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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Late Pleistocene-Holocene sedimentary processes at the active margin of South-Central Chile : marine and lacustrine sediment records as archives of tectonics and climate variability

Stefer, Susanne January 2009 (has links)
Active continental margins are affected by complex feedbacks between tectonic, climate and surface processes, the intricate relations of which are still a matter of discussion. The Chilean convergent margin, forming the outstanding Andean subduction orogen, constitutes an ideal natural laboratory for the investigation of climate, tectonics and their interactions. In order to study both processes, I examined marine and lacustrine sediments from different depositional environments on- and offshore the south-central Chilean coast (38-40°S). I combined sedimentological, geochemical and isotopical analyses to identify climatic and tectonic signals within the sedimentary records. The investigation of marine trench sediments (ODP Site 1232, SONNE core 50SL) focused on frequency changes of turbiditic event layers since the late Pleistocene. In the active margin setting of south-central Chile, these layers were considered to reflect periodically occurring earthquakes and to constitute an archive of the regional paleoseismicity. The new results indicate glacial-interglacial changes in turbidite frequencies during the last 140 kyr, with short recurrence times (~200 years) during glacial and long recurrence times (~1000 years) during interglacial periods. Hence, the generation of turbidites appears to be strongly influenced by climate and sea level changes, which control on the amount of sediment delivered to the shelf edge and therewith the stability of the continental slope: more stable slope conditions during interglacial periods entail lower turbidite frequencies than in glacial periods. Since glacial turbidite recurrence times are congruent with earthquake recurrence times derived from the historical record and other paleoseismic archives of the region, I concluded that only during cold stages the sediment availability and slope instability enabled the complete series of large earthquakes to be recorded. The sediment transport to the shelf region is not only driven by climate conditions but also influenced by local forearc tectonics. Accelerating uplift rates along major tectonic structures involved drainage anomalies and river flow inversions, which seriously altered the sediment supply to the Pacific Ocean. Two examples for the tectonic hindrance of fluvial systems are the coastal lakes Lago Lanalhue and Lago Lleu Lleu. Both lakes developed within former river valleys, which once discharged towards the Pacific and were dammed by tectonically uplifted sills at ~8000 yr BP. Analyses of sediment cores from the lakes showed similar successions of marine/brackish deposits at the bottom, covered by lacustrine sediments on top. Dating of the transitions between these different units and the comparison with global sea level curves allowed me to calculate local Holocene uplift rates, which are distinctly higher for the upraised sills (Lanalhue: 8.83 ± 2.7 mm/yr, Lleu Lleu: 11.36 ± 1.77 mm/yr) than for the lake basins (Lanalhue: 0.42 ± 0.71 mm/yr, Lleu Lleu: 0.49 ± 0.44 mm/yr). I hence considered the sills to be the surface expression of a blind thrust associated with a prominent inverse fault that is controlling regional uplift and folding. After the final separation of Lago Lanalhue and Lago Lleu Lleu from the Pacific, a constant deposition of lacustrine sediments preserved continuous records of local environmental changes. Sequences from both lakes indicate a long-term climate trend with a significant shift from more arid conditions during the Mid-Holocene (8000 – 4200 cal yr BP) to more humid conditions during the Late Holocene (4200 cal yr BP – present). This trend is consistent with other regional paleoclimatic data and interpreted to reflect changes in the strength/position of the Southern Westerly Winds. Since ~5000 years, sediments of Lago Lleu Lleu are marked by numerous intercalated detrital layers that recur with a mean frequency of ~210 years. Deposition of these layers may be triggered by local tectonics (i.e. earthquakes), but may also originate from changes in the local climate (e.g. onset of modern ENSO conditions). During the last 2000 years, pronounced variations in the terrigenous sediment supply to both lakes suggest important hydrological changes on the centennial time-scale as well. A lower input of terrigenous matter points to less humid phases between 200 cal yr B.C. - 150 cal yr A.D., 900 - 1350 cal yr A.D. and 1850 cal yr A.D. to present (broadly corresponding to the Roman, Medieval, and Modern Warm Periods). More humid periods persisted from 150 - 900 cal yr A.D. and 1350 - 1850 cal yr A.D. (broadly corresponding to the Dark Ages and the Little Ice Age). In conclusion, the combined investigation of marine and lacustrine sediments is a feasible method for the reconstruction of climatic and tectonic processes on different time scales. My approach allows exploring both climate and tectonics in one and the same archive, and is largely transferable to other active margins worldwide. / An aktiven Kontinentalrändern wirken komplexe Rückkopplungen zwischen Tektonik, Klima- und Oberflächenprozessen, deren Zusammenhänge bisher nur in Grundzügen verstanden und Gegenstand aktueller Forschung sind. Der chilenische Kontinentalrand – mit den Anden als größtem Subduktionsorogen der Erde – bietet ein natürliches Labor zur Erforschung von Klima und Tektonik sowie deren Wechselbeziehungen. Um beide Prozesse genauer zu verifizieren, habe ich marine und lakustrine Sedimente entlang der südlichen Küste Zentralchiles (38-40°S) untersucht und die enthaltenen klimatischen und tektonischen Signale mit einer Kombination aus sedimentologischen, geochemischen und Isotopen-Analysen identifiziert. Die Untersuchung der marinen Trenchsedimente (ODP-Bohrung 1232, SONNE-Kern 50SL) konzentriert sich dabei auf Änderungen in der Ablagerungsfrequenz von turbiditischen Lagen, welche in der tektonisch aktiven Region süd-zentral Chiles als Anzeiger periodisch auftretender Erdbeben und somit als Archiv lokaler Seismizität gewertet werden. Für die letzten 140 000 Jahre zeigen die Daten deutliche Schwankungen der Turbiditfrequenzen: Während in Glazialzeiten in etwa ein Ereignis alle 200 Jahre zu verzeichnen ist, treten Turbidite in den Interglazialzeiten nur etwa alle 1000 Jahre auf. Die Häufigkeit der Turbidite scheint demnach nicht nur von der lokalen Seismizität, sondern auch von globalen Klima- und Meeresspiegelschwankungen abhängig zu sein. Beide bestimmen die Sedimentmenge, die den Kontinentalschelf und die Schelfkante erreicht, und damit letztendlich die Stabilität des Kontinentalhanges; so führen stabilere Hangverhältnisse in den Interglazialen zu geringeren Turbiditfrequenzen als in den Glazialen. Da die glazialen Turbidithäufigkeiten gut mit der Häufigkeit von historisch dokumentierten Erdebeben übereinstimmen, scheint in Abhängigkeit der größeren Sedimentmenge und der geringeren Hangstabilität nur in den Kaltzeiten die Gesamtzahl aller großen Erbeben durch Turbidite aufgezeichnet zu werden. Neben dem Klima bestimmt auch die lokale Forearc-Tektonik den Sedimenttransport zur Schelfregion. Erhöhte Hebung entlang tektonischer Strukturen kann zu Veränderungen im Gewässernetz führen und so die Sedimentzufuhr zum Pazifik modifizieren oder gar unterbinden. Zwei Beispiele für die tektonische Blockade von Flusssystemen entlang von Störungszonen sind die heutigen Küstenseen Lago Lanalhue und Lago Lleu Lleu. Beide Seen entwickelten sich aus ehemaligen Flusssystemen, die einst zum Pazifik hin entwässerten und vor etwa 8000 Jahren durch lokale tektonische Hebung entlang einer inversen Verwerfung aufgestaut wurden. Sedimentkernanalysen zeigen für beide Seen eine ähnliche Abfolge von zunächst marinem und darüber liegendem lakustrinen Material. Die genaue Datierung des marin-lakustrinen Übergangs und der Vergleich mit globalen Meeresspiegelkurven erlaubt die Berechnung lokaler holozäner Hebungsraten. Für die Schwellen, die beide Seen eindämmen, sind diese Raten deutlich höher (Lanalhue: 8.83 ± 2.7 mm/Jahr; Lleu Lleu: 11.36 ± 1.77 mm/Jahr) als für die Seebecken selbst (Lanalhue: 0.42 ± 0.71 mm/Jahr; Lleu Lleu: 0.49 ± 0.44 mm/Jahr). Die Schwellen scheinen deshalb Anzeiger einer bislang verdeckten Überschiebung zu sein, die Hebung und Verformung in der Region der beiden Seen beeinflusst. Seit ihrem Aufstauen werden in beiden Seen kontinuierlich lakustrine Sedimente abgelagert und so lokale/regionale Umwelt- und Klimaänderungen archiviert. Die Sedimentsequenzen zeigen einen Übergang von ariderem Klima im mittleren Holozän (8000 - 4200 Jahre vor heute) zu humideren Bedingungen im späten Holozän (seit 4200 Jahren). Dieser Trend stimmt mit anderen paläoklimatischen Daten der Umgebung überein, und wird als Zeichen einer Änderung in der Stärke bzw. Breitenlage der südhemisphärischen Westwinde interpretiert. Seit etwa 5000 Jahren sind die Sedimente des Lago Lleu Lleu durch regelmäßig auftretende detritische Lagen gekennzeichnet, die in ihrer Ursache sowohl tektonisch (z.B. durch Erdbeben) als auch klimatisch (z.B. durch Änderungen der El Niño Southern Oscillation) bedingt sein könnten. Seit etwa 2000 Jahren weisen in beiden Seen vermehrte Schwankungen im Terrigeneintrag auch auf kurzfristigere hydrologische Änderungen hin. Ein verminderter Eintrag lässt auf weniger humides Klima zwischen 200 B.C. - 150 A.D., 900 - 1350 A.D., und nach 1850 A.D. (in etwa der römischen, mittelalterlichen und gegenwärtigen Warmzeit) schließen; vermehrter Eintrag zwischen 150 - 900 A.D sowie 1350 - 1850 A.D. (in etwa den ‚Dark-Ages’ und der Kleinen Eiszeit) weist dagegen ein stärker humides Klima hin. Wie die Ergebnisse zeigen, ist die kombinierte Analyse von marinen und lakustrinen Sedimenten ein praktikabler Ansatz, um klimatische und tektonische Prozesse auf verschiedenen Zeitskalen in ein und demselben Archiv zu untersuchen. Die Methode lässt sich weitgehend auch auf andere aktive Kontinentalränder übertragen.

Origin and Architecture of Deep-water Levee Deposits: Insight from the Ancient Rock Record and Experiments

Khan, Zishann 22 December 2011 (has links)
Although levee deposits make up a significant part of modern and ancient deep-marine slope systems, details of their internal lithological composition and stratal architecture remain poorly documented. At the Castle Creek study area, strata of the Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation (Windermere Supergroup) crop out superbly in a kilometre-scale section through a sinuous deep-water channel-levee system (ICC3). Levee deposits near the outer bend of the channel consist of sandstone-rich (sandstone-to-mudstone ratio of 68:42), medium- to thick-bedded turbidites interstratified with thinly-bedded turbidites. Structureless sandstone (Ta), planar laminated sandstone (Tb), non-climbing ripple cross-stratified sandstone (Tc) and massive and laminated siltstone (Td) are common. Thick beds generally thicken and then thin and fine laterally over about 300 m. Thin-bedded strata, in contrast, thin and fine negligibly over similar distances. In the distal part of the outer-bend levee (up to 700 m laterally away from the channel) strata consist predominantly of thin-bedded Tcd turbidites with a much lower sandstone-to-mudstone ratio (35:65). On the opposite side of the channel, inner-bend levee deposits are mudstone-rich, locally as low as 15:85, and consist mostly of thin-bedded, Tcd turbidites, although thicker-bedded, Ta-d turbidites are more common in the lower part of the section. Lateral thinning and fining of beds is more rapid than their outer-bend counterpart. Levee deposits of ICC3 comprise three stacked decametre-scale upward-thinning and -fining successions. Each is interpreted to record a depositional history consisting of lateral channel migration, levee deposition, channel filling, and distal levee deposition. During the early stage of increasing levee relief it is proposed that the termini of individual beds progressively backstep towards the channel margin resulting in an overall lateral thinning of the stratal profile. This interpretation notably contrasts the common assumption that levee morphology is the result of the vertical stacking of beds that dip. In addition to field studies, laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the depositional threshold of non-climbing ripple cross-stratification, which is common in levee strata of ICC3. It was determined that non-climbing ripples form when bed aggradation rates are less than 0.015 cm/sec, and most probably in flows made up of poorly sorted sediment.

Origin and Architecture of Deep-water Levee Deposits: Insight from the Ancient Rock Record and Experiments

Khan, Zishann 22 December 2011 (has links)
Although levee deposits make up a significant part of modern and ancient deep-marine slope systems, details of their internal lithological composition and stratal architecture remain poorly documented. At the Castle Creek study area, strata of the Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation (Windermere Supergroup) crop out superbly in a kilometre-scale section through a sinuous deep-water channel-levee system (ICC3). Levee deposits near the outer bend of the channel consist of sandstone-rich (sandstone-to-mudstone ratio of 68:42), medium- to thick-bedded turbidites interstratified with thinly-bedded turbidites. Structureless sandstone (Ta), planar laminated sandstone (Tb), non-climbing ripple cross-stratified sandstone (Tc) and massive and laminated siltstone (Td) are common. Thick beds generally thicken and then thin and fine laterally over about 300 m. Thin-bedded strata, in contrast, thin and fine negligibly over similar distances. In the distal part of the outer-bend levee (up to 700 m laterally away from the channel) strata consist predominantly of thin-bedded Tcd turbidites with a much lower sandstone-to-mudstone ratio (35:65). On the opposite side of the channel, inner-bend levee deposits are mudstone-rich, locally as low as 15:85, and consist mostly of thin-bedded, Tcd turbidites, although thicker-bedded, Ta-d turbidites are more common in the lower part of the section. Lateral thinning and fining of beds is more rapid than their outer-bend counterpart. Levee deposits of ICC3 comprise three stacked decametre-scale upward-thinning and -fining successions. Each is interpreted to record a depositional history consisting of lateral channel migration, levee deposition, channel filling, and distal levee deposition. During the early stage of increasing levee relief it is proposed that the termini of individual beds progressively backstep towards the channel margin resulting in an overall lateral thinning of the stratal profile. This interpretation notably contrasts the common assumption that levee morphology is the result of the vertical stacking of beds that dip. In addition to field studies, laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the depositional threshold of non-climbing ripple cross-stratification, which is common in levee strata of ICC3. It was determined that non-climbing ripples form when bed aggradation rates are less than 0.015 cm/sec, and most probably in flows made up of poorly sorted sediment.

Sedimentary Cyclicity In The Upper Cretaceous Successions Of The Haymana Basin (turkey): Depositional Sequences As Response To Relative Sea &amp / #8211 / Level Changes

Huseynov, Afgan 01 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The Haymana basin in Central Anatolia (Turkey) formed on a Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene fore &amp / #8211 / arc accretionary wedge. The aim of this study is to investigate the sedimentary cyclicity and depositional sequences in the Upper Cretaceous clastic successions of the Haymana basin. To be able to achieve this objective, a 250 m stratigraphic section, which is mainly composed of siliciclastics has been measured in the Haymana Basin. In this study, detailed lithofacies analyses were performed and five different facies were recognized in the studied interval of the Haymana Formation. Sandstones, shales and conglomerates are the most abundant in the succession. In the measured section, two chronozones were identified based on the biostratigraphic data. These are the lower Dicarinella asymetrica chronozone and the upper Globotruncanita elevata - Globotruncana ventricosa chronozone corresponding to the Upper Santonian and Lower to Middle Campanian, respectively. Sedimentological analyses, such as provenance, palaeocurrent and grain-size sphericity were also performed and their relation with depositonal environment and change in depositional conditions were discussed. In order to construct the sequence stratigraphic framework, detailed lithofacies analyses and their vertical association were carried out. The studied interval of the Haymana Formation represents a prograding submarine fan subdivided into three depositional sequences, each with several tens of meters thick successions and two sequence boundaries. Each depositonal sequence consists of system tracts and turbiditic basic sequences with sandstone and conglomeratic beds overlain by mudstones. Turbiditic basic sequences, the sandstone and mudstone alternation allows distinction of smaller subdivisions, namely, basic cyclic units, which are the building blocks of system tracts and turbiditic basic sequences. Depositional sequences of the studied section of the Haymana Formation may correspond to third order relative sea &amp / #8211 / level cycles. Accordingly, fourth &amp / #8211 / and fifth &amp / #8211 / order (Milankovich) cycles might be proposed as basic sequences and basic cyclic units, respectively.

Reconstruction des transferts sédimentaires en provenance du système glaciaire de mer d'Irlande et du paléo-fleuve Manche au cours des derniers cycles climatiques

Toucanne, Samuel Cremer, Michel. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse de doctorat : Sciences et environnements. Sédimentologie marine et paléoclimats : Bordeaux 1 : 2008. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre.

Swastika (Upper Pennsylvanian) shelf-margin deltas and delta-fed turbidites, Flowers "Canyon Sand" Field area, Stonewall County, Texas

Neuberger, Daniel J. 05 August 2011 (has links)
Hydrocarbon producing, deep-water Cisco sands along the Eastern Shelf were studied in the vicinity of Flowers "Canyon Sand" Field to develop a depositonal model explaining their origin, geometry, and style of deposition. Regional correlations and subsurface mapping indicate that producing sands were deposited within the Swastika lithogenetic unit, which contains a network of shelf-margin fluvial/deltaic, slope, and basin depositional systems deposited between transgressive Gunsight and Ivan Limestones. The sands are not "Canyon", but Virgilian in age. During Swastika time a wedge of sediments up to 1100 feet thick was deposited in the study area in response to westward progradation of shelf-margin deltas. Standard mapping techniques and detailed correlations using nearly 700 well logs and the examination of 3 cores indicate that this wedge can be divided into three principal systems: (1) a sand-dominated turbidite, basin and lower slope system, which constitutes the reservoir facies, (2) a shale-rich prodelta/slope system punctuated by slope channel filled gullies, and (3) a sand-dominated shelf-margin fluvial/deltaic system. Ten deltaic lobes, averaging 2 miles in diameter, were recognized. These lobes may have been deposited during a lowstand of sea level. Elongate/lobate geometry and rapid shifting of lobes indicate high depositional rates. Shelf-margin instabilities associated with deltas led to prodelta/slope slumping, gully formation, and generation of turbidity currents. Turbidity currents generated by the earliest deltas to breach the shelf break were of sufficient magnitude to erode a broad, shallow inner-fan valley at the base of the slope. This valley initially focused turbidity currrents onto a base-of-slope terrace, which was mapped on top of the Gunsight Limestone, and formed by differential compaction over a subjacent Canyon delta or carbonate buildup. Low gradients associated with this terrace gave rise to a sediment trap. Nearly all existing production in Flowers Field is established above this terrace. Turbidites deposited within this phase of Swastika evolution display characteristics of an elongate/radial type fan deposit. Continued deltaic progradation filled the inner-fan valley. Once this valley was breached, a network of small channels originating as gullies along slopes in front of the advancing Swastika delta system transported sediment down the slope to form an aggrading/prograding wedge of turbidite and volumetrically less significant grain flow deposits. This change in depositional style led to superposition of what is best classified as an elongate/debris apron type system over the earlier elongate/radial deposits. A critical conclusion is that no single channel developed into a large canyon feeder system, which resulted in facies relationships that differ from commonly accepted models calling on a prolonged point source. Given the importance of turbidite sands in many petroliferous basins, application of the delta-fed model to appropriate turbidite systems can improve exploration strategies. / text

Morphodynamics and geometry of channels, turbidites and bedforms

Peyret, Aymeric-Pierre Bernard 27 January 2012 (has links)
The evolution of landscapes and seascapes in time is the result of the constant interaction between flows and topography. Flows change topography, which in turn change the flow. This feedback causes evolution processes to be highly non-linear and complex. When full analytical derivations of the co-evolution of topography and flow are not possible without oversimplifications, as is the case in river bends, recent large topographical datasets and modern computers allow for correlations between horizontal (planview) and cross-sectional geometry of channels. Numerical analysis in the Mississippi and Trinity rivers indicate that the type of correlation between river radius of curvature and bankfull channel width depends on the migration behavior of the river. In other cases, channel topography may only have a second-order effect on its own evolution, as is the case for fully depositional turbidity currents, and the evolution of aeolian field topography may only be a function of this topography. I show that in these situations, changes in topography may be decoupled from details of the flow field and modeled very easily with a good accuracy. / text

Origin and Architecture of Deep-water Levee Deposits: Insight from the Ancient Rock Record and Experiments

Khan, Zishann 22 December 2011 (has links)
Although levee deposits make up a significant part of modern and ancient deep-marine slope systems, details of their internal lithological composition and stratal architecture remain poorly documented. At the Castle Creek study area, strata of the Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation (Windermere Supergroup) crop out superbly in a kilometre-scale section through a sinuous deep-water channel-levee system (ICC3). Levee deposits near the outer bend of the channel consist of sandstone-rich (sandstone-to-mudstone ratio of 68:42), medium- to thick-bedded turbidites interstratified with thinly-bedded turbidites. Structureless sandstone (Ta), planar laminated sandstone (Tb), non-climbing ripple cross-stratified sandstone (Tc) and massive and laminated siltstone (Td) are common. Thick beds generally thicken and then thin and fine laterally over about 300 m. Thin-bedded strata, in contrast, thin and fine negligibly over similar distances. In the distal part of the outer-bend levee (up to 700 m laterally away from the channel) strata consist predominantly of thin-bedded Tcd turbidites with a much lower sandstone-to-mudstone ratio (35:65). On the opposite side of the channel, inner-bend levee deposits are mudstone-rich, locally as low as 15:85, and consist mostly of thin-bedded, Tcd turbidites, although thicker-bedded, Ta-d turbidites are more common in the lower part of the section. Lateral thinning and fining of beds is more rapid than their outer-bend counterpart. Levee deposits of ICC3 comprise three stacked decametre-scale upward-thinning and -fining successions. Each is interpreted to record a depositional history consisting of lateral channel migration, levee deposition, channel filling, and distal levee deposition. During the early stage of increasing levee relief it is proposed that the termini of individual beds progressively backstep towards the channel margin resulting in an overall lateral thinning of the stratal profile. This interpretation notably contrasts the common assumption that levee morphology is the result of the vertical stacking of beds that dip. In addition to field studies, laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the depositional threshold of non-climbing ripple cross-stratification, which is common in levee strata of ICC3. It was determined that non-climbing ripples form when bed aggradation rates are less than 0.015 cm/sec, and most probably in flows made up of poorly sorted sediment.

Sedimentologia e estratigrafia dos turbiditos lacustres da Formação Candeias no nordeste da Bacia do Recôncavo, Bahia

Brandão, Aglaia Trindade January 2015 (has links)
A Formação Candeias (PACK & ALMEIDA, 1945) pertencente ao Grupo Santo Amaro, consiste em arenitos e folhelhos do período Cretáceo e corresponde aos primeiros depósitos da abertura plena do rifte da Bacia do Recôncavo. A idade destes sedimentos varia do Berriasiano médio ao Valanginiano inferior (~143M. a.), com uma amplitude temporal de 4,5 M.a. e uma espessura média de 1000 m. Localiza-se no andar Rio da Serra, e os sedimentos são interpretados como lacustres e depósitos de corrente de turbidez, da fase de clímax do Rifte (PROSSER, 1993), possuindo um papel muito importante na historia do desenvolvimento da extração de petróleo e gás na Bacia do Recôncavo, pois os folhelhos desta formação são as rochas geradoras desta bacia, e os arenitos são importantes reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos. Entender os processos sedimentológicos desta formação, bem como sua evolução estratigráfica, ainda é um desafio, pois a maioria das informações provém de dados indiretos (sísmica, perfis elétricos e dados de produção de petróleo), já que os afloramentos são escassos. Assim, os estudos das rochas de testemunhos seriam os dados diretos principais e aqui explorados. A área de estudo está localizada no compartimento estrutural denominado Borda Nordeste da Bacia do Recôncavo, e abrange os campos de Rio Itariri, Fazenda Bálsamo e Riacho da Barra, que estão alinhados ao longo da Falha de Salvador (borda falhada do rifte) no Patamar de Patioba. O sistema deposicional é interpretado como lacustre com depósitos arenosos provenientes de corrente de turbidez, é composto principalmente por pelitos, heterolitos, arenitos arcoseanos (FOLK, 1968) e arenitos híbridos (ZUFFA, 1980). Os fluxos turbiditicos são interpretados como resultado da desestabilização do talude lacustre em período de atividade tectônica intensa. Durante o período de quiescência tectônica, a maior parte da sedimentação é atribuída a rochas pelíticas. Estes depósitos podem ser correlacionados em toda a borda nordeste e os pelitos possuem uma boa resposta em perfis elétricos e sísmica. A estratigrafia de sequências (ES) em bacias tipo rifte pode utilizar os mesmos critérios dos utilizados em bacias intracratônicas ou de margem passiva, porém deve-se levar em conta a intensa atividade tectônica atuante, como propõem Prosser, (1993) e Martins - Neto & Catuneanu (2010). A metodologia utilizada baseia-se identificar tendências Transgressiva – Regressiva (T-R) segundo Embry & Johannenessen (1992), de 3ª e 4ª ordens e, a partir destas, identificar as principais superfícies estratigráficas. Foram assim, identificadas cinco superfícies estratigráficas (duas superfícies de inundação máxima (SIM) e três limites de sequência (LS)) para as três sequências deposicionais, denominadas como Sequencia I, Sequencia II e Sequencia III. Estas superfícies permitiram correlacionar os depósitos arenosos, utilizando os perfis elétricos (Raios Gama, Resistividade e densidade-neutrão). Para isso, foram descritos 1430m de testemunhos, 54 lâminas petrográficas, feita a interpretação sísmica dos horizontes estratigráficos de duas sísmicas 3D, análises geoquímica de minerais pesados, análise de palinofácies e geoquímica orgânica, de seis poços dos três campos em estudo. A análise estratigráfica e sedimentológica baseou-se na correlação rocha x perfil destes poços, descrição granulométrica e interpretação das fácies, suas associações e petrofácies. As fácies arenosas são descritas como arenitos finos a grossos, com estratificação plana paralela a cruzada de baixo ângulo, muitas vezes com fluidização e carga e maciços. Estas fácies estão relacionadas à fácies de canais turbidíticos ou a lobos turbidíticos proximais. Heterolitos e arenitos muito finos com ripples de corrente e intensa fluidização e pelitos cinza laminados e maciços estão relacionados a lobos turbidíticos distais ou a depósitos de fundo de bacia. A análise petrográfica dos arenitos revelou que estes são essencialmente arcoseanos, e com presença abundante de bioclastos de ostracodes, oncolitos, além de pelóides e alguns aloquímicos indiferenciados, para sequencia I, e fragmentos de rocha metamórfica, ígnea e sedimentar, além de cristais de carbonato, fosfatos e intraclasto lamoso, para a sequência II. Calcita, calcita ferrosa, dolomita, dolomita ferrosa e são os principais cimentos encontrados provavelmente devido à dissolução dos aloquímicos carbonáticos. Porém os processos diagenéticos mais frequentes são a autigênese de sílica gerando crescimento de quartzo e albita. Muitos destes processos diagenéticos podem contribuir para redução substancial da porosidade primária e permeabilidade, porém quando a principal porosidade (primária intergranular) está combinada com a secundária (dissolução de feldspatos ou bioclastos gerando porosidade móldica ou intragranular), pode melhorar consideravelmente a porosidade destes arenitos. As características permoporosas melhores estão localizadas na sequência II, porém os reservatórios mais extensos, e de boa correlação lateral estão na sequência I, isso de dá pelo fato da sequencia I ter sido depositada em um ambiente desconfinado, e a sequencia II estar numa região mais confinada. Além da sequencia I ter sofrido maior processo de diagênese que a sequencia II, resultado provavelmente da cimentação de carbonato abundante neste intervalo estratigráfico e autigênese de sílica nos grãos de quartzo. Porém a porosidade secundária gerada pela dissolução dos constituintes carbonáticos e feldspato, proporcionou um aumento desta porosidade. A análise de palinofácies e geoquímica orgânica revelaram um aumento de fitoclastos para o topo da formação, o que indica que estes ficam cada vez mais continentais e com influencia fluvial mais acentuada. A intensa concentração de matéria orgânica resultando em um COT alto corresponde as SIM, reconhecidas em perfil e sísmica, sendo estes os intervalos Geradores da Bacia. Os dados de geoquímica dos minerais pesados permitiu reconhecer a existência de duas proveniências diferentes para os arenitos da sequencia I e sequência II, com base na assembleia de minerais pesados e principalmente pelos índices de Ar e Titanio+Zr. Revela ainda que a sequência I corresponde a sedimentos de segundo ciclo, ou seja, a retrabalhamento de rochas sedimentares preexistentes, e a grande quantidade de granada em todo o poço revela que estas rochas sofreram pouco processo de intemperismo, com rápida erosão e deposição. A importância dos estudos sedimentológicos e estratigráficos em escala de campo é principalmente para a previsão das fácies e sistema deposicional e consequentemente do reservatório encontrado. Sob o ponto de vista da ocorrência de reservatórios, estas correlações são muito importantes, pois permitem realizar previsões destes depósitos, e das suas fácies. / Candeias Formation (PACK & ALMEIDA, 1945) is belonging to the Santo Amaro Group, and consisting in sandstones and shales of the Cretaceous period and corresponds to the first deposit of the Rift phase from Recôncavo Basin. The age of these sediments varies from Medium Berriasian to lower Valanginian (~ 143M.a.). With a time range from of 4.5 M.a. and an average thickness of 1000 m. Located in Rio da Serra stage and this sediments are interpreted as lacustrine shales and deposits of turbidity current. The Rift climax (PROSSER, 1993), or Candeias Formation had a very important role in the history of development of oil and gas extraction in the Recôncavo Basin, because the shales are the source rocks from this basin, and the sandstones are important hydrocarbon reservoirs. Understanding the sedimentological processes of this formation and their stratigraphic evolution, is still a challenge, because most of the information comes from indirect data (seismic, logs and oil production data), because the outcrops are scarce. Thus, studies of the cores are the main and direct data explored here. The study area is located in the structural compartment from Recôncavo Basin, called Borda Nordeste, and covers the Rio Itariri field, Fazenda Bálsamo field and Riacho da Barra field, which are aligned along the Salvador Fault in Patioba plateau. The depositional system is interpreted as lake with sandy deposits from turbidity current, and is mainly composed of shales, intercalation of shale and very fine sandstones, arkosean sandstones (FOLK, 1968) and sandstones hybrids (ZUFFA, 1980). The turbidite flows are interpreted as a result of destabilization of the lake platform in intense tectonic activity period. During the tectonic quiescence, most of shale sedimentation is assigned. These deposits can be correlated throughout the study area and the shale has a good response in electrical and seismic profiles. The sequence stratigraphy (SE) in rift basins could be used with the same criteria from those used in intracratonic basins or passive margin basins, but always thinking that this kind of basin are constantly affected by tectonics, as proposed by Prosser (1993) and Martins - Neto & Catuneanu (2010). The methodology is based on identify tendencies Transgressive - Regressive (TR) as proposed for Embry & Johannenessen (1992), from 3rd and 4th orders of sequence and, identify key stratigraphic surfaces then. Have been interpreted five stratigraphic surfaces (two of maximum flood surfaces (MFS) and three sequence limit (SL)) for the three depositional sequences, referred to as Sequence I Sequence II and Sequence III. These surfaces allowed correlating the sandy deposits, using the electric logs (Gamma, Resistivity and neutron-density). Have been described 1430m core, 54 thin sections, seismic interpretation of the stratigraphic surfaces of two 3D seismic, geochemical analysis of heavy minerals, palynofacies analysis and organic geochemistry, of six wells from the three fields in study. The stratigraphic and sedimentological analysis was based on the rock x core correlation, size description and interpretation from facies, and their associations. The sandstones facies are described as fine and coarse sandstones, parallel stratification and cross low angle stratification, often fluidization and massive sandstones happens. These facies are related to facies of turbidite channels or proximal turbidite lobes. Very fine sandstones with intercalation of shales and sandstones with current ripples and intense fluidization and gray shales laminated and massive are related to distal turbidite lobes or the basin bottom deposits. The petrographic analysis of sandstones showed that they are essentially arkosean, and had presence abundant of ostracod bioclasts, oncolites, and peloids to sequence I, and metamorphic rock fragments, and plutonic, and carbonate crystals, phosphates to the sequence II. Calcite, ferrous calcite, dolomite, ferrous dolomite are the main cements probably found due to the dissolution of carbonate components. But the most common diagenetical processes are silica authentic growth of quartz and albite. Many of these diagenetic processes can contribute to substantial reduction of primary porosity and permeability, but when the main porosity (primary intergranular) is combined with secondary porosity (dissolution of feldspars or bioclasts) can greatly improve the porosity of these sandstones. Best permoporosity features are located in the sequence II, but the most extensive reservoirs and good lateral correlation are in sequence I. It happens because the sequence I was placed in a large environment and the sequence II is a region more confined. Sequence I have suffered larger process of diagenesis that the sequence II, probably as result of the carbonate cementation in this stratigraphic interval and authigenic silica in quartz grains. But the secondary porosity generated by dissolution of carbonate constituents and feldspar, provided an increase of this porosity. The palynofacies and geochemical organic analysis showed an increase of phytoclasts to the top of the Candeias Formation, showing increasingly more severe continental and river influences. The intense concentration of organic matter is resulting in a high organic total carbon matches the MFS recognized in profile and seismic, which are the generators of the Recôncavo Basin. The geochemical data of heavy minerals allowed to recognize the existence of two different sources for the sandstones of sequence I and II, based on the assembly of heavy minerals and especially the rates of ARi and Titanium + Zr. It also reveals that the sequence I is formed by the second cycle sediments, like an erosion of pre-existing sedimentary rocks, and the large amount of garnet around the well shows that the rocks have no significant intemperism process, with quickly erosion and deposition. The importance of sedimentological and stratigraphic studies in field scale is mainly for the prediction of facies and depositional system of the reservoir. From the point of view of the occurrence of reservoirs, these correlations are very important, since these allow to forecast deposits and their facies.

Aplicabilidade dos conceitos de competência do escoamento e de capacidade de transporte às correntes de turbidez

Buffon, Patricia January 2018 (has links)
Os conceitos de competência do escoamento e de capacidade de transporte foram desenvolvidos para escoamentos fluviais e acabam sendo transferidos para a modelagem de correntes de turbidez. No entanto, não é claro até que ponto o estabelecimento de analogias entre o ambiente fluvial e as correntes de turbidez pode ser realizado. Nesse contexto, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os conceitos de competência e de capacidade nas correntes de turbidez. O estudo foi desenvolvido experimentalmente, em um canal de inclinação variável de 4 m de comprimento, 40 cm de altura e 12 cm de largura. Um leito móvel foi construído em um trecho intermediário do canal utilizando sedimento - carvão mineral (ρ = 1405 kgm³) - com tamanho areia média. No total, 30 simulações de correntes de turbidez contínuas foram realizadas, utilizando o mesmo sedimento, porém com tamanho areia muito fina. Foram simuladas três declividades diferentes (6%, 0,3% e 0,015%), vazões de injeção entre 15 e 25 lmin, concentrações iniciais variando entre 0,03% e 5,5% e a duração dos ensaios ficou compreendida entre 3 e 30 min. O levantamento do perfil longitudinal do leito móvel, antes e após o ensaio, foi realizado e todo o sedimento foi coletado. Três quantidades distintas de sedimento foram quantificadas: a quantidade depositada antes do leito móvel, a quantidade depositada no leito móvel e a quantidade depositada depois do leito móvel. O cálculo da eficiência de transporte das correntes de turbidez no trecho do leito móvel, bem como das suas descargas sólidas, foi realizado. Também foram realizadas análises granulométricas do sedimento depositado antes e após do leito móvel. Por fim, parâmetros do fluxo foram obtidos (altura e velocidade) através de análises visuais e números adimensionais clássicos do transporte sólido em canais abertos foram avaliados. A partir da interpretação dos dados, conclui-se que os conceitos de competência do escoamento e de capacidade de transporte não foram capazes de refletir o diâmetro característico do sedimento transportado pelas correntes simuladas e a capacidade máxima de transporte desses fluxos, como normalmente ocorre em escoamentos fluviais. A relação entre a eficiência de transporte desses fluxos e a descarga sólida dos mesmos indicou que a partir de uma região a eficiência tornou-se invariante. Essa relação possui curvas com tendência logarítmica e as suas assíntotas ocorreram em valores de eficiência da ordem de 50% (inclinação de 6%) e de 40% (inclinações de 0,3% e 0,015%). A relação entre o diâmetro característico do sedimento depositado depois do leito e antes do leito indicou uma diminuição de cerca de 18% no tamanho dos grãos depositados a jusante. / The modeling of turbidity currents uses the concepts of competence and flow capacity that have been developed based on river hydraulics. However, the analogies between the fluvial environment and turbidity currents are not very clear. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the competence and flow capacity of turbidity currents. The study was performed using an experimental channel 4 m long, 40 cm high, and 12 cm wide with variable slope. A mobile bed of medium sand-size - mineral coal (ρ=1405 kgm³) - was constructed in an intermediate area of the channel. In total, 30 simulations of continuous turbidity currents were performed and the sediment used in the turbidity currents was very fine sand-size mineral coal. The simulations were accomplished considering three different channel slopes (6%, 0.3% e 0.015%); injection discharge varied between 15 and 25 l/min, and initial volumetric concentrations varied between 0.03% and 5.5%. The simulations lasted between 3 and 30 minutes. The longitudinal profile of the mobile bed was analyzed before and after each simulation, and all the sediment was collected at the end. Three different amounts of sediment were quantified: the amount of sediment deposited before, on, and after the mobile bed. Based on this data, both the transport efficiency and solid discharge of the turbidity current on the mobile bed were determined. Particle-size distribution of the deposited sediment before and after the mobile bed was also carried out. Finally, flow parameters were obtained (high and velocity) considering visual evaluation and the classical dimensional numbers in sediment transport in open channel flows were analyzed. The data interpretation revealed that the competence and flow capacity parameters were not able to reflect the grain diameter transported by the simulated currents and a maximum flow capacity of these flows, as usually is observed in fluvial flows. The relation between the transport efficiency and solid discharge of these flows demonstrated that after a certain point, the efficiency became constant. This relation resulted in log trend curves with asymptotes located at efficiency values of approximately 50% (6% slope) and 40% (0.3% and 0.015% slopes). The characteristic diameter of the sediment deposited after the mobile bed presented a reduction of 18% when compared to the sediment deposited before the mobile bed.

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