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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low-Feedback Opportunistic Scheduling Schemes for Wireless Networks with Heterogenous Users

Rashid, Faraan 07 1900 (has links)
Efficient implementation of resource sharing strategies in a multi-user wireless environment can improve the performance of a network significantly. In this thesis we study various scheduling strategies for wireless networks and handle the problem of opportunistically scheduling transmissions using channel aware schemes. First we propose a scheme that can handle users with asymmetric channel conditions and is opportunistic in the sense that it exploits the multi-user diversity of the network. The scheme requires the users to have a priori knowledge of their channel distributions. The associated overhead is limited meaning it offers reduced feedback load, that does not scale with the increasing number of users. The main technique used to shrink the feedback load is the contention based distributed implementation of a splitting algorithm that does not require explicit feedback to the scheduler from every user. The users find the best among themselves, in a distributed manner, while requiring just a ternary broadcast feedback from the scheduler at the end of each mini-slot. In addition, it can also handle fairness constraints in time and throughput to various degrees. Next we propose another opportunistic scheduler that offers most of the benefits of the previously proposed scheme but is more practical because it can also handle heterogenous users whose channel distributions are unknown. This new scheme actually reduces the complexity and is also more robust for changing traffic patterns. Finally we extend both these schemes to the scenario where there are fixed thresholds, this enables us to handle opportunistic scheduling in practical systems that can only transmit over finite number of discrete rates with the additional benefit that full feedback session, even from the selected user, is never required.

Effects of user and spatial diversity on high data rate wireless systems

Parameswaran, Rajaraman 17 January 2006 (has links)
A novel design paradigm for wireless data delivery involves use of a scheduler at a base station to schedule users awaiting transmission and send downlink data to these users with all available cell power. This is unlike previous systems that share the available downlink power between users and trade off interference with capacity. The concept is used in 3G wireless standards like 1xEVDO and HSDPA. The scheduler is designed to exploit the peaks in channels seen by different users and transmit data to the user that can support the best rate. In contrast, antenna diversity, where multiple antennas are deployed at the receiver or transmitter; has the effect of improving received signal fidelity by averaging the channel variation. In this thesis, we evaluate the joint effect of user diversity and antenna diversity for various scheduling algorithms. The system is first studied with a single user to calculate theoretical throughput values. A loaded system is then simulated and throughput trends are plotted for each user. Total system capacity is evaluated in terms of served bytes for various combinations of scheduling algorithm, diversity type and channel quality. Multi-user scheduling diversity is studied using the same system simulation model via Tomlinson Harashima precoding. Results are generated for various cell powers. Single-user and multi-user scheduling cases are compared to understand the pros and cons of each approach. / Master of Science

An Empirical Analysis of Internet Use on Smartphones: Characterizing Visit Patterns and User Differences

Tossell, Chad 06 September 2012 (has links)
The original vision of ubiquitous computing was for computers to assist humans by providing subtle and fitting technologies in every environment. The iPhone and similar smartphones have provided continuous access to the internet to this end. In the current thesis, my goal was to characterize how the internet is used on smartphones to better understand what users do with technology away from the desktop. Naturalistic and longitudinal data were collected from iPhone users in the wild and analyzed to develop this understanding. Since there are two general ways to access the internet on smartphones—via native applications and a web browser—I describe usage patterns through each along with the influence of experience, the nature of the task and physical locations where smartphones were used on these patterns. The results reveal differences between technologies (the PC and the smartphone), platforms (native applications and the mobile browser), and users in how the internet was accessed. Findings indicate that longitudinal use of web browsers decreased sharply with time in favor of native application use, web page revisitation through browsers occurred very infrequently (approximately 25% of URLs are revisited by each user), bookmarks were used sparingly to access web content, physical location visitation followed patterns similar to virtual visitation on the internet, and Zipf distributions characterize mobile internet use. The web browser was not as central to smartphone use compared to the PC, but afforded certain types of activities such as searching and ad hoc browsing. In addition, users systematically differed from each other in how they accessed the internet suggesting different ways to support a wider spectrum of smartphone users.

Asymptotic Techniques for Space and Multi-User Diversity Analysis in Wireless Communications

January 2010 (has links)
abstract: To establish reliable wireless communication links it is critical to devise schemes to mitigate the effects of the fading channel. In this regard, this dissertation analyzes two types of systems: point-to-point, and multiuser systems. For point-to-point systems with multiple antennas, switch and stay diversity combining offers a substantial complexity reduction for a modest loss in performance as compared to systems that implement selection diversity. For the first time, the design and performance of space-time coded multiple antenna systems that employ switch and stay combining at the receiver is considered. Novel switching algorithms are proposed and upper bounds on the pairwise error probability are derived for different assumptions on channel availability at the receiver. It is proved that full spatial diversity is achieved when the optimal switching threshold is used. Power distribution between training and data codewords is optimized to minimize the loss suffered due to channel estimation error. Further, code design criteria are developed for differential systems. Also, for the special case of two transmit antennas, new codes are designed for the differential scheme. These proposed codes are shown to perform significantly better than existing codes. For multiuser systems, unlike the models analyzed in literature, multiuser diversity is studied when the number of users in the system is random. The error rate is proved to be a completely monotone function of the number of users, while the throughput is shown to have a completely monotone derivative. Using this it is shown that randomization of the number of users always leads to deterioration of performance. Further, using Laplace transform ordering of random variables, a method for comparison of system performance for different user distributions is provided. For Poisson users, the error rates of the fixed and random number of users are shown to asymptotically approach each other for large average number of users. In contrast, for a finite average number of users and high SNR, it is found that randomization of the number of users deteriorates performance significantly. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Electrical Engineering 2010

Multi-user Diversity Systems with Application to Cognitive Radio

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: This thesis aims to investigate the capacity and bit error rate (BER) performance of multi-user diversity systems with random number of users and considers its application to cognitive radio systems. Ergodic capacity, normalized capacity, outage capacity, and average bit error rate metrics are studied. It has been found that the randomization of the number of users will reduce the ergodic capacity. A stochastic ordering framework is adopted to order user distributions, for example, Laplace transform ordering. The ergodic capacity under different user distributions will follow their corresponding Laplace transform order. The scaling law of ergodic capacity with mean number of users under Poisson and negative binomial user distributions are studied for large mean number of users and these two random distributions are ordered in Laplace transform ordering sense. The ergodic capacity per user is defined and is shown to increase when the total number of users is randomized, which is the opposite to the case of unnormalized ergodic capacity metric. Outage probability under slow fading is also considered and shown to decrease when the total number of users is randomized. The bit error rate (BER) in a general multi-user diversity system has a completely monotonic derivative, which implies that, according to the Jensen's inequality, the randomization of the total number of users will decrease the average BER performance. The special case of Poisson number of users and Rayleigh fading is studied. Combining with the knowledge of regular variation, the average BER is shown to achieve tightness in the Jensen's inequality. This is followed by the extension to the negative binomial number of users, for which the BER is derived and shown to be decreasing in the number of users. A single primary user cognitive radio system with multi-user diversity at the secondary users is proposed. Comparing to the general multi-user diversity system, there exists an interference constraint between secondary and primary users, which is independent of the secondary users' transmission. The secondary user with high- est transmitted SNR which also satisfies the interference constraint is selected to communicate. The active number of secondary users is a binomial random variable. This is then followed by a derivation of the scaling law of the ergodic capacity with mean number of users and the closed form expression of average BER under this situation. The ergodic capacity under binomial user distribution is shown to outperform the Poisson case. Monte-Carlo simulations are used to supplement our analytical results and compare the performance of different user distributions. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Electrical Engineering 2012

Aktivitätstracker im Alltag: Charakteristika von Motivation und User Diversity zur Erklärung individueller Nutzungstrajektorien

Attig, Christiane Brunhilde 16 June 2023 (has links)
Die fortlaufend stärkere Durchdringung unseres Alltags mit digitalen Technologien wird besonders deutlich durch tragbare Geräte wie Smartphones, auf die jederzeit zugegriffen werden kann. Noch einen Schritt weiter gehen körpernah getragene, vernetzte Self-Tracking-Systeme wie Aktivitätstracker, welche kontinuierlich Bewegungsdaten und physiologische Parameter erfassen, algorithmisch aufbereiten und an die Nutzer*innen als quantifiziertes Feedback, oft zur Verhaltensmodifikation, zurückmelden. Diese spezifische Form der Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Technologie – körpernah, kontinuierlich, quantifiziert, vernetzt und persuasiv – ist für die Ingenieurpsychologie besonders relevant, da sie eine sehr enge Verbindung von Körper und Technik erfordert und spezifische Herausforderungen für die Stärkung der Selbstbestimmung ihrer Nutzer*innen bereithält. Einerseits dienen Aktivitätstracker der erleichterten Selbstreflexion durch Sichtbarmachung von Zusammenhängen, die zuvor verborgen blieben, wie etwa zwischen sportlicher Aktivität und Ruheherzfrequenz. Andererseits sollen Aktivitätstracker die Motivation für körperliche Verhaltensänderungen steigern. Die Nutzung von Aktivitätstrackern bewegt sich also potenziell in einem Spannungsfeld zwischen der Steigerung von Selbstbestimmung durch erweitertes Wissen sowie Aufzeigen von Handlungsoptionen und der Einschränkung der Selbstbestimmung durch persuasive Strategien zur Motivationssteigerung. Dieses Spannungsfeld bedingt neue Ansätze zur Beziehungsgestaltung zwischen Mensch und Trackingsystem. In der empirischen Forschung zur Nutzung von Aktivitätstrackern wird häufig darauf hingewiesen, dass ein Großteil der Nutzenden nach wenigen Wochen oder Monaten den kontinuierlichen Gebrauch beendet. Dieser Befund deutet daraufhin, dass Barrieren existieren, die die Langzeitnutzung unwahrscheinlicher machen. Des Weiteren wird immer wieder über negative Effekte der Trackernutzung berichtet, beispielsweise Stress. Allerdings ist auch bekannt, dass zahlreiche andere Personen ihr Trackingsystem über Jahre hinweg intensiv und erfolgreich gebrauchen. Es lässt sich also in Bezug auf die Nutzungstrajektorien eine bedeutsame Varianz feststellen, die es zu erklären gilt, um Self-Tracking-Anwendungen für diverse Nutzende gewinnbringend zu gestalten. Um diesem Vorhaben gerecht zu werden, ist es unabdingbar zu verstehen, welche individuellen Differenzen in der Gruppe der Nutzer*innen die Interaktion mit dem Aktivitätstracker, insbesondere in Bezug auf motivationale Aspekte, prägen. Dieser Herausforderung stellt sich die vorliegende Dissertation und greift dazu auf etablierte Theorien und Konzepte der Persönlichkeits- und Sozialpsychologie zurück. Da der theoriegeleitete Einbezug von Personenmerkmalen in die ingenieurpsychologische Forschung noch wenig vorangetrieben war, bestand zu Beginn des Promotionsvorhabens die Notwendigkeit, ein Konstrukt zu konzeptualisieren, welches zum einen auf einem stabilen psychologischen Theoriefundament steht und zum anderen spezifisch auf den Kontext der Mensch-Technik-Interaktion zugeschnitten ist. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde aus diesem Grund an der Herleitung der interaktionsbezogenen Technikaffinität (ATI) als kontextspezifische Variante der Denkfreude und ihrer Messbarmachung gearbei-tet. Insgesamt umfassten die Datenerhebungen zur Bestimmung der Gütekriterien der ATI-Skala fünf Datensätze mit über 1500 Teilnehmenden. Das Resultat der Skalenentwicklung ist ein unidimensionales, ökonomisches, reliables und valides Erhebungsinstrument der interaktionsbezogenen Technikaffinität (Artikel 1). Als relativ stabiles Persönlichkeitsmerkmal, das die Motivation zur Auseinandersetzung mit Technik grundlegend beeinflusst, wurde ATI in die folgenden Studien zur Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Aktivitätstracker miteinbezogen. Um die alltägliche, individuelle Mensch-Tracker-Interaktion umfassend zu verstehen und erklären zu können, wie es zu den unterschiedlichen Nutzungsverläufen kommt, müssen verschiedene Phasen der Nutzung untersucht werden. Zunächst ist zu klären, welche Motivatoren Menschen eigentlich dazu veranlassen, mit der Trackernutzung zu beginnen. Weiterhin ist die Nutzungsphase selbst zu beleuchten, um zu beschreiben, wie sich die oben beschriebene, spezifische Form der Trackerinteraktion auf die Nutzungserfahrung und anhaltende Motivation auswirkt und wie sich negative Nutzungskonsequenzen bemerkbar machen. Schließlich sind zum Verständnis der Nutzungstrajektorien die Gründe für den Abbruch zu berücksichtigen, sodass auch die Phase nach der Nutzung relevant ist. Da sich diese Dissertation dezidiert damit beschäftigt, wie sich die Interaktion mit Aktivitätstrackern im Alltag gestaltet, ist die Untersuchung der Nutzung in Stichproben von tatsächlichen bzw. ehemaligen Aktivitätstracker-Nutzer*innen angezeigt. Aus diesem Grund wurden zwei Online-Erhebungen durchgeführt, um ebendiese Stichproben zu erreichen. Das Ziel der ersten Studie (N = 210) war die quantitative Analyse von Nutzungsmotivationen sowie unintendierten, negativen Effekten der Trackernutzung im Alltagsgebrauch. Es zeigte sich, dass das Tracken sowohl zum Selbstzweck (intrinsische Motivation) als auch zur Erreichung eines externen Ziels (extrinsische Motivation) durchgeführt wird und diese Motivationstypen oft gleichzeitig auftreten. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass negative Effekte in Form von Motivationsverlusten in Bezug auf die Trackernutzung und die körperliche Aktivität eine Rolle im Alltag vieler Nutzer*innen spielen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens dieser Effekte wird teilweise von Personenmerkmalen wie ATI und der Nutzungsmotivation bestimmt (Artikel 2). Die zweite Studie nahm ehemalige Nutzer*innen (N = 159) in den Blick und fokussierte auf die Erfassung der Gründe für den Nutzungsabbruch sowie die Stabilität der Abbruchentscheidung. Die Ergebnisse machten deutlich, dass zahlreiche Nutzungsbarrieren für die Entscheidung, den Tracker abzulegen, ausschlaggebend sind. Außerdem sind die Abbruchentscheidungen oft nicht permanent, was auf eine episodische Trackernutzung hindeutet (Artikel 3). Schließlich wurden wiederum Personenmerkmale und außerdem Interaktionscharakteristika in Betracht gezogen, um die große Varianz hinsichtlich Abbruchgründen und -permanenz zu erklären. Die Analysen offenbarten unter anderem, dass eine episodische Nutzung (d. h. nicht endgültige Beendigung) wahrscheinlicher ist, wenn sich die Nutzungsmotivation durch einen hohen Grad an Selbstbestimmung auszeichnet (Artikel 4). Abschließend betonen die Befunde der Dissertation die zentrale Rolle der wahrgenommenen Selbstbestimmung im Kontext der Mensch-Tracker-Interaktion und geben Anlass für Designrichtlinien, die die Beziehung zwischen Trackingsystem und Nutzer*in mit all ihren gegenseitigen Abhängigkeiten und individuellen Merkmalen berücksichtigen, um so die Selbstbestimmung zu erhalten oder sogar durch vertieftes Selbstwissen zu stärken. / The ongoing permeation of our daily life with digital technologies is particularly evident in wearable devices such as smartphones, which can be accessed at any time. Wearable, connected self-tracking systems such as activity trackers go even a step further. They continuously record movement data and physiological parameters, process them algorithmically and provide quantified feedback to the user, often for behavioral modification. This specific form of interaction between humans and technology – close to the body, continuous, quantified, connected, and persuasive – is particularly relevant for engineering psychology, as it requires a very close connection between body and technology and poses specific challenges for strengthening the self-determination of its users. That is, on the one hand, activity trackers serve to facilitate self-reflection by revealing relationships which were previously hidden, such as the relationship between physical activity and resting heart rate. On the other hand, activity trackers are intended to enhance motivation for physical behavioral changes. The use of activity trackers thus potentially moves in a field of tension between the increase of self-determination through expanded knowledge as well as the identification of behavioral options and the restriction of self-determination through persuasive strategies to increase motivation. This tension requires new approaches to the design of relationships between people and tracking systems. Empirical research on activity tracker usage often highlights that a large proportion of users stop continuous use after a few weeks or months. This finding suggests the existence of barriers that make long-term use less likely. Furthermore, negative effects of tracker use, such as stress, are repeatedly reported. However, it is also known that many other users have enjoyed intensive and successful use of their tracking system for many years. Thus, a significant variance in usage trajectories can be observed, which needs to be explained in order to make self-tracking applications beneficial for diverse users. To meet this goal, it is essential to understand which individual differences in the group of users shape the interaction with their activity tracker, especially with respect to motivational aspects. This dissertation addresses this challenge by drawing on established theories and concepts of personality and social psychology. At the beginning of the dissertation project, the theory-based inclusion of personal characteristics in engineering psychology had not yet been sufficiently advanced. Thus, there was a need to conceptualize a construct which, on the one hand, stands on a stable psychological theoretical foundation and, on the other hand, is specifically tailored to the context of human-technology interaction. For this reason, the conceptualization of affinity for technology interaction (ATI) as a context-specific variant of need for cognition and its measurability took place within the context of the dissertation. In total, the data collection to determine the quality criteria of the ATI scale comprised five data sets with over 1500 participants. The result of the scale development is a unidimensional, economical, reliable, and valid survey instrument of ATI (Article 1). As a relatively stable personality trait that fundamentally influences motivation to engage with technology, ATI was included in subsequent studies of human-activity tracker interaction. In order to comprehensively understand the everyday, individual human-tracker interaction and to be able to explain how the various usage patterns occur, different phases of usage must be examined. First, it must be clarified which motivators actually cause a person to start using a tracker. Furthermore, the usage phase itself must be examined to describe how the specific form of tracker interaction described above affects the usage experience and ongoing motivation, and how negative usage consequences become apparent. Finally, to understand usage trajectories, the reasons for discontinuation need to be considered, hence the post-usage phase is also relevant. Since this dissertation decidedly focuses on the interaction with activity trackers in everyday life, the investigation of actual or former activity tracker users is indicated. For this reason, two online surveys were conducted to assess these actual (former) users. The aim of the first study (N = 210) was to quantitatively analyze motivations for usage as well as unintended, negative effects of tracker usage in daily use. It was shown that tracking is performed both for an end in itself (intrinsic motivation) and to achieve an external goal (extrinsic motivation), and that these motivation types often occur simultaneously. Furthermore, it was shown that negative effects in terms of motivation losses with respect to tracker use as well as physical activity play a role in many users' daily lives. The likelihood of these effects occurring is partly determined by personal characteristics such as ATI and motivation for usage (Article 2). The second study examined former users (N = 159) and focused on the reasons for discontinuing use and the stability of abandonment. The results indicated that numerous barriers to use are decisive for the decision to discontinue tracking. In addition, abandonment decisions are often not permanent, suggesting episodic tracker use (Article 3). Finally, person and interaction characteristics were considered to explain the large variance in abandonment reasons and permanence. The analyses revealed, among other things, that episodic use (i.e., not definitive termination) is more likely when the motivation for usage is characterized by a high degree of self-determination (Article 4). In conclusion, the findings of the dissertation emphasize the central role of perceived self-determination in the context of human-tracker interaction and give rise to design guidelines that take into account the relationship between the tracking system and the user with all its interdependencies and individual characteristics in order to preserve or even strengthen self-determination through deeper self-knowledge.

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