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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implicit forward and futures relations in the T-Bill market /

Blenman, Lloyd P. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Measuring Interest Rate Risk in the Treasury Operations of an International Industrial Company Group : A Case Study of Toyota Industries Finance International

Håkansson, Erik, Åberg, Viktor January 2012 (has links)
Background: The volatility in the interest rate market have increased during the last decade and this have made interest rate risk management more important for  both financial institutions and non-financial companies with short- and long term financial commitments. Objective: The main objective of this thesis is to analyze different ways of measuring interest rate risk in the treasury operations an international industrial company group. Further, the study will also examine the way treasury departments of international industrial company group’s measure interest rate risk and explain why this method have been chosen. Method: The research method of the thesis is a case study and a mix of both quantitative and qualitative data has been used to conduct it. The quantitative data have been secondary data received from TIFI’s treasury management software and the qualitative data have been collected through a survey with eight treasury managers from other international industrial company groups. Conclusion: The repricing model is suitable because it is straight forward, fairly easy to communicate to management and it focuses on the book value. However, defining relevant time buckets might be difficult. The duration model is a good measurement tool because it can be used in a variety of ways, but a disadvantage is that it focuses on the market value, which might not be appropriate for treasury departments. Stress testing captures the true change in market value, but demands forecasts about future interest rate movements and lacks tools to manage the interest rate risk. Treasury departments of international industrial company groups use a variety of measurement methods. The most frequently used methods are duration-, maturity- and Value at Risk models and different kinds of stress tests. The method should not only measure the interest rate risk in a correct way but it should also be easily explained to management and other executives in the company that might not have knowledge about financial economics. The main difference between treasury departments and commercial banks is that commercial banks try to earn money on interest rate fluctuations, whereas treasury departments want to minimize the impact of interest rate fluctuations in order to support the company group’s core business.

Státní dluh ČR, jeho financování a srovnání s vybranými státy / The Czech Republic's State Debt, Its Financing and Comparison with Selected Countries

Kunc, Vojtěch January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with debt management carried out in the Czech Republic. Financial instruments (treasury bills, treasury bonds) which are used to manage state debt are described. Analysis for the Czech Republic encompasses period between years 1993 and 2008. It also contains comparison of debt management with selected OECD countries.

Cash Pooling : Centraliserad likviditetsstyrning i koncerner / Cash Pooling : Centralized Liquidity Management In Business Groups

Eriksson, Daniel, Lennartsson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Stora koncerner med verksamhet i flera företag och inte sällan i flera länder kan gynnas av att styra hela koncernens ekonomi från en gemensam enhet. Moderbolaget har olika stor insyn i dotterbolagens verksamheter beroende på koncernens storlek och organisationsstruktur och därmed kan centralisering av likviditetsstyrningen ske på olika sätt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv studera hur centraliserad likviditetsstyrning utförs samt hur det kan påverka koncerner. För att uppnå syftet har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med ekonomicheferna i fyra koncerner. Studien har därmed gjorts ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv och personliga intervjuer har gjorts för att få en djupare förståelse för hur koncernerna väljer att centralisera sin likviditetsstyrning samt vilken påverkan det har. Koncernerna som intervjuats har i hög grad centraliserad likviditetsstyrning och de viktigaste besluten fattas i huvudsak från en och samma enhet, resultatet av intervjuerna visar att centraliserad likviditetsstyrning skapar ökad översikt och kontroll. Ekonomicheferna anser sig ha god insyn i dotterbolagens verksamheter och kan därmed fatta de beslut som är de bästa för koncernen.  För att få en ökad förståelse för hur cash pooling kan användas som instrument för att centralisera likviditetsstyrningen intervjuades även två banker. Cash pooling ger en översiktlig bild över koncernens likviditet genom interna överföringar mellan konton med intern ränta. Därmed används det befintliga kapitalet på ett effektivt sätt innan externa lån behöver tas. Tre av koncernerna använder sig av cash pooling och de anser att det skapar en överskådlighet över koncernens likviditet samt en ökad effektivitet eftersom antalet externa banklån reduceras. Bankerna är eniga och menar att cash pooling skapar en samlad bild över koncernens likviditet. Utöver cash pooling tar studien även upp begrepp som centralisering, cash management och treasury management, vilka även de kan ses som sätt att effektivisera likviditetsstyrningen i en koncern. / Business groups with companies active in several countries can benefit from managing the entire group’s economy from one single entity. The parent company’s transparency of its subsidiaries is depending on the size and the organizational structure of the concern. Therefore, centralization of the liquidity can be done in several ways. The purpose of the study aims to clarify how centralization of the liquidity can be performed and what consequences it gives the concern. The study has been conducted through the leaders’ perspectives of the business groups. Interviews have been carried out with the financial chiefs of four business groups, in order to get a deeper knowledge of how the liquidity is centralized and what effects it brings. The business groups have in a great extent centralized their liquidity to one entity where the most important decisions are made. The financial chiefs consider themselves to have the right knowledge to make decisions with the concern’s best interest in mind. To get a deeper knowledge about centralization of liquidity from the perspectives of the banks, and also to get awareness of cash pooling and how it is used, the decision of interviewing two banks as well, was made. Cash pooling is an instrument for optimizing the liquidity within business groups and thereby enabling an effective management of cash, and reducing the need for external borrowings. Three out of the four concerns interviewed are users of cash pooling and they all consider it an effective instrument that creates transparency and control over the liquidity. The banks agree and say that it gives a more composed picture of the liquidity of the concern, which simplifies the contact with the bank. In addition to cash pooling, the study also discusses cash management and treasury management. In conclusion, it is clear to say that there are considerable advantages, such as a greater transparency and control, when a corporate group is centralizing its liquidity. It also creates legitimacy against banks.

Návrh metodických nástrojů řízení kurzových rizik / Proposal of exchange rate management methodical instruments

Oldřich, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with analysis of specific business transactions, where company exchange-rate risks happen. On the basis of findings, the thesis includes the proposals of treasury instruments for exchange-rate loss minimalization.

Faktorer i en kund–systemleverantörsrelation som bidrar till en framgångsrik införandeprocess av ett Treasury Management System : En fallstudie av Nordkap och tre av dess kundföretag / Factors in a Customer–System Supplier Relationship That Contributes to a Successful Implementation Process of a Treasury Management System : A Case Study of Nordkap and Three of Their Customers

Sandgren, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Införandet av ett informationssystem är en vanlig strategi för att kunna öka konkurrenskraften i företagets verksamhet med syftet att stödja och effektivisera verksamheten. En typ av informationssystem är ett Treasury Management System som kan effektivisera företagets hantering av finansiell information. Att införa ny teknik är dock en utmaning och införandeprocessen kan vara kritisk för att systemet ska vara möjligt att användas framgångsrikt. Införandet av ett Treasury Management System är inget undantag, det är ofta en komplex process med omfattande finansiella data där kritiska affärsprocesser hos kundföretaget behöver bearbetas. Även brist på utbildning, kunskap och kommunikation är vanliga problem som kan kopplas till relationen mellan kundföretaget och systemleverantören. Avsaknaden av en god relation mellan kund–systemleverantör kan i många fall resultera i att införandet misslyckas. För att nå ett framgångsrikt införande av Treasury Management System är det därför viktigt att förstå vilka faktorer i relationen mellan kund–systemleverantör som kan bidra till en framgångsrik införandeprocess. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i informatik är att identifiera och beskriva faktorer i en kund–systemleverantörsrelation som bidrar till en framgångsrik införandeprocess av ett Treasury Management System. Fallstudiemetoden har tillämpats och en litteraturstudie har genomförts. Utifrån litteraturstudien har en analysmodell upprättats. Primära empiriska data har samlats in genom utförda semistrukturerade intervjuer via Google Meet. Fem intervjuer har utförts med anställda på fallföretaget Nordkap och tre av dess kundföretag. Uppsatsstudiens tre viktigaste slutsatser är: kommunikationen mellan kund– systemleverantör är avgörande för att införandeprocessen ska bli framgångsrik. Kundens engagemang spelar stor roll för att användarutbildning och kommunikationen ska fungera och därmed bidrar det även till en framgångsrik införandeprocess. För att uppnå en framgångsrik införandeprocess är det av stor vikt att etablera en tydlig och gemensam målsättning som omfattar hela införandeprocessen och som återspeglar kundföretagets förväntningar på både systemet och införandet. Kunskapsbidraget från denna genomförda studie är en variabel: Engagemang, samt tre indikatorer: Grad av engagemang, Omfattning av tillgängliga resurser och Grad av gemensamt språk, som har lagts till i en modifierad analysmodell under studiens slutsatskapitel.


周正良 Unknown Date (has links)
金融控股公司為求合併能夠順利進行,於成立之初或納入其他子公司時,多會先購入部分子公司之股票,待合併完成,此購入之股票將成為金控公司之庫藏股。而由於特殊之產業性質,其庫藏股亦受金融控股公司法及其他法令釋函之限制,因此庫藏股對金融控股公司管理營運所造成影響,略有別於一般產業之公司。本文即擬針對金融控股公司其庫藏股持股與購入成本高低及嗣後處理與註銷持股可能產生的問題,對股東權益和盈餘分配能力之影響,以及公司管理上所需考慮之因素與可能面臨決策情形,試予探討,最後提出建議如下: 1、金控公司於合併過程中,有可能逾越證交法規定之限額。然在主管機關倡導鼓勵金控機構合併以壯大規模之政策下,此一現象已不重要。何況是否違反證交法似為灰色地帶。 2、庫藏股購入及持有之注意 (1)購入典型庫藏股宜量力而為,各項購入目的,於短時間內儘量予以完成,避免走入註銷持股之路。為維護公司信用所必要購入庫藏股宜少運用。 (2)注意購入庫藏股後,持有期間內保留盈餘及資本公積是否足夠彌補庫藏股出售或註銷之差損,並據以考量盈餘分配及資本公積轉增資配股之能力。 3、庫藏股之去化考驗 (1)以維護公司信用及股東權益為目的而買回之庫藏股,必須在買入後六個月內辦理註銷股份,而股價愈高之金控,愈易遭受鉅額之註銷虧損,則此類庫藏股之買入似當慎思。 (2)一般而言,買入庫藏股之每股成本均高於面額,故註銷之虧損應大於出售或轉讓予員工或轉換ECB等之虧損。因此,萬不得已,屆滿三年未有去路時,才予註銷股份。 (3)若以發行ECB或GDR來轉換數量龐大之庫藏股,是否有轉換損失當與其買入成本與股價息息相關。故以庫藏股作為ECB等轉換之用時,宜儘量完成轉換。 (4)子公司持有金融控股公司之股份價格適當時,宜於註銷期限前轉讓出去。而持股及金額大者,尤宜早日規劃其轉讓事宜。 關鍵字:金融控股公司、庫藏股

The shortage of safe assets in the US investment portfolio: Some international evidence

Huber, Florian, Punzi, Maria Teresa 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper develops a Bayesian Global VAR (GVAR) model to track the international transmission dynamics of two stylized shocks, namely a supply and demand shock to US-based safe assets. Our main findings can be summarized as follows. First, we find that (positive) supply-sided shocks lead to pronounced increases in economic activity which spills over to foreign countries. The impact of supply-sided shocks can also be seen for other quantities of interest, most notably equity prices and exchange rates in Europe. Second, a demand-sided shock leads to an appreciation of the US dollar and generally lower yields on US securities, forcing investors to shift their portfolios towards foreign fixed income securities. This yields sizable positive effects on US output, equity prices and a general decrease in financial market volatility. / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Poklad v Novém zákoně / A tresury in The New Testament

Rampich-Hamariová, Juliana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis summarizes conclusions of exegetical studies of all fourteen texts containing a word "treasury" (thesauros) according to concordance of the Greek New Testament, and furthermore in three instances substitutes for treasury, using lingual and textual analysis and accessible Czech and foreign language commentaries. As far as other terms are concerned, a term "talent/mina" is used in the Gospel of Mathew and Luke in The parable of the talent/minas, where "talent/mina" fulfills all internal and external attributes for "treasury". In the Gospel of John, where we find no term "treasury", there is chosen "ointment" in the story of Anointing in Bethany for its symbolic meaning and relation to the Easter, where John's version is compared with description of the story in the synoptic gospels. Classifying of concluding interpretational frames of all seventeen texts, we get several fundamental models characterizing the role of "treasury" in the New Testament from the point of view of substance, allegory, symbolism or connotation. The treasury is the image of something precious, strange to the world, something we have a very small experience with, because we usually have not opportunity to be confronted with it. Therefore we need to be led by the values, we have accepted by feeling of Holy Spirit as ours. The...

Transferência da corte portuguesa : um estudo da sua influência na contabilidade brasileira

Silva, Filipe Martins da January 2018 (has links)
A transferência da Corte Portuguesa para o Brasil trouxe grandes mudanças não apenas na história brasileira, como também no desenvolvimento de Portugal, da América e até mesmo da Europa. Embora essa transferência tivesse um caráter temporário, foi necessário organizar a administração do império português no Brasil, pois a colônia não possuía uma infraestrutura mínima para atender as exigências da Coroa Portuguesa. Ao chegar no Brasil, Dom João VI procedeu uma série de mudanças nas áreas econômicas e administrativas e, por consequência, na área contábil. Para por em prática as mudanças propostas por Dom João VI, foram descartadas as instituições que pertenciam ao sistema colonial. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os reflexos na área contábil com o advento da chegada da Família Real no Brasil. Para a execução da dissertação, optou-se por uma metodologia de pesquisa descritiva quanto ao seu objetivo, e qualitativa quanto a sua abordagem, tendo como procedimentos uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Para a elaboração do primeiro estudo, procurou-se analisar quais foram as contribuições para a contabilidade brasileira nesse período, mas nessa a contabilidade tinha como principal objetivo criar impostos e criar a estrutura da administração fazendária, para que fosse possível administrar os gastos e receitas da Coroa Portuguesa. Enquanto o segundo estudo apresenta o Erário Régio, uma das principais idealizações de Marquês do Pombal, que segundo a literatura utilizada, foi a criação de um órgão específico para a administração fazendária, centralizando a administração e controle dos gastos e receitas públicas. Constata-se então que o evento da chegada da Família Real Portuguesa pode ser considerado como um “marco zero” para a contabilidade brasileira, devido a criação de controles contábeis, que apesar terem como principal enfoque a administração tributária e fazendária, mas foi nessa época que o Brasil começou a demonstrar os primeiros sinais de uma contabilidade pública, focada nos controles de rendas e gastos públicos. / The transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil brought great changes not only in Brazilian history, but also in the development of Portugal, America and even Europe. Although this transfer had a temporary character, it was necessary to organize the administration of the Portuguese empire in Brazil, because the colony did not have a minimum infrastructure to meet the requirements of the Portuguese Crown. Upon arriving in Brazil, Dom João VI made a series of changes in the economic and administrative areas and, consequently, in the accounting area. In order to put into practice the changes proposed by Dom João VI, the institutions belonging to the colonial system were discarded. This dissertation aims at analyzing the reflexes in the accounting area with the advent of the arrival of the Royal Family in Brazil. For the execution of the dissertation, a descriptive research methodology was chosen as to its objective, and qualitative regarding its approach, having as procedures a bibliographical and documentary research. In order to prepare the first study, it was sought to analyze the contributions to Brazilian accounting in this period, but in this the accounting had as main objective to create taxes and create the structure of the administration, so that it was possible to manage the expenses and revenues of the Portuguese crown. While the second study presents the Régio Erário, one of the main idealizations of Marquês do Pombal, which according to the literature used, was the creation of a specific body for the administration of the land, centralizing the administration and control of public expenditures and revenues. It can be seen that the event of the arrival of the Portuguese Royal Family can be considered as a "zero mark" for Brazilian accounting, due to the creation of accounting controls, which despite having as main focus the tax administration and the land administration, that Brazil began to demonstrate the first signs of public accounting, focused on controls of revenues and public expenditures.

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