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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban Mining in Malmö - An Investigative Study to Identify the Potential of Urban Mining

Anesie, Laura Noemi January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis depicts the topic of urban mining and its possibilities and challenges in the city of Malmö. Because of present day’s high consumption and construction our resources are becoming scarcer. In order to continue to build and consume the way we do, we need to look at other alternatives to obtain these resources. One sustainable alternative is urban mining which is based on society as a resource base where material accumulating over time is a metal storage that can be used through reuse or recycling. This thesis is limited to one type of urban mining which refers to unused cables and pipes that lie underground, so called hibernating cables. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the possibilities and challenges with urban mining in the city of Malmö and to research the Kabel-x urban mining method and its implementation possibilities. To successfully understand the challenges and possibilities a qualitative approach was taken where semi-structured interviews were conducted to see attitudes towards urban mining as well as to identify stakeholders who would work with an urban mining project in the future. The qualitative approach was complemented by a literary research which built the theoretical framework with theories like urban mining, urban metabolism and material flow analysis and sustainability assessments. The empirical discoveries depict topics such as ownership, knowledge-gap or skepticism when it comes to urban mining as well as methods of extractions, but also point to high interest and economic incentives with are in concordance with sustainability aspects. This lead to the conclusion that urban mining shows both possibilities and challenges in Malmö, which proves a challenging but worth implementation. Regarding Kabel-x method, its sustainability aspects and challenges with its implementation, it was concluded that on account of mostly skepticism and knowledge-gap stakeholders proved its implementation challenging but also interesting for urban development.

Metabolismo de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte : o caso de Feliz, RS / Metabolism of a small Brazilian municipality : Feliz, RS, case study

Kuhn, Eugenia Aumond January 2014 (has links)
Estudos relacionados ao consumo de recursos e à emissão de resíduos na escala territorial local se originaram nas pioneiras pesquisas associadas ao conceito de metabolismo urbano. Nos últimos 15 anos, observa-se um crescimento do número de estudos aplicados a cidades, municípios ou regiões metropolitanas. A Análise dos Fluxos de Materiais - AFM (Material Flow Analysis) vem se consolidando como a abordagem metodológica predominante para esse tipo de investigação, a qual objetiva prover informações sobre fluxos de materiais e de energia, usualmente em unidades de massa, entrando e deixando uma sociedade. No entanto, todos os casos estudados na literatura prévia correspondem a capitais nacionais ou a municípios com centralidade econômica e de gestão do território na região as quais pertencem. Adicionalmente, não há estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil. Em face dessas lacunas, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é a caracterização dos fluxos de materiais associados ao metabolismo de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte (MBPP). Para tanto se adotou como estudo de caso o município de Feliz-RS. Como objetivos intermediários da pesquisa estabeleceram-se: a) Identificação dos métodos existentes para caracterização de fluxos de materiais na escala local e análise das possibilidades de aplicação no contexto dos MBPP; b) Desenvolvimento de um detalhamento metodológico da AFM, para a caracterização dos fluxos de materiais de MBPP; c) Análise das limitações e oportunidades para uso da AFM, na avaliação de sustentabilidade ambiental de municípios. Como resultados, avalia-se que o detalhamento metodológico desenvolvido é funcional e replicável para municípios brasileiros com o mesmo perfil, além de fornecer informações bastante detalhadas acerca dos fluxos ocorrentes no município adotado como caso. Assim, é possível realizar análises com diferentes níveis de desagregação. Quanto aos fluxos de materiais de Feliz, encontrou-se que o consumo doméstico de materiais per capita (DMC/ per capita) do município é alto, se comparado àqueles já caracterizados na literatura. Essa constatação corrobora com a proposição de que municípios com produção primária e secundária tendem a demandar, proporcionalmente, mais recursos do que aqueles que são consumidores finais. Quanto ao uso da AFM, na avaliação de sustentabilidade ambiental, verifica-se um alto potencial, com vantagens, em relação a outros métodos correntemente adotados. Entretanto, essas oportunidades ainda são pouco exploradas no contexto internacional e ignoradas no Brasil, ao se analisar a literatura existente. / Studies related to resources consumption and wastes emissions in a local territorial scale were originated from pioneering researches related to the urban metabolism concept. Over the past 15 years, there was a growth in the number of such studies applied to cities, municipalities and metropolitan areas. At the same time, Material Flow Analysis - MFA was consolidated as the predominant methodological approach for this type of research. However, it must be pointed out that all studied cases have been related to national capitals or counties, with economics centrality and land management in their own area. Besides, no studies of this nature were found as being developed in Brazil. Thus, the main goal of the research presented in this paper was to characterize material flows associated with the metabolism of a small Brazilian municipality and for this purpose the municipality of Feliz was adopted as a case study. Three intermediate objectives were established: a) To identify existing methods for material flows characterization on the local scale and to analyse the possibilities of applying them in the context of small Brazilian municipalities; b) to develop a MFA methodological detailing for the characterization of material flows of small Brazilian municipalities; c) to analyse constraints and opportunities for the use of MFA in the assessment of municipalities environmental sustainability. As results, it is considered that the methodological detailing developed raises the possibility of replicating the procedures applied in Feliz to other Brazilian municipalities, being this research a first and referential step in this direction. Besides, it provides very detailed information on flows occurring in the municipality adopted as the case study. Thus, it is possible ti further develop of analyses considering different levels of disaggregation. Concerning the material flows associated with the metabolism of Feliz, it was found that the studied municipality presents a DMC per capita comparable or superior to that of larger municipalities already analyzed by previous researches. This finding corroborates the hypothesis that municipalities with primary and secondary production tend to demand proportionately more resources than those who are the final consumers. Regarding the use of the MFA in the assessment of municipalities environmental sustainability, it was verified that it presents a high potential, with advantages over other methods currently adopted. However, when analyzing the existing literature it was noticed that these opportunities are still little explored in the international context and ignored in Brazil.

La dimension matérielle de l'urbanisation : flux et stocks de matériaux de construction en Ile-de-France / The material dimension of urbanization : flows and stocks of construction materials in Ile-de-France region

Augiseau, Vincent 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les matériaux de construction constituent la matière la plus consommée par les villes après l’eau ainsi que la majeure partie des déchets que ces dernières génèrent. La relation entre cette mobilisation de matériaux et les processus d’urbanisation est peu étudiée et fait l’objet de cette thèse, menée en collaboration avec la Direction régionale et interdépartementale de l’environnement et de l’énergie d’Ile-de-France, responsable du schéma régional des carrières, et le Conseil régional, responsable du plan régional de prévention et gestion des déchets. Cette recherche, qui a donné lieu au développement de méthodes pour la quantification et localisation des flux et stocks de matériaux à l’échelle de l’Ile-de-France, montre que ressources primaires et ressources secondaires sont proches en quantités disponibles et extraites. En revanche, le taux d’utilisation des ressources secondaires est nettement plus faible car il est contraint par un cadre réglementaire et normatif. La mobilisation de matériaux de l’Ile-de-France en 2013 est essentiellement générée par un processus de renouvellement urbain. Ce dernier engendre une forte démolition-reconstruction de bâtiments mais se réalise aussi par densification et nécessite l’apport de matériaux extérieurs. En outre, renouvellement des ouvrages bâtis et configuration des espaces aménagés sont liés. Une projection de flux jusqu’en 2032 montre que l’atteinte des objectifs de construction de logements définis dans le schéma directeur régional (SDRIF) engendrerait une forte hausse du taux d’importation de matériaux. Ce constat appelle la recherche d’une autre action publique visant un aménagement des ressources urbaines. / Construction materials are the largest flows entering urban areas after water, while they constitute the top waste deposit. The relation between these material flows and urbanization processes has receive little attention and it is the object of this study. Work was conducted in collaboration with the Regional and inter-departmental directorate for the environment and energy Ile-de-France, responsible of the quarries regulation plan, and the Regional council, which is in charge of the C&D waste management plan. This research contributed to methodological improvement for the quantification and localisation of contruction material flows and stocks at regional scale with the case study of Ile-de-France region. Il demonstrates that that the primary and secondary resources available and extracted are close in terms of quantity. However, the utilization rate of the secondary resources is significantly lower than those of primary resources due to normative and regulatory frameworks.In 2013, the mobilization of construction materials from Ile-de-France was mainly generated by the process of urban renewal. This renewal causes major demolition and reconstruction, but it is also carried by urban densification and requires the import of external materials. In addition, the renewal of built works is strongly related to spatial configuration. A projection of material flows up to 2032 shows that achieving the targets for housing construction defined in regional master plan (SDRIF) would lead to a sharp increase in the import rate of materials. This observation calls for alternative public actions aiming at better management of urban resources.

Universidade, cidade e saúde: planejamento institucional sustentável em contexto urbano consolidado / University, city and health: sustainable institutional planning in consolidated urban context

Higa, André Hideki 26 June 2019 (has links)
Como a universidade, a cidade e a saúde se relacionam através do planejamento institucional foi investigado tendo como objeto de estudo, o Plano Diretor de Infraestrutura (PDInfra) do Campus São Paulo (CSP) da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp). Problema: Como planejar as atividades e infraestrutura da universidade almejando a sustentabilidade? Objetivo: Realizar uma análise interdisciplinar e crítica de quais propostas do planejamento do CSP da Unifesp contribuem efetivamente para o desenvolvimento sustentável, nos aspectos institucionais, urbanísticos e de saúde ambiental, contextualizada com a implantação física no Município de São Paulo. Como objetivos específicos, busca-se identificar os instrumentos de planejamento de universidades adequadas à sustentabilidade e que permitam integração da universidade com a cidade e identificar, por meio do diagnóstico de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, componentes do metabolismo urbano que podem contribuir para melhorias no fluxo de materiais e outros processos. Métodos: Analisar o escopo dos planos e instrumentos destes que permitam visualizar possibilidades de integração com a cidade e caracterizar as propostas. Analisar o metabolismo urbano da universidade por meio dos dados do diagnóstico do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos. Analisar o PDInfra do ponto de vista dos \"pontos de alavancagem\". Resultados: Panorama dos instrumentos de planejamento das universidades federais selecionadas, permitindo comparação entre metodologias e procedimentos que as universidades adotam no planejamento institucional. Caracterização das propostas e valores desenvolvidos nos planos institucionais que considerem interfaces com a cidade. Com os dados do estudo de caso, formula-se balanço de entradas e saídas, diagrama de fluxo, mapas e indicadores. Também são identificados pontos de intervenção no sistema mais efetivos que o plano diretor pode aplicar esforços. Conclusões: O PDInfra ao incorporar o diagnóstico de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos no planejamento aliado a um processo participativo, procedimento inédito entre os planos levantados, introduz a promoção da saúde por fatores não médicos às propostas institucionais, contemplando as dimensões ambientais e comportamentais dos determinantes sociais da saúde. O plano diretor é o tipo utilizado para planejamento institucional com maior potencial de direcionar ações, procedimentos e projetos arquitetônicos e urbanísticos voltados à sustentabilidade, embora ainda seja pouco utilizado pelas universidades federais e possa incluir novos instrumentos como as análises de metabolismo urbano, dependendo das especificidades da instituição. / The way that university, city and public health are related through institutional planning is the main subject of the Infrastructure Masterplan (PDInfra) of Campus São Paulo (CSP) of Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) case study. Problem: How to plan university\'s activities and infrastructure aiming for sustainability? Objectives: To perform an interdisciplinary and critic analysis about which motions in the CSP\'s planning contribute effectively to sustainable development, in institutional, urbanistic, and environmental health aspects, in context with its implantation area in São Paulo city. As specific objectives, look forward to identify universities\' planning instruments suited to sustainability and allows integration of university and the city. And identify urban metabolism components via solid waste management diagnosis, that can contribute to improve material flux and other processes. Methods: To analyze plan\'s scope via searching solid waste management related keywords. To analyze plans on which is possible to see possibilities of university and city integration. To analyze urban metabolism through solid waste management diagnosis. To analyze CSP\'s masterplan from the point of view of \"leverage points\". Results: A general picture of planning instruments used by selected federal universities, allowing comparisons between methods and proceedings that universities adopt in institutional planning. Description of motions and values developed in institutional plans that considers city\'s interfaces. With study case data, it drafts an inputs/outputs balance, flux diagram, maps and indicators. Also, it can identify leverage points in the masterplan. Conclusion: The PDInfra incorporating the diagnosis of solid waste management in the planning allied to a participatory process, an unprecedented procedure among the gathered plans, introduces the promotion of health by non-medical factors to institutional proposals, contemplating the environmental and behavioral dimensions of the social determinants of health. The master plan is the type used for institutional planning with the greatest potential to guide actions, procedures and architectural/urbanistic projects aiming sustainability, although it is still little used by federal universities and might include new instruments such as urban metabolism analyzes, depending on the specificities of the institution.

Caracterização do consumo domestico de materiais da cidade de Montevidéu mediante análise de fluxos de materiais / Characterization of domestic materials consumption in Montevideo attending the analysis of material flows

Mimbacas Rodriguez, Alicia Filomena January 2012 (has links)
As cidades podem ser definidas como sistemas abertos altamente dependentes do seu entorno para a provisão dos recursos naturais e eliminação dos resíduos. Abarcando 2% da superfície da terra, elas consomem aproximadamente 75% de seus recursos, expulsando resíduos em escala similar. Na atualidade, 50% da população mundial habita em cidades e é estimado que esta porcentagem ascenderá a 70% no 2050. Em particular, a América Latina apresenta uma crescente população urbana. No ano 1970, 57 % da população era urbana e estima se que se atinja 81% no 2025. O Uruguai é o país de América Latina de maior porcentagem de população urbana: 93%, em 2010. A Análise de Fluxos de Materiais (AFM) é una metodologia de avaliação do campo da economia ecológica que tem sido pouco considerada na planificação ou gestão urbana regional. Argumenta-se que essas abordagens são as que podem dar luz a um modelo de desenvolvimento de cidades mais sustentáveis, contribuindo para a definição de políticas publicas ambientais. O objetivo do trabalho é estimar quantitativamente o consumo doméstico de materiais (CDM) para a cidade de Montevidéu, no período entre os anos 2002 e 2009. Os principais desafios do trabalho foram a inexistência de metodologias de consenso de aplicação regional e a dificuldade na aquisição de dados, os quais se encontram em sua maioria desagregados em diferentes instituições públicas e privadas. O referencial metodológico adotado foi o proposto por EUROSTAT, aplicado a nível nacional pelas maiores economias da OCDE. O trabalho propõe uma estratégia de ponderação que permite a passagem da escala nacional á urbana, Os resultados obtidos evidenciam um aumento no consumo de materiais em Montevidéu na serie de anos analisada, sendo 80% deles de origem não renovável no ano 2009. A indústria da construção é responsável por mais de 50% do consumo total. A estimação quantitativa do CDM, para a cidade de Montevidéu, é um primeiro passo na identificação de alternativas para uma menor intensidade no uso de materiais, condição indispensável para um relacionamento mais equilibrado entre os sistemas socioeconômicos e o médio ambiente. O CDM de Montevidéu é uma ferramenta em processo, passível de ser aprimorada em futuros trabalhos. A principal dificuldade deste trabalho foi a compatibilização dos diferentes critérios de classificação de materiais da metodologia da EUROSTAT e das bases de dados nacionais. / Cities can be defined as open systems that are highly dependent on their environment for the provision of natural resources and waste disposal. Although cities only cover 2% of the surface of the earth, they consume 75% of its resources. Currently, 50% of the world population lives in cities and it is estimated that this number will rise to 70% in the year 2050. This phenomenon is remarkable in Latin America. While in 1970 its urban population was 57%, it is expected to climb to 81% by 2025. In this context, Uruguay is the country of Latin America that present the higher rate of urban population: 93% (year 2010). The Material Flow Analysis (MFA) (an evaluation methodology from the field of ecological economics) has not been contemplated on regional planning and urban management. However, it is argued that these approaches can enlighten the development of more sustainable cities contributing to the definition of environmental public policy. The aim of this work is to quantify the domestic consumption of materials (fossils, minerals and biomass) for the city of Montevideo, Uruguay for the years 2006 and 2009. At this point, the main barriers are the lack of agreed on regional implementation methodologies and the difficulty with data acquisition. The methodological guide to be used is the one defined by Eurostat, applied nationally for several years by the greatest OECD economies. The paper proposes a weighting strategy that allows the passage from a national scale to an urban one.The results obtained for the period of time analized show an increase in consumption of materials and energy. For instance, the consumption of non-renewable sources reached 80% for the year of2009. On this period, the construction industry was responsible for the 50% of the total consumption. This diagnosis let us perceive the paths to follow in order to reduce the intensity of the use of materials and energy, wich is imperative to create a balanced relationship between socioeconomic systems and the environment. The DMC of Montevideo is a tool in the process, which can be improved in future works. The main difficulty of this work was to reconcile the different criteria of classification of materials from EUROSTAT methodology with national databases.

Metabolismo de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte : o caso de Feliz, RS / Metabolism of a small Brazilian municipality : Feliz, RS, case study

Kuhn, Eugenia Aumond January 2014 (has links)
Estudos relacionados ao consumo de recursos e à emissão de resíduos na escala territorial local se originaram nas pioneiras pesquisas associadas ao conceito de metabolismo urbano. Nos últimos 15 anos, observa-se um crescimento do número de estudos aplicados a cidades, municípios ou regiões metropolitanas. A Análise dos Fluxos de Materiais - AFM (Material Flow Analysis) vem se consolidando como a abordagem metodológica predominante para esse tipo de investigação, a qual objetiva prover informações sobre fluxos de materiais e de energia, usualmente em unidades de massa, entrando e deixando uma sociedade. No entanto, todos os casos estudados na literatura prévia correspondem a capitais nacionais ou a municípios com centralidade econômica e de gestão do território na região as quais pertencem. Adicionalmente, não há estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil. Em face dessas lacunas, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é a caracterização dos fluxos de materiais associados ao metabolismo de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte (MBPP). Para tanto se adotou como estudo de caso o município de Feliz-RS. Como objetivos intermediários da pesquisa estabeleceram-se: a) Identificação dos métodos existentes para caracterização de fluxos de materiais na escala local e análise das possibilidades de aplicação no contexto dos MBPP; b) Desenvolvimento de um detalhamento metodológico da AFM, para a caracterização dos fluxos de materiais de MBPP; c) Análise das limitações e oportunidades para uso da AFM, na avaliação de sustentabilidade ambiental de municípios. Como resultados, avalia-se que o detalhamento metodológico desenvolvido é funcional e replicável para municípios brasileiros com o mesmo perfil, além de fornecer informações bastante detalhadas acerca dos fluxos ocorrentes no município adotado como caso. Assim, é possível realizar análises com diferentes níveis de desagregação. Quanto aos fluxos de materiais de Feliz, encontrou-se que o consumo doméstico de materiais per capita (DMC/ per capita) do município é alto, se comparado àqueles já caracterizados na literatura. Essa constatação corrobora com a proposição de que municípios com produção primária e secundária tendem a demandar, proporcionalmente, mais recursos do que aqueles que são consumidores finais. Quanto ao uso da AFM, na avaliação de sustentabilidade ambiental, verifica-se um alto potencial, com vantagens, em relação a outros métodos correntemente adotados. Entretanto, essas oportunidades ainda são pouco exploradas no contexto internacional e ignoradas no Brasil, ao se analisar a literatura existente. / Studies related to resources consumption and wastes emissions in a local territorial scale were originated from pioneering researches related to the urban metabolism concept. Over the past 15 years, there was a growth in the number of such studies applied to cities, municipalities and metropolitan areas. At the same time, Material Flow Analysis - MFA was consolidated as the predominant methodological approach for this type of research. However, it must be pointed out that all studied cases have been related to national capitals or counties, with economics centrality and land management in their own area. Besides, no studies of this nature were found as being developed in Brazil. Thus, the main goal of the research presented in this paper was to characterize material flows associated with the metabolism of a small Brazilian municipality and for this purpose the municipality of Feliz was adopted as a case study. Three intermediate objectives were established: a) To identify existing methods for material flows characterization on the local scale and to analyse the possibilities of applying them in the context of small Brazilian municipalities; b) to develop a MFA methodological detailing for the characterization of material flows of small Brazilian municipalities; c) to analyse constraints and opportunities for the use of MFA in the assessment of municipalities environmental sustainability. As results, it is considered that the methodological detailing developed raises the possibility of replicating the procedures applied in Feliz to other Brazilian municipalities, being this research a first and referential step in this direction. Besides, it provides very detailed information on flows occurring in the municipality adopted as the case study. Thus, it is possible ti further develop of analyses considering different levels of disaggregation. Concerning the material flows associated with the metabolism of Feliz, it was found that the studied municipality presents a DMC per capita comparable or superior to that of larger municipalities already analyzed by previous researches. This finding corroborates the hypothesis that municipalities with primary and secondary production tend to demand proportionately more resources than those who are the final consumers. Regarding the use of the MFA in the assessment of municipalities environmental sustainability, it was verified that it presents a high potential, with advantages over other methods currently adopted. However, when analyzing the existing literature it was noticed that these opportunities are still little explored in the international context and ignored in Brazil.

Caracterização do consumo domestico de materiais da cidade de Montevidéu mediante análise de fluxos de materiais / Characterization of domestic materials consumption in Montevideo attending the analysis of material flows

Mimbacas Rodriguez, Alicia Filomena January 2012 (has links)
As cidades podem ser definidas como sistemas abertos altamente dependentes do seu entorno para a provisão dos recursos naturais e eliminação dos resíduos. Abarcando 2% da superfície da terra, elas consomem aproximadamente 75% de seus recursos, expulsando resíduos em escala similar. Na atualidade, 50% da população mundial habita em cidades e é estimado que esta porcentagem ascenderá a 70% no 2050. Em particular, a América Latina apresenta uma crescente população urbana. No ano 1970, 57 % da população era urbana e estima se que se atinja 81% no 2025. O Uruguai é o país de América Latina de maior porcentagem de população urbana: 93%, em 2010. A Análise de Fluxos de Materiais (AFM) é una metodologia de avaliação do campo da economia ecológica que tem sido pouco considerada na planificação ou gestão urbana regional. Argumenta-se que essas abordagens são as que podem dar luz a um modelo de desenvolvimento de cidades mais sustentáveis, contribuindo para a definição de políticas publicas ambientais. O objetivo do trabalho é estimar quantitativamente o consumo doméstico de materiais (CDM) para a cidade de Montevidéu, no período entre os anos 2002 e 2009. Os principais desafios do trabalho foram a inexistência de metodologias de consenso de aplicação regional e a dificuldade na aquisição de dados, os quais se encontram em sua maioria desagregados em diferentes instituições públicas e privadas. O referencial metodológico adotado foi o proposto por EUROSTAT, aplicado a nível nacional pelas maiores economias da OCDE. O trabalho propõe uma estratégia de ponderação que permite a passagem da escala nacional á urbana, Os resultados obtidos evidenciam um aumento no consumo de materiais em Montevidéu na serie de anos analisada, sendo 80% deles de origem não renovável no ano 2009. A indústria da construção é responsável por mais de 50% do consumo total. A estimação quantitativa do CDM, para a cidade de Montevidéu, é um primeiro passo na identificação de alternativas para uma menor intensidade no uso de materiais, condição indispensável para um relacionamento mais equilibrado entre os sistemas socioeconômicos e o médio ambiente. O CDM de Montevidéu é uma ferramenta em processo, passível de ser aprimorada em futuros trabalhos. A principal dificuldade deste trabalho foi a compatibilização dos diferentes critérios de classificação de materiais da metodologia da EUROSTAT e das bases de dados nacionais. / Cities can be defined as open systems that are highly dependent on their environment for the provision of natural resources and waste disposal. Although cities only cover 2% of the surface of the earth, they consume 75% of its resources. Currently, 50% of the world population lives in cities and it is estimated that this number will rise to 70% in the year 2050. This phenomenon is remarkable in Latin America. While in 1970 its urban population was 57%, it is expected to climb to 81% by 2025. In this context, Uruguay is the country of Latin America that present the higher rate of urban population: 93% (year 2010). The Material Flow Analysis (MFA) (an evaluation methodology from the field of ecological economics) has not been contemplated on regional planning and urban management. However, it is argued that these approaches can enlighten the development of more sustainable cities contributing to the definition of environmental public policy. The aim of this work is to quantify the domestic consumption of materials (fossils, minerals and biomass) for the city of Montevideo, Uruguay for the years 2006 and 2009. At this point, the main barriers are the lack of agreed on regional implementation methodologies and the difficulty with data acquisition. The methodological guide to be used is the one defined by Eurostat, applied nationally for several years by the greatest OECD economies. The paper proposes a weighting strategy that allows the passage from a national scale to an urban one.The results obtained for the period of time analized show an increase in consumption of materials and energy. For instance, the consumption of non-renewable sources reached 80% for the year of2009. On this period, the construction industry was responsible for the 50% of the total consumption. This diagnosis let us perceive the paths to follow in order to reduce the intensity of the use of materials and energy, wich is imperative to create a balanced relationship between socioeconomic systems and the environment. The DMC of Montevideo is a tool in the process, which can be improved in future works. The main difficulty of this work was to reconcile the different criteria of classification of materials from EUROSTAT methodology with national databases.

Caracterização do consumo domestico de materiais da cidade de Montevidéu mediante análise de fluxos de materiais / Characterization of domestic materials consumption in Montevideo attending the analysis of material flows

Mimbacas Rodriguez, Alicia Filomena January 2012 (has links)
As cidades podem ser definidas como sistemas abertos altamente dependentes do seu entorno para a provisão dos recursos naturais e eliminação dos resíduos. Abarcando 2% da superfície da terra, elas consomem aproximadamente 75% de seus recursos, expulsando resíduos em escala similar. Na atualidade, 50% da população mundial habita em cidades e é estimado que esta porcentagem ascenderá a 70% no 2050. Em particular, a América Latina apresenta uma crescente população urbana. No ano 1970, 57 % da população era urbana e estima se que se atinja 81% no 2025. O Uruguai é o país de América Latina de maior porcentagem de população urbana: 93%, em 2010. A Análise de Fluxos de Materiais (AFM) é una metodologia de avaliação do campo da economia ecológica que tem sido pouco considerada na planificação ou gestão urbana regional. Argumenta-se que essas abordagens são as que podem dar luz a um modelo de desenvolvimento de cidades mais sustentáveis, contribuindo para a definição de políticas publicas ambientais. O objetivo do trabalho é estimar quantitativamente o consumo doméstico de materiais (CDM) para a cidade de Montevidéu, no período entre os anos 2002 e 2009. Os principais desafios do trabalho foram a inexistência de metodologias de consenso de aplicação regional e a dificuldade na aquisição de dados, os quais se encontram em sua maioria desagregados em diferentes instituições públicas e privadas. O referencial metodológico adotado foi o proposto por EUROSTAT, aplicado a nível nacional pelas maiores economias da OCDE. O trabalho propõe uma estratégia de ponderação que permite a passagem da escala nacional á urbana, Os resultados obtidos evidenciam um aumento no consumo de materiais em Montevidéu na serie de anos analisada, sendo 80% deles de origem não renovável no ano 2009. A indústria da construção é responsável por mais de 50% do consumo total. A estimação quantitativa do CDM, para a cidade de Montevidéu, é um primeiro passo na identificação de alternativas para uma menor intensidade no uso de materiais, condição indispensável para um relacionamento mais equilibrado entre os sistemas socioeconômicos e o médio ambiente. O CDM de Montevidéu é uma ferramenta em processo, passível de ser aprimorada em futuros trabalhos. A principal dificuldade deste trabalho foi a compatibilização dos diferentes critérios de classificação de materiais da metodologia da EUROSTAT e das bases de dados nacionais. / Cities can be defined as open systems that are highly dependent on their environment for the provision of natural resources and waste disposal. Although cities only cover 2% of the surface of the earth, they consume 75% of its resources. Currently, 50% of the world population lives in cities and it is estimated that this number will rise to 70% in the year 2050. This phenomenon is remarkable in Latin America. While in 1970 its urban population was 57%, it is expected to climb to 81% by 2025. In this context, Uruguay is the country of Latin America that present the higher rate of urban population: 93% (year 2010). The Material Flow Analysis (MFA) (an evaluation methodology from the field of ecological economics) has not been contemplated on regional planning and urban management. However, it is argued that these approaches can enlighten the development of more sustainable cities contributing to the definition of environmental public policy. The aim of this work is to quantify the domestic consumption of materials (fossils, minerals and biomass) for the city of Montevideo, Uruguay for the years 2006 and 2009. At this point, the main barriers are the lack of agreed on regional implementation methodologies and the difficulty with data acquisition. The methodological guide to be used is the one defined by Eurostat, applied nationally for several years by the greatest OECD economies. The paper proposes a weighting strategy that allows the passage from a national scale to an urban one.The results obtained for the period of time analized show an increase in consumption of materials and energy. For instance, the consumption of non-renewable sources reached 80% for the year of2009. On this period, the construction industry was responsible for the 50% of the total consumption. This diagnosis let us perceive the paths to follow in order to reduce the intensity of the use of materials and energy, wich is imperative to create a balanced relationship between socioeconomic systems and the environment. The DMC of Montevideo is a tool in the process, which can be improved in future works. The main difficulty of this work was to reconcile the different criteria of classification of materials from EUROSTAT methodology with national databases.

Metabolismo de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte : o caso de Feliz, RS / Metabolism of a small Brazilian municipality : Feliz, RS, case study

Kuhn, Eugenia Aumond January 2014 (has links)
Estudos relacionados ao consumo de recursos e à emissão de resíduos na escala territorial local se originaram nas pioneiras pesquisas associadas ao conceito de metabolismo urbano. Nos últimos 15 anos, observa-se um crescimento do número de estudos aplicados a cidades, municípios ou regiões metropolitanas. A Análise dos Fluxos de Materiais - AFM (Material Flow Analysis) vem se consolidando como a abordagem metodológica predominante para esse tipo de investigação, a qual objetiva prover informações sobre fluxos de materiais e de energia, usualmente em unidades de massa, entrando e deixando uma sociedade. No entanto, todos os casos estudados na literatura prévia correspondem a capitais nacionais ou a municípios com centralidade econômica e de gestão do território na região as quais pertencem. Adicionalmente, não há estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil. Em face dessas lacunas, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é a caracterização dos fluxos de materiais associados ao metabolismo de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte (MBPP). Para tanto se adotou como estudo de caso o município de Feliz-RS. Como objetivos intermediários da pesquisa estabeleceram-se: a) Identificação dos métodos existentes para caracterização de fluxos de materiais na escala local e análise das possibilidades de aplicação no contexto dos MBPP; b) Desenvolvimento de um detalhamento metodológico da AFM, para a caracterização dos fluxos de materiais de MBPP; c) Análise das limitações e oportunidades para uso da AFM, na avaliação de sustentabilidade ambiental de municípios. Como resultados, avalia-se que o detalhamento metodológico desenvolvido é funcional e replicável para municípios brasileiros com o mesmo perfil, além de fornecer informações bastante detalhadas acerca dos fluxos ocorrentes no município adotado como caso. Assim, é possível realizar análises com diferentes níveis de desagregação. Quanto aos fluxos de materiais de Feliz, encontrou-se que o consumo doméstico de materiais per capita (DMC/ per capita) do município é alto, se comparado àqueles já caracterizados na literatura. Essa constatação corrobora com a proposição de que municípios com produção primária e secundária tendem a demandar, proporcionalmente, mais recursos do que aqueles que são consumidores finais. Quanto ao uso da AFM, na avaliação de sustentabilidade ambiental, verifica-se um alto potencial, com vantagens, em relação a outros métodos correntemente adotados. Entretanto, essas oportunidades ainda são pouco exploradas no contexto internacional e ignoradas no Brasil, ao se analisar a literatura existente. / Studies related to resources consumption and wastes emissions in a local territorial scale were originated from pioneering researches related to the urban metabolism concept. Over the past 15 years, there was a growth in the number of such studies applied to cities, municipalities and metropolitan areas. At the same time, Material Flow Analysis - MFA was consolidated as the predominant methodological approach for this type of research. However, it must be pointed out that all studied cases have been related to national capitals or counties, with economics centrality and land management in their own area. Besides, no studies of this nature were found as being developed in Brazil. Thus, the main goal of the research presented in this paper was to characterize material flows associated with the metabolism of a small Brazilian municipality and for this purpose the municipality of Feliz was adopted as a case study. Three intermediate objectives were established: a) To identify existing methods for material flows characterization on the local scale and to analyse the possibilities of applying them in the context of small Brazilian municipalities; b) to develop a MFA methodological detailing for the characterization of material flows of small Brazilian municipalities; c) to analyse constraints and opportunities for the use of MFA in the assessment of municipalities environmental sustainability. As results, it is considered that the methodological detailing developed raises the possibility of replicating the procedures applied in Feliz to other Brazilian municipalities, being this research a first and referential step in this direction. Besides, it provides very detailed information on flows occurring in the municipality adopted as the case study. Thus, it is possible ti further develop of analyses considering different levels of disaggregation. Concerning the material flows associated with the metabolism of Feliz, it was found that the studied municipality presents a DMC per capita comparable or superior to that of larger municipalities already analyzed by previous researches. This finding corroborates the hypothesis that municipalities with primary and secondary production tend to demand proportionately more resources than those who are the final consumers. Regarding the use of the MFA in the assessment of municipalities environmental sustainability, it was verified that it presents a high potential, with advantages over other methods currently adopted. However, when analyzing the existing literature it was noticed that these opportunities are still little explored in the international context and ignored in Brazil.

Planning for Resilience in Small Towns of Ethiopia: The Metabolism of Food and Housing Materials in Amdework and BuraNEST

Tola, Teshome Tefera 02 April 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Contemporary towns and cities in developing countries are faced with myriads of challenges. And, scholars have been suggesting various approaches, methods and tools to improve local resilience against these challenges. Some of the approaches and movements that proliferated recently in urban studies are Urban Metabolism, Sustainable Spatial Planning, the specified resilience approach, and the circular economy. Although these movements played an important role in improving local resilience and sustainability in the western world, their impacts on towns and cities of the developing world remains minimal. This is mainly because these movements were conceived and born in western countries and most of them are targeted at solving their own local problems. So, there is a very strong need to contextualize and modify them so that they fit into the existing local conditions in towns and cities of developing countries. In addition, lack of institutions and usable data makes it very difficult to undertake similar studies in countries like Ethiopia. That is why contextualizing these movements and searching resource efficient paths to local resilience and sustainability have become important tasks in recent years. In addition, developing a methodology that helps to operationlize and spatialize these concepts (resilience and sustainability - concepts usually criticized for being too general and normative) is also very crucial.This research, therefore, developed a robust diagnostic and analytical tool to study the nexus between major challenges (in small towns) and their impact on local resilience and sustainability in Ethiopia. The urban metabolism approach is mainly used (as a tool) to understand the nature of these challenges and to diagnose resilience in small towns. It specifically focuses on the flow food and housing construction materials (the two most stressed flows) in the case towns. These case towns are selected to represent the two ends of the sustainable town planning continuum in Ethiopia (Amdework is an organically growing old town and BuraNEST is a new planned town based on principles of sustainability). This research is mainly conducted at three stages: at regional level, at local level and at sub-system level. The first task done to achieve this objective is, therefore, characterization of the role of the case town in the regional urban system. This is done mainly using the urban metabolism approach. The deployment of this tool helped the researcher to pinpoint weak links, unsustainable flows, and vulnerable paths that simultaneously impact local resilience and sustainability in the case towns. This preliminary exploratory research clearly indicated the role of the town in the regional urban system and revealed the two most stressed (but important) sub-systems in the localities: the food and the housing sub-systems.Following this preliminary finding, the research has been narrowed down to the aforementioned two most stressed sub-systems. The food sub-system is first studied using the urban metabolism and the 'specified resilience' approaches. The research adopts a tri-tiered method (resilience at the source, resilience in the chain and resilience in consumption) to investigate local food resilience and metabolism and their relationship with the spatial configuration of the case town. The deployment of this method helps to operationalize and reduce the normative content of the concept (of resilience). This study reveals that urban agriculture is a highly marginalized agenda at all the three stages. Furthermore, the research investigates various bottom-up informal initiatives in the case town and other innovative planning endeavors (such as the planning of BuraNEST) that are aimed at improving sustainability and resilience in the food sub-system. The other focus area of the research is the housing sub-system. The urban metabolism approach, again, is primarily used to characterize, map and quantify the flow of materials used in the construction of residential houses in the town. The research developed a new bottom-up data generation technique to undertake this analysis. This method dominantly relied on estimations and conversions (of traditional measurements to the metric system) to get quantified data that was finally used as an input to develop metabolic models. Models (Sankeys) developed in this research reveal that the vast majority of inputs used in the construction are sourced locally. However, certain recent worrisome trends challenging sustainability have been observed in the housing sub-system due to the increased tendency of transporting important construction inputs from distant sources (mainly due to local construction regulations). The research, on the other hand, found that housing in BuraNEST, a town claimed to have been planned based on principles of sustainability, is more reliant on local sources and recognizes local needs and challenges. However, there are some critical pending questions (related with governance and affordability) that need to be addressed to improve sustainability in the housing sub-system in the long-run. Lastly, the research also investigates planning system challenges in small towns of Ethiopia. This is done mainly because many of the challenges found in the previous two analyses point to the presence of certain systemic problems in the policies, laws and manuals used in the planning of small town of Ethiopia. Such disorientations obviously negatively impact local resilience and sustainability in the long-run. Various definitions, wordings, phrases, and criteria identified in the federal planning law and manual were found to be on a direct collision course with principles of sustainability in many instances. By doing these, this research, therefore, systematically analyzed how the nexus between population pressure, resource flows and planning system challenges impact local resilience and sustainability (in the food and housing sub-systems) in small towns of Ethiopia. More importantly, it successfully spatialized and operationalized critical concepts such as urban resilience and sustainability using a new bottom-up approach. Clarity of the methodology vividly spells out the starting point when dealing with such important topics. This research can, therefore, serve as an important material to other researchers who are interested to study issues related to urban resilience and metabolism in small towns of developing countries. It clearly shows how the urban metabolism (as a tool) can be deployed to diagnose resilience in specific systems and sub-systems of towns and cities. It also provides a step-by-step procedure on how to generate data in data poor contexts and build metabolic models that can be used to study resilience in urban areas. / Les villes contemporaines des pays en développement sont confrontées à une multitude de défis. Les chercheurs ont suggéré diverses approches, méthodes et outils pour améliorer la résilience locale face à ces défis et parmi les approches qui ont proliféré récemment dans les études urbaines, nous pouvons citer le Métabolisme Urbain, l’urbanisme durable, l'approche de la Résilience Spécifiée et l'économie Circulaire. Bien que ces mouvements et ces outils aient joué un rôle important dans l'amélioration de la résilience et de la durabilité locales dans le monde occidental, leur application et leur impact sur les villes des pays en développement sont négligeables. Cela est principalement dû au fait que ces mouvements ont été conçus et sont nés dans les pays occidentaux et que, par conséquent, la plupart d'entre eux visent à résoudre des problèmes qui leur sont propres. Il existe donc un besoin important de contextualiser et d'adapter ces outils, mouvements et méthodologies pour étudier, comprendre et résoudre les problèmes des villes du monde en développement. En outre, le manque d'institutions et de données utilisables rend difficile la réalisation d'études similaires dans des pays comme l'Éthiopie. La recherche de chemins efficaces pour la résilience et la durabilité locale est donc une tâche difficile dans les pays en développement. De plus, il est très important de développer une méthodologie qui aide à opérationnaliser et à spatialiser ces concepts (résilience et durabilité, des concepts généralement critiqués pour être trop généraux et normatifs).Cette recherche a donc permis de mettre au point un solide outil de diagnostic et d'analyse pour étudier le lien entre les principaux défis et leur impact sur la résilience et la durabilité locale dans les petites villes d'Éthiopie. L'approche du métabolisme urbain est principalement utilisée pour comprendre la nature des défis urbains et diagnostiquer la résilience dans les villes concernées. Cette approche se concentre spécifiquement sur les flux des deux sous-systèmes les plus sollicités :les flux de nourriture et de matériaux de construction de logements. Les deux villes étudiées sont sélectionnées pour représenter les deux extrêmes du continuum de la planification urbaine durable en Éthiopie :une nouvelle ville planifiée (BuraNEST) et une vieille ville à croissance organique (Amdework). Cette recherche est organisée selon trois échelles :au niveau régional, au niveau local et au niveau des sous-systèmes. La première tâche effectuée pour atteindre cet objectif a donc été de caractériser le rôle de la ville prise comme cas d’étude dans le système urbain régional, en s’appuyant sur l'approche du métabolisme urbain. Le déploiement de cet outil a permis d'identifier les trajectoires non durables, les flux vulnérables et les activités qui ont simultanément un impact sur la résilience locale et sur la durabilité des villes étudiées. Cette recherche exploratoire préliminaire a clairement souligné le rôle de la ville dans le système urbain régional et a révélé deux sous-systèmes particulièrement sous tension: les sous-systèmes de l'alimentation et du logement.Suite à cette première constatation, la recherche se concentre sur ces deux sous-systèmes. Le sous-système alimentaire est d'abord étudié en utilisant le métabolisme urbain et les approches de « résilience spécifiée ». La recherche adopte une méthode suivant trois niveaux (résilience à la source, résilience dans la chaîne et résilience dans la consommation) pour étudier la résilience alimentaire locale et sa relation avec la configuration spatiale urbaine. Le déploiement de cette méthode permet d’opérationnaliser et de réduire le contenu normatif du concept de résilience. La recherche révéle que l'agriculture urbaine est un programme très marginalisé aux trois stades du métabolisme alimentaire. En outre, la recherche examine diverses initiatives informelles ascendantes dans la ville en question et d'autres initiatives de planification innovantes (telles que la planification de BuraNEST) qui visent à améliorer la durabilité et la résilience du sous-système alimentaire.Le second domaine d'étude de la recherche concerne le sous-système du logement. L'approche du métabolisme urbain est utilisée pour caractériser, cartographier et quantifier le flux de matériaux utilisés dans la construction des bâtiments résidentielles. La recherche développe une nouvelle technique de génération de données ascendantes pour entreprendre cette analyse. Cette méthode repose principalement sur de nombreuses estimations et conversions (des mesures traditionnelles vers le système métrique) pour obtenir des données quantifiées qui peuvent être utilisées comme intrants pour développer des modèles métaboliques. Les modèles (Sankeys) développés dans le cadre de cette recherche ont révélé que la grande majorité des matériaux intrants utilisés dans la construction proviennent de sources locales. Cependant, certaines tendances récentes inquiétantes remettant en cause la durabilité ont été observées dans le sous-système de logement en raison de la tendance croissante à importer d'importants éléments de construction provenant de sources éloignées (principalement en raison des réglementations locales en matière de construction). D'autre part, la recherche a révélé que les logements de BuraNEST, une ville qui déclare avoir été planifiée sur la base des principes de durabilité, dépendent davantage des ressources locales et considèrent les besoins et défis locaux. Cependant, le programme de logement de BuraNEST suscite d'importantes préoccupations en raison de la présence de quelques enjeux la gouvernance et l’économie de la construction des maisons, qui peuvent menacer la durabilité du programme à long terme. Enfin, la recherche s'est également penchée sur les problèmes liés au système de planification dans les petites villes d'Éthiopie. Cela est principalement dû au fait que de nombreuses questions relevées dans les deux analyses précédentes indiquent la présence de certains problèmes systémiques dans les politiques, les lois et les manuels utilisés dans la planification des petites villes d'Éthiopie. De telles désorientations ont évidemment un impact négatif sur la résilience et la durabilité locales à long terme. Dans de nombreux cas, diverses définitions, formulations, phrases et critères identifiés dans la loi et les règles de planification fédérale se sont révélés être en conflit direct avec les principes de durabilité.Par conséquent, cette recherche analyse de manière systématique le lien entre la pression démographique, les flux de ressources et les défis du système de planification qui ont un impact sur la résilience et la durabilité des petites villes d'Éthiopie. Plus important encore, cette recherche a réussi à spatialiser et à opérationnaliser des concepts critiques tels que la résilience et la durabilité urbaines en utilisant une nouvelle approche bottom-up. La rigueur de la méthodologie définit clairement le point de départ lorsqu'il s'agit de traiter des sujets aussi importants. Cette recherche peut donc constituer un matériel important pour les chercheurs qui souhaitent étudier les questions liées à la résilience et au métabolisme urbains dans les petites villes des pays en développement. Elle montre clairement comment le métabolisme urbain, en tant qu'outil, peut être déployé pour diagnostiquer la résilience dans les systèmes et sous-systèmes spécifiques des villes. Il fournit également une procédure étape par étape sur la façon de générer des données dans des contextes de manque d’information ,permettant ainsi deconstruire des modèles métaboliques qui peuvent être utilisés pour étudier la résilience dans les zones urbaines. / Doctorat en Art de bâtir et urbanisme (Polytechnique) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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