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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategische Neupositionierung von Unternehmungen : Erklärung eines erfolgreichen Wandels in neue strategische Geschäftsfelder am Beispiel Preussag/TUI und Mannensmann /

Reichel, Oliver. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Technische Universität Berlin, Diss., 2005.

"Ska vi boka?" : En kvalitativ undersökning av TUI:s kommunikation och interaktion på Instagram.

Oldeskog, Daniella, Olaisen, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Följande studie syftar till att undersöka den interaktion som följer två kommunikationsstrategier på resebolaget TUI:s Instagramkonto och faller inom det medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapliga fältet. För att uppfylla studiens syfte utformas en huvudfråga och två stödfrågor, som utgör utgångspunkten för uppsatsens resultat- och analysdel. Dessa frågor är: - Hur ser interaktionen ut mellan TUI och dess följare på Instagram? - Hur arbetar TUI med rotationskuratering respektive kommersiell kuratering på Instagram? - Hur skiljer sig interaktionen åt mellan dessa två kommunikationsstrategier? Det ramverk som studien vilar på är teorier kring strukturer i sociala medier, avsändare, word of mouth och visuell kommunikation. Studiens metod är kvalitativ och genom en netnografisk observation studeras kommunikationsstrategierna rotationskuratering, där en anställd kuraterar (skapar) innehållet veckovis, och kommersiell kuratering, där huvudkontoret kuraterar innehållet. Det insamlade materialet analyseras genom en semiotisk bildanalys och en tematisk textanalys. Studien visar att TUI vid kommersiell kuratering använder ett opersonligt textspråk, som kan liknas vid redaktionellt skrivet material, och bilderna är av hög kvalitet. Följden av detta blir kortfattade och opersonliga kommentarer, där fokus ofta ligger på bilden. Följarna omnämner (taggar) andra användare i stor utsträckning vilket leder till interna konversationer följarna emellan i kommentarsfältet. Vid rotationskurateringen använder TUI istället ett mer avslappnat språk, där kuraterarens personlighet tydligt framkommer. Detta genererar kommentarer av mer personlig karaktär, där följarna ställer frågor till TUI och delar med sig av egna erfarenheter. Slutsatserna är att rotationskurateringen resulterar i en mer personlig interaktion, vilket stärker relationen mellan TUI och följarna, medan den kommersiella kurateringen leder till en större delning samt att större fokus läggs vid bilden. / This study falls within the field of media and communication, and aims to research two different communication strategies on the travel company TUI’s Instagram page, as well as the interaction that these strategies result in. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study the following research questions have been defined:  - What kind of interaction is displayed on TUI’s Instagram page, between the corporation and their followers? - How is TUI working with rotation curation versus commercial curation on Instagram? - How does the interaction differ between these two communication strategies? The study is based upon theories about structures in social media, the sender, word of mouth and visual communication. A qualitative method has been used and through a nethnographic observation on rotation curation, where an employee curates the content, and commercial curation, where the head office curates the content, the outcome of both strategies have been studied. The results of the study are interpreted through a semiotic analysis of the images and a thematic text analysis. The study shows that TUI, when using commercial curation, adopts a strict and impersonal way of writing and uses high quality images. Brief and less personal comments, that often revolve around the images, is the resulting fallout. Sharing posts by tagging other Instagram accounts is also common. During the rotation curation, however, a more casual way of writing is being used and the curator’s personality is prominent. This results in comments and interaction of a more personal nature, where the followers ask questions and share personal experiences with TUI. In conclusion, the rotation curation results in a more personal interaction, in which the relationship between TUI and the followers improves, while the commercial curation results in greater sharing and comments focusing on the content of the images.

Yao tui tong zhi ya yu zhen ci "a shi xue" lin chuang zhi liao bi jiao yan jiu /

Wang, Peiqiu. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.CM)--Hong Kong Baptist University, 2006. / Dissertation submitted to the School of Chinese Medicine. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 45-46).

Taxonomy and systematic relationships of tui chubs (Siphateles: Cyprinidae) from Oregon's Great Basin

Remple, Stacy L. 15 March 2013 (has links)
There are three recognized species of Siphateles from the Great Basin; S. alvordensis, S. boraxobius and the tui chub, S. bicolor. One species, S. boraxobius, is endangered and one population of tui chub at Hutton Spring is threatened. Despite several morphological and molecular studies, the taxonomy and relationships of tui chubs are unclear. A recurrent theme in prior studies has been the possibility of translocation of tui chubs, especially into Summer Lake Basin, and probably by bait bucket introductions. I approached this problem by using cytochrome b (cyt b) sequences to define clades and constructed a neighbor-joining tree to examine relationships. Developmental ontogeny and adult meristic characters were used to corroborate clades, and microsatellites (nDNA) used to explore the possibility of hybridization among Summer Lake Basin fish and those from surrounding basins. The cyt b tree recovered a basal polytomy containing a western clade from Sycan Marsh, an eastern clade from the Alvord Basin, and S. bicolor. The Sycan Marsh clade was represented by two fish and requires additional research. Within the Alvord Basin, S. boraxobius and S. alvordensis were well corroborated by morphological characters but sequence divergence was only 0.37%. There were three major clades in S. bicolor – a basal S. newarkensis clade in Nevada, an Oregon Lakes S. bicolor clade, and, sister to it, a disjunct S. obesa clade in Nevada and the Oregon Lakes. In the Oregon Lakes, there were two clades within S. bicolor: S. thalassinus was sister to the remaining S. bicolor and there were two clades within S. obesus: S. oregonensis was sister to a "Summer Lake Basin" clade. There was some morphological corroboration for S. oregonensis, but no corroboration for the others. Clades were geographically disjunct or not confined to single basins. The S. oregonensis clade was sister to a Nevada polytomy and historical evidence implicates that at least one population of S. oregonensis in XL Spring was introduced in the late 1800's. Average sequence divergence with the Nevada clade, 0.62 - 0.88%, did not seem to support possible Miocene or Pliocene vicariance scenarios. Elsewhere, the S. thalassinus clade was found outside of Goose Lake in Summer Lake Basin and the "Summer Lake Basin" clade was found in Goose Lake Basin. Clustering of three microsatellite loci did not match cyt b clades, rather, individuals clustered based on sample location, suggesting that the cyt b patterns were due to introgression. In Summer Lake Basin, evidence of poisoning and subsequent transplants was consistent with these observations. These results suggest the presence of three or four tui chub taxa in the Oregon Lakes and Alvord Basin, however translocation and subsequent introgression appear to have been common in many populations, and will prove challenging for taxonomists and conservation managers. / Graduation date: 2013

Interaction tangible sur table interactive : application aux géosciences / Tangible interaction on tabletops : applied in geoscience

Rivière, Guillaume 09 September 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des interfaces utilisateur tangibles (TUI). La première partie de ce manuscrit concerne l'interaction tangible sur table interactive. Nous introduisons tout d'abord les TUIs et les tables interactives. Nous validons une hypothèse concernant la spécialisation de la forme des interacteurs tangibles et nous en tirons les conséquences pour la conception des TUIs. Nous proposons une solution de boîtier à boutons pour y déporter certaines opérations dans le contexte d'une TUI sur table interactive. Nous abordons la construction et le développement d'un système de tables interactives tangibles transportables et à faible coût permettant de faire du prototypage rapide de TUIs. Nous terminons en soulignant les particularités de l'évaluation expérimentale des TUIs. La seconde partie de ce manuscrit traite un cas d'application d'une TUI pour les géosciences : GeoTUI. Nous commençons par présenter le contexte métier des géophysiciens et leurs besoins en terme de nouveaux moyens d'interaction. Nous présentons les résultats de notre conception d'une TUI pour les géosciences. Nous précisons le détail du développement de notre prototype. Pour terminer, nous présentons les deux expérimentations utilisateurs qui ont été conduites pour valider nos choix de conception. / This thesis focuses on tangible user interfaces (TUI). The first part of this manuscript is about tangible interaction on tabletop. We first introduce TUIs and tabletops. We validate an hypothesis about the specialization of the form of the tangible objects, and conclude from that consequences on TUIs design. We propose the solution of a button box to deport some operations in the context of tabletop TUI. We present the construction and development of a transportable and low cost tabletop TUI system that allows rapid TUI prototyping. We end pointing out the special features of user experiments of TUIs. The second part of this manuscript deals with an application case of a TUI for geoscience: GeoTUI. We start presenting the context of the geophysicists work and their need in term of new way of interation. We present the results of our design of a TUI for geoscience. We detail the development of our prototype. To finish, we present two user experiments we conducted to validate our design choices.

The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Gross Domestic Product Growth in Lithuania / Tiesioginių užsienio investicijų įtaka BVP augimui Lietuvoje

Golodenko, Olga 12 July 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to determine what type of causative relationship between FDI and GDP exists in Lithuania. The analysis includes assessment of the overall economic situation in the country, analysis of historical statistical data on FDI, overview of existing studies and regression analysis. The regression is performed in order to reveal the impact of various economic factors on GDP growth. The model in question includes such economic indicators as corruption perceptions level index, harmonized consumer price index, net export, foreign investments via liabilities and FDI. Firstly, Granger causality test is performed in order to see whether FDI Granger causes GDP. Then, after making corrections for sequences to be stationary, a regression is performed using ordinary least squares method. The results of the analysis show that there is no statistically significant impact of FDI on economic growth in Lithuania. Nevertheless, foreign investments of other type had a great influence on economic performance in the past several years. However, due to their nature economic growth could not be sustained. The reasons for FDI having no influence over the economic growth in Lithuania are seen in the fact of scarcity of the investments, country’s inability to attract foreign investors, corruption existence, and unstable taxing system. Recommendations are provided on the matter. / Darbo tikslas – nustatyti koks egzistuoja ryšys tarp tiesioginių užsienio investicijų (TUI) ir BVP augimo Lietuvoje. Darbe analizuojama dabartinė šalies ekonominė situacija, TUI statistiniai duomenys, apžvelgiama susijusi literatūra bei moksliniai straipsniai, atliekama regresinė analizė. Regresinės analizės tikslas – nustatyti kokią įtaką ekonominiam augimui daro į modelį įtraukti kintamieji. Į regresinį modelį įeina korupcijos lygio indeksas, suderintas vartotojų kainų indeksas, grynasis eksportas, kitos užsienio investicijos ir TUI. Pirmiausia atliekamas Grendžerio duomenų analizės testas, kuris nustato ar TUI gali dinamiškai paaiškinti BVP augimo tempus. Tuomet, atlikus laiko eilučių stacionarumo korekcijas, mažiausių kvadratų metodu įvertinama tiesinė regresija. Analizės rezultatai parodė, kad TUI neturi statistiškai reikšmingos įtakos ekonominiam augimui Lietuvoje. Tačiau kitos užsienio investicijos, pastaraisiais metais ekonominiam vystymuisi turėjo didelę įtaką, nors dėl jų pobūdžio, stabilus ekonomikos augimas nebuvo užtikrintas. Galima įvardinti pagrindines priežastis, dėl kurių TUI neturėjo įtakos ekonominiam augimui Lietuvoje – tai investicijų trūkumas, šalies nesugebėjimas pritraukti užsienio investuotojus, korupcija ir nestabili mokesčių sistema. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos rekomendacijos.

Lietuvos ir euroregionų ekonominės plėtros palyginimas ,,2000 -2008’’ / Comparison of development of Lithuania and Euro Regions through 2000 – 2008 years

Griauzdaitė, Justina 08 September 2010 (has links)
Euroregionai Europoje egzistuoja jau nuo šeštojo XX a. dešimtmečio. Tačiau universalios euroregiono sampratos dar nėra. Pateikiamuose euroregiono apibrėžimuose aiškiai pabrėžiama, kad tai struktūros, turinčios teritorinį apibrėžtumą. Svarbus aspektas – euroregioną sudarančių narių lygybė bei teisinis pamatas, reglamentuojantis veiklą. Euroregionų skirtingumui įtakos turi įkūrimo tikslų bei uždavinių įvairumas, veiklos prioritetų nevienodumas. Magistro darbe siekiama supažindinti su euroregionų veikla bei vystymuisi nuo 2000 iki 2008 metų. Pagrindinis tyrimo aspektas – makroekonominių rodiklių kaitos dinamika ir išsivystymo skirtumai skirtingose teritorijose esančiuose euroregionuose. Analizuojam bendrosios pridėtinės vertės (BPV), bendrojo vidaus produkto (BVP), materialinių investicijų, tiesioginių užsienio investicijų, ir eksporto rodikliai euroregionuose. Tyrimu siekiama statistiškai pagrįsti objekto (šiuo atveju euroregiono) esminius požymius, jo funkcionavimo veiksnius. Euroregionas pateikiamas kaip vientisa sudėtinga sistema turinti begalę trūkumų, kurių pagrindinis – daugiamatiškumas. Darbe siekiama kuo labiau atsiriboti nuo istorinio ir socialinio konteksto ir rezultatus pateikti tik ekonominiame kontekste. Magistro darbas parašytas naudojantis aprašomaisiais, statistinių ir kitų šaltinių analizės bei grafiniu metodais. / Euregions in Europe there is already the sixth of the twentieth century decade. However, the universal concept of the Euroregion yet. Submissions Euroregion definition clearly states that this structure, a spatial predictability. An important aspect - making up the Euroregion equality and legal basis regulating the activities. Euroregions the difference is affected by the establishment of diversity goals and objectives, operational priorities of inequality. Master work to make the Euroregion activities and development from 2000 to 2008. The main aspect of the study - macroeconomic dynamics of change and development in the different territories of the Euroregion. Analyzed the gross value added (GVA), gross domestic product (GDP), capital investment, foreign direct investment and export performance of the Euroregion. The study seeks to statistically justify the object (in this case, the Euroregion) the essential features of the functioning of factors. Euroregion presented as an integrated complex system with myriad shortcomings, the principal - daugiamatiškumas. The paper aims to maximize distance from the historical and social context, and results only in an economic context. Master thesis is written using descriptive, statistical and other sources for analysis and graphical methods.

Tiesioginių užsienio investicijų perspektyvos Lietuvoje, įstojus į Europos Sąjungą / Perspectives of direct foreign investment in lithuania after entering the eu

Kolodavičienė, Jurgita 08 September 2009 (has links)
Tiesioginės užsienio investicijos (TUI) yra vienas iš svarbiausių faktorių, turinčių įtakos šalies ekonominiam vystymuisi. Pritraukti TUI į mūsų šalį yra ne tik tikslas, bet ir būtinybė. Įstojimas į ES padidino konkurenciją tiek tarp naujų, tiek tarp senų ES narių. Lietuvos vyriausybė turi nuolat gerinti investicinį klimatą, norint, jog TUI neaplenktų mūsų šalies ateityje.TUI atneša į mūsų šalį naujas pažangias idėjas, progresyvią vadybą, naują techniką ir technologiją, sukuria naujas darbo vietas – kelia pragyvenimo lygį. Vokiečių kompanija „Max.sicherheitsfarchule.Holding.Gmbh“ planuoja savo kompanijos plėtrą Lietuvoje, panaudojant TUI, modernizuojant ir restruktūrizuojant vairavimo mokymo procesą. Empirinis tyrimas kaip tik ir parodė prielaidas, galimybes ir perspektyvas tiesioginiam investavimui Lietuvoje. Darbas susideda iš 97 puslapių, įskaitant 5 lenteles ir 17 paveikslėlių, neskaitant literatūros sąrašo ir priedų. / The Direct Foreign Investment (DFI) is one of the most important factors influencing economical development of any country. To raise the level of direct foreign investment in Lithuania is not only a goal, but also a necessity. The entry to the European Union (EU) increased competition between old and new EU member states, so in order to attract DFI to our country Lithuanian Goverment should constantly improve investment climate. Direct Foreign Investment together with direct financing brings into the country many progressive ideas, innovative management, new techniques and technologies, improves employment levels by creating new workplaces and in general raises the standart of living. German company „Max.sicherheitsfarchule.Gmbh“, working in the field of theoretical and practical driving training in Germany, is planing its expansion to Lithuania, using Direct Foreign Investment, modernizing and restructuring the traditional procedure of driving training. The empirical research demonstrated the assumptions, possibilities and perspectives for this particular case of direct investing. The research work comprises of 97 pages, including 5 tables and 17 pictures, excluding lists of literature and appendixes.

Cubieo : Observations of Explorative User Behavior with an Abstract Tangible Interface

Stenbacka, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Recent years have shown a broad spectra of tangible interfaces or TUI's, based upon interaction with music, but also other interfaces containing ubiquitous computing. This is an interesting field due to how engaging music can be and work as connector between people. But the field of human computer interaction has some explorational properties. This paper presents an idea of abstraction with a tangible interface for creating music. The idea behind abstraction of the interface is to engage the user(s) in exploring the artifact, rather than explaining the artifact to the user what can and cannot be done with the artifact.

Miljöbovarna- den nya tidens sin firm? : En kritisk retorikanalys av miljöargumentationen i svensk marknadskommunikation / The polluters- the new era´s sin firm : A critical rhetoric analysis of environmental argumentation in Swedish marketing communication

Månsson, Amanda, Svensson, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Climate issues are engaging both the Swedes and the Swedish media, and more people are making an effort to live more climate friendly. The meat, aviation and clothing industry has, during the last few years, gained increased criticism due to the negative environmental impact. According to the World Wildlife Fund's climate barometer the demand for these products is decreasing. The following study will examine how three companies, from industries criticized for their negative environmental impact, rhetorically use environmental communication in their marketing communication. This through three selected commercials from Tui, Scan and H&M. The aim of the study is to help acquire knowledge for the importance of environmental communication in corporate market communication.   This study has been made through critical rhetoric analysis, inspired by Mral, Gelang and  Bröms analysis model. The result shows that the study objects in different ways avoids the main target of critique and instead presents other parts from their organization which to the contrary, does good. We argue that avoiding the main subject, and instead answering different non-related subjects can lead to a problematic and deceptive discourse. The study objects are influential within their industry and the problematic discourse that is held can bear evidence of marketing communication as a whole, where environmental argumentation is more common than ever.

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