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Fluorite (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronologyWolff, Reinhard 09 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Fusion crustale et évolution tardi-orogénique du Domaine Sud Armoricain. / Crustal melting and late-orogenic evolution of the South Armorican DomainTurrillot, Paul 17 December 2010 (has links)
L’évolution tardive du Domaine Sud Armoricain (segment de la chaîne Varisque Ouest Européenne), se traduit par un effondrement gravitaire de la croûte préalablement épaissie dans un contexte tectonique extensif. Cette extension s’accompagne, dans tout le domaine, d’une fusion partielle de la croûte moyenne à inférieure et de l’exhumation des roches métamorphiques issues de niveaux crustaux profonds. L’approche pluridisciplinaire conduite dans cette étude permet de proposer un calendrier précis de la fusion crustale et d’étudier les mécanismes de la déformation responsable de l’exhumation de la croûte moyenne à inférieure. Une des démarches adoptées associe l’identification structurale et cinématique précise des témoins de l’étirement et leur datation multiméthodes (U-Th/Pb sur monazite, et A/Ar sur micas). Dans la partie occidentale du Domaine Sud Armoricain, cette approche permet ainsi de documenter un continuum de déformation extensive durant plus de 20 Ma, qui accompagne en partie l’exhumation des roches de haut grade qui elle, se développe entre 325 Ma et 300 Ma. L’étude géophysique, combinant ASM et gravimétrie, permet en outre de caractériser la structure interne et la géométrie en profondeur du complexe granitique de Carnac, dont la mise en place apparaît être le témoin du stade le plus précoce de ce continuum. La fusion partielle des migmatites et la mise en place des plutons granitiques, interprétées à la fois comme le moteur et la conséquence de l’étirement et de l’exhumation, est estimée entre 335 Ma et 320 Ma. Cette anatexie généralisée apparaît synchrone à l’échelle de tout le domaine, ce qui permet un regard nouveau sur les stades tardi-orogéniques du Domaine Sud Armoricain. L’étude de la déformation extensive et de l’exhumation dans les portions occidentale et orientale, met en évidence des contrastes de style tectonique, suggérant une exhumation plus importante des parties orientales du Domaine Sud Armoricain. / The late-orogenic evolution of the South Armorican Domain (West European Variscan Belt), 0is characterized by a gravitational collapse of the thickened crust in an extensional tectonic setting. In the entire domain, this stage is coeval with a generalized crustal melting of the middle to lower crust, and with the exhumation of the deep metamorphic rocks. This multidisciplinary study allows us to put geochronological constraints on the crustal partial melting events and to analyse the deformation mechanisms responsible for the exhumation of the metamorphic rocks. One of the scientific approaches was to combine the structural and kinematic analyses of the extensional deformation, and their dating (monazite U-Th/Pb chemical and mica Ar/Ar methods). In a western part of the South Armorican Domain, this approach allows us to highlight a continuum of deformation of 20 Ma, coeval with the metamorphic rocks exhumation between 325 Ma and 300 Ma. The geophysical study of the Carnac granitic complex, using ASM and gravity surveys, allows us to define the internal structure of the granite and its deep geometry. The emplacement of this granitic complex is interpreted as the marker of the earliest stage of the extensional continuum. The migmatite partial melting and the emplacement of granitic plutons, interpreted both as the triggering factor and as the consequence of the crustal stretching and of the exhumation, is estimated between 335 Ma and 320 Ma. This generalized anatexis, synchronous in the entire domain, provides a renewed view on the late-orogenic evolution of the South Armorican Domain. The structural study of the extensional deformation and the exhumation processes in the western and eastern parts argue for contrasted tectonics, suggesting a most important exhumation in the eastern parts of the South Armorican Domain.
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Termocronologia (U-Th)He e reativação da margem continental do sudeste do Brasil: seção Serra da Mantiqueira - Gráben da Guanabara / (U-Th)He thermochronology and reactivation of the southeastern continental margin of Brazil: from Mantiqueira Mountains to Guanabara GrabenLaura Delgado Mendes 27 February 2013 (has links)
A evolução da margem continental do sudeste do Brasil tem sido discutida por diversos autores desde meados do século passado até os dias atuais, especialmente no contexto da origem e evolução dos escarpamentos e das bacias tafrogênicas. Buscou-se contribuir com novos dados sobre a evolução da área a partir da aplicação da termocronologia de baixa temperatura (U-Th)/He em apatita, que oferece uma sensibilidade significativa para registrar movimentações tectônicas na crosta superior. Foi possível obter idades em 107 cristais de
apatita de 18 amostras do embasamento coletadas no perfil com orientação NW-SE, numa seção entre a Serra da Mantiqueira e o Gráben da Guanabara. As idades corrigidas variam entre 250,1 8,7 Ma e 43,5 1,9 Ma (2 σ) e as não corrigidas entre 174,13 3,03 Ma e
27,07 0,60 Ma (1 σ). O Neocretáceo, o Eocretáceo e o Paleoceno são os principais registros no conjunto de dados, em ordem de importância. No Neocretáceo, o intervalo entre 83,6 e 72,1 Ma (Campaniano) representa o maior destaque nos registros termocronológicos, embora os outros registros (Maastrichtiano e Santoniano) também estejam presentes e sejam
importantes. As idades do Neocretáceo destacam a importância dos eventos tectonomagmáticos
e soerguimento regional na história térmica dessa área, inclusive com idades (~86 Ma) atribuídas ao contexto de soerguimento da Serra do Mar. As idades do Eocretáceo
indicam o registro de eventos térmicos mais antigos, vinculados à evolução pré-rifte. Já os dados do Paleoceno estariam associados ao evento de reativação responsável pela implantação do sistema de riftes continentais (~65 Ma) e as idades do Eoceno, restritas à
borda de falha da bacia de Resende (49,7 Ma e 43,5 Ma), à reativação do sistema de riftes nessa área. A dispersão de idades foi interpretada como efeito dos danos de radiação já que muitos grãos apresentam correlação entre idade e concentração de urânio (eU). Os padrões de tempo-temperatura (t-T), definidos a partir dos modelos HeFTy calibrados para o modelo de
difusão que considera os efeitos de danos de radiação nos cristais, registraram eventos de resfriamento rápido, os quais mostram correlação direta com episódios de reativação e soerguimento na margem continental e com registros nas bacias continentais e marginais. O
padrão de aumento das idades com a elevação, assim como da costa em direção ao interior é observado, mas mostra-se alterado pela ocorrência de idades mais jovens associadas à complexa evolução dessa margem continental com desnivelamentos de blocos vinculados à
tectônica pós-rift, numa situação que ressalta a influência dos episódios de reativação. As estimativas de denudação total variam entre 1,2 e 2,8 km. As taxas de erosão variam entre 15,2 e 35,3 m/Ma. A evolução da área indica não apenas a influência de um evento específico mas, possivelmente, uma combinação de episódios que se alternaram e/ou atuaram em conjunto em determinados períodos. Os eventos de reativação mais antigos, combinados com os mais recentes, exibem os seus remanescentes na paisagem (serras da Mantiqueira e do Mar e os grábens e bacias sedimentares) e assumem papel fundamental na evolução da área. Os registros de tais episódios podem ser observados nas histórias térmicas das rochas e nos
depósitos correlativos nas bacias sedimentares marginais e intracontinentais. / This doctoral dissertation involves low-temperature thermochronologic investigations to constrain the Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic reactivation of the continental margin of southeast Brazil. The study area is located in a segment of the Neoproterozoic Ribeira belt in
southeastern Brazil, which occupied a central position in Western Gondwana. Lately, during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, fault zones related to the development of the continental rifts in southeast Brazil reactivated. Using apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology (AHe), we have
presented the results of analysis on 107 apatite crystals of basement samples collected from a NWSE transect in the Mantiqueira Mountains to the Guanabara Graben, as well as from the NESE transverse faults. The data range from 27.07 0.60 Ma to 174.13 3.03 Ma (1 σ) for
uncorrected ages, and from 43.5 1.9 Ma to 250.1 8.7 Ma (2 σ) for corrected ages. The Neo-Cretaceous, Eo-Cretaceous, and Paleocene are the main recorded AHe ages, in order of importance. The Eo-Cretaceous ages indicate the occurrence of older thermal events related to
a pre-rifting phase (~121 Ma). The Neo-Cretaceous ages signify the importance of tectonic and magmatic events, and regional uplifting for the thermal history of the study area, including ages related to the Serra do Mar Mountains uplift (~86 Ma). Paleocene ages seem to
be related to the reactivation (~65 Ma), which was responsible for the continental rifts in the southeastern Brazil. Finally, the Eocene ages (49.7 Ma and 43.5 Ma), which are from samples restricted to the Resende Basin border faults, indicate a continental rift reactivation. We
investigated the age dispersion data, which were interpreted as an effect of radiation damage. Several samples show correlations between apatite (U-Th)/He age and effective U concentration (eU). We have applied HeFTy thermal modeling to obtain timetemperature (t
T) paths using a radiation damage diffusion model. Inverse modeling of (U-Th)/He age data suggests rapid cooling episodes for all samples. The main thermal events recorded by the HeFTy models show a direct correlation with the timing of regional tectonic events:
reactivation phases, continental margin uplift, and the sedimentary record. Apatite (U-Th)/He ages increase with distance from the coast and with elevation. However, these patterns are discontinued by samples of younger ages as a result of the reactivation process of pre-existing structures in the Brazilian continental margin. The total estimated denudation range from 1.2
to 2.8 km. The erosion rates range from 15.2 to 35.3 m/My. Thus, the multi-episodic thermal events, which led to the formation of important regional tectonic and geomorphological features (Mantiqueira Mountains, Serra do Mar Mountains, grabens, and sedimentary basins),
seem to play a fundamental role in the evolution of the Brazilian continental margin. The records can be found in the thermal history of rocks and its correlated deposits in the continental margin.
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Termocronologia (U-Th)He e reativação da margem continental do sudeste do Brasil: seção Serra da Mantiqueira - Gráben da Guanabara / (U-Th)He thermochronology and reactivation of the southeastern continental margin of Brazil: from Mantiqueira Mountains to Guanabara GrabenLaura Delgado Mendes 27 February 2013 (has links)
A evolução da margem continental do sudeste do Brasil tem sido discutida por diversos autores desde meados do século passado até os dias atuais, especialmente no contexto da origem e evolução dos escarpamentos e das bacias tafrogênicas. Buscou-se contribuir com novos dados sobre a evolução da área a partir da aplicação da termocronologia de baixa temperatura (U-Th)/He em apatita, que oferece uma sensibilidade significativa para registrar movimentações tectônicas na crosta superior. Foi possível obter idades em 107 cristais de
apatita de 18 amostras do embasamento coletadas no perfil com orientação NW-SE, numa seção entre a Serra da Mantiqueira e o Gráben da Guanabara. As idades corrigidas variam entre 250,1 8,7 Ma e 43,5 1,9 Ma (2 σ) e as não corrigidas entre 174,13 3,03 Ma e
27,07 0,60 Ma (1 σ). O Neocretáceo, o Eocretáceo e o Paleoceno são os principais registros no conjunto de dados, em ordem de importância. No Neocretáceo, o intervalo entre 83,6 e 72,1 Ma (Campaniano) representa o maior destaque nos registros termocronológicos, embora os outros registros (Maastrichtiano e Santoniano) também estejam presentes e sejam
importantes. As idades do Neocretáceo destacam a importância dos eventos tectonomagmáticos
e soerguimento regional na história térmica dessa área, inclusive com idades (~86 Ma) atribuídas ao contexto de soerguimento da Serra do Mar. As idades do Eocretáceo
indicam o registro de eventos térmicos mais antigos, vinculados à evolução pré-rifte. Já os dados do Paleoceno estariam associados ao evento de reativação responsável pela implantação do sistema de riftes continentais (~65 Ma) e as idades do Eoceno, restritas à
borda de falha da bacia de Resende (49,7 Ma e 43,5 Ma), à reativação do sistema de riftes nessa área. A dispersão de idades foi interpretada como efeito dos danos de radiação já que muitos grãos apresentam correlação entre idade e concentração de urânio (eU). Os padrões de tempo-temperatura (t-T), definidos a partir dos modelos HeFTy calibrados para o modelo de
difusão que considera os efeitos de danos de radiação nos cristais, registraram eventos de resfriamento rápido, os quais mostram correlação direta com episódios de reativação e soerguimento na margem continental e com registros nas bacias continentais e marginais. O
padrão de aumento das idades com a elevação, assim como da costa em direção ao interior é observado, mas mostra-se alterado pela ocorrência de idades mais jovens associadas à complexa evolução dessa margem continental com desnivelamentos de blocos vinculados à
tectônica pós-rift, numa situação que ressalta a influência dos episódios de reativação. As estimativas de denudação total variam entre 1,2 e 2,8 km. As taxas de erosão variam entre 15,2 e 35,3 m/Ma. A evolução da área indica não apenas a influência de um evento específico mas, possivelmente, uma combinação de episódios que se alternaram e/ou atuaram em conjunto em determinados períodos. Os eventos de reativação mais antigos, combinados com os mais recentes, exibem os seus remanescentes na paisagem (serras da Mantiqueira e do Mar e os grábens e bacias sedimentares) e assumem papel fundamental na evolução da área. Os registros de tais episódios podem ser observados nas histórias térmicas das rochas e nos
depósitos correlativos nas bacias sedimentares marginais e intracontinentais. / This doctoral dissertation involves low-temperature thermochronologic investigations to constrain the Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic reactivation of the continental margin of southeast Brazil. The study area is located in a segment of the Neoproterozoic Ribeira belt in
southeastern Brazil, which occupied a central position in Western Gondwana. Lately, during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, fault zones related to the development of the continental rifts in southeast Brazil reactivated. Using apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology (AHe), we have
presented the results of analysis on 107 apatite crystals of basement samples collected from a NWSE transect in the Mantiqueira Mountains to the Guanabara Graben, as well as from the NESE transverse faults. The data range from 27.07 0.60 Ma to 174.13 3.03 Ma (1 σ) for
uncorrected ages, and from 43.5 1.9 Ma to 250.1 8.7 Ma (2 σ) for corrected ages. The Neo-Cretaceous, Eo-Cretaceous, and Paleocene are the main recorded AHe ages, in order of importance. The Eo-Cretaceous ages indicate the occurrence of older thermal events related to
a pre-rifting phase (~121 Ma). The Neo-Cretaceous ages signify the importance of tectonic and magmatic events, and regional uplifting for the thermal history of the study area, including ages related to the Serra do Mar Mountains uplift (~86 Ma). Paleocene ages seem to
be related to the reactivation (~65 Ma), which was responsible for the continental rifts in the southeastern Brazil. Finally, the Eocene ages (49.7 Ma and 43.5 Ma), which are from samples restricted to the Resende Basin border faults, indicate a continental rift reactivation. We
investigated the age dispersion data, which were interpreted as an effect of radiation damage. Several samples show correlations between apatite (U-Th)/He age and effective U concentration (eU). We have applied HeFTy thermal modeling to obtain timetemperature (t
T) paths using a radiation damage diffusion model. Inverse modeling of (U-Th)/He age data suggests rapid cooling episodes for all samples. The main thermal events recorded by the HeFTy models show a direct correlation with the timing of regional tectonic events:
reactivation phases, continental margin uplift, and the sedimentary record. Apatite (U-Th)/He ages increase with distance from the coast and with elevation. However, these patterns are discontinued by samples of younger ages as a result of the reactivation process of pre-existing structures in the Brazilian continental margin. The total estimated denudation range from 1.2
to 2.8 km. The erosion rates range from 15.2 to 35.3 m/My. Thus, the multi-episodic thermal events, which led to the formation of important regional tectonic and geomorphological features (Mantiqueira Mountains, Serra do Mar Mountains, grabens, and sedimentary basins),
seem to play a fundamental role in the evolution of the Brazilian continental margin. The records can be found in the thermal history of rocks and its correlated deposits in the continental margin.
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Termocronologia e história denudacional da Serra do Mar e implicações no controle deposicional da Bacia de SantosRibeiro, Marli Carina Siqueira [UNESP] 10 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
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ribeiro_mcs_dr_rcla.pdf: 2488984 bytes, checksum: 03d50e477260abf1ff5efba31498aa81 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados obtidos por meio de análises geomorfológicas (Mapa de Níveis de Paleosuperfícies) e termocronológicos (traços de fissão em apatitas e U-Th/He em apatitas) ao longo da Serra do Mar nos setores (1), (2), (3) e (4). As correlações entre as analises geomorfológicas e termocronológicas evidenciaram uma geológica e geomorfológica compreendida entre o Cretáceo Superior e Paleoceno, demonstrando que a evolução das morfologias que compõem a área de estudo estiveram associadas a eventos tectônicos e sucedidos por uma intensa atividade erosiva. De acordo com as datações realizadas utilizando termocronômetros com temperatura de fechamento distintas, estes indicaram que as configurações dos relevos que compõem a Serra do Mar não podem ser associadas apenas aos efeitos das atividades erosivas (recuo de escarpa) e isostáticas, para poderem explicar a homogeneidade entre as idades de traços de fissão e (U-Th)/He em apatitas, sem a presença da atuação tectônica soerguendo e desnivelando parte destes relevos. / In this paper the results obtained geomorphological analysis (Map of levels of Palaeosurfaces) and thermochronogical analysis (apatite fission-track and UTh/ He). The correlation between the geomorphologica and the thermochronological analysis evidenced a geological and geomorphological evolution from the Upper Cretaceous to the Palaeocene, showing that the evolution of the morpholoies composing the study area were associated to tectonics events and preceded by intense erosive activity. According to the datings done using thermocronometers with distinct closing temperatures the configuration of the relieves that compose the Serra do Mar can not be associated only to the effects of the erosive (escarpment retreate) and isostatic activities but also to the tectonic motion uplifting and unlevelling part such morphologies, in order to explain the homogeneity between the ages of the fission-track and U-Th/He of apatites.
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Detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He geo-thermochronometry and submarine turbidite fan development in the Mio-Pliocene Gulf of California, Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, southern CaliforniaCloos, Michael Ethan 27 October 2014 (has links)
The Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin exposes an archive of sediment related to early rifting of the Gulf of California beginning at 8.0 Ma followed by Colorado River delta progradation from 5.3-3.0 Ma. Mio-Pliocene deposits from the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin of southern California and a sample from the modern Colorado River delta were analyzed through detrital zircon U-Pb (n=1996) and (U-Th)/He (n=280) double-dating in order to better constrain sediment provenance, hinterland exhumation, and Colorado River evolution. Coupling this dataset with outcrop study of the first Colorado River-sourced turbidites into the basin at 5.3 Ma, allows for evolution of the Colorado River system to be viewed from a source-to-sink perspective. Detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He (ZHe) ages obtained in this study suggest earliest derivation of sediment was from the Peninsular Ranges followed by more distant sediment sourcing from the Colorado River. Initial Colorado River-sourced deposits show Yavapai-Mazatzal U-Pb ages with Laramide ZHe ages suggesting that the river was sourcing from Laramide basement cored uplifts at the onset of deposition into the Gulf of California, supporting a top-down model of river evolution. An increased percentage of Grenville U-Pb age grains as well as a wider range of ZHe ages associated with western US basement-derived zircon from a modern Colorado River delta sample indicate erosion into older stratigraphic units through time which is consistent with deep erosion on the Colorado Plateau since ~6 Ma. Vertically measured sedimentology logs through the Wind Caves Member, the first Colorado River-sourced unit deposited, were used to determine slope and basin floor architecture as the Colorado River and delta dispersed subaqueous sediment gravity flows into the marine Gulf. Measured sections arrayed along depositional strike show a 4.5 km wide pod of sand-rich turbidites that were delivered through a broad Fish Creek exit point from the paleo-Colorado shelf. The vertical sedimentation trend is one showing thick bedded, amalgamated channelized and sheet-like sandstones initially, shifting to thinnerbedded sheets and more isolated channels higher in the increasingly muddy section. The facies variability up section is interpreted as a change from a submarine basin floor fan to a lower slope environment as the Colorado River prograded its delta into the Gulf. / text
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Long-term tectonothermal history of Laramide basement from zircon–He age-eU correlationsOrme, Devon A., Guenthner, William R., Laskowski, Andrew K., Reiners, Peter W. 11 1900 (has links)
The long-term (>1 Ga) thermal histories of cratons are enigmatic, with geologic data providing only limited snapshots of their evolution. We use zircon (U-Th)/He (zircon He) thermochronology and age composition correlations to understand the Proterozoic-Phanerozoic thermal history of Archean Wyoming province rocks exposed in the northern Laramide ranges of western North America. Zircon He ages from the Wind River Range (54 dates) and Bighorn Mountains (32 dates) show negative correlations with effective uranium (eU), a proxy for radiation damage. Zircon dates from the Bighorns are between 960 Ma (low-eU) and 20 Ma (high-eU) whereas samples from the Wind Rivers are between 582 Ma (low-eU) and 33 Ma (high-eU). We applied forward modeling using the zircon radiation damage and annealing model ZrDAAM to understand this highly variable dataset. A long-term t-T path that is consistent with the available geologic constraints successfully reproduced age-eU correlations. The best fit to the Wind Rivers data involves two phases of rapid cooling at 1800-1600 Ma and 900-700 Ma followed by slower cooling until 525 Ma. During the Phanerozoic, these samples were heated to maximum temperatures between 160 and 125 degrees C prior to Laramide cooling to 50 degrees C between 60 and 40 Ma. Data from the Bighorn Mountains were successfully reproduced with a similar thermal history involving cooler Phanerozoic temperatures of similar to 115 degrees C and earlier Laramide cooling between 85 and 60 Ma. Our results indicate that age-eU correlations in zircon He datasets can be applied to extract long-term thermal histories that extend beyond the most recent cooling event. In addition, our results constrain the timing, magnitude and rates of cooling experienced by Archean Wyoming Province rocks between recognized deformation events, including the >1 Ga period represented by the regionally-extensive Great Unconformity.
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Climate in the eastern Mediterranean during the Holocene and beyond – A Peloponnesian perspectiveFinné, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis contributes increased knowledge about climate variability during the late Quaternary in the eastern Mediterranean. Results from a paleoclimate review reveal that regional wetter conditions from 6000 to 5400 years BP were replaced by a less wet period from 5400 to 4600 years BP and to fully arid conditions around 4600 years BP. The data available, however, show that there is not enough evidence to support the notion of a widespread climate event with rapidly drying conditions in the region around 4200 years ago. The review further highlights the lack of paleoclimate data from the archaeologically rich Peloponnese Peninsula. This gap is addressed in this thesis by the provision of new paleoclimate records from the Peloponnese. One stalagmite from Kapsia Cave and two stalagmites from Glyfada Cave were dated and analyzed for stable oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotopes. The Glyfada record covers a period from ~78 ka to ~37 ka and shows that the climate in this region responded rapidly to changes in temperatures over Greenland. During Greenland stadial (interstadial) conditions colder (warmer) and drier (wetter) conditions are reflected by depleted (enriched) δ13C-values in the speleothems. The Kapsia record covers a period from ~2900 to ~1100 years BP. A comparison between the modern stalagmite top isotopes and meteorological data shows that a main control on stalagmite δ18O is wet season precipitation amount. The δ18O record from Kapsia indicates cyclical humidity changes of close to 500 years, with rapid shifts toward wetter conditions followed by slowly developing aridity. Superimposed on this signal is a centennial signal of precipitation variability. A second speleothem from Kapsia with multiple horizons of fine sediments from past flood events intercalated with the calcite is used to develop a new, quick and non-destructive method for tracing flood events in speleothems by analyzing a thick section with an XRF core scanner. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Accepted.</p>
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Zircon (U-Th)/He Dates from Radiation Damaged Crystals: A New Damage-He Diffusivity Model for the Zircon (U-Th)/He ThermochronometerGuenthner, William Rexford January 2013 (has links)
Zircon (U-Th)/He (zircon He) dating has become a widely used thermochronologic method in the geosciences. Practitioners have traditionally interpreted (U-Th)/He dates from zircons across a broad spectrum of chemical compositions with a single set of ⁴He diffusion kinetics derived from only a handful of crystals (Reiners et al., 2004). However, it has become increasingly clear that a "one-size-fits-all" approach to these kinetics is inadequate, leading to erroneous conclusions and incongruent data. This dissertation develops a more grain-specific approach by showing the fundamental role that intracrystalline radiation damage plays in determining the He diffusivity in a given zircon. I present three appendices that seek to quantify the radiation damage effect on He diffusion in zircon, explain how this effect manifests in zircon He dates, and show how to exploit such manifestations to better constrain sample thermal histories. Of particular importance, this dissertation represents the first comprehensive study to concentrate on the entire damage spectrum found in natural zircon and also the first to show that two different mechanisms affect He diffusion in zircon in different ways across this spectrum. In the first appendix, I and my fellow co-authors describe results from a series of step-heating experiments that show how the alpha dose of a given zircon, which we interpret to be correlated with accumulated radiation damage, influences its He diffusivity. From 1.2 × 10¹⁶ α/g to 1.4 × 10¹⁸ α/g, He diffusivity at a given temperature decreases by three orders of magnitude, but as alpha dose increases from ~2 × 10¹⁸ α/g to 8.2 × 10¹⁸ α/g, He diffusivity then increases by about nine orders of magnitude. We parameterize both the initial decrease and eventual increase in diffusivity with alpha dose with a function that describes these changes in terms of increasing abundance and size of intracrystalline radiation damage zones and resulting effects on the tortuosity of He migration pathways and dual-domain behavior. This is combined with another equation that describes damage annealing in zircon. The end result is a new model that constrains the coevolution of damage, He diffusivity, and He date in zircon as a function of its actinide content and thermal history. The second and third appendices use this new model to decipher zircon He datasets comprising many single grain dates that are correlated with effective uranium (eU, a proxy for the relative degree of radiation damage among grains from the same sample). The model is critical for proper interpretation of results from igneous settings that show date-eU correlations and were once considered spurious (appendix B). When applied to partially reset sedimentary rocks, other sources of date variability, such as damage and He inheritance, have to be considered as well (appendix C).
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Differential Movement Across Byrd Glacier, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica as Indicated by (U-Th)/He Thermochronology and GeomorphologyJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: The Byrd Glacier region of Antarctica is important for understanding the tectonic development and landscape evolution of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM). This outlet glacier crossing the TAM marks a major discontinuity in the Neoproterozoic-early Paleozoic Ross orogen. The region has not been geologically mapped in detail, but previous studies have inferred a fault to exist beneath and parallel to the direction of flow of Byrd Glacier. Thermochronologic analysis has never been undertaken across Byrd Glacier, and little is known of the exhumation history of the region. The objectives of this study are to assess possible differential movement across the inferred Byrd Glacier fault, to measure the timing of exhumation, and to gain a better overall understanding of the structural architecture of the TAM. Apatites and zircons separated from rock samples collected from various locations north and south of Byrd Glacier were dated using single-crystal (U- Th)/He analysis. Similar cooling histories were revealed with comparable exhumation rates of 0.03 ± 0.003 and 0.04 ± 0.03 mm/yr north and south of Byrd Glacier from apatite data and somewhat similar rates of 0.06 ± 0.008 and 0.04 ± 0.01 mm/yr north and south of Byrd Glacier from zircon data. Age vs. elevation regressions indicate a vertical offset of 1379 ± 159 m and 4000 ± 3466 m from apatite and zircon data. To assess differential movement, the Kukri Peneplain (a regional unconformity) was utilized as a datum. On-site photographs, Landsat imagery, and Aster Global DEM data were combined to map Kukri Peneplain elevation points north and south of Byrd Glacier. The difference in elevation of the peneplain as projected across Byrd Glacier shows an offset of 1122 ± 4.7 m. This study suggests a model of relatively uniform exhumation followed by fault displacement that uplifted the south side of Byrd Glacier relative to the north side. Combining apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He analysis along with remote geomorphologic analysis has provided an understanding of the differential movement and exhumation history of crustal blocks in the Byrd Glacier region. The results complement thermochronologic and geomorphologic studies elsewhere within the TAM providing more information and a new approach. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Geological Sciences 2011
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