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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Semiconductor Photocatalysts For The Detoxification Of Water Pollutants

Hanumanth Rao, C January 2000 (has links)
Water pollution is a major concern in vast countries such as India and other developing nations. Several methods of water purification have been practiced since many decades, Semiconductor photocatalysis is a promising technique, for photodegradation of various hazardous chemicals that are encountered in waste waters. The great significance of this technique is that, it can degrade (detoxify) various complex organic chemicals, which has not been addressed by several other methods of purification. This unique advantage made this field of research to attract many investigators particularly in latter eighties and after. This thesis incorporates the studies on the various semiconductor photocatalysts that have been employed for the detoxification purposes. The fundamental principles involved in the photoelectrochemistry, reactions at the interface (solid - liquid or solid - gas) and photocatalytic reactions on fine particles are briefed. General nature and size quantization in semiconductor particles, photocatalytically active semiconductors, TiCh and ABO3 systems, chemical systems and modifications for solar energy conversions are brought out in the introduction chapter besides giving brief description about photocatalytic mineralization of water pollutants with mechanism involved, formation of reactive species and the factors influencing photomineralization reactions. Scope of the present work is given at the end of the first chapter. Second chapter deals with the materials used for the preparation of photocatalyst, preparative techniques, methods of analysis, instruments employed for the photodegradation experiments and a brief description of material characterization methods such as X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, optical absorption spectro photometry, Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and gas chromatograph - mass spectroscopy (GC - MS). Various preparative routes such as wet chemical and hydrothermal methods for obtaining TiO2 (both rutile and anatase forms), BaTiOs and SrTiO3 fine particles and the chemical analysis of their constituents have been described in brief. Third chapter presents the results of materials characterization. T1O2 (rutile and anatase), BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 have been characterized separately using various techniques. Different routes of obtaining the photocatalyst fine particles, heat treatment at various temperature ranges, experimental procedures and the results of characterization are brought out in this chapter. Fourth and fifth chapters present the details of degradation studies carried out on the photomineralization of chlorophenol, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde. Studies include photodegradation of the pollutants with different catalysts varying experimental conditions to check the effects of change in concentration of pollutants, oxidizer, pH, surface hydroxylation, etc. The most favorable conditions for the complete mineralization of the pollutants have been studied. In case of TiO2, anatase form has shown greater photoactivity when compared to rutile and complete mineralization of chlorophenols has been achieved at low pollutant concentrations, neutral pH, with H2O2 and UV illumination. Retarding effects of surface hydroxylation and the formation of peroxotitanium species during photodegradation have been presented. TCE and HCHO degradation with BaTiO3/SrTiO3 has been studied. Photocatalyst heat-treated at 1100°G-1300°C is found to be highly active in combination with H2O2 as electron scavenger. HCHO is not getting degraded to its completeness in aqueous conditions owing to the strong competition in surface adsorption posed by H2O molecules. Vapour-solid phase reaction however gave good results in the detoxification of HCHO via disproportionation. Summary and conclusions are given at the end of the thesis.

Provtagning av trädkärnor för att bedöma föroreningsgraden av klorerade lösningsmedel i grundvatten / Tree Core Sampling to Assess the Degree of Chlorinated Solvent Contamination in Groundwater

Nordborg, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAH´s) were used widely within dry cleaning facilities and for metal degreasing until their toxicity was discovered. PCE is still used as dry cleaning liquid. Today CAH´s are found in soil environment at places where they have been used in the past. The CAH-concentration in trees growing on contaminated land has quite recently received attention as a cheap and effective way of assessing the extent of a CAH-contamination. The method has however, not been put into use in Sweden. The aim of the study has been to investigate whether the CAH-concentration in tree cores could be used to delineate the spread of CAH in a soil environment under Swedish conditions in different seasons. The aim has also been to gain an understanding of the uptake process, as well as to identify the limitations of the method and important issues to consider when sampling. Trees were sampled in March and June on Helgö 1:25, 1:26 in Växjö, Småland. Metal degreasing earlier conducted at this site has lead to the CAH contamination of soil and groundwater (PCE, TEC c-DACE). Mostly PCE, TCE, and chloroform were detected in tree cores. The CAH concentration was higher in June. Using the sum of PCE+TCE+c-DCE in trees to delineate the spread gave a result that was quite consistent with a delination done based on groundwater sampling. The uptake of CAH by trees is governed by the uptake of water at the root. The water usage, together with the origin of the water used is important for the ability of the tree to take up CAH. The CAH concentration within trees is also dependent on the chemical properties of the compound (Log kow, solubility etc), the concentration of the compound in the soil as well as degradation processeses. The position and height of sampling in the trees, tree species as well as tree size are important factors to consider when sampling. Sampling during summer is preferred when the concentration of CAH in trees is likely to be higher. The analysis of CAH in tree cores has potential to be used as a screening tool in soil investigations under Swedish conditions. It is a cheap and easy to use method, which would be a good complement to other investigative measures. However, an increased understanding of the processes involved, together with more analysis are needed., as this is a new method. / Klorerade lösningsmedel (CAH) användes i stor omfattning som bl a kemtvättmedel och avfettningsmedel tills dess att deras toxiska egenskaper blev kända. Perkloretylen (PCE) används än idag som kemtvättmedel. CAH återfinns ofta i markmiljö på de platser där de tidigare använts. Analys av CAH-koncentration i trädkärnor har uppmärksammats som en billig och effektiv metod för att översiktligt bedöma utbredningen av dessa föroreningar. Metoden har inte tidigare använts i Sverige. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om trädprovtagning kan användas för att bedöma utbredningen av föroreningar i markmiljö under svenska förhållanden vid olika årstider. Analyserade CAH-halter i träd har jämförts med tidigare registrerade halter av CAH i grundvatten. Syftet har också varit att beskriva CAH-upptaget i träd, undersöka metodens begränsningar samt att sammanfatta viktiga aspekter vid provtagning. Provtagningar av träd har genomförts under mars och juni på fastigheterna Helgö 1:25 och 1:26 i Växjö, där tidigare metallavfettning har medfört att mark och grundvattnet förorenats av CAH; perkloretylen (PCE), trikloretylen (TCE) och nedbrytningsprodukten dikloretylen (c1,2-DCE). Vid analys av trädkärnor detekterades främst PCE, TCE samt TCM (kloroform). Koncentrationen av CAH var högre i juni. Halten PCE+TCE+c-DCE i trädproverna gav en översiktlig bild av föroreningssituationen som överensstämde väl med de grundvattenprover som tidigare tagits på fastigheten. CAH tas upp i vattenlöst fas vid trädens rötter. Trädets vattenbehov och vilket vatten det utnyttjar är därför viktigt för dess möjlighet att ta upp CAH. Ämnets kemiska egenskaper (log kow, flyktighet, mm.), samt förekomst och nedbrytning påverkar den halt som registreras i trädet. Vid provtagning bör provtagningspunkternas höjd över marken och position, trädart samt trädstorlek beaktas. Provtagning under sommaren är att föredra eftersom halterna då är högre. Jämförelsen med grundvattenprovtagning visar att metoden har potential att användas i Sverige för att bedöma utbredningen av en CAH-förorening i markmiljö. Den är enkel att använda och kan vara ett alternativ på platser där konventionella metoder är svåra att genomföra. En ökad förståelse för involverade processer, samt utökade undersökningar av metoden är nödvändiga då metoden är ny.

Développement et optimisation de biocapteurs électrochimiques à base de biomolécules et de micro-organismes / Development and optimization of electrochemical biosensors based on biomolecules and microorganisms

Hnaien, Mouna 06 July 2010 (has links)
Les biocapteurs sont des moyens d’analyse en plein essor à la fois rapides, sélectifs et peu coûteux applicables à des domaines extrêmement variés (environnement, santé, agroalimentaire,…). Dans ce type d’outil, un élément sensible de nature biologique (anticorps, enzyme, microorganisme, ADN…) doté d’un pouvoir de reconnaissance pour un analyte ou un groupe d’analytes est associé à un transducteur pouvant être de type électrochimique, optique ou thermique. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés au développement de différents biocapteurs se basant sur l'immobilisation d'enzymes ou de bactéries sur des microélectrodes en vue d’une détection électrochimique. Nous avons montré les potentialités d’application de deux biocapteurs conductimétriques à base de protéinase K ou de protéinase K et de pronase à la détection des modifications de conformation de la myoglobine et de l’albumine de sérum bovin au cours de leur relargage à partir de microsphères de poly (ε-caprolactone). Nous avons également mis au point un biocapteur conductimétrique à base de catalase et d’alcool oxydase pour une détection rapide et sensible des alcools ainsi que deux biocapteurs à catalase pour la détection impédimétrique et conductimétrique du cyanure et l’étude des interactions catalase-cyanure. Nous avons enfin élaboré des biocapteurs bactériens à base de Pseudomonas putida F1 pour la détection du trichloroéthylène dans les eaux souterraines. Pour cela, une voie originale d’immobilisation des cellules, basée sur la fonctionnalisation du transducteur à l’aide de couches autoassemblées et d’anticorps, ainsi que l’utilisation de nanotubes de carbone, a été explorée / The development of biosensors is an expanding research area. Indeed, biosensors are rapid, selective and cost-effective analytical tools which find applications in various fields (environment, health, food,…). They are constituted of a sensitive biological element (antibody, enzyme, microorganism, DNA…), which can selectively recognize one analyte or a group of analytes, associated to an electrochemical, optical or thermal transducer. In this work, we developed different biosensors based on enzymes or bacteria immobilised onto microelectrodes in view of electrochemical detection. First, we demonstrated the potentialities of two conductometric biosensors based on proteinase K or proteinase K and pronase for the detection of myoglobin and bovine serum albumine conformation changes during their release from poly (ε-caprolactone) microspheres. Then, we elaborated a bi-enzymatic conductometric biosensor with catalase and alcohol oxidase as sensing elements, for a rapid and sensitive detection of alcohols. Catalase impedimetric and conductometric biosensors were also developed for cyanide detection and used for the study of catalase-cyanide interactions. Finally, we prepared Pseudomonas putida F1 whole cell biosensors for the determination of trichloroethylene in groundwaters. For that, an original route, including the functionalisation of the transducer with a self-assembled-monolayer and antibodies, and the use of single-wall carbon nanotubes, was investigated for cell immobilisation

Analysis and Interpretation of Occupational Exposure Monitoring Data from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) and OSHA Information System (OIS), 1979 – 2015

Shockey, Taylor Morgan 30 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Swellable Organically Modified Silica as a Novel Catalyst Scaffold for Catalytic Treatment of Water Contaminated with Trichloroethylene

Celik, Gokhan 11 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Applied and Fundamental Heterogeneous Catalysis Studies on Hydrodechlorination of Trichloroethylene and Steam Reforming of Ethanol

Sohn, Hyuntae January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Hierarchical Porous Structures with Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as Efficient Adsorbents and Metal-Catalyst Supports

Vijwani, Hema 04 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Degradation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Passing Through the Treatment Wetland at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: Analysis of Results Collected During 2001-'06

Therrien, Annamarie F. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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