Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ubuntu"" "subject:"obuntu""
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Localization and Terminometrics: Measuring the Impact of User Involvement on TerminologyBilgen, Baris January 2016 (has links)
Online collaborative translation has received increased attention from Translation Studies, mostly with a focus on explaining the various models it exhibits and the factors that shape these models. This study takes a new perspective on this phenomenon by focusing on its outcome through the lens of terminology. A terminometric analysis is carried out on the terminology used in the discussions of Francophone users on online forums of the Ubuntu-Québec open-source software community. The implantation of terms used in the forums and those stored in a selection of major term banks is examined with the objective of identifying potential correlations between term implantation and term formation patterns. The examination indicates that most terms formed through the use and modification of existing linguistic resources have higher implantation rates than terms formed through the creation of new lexical items. A new avenue of terminometric research is introduced by shifting the focus from the institution to the community, aligning with the global shift in content production and distribution. The study provides insight into online collaboration in the context of localization and points out correlations between term formation patterns and term implantation. These observations can mark a starting point for terminological decision-making that is informed by user behaviour and may thus improve the reception of localized content by adapting to users' terminological expectations.
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Moral regeneration : the role of the church in reviving morality in the societyMatsane, Molefi Andrew January 2004 (has links)
This thesis seeks to be an answer, to the unanswered questions. The writer tries to
page back, and find out that which is lost in human kind. The writer tries to find out
society in which he was born and nurtured. A society characterised by good morals,
virtues, good standards and culture. Something is lost in humanity. What is that? -
The present society seems to contradict the latter society. The present lifestyle
seemed to have no morals. If they do, they must have inherited from somewhere.
They see to have lost respect for other people's property etc.
South Africa's, new dispensation seemed to have eroded Ubuntu away. I am trying
to recapture, revive, relive, and resuscitate morality back in the agenda of every
South African. How? Moral regeneration is the vision or dream of the South
African Deputy President. But I believe it has taken a wrong direction. Politicians
cannot lead moral regeneration. Instead the church must lead it, because the church
has the spirituality.
The answer to moral decay is in the church. The church need to teach, rebuke and
lead by example on morality. It shall not compromise its gospel of Jesus Christ.
Today, South Africa is facing a serious crisis of sexuality, unfaithfulness in
marriages, corruption, unemployment, HIV Aids etc. morality is the broad concept,and in this thesis I've confirmed myself In addressing: sexuality, marriage
unfaithfulness and corruption.
Moral regeneration can be realised in this country, the church can address
unfaithfulness in marriages, sexuality and corruption vigorously. Parliament cannot
legislate on these issues. But the church can consciously teach people
responsibilities coupled with democracy.
Zeerust, is the small town in the North West Province. I have chosen to write this
thesis from Zeerust context. The reason being, I have pastoral oversight of
Methodist people in Zeerust and surrounding villages. Zeerust shares the same
problems the country is facing that of corruption, sexuality and unfaithfulness in
Lastly, the church needs to take seriously the cultural factors of its indigenous
people. Before we became Christians, we were Africans. The church must be ready
to learn from people's cultures, and the way they kept moral uprightness. Dialogue
and consultations is a dire need between the church and the culture, between
theologians and African healers. This thesis says the church is the answer to moral
regeneration. / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / lk2013 / Practical Theology / MA(Theol)
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Laboratorní úlohy osvětlující princip síťových technologií a protokolů / Laboratory exercises explaining the principles of network technologies and protocolsHricko, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to create two exercises for students. The first exercise is concerned with comparison of transport protocols TCP and UDP. The second exercise is concerned with comparison of routing protocols OSPF and RIP. The first part describes used simulation environment. The next part describes the operating system used in routers. The following part describes the procedure of installing virtual machines. The next part consists of theory of protocols TCP, UDP, OSPF and RIP. The last two chapters are the laboratory exercises.
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Sémantická segmentace obrazu pomocí konvolučních neuronových sítí / Semantic segmentation of images using convolutional neural networksŠpila, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá rešerší a implementací vybraných architektur konvolučních neuronových sítí pro segmentaci obrazu. V první části jsou shrnuty základní pojmy z teorie neuronových sítí. Tato část také představuje silné stránky konvolučních sítí v oblasti rozpoznávání obrazových dat. Teoretická část je uzavřena rešerší zaměřenou na konkrétní architekturu používanou na segmentaci scén. Implementace této architektury a jejích variant v Caffe je převzata a upravena pro konkrétní použití v praktické části práce. Nedílnou součástí tohoto procesu jsou kroky potřebné ke správnému nastavení softwarového a hardwarového prostředí. Příslušná kapitola proto poskytuje přesný návod, který ocení zejména noví uživatelé Linuxu. Pro trénování všech variant vybrané sítě je vytvořen vlastní dataset obsahující 2600 obrázků. Je také provedeno několik nastavení původní implementace, zvláště pro účely použití předtrénovaných parametrů. Trénování zahrnuje výběr hyperparametrů, jakými jsou například typ optimalizačního algoritmu a rychlost učení. Na závěr je provedeno vyhodnocení výkonu a výpočtové náročnosti všech natrénovaných sítí na testovacím datasetu.
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The rise of the black peopleNkambule, Mbongiseni Emmanuel Nathi 13 November 2008 (has links)
Architecture for Black Africans would ask, “How can I live with my brother?”. How to live in peace and harmony with the other people with whom we share our African continent? It is architecture created by activities of Black African people. Fostering unity and friendship, reflecting the concept of 'ubuntu' [spirit of sharing]. Places and linkages are created by this architecture for the building of the African family and community. Freed from destructive ego of individualism, but enslaved to selfless life-giving service to Black African people’s needs. This is architecture that constructs a stage, where Black Africans may perform their activities. In so doing, it enables them to rise to their greatness. / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Architecture / MArch(Prof) / unrestricted
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Towards an African Christian ethics for the technological age : William Schweiker's Christian ethics of responsibility in dialogue with African ethicsNeequaye, George Kotei January 2013 (has links)
Technology has several advantages, but the growing fear is that the power of human beings over nature through technology is growing in an alarming rate so that, if not checked with a new ethics of responsibility, we may be heading to the destruction of nature and the annihilation of humanity. In response to this fear, Hans Jonas set a whole new debate into motion, both in Germany and America, when he argues (in his book entitled, The imperative of responsibility: In search of ethics for the technological age (1984) that the existing approaches to philosophical ethics, including theological ethics, are inadequate since they do not tackle the serious issues produced by the rapid expansion of modern technology. He then asserts that we must make a concerted effort to develop a theory of responsibility, so that humanity could be salvaged from future extinction. Whereas Jonas denies that religion could form the basis of a universal ethics of responsibility, Schweiker strives to prove him wrong by producing a Christian version of an ethics of responsibility from that of Jonas. Using Schweiker’s formulation of a Christian ethics of responsibility, this researcher aims at taking the debate to another level by engaging his Christian ethics of responsibility with African ethics to come out with an African Christian ethics of responsibility. The reason why we are formulating an African Christian ethics of responsibility is that if Africa is seen as the fastest growing Christian continent in the world, then formulating an African Christian ethics of responsibility is worthwhile since such an ethics addressing the negative impact of modern technology will be available and accessible to a substantial part of the world population. Although African and Christian in its point of departure, this ethics of responsibility claims to be universal in a normative sense of the word. It strives to provide moral guidance that should be heeded by everyone. This is because in our formulation, we will call Christians and non-Christians alike to emulate the altruistic love of Christ for the world as the core of an ethics of responsibility that is future-oriented. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted
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Exploring ubuntu language in bridging gaps : a narrative reflection on discussions between members of two Reformed Churches in a rural town of South AfricaMeiring, Lieze January 2016 (has links)
Discussions with members of the Dutch Reformed Church and the Uniting Reformed
Church in Southern Africa in Ohrigstad, illustrate the possibilities of ubuntu language
in dealing with misunderstanding and distrust.
This research utilises a narrative approach, based on a postmodern epistemology
and pastoral practical theology that explores ubuntu language as a helpful discourse.
It engages the context of these two churches in Ohrigstad and investigates
experiences and challenges within the local community. The local experiences are
described against the broader history of the Dutch Reformed Church and the Uniting
Reformed Church in Southern Africa, which the Ohrigstad churches are imbedded in.
Individual narrative research conversations with church members in Ohrigstad
display a longstanding relationship with stories of trust and distrust. This culminates
into a group discussion that explores the role of ubuntu language - and at times the
lack thereof - in the concrete relationship between these two faith communities as an
expression of recent South African history. The conversations offer local knowledge
which displays both unique outcomes by strengthening identity, unleashing potential,
celebrating diversity, awakening solidarity, revealing humanity, bolstering
responsibility and enhancing Christianity, and it also deconstructs oppressive
discourses including race and otherness, rich and poor, and language.
The research offers an approach to deal with distrust and misunderstanding on grass
roots level, using insights gained from ubuntu language. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Practical Theology / PhD / Unrestricted
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Combating bullying in schools : a South African legal perspectiveLaas, Annelie 28 May 2013 (has links)
This study holistically examines the status quo of learner-on-learner bullying in South African schools. An exposition is given pertaining to inter alia constitutional law, common law, statutory provisions and case law. Since bullying is a global problem, a legal comparative study is necessary in order to place the phenomenon of bullying into context. Concepts such as bystander behaviour, bullycide and restorative justice feature prominently in this dissertation. Important findings include the necessity of drafting of anti-bullying legislation as well as the inception of bullycide as a statutory crime. Furthermore, restorative justice processes are critically important to not only rehabilitate and reintegrate the bully, but also to vindicate the victim in a way that protects and promotes the rights of all parties involved. Recommendations are made with regard to the importance of a national anti-bullying policy to be implemented in conjunction with existing codes of conduct. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Private Law / unrestricted
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The role of good faith in the South African law of contractVan der Sijde, Elsabe 21 August 2013 (has links)
In South Africa, courts and academia frequently refer to contracts as bonae fidei agreements. Often this term is invoked without further explanation or reflection on what the meaning of this term is. Upon closer inspection it seems that the phrase “bonae fidei has largely become devoid of any meaning. This study embarks upon a critical analysis of case law leading up to the remarks of the Constitutional Court in Everfresh Market Virginia (Pty) Ltd v Shoprite Checkers Ltd 2012 (1) SA 256 (CC); 2012 (3) BCLR 219 (CC), with the aim of determining what the role of good faith in the South African law of contract is and how this concept is approached by South African courts. A brief overview of the historical origins of the concept is given and the English law is considered as a foreign jurisdiction in order to gain understanding of how the concept is dealt with elsewhere. This study does not propose to undertake an in-depth study of consumer protection legislation. The justification for this decision lies in the fact that moving beyond this scope will prove to be too wide a field of study; hindering the in-depth discussion and evaluation of the common law and moving beyond the research aims of this dissertation. A critical analysis of South African case law indicates that it is unlikely that the courts in South Africa will adopt a general defence based on good faith that would empower courts to set aside otherwise enforceable agreements. The principle of good faith now forms part of the umbrella defence of public policy: it is finally accepted that public policy is invested in equitable contractual relationships and not only in upholding the principle of pacta servanda sunt. This study shows that good faith has a more active role to play in the law of contract as there is a duty upon courts to develop the common law so as to bring it in line with constitutional norms and values. This study illustrates the importance of open-ended concepts such as good faith and ubuntu to achieve a greater degree of equity and justice between contracting parties. The conclusion is reached that public policy is informed by the reigning ideology of the day: the contract law of South Africa must reflect its adherence to upholding and promoting the values and norms underlying the Constitution. If courts step up and uphold the constitutional mandate to develop the common law to bring it in line with constitutional values and norms, there will be very little need for legislative interference. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Private Law / unrestricted
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Die wond sê dit aan my: die morele wêreldbeskouing van die |xam as eko-morele fenomenologieStaphorst, Luan January 2020 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Despite the loss of speakers of |xam, one of the 28 Khoisan languages once spoken across Southern Africa, a part of the heritage of these speakers can be found in predominantly two archives: that of Wilhelm H. I. Bleek and Lucy Lloyd (1911) and Gideon R. von Wielligh (1919-1921). The archives form the heart of Bushman* Studies, and has long since received attention in, amongst others, anthropology, literature, and linguistics. This study presents an investigation into the ethical views of the |xam, an investigation which, with the single exception of the studies of Antjie Krog (2004-), has not been undertaken in a philosophical tradition. Through a comparative study of texts across archival boundaries, I engage critically with the ethical views of the |xam, specifically the phenomenological nature of these views. To this end, I use the hermeneutical approach in African philosophy, an approach which focuses on identifying and analysing concepts in texts. The approach to ‘reading’ |xam texts remains, however, a burning issue, and the limit to which disciplinary boundaries are appropriate, is debatable (Wessels 2010). Consequently, and as a result of the relative density of the available texts, insights from anthropology, literature, linguistics and rock art are incorporated within the comparative study. I secondly bring the ethical views which are identified through the comparative analysis into conversation with the dominant ethical framework in African philosophy, namely Ubuntu. Where Ubuntu as been ‘read’ through various lenses (Van Niekerk 2013), a phenomenological approach is absent. Further, where Ubuntu, African ethics broadly, is generally regarded as humanist, a salient ecological consciousness is present in the |xam views. A comparison between Ubuntu and the |xam views therefore deepens the discourse around African ethics in general, and further provides insights into the unique nature of the ethical views of the |xam in particular. Through this I attempt to add value both to Bushman Studies and African philosophy, whilst highlighting an important voice unique to Africa which could be added to the burning discussion around ecological decay in the time of the Anthropocene.
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