Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1treatment brain"" "subject:"1treatment grain""
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Site Assessment and Remediation Feasibility Study of a Petroleum Hydrocarbons Contaminated SiteWu, Long-chem 07 September 2004 (has links)
This study presents detailed procedures for site assessment, remedial system design, and optimization of the remedial action operation (RAO) for the petroleum-hydrocarbons contaminated sites. In this work, a petroleum-hydrocarbons contaminated site located in southern Taiwan was selected. Contaminants of concerns (CoCs) from leaking underground storage tanks (USTs) and associated piping included mono-aromatics (e.g., benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, xylenes), naphthalene, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. The direct push (DP) technology was adopted for soil gas and soil samples collection. CoCs in the affected subsurface soils and the aquifers were determined by solid-phase micro-extraction/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and several other analytic instruments. Site investigation via various tests was conducted to evaluate the geology, hydrogeology, bioactivity and free product availability. Based on results of specific site characterization, successful hydraulic containment and substantial recovery of observed free-phase petroleum product were achieved. During the process of field-scale remediation, a test cell which was equipped with a subset of monitoring points and numerous different function active wells (injection well, extraction well, monitoring well, soil gas monitoring probe, reference well and recovery well) was used for remedial system evaluation. A treatment train consisting of the source control treatment and in situ groundwater treatment technology was employed in this study. The former included a vertical containment barrier (i.e., slurry wall) and three pumping wells, whereas the latter included some passive remedial activities. Approximately 87% to 95% decline of the CoCs concentration was observed in those monitor wells after 135 days of operation. Results show that the spilled light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) could be efficiently contained and removed using the treatment train system. The treatment train application could be successfully used to reduce the concentrations of CoCs in groundwater to satisfactory levels. Benzene was found to be the only compound in groundwater violating the groundwater pollution control standard. The risk assessment process including hazard identification and exposure assessment was conducted to assess the risk impact of benzene on the human health. Using the methodology approved by ASTM and American Petroleum Institute (API), the baseline carcinogenic risk (9.0E-07) and risk-based groundwater screening level for benzene (0.660 mg/L) were determined. The BIOPLUME III model was also applied to simulate the transport and fate of benzene in site groundwater. Results from this study indicate that site assessment coupled with the treatment train could be used to reduce the concentrations of CoCs in groundwater and soil to satisfactory levels efficiently and effectively.
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Remediation of NAPL-contaminated soils and groundwater by a three-stage treatment train systemTsai, Tzai-Tang 21 August 2009 (has links)
The industrial solvent trichloroethylene (TCE) and petroleum hydrocarbons (e.g., fuel oil) are among the most ubiquitous organic compounds found in subsurface contaminated environment. The developed treatment train system included the first stage of groundwater and surfactant flushing followed by the second stage of chemical oxidation such as potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and Fenton-like treatment. The third stage was the application of enhanced bioremediation for the further removal of residual contaminants after the first two treatment processes. The objectives of this study were to (1) assess the applicability of treatment train system for the remediation of organic compounds contaminated subsurface environment, (2) determine the optimal operational conditions of the three-stage treatment system, and (3) evaluate the effects of residual surfactant Simple GreenTM (SG) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) after chemical oxidation stage on the efficiency of bioremediation process. In this study, three different surfactants [SG, Triton X-100, and Tween 80] were evaluated in batch experiments for their feasibility on contaminants removal. Results from the surfactant biodegradation and microbial enumeration study indicate that SG was more biodegradable and was able to enhance the microbial activity of the intrinsic microorganisms. Thus, SG was applied in the following batch or column experiments of the treatment train system. Results from this study indicate that approximately 87.6% of TCE in the system (with initial concentration of 40 mg L-1) could be removed from the simulated dense non-aqueous-phase liquids (DNAPLs) system after groundwater flushing followed by biodegradable surfactant (1 g L-1 of SG) flushing, while the TCE concentrations dropped from 40 to 4.96 mg L-1 at the end of the flushing experiment. Moreover, approximately 10.7% of the remaining TCE could be removed from the system after the oxidation process using KMnO4 as the oxidant. Results from the oxidation process show that TCE was reduced from 4.96 to 0.69 mg L-1, and chloride concentation was increased from ND to 0.88 mg L-1 with the presence of 1 g L-1 of SG. The residual 1.7% of the TCE could be further remediated via the enhanced bioremediation stage, and the TCE concentrations dropped from 0.69 mg L-1 to below detection limit at the end of the bioremediation experiment. Results also indicate that the remaining KMnO4 had no significant inhibition on bacterial growth and TCE biodegradation. Thus, SG flushing and KMnO4 oxidation would not cause adverse effect on subsequent bioremediation process using intrinsic bacteria. Thus, complete TCE remediation was observed in this study using the three-stage treatment scheme. Results from the column experiment reveal that a complete TPH removal could be obtained after the application of three consecutive treatment processes. Results show that TPH concentration could be reduced from 50,000 mg kg-1 to below detection limit. This indicates that the treatment train system is a promising technology to remediate fuel-oil contaminated soils. Results from the column study indicate that approximate 80.3% of initial TPH in the soil could be removed after the SG [50 pore volumes (PVs)] followed by groundwater (30 PVs) flushing. The Fenton-like oxidation (with 6% of H2O2 addition) was able to remove another 15.0% of TPH. The observed first-order reaction rate constant of TPH oxidation was 2.74¡Ñ10-2 min-1, and the half-life was 25.3 min during the first 40 min of reaction. The residual 4.7% of the TPH could be further remediated via the aerobic bioremediation process. Thus, complete TPH removal was obtained in this study using the three-stage treatment scheme. The proposed treatment train system would be expected to provide a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to remediate chlorinated solvent and petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated sites.
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Emerging Photochemical Processes Involving Iron for Wastewater TreatmentSciscenko, Iván Matías 22 November 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los procesos (foto-)Fenton fueron empleados para degradar fluoroquinolonas (FQ) (una clase de antibióticos sintéticos considerados CEC) como contaminantes modelo en diferentes condiciones: pH (3 - 8), concentración de contaminante (3 - 300 μM), número de FQ presentes (1, 3 y 5), y matrices de agua (agua ultrapura, salina y de WWTP simulada). Los experimentos se realizaron a escala banco y planta piloto, empleando luz solar (simulada y real) e irradiaciones con luz ultravioleta. Las velocidades de degradación de los contaminantes obtenidas con procesos tipo-Fenton se compararon con las análogas de fotólisis, fotocatálisis heterogénea y H2O2/UV. En igualdad de condiciones, solo a través del proceso foto-Fenton se logró una mineralización significativa de las FQs. En aquellos casos en los que el carbono orgánico total no mostró una disminución considerable, la razón se atribuye a la liberación de subproductos de oxidación.
EEM-PARAFAC ha demostrado ser una técnica económica, veloz y que no requiere del uso de reactivos, para seguir simultáneamente la eliminación de la degradación de hasta 5 FQs fluorescentes presentes en una misma muestra, en presencia de interferencias sin calibrar, y obtener información sobre las posibles estructuras moleculares de los intermediarios de reacción. Los resultados indicaron que la fotólisis por sí sola no es capaz de producir cambios importantes en la estructura de las FQs, mientras que con (foto-)Fenton sí que se observó una notable disminución de los scores de los componentes PARAFAC asociados con los compuestos del tipo FQ. Los ensayos de zona de inhibición empleando E. coli mostraron que la actividad antibiótica disminuyó en paralelo con la desintegración de todos los componentes PARAFAC relacionados con las FQs y subproductos similares a estas.
El otro aspecto importante de la tesis fue el uso de procesos Fenton basados en ZVI. Algunos CEC, como los compuestos nitroaromáticos, exhiben tasas de degradación lentas incluso cuando son degradadas por una AOP. El desarrollo de trenes de tratamiento ZVI para la degradación de contaminantes ha despertado un gran interés en los últimos años. Este enfoque consiste en un primer pretratamiento solo con ZVI (es decir, reducción, deshalogenación), seguido del proceso Fenton aprovechando los iones de hierro liberados en el primer paso. Con el fin de analizar las posibles ventajas e inconvenientes de esta estrategia en las aplicaciones de tratamiento de aguas residuales, se ha estudiado este enfoque empleando micropartículas de ZVI (mZVI) comerciales utilizando ácido p-nitrobenzoico (PNBA) como contaminante modelo. Se analizó el efecto de la cantidad inicial de mZVI, H2O2, pH, conductividad, aniones y oxígeno disuelto. Utilizando agua natural en condiciones aeróbicas, pH inicial 3,0, y adicionando 1,4 g/L de mZVI, se consiguió en 2 h una reducción del 83% de PNBA 6 μM en ácido p-aminobenzoico (PABA). Se investigó también la conveniencia de separar las mZVI después de la fase reductora (antes de la etapa Fenton) así como la reutilización de las mZVI. El paso de Fenton contra el PABA, más reactivo que PNBA, requirió 50 mg/L de H2O2 para lograr una eliminación de más del 96% en 15 min a pH 7,5 (pH final del pretratamiento reductivo). Las mZVI reutilizadas fueron efectivas por lo menos por un ciclo completo (reducción/oxidación). Este enfoque puede ser interesante para tratar aguas residuales que contienen contaminantes inicialmente resistentes al radical hidroxilo (HO), pero fácilmente reducibles, pudiendo disminuir su carga tóxica y aumentar su reactividad para un paso de oxidación posterior. / [CA] Fenton i foto-Fenton van ser emprats per a degradar fluoroquinolones (FQ) (una classe d'antibiòtics sintètics considerats CEC) com a contaminants model en diferents condicions: pH (3 - 8), concentració de contaminant (3 - 300 μM), nombre de FQ presents (1, 3 i 5), i matriu d'aigua (aigua ultrapura, salada i de WWTP simulada). Els experiments es van realitzar a escala de laboratori i planta pilot, emprant llum solar (simulada i real) i irradiacions amb llum ultraviolada. Les velocitats de degradació de contaminants obtingudes amb processos tipus-Fenton es van comparar amb fotòlisi, fotocatàlisi heterogènia i H2O2/UV. En igualtat de condicions, només a través del procés foto-Fenton es va aconseguir una mineralització significativa de FQ. En aquells casos en els quals el carboni orgànic total no va mostrar una disminució considerable, la raó s'atribueix a l'alliberament de subproductes d'oxidació.
EEM-PARAFAC ha demostrat ser una tècnica econòmica, que no requereix de l'ús de reactius, i ràpida, per a seguir simultàniament l'eliminació de la degradació de fins a 5 FQ fluorescents presents en una mateixa mostra, en presència d'interferències sense calibrar, i obtindre informació sobre les possibles estructures moleculars dels intermediaris de reacció. Els resultats van indicar que la fotòlisi per si sola no és capaç de produir canvis importants en l'estructura de les FQ, mentre que amb (foto-)Fenton, sí que es va observar una notable disminució dels scores dels components PARAFAC associats amb el nucli de FQ. Els assajos de zona d'inhibició que empren E. coli van mostrar que l'activitat antibiòtica va disminuir en paral·lel amb la desintegració de tots els components PARAFAC relacionats amb FQ i subproductes similars a FQ.
L'altre aspecte important de la tesi va ser l'ús de processos Fenton basats en ZVI. Alguns CEC, com els compostos nitroaromàtics, exhibeixen taxes de degradació lentes fins i tot quan són degradats per un AOP. El desenvolupament de trens de tractament basats en ZVI per a la degradació de contaminants ha despertat un gran interés en els últims anys. Aquesta aproximaciót consisteix en un primer pretractament amb ZVI (és a dir, reducció, deshalogenación), seguit del procés Fenton aprofitant els ions de ferro alliberats en el primer pas. Amb la finalitat d'analitzar els possibles avantatges i inconvenients d'aquesta estratègia en les aplicacions de tractament d'aigües residuals, s'han emprat micropartícules de ZVI (mZVI) comercials. Utilitzant àcid p-nitrobenzoic (PNBA) com a contaminant model, es va analitzar l'efecte de la quantitat inicial de mZVI, H2O2, pH, conductivitat, anions i oxigen dissolt. Utilitzant aigua natural en condicions aeròbiques, pH inicial 3,0, i addicionant 1,4 g/L de mZVI, es va aconseguir en 2 h una reducció del 83% de PNBA 6 μM a àcid p-aminobenzoic (PABA). Es va investigar també la conveniència d'eliminar les mZVI després de la fase reductora (abans de l'etapa Fenton) així com la reutilització de les mZVI. El pas de Fenton front el PABA, més reactiu que PNBA, va requerir 50 mg/L de H2O2 per a aconseguir una eliminació de més del 96% en 15 min a pH 7,5 (pH final del pretractament reductiu). Les mZVI reutilitzades van ser efectives almenys amb un cicle complet (reducció/oxidació). Aquest enfocament pot ser interessant per a tractar aigües residuals que contenen contaminants inicialment resistents al HO, però que es redueixen fàcilment, podent disminuir la seua càrrega tòxica i augmentar la seua reactivitat per a un pas d'oxidació posterior. / [EN] Dark Fenton and photo-Fenton were employed to degrade Fluoroquinolones (FQs) (a class of synthetic antibiotics considered CEC) as model pollutants under different conditions: pH (3 - 8), pollutant concentration (3 - 300 μM), number of present FQs (1, 3 and 5), and water matrix (ultra-pure, salty and simulated wastewater). Experiments were performed at bench and pilot plant scales, employing sunlight (simulated and real) and ultraviolet light irradiations. Obtained pollutant abatement rates with Fenton-related processes were compared with photolysis, heterogeneous photocatalysis and H2O2/UV. At equal conditions, only through photo-Fenton process significant FQs mineralization were achieved. In those cases where total organic carbon had not exhibit a considerable decrease, the reason was attributed to the release of oxidation by-products.
Since FQs are fluorescent, we decided to employ fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEM) in combination with the chemometric tool, Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC), to track their degradations. Although EEM-PARAFAC related studies are usually focused towards the characterization and monitoring of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in natural waters and wastewater effluents (work also included in this PhD Thesis following the DOM along the different stages of a drinking water plant), it is barely the first time that it is used for the purposes we have here proposed. The objective is demonstrating that EEM-PARAFAC could be a feasible complementary methodology for the study of fluorescent CECs degradations, avoiding the use of expensive and sophisticated techniques (e.g mass spectrometry), not always available.
The other important aspect of the PhD Thesis was the use of ZVI-based Fenton processes. Some CECs such as nitroaromatic compounds, exhibit slow degradation rates even with AOPs. The development of new and more efficient ZVI treatment trains for pollutant degradation has been attracting great interest in the last few years. This approach consists of a first pre-treatment only with ZVI (i.e. reduction, dehalogenation), followed by a Fenton oxidation taking advantage of the released iron ions from the first step. In order to analyse the strategy's plausible advantages and potential drawbacks within wastewater treatment applications, reductive/oxidative treatment train based on commercial ZVI microparticles (mZVI) has been studied. The effect of the initial amount of mZVI, H2O2, pH, conductivity, anions, dissolved oxygen were analysed using p-nitrobenzoic acid (PNBA) as model pollutant. 83% reduction of PNBA 6 μM into p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) was achieved in natural water at initial pH 3.0 and 1.4 g/L of mZVI under aerobic conditions in 2 h. An evaluation of the convenience of removing mZVI after the reductive phase (before the Fenton oxidation one) was investigated together with mZVI reusability. The Fenton step against the more reactive PABA required 50 mg/L of H2O2 to achieve more than 96% removal in 15 min at pH 7.5 (final pH from the pre-reductive step). At least one complete reuse cycle (reduction/oxidation) was obtained with the separated mZVI. This approach might be interesting to treat wastewater containing pollutants initially resistant to hydroxyl radical (HO), but easily reduced, being able to decrease its toxic load as well as increasing its reactivity for a subsequent oxidation step. / Sciscenko, IM. (2021). Emerging Photochemical Processes Involving Iron for Wastewater Treatment [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/177357 / Compendio
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