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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of personal remittances in financial sector development : evidence for Africa

Kumire, Margaret 06 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the impact of remittances on financial development in Africa using the dynamic generalised methods of moments (GMM) and other panel data analysis methods with data from 2003 to 2015. Using the same econometric estimation methods, the study also explored the influence of the complementarity between remittances and economic growth on financial development in Africa. Literature on the relationship between remittances and financial development is mixed, inconclusive and indecisive. The desire to contribute towards literature on the influence of remittances on financial development in the African context prompted this study. In Africa, personal remittances had an insignificant positive impact on financial development across all the econometric estimation approaches in all the four models, in line with some empirical studies on the subject matter. African countries are urged therefore to avoid wasting their time developing and implementing remittances, foreign aid and human capital development enhancement policies as a way of spearheading financial development. Using both broad money (as % of GDP) and domestic private credit ratio as measures of financial development, the interaction between remittances and economic growth was found to have a non-significant negative effect on financial development in Africa. The policy implication is that Africa needs to avoid over relying on economic growth as a channel through which financial development can happen / Die studie het die impak van betalings op finansiële ontwikkeling in Afrika ondersoek – deur middel van die dinamiese veralgemeende momentemetode (GMM) en ander metodes van paneeldata-ontleding, met data van 2003 tot 2015. Dieselfde ekonometriese beramingsmetodes is ook ingespan om die invloed van die komplementariteite tussen betalings en ekonomiese groei op finansiële ontwikkeling in Afrika te ondersoek. Die literatuur oor die verwantskap tussen betalings en finansiële ontwikkeling is gemeng, onoortuigend en vaag. Die begeerte om tot die literatuur oor die invloed van betalings op finansiële ontwikkeling in die Afrika-konteks by te dra, het tot hierdie studie aanleiding gegee. In Afrika het persoonlike betalings ʼn onbeduidende positiewe impak op finansiële ontwikkeling in al die benaderings tot ekonometriese beraming in al vier modelle gehad, wat strook met sommige empiriese studies oor die onderwerp. Afrika-lande word dus gemaan om nie hul tyd te mors met die ontwikkeling en implementering van betalings en buitelandse hulp en beleide om mensekapitaalontwikkeling te verbeter as ʼn manier om finansiële ontwikkeling te lei nie. Daar is bevind dat sowel breë geldvoorraad (as ʼn persentasie van BBP) en die binnelandse private kredietverhouding as maatstawwe van finansiële ontwikkeling, die wisselwerking tussen betalings, en ekonomiese groei ʼn nie-beduidende negatiewe uitwerking op finansiële ontwikkeling in Afrika het. Die beleidsimplikasie is dat Afrika moet waak teen oorafhanklikheid van ekonomiese groei as ʼn kanaal waardeur finansiële ontwikkeling kan plaasvind. / Ucwaningo beluphenya umthelela wezimali ezibhadalwayo mayelana nokuthuthukiswa komkhakha wezezimali e-Afrika ngokusebenzisa izindlela ezifanayo zezikhathi (GMM) kanye nezinye izindlela zokuhlaziywa idatha yephaneli ngokusebenzisa idatha yonyaka ka 2003 ukufikela ku 2015. Ngokusebenzisa izindlela ezifanayo zohlelo lokulinganisa isimo somnotho (econometric estimation), ucwaningo futhi luye lwahlola umthelela wousebenzisana okuphakathi kwezimali ezibhadalwayo kanye nokuhluma komnotho mayelana nokuthuthukiswa ngezimali e-Afrika. Umbhalo wobuciko mayelana nobudlelwano phakathi kwezimali ezibhadalwayo kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwezinhlaka zezimali uxutshwe ndawonye, awunaso isiphetho futhi awukwazi ukuthatha izinqumo. Isidingo sokufaka igalelo embhalweni wobuciko mayelana nomthelela wezimali ezibhadalwayo kwihlelo lokuthuthukiswa kwezimali ngaphansi kwesizinda sase-Afrika, ykho okuphembelele ukuthi kube nalolu cwaningo. E-Afrika, izimali ezibhadalwa abantu ziye zaba nomthelela omuhle kwintuthuko yezimali kuzo zonke izindlela zokulinganisa izinga lentuthuko yezomnotho kuwo wonke amamodeli amane, ngokuhambisana nezinye izifundo zocwaningo oluphathekayo lwalesi sifundo. Ngalokho-ke amazwe ase-Afrika ayanxenxwa ukuthi agweme ukumosha isikhathi sawo athuthukisana futhi asebenzisa uhlelo lokuthumela izimali futhi agweme ukuqinisa imigomo yoncedo oluvela emazweni angaphandle kanye nokuthuthukisa abantu ngokwamakhono omsebenzi, njengento yokuhlahla indlela yohlelo lokuthuthukiswa kwezimali. Ukusethenziswa kokubili imali ebanzi (njengephesenti le-GDP) kanye njengesilinganiso sesikweletu, phecelezi-domestic private credit ratio sisebenza njengesilinganiso sezinga lokutthuthuka ngokwezimali, ukusebenzisana phakathi kwezimali ezibhadalwayo kanye nokuhluma komnotho kutholakele ukuthi kube nomthelela ongabalulekile omubi phezu kwezinga lentuthuko yezimali e-Afrika. Ngokomgomo lokhu kuchaza ukuthi i-Afrika idinga ukuthi igweme ukwencika kakhulu ukusebenzisa uhlelo lokuthuthukiswa komnotho njengomgudu lapho kungathuthukiswa komnotho. / Financial Accounting / M. Com. (Business Management)

The impact of foreign direct investment on financial sector development: a case of the Mena Region

Komape, Refilwe Tryphina Maduane 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Various studies on international capital flows have established the deterministic role of local financial markets on the attractiveness of countries to inflow of foreign direct investment. The current study investigated the impact of FDI inflows on the financial sector development of countries in the Middle East and North Africa region for the period 2003 to 2016. Various panel data analysis methods were employed. These approaches included fixed effects, random effects, pooled OLS, FMOLS and the dynamic GMM. In addition, pre-estimation tests, diagnostic tests which included panel unit root and co-integration tests and robustness tests were conducted. Using both financial development proxies, broad money as a ratio of GDP (model 1) and domestic credit to the private sector (model 2), the study found that the lag in financial development had a significant positive effect on financial development. In model 1 under fixed effects, random effects and pooled OLS, FDI had a significant negative effect on financial development. In contrast, model 2 showed a significant positive relationship running from FDI to financial development under the pooled OLS method. The interaction between FDI and economic growth was found to have a significant negative influence on financial development in models 1 and 2 under the pooled OLS method. This finding indicates that economic growth had a deleterious effect on the impact of FDI on financial development in the MENA region. In the light of these results, policy makers in the MENA region countries should be urged to avoid undue reliance on FDI in their efforts to develop their financial sectors. Furthermore, the MENA region nations are urged to avoid implementing economic growth enhancement policies as a way of trying to improve financial development, directly or indirectly, as the effort has been shown to achieve the opposite effect. / Verskeie studies wêreldwyd oor die vloei van internasionale kapitaal is dit eens dat aantreklike plaaslike finansiële markte direkte buitelandse beleggings (DBB) na lande laat stroom. Hierdie studie het die uitwerking van DBB in die tydperk 2003 tot 2016 op die finansiële sektore van lande in die Midde Oosterse en Noord-Afrikaanse (MONA) streek ondersoek. Verskeie paneeldataontledingsmetodes is gevolg, waaronder vaste en ewekansige effekte, saamgevoegde, gewone kleinstekwadratemetode (GKK), volgewysigde kleinstekwadratemetode (VGKK) en die dinamiese, veralgemeende metode van momente (VMM). Afgesien hiervan is voorberamings- en diagnostiese toetse, waaronder paneeleenheidswortel-, koïntegrasie- en robuustheidstoetse, toegepas. Op grond van sowel volmagte vir finansiële ontwikkeling, breë geld – as ʼn verhouding van die BBP (model 1) – as binnelandse krediet aan die privaat sektor (model 2), is bevind dat die vertraging in finansiële ontwikkeling ʼn opmerklik positiewe effek op finansiële ontwikkeling uitgeoefen het. In model 1, onder vaste effekte, ewekansige effekte en saamgevoegde GKK, het DBB ʼn opmerklik negatiewe effek op finansiële ontwikkeling gehad. Model 2, daarenteen, het onder die saamgevoegde GKK-metode op ʼn opmerklik positiewe verband tussen DBB en finansiële ontwikkeling gedui. Daar is in model 1 en 2 onder die saamgevoegde GKK bevind dat die wisselwerking tussen DBB en ekonomiese groei ʼn opmerklik negatiewe effek op finansiële ontwikkeling gehad het. Hierdie bevinding is ʼn aanduiding daarvan ekonomiese groei ʼn nadelige effek op die uitwerking van DBB op finansiële ontwikkeling in die MENA-streek gehad het. In die lig hiervan moet die beleidsmakers van lande in die MONA-streek teen oormatige steun op DBB om hulle finansiële sektore te laat ontwikkel, gemaan word. Hierbenewens moet lande in die MONAstreek teen beleide vir ekonomiese groei as ʼn manier om finansiële ontwikkeling regstreeks of onregstreeks aan te wakker, gewaarsku word omdat dit die teenoorgestelde uitwerking sal hê. / Izifundo zocwaningo ezahlukahlukene ekuthunyelweni kwezimali sezisungule indima yezimpawu ezikhombisayo zokuthunyelwa kwezimali ezimakethe zasemakhaya mayelana nekhono lamazwe lokuheha ukutshalwa kwezimali okuqondile. Ucwaningo lwamanje luye lwaphenya umthintela wokungena kwezimali ngohlelo lokutshalwa kwezimali ngaphandle, phecelezi FDI mayelana nokuthuthukiswa komkhakha wezezimali emazweni asesiyingini esiseMpumalanga eMaphakathi (Middle East) kanye kanye nase-Afrika eseNyakatho (North Africa (MENA), ukusukela onyakeni ka 2003 ukufika ku 2016. Izindlela ezahlukahlukene zokuhlaziya ipanel data analysis ziye zasetshenziswa. Lezi zindlela ziye zaxuba imiphumela enqunyelwe isikhathi, imiphumela enganqunyelwanga isikhathi, uhlelo lwe pooled OLS, lwe FMOLS kanye nohlelo oluguquguqukayo lwe GMM. Ngaphezu kwalokho, izinhlelo zokuhlolwa phecelezi, pre-estimation tests kanye ne diagnostic tests, lokhu okuyizinhlelo ezixuba amayunidi ephaneli panel unit root kanye nohlelo lwe cointegration tests kanye nohlelo lwe robustness tests, nazo ziye zaxutshwa phakathi. Ngokusebenzisa zombili izinhlelo zokuthuthukiswa kwezinhlelo zezimal, imali ebanzi – njengesilinganiso semodeli 1 yeGDP – kanye nesikweletu sasekhaya esinikezwa imikhakha yamabhizinisi angasese asekhaya (imodeli 2), ucwaningo luthole ukuthi ukubambezeleka kwesikhathi sokuthuthukiswa kwezinhlelo zezimali kuye kwaba nomthelela omuhle kakhulu ekuthuthukisweni kwezimali. Kumodeli 1, ngaphansi kohlelo lwemiphumela enqunyelwe isikhathi, kwemiphumela enganqunyelwanga iskhathi kanye nasohlelweni lwe pooled OLS, uhlelo lwe FDI luye lwaba nomthelela omubi kakhulu kwezokuthuthukiswa kwezimali. Okuphikisana nalokho, imodeli 2 iye yakhombisa ubudlelwano obuhle kakhulu, ukuqala ohlelweni lokutshalwa kwezimali emazweni angaphandle (FDI) ukufika ohlelweni lwezokuthuthukiswa kwezinhlelo zezimali, ngaphansi kohlelo lwe pooled OLS. Ukuhlangana phakathi kohlelo lwe FDI kanye nokuhluma komnotho kutholakele ukuthi luye lwaba nomthelela omubi kakhulu ekuthuthukisweni kwezinhlelo zezimali, kumamodeli 1 nemodeli 2, ngaphansi kohlelo lwe pooled OLS. Lolu lwazi olutholakele lukhombisa ukuthi ukuhluma komnotho kuye kwaba nomthelela oyingozi kakhulu ohlelweni lwe FDI mayelana nokuthuthukiswa kwezimali esiyingini seMENA. Uma kubhekwa le miphumela, abenzi bemigomo emazweni asesiyingini seMENA kufanele bacelwe ukuba bagweme ukwencika ngendlela engenasidingo ohlelweni lwe FDI kwimizamo yabo yokuthuthukisa imikhakha yezimali. Ngaphezu kwalokho, amazwe asesiyingini saseMENA ayacelwa ukuba agweme ukusetshenziswa kwemigomo eqinisa ukuthuthukiswa komnotho njengendlela yokuzama ukuthuthukisa izinhlelo zezimali, ngendlela eqondile nangendlela engaqondile, njengoba umzamo sewukhonjiswe ukuze kuphunyelelwe imiphumela engaqondiwe. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management : Finance)

The impact of information and communication technology adoption on stock market development in Africa

Igwilo, Jerry Ikechukwu 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Xhosa / The information communication technology (ICT) sector has, arguably, grown in leaps and bounds over the years to assume a key role in every facet of economic activity. In the wake of the fourth industrial revolution, the major policy preoccupation of governments is how to harness ICT to spur economic growth. As such, the principal objective of this study was to examine the impact of adopting ICT on the development of African stock exchanges, determine whether ICT adoption and stock market development are co-integrated, and establish any causal links between ICT adoption and stock market development. The study examined a panel of 11 African stock exchanges for the period 2008-2017 and employed various econometric techniques to test its objectives. The dependent variable for this study was stock market development, while the independent variable was ICT adoption. The control variables employed were financial freedom and economic growth proxied by gross domestic product. In its findings, the study established that the adoption of ICT has a positive and statistically significant effect on the number of listed companies, stock market capitalisation and the total value of shares traded at the selected African stock exchanges. Hence, as an economy turns out to be progressively ICT-situated, expanded access to and utilisation of ICT advances, thus improving a nation's financial economy. Secondly, it established that ICT adoption and the stock market are cointegrated and positively related in the long run. The results further indicated a bi-directional causal relationship (complementarity) between ICT adoption and stock market development. In essence, ICT adoption and stock market development reinforce each other. This study contributes to the body of knowledge in a number of ways. This is the first study to examine the phenomenon of ICT-stock market nexus employing a panel study. Moreover, the study employed a robust methodology underpinned by using indices to proxy ICT and stock market development. Thirdly, unlike other studies on this topic, this study did not just end with the first inquiry of a deterministic relationship, but also probed for co-integration of the series tested for causality and proffers policy advice. The findings of the research imply that policymakers should be more resolute when formulating ICT policies that can drive stock market development for better economic growth and for better integration with other African stock exchanges. / Umkhakha wezethekinoloji yelwazi kanye nokuthintana (ICT) ngaphandle kokuphikiswa, ukhule wandlondlobala eminyakeni edlulileko ukobana uthome ukudlala indima eqakathekileko kiyo yoke imisebenzi yezomnotho. Ekuthomeni kwamatjhuguluko wesine wezamabubulo, into ekulu yokuthoma ngomthethomgomo karhulumende kuqala ukobana ihlelo le-ICT lingasetshenziswa bunjani ukobana lihlumise umnotho. Ngakho-ke, umnqopho omkhulu werhubhululo leli bekukuhlola umthintela wokutjhugulukela ku-ICT mayelana nokuthuthukiswa kwemaraga ye-Afrika yezokutjhentjhiselana ngamatjhezi, ukuqinisekisa ukuthi mhlambe ukutjhugulukela ku-ICT kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwemaraga yamatjhezi kungahlanganiswa na, begodu nokuhloma nginanyana ngiliphi itjhebiswano phakathi kokutjhugulukela kwi-ICT kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwemaraga yamatjhezi. . Irhubhululo belihlola iphanele yeemaraga ezili-11 zokutjhentjhiselwana mwamatjhezi esikhathini esiphakathi kuka 2008-2017 begodu lisebenzise iindlela ezahlukeneko zokumeda umnotho ukobana ihlole iminqopho yayo. Ivarebuli engakazijameli yerhubhululweli bekukuthuthukiswa kweemaraga zamatjhezi, kanti ivarebuli ezijameleko yona bekukutjhugulukela ku-ICT. Amavarebuli asetjenziswe ngeemedo kube kukhululeka ngokweemali nangokuhlumisa umnotho lokhu okukhambisana nomkhiqizo woke wangekhaya wenarha. Kilokho okutholwe lirhubhululo, irhubhululo lithole ukuthi ukutjhugulukela kwi-ICT kunomthelela omuhle khulu nokuqakatheka ngokwamanani phezu kwembalo yeenkhamphani ezitloliswe ngaphasi kwemaraga yokutjhentjhisana ngamatjhezi, phezu kokuqiniswa ngeemali kwemaraga yamatjhezi kanye nenani loke lamatjhezi athengiswa eemaraga ezikethiweko zamatjhezi ze-Afrika. Yeke-ke, njengombana ituthuko yomnotho ibonakala idzimelele phezu kwe-ICT, njengombana ukutholakala kanye nokusetjenziswa kwetuthuko ye-ICT, kanti lokho kuthuthukisa umnotho wezeemali wenarha. . Kwesibili, irhubhululo likghonile ukubona ukuthi ukutjhugulukela ku-ICT kanye neemarageni zamatjhezi kuzizinto ezihlangeneko nezihlobene ngendlela ehle esikhathini eside. Imiphumela iragele phambili nokuveza itjhebiswano elinikela indlela (complementarity) phakathi kokutjhugulukela ku-ICT kanye nekuthuthukisweni kweemaraga zamatjhezi. . Eqinisweni, ngokutjhugulukela ku-ICT neemarageni zamatjhezi kuyaziqinisa lezi zinto. Leli rhubhululo lifaka isandla kuziko lelwazi ngeendlela ezinengi. Leli kulirhubhululo lokuthoma elihlola indaba yethintano lemaraga yamatjhezi elisebenzisa irhubhululo lephaneli. Ngaphezu kwalokho, irhubhululo lisebenzisa indlela ekhutheleko esekelwa kusebenzisa amatshwayo ku-ICT esekelako kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwemaraga yamatjhezi. Kwesithathu, lokhu kuhlukile kamanye amarhubhululo amalungana nalesi sihloko, leli rhubhululo akhange aphelele nje ngokuthoma ukubuza itjhebiswano elivezako, kanti begodu leli rhubhululo belihlola ukuhlanganiswa ndawonye komlandelande ehlolwe ukudala ubujamo begodu nokunikela isiyeleliso somthethomgomo. Okutholwe lirhubhululo kutjho bona abenzi bomthethomgomo kufanele baqalisise khulu lokha nabatlama imithethomgomo ye-ICT leyo engakhozelela ituthuko yeemaraga zamatjhezi ukobana kuhlume umnotho begodu nokuhlanganiswa ncono neemaraga ze-Afrika zokutjhentjhana ngamatjhezi. / Icandelo leTheknoloji yoNxibelelwano loLwazi(i-ICT) nelinokuphikiswa, likhule kakhulu ngokukhawuleza eminyakeni egqithileyo ekudlaleni indima ephambili kwiinkalo zonke zemisebenzi yezoqoqosho. Ukuvela kwenguqu yesine yezoshishino, owona mgaqo-nkqubo uphambili koorhulumente ngowokufumana iindlela zokudibanisa ezobuchwepheshe ukukhuthaza uhlumo kwezoqoqosho. Kunjalo, injongo ephambili kolu phononongo ibikukuhlola impembelelo yokusebenzisa/ yokwamkela i-ICT kuphuhliso lotshintshiselwano lweempahla zase-Afrika, ukuhlola ukuba ukwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nophuhliso lweemarike zidityanisiwe, kunye nokumisa naliphi na ikhonco lonxibelelwano lonobangela phakathi kokwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nophuhliso lwemarike yotshintshiselwano lwempahla Uphononongo lwahlola iphaneli ezili-11 zotshintshiselwano lwempahla eAfrika kwisithuba sowama-2008 kuya ku-2017 kwaye kwasetyenziswa uthotho lweendlela zobugcisa kwezoqoqosho ukuvavanya iinjongo zalo. Into eguqukayo yoxhomekeko kolu phando yayikuphuhlisa imarike yesitokhwe, ngelixa okwakuyinto ezimeleyo yayikukwamkela i-ICT. Izinto eziguquguqukayo ezilawulwayo ezazisetyenziswa yayiyinkululeko yezemali nokukhula koqoqosho okwakucaciswa ngemveliso yasekhaya ngokubanzi. Kwiziphumo zalo zophando, lufumanise ukuba ukusetyenziswa kwe-ICT kunefuthe elilungileyo elibonakalayo ngokwamanani kwiinkampani ezidwelisiweyo, ukurhweba kwimarike yesitokhwe kunye nexabiso elipheleleyo lezabelo ezithengiswa kwiimarike zesitokhwe zotshintshiselwano ezikhethiweyo zase- Afrika.. Ngenxa yoko, njengoko uqoqosho luguquka ngokuqhubekekayo luba kwimeko ye ICT lwandise ukufikeleleka kunye nokusetyenziswa kwenkqubela phambili ye-ICT, ngaloo ndlela iphucula uqoqosho lwezimali lukazwelonke. Okwesibini, yafumanisa ukuba ukwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nemarike yesitokhwe kudityanisiwe kwaye ziya kusebenzisana kakuhle ekuhambeni kwexesha. Iziphumo zaye zaphinda zabonisa ubudlelwane bozalwano macala (ukuphelelisa) phakathi kokwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nophuhliso lwemarike yotshintshiselwano/yesitokhwe. Ngokubalulekileyo, ukwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nophuhliso lweemarike kwenza zomelezane. Olu phando lunegalelo kulwazi oluninzi olukhoyo ngeendlela ezininzi. Olu luphando lokuqala ukuvavanya uthotho lwamakhonco emarike yesitokwe ye-ICT-isebenzisa iiphaneli zophando. Ngaphaya koko, uphononongo lusebenzise indlela engqongqo exhaswa kukusebenzisa izalathiso (indices) zomelwano kwi-ICT kunye nophuhliso lwemarike. Okwesithathu, ngokungafaniyo nolunye uphando olwenziweyo kwesi sihloko, olu phononongo aluphelanga nje kuphando lwangaphambili olwalungobudlelwane lwezigqibo (zokuzimisela), kodwa lwaphinda lwaphandela ukuhlanganiswa kothotho oluvavanyiweyo lonobangela kunye nokuphakamisa ingcebiso yomgaqo-nkqubo. Iziphumo zophando zithetha ukuba abaqulunqi bemigaqo-nkqubo kufuneka bazimisele ngakumbi xa besenza imigaqo-nkqubo ye-ICT enokuqhubela phambili ukuphuculwa kwemakethi yesitokhwe ukwenzela ukukhulisa uqoqosho olungcono kunye nokusebenzisana kakuhle nezinye iimarike zotshintshiselwano zaseAfrika. / Business Management / D. Admin. (Business Management)

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