Spelling suggestions: "subject:"transparent"" "subject:"ransparent""
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Growth and characterization of P-type transparent conducting oxide thin films by MOCVDKhan, Afzal 13 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les semi-conducteurs transparents de type oxyde, communément appelés TCO (Transparent Conducting Oxides) sont utilisés comme électrodes transparentes dans des nombreux d'applications telles que les cellules solaires, les écrans à cristaux liquides, les écrans tactiles et autres. Toutefois, les applications technologiques sont actuellement limitées puisque les TCO possédant des propriétés électriques et optiques satisfaisantes sont uniquement des semi-conducteurs de type n. Les oxydes de cuire de structures delafossite ACuO2 ou du type SrCu2O2, présentent des prometteuses avec un comportement de semi-conduction de type P et une faible absorption optique dans le spectre visible. Dans cette thèse, le systèm MOCVD (Dépôt chimique en phase vapeur du métal organique) a été utilisé pour le dépôt des couches minces de SrCu2O2. Cette phase est obtenue après quelques étapes de recuit sous oxygène puis argon, ou azote uniquement avec en particulier la nécessité de réalier des recuit rapaides. Les propriétés électriques et optiques mesurées pour la couche mince de SrCu2O2 ont un ordre de grandeur similaire à ce qui est publié dans la littérature.
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Nanostructure and Optoelectronic Phenomena in Germanium-Transparent Conductive Oxide (Ge:TCO) CompositesShih, Grace Hwei-Pyng January 2012 (has links)
Nanostructured composites are attracting intense interest for electronic and optoelectronic device applications, specifically as active elements in thin film photovoltaic (PV) device architectures. These systems implement fundamentally different concepts of enhancing energy conversion efficiencies compared to those seen in current commercial devices. This is possible through considerable flexibility in the manipulation of device-relevant properties through control of the interplay between the nanostructure and the optoelectronic response. In the present work, inorganic nanocomposites of semiconductor Ge embedded in transparent conductive indium tin oxide (ITO) as well as Ge in zinc oxide (ZnO) were produced by a single step RF-magnetron sputter deposition process.It is shown that, by controlling the design of the nanocomposites as well as heat treatment conditions, decreases in the physical dimensions of Ge nanophase size provided an effective tuning of the optical absorption and charge transport properties. This effect of changes in the optical properties of nanophase semiconductors with respect to size is known as the quantum confinement effect. Variation in the embedding matrix material between ITO and ZnO with corresponding characterization of optoelectronic properties exhibit notable differences in the presence and evolution of an interfacial oxide within these composites. Further studies of interfacial structures were performed using depth-profiling XPS and Raman spectroscopy, while study of the corresponding electronic effects were performed using room temperature and temperature-dependent Hall Effect. Optical absorption was noted to shift to higher onset energies upon heat treatment with a decrease in the observed Ge domain size, indicating quantum confinement effects within these systems. This contrasts to previous investigations that have involved the introduction of nanoscale Ge into insulating, amorphous oxides. Comparison of these different matrix chemistries highlights the overarching role of interfacial structures on quantum-size characteristics. The opportunity to tune the spectral response of these PV materials, via control of semiconductor phase assembly in the nanocomposite, directly impacts the potential for the use of these materials as sensitizing elements for enhanced solar cell conversion efficiency.
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Ultra-high aspect ratio copper nanowires as transparent conductive electrodes for dye sensitized solar cellsZhu, Zhaozhao, Mankowski, Trent, Shikoh, Ali Sehpar, Touati, Farid, Benammar, Mohieddine A., Mansuripur, Masud, Falco, Charles M. 23 September 2016 (has links)
We report the synthesis of ultra-high aspect ratio copper nanowires (CuNW) and fabrication of CuNW-based transparent conductive electrodes (TCE) with high optical transmittance (> 80%) and excellent sheet resistance (R-s < 30 Omega/sq). These CuNW TCEs are subsequently hybridized with aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin-film coatings, or platinum thinfilm coatings, or nickel thin-film coatings. Our hybrid transparent electrodes can replace indium tin oxide (ITO) films in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) as either anodes or cathodes. We highlight the challenges of integrating bare CuNWs into DSSCs, and demonstrate that hybridization renders the solar cell integrations feasible. The CuNW/AZO-based DSSCs have reasonably good open-circuit voltage (V-oc = 720 mV) and short-circuit current-density (J(sc) = 0.96 mA/cm(2)), which are comparable to what is obtained with an ITO-based DSSC fabricated with a similar process. Our CuNW-Ni based DSSCs exhibit a good open-circuit voltage (V-oc = 782 mV) and a decent short-circuit current (J(sc) = 3.96 mA/cm2), with roughly 1.5% optical-to-electrical conversion efficiency.
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Elaboration par frittage réactif de céramiques monolithiques et composites à base de grenat d'yttrium et d'aluminium : Etude des relations entre microstructures et propriétés optiques / Elaboration of yttrium and aluminum garnets-based monolithic and composite ceramics by reactive-sintering : Study of relations between microstructuresBonnet, Loïck 21 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l’élaboration de céramiques transparentes composites à base de grenats d’yttrium et d’aluminium (Nd:YAG) avec différents ratios stœchiométriques (Nd+Y)/Al compris entre 0,40 et 0,70, autour du ratio correspondant à la composition stœchiométrique du Nd:YAG ((Nd+Y)/Al = 0,6000) par frittage-réaction sous vide. La mise en forme a été effectué par coulage sous pression de suspensions stables et homogènes de mélanges Al2O3-Y2O3-Nd2O3. L’étude des propriétés microstructurales, thermiques et optiques de ces céramiques a permis de mettre en évidence l’influence du ratio (Nd+Y)/Al sur les cinétiques de formation de la phase grenat et de densification du matériau ainsi que sur leurs propriétés optiques. Ainsi, il apparaît que pour des céramiques avec un ratio supérieur à 0,6000, correspondant à un matériau enrichi en yttrium, les cinétiques précédemment évoquées sont diminuées mais les propriétés de transparence et lasers apparaissent moins dégradées, contrairement au cas de céramiques enrichies en aluminium ((Nd+Y)/Al < 0,6000). De plus, l’étude de mélanges pulvérulents Nd:YAP-Al2O3 a permis de mettre en évidence un mécanisme de formation de la phase Nd:YAG suggérant l’existence d’une réaction solide-gaz avec évaporation-condensation de la phase réactive aluminée. Enfin, la faisabilité de céramiques de Nd:YAG à haut taux de dopage (4 % at.) a permis de montrer l’intérêt de ces matériaux dans la génération de propriétés optiques non linéaires du troisième ordre, particulièrement le phénomène d’autofocalisation de faisceaux lumineux par effet Kerr. / This work is devoted to the elaboration of yttrium and aluminum garnets-based transparent composite ceramics with different (Nd+Y)/Al stoichiometric ratios ranged from 0.40 to 0.70, around the ratio corresponding to the Nd:YAG stoichiometric composition ((Nd+Y)/Al = 0.6000) by under-vacuum reactive-sintering. Pressure-casting of stable and homogeneous suspensions of mixing Al2O3-Y2O3-Nd2O3 was achieved. Study of microstructural, thermal and optical properties of these ceramics has made it possible to highlight the influence of (Nd+Y)/Al ratio on garnet phase formation and densification kinetics, and on optical properties. Thus, it appears that for ceramic with a ratio higher than 0.6000, corresponding to an yttrium-rich sample, the previously mentioned kinetics are decreased but transparence and lasers properties are less degraded, contrary to aluminum-rich ceramics ((Nd+Y)/Al < 0.6000). Moreover, study of Nd:YAP-Al2O3 powders mixing brings out Nd:YAG phase formation mechanism, suggesting the existence of solid-gas reaction with evaporation-condensation of aluminum-rich reactive phase. Finally, feasibility of Nd:YAG ceramics with high dopant content (4 at. %) has shown the interest of these materials in order to generate third-order nonlinear optical properties, especially self-focusing phenomenon of light beams by Kerr effect.
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Desempenho térmico e visual de elementos transparentes frente à radiação solar / Thermal and visual performance of transparent elements related to the solar radiationSantos, Joaquim Cesar Pizzutti dos 23 August 2002 (has links)
A especificação das vedações transparentes é uma das decisões mais complexas no âmbito do projeto arquitetônico. Envolve diversos fatores construtivos e de necessidades humanas relacionadas ao conforto ambiental, associadas a uma grande variedade de produtos disponíveis no mercado. Este trabalho busca facilitar aos projetistas esse processo de especificação, fornecendo valores dos parâmetros de desempenho dos elementos transparentes em relação à análise do conforto térmico e visual, coerentes com a realidade climática brasileira e com a real incidência da radiação solar ao longo do dia. Foram estudados os vidros comuns, laminados e refletivos, e as películas de controle solar, policarbonatos e acrílicos usados em edificações no Brasil. Foi utilizada a análise por espectrofotometria para a obtenção dos valores de refletância, transmitância a absortância para as diferentes regiões do espectro solar, com ângulos de incidência variados. A partir do relacionamento desses resultados, considerando o comportamento similar de variação do Fator do Calor Solar (FCS) e da Transmitância da Luz Visível (Tv) com o ângulo de incidência, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia que possibilita o cálculo simplificado de ganhos de calor e luz natural. / The specification of the transparent elements is one of the most complex decisions in the ambit of the architectural project. It involves several constructive factors and human necessities related to the environmental comfort, associated to a great variety of available products in the market. The aim of this work is to facilitate the specification process to the planners, supplying values of the performance parameters of the transparent elements in relation to the analysis of thermal and visual comfort, coherent with the Brazilian climatic reality and with real incidence of the solar radiation along of the day. It were studied the ordinary, laminate and reflective glasses, the solar control films, policarbonates and acrylic used in Brazilian constructions. The spectrophotometry analysis was used to obtain the reflectance, the transmittance and the absortance values for the different regions of the solar spectrum, with varied incidence angles. Starting from the relationship of those results, considering the similar behavior of variation of the Solar Heat Factor (FCS) and of Transmittance of the Visible Light (Tv) with the incidence angle, it was developed a methodology that facilitates the simplified calculation of heat and natural light gains.
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Síntese de nanotubos de carbono pela técnica de deposição química a vapor / Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition techniqueIgor Yamamoto Abê 31 July 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi realizado o crescimento de nanotubos de carbono pela técnica de deposição química a vapor (CVD) térmica catalítica, utilizando-se filmes finos de níquel como material catalisador, gás metano (CH4) como fonte de hidrocarboneto e nitrogênio (N2) como gás de arraste. Amostras processadas sobre filmes de Ni de 15 nm de espessura, depositados sobre substrato de óxido de silício (SiO2), com temperatura de processo de 900 ºC e tempo de 15 minutos promoveram uma maior densidade de síntese de nanotubos de carbono, utilizando-se um fluxo na proporção de 2 partes de N2 para 1 parte de CH4. Comprovou-se sua síntese através da visualização de sua morfologia por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (TEM), além da extração de seu espectro característico por espectroscopia Raman e espectroscopia de dispersão de raio-X (EDS). Em um segundo estudo, depositaram-se sobre substratos de vidro filmes transparentes e condutores (TCF) à base de nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas (MWCNT) comerciais, pela técnica de dip coating. Para isso, realizou-se a dispersão dos nanotubos sob diversas concentrações em água deionizada (DI) com o auxílio do surfactante dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS), com posterior funcionalização através do ataque químico por ácido nítrico (HNO3), visando sua aplicação na fabricação de células solares. Foram utilizados os equipamento de quatro pontas e curva corrente x tensão (IV) para caracterização elétrica, transmitância por espectrofotometria para caracterização óptica, SEM para a visualização de sua morfologia e espectroscopia Raman para a análise química de suas estruturas. Valores de resistência de folha de 2x105 W/ e transmitância de 65% foram obtidos nas amostras mais concentradas, com 0,2 mg de nanotubos por ml de água DI. Uma etapa de limpeza em água DI pós deposição foi feita para remoção do excesso de surfactante presente no filme, o que prejudica tanto as características elétricas e ópticas, por ser um dielétrico e não ser transparente. Essa limpeza melhorou o valor de transmitância, porém aumentou a resistência de folha, devido à remoção parcial dos nanotubos presentes no filme, interrompendo em certos pontos a malha que promovia a passagem de corrente elétrica. O ataque químico por HNO3 promoveu a criação de algumas quebras na estrutura do carbono, o que é verificado pelo aumento da banda D, característico da presença de defeitos. / In this work, the growth of CNTs was investigated, using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) thermal catalytic technique, carried out by utilizing thin films of nickel as catalyst material, methane (CH4) as hydrocarbon source and nitrogen (N2) as carrier gas. Samples processed onto 15 nm thick Ni films, deposited on silicon oxide (SiO2) substrates, at a temperature of 900 °C for 15 minutes, promoted a higher density of carbon nanotubes, using a gas mixture at the ratio of 2 parts of N2 and 1 part of CH4. This was verified by analysing the nanotubes morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) and by the extraction of its characteristic spectrum by Raman spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). In a second study, transparent conductive films (TCF) based on commercial multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were deposited on glass substrates by the dip coating technique. To do so, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with different concentrations were dispersed in deionized water (DI) with the addition of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and subsequent functionalization through chemical attack by nitric acid (HNO3), aiming their application in solar cell fabrication. The four point probe equipment and current x voltage curve (IV) was used for electrical characterization, transmittance for optical characterization, SEM to visualize their morphology and Raman spectroscopy for chemical analysis of their structures. Sheet resistance values of 2x105 W/ and transmittance of 65% were obtained in the most concentrated samples, with 0.2 mg per ml of nanotubes in deionized water (DI). A cleaning stage in DI water after deposition was taken for removal of surfactant excess in the film, which harms both the electrical and optical characteristics, as it is a dielectric and not transparent. This cleaning improved the transmittance value, but increased the sheet resistance due to partial removal of the nanotubes in the film, interrupting at certain points the mesh of CNTs that promoted the passage of electric current. The chemical attack by HNO3 promoted the functionalization by creating some breaks in the carbon structure, which is checked by the observation of the increasing in D band, which is characteristic of defects.
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Nanowindow: Measuring Window Performance and Energy Production of a Nanofluid Filled WindowIssertes-Carbonnier, Eric-Valentin 27 September 2017 (has links)
Windows reduce heat loss and heat gain by resisting conduction, convection, and radiation using thermal breaks, low-emissivity films, and window gaps. Contrary to advancing these resistive qualities, this research introduced a highly conductive gap medium using Al2O3 nanoparticles dispersed in deionized water to enhance thermal conductivity. The solution harnessed the photothermal properties of Al2O3 nanofluids to trap, store, and transport thermally charged fluids to heat exchangers to preheat air and water, and to generate electricity forming a transparent generator—the Nanowindow.
Seven Nanowindow prototypes with varying orders of air and fluid columns were fabricated and tested using distilled water (H2Owindows) to establish a baseline of performance. A solar simulator was built to avoid environmental radiant flux irregularities providing a uniform test condition averaging 750–850 W/m2, and resulted in an undefined spectral match, Class B spatial uniformity, and Class B temporal stability. All Nanowindows were tested in a calibrated hot box determined to have a ±4% degree of accuracy based on four laboratory samples establishing a framework to conduct U-factor and solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) measurements.
Four heat exchange experiments and standardized window performance metrics (U-factor, SHGC, and visible transmission) where conducted on seven H2Owindows. The top two H2Owindows were then tested using Al2O3 nanofluids. The highest performing Nanowindow improved total convective heat transfer rates using Al2O3 by 90% over water baseline, and 61% improvement in preheat water experiments. Nanowindows coupled with thermoelectric generators generated a rated voltage of 0.31VDC/0.075ADC per 12in2 Nanowindow, an improvement of 38% over baseline. Standardized window performance metrics confirmed Nanowindow U-factors ranging from 0.23 to 0.54, SHGC from 0.43 to 0.67, and visible transmittance coefficient (VT) ranging from 0.27 to 0.38.
The concept of nature as model system thinking provided a theoretical framework for the research and proof of concept experiment. Ultimately, the experiment shifted window gaps from resisting energy to harnessing solar energy. The Nanowindow thus presents a unique opportunity to turn vast glass facades into transparent generators to offset energy demand, and reduce greenhouse gases.
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Eficiência e forma de protetores solares externos em edifícios de escritórios: estudo de casos em Curitiba-PR / Efficiency and form of external solar protector devices for office buildings: a study of cases in Curitiba-PRCapistrano, Gradisca de Oliveira Werneck de 10 October 2008 (has links)
Os protetores solares são elementos arquitetônicos que, quando bem projetados e empregados, podem contribuir para a redução dos ganhos térmicos de uma edificação, e conseqüentemente, do consumo energético necessário para resfriar o ar em seu interior. Isso porque, impedindo a incidência de radiação solar direta nos fechamentos transparentes, diminui o efeito estufa e os aumentos da temperatura interna do ar que ele provoca. É exposto um breve histórico da utilização dos dispositivos de proteção solar na arquitetura brasileira. É apresentada uma discussão sobre a real contribuição dos protetores na redução da penetração da radiação solar direta através dos fechamentos transparentes das edificações. O estudo da eficiência enfoca exemplares de protetores encontrados em edifícios de escritórios da cidade de Curitiba-PR. A análise da eficiência dos protetores é feita graficamente, observando os horários em que recebem insolação e projetam sombra nas aberturas. Percebe-se que a maior parte dos protetores está inadequada para as fachadas e orientações em que são empregados. / Shading devices are architectural elements which, when well projected and employed, can contribute to the reduction of the thermal gain in buildings and, consequently, the energy consumption necessary to cooling down hot air inside. Avoiding the direct incidence of sunlight through transparent windows, the shading devices contribute to the reduction of the greenhouse effect as well as the temperature increases caused by it. A brief survey on solar protection devices and their usage in brazilian architecture is presented. The work discuss the actual contribution of protectors in reducing the penetration of direct sunlight through windows or, more generally, transparent glass walls of buildings. The study of efficiency focuses shading devices used for office buildings in the city of Curitiba-PR. That study is accomplished through a graphical method, taking into account the periods in which the solar protection devices receive direct solar radiation and project shadow on the windows. Most part of the protectors considered in the present work do not reach satisfactory performances for the orientations and facades in which they are used.
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Transparent Conducting Oxides for Epsilon-Near-Zero NanophotonicsClayton T. Devault (5929637) 17 January 2019 (has links)
Epsilon-near-zero materials are an emerging class of nanophotonic materials which engender electromagnetic field enhancement and small phase variation due to their approximate zero permittivity. These quasi-static fields facilitate a number of unique optical properties such as supercoupling, subwavelength confinement, and enhanced light-matter interactions, which has made epsilon-near-zero media a rapidly expanding field of optical physics. Contemporary methods of realizing a system with zero permittivity rely on microwave cavities/waveguides or complex metal-dielectric metamaterials; however, both techniques require advanced fabrication and their operational wavelength is fixed relative to their geometric and optical parameters. It remains an open and substantial challenge to realize an epsilon-near-zero material at pertinent wavelengths, particularly near- and mid-infrared, with tunable/dynamic properties. The focus of this thesis is the exploration of transparent conducting oxides for the development of epsilon-near-zero nanophotonic phenomena and applications. Transparent conducting oxides have an inherent low permittivity, in addition to simple fabrication and tunable optical properties, making them exceptionally promising. Application of transparent conducting oxide films for highly confined modes, nonlinear/ultrafast optics, and strongly coupled systems are discussed.
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Synthesis and processing of nanocrystalline YAG (Yttrium Aluminium Garnet) ceramicsRamanujam, Prabhu January 2014 (has links)
Transparent ceramics are used in a variety of applications such as protective visors, thermo-graphic lens, night vision devices and windowpane of an armed vehicle, missile domes and in aircrafts. Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12) exhibits uniform index of refraction without birefringence owing to its cubic crystal structure and offers a range of optical and mechanical properties that makes it suitable for transparent applications.
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