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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dolt samband under vattenytan : Två detektionsalgoritmer och deras egenskaper / Hidden Relations Under the Water Surface : Two Detection Algorithms and Their Characteristics

Schönfeldt, Tyra January 2024 (has links)
A battery-powered hydroacoustic modem concept has been developed to enable underwater communication. These modems face challenges due to limited computing capacity and battery life. To save power, the modem can go into sleep mode and wake up only when it receives important information, which requires efficient detection algorithms. In the marine environment, interfering factors such as noise, Doppler effects, reflections and signal absorption can affect signal quality and the performance of detection algorithms. The performance of two detection algorithms, one non-coherent and one coherent, was evaluated. For the non-coherent detection algorithm, four different codewords were evaluated and showed that codeword 1 performed best and detected at the lowest SNR. The varying performance between different codewords may be due to the suppression of certain frequencies in different channels. Simulations with different thresholds showed that a threshold of 0 dB gave the best detection performance. The algorithm performed sufficiently in all tested channels and could handle a Doppler velocity of 2 m/s. Its performance decreased at 5 m/s, which was within acceptable limits. For the coherent detection algorithm, a threshold of 0.05 was the best. It met the requirement to handle Doppler velocities of 2 m/s in all channels except one, a channel recorded on Hawaii named KAU2, possibly due to higher time delays in this channel. To reduce the number of replicas in the Doppler bank, an approximately 4 dB higher SNR was required for effective detection, with an increase of 8 dB for Doppler velocities of 5 m/s. A comparison between the two algorithms shows that the choice of the best method depends on the specific conditions and requirements of the particular use case. The coherent detection algorithm is generally preferred because it has high performance in the case of noisy signals, but it fails to detect in some channels due to their conditions. In scenarios where channel conditions vary and it is important to be able to detect in different conditions, even if it means slightly worse noise performance, the non-coherent detection algorithm is more suitable. Also, the coherent detection algorithm may be more suitable for scenarios where faster symbol rate and easier decoding are critical, while the non-coherent detection algorithm may be beneficial in situations where more detailed information from the detection is more important than speed.

Diversité spatiale et compensation Doppler en communication sous-marine sur signaux large-bandes / Spatial diversity exploitation and Doppler compensation in underwater acoustic environment for wide band signal

Lyonnet, Bastien 19 December 2011 (has links)
Le milieu sous-marin est doublement dispersif, en temps et en fréquence. L'utilisation récente de signaux de communication multi-porteuses offre une solution pour lutter contre la sélectivité fréquentielle. Mais ce type de signaux reste très sensible à la dispersivité fréquentielle. Cette thèse se concentre sur le problème de la dispersivité fréquentielle qu'est l'effet Doppler. Des méthodes d'estimation du paramètre Doppler sont développées pour des signaux multi-porteuses DMT. Est également abordé le problème de la compensation Doppler dans les cas mono et multitrajets. Une méthode générale et une méthode spéci que au signaux multiporteuses sont présentées et testées sur simulation. Cette thèse se distingue par son modèle du canal sous-marin qui considère un paramètre Doppler différent sur chaque trajet. Ceci résulte de la géométrie du problème et des vitesses émetteur/récepteur considérées. Nous présentons nalement des méthodes pour séparer les différents trajets arrivant sur une antenne a n de pouvoir considérer un paramètre Doppler unique sur chacun. / The underwater channel is doubly dispersive, in time and freqeuncy. In the last decade, multicarrier communication signal , like OFDM signal, has offer a solution in order to struggle aginst multipath propagation. Unfortunatly, these kinds of signal is strongly sensitive to Doppler effect. This thesis focus on frequential dispersivity involved by Doppler effect. Several Doppler estimation methods are developped for multicarrier signals. Doppler compensation for one path and multipath channel is also considered. For this problem, we developped general method but also speci c method for DMT signals. Each of them have been tested on simulations. This thesis uses an underwater channel model presenting different Doppler parameter for each path. This approach is a consequence of the problem geometry, considering emitter/receiver velocity. Finaly, using an antenna, we present several methods in order to separate efficiently each arriving path ; allowing us to consider each separated path with a single Doppler parameter to compensate.


JORGE VIRGILIO DE ALMEIDA 01 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Muitos drones subaquáticos (DSs) modernos usados no monitoramento militar e ambiental operam no oceano e são concebidos como transceptores intermediários entre sua estação base (EB) e redes de sensores sem fio subaquáticas (RSSFSs). Devido a salinidade e consequentemente a condutividade da água do mar, DSs não podem usar transmissões de rádio frequência (RF) convencionais, tanto para alimentar quanto para se comunicar com os nós sensores (NSs). Tentando superar essas limitações, sistemas de transmissão indutiva de energia (TIE) têm sido apontados como uma alternativa para RSSFSs assistidas por DSs confiáveis. TIE apresenta perdas menores do que técnicas de campo distante em meios complexos, mas é extremamente limitada em termos de distância de operação. Baseado nisso, a presente tese visa uma solução mais integrada para sistemas de monitoramento assistidos por DSs baseado em sistemas de TIE usando lentes e refletores de metamaterial (MTM) dedicados a aprimorar ambas a eficiência na transmissão de energia e a razão sinal-ruído dos dados transmitidos. Um novo modelo do canal magnético, baseado no modelo de linhas de transmissão magnéticas virtuais, incorporando os ganhos dos MTMs e as perdas da água do mar, também é apresentado de modo a facilitar a futura sistematização das RSSFSs. / [en] Most modern underwater drones (UDs) employed in military and environmental monitoring operate in the ocean and are conceived as intermediary transceivers between their base station (BS) and underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs). Due to the salinity and consequently the conductivity of seawater, UDs cannot use conventional radiofrequency (RF) transmissions, either for powering or communicating with the sensor nodes (SNs). Trying to overcome these limitations, inductive power transmission (IPT) systems have been pointed out as an alternative for reliable UD-assisted UWSNs. IPT presents lower losses than far-field-based techniques in complex media but is extremely limited in terms of operating distance. Based on that, the present thesis aims an all-integrated solution for UD-assisted monitoring systems based on IPT systems using metamaterial (MTM) lenses and reflectors dedicated to improving both the power transfer efficiency and the signal-noise ratio of the transmitted data. A new model of the magnetic channel, based on the virtual magnetic transmission line model, incorporating the MTM gains and the seawater losses, is also presented in order to facilitate the future systematization of UWSNs.

Physical modelling of acoustic shallow-water communication channels

Svensson, Elin January 2007 (has links)
Akustiska kanaler för undervattenskommunikation är flervägskanaler där ljudet reflekteras från havets yta och botten och bryts vid ljudhastighetsförändringar. I grunt vatten är impulssvaret långt jämfört med symbolernas tidslängd i ett utskickat meddelande. Detta orsakar intersymbolinterferens, vilket gör det svårt att återskapa meddelandet. Denna avhandling behandlar fysikalisk modellering av kommunikationskanalen. Sådan modellering kan öka insikten om de svårigheter som finns vid design av kommunikationssystem och kan vara till hjälp vid utveckling av lämpliga modulationstekniker och avkodningsalgoritmer. Ljudutbredningen simuleras med en strålgångsmetod med reflektionskoefficienter beräknade för plana vågor. I artikel 4 och 5 utvidgas modellen till en algoritm för gaussisk strålsummation. De viktigaste vetenskapliga bidragen är följande. Artikel 1: Aktuell kunskap om impulssvaret hos kommunikationskanalen gör det betydligt lättare att tolka det mottagna meddelandet. I denna artikel studeras tidsvariabiliteten hos impulssvaret i termer av bitfelssannolikhet när ett gammalt impulssvar används för kanalutjämning. Tidsvariabiliteten visar sig variera avsevärt med mottagarpositionen, inte bara när det gäller avståndet till sändaren, utan även när det gäller placeringen i djupled. Artikel 2: En hybridmetod presenteras, där strålgång i ett avståndsberoende medium kombineras med lokal fullfältsmodellering av interaktionen med havsbottnen. Metoden används för simuleringar av akustisk kommunikation i grunt vatten. Artikel 3: För att kunna göra tillförlitliga simuleringar av ljudutbredning behöver man god kunskap om mediets ljudhastighetsprofil --- information som inte alltid är tillgänglig. I denna artikel används den hybrida strålgångsmetoden från artikel 2 för att skatta ljudhastighetsprofilen från kommunikationsdata. Miljöparametrarna som beräknats genom inversionen minskar avvikelsen mellan simulerade och observerade skattningar av impulssvaret jämfört med avvikelsen då en uppmätt, två dagar gammal ljudhastighetsprofil används vid simuleringen. Miljömodellen används också för en genomgång av alternativa käll- och mottagarpositioner. Artikel 4: Gaussisk strålsummation är en vågutbredningsmodell som liknar strålgång men kan ge korrekta resultat i strålgångens singulära områden, som skuggzoner och kaustikor. I denna artikel diskuteras hur några olika val av den komplexa strålparametern $\epsilon$ fungerar i grunda vågledare. Bäst resultat erhålls om man väljer $\epsilon$ så att strålen blir smal i punkten närmast mottagaren och får en plan vågfront där. Artikel 5: En adaptiv metod för gaussisk strålsummation i grunda vågledare presenteras. Algoritmen ger en noggrannhet som är bättre än eller minst lika bra som strålgångens, även i grunda vågledare med en starkt djupberoende ljudhastighet. / Acoustic underwater communication channels are multipath channels where sound is reflected from the surface and the bottom of the sea and refracted by sound speed variations. In shallow water, the impulse response is typically long compared to the time length of the symbols in a transmitted message. This causes inter-symbol interference, which makes the message difficult to decode. This thesis deals with physical modelling of the communication channel. Such modelling can provide insight into the difficulties of communication system design and may serve as an aid in the development of appropriate modulation techniques and decoding algorithms. The sound propagation is simulated by a ray tracing method with plane-wave reflection coefficients, in papers 4 and 5 expanded to a Gaussian beam summation algorithm. The main scientific contributions are the following. Paper 1: Up-to-date knowledge of the impulse response of the communication channel considerably simplifies the extraction of information from a detected signal. In this paper the time variability of the impulse response is studied in terms of the bit-error rate, when an old impulse response is used for channel equalisation. The time variability is found to vary significantly with the receiver position, not only in range, but also in depth. Paper 2: A hybrid raytrace method is presented, combining ray tracing in a range-dependent water column with local full-field modelling of the seabed interaction. The method is applied to simulations of acoustic communication in shallow water. Paper 3: To be able to make reliable simulations of sound propagation, one needs to know, quite accurately, the sound speed profile of the medium --- information which is not always available. In this paper the hybrid raytrace method from paper 2 is used to estimate the sound speed profile from communication data. The environmental model obtained by the inversion reduces the mismatch between the modelled and the observed impulse response estimates, compared to the mismatch with a two-days-old sound speed profile. The model is also used to investigate alternative source-receiver configurations. Paper 4: Gaussian beam summation is a wave propagation model similar to ray tracing, which can yield correct results in singular regions like shadow zones and caustic points. In this paper some different choices of the complex beam parameter $\epsilon$ are discussed for shallow waveguides. Best results are observed when $\epsilon$ is chosen so that each beam is narrow at the point where it is closest to the receiver and has a plane wavefront there. Paper 5: An adaptive method for Gaussian beam summation in shallow waveguides is presented. The algorithm yields better or at least as good accuracy as ray tracing, even in shallow waveguides with a strongly depth-dependent sound speed profile. / QC 20100819

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