lae-ruis versterkers
betreklik te maak tot die tweepoort strooiingsparameters en ruisparameters van die laeruis
versterkers. Deur gebruik te maak van klasieke bundelvormingsalgoritmes, word die gedrag
van aktiewe dubbelmodale en viermodale antennas voorgestel. Vir die aktiewe dubbelmodale
antenna word daar aangedui dat die gesamentlike gebruik van differensiële- en gemene-modus
seine, ’n variasie in sensitiwiteit onder 50% tot gevolg het in die E-vlak. Soortgelyk word daar
aangedui dat die addisionele opwekkingsmodusse wat deur die aktiewe viermodale antenna ondersteun
word, tot ’n beduidende verbetering in die polarisasievermoë oor die gesigsveld lei.
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Design of a Miniaturised Asymmetrical Power Splitter Using Low Impedance Artifical Transmission LinesBommana, Srinivasarao January 2010 (has links)
Transmission lines are the basic building blocks of any RF and microwave circuits. The width of a microstripline increases as the characteristic impedance is lowered for a given substrate. Wide microstriplines suffer from spurious and higher order modes at higher frequencies and may not behave as transmission lines. This means the lower limitation for a realisable microstripline is about 10 ohm. In this project microstriplines with characteristic impedances of 7 ohm and 25 ohm at a frequency of 2 GHz were designed and realised using the artificial transmission lines (ATL) concept. Detailed theoretical analysis and circuit and EM simulations were used for the design and implementation of the ATLs. Taconic TLY-5 substrate was used for the PCB fabrication. The substrate thickness was 0.787 mm and the dielectric constant was 2.2. The measured results were de-embedded and compared with the simulation results. The detailed procedure of modelling and de-embedding of an SMA connector is also given.
The 25 ohm ATL was realised using microstriplines only, where as microstriplines and chip capacitors were used in realising the 7 ohm ATL. The measured characteristic impedance of the 25 ohm ATL was 24.4 ohm and the measured electrical length of the 25 ohm ATL was 180 degrees at 2.1 GHz. To realise a 25 ohm ATL with 90 degrees electrical length, the half-wavelength 25 ohm ATL geometry was cut into half and one of the half geometries was EM simulated. The EM simulated electrical length of the 25 ohm ATL was 90 degrees at 1.9 GHz. The measured characteristic impedance of the 7 ohm ATL was 5.9 ohm and the measured electrical length of the 7 ohm ATL was 90 degrees at 1.8 GHz.
The main advantage of an ATL is size reduction. A 25 ohm meandered microstrip line (substrate thickness = 0.787 mm, dielectric constant = 2.2) with 180 degrees electrical length at 2 GHz has a size of 34 mm x 15 mm. The 25 ohm ATL with 180 degrees electrical length at 2.1 GHz was realised in a size of 22 mm x 19 mm. The design of the 25 Ω ATL resulted in 18 percent reduction in area compared to the meander line. A 7 ohm conventional microstripline (substrate thickness = 0.787 mm, dielectric constant = 2.2) with 90 degrees electrical length at 1.8 GHz has a size of about 28 mm x 27 mm. The 7 ohm ATL with 90 degrees electrical length at 1.8 GHz was realised in a size of 7 mm x 8.4 mm which is only 8 percent of the conventional 7 ohm microstripline area.
In general, a spacing of 3h where h is the substrate thickness is required between the adjacent microstriplines. In this project detailed investigations were done to see if the spacing can be reduced without any detrimental coupling affects and a spacing of 0.6 mm was used. This reduction in spacing has resulted in reduced size of the ATL.
For an asymmetrical power splitter based on the Wilkinson topology, the power splitter output power split ratio depends on the square of the characteristic impedances of the quarter-wavelength arms. In this project an asymmetrical power splitter was designed and realised using a 7 ohm ATL and a 25 ohm ATL as the quarter-wavelength arms. The desired centre frequency of the power splitter was 2 GHz and the measured centre frequency was 1.6 GHz. At the centre frequency the phase difference between the output ports of the power splitter will be zero. The simulated power split ratio was 10.1 dB and the measured power split ratio was 13 dB. The power split ratio calculated using the measured characteristic impedances of the ATLs (24.4 ohm and 5.9 ohm) will be 12.4 dB which is very close to the measured power split ratio.
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Modeling of nonlinear active and passive devices in three-dimensional TLM networksCascio, Lucia 07 June 2017 (has links)
The increase in clock rate and integration density in modem IC technology leads to
complex interactions among different parts of the circuit. These interactions are poorly
represented with traditional lumped circuit design methodologies. Traditional CAD tools,
such as SPICE, provide very accurate models for a large variety of active devices, but
their description of the passive part of the circuit is progressively becoming insuffcient,
as the frequencies of the signals increase. Problems such as dispersion, crosstalk and
package effects require a full electromagnetic approach in order to predict their impact
on the final response of the circuit. On the other hand, the application of a full-wave
numerical method for the analysis of a complete device containing nonlinear elements is
not sustainable with the present computer capabilities. The spatial and time discretization
steps required to accurately model the nonlinear part of the device are much smaller than
those necessary to describe the distributed part of the circuit.
In the present thesis, the possibility of modeling nonlinear devices with the three-dimensional
TLM method has been explored; a new procedure has been successfully
developed and implemented, linking the equivalent circuit representation of the nonlinear
device to the transmission line model of the electromagnetic fields in the TLM network.
No restrictions are applied on the size of the device, which can thus occupy more
than a TLM cell. In order to model devices embedded in heterogenous media, a modification
of the TLM node and relative scattering matrix has also been proposed. In view of
linking the TLM field solver with a lumped element circuit CAD tool, the modified TLM
scattering algorithm has remained independent of the specific device connected to the
The general methodology shown in this thesis appears to be a promising approach
to solve a large variety of electromagnetic problems containing nonlinear elements. / Graduate
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Tapping power from high voltage transmission lines using insulated lightning shieldwires and series compensationStubbs, Leigh 05 February 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.), Faculty of Engineering (Electrical Engineering), University of the Witwatersrand, 1994
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