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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multi-Stage Construction of the Little Cottonwood Stock, Utah: Origin, Intrusion, Venting,Mineralization, and Mass Movement

Jensen, Collin G 01 July 2019 (has links)
The Little Cottonwood stock in central Utah, USA, is a composite granitic pluton that hosts the White Pine porphyry Mo-W deposit towards its northeast margin. The deposit is centered on the smaller White Pine intrusion, and associated igneous units include the Red Pine porphyry, phreatomagmatic pebble dikes, and rhyolite dikes. Twelve new U-Pb zircon LA-ICP-MS ages, for samples from this deposit and in pebble dikes from the nearby East Traverse Mountains, give peak ages of about 30 Ma and 27 Ma for the Little Cottonwood stock and White Pine intrusion, respectively, which correlate well with ages from previous studies. Ages of about 26 Ma were obtained for the previously undated Red Pine porphyry.The ages of the Little Cottonwood stock, White Pine intrusion, and Red Pine porphyry, as well as disparities in whole rock elemental differentiation trends, suggest that these units are magmatically distinct, and are not simply derivatives of one another with varying degrees of differentiation. Quench textures and resorbed quartz in the Red Pine porphyry are evidence that the magma system vented, which probably produced volcanic eruptions and emplacement of pebble dikes nearly synchronously with quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration and Mo-W mineralization. The mineralogy and geochemistry of these units imply that the magmas formed in a subduction-related magmatic arc setting rather than in an extensional basin related to orogenic collapse.Pebble dikes in the East Traverse Mountains 17 km away contain igneous clasts that resemble the units in the White Pine deposit in texture, mineralogy, and in U-Pb zircon ages. This supports other recent studies that suggest that the East Traverse Mountains rested atop the White Pine deposit prior to being displaced in a mega-landslide, and the pebble dikes in both locations are the top and bottom of the same mineralized phreatomagmatic system.The construction of the pluton began with intrusion of the Little Cottonwood stock, then the White Pine and Red Pine magmas. Fluid exsolution from the Red Pine magma accompanied venting, inception of the mineralizing hydrothermal system, and quenching to a porphyritic stock. Pebble dikes intruded into the overlying East Traverse Mountain block, which catastrophically failed millions of years later and was emplaced in its current location.

An integrated metamorphic and geochronological study of the south-eastern Tibetan plateau

Weller, Owen M. January 2014 (has links)
The Tibetan plateau is a vast, elevated region located in central Asia, which is underlain by the thickest crust known on Earth (up to 90 km). An outstanding question of importance to many fields within geology is how and why did the Tibetan plateau form? Models attribute the growth of the plateau to a consequence of the ongoing India-Asia continental collision, but differ in the details of how the crustal thickening was accommodated: was it by underplating of Indian lower crust or by homogeneous shortening? High-grade metamorphic rocks sampled from the region potentially hold the key to answering this question, as they contain a record of past tectonic events that can discriminate between the various proposed models. This record can be decoded by integrating field, thermobarometric and geochronological techniques, to elucidate a detailed thermotectonic understanding of a region. This methodology was applied to three case studies, each of which targeted rare tectonic windows into the mid-crust of the plateau. These regions comprise Danba in eastern Tibet, Basong Tso in south-eastern Tibet and the Western Nyainqentanglha in southern Tibet. Each case study documents previously unreported metamorphic events that have allowed original interpretations to be made regarding tectonic evolution: in Danba, all metamorphism is shown to be early Jurassic; in Basong Tso, two metamorphic belts are documented that reveal a late Triassic--early Jurassic orogenic event; and in the Western Nyainqengtanglha, Cretaceous--Neogene magmatism is shown to overprint late Triassic metamorphism. Integration of the results has enabled commentary on the large scale evolution of the Tibetan plateau from the Permian until the present day, and even hinted at its future. The results indicate that the closure of the Paleotethys played an important role in the construction of the Tibetan plateau, and suggest that homogeneous crustal thickening is not a viable model for the documented exposure levels.

Caracterização geocronológica (U-Pb), geoquímica e isotópica (Sr, Nd, Hf) do complexo Rio Capivari no terreno Embu / not available

Maurer, Victor Câmara 28 March 2016 (has links)
O Complexo Rio Capivari (CRC) é constituído por ortognaisses migmatíticos de composições graníticas a tonalíticas e anfibolitos subordinados (magmas toleíticos) em lascas tectônicas no Terreno Embu. As composições dos gnaisses do CRC são predominantemente cálcio-alcalinas a álcali-cálcicas. Idades U-Pb em núcleos de zircão com zoneamento oscilatório indicam cristalização magmática dos protólitos em três períodos principais 2.4, 2.2-2.1 e 2.0 Ga. Idades metamórficas foram reconhecidas em bordas de zircão totalmente escuras nas imagens de catodoluminescência e variam entre 620-590 Ma. A suíte sideriana (2.4 Ga) apresenta caráter juvenil, como evidenciado pelos valores positivos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd\' (+3.8) e \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf\' (+0.3 a +4.8) e pela ausência de núcleos de zircão herdado, comumente encontrados em rochas que sofreram retrabalhamento crustal. A suíte de idades riacianas (2.2-2.1 Ga) apresenta idades modelos TDM arqueanas (2.6-3.3 Ga), valores negativos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd\' (-12.0 a -4.0) e negativos a levemente positivos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf\' (-7.8 a +0.5). Portanto, tais rochas derivam de retrabalhamento de reservatórios crustais antigos. A suíte de idade orosiriana (2.0 Ga) apresenta fontes mais antigas e retrabalhadas com valores altamente negativos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd\' (-10.4) e \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf\' (-1.2 a -13.6), sugerindo prolongada residência crustal com idades modelo \'T IND.DM\' e \'T IND.Hf\' >3.3 Ga. As assinaturas de elementos traços em rocha total e a química de zircão sugerem fontes máficas para o gnaisse sideriano. Reservatórios de crosta média, mas de profundidades variáveis, parecem ser a principal fonte dos gnaisses riacianos e orosirianos. Análises em diagramas tectônicos discriminantes baseados em elementos traços de rocha total com elevadas razões \'La/Yb IND.(N)\' (>10), Nb/Yb (>2) e Th/Yb (>1), somados aos valores de \'Y IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' (<3000 ppm), U/Yb (>0.5) e Nb/Yb (0.01-0.10) da química de zircão, sugerem que ambas as suítes de idades foram geradas em ambientes de arco magmático continental, mas com um gap de 200-300 Ma entre o gnaisse sideriano e os gnaisses riacianos sem dados ou informações geológicas. Perfis multielementos (elementos traços) comparativos entre representação de amostras típicas de arco continental associado à subducção de crosta oceânica (margem andina) e amostras de arcos de ilha (Ilhas Mariana) confirmam afinidade com ambiente de arco continental para o CRC, associado à subducção de placa oceânica, principalmente para o gnaisse sideriano. Apesar de pouco representativo, devido ao número de amostras (n=1), uma acresção juvenil em 2.4 Ga colabora para uma dinâmica contínua da evolução da crosta continental. O papel desempenhado pelo CRC na evolução geral do Terreno Embu permanece enigmático. Os dados isotópicos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' e \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr IND.(i)\' do CRC (-27.3 a -19.7 e 0.704 a 0.722, respectivamente) indicam evolução temporal não compatível com o requerido para as fontes dos granitos ediacaranos do Terreno Embu, que exigem a participação de reservatórios mais primitivos (\'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' -13 a -7) e empobrecidos em Rb (\'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr IND.(i)\' \'\'QUASE IGUAL A\' 0,710). / The Rio Capivari Complex (RCC) comprises migmatitic orthogneisses with granitic to tonalitic compositions and subordinate amphibolites (tholeiitic magmas), that occur in tectonics contacts within the Embu Terrane. The RCC orthogneisses are predominantly calc-alkaline to alkali-calcic. U-Pb zircon ages obtained on oscillatory zoned zircon cores indicate protolith magmatic crystallization into three main periods 2.4, 2.2-2.1 and 2.0 Ga. CL-dark zircon rims yield dates between 620-590 Ma, interpreted as metamorphic overprinting. The Siderian suite (2.4 Ga) show juvenile character, as evidenced by positive \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(t)\' (+3.8) and \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf(t)\' (+0.3 to +4.8) values and absence of inherited zircon grains, commonly found in reworking crustal rocks. The Rhyacian suite (2.2-2.1 Ga) has Archean model ages (\'T IND.DM\' = 2.6-3.3 Ga), negative values of \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(t)\' (-12.0 to -4.0) and negative to slightly positive \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf(t)\' values (-7.8 to +0.5). Therefore, such rocks most likely derived from reworking of older crustal reservoirs. The Orosirian suite (2.0 Ga) has even older sources with strongly negative \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(t)\' (-10.4) and \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf(t)\' (-1.2 to -13.6) suggesting prolonged crustal residence time with \'T IND.DM\' and \'T IND.HF\' > 3.3 Ga. Whole-rock trace element and zircon chemistry indicate mafic sources for the Siderian suite. Middle crust reservoirs, at varying depths, appear to be the main source of the Rhyacian and Orosirian suites. According to analysis in discriminating tectonic diagrams the whole rock trace elements with high ratios \'La/Yb IND.(N)\' (> 10), Nb/Yb (> 2) and Th/Yb (> 1), added to the amounts of \'Y IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' (<3,000 ppm), U/Yb (> 0.5) and Nb/Yb (0.01 to 0.10) from zircon chemistry, suggest that all three suites were generated on continental magmatic arc environments, but with a gap of 200-300 Ma between the Siderian suite and the Rhyacian and Orosirian suites without data or geological information. Comparative multi-elements profiles (trace elements) between representation of typical continental arc samples associated with the oceanic crust subduction (Andean margin) and samples of island arcs (Mariana Islands) confirm affinity with continental arc environment for the RCC, associated with subduction oceanic plate, mainly for the Siderian suite. In spite of the small dataset, the results of this study indicate a juvenile accretion at 2.4 Ga, what suggests a continuous dynamic of continental crust evolution. The RCC role on the tectonic evolution of the Embu terrane remains enigmatic. The isotopic data \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' and \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr(i)\' of the RCC (-27.3 to -19.7 and 0.704-0.722, respectively) indicate an evolution not compatible with the sources for the Ediacaran granites of the Embu Terrane, requiring the participation of more primitive reservoirs (\'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' -13 to -7) (ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr(i)\'\'QUASE IGUAL A\' 0.710).

Caracterização geocronológica (U-Pb), geoquímica e isotópica (Sr, Nd, Hf) do complexo Rio Capivari no terreno Embu / not available

Victor Câmara Maurer 28 March 2016 (has links)
O Complexo Rio Capivari (CRC) é constituído por ortognaisses migmatíticos de composições graníticas a tonalíticas e anfibolitos subordinados (magmas toleíticos) em lascas tectônicas no Terreno Embu. As composições dos gnaisses do CRC são predominantemente cálcio-alcalinas a álcali-cálcicas. Idades U-Pb em núcleos de zircão com zoneamento oscilatório indicam cristalização magmática dos protólitos em três períodos principais 2.4, 2.2-2.1 e 2.0 Ga. Idades metamórficas foram reconhecidas em bordas de zircão totalmente escuras nas imagens de catodoluminescência e variam entre 620-590 Ma. A suíte sideriana (2.4 Ga) apresenta caráter juvenil, como evidenciado pelos valores positivos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd\' (+3.8) e \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf\' (+0.3 a +4.8) e pela ausência de núcleos de zircão herdado, comumente encontrados em rochas que sofreram retrabalhamento crustal. A suíte de idades riacianas (2.2-2.1 Ga) apresenta idades modelos TDM arqueanas (2.6-3.3 Ga), valores negativos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd\' (-12.0 a -4.0) e negativos a levemente positivos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf\' (-7.8 a +0.5). Portanto, tais rochas derivam de retrabalhamento de reservatórios crustais antigos. A suíte de idade orosiriana (2.0 Ga) apresenta fontes mais antigas e retrabalhadas com valores altamente negativos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd\' (-10.4) e \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf\' (-1.2 a -13.6), sugerindo prolongada residência crustal com idades modelo \'T IND.DM\' e \'T IND.Hf\' >3.3 Ga. As assinaturas de elementos traços em rocha total e a química de zircão sugerem fontes máficas para o gnaisse sideriano. Reservatórios de crosta média, mas de profundidades variáveis, parecem ser a principal fonte dos gnaisses riacianos e orosirianos. Análises em diagramas tectônicos discriminantes baseados em elementos traços de rocha total com elevadas razões \'La/Yb IND.(N)\' (>10), Nb/Yb (>2) e Th/Yb (>1), somados aos valores de \'Y IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' (<3000 ppm), U/Yb (>0.5) e Nb/Yb (0.01-0.10) da química de zircão, sugerem que ambas as suítes de idades foram geradas em ambientes de arco magmático continental, mas com um gap de 200-300 Ma entre o gnaisse sideriano e os gnaisses riacianos sem dados ou informações geológicas. Perfis multielementos (elementos traços) comparativos entre representação de amostras típicas de arco continental associado à subducção de crosta oceânica (margem andina) e amostras de arcos de ilha (Ilhas Mariana) confirmam afinidade com ambiente de arco continental para o CRC, associado à subducção de placa oceânica, principalmente para o gnaisse sideriano. Apesar de pouco representativo, devido ao número de amostras (n=1), uma acresção juvenil em 2.4 Ga colabora para uma dinâmica contínua da evolução da crosta continental. O papel desempenhado pelo CRC na evolução geral do Terreno Embu permanece enigmático. Os dados isotópicos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' e \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr IND.(i)\' do CRC (-27.3 a -19.7 e 0.704 a 0.722, respectivamente) indicam evolução temporal não compatível com o requerido para as fontes dos granitos ediacaranos do Terreno Embu, que exigem a participação de reservatórios mais primitivos (\'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' -13 a -7) e empobrecidos em Rb (\'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr IND.(i)\' \'\'QUASE IGUAL A\' 0,710). / The Rio Capivari Complex (RCC) comprises migmatitic orthogneisses with granitic to tonalitic compositions and subordinate amphibolites (tholeiitic magmas), that occur in tectonics contacts within the Embu Terrane. The RCC orthogneisses are predominantly calc-alkaline to alkali-calcic. U-Pb zircon ages obtained on oscillatory zoned zircon cores indicate protolith magmatic crystallization into three main periods 2.4, 2.2-2.1 and 2.0 Ga. CL-dark zircon rims yield dates between 620-590 Ma, interpreted as metamorphic overprinting. The Siderian suite (2.4 Ga) show juvenile character, as evidenced by positive \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(t)\' (+3.8) and \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf(t)\' (+0.3 to +4.8) values and absence of inherited zircon grains, commonly found in reworking crustal rocks. The Rhyacian suite (2.2-2.1 Ga) has Archean model ages (\'T IND.DM\' = 2.6-3.3 Ga), negative values of \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(t)\' (-12.0 to -4.0) and negative to slightly positive \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf(t)\' values (-7.8 to +0.5). Therefore, such rocks most likely derived from reworking of older crustal reservoirs. The Orosirian suite (2.0 Ga) has even older sources with strongly negative \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(t)\' (-10.4) and \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf(t)\' (-1.2 to -13.6) suggesting prolonged crustal residence time with \'T IND.DM\' and \'T IND.HF\' > 3.3 Ga. Whole-rock trace element and zircon chemistry indicate mafic sources for the Siderian suite. Middle crust reservoirs, at varying depths, appear to be the main source of the Rhyacian and Orosirian suites. According to analysis in discriminating tectonic diagrams the whole rock trace elements with high ratios \'La/Yb IND.(N)\' (> 10), Nb/Yb (> 2) and Th/Yb (> 1), added to the amounts of \'Y IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' (<3,000 ppm), U/Yb (> 0.5) and Nb/Yb (0.01 to 0.10) from zircon chemistry, suggest that all three suites were generated on continental magmatic arc environments, but with a gap of 200-300 Ma between the Siderian suite and the Rhyacian and Orosirian suites without data or geological information. Comparative multi-elements profiles (trace elements) between representation of typical continental arc samples associated with the oceanic crust subduction (Andean margin) and samples of island arcs (Mariana Islands) confirm affinity with continental arc environment for the RCC, associated with subduction oceanic plate, mainly for the Siderian suite. In spite of the small dataset, the results of this study indicate a juvenile accretion at 2.4 Ga, what suggests a continuous dynamic of continental crust evolution. The RCC role on the tectonic evolution of the Embu terrane remains enigmatic. The isotopic data \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' and \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr(i)\' of the RCC (-27.3 to -19.7 and 0.704-0.722, respectively) indicate an evolution not compatible with the sources for the Ediacaran granites of the Embu Terrane, requiring the participation of more primitive reservoirs (\'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' -13 to -7) (ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr(i)\'\'QUASE IGUAL A\' 0.710).

Etude pétrologique et chronométrique (U-Th-Pb) de la monazite et du zircon dans les granulites de ultra-haute température du Rogaland, Norvège / Petrochronology of monazite and zircon in ultra-high temperature granulite from Rogaland, Norway

Laurent, Antonin 08 November 2016 (has links)
La compréhension des processus orogéniques nécessite un couplage toujours plus étroit entre données pétrologiques visant à contraindre le trajet pression-température des roches et les données géochronologiques donnant accès aux âges et durées absolues. Cette thèse vise en premier lieu à étudier le comportement des monazites et des zircons, utilisés en géochronométrie U-Th-Pb dans les granulites de ultra-haute température (UHT) du Rogaland (sud de la Norvège). Nous montrons que la datation ponctuelle in-situ U-Th-Pb, combinée à l'analyse des éléments majeurs et traces contenus dans la monazite permet d'identifier et de quantifier deux incursions à ultra-haute température du Rogaland à 1030-1005 Ma et à 940-930 Ma. En effet, l'examen des relations de phases à l'équilibre entre monazite, xénotime et huttonite a permis de démontrer que les monazites étaient capables de cristalliser et d'enregistrer des températures supérieures à 880 °C. D'autre part, la caractérisation chimique et isotopique U-Th-Pb-O des néocristallisations et surcroissances des zircons permet de définir un intervalle de temps de 60 Ma entre les deux pics de métamorphisme, au cours duquel la croûte moyenne était partiellement fondue à des températures supérieures à 800°C et à basse pression (0.7-0.4 GPa). Ces travaux de thèse soulignent par ailleurs la variété des facteurs susceptibles de conduire à la remise à zéro, partielle ou non, des âges U-Th-Pb dans les monazites et les zircons. Nous montrons que compte tenu de l'histoire T-t du domaine étudié, le système chronométrique U-Th-Pb est largement contrôlé dans le zircon par le degré d'amorphisation de ce dernier lié à son auto-irradiation, alors que dans la monazite, ce sont les processus de dissolution-recristallisation en présence de fluides silicatés ou aqueux qui sont prépondérants. Nous montrons également qualitativement l'influence des conditions d'oxydo-réduction dans l'incorporation du S comme sulfate dans le réseau cristallin de la monazite et par conséquent le potentiel que représente la monazite pour sonder l'état d'oxydo-réduction lié aux différents évènements géologiques, dans les roches métamorphiques. Finalement, nous mettons en évidence une corrélation spatiale et temporelle entre magmatisme mantellique et métamorphisme de ultra-haute température qui ne peut être expliquée avec les modèles actuellement acceptés pour la genèse du métamorphisme de UHT. Ces observations peuvent néanmoins être expliquées en prenant en compte la différence de composition et de température du manteau Protérozoïque comparé à l'actuel, favorisant le développement d'orogènes ultra-chauds et de phénomènes gravitaires. / Understanding mountain building processes requires a better integration of petrological and peochronological data in order to link pressure-temperature paths to absolute ages. This work focuses on the behaviour of monazite and zircon, which are used as geochronometers, in ultra-high temperature granulites of Rogaland (South Norway). We show that linking in-situ U-Th-Pb dating of monazite with its major- and trace-element composition lead to the recognition of two ultra-high temperature (UHT) metamorphic events in Rogaland at c.1030-1005 Ma and c. 940-930 Ma. Indeed, the examination of monazite-xenotime-huttonite phase relationships suggests that monazite may record crystallization age at or near ultra-high temperature. Besides, the chemical and U-Th-Pb-O isotopic characterization of zircon neo-crystallization or overgrowths indicates that the Rogaland crust remains molten (> 800 °C at 0.7-0.4 GPa) at least during 60 My between the two identified UHT excursions. This manuscript also highlights the various factors responsible for U-Th-Pb (partial) resetting in the course of granulite facies metamorphism. Zircon behaviour is mostly controlled its level of amorphization, enhancing Pb loss during annealing, whereas monazite resetting is dominated by dissolution-precipitation processes in the presence of a melt or fluid phase. More specifically, we point out that monazite may be used to monitor the redox conditions of its crystallizing medium since monazite may incorporate the redox-sensitive element S in its lattice as sulphate. Finally, we demonstrate a spatial and temporal correlation between magmatism and UHT metamorphism in Rogaland. The timescale, P-T path and tectono-magmatic history however cannot be explained by currently accepted models for UHT. We suggest that physical and thermal specificities of Proterozoic mantle may explain the observed ultra-hot orogen style and the occurrence of gravity driven processes during orogeny.

Anomalie thermique et sous-placage en zone d'avant-arc : exemple du massif Triasique de El Oro, Equateur

Riel, Nicolas 20 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis au moins 540 Ma deux grands systèmes de subduction coexistent sur Terre : d'une part, les systèmes de subduction-collision (chaînes Hercynienne, Himalayenne ou Alpine) et d'autre part, les systèmes de subduction de type péri-pacifique. Pour ces derniers, l'avant-arc constitue une zone clef pour retracer l'évolution de la subduction au cours du temps. En effet ces zones au contact avec le slab peuvent enregistrer des événements tectoniques et/ou des conditions métamorphiques variées (e.g. formation de " paired metamorphic belts "), qui sont autant d'indicateurs du contexte géodynamique. Le massif métamorphique de El Oro en Equateur est un exemple exeptionnel où une section complète et basculée de l'avant-arc Triasique est préservée. L'ensemble est constitué d'une série métasédimentaire de bas à haut grade métamorphique intrudée par des granitoïdes de type S, juxtaposé avec un laccolithe gabbroïque et des schistes bleus. Ce travail de thèse s'est concentré sur l'étude du métamorphisme de haute-température basse-pression et ses relations les schistes bleu. Afin de contraindre l'événement tectono-métamorphique affectant l'avant-arc Equatorien au Trias et la formation d'une "paired metamorphic belt", nous avons utilisé des outils structuraux, métamorphiques, géochimiques, géochronologiques et de modélisation thermique. Nos résultats montrent que durant cette période l'avant-arc Equatorien connait un intense épisode de fusion partielle en régime extensif. La base de la croûte est migmatisée sur une épaisseur de 10km. Les estimations Pression-Température indiquent que les conditions de fusion partielle varient de 4.5 kbar et 650°C pour la partie supérieure métaxitique et jusqu'à 7.5 kbar et 720°C pour la partie inférieure diatexitique. La gradient géothermique inféré est divisé en deux segments : un segment supérieur caractérisé par un gradient de 40°C/km et un segment inférieur caractérisé par un gradient quasi-isothermique. L'absence de paragénèse de ultra-haute température est attribuée à la grande fertilité du protolithe métasédimentaire. Les résultats géochimiques montrent que les plutons granodioritiques sont issus d'un mélange entre : (1) les liquides de fusion partielle produit par la réaction de deshydration de la muscovite des métasédiments et (2) un magma basique. Les âges U-Pb sur zircons et monazites révèlent que l'événement anatectique fût bref entre 229 et 225 Ma. La source de chaleur à l'origine de l'événement thermique est attribuée à la mise en place d'un pluton gabbroïque à ~ 230 Ma en base de croûte. Successivement, se sous-plaque les schistes-bleu refroidissant rapidement l'avant-arc. L'événement anatectique observé dans le massif de El Oro au Trias s'insrit à plus grande échelle au sein d'une large anomalie thermique affectant l'ensemble du continent sud Américain entre 260 et 220 Ma. Durant cette période la marge est un soumise à un régime extensif accompagné d'un important magmatisme d'origine crustal, principalement en position d'arc et d'avant-arc. Nous attribuons cette anomalie thermique d'ampleur continental à une "avalanche mantellique". A la lumière du contexte géodynamique globale nous inteprétons la formation de la paired metamorphic belt de El Oro à la rupture du slab.

On the evolution of atmosphere-ocean oxygenation and plate tectonic processes as recorded in Paleoproterozoic sedimentary basins

Partin, Camille Ann January 2013 (has links)
Important geochemical and tectonic events in the Paleoproterozoic Era lay the foundation for the status and operation of the modern Earth, including the initial rise of atmospheric oxygen paving the path for animal evolution, and the emergence of modern plate tectonic processes leading to the amalgamation of the Canadian Shield (Laurentia). Rudimentary geological and geochronological documentation of Paleoproterozoic sedimentary basins is the foundation from which we can ask larger questions about geochemical changes or plate tectonic events on the evolving Earth, since those questions are largely answered by analyzing the sedimentary record. This thesis outlines the stratigraphy, detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, elemental and isotopic geochemistry, and basin evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Penrhyn and Piling basins on the Rae craton in Arctic Canada, which record important tectonic and geochemical events on both a regional and global scale. The concentration of the redox-sensitive trace element, U, in seawater has not been constant throughout geologic time and is linked to changes in oceanic and atmospheric oxygen content. Secular variations in the record of U contents of shales and iron formations indicate that the redox state of the atmosphere-ocean system after the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) was more dynamic than previously thought. Trends towards lower oxygen content recorded after ~2.05 Ga in the middle Proterozoic suggest that oxygen level decreased. This is contrary to traditional models assuming unidirectional atmospheric oxygen rise throughout the Proterozoic. The data demonstrate the earliest signal of oxidative U cycling, manifested in 2.47 - 2.43 Ga iron formations, and show that oxygenation was a protracted process initiated shortly after the end of the Archean. It has been proposed that a global and long-lived magmatic and tectonic shutdown event from ~2.45 to 2.22 Ga played a causal role in the GOE, since it overlaps the time interval in which atmospheric oxygen initially rose on Earth. Coupled U-Pb, Hf, and O isotope data on magmatic and detrital zircon determine that plate tectonic processes continued to operate during this interval. It is argued instead that plate tectonic processes are necessary to promote conditions favorable for atmospheric oxygen to rise.

Comparação entre o Complexo Juiz de fora e a Unidade Granulítica Ponte de Zinco: geocronologia U-Pb em zircão (LA-ICPMS), geoquímica isotópica e composição das fontes geradoras / The comparison between the Juiz de Fora Complex and the Ponte de Zinco Granulite Unit: U-Pb geeochronology (LA-ICPMS), isotopic geochemistry and isotopic composition of the generating sources

Jefferson Lima Fernandes André 18 July 2014 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A comparação entre o Complexo Juiz de Fora e a Unidade Granulítica Ponte de Zinco (Mangaratiba - RJ) revelou que existem diferenças significativas entre essas unidades. Na Unidade Granulítica Ponte de Zinco, são encontrados ortogranulitos de composição granítica e granodiorítica, que representam o embasamento da Unidade, denominada aqui de Ortogranulitos Ribeirão das Lajes. Dois outros litotipos ortoderivados também foram encontrados: (i) um ortognaisse com granada (MAN-JEF-03a), sendo que a granada ocorre de forma subordinada; (ii) ortognaisse leucocrático (MAN-JEF-04), com características miloníticas. Além dessas, rochas metassedimentares também afloram na Unidade Granulítica Ponte de Zinco. Foi interpretado que um ortogranulito (MAN-JEF-01a) de alto-K, com composição monzogranítica, cristalizou em ca. 2653 37 Ma (U-Pb em zircão por LA-ICPMS), afetado por um evento no Neoproterozóico, que gerou os minerais máficos hidratados, observados na análise petrográfica e como mostram as borda de sobrecrescimento em zircão. Sua idade modelo de Nd de 2,7 Ga e seu &#949;Nd positivo de +2,1, apontam para uma gênese mantélica, tendo assimilado rochas crustais, pois são encontrados grãos de zircão herdados de aproximadamente 2996 17 Ma e 3343 3.8 Ma. Os dados de litogeoquímica e sua razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (0,70529), são compatíveis com uma geração em um arco continental. O ortognaisses com granada do ponto MAN-JEF-03 possui composição granodiorítica. A idade de cristalização interpretada pela análise geocronológica U-Pb em zircão (LA-ICPMS), foi ca. 2117 15 Ma. Esse litotipo foi metamorfizado no Neoproterozóico, sendo a idade obtida pelo intercepto inferior de 631 40 Ma. Seus dados isotópicos apontam para uma rocha juvenil gerada a partir do manto (TDM &#8776; de 2,1 Ga e &#949;Nd = +3,4). Sua alta razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (0,710 ) juntamente com os grãos de zircão herdados (2,6 Ga) e a presença de enclaves, indicam assimilação de rochas crustais. O ortognaisse leucocrático (MAN-JEF-04) classificado como alto-K, possui composição monzogranítica, idade 2132 9,4 Ma U-Pb em zircão (LA-ICPMS). Um único grão relíquiar de ortopiroxênio encontrado em lâmina, , indica que a rocha já foi submetida a metamorfismo de fácies granulito, porém esse evento não deixou registro nos grãos analisados. O retrometamorfismo pode ter ocorrido em dois momentos, 647 11 Ma e 595 38 Ma, calculados através da concordia age, em sobrecrescimentos homogêneos e, pelo intercepto inferior, respectivamente. Sua baixa razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (&#8776; 0,703) associada com &#949;Nd positivo (+2,3) e sua idade modelo de aproximadamente 2,1 Ga, revelam que a rocha foi formada por um material mantélico juvenil. Já as análises geocronológicas em U-Pb em zircão (LA-ICPMS) na região de Juiz de Fora (MG), revelaram a existência de dois litotipos Arqueanos: um ortogranulito granodiorítico (MB-JEF-01b), de baixo-K com idade de 2849 11 Ma e com herança de 2975 10 Ma. Seu &#949;Nd positivo (+5,9) aponta para uma gênese a partir do manto depletado, já sua alta razão 87Sr/86Sr(t) (&#8776;0,709) indica contaminação de Rb de fontes externas, talvez causada pela assimilação da crosta, como revelam os zircões herdados e/ou fluidos retrometamorficos. Outro litotipo é uma rocha gabróica do tipo E-MORB, cuja idade foi calculada em 2691 14 Ma, com retrometamorfismo ocorrido no intervalo de 604 67 Ma, obtida pelo intercepto inferior. Seu &#949;Nd igual a +3,4 e sua razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (&#8776;0,701) mostram extração a partir do manto depletado. Novos dados isotópicos do CJF na região de Três Rios (RJ) e Juiz de Fora (MG), sugerem que os ortogranulitos calcioalcalinos podem representar grupos distintos. Rochas com &#949;Nd positivos são consequentemente associadas ao manto depletado, porém rochas com &#949;Nd negativos devem ter sido geradas por fusão crustal, que podem ser fusão de crosta inferior, devido a razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (0,70514) encontrada no amostra MB-JEF-02a (ortogranulito de alto-K) ou tendo a crosta contribuição nas gênese dessas rochas. Os ortogranulitos básicos possuem &#949;Nd positivos com baixas razões 87Sr/86 Sr(t) , o que indica extração a partir do manto depletado, porém sua razões La/YbN e La/NbN maiores que 1, revelam alguma contribuição de uma fonte enriquecida, assim também mostram suas razões Pb/Pb, que são maiores do que as razões calculadas para evolução de Pb na Terra. Essas interpretações ainda podem ser estendidas para um ortoanfibolito da série alcalina, encontrado na região de Três Rios (RJ). / The comparison between the Juiz de Fora Complex JFC and the Ponte de Zinco Granulite Unit, (Mangaratiba RJ) has shown that there are some significant differences between those two units. At the Ponte de Zinco Granulite Unit, one can find ortogranulites with a granitic and granodioritic composition, this is embasement of the area, call here as Ribeirão das Lajes Ortogranulites. Two other ortoderived litotypes have also been found: (i) a orthogneiss with garnet, (MAN-JEF-03a), being that the garnet exists in a subordinated form; (ii) leucocratic orthogneiss, (MAN-JEF-04), with mylonitic characteristics. In addition to the latter, Metasedimentary rocks also spring up in the Unit. It has been interpreted that an organulite (MAN-JEF-01a) of a high-K, with a monzogranitic composition, has crystallized into ca. of 2653 37 Ma (U-Pb into zircon by LA-ICPMS), affected by a Neoproterozoic event generated biotite, hornblende and overgrowth rims on zircon grains. Its model age of Nd of 2,7 Ga and its positive &#949;Nd of + 2,1, indicates a genesis from the depleted mantle, having assimilated of the crust, as zircon grains have been found of approximately 2996 17 Ma and 3343 3.8 Ma. The data of litogeochemistry and its ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,70529), are compatible with a generation in a continental arc. The orthogneiss with garnet (MAN-JEF-03a) has a granodioritic composition. Its crystallizing age, as interpreted by geocronological analysis U-Pb on zircon (LA-ICPMS), was ca. of 2117 15 Ma. This litotype has been metamorphized on the Neoproterozoic, with an age of 631 40 Ma being obtained at the lower intercept. Its isotopic data indicates a young rock generated from the mantle (TDM = de 2,1 Ga e &#949;Nd = +3,4), its high ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,710), together with the inherited zircon grains (2,6 Ga) and the presence of an enclave, indicate the assimilation of crusty rocks. The leucocratic orthogneiss, (MAN-JEF-04) classified as high-K, possesses a monzogranitic composition, age 2132 9,4 Ma U-Pb on zircon (LA-ICPMS). One single grain of orthopyroxene found on lamina, which has been practically consumed by retrometamorphism, which might have happened in two moments, 647 18 Ma and 595 38 Ma, calculated through the age concordia, on homogeneous overgrowth and, by the lower intercept, respectively. Its low ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,0703) associated to the positive &#949;Nd (+2,3) and its model age of approximately 2,1 Ga, reveal that the rock was formed by a young mantle material. Now the geochronological analysis in U-Pb on zircon (LA- ICPMS) in the Juiz de Fora (MG) region, revealed the existence of two litotypes (Arqueanos): one ortogranulite granodioritic (MB-EF-01b), of low-K with an age of 2849 11 Ma and a heritage of 2975 10 Ma. Its e Nd positive (+5,9) indicates a genesis from the depleted mantle, but its high ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,709) indicates contamination of Rb from external sources, maybe caused by the crust assimilation, as the inherited zircons reveal and/or the retrometamorfic fluids. One other lipotype is a gabbroic of the type E-MORB, its age has been calculated in 2691 14 Ma, with a retrometamorphism that occurred in the interval of 604 67 Ma, obtained by the lower intercept. Its &#949;Nd equal to +3,4 and its ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,701) show the extraction from the depleted mantle. New isotopic data of CJF in the Três Rios (RJ) and Juiz de Fora (MG) regions, suggest that the calcium-alkaline ortogranulites may represent distinctive groups. There are rocks with positive &#949;Nd, which are associated to the depleted mantle, however rocks with negative &#949;Nd must have been generated by crustal fusion, which can be the fusion of the lower crust, due to the ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,70514) found in the sample MB-JEF-02a (ortogranulite of high-K) or mixture between the mantle and the crust. The basic ortogranulites possess positive &#949;Nd with low ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t), which indicates the extraction from the depleted mantle, nevertheless its ratio La/YbN and La/NbN higher than 1, reveal some contribution from an enriched source, as well as its ratio Pb/Pb, which is bigger than the ones calculated for the evolvement of Pb on Earth. These interpretations can still be extended to an alkaline metabasic, found in the Três Rios (RJ) region.

Comparação entre o Complexo Juiz de fora e a Unidade Granulítica Ponte de Zinco: geocronologia U-Pb em zircão (LA-ICPMS), geoquímica isotópica e composição das fontes geradoras / The comparison between the Juiz de Fora Complex and the Ponte de Zinco Granulite Unit: U-Pb geeochronology (LA-ICPMS), isotopic geochemistry and isotopic composition of the generating sources

Jefferson Lima Fernandes André 18 July 2014 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A comparação entre o Complexo Juiz de Fora e a Unidade Granulítica Ponte de Zinco (Mangaratiba - RJ) revelou que existem diferenças significativas entre essas unidades. Na Unidade Granulítica Ponte de Zinco, são encontrados ortogranulitos de composição granítica e granodiorítica, que representam o embasamento da Unidade, denominada aqui de Ortogranulitos Ribeirão das Lajes. Dois outros litotipos ortoderivados também foram encontrados: (i) um ortognaisse com granada (MAN-JEF-03a), sendo que a granada ocorre de forma subordinada; (ii) ortognaisse leucocrático (MAN-JEF-04), com características miloníticas. Além dessas, rochas metassedimentares também afloram na Unidade Granulítica Ponte de Zinco. Foi interpretado que um ortogranulito (MAN-JEF-01a) de alto-K, com composição monzogranítica, cristalizou em ca. 2653 37 Ma (U-Pb em zircão por LA-ICPMS), afetado por um evento no Neoproterozóico, que gerou os minerais máficos hidratados, observados na análise petrográfica e como mostram as borda de sobrecrescimento em zircão. Sua idade modelo de Nd de 2,7 Ga e seu &#949;Nd positivo de +2,1, apontam para uma gênese mantélica, tendo assimilado rochas crustais, pois são encontrados grãos de zircão herdados de aproximadamente 2996 17 Ma e 3343 3.8 Ma. Os dados de litogeoquímica e sua razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (0,70529), são compatíveis com uma geração em um arco continental. O ortognaisses com granada do ponto MAN-JEF-03 possui composição granodiorítica. A idade de cristalização interpretada pela análise geocronológica U-Pb em zircão (LA-ICPMS), foi ca. 2117 15 Ma. Esse litotipo foi metamorfizado no Neoproterozóico, sendo a idade obtida pelo intercepto inferior de 631 40 Ma. Seus dados isotópicos apontam para uma rocha juvenil gerada a partir do manto (TDM &#8776; de 2,1 Ga e &#949;Nd = +3,4). Sua alta razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (0,710 ) juntamente com os grãos de zircão herdados (2,6 Ga) e a presença de enclaves, indicam assimilação de rochas crustais. O ortognaisse leucocrático (MAN-JEF-04) classificado como alto-K, possui composição monzogranítica, idade 2132 9,4 Ma U-Pb em zircão (LA-ICPMS). Um único grão relíquiar de ortopiroxênio encontrado em lâmina, , indica que a rocha já foi submetida a metamorfismo de fácies granulito, porém esse evento não deixou registro nos grãos analisados. O retrometamorfismo pode ter ocorrido em dois momentos, 647 11 Ma e 595 38 Ma, calculados através da concordia age, em sobrecrescimentos homogêneos e, pelo intercepto inferior, respectivamente. Sua baixa razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (&#8776; 0,703) associada com &#949;Nd positivo (+2,3) e sua idade modelo de aproximadamente 2,1 Ga, revelam que a rocha foi formada por um material mantélico juvenil. Já as análises geocronológicas em U-Pb em zircão (LA-ICPMS) na região de Juiz de Fora (MG), revelaram a existência de dois litotipos Arqueanos: um ortogranulito granodiorítico (MB-JEF-01b), de baixo-K com idade de 2849 11 Ma e com herança de 2975 10 Ma. Seu &#949;Nd positivo (+5,9) aponta para uma gênese a partir do manto depletado, já sua alta razão 87Sr/86Sr(t) (&#8776;0,709) indica contaminação de Rb de fontes externas, talvez causada pela assimilação da crosta, como revelam os zircões herdados e/ou fluidos retrometamorficos. Outro litotipo é uma rocha gabróica do tipo E-MORB, cuja idade foi calculada em 2691 14 Ma, com retrometamorfismo ocorrido no intervalo de 604 67 Ma, obtida pelo intercepto inferior. Seu &#949;Nd igual a +3,4 e sua razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (&#8776;0,701) mostram extração a partir do manto depletado. Novos dados isotópicos do CJF na região de Três Rios (RJ) e Juiz de Fora (MG), sugerem que os ortogranulitos calcioalcalinos podem representar grupos distintos. Rochas com &#949;Nd positivos são consequentemente associadas ao manto depletado, porém rochas com &#949;Nd negativos devem ter sido geradas por fusão crustal, que podem ser fusão de crosta inferior, devido a razão 87Sr/86 Sr(t) (0,70514) encontrada no amostra MB-JEF-02a (ortogranulito de alto-K) ou tendo a crosta contribuição nas gênese dessas rochas. Os ortogranulitos básicos possuem &#949;Nd positivos com baixas razões 87Sr/86 Sr(t) , o que indica extração a partir do manto depletado, porém sua razões La/YbN e La/NbN maiores que 1, revelam alguma contribuição de uma fonte enriquecida, assim também mostram suas razões Pb/Pb, que são maiores do que as razões calculadas para evolução de Pb na Terra. Essas interpretações ainda podem ser estendidas para um ortoanfibolito da série alcalina, encontrado na região de Três Rios (RJ). / The comparison between the Juiz de Fora Complex JFC and the Ponte de Zinco Granulite Unit, (Mangaratiba RJ) has shown that there are some significant differences between those two units. At the Ponte de Zinco Granulite Unit, one can find ortogranulites with a granitic and granodioritic composition, this is embasement of the area, call here as Ribeirão das Lajes Ortogranulites. Two other ortoderived litotypes have also been found: (i) a orthogneiss with garnet, (MAN-JEF-03a), being that the garnet exists in a subordinated form; (ii) leucocratic orthogneiss, (MAN-JEF-04), with mylonitic characteristics. In addition to the latter, Metasedimentary rocks also spring up in the Unit. It has been interpreted that an organulite (MAN-JEF-01a) of a high-K, with a monzogranitic composition, has crystallized into ca. of 2653 37 Ma (U-Pb into zircon by LA-ICPMS), affected by a Neoproterozoic event generated biotite, hornblende and overgrowth rims on zircon grains. Its model age of Nd of 2,7 Ga and its positive &#949;Nd of + 2,1, indicates a genesis from the depleted mantle, having assimilated of the crust, as zircon grains have been found of approximately 2996 17 Ma and 3343 3.8 Ma. The data of litogeochemistry and its ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,70529), are compatible with a generation in a continental arc. The orthogneiss with garnet (MAN-JEF-03a) has a granodioritic composition. Its crystallizing age, as interpreted by geocronological analysis U-Pb on zircon (LA-ICPMS), was ca. of 2117 15 Ma. This litotype has been metamorphized on the Neoproterozoic, with an age of 631 40 Ma being obtained at the lower intercept. Its isotopic data indicates a young rock generated from the mantle (TDM = de 2,1 Ga e &#949;Nd = +3,4), its high ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,710), together with the inherited zircon grains (2,6 Ga) and the presence of an enclave, indicate the assimilation of crusty rocks. The leucocratic orthogneiss, (MAN-JEF-04) classified as high-K, possesses a monzogranitic composition, age 2132 9,4 Ma U-Pb on zircon (LA-ICPMS). One single grain of orthopyroxene found on lamina, which has been practically consumed by retrometamorphism, which might have happened in two moments, 647 18 Ma and 595 38 Ma, calculated through the age concordia, on homogeneous overgrowth and, by the lower intercept, respectively. Its low ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,0703) associated to the positive &#949;Nd (+2,3) and its model age of approximately 2,1 Ga, reveal that the rock was formed by a young mantle material. Now the geochronological analysis in U-Pb on zircon (LA- ICPMS) in the Juiz de Fora (MG) region, revealed the existence of two litotypes (Arqueanos): one ortogranulite granodioritic (MB-EF-01b), of low-K with an age of 2849 11 Ma and a heritage of 2975 10 Ma. Its e Nd positive (+5,9) indicates a genesis from the depleted mantle, but its high ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,709) indicates contamination of Rb from external sources, maybe caused by the crust assimilation, as the inherited zircons reveal and/or the retrometamorfic fluids. One other lipotype is a gabbroic of the type E-MORB, its age has been calculated in 2691 14 Ma, with a retrometamorphism that occurred in the interval of 604 67 Ma, obtained by the lower intercept. Its &#949;Nd equal to +3,4 and its ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,701) show the extraction from the depleted mantle. New isotopic data of CJF in the Três Rios (RJ) and Juiz de Fora (MG) regions, suggest that the calcium-alkaline ortogranulites may represent distinctive groups. There are rocks with positive &#949;Nd, which are associated to the depleted mantle, however rocks with negative &#949;Nd must have been generated by crustal fusion, which can be the fusion of the lower crust, due to the ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0,70514) found in the sample MB-JEF-02a (ortogranulite of high-K) or mixture between the mantle and the crust. The basic ortogranulites possess positive &#949;Nd with low ratio 87Sr/86Sr(t), which indicates the extraction from the depleted mantle, nevertheless its ratio La/YbN and La/NbN higher than 1, reveal some contribution from an enriched source, as well as its ratio Pb/Pb, which is bigger than the ones calculated for the evolvement of Pb on Earth. These interpretations can still be extended to an alkaline metabasic, found in the Três Rios (RJ) region.

Nature and Origin of the East Traverse Mountains Mega-Landslide, Northern Utah (USA)

Chadburn, Rodney Ryan 11 December 2020 (has links)
The East Traverse Mountains are an E-W trending mountain range dividing Utah and Salt Lake valleys in northern Utah. Geologically perplexing, the nature of the East Traverse Mountains has been under investigation for 140 years. Previously, the mountain range was proposed to be a dismembered but still coherent down-faulted block that experienced 4 km of post-thrusting extension within the Charleston-Nebo thrust sheet. However, new insight on the origin of the East Traverse Mountains indicate that it is a mega landslide, roughly ~100 km3 in size, which catastrophically slid from the upper reaches of the Little-Cottonwood stock to its present-day location. The primary evidence for this landslide includes two unusual dike swarms whose roots are in the Wasatch Range and whose upper reaches are now in the East Traverse Mountains, 16 km to the SW. A swarm of pebble dikes, indicative of porphyry mineralization is found at the center of the East Traverse Mountains and contain pebbles of Little-Cottonwood stock as well as two other intrusions found at the center of a mineralized zone. These granitic clasts have phyllic alteration, contain molybdenite grains and are sourced from a subeconomic molybdenum-copper porphyry deposit located 16 km to the NE. The other dike swarm occurs on the SE corner of the range near Alpine, Utah, which contains various andesitic and phaneritic dikes of intermediate-felsic compositions (56-69 wt.% SiO2) with localized marble on their southern margin. These dikes range in U-Pb ages from 36-29 Ma. Moreover, other evidence includes brecciation of the entire mountain range as well as along the slide path of this landslide. Breccia, as well as pseudotachylyte and cataclasite have been discovered that formed in the rapid transportation of the 1-2 km thick detached block. Devitrified pseudotachylyte veins range in thickness from 1 cm to 1 m and are present in the roof zone of the pluton. Sixteen kilometers of sliding caused 70-80% of the Oquirrh Group rocks of the East Traverse Mountains to be fractured to less than 1-inch diameter clasts in breccias and broken formations, as documented by 16 years of mining. U-bearing opal replaced significant areas of brecciated volcanic rocks when hot water seeped into highly-fractured, argillically altered rock. U-Pb ages of 6.1 ± 0.9 Ma from these opalite areas could provide a minimum age for the emplacement of the mountain block. Underlying the East Traverse Mountains slide block is a layer of fallout tuff deposited in the Jordan River Narrows member with 40Ar/39Ar ages of 6.62 ± 0.07 Ma which provides a maximum age of emplacement. Therefore, we propose that the East Traverse Mountains mega-landslide occurred between 6.1 ± 0.9 Ma and 6.62 ± 0.07 Ma. Our interpretation for the East Traverse Mountains mega-landslide model builds upon previous research and data, with the addition of these recent findings. This new interpretation is crucial for understanding the potential for large normal fault systems to create significant landslide hazards.

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