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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Das RpoS-Protein aus Vibrio cholerae : Funktionsanalyse und Charakterisierung der Proteolyse-Kaskade / The RpoS protein of Vibrio cholerae : Functional analysis and characterization of the proteolysis cascade

Halscheidt, Anja January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zunächst die Konservierung bekannter RpoS-assoziierter Funktionen für das V. cholerae Homolog untersucht. Dabei ergab die phänotypische Analyse der rpoS-Deletionsmutante, dass analog zu der Bedeutung als Regulator des Stationärphasen-Wachstums in E. coli, definierte Zelldichte-abhängige Eigenschaften in V. cholerae gleichermaßen der Kontrolle von RpoS unterliegen. In weiterführenden Experimenten konnte daraufhin die Konservierung der entsprechenden Promotorstrukturen über die funktionelle Komplementierung rpoS-abhängiger Gene durch das jeweils speziesfremde Protein aufgedeckt werden. Dahingegen konnte die Bedeutung von RpoS bei der Ausprägung der generellen Stress-Resistenz u. a. in E. coli für das V. cholerae Homolog über den gewählten experimentellen Ansatz nicht belegt werden. So wurden in Survival-Assays für keine der getesteten Stress-Bedingungen signifikante Unterschiede zwischen rpoS-Mutante und Wildtyp ermittelt. Die in E. coli gezeigte intrazelluläre Anreicherung des Sigmafaktors unter diversen Stress-Situationen konnte ebenfalls nicht nachgewiesen werden. Hinsichtlich der potentiellen Stellung von RpoS als globaler Regulator für Virulenz-assoziierte Gene, unterstützen und ergänzen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit die gegenwärtige Theorie, wonach RpoS das Ablösen der V. cholerae Zellen vom Darm-Epithel fördert. Die postulierte Bedeutung des alternativen Sigmafaktors in der letzten Phase der Pathogenese wurde über die RpoS-abhängige Sekretion der Mukin-degradierenden Protease HapA und die hier unabhängig nachgewiesene Transkriptionskontrolle von Chemotaxis-Genen bestätigt. In E. coli gilt als entscheidender Parameter für die dargelegten RpoS-Funktionen die intrazelluläre Konzentration des Masterregulators. Deshalb war ein weiteres zentrales Thema dieser Arbeit die Regulation des RpoS-Levels in V. cholerae. Neben der Identifizierung von Bedingungen, welche die RpoS-Expression beeinflussen, wurde vorrangig der Mechanismus der Proteolyse analysiert. Dabei wurden als RpoS-degradierende Komponenten in V. cholerae die Homologe des Proteolyse-Targetingfaktors RssB und des Protease-Komplexes ClpXP identifiziert. Die weitere Untersuchung der RpoS-Proteolyse ergab außerdem, dass bestimmte Stress-Signale den Abbau stark verzögern. Interessanterweise resultierten die gleichen Signale jedoch nicht in der Akkumulation von RpoS. Als weiterer Unterschied zu der bekannten Proteolysekaskade in E. coli zeigte sich, dass das V. cholerae Homolog der RssB-aktivierenden Kinase ArcB (FexB) an der RpoS-Proteolyse nicht beteiligt ist. Indessen deuten die Ergebnisse weiterführender Experimente auf den Einfluss der Kinasen CheA-1 und CheA-3 des V. cholerae Chemotaxis-Systems auf die RpoS-Degradation. Aus diesem Grund wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein zu E. coli abweichendes Modell der RpoS-Proteolyse postuliert, in welchem die aktiven CheA-Kinasen den Targetingfaktor RssB phosphorylieren und somit den Abbau einleiten. Die Beteiligung von MCP-Rezeptoren an der Kontrolle der intrazellulären RpoS-Konzentration und damit an der Transkription der Chemotaxisgene selbst, beschreibt erstmalig ein Regulationssystem, wonach innerhalb der Chemotaxis-Kaskade die Rezeptoraktivität wahrscheinlich über einen positiven „Feedback-Loop“ mit der eigenen Gen-Expression gekoppelt ist. Darüber hinaus deutete sich die Beteiligung der ATP-abhängigen Protease Lon an der RpoS-Proteolyse-Kaskade in V. cholerae an. Die Inaktivierung der in E. coli unter Hitzeschock-Bedingungen induzierten Protease resultierte in einem extrem beschleunigten RpoS-Abbau. Ein letztes Teilprojekt dieser Arbeit adressierte die Regulationsmechanismen der V. cholerae Osmostress-Adaptation. Während in E. coli der alternative Sigmafaktor dabei eine zentrale Rolle spielt, konnte die Beteiligung des V. cholerae RpoS an der Osmostress-Regulation jedoch nicht aufgedeckt werden. Dafür ergab die Funktionsanalyse eines neu definierten Osmostress-Sensors (OsmRK) die Kontrolle von ompU durch dieses Zwei-Komponentensystems unter hypertonen Bedingungen. Dieses Ergebnis überraschte, da bislang nur der Virulenzfaktor ToxR als Regulator für das Außenmembranporin beschrieben wurde. Die nachgewiesene ompU-Transkriptionskontrolle durch zwei Regulatoren führte zu der Hypothese eines unbekannten regulativen Netzwerkes, welchem mindestens 52 weitere Gene zugeordnet werden konnten. Insgesamt ist festzuhalten, dass die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführte molekulare Charakterisierung der RpoS-Proteolyse in V. cholerae Beweise für eine mögliche Verbindung zwischen der Transkriptionskontrolle für Motilitäts- und Chemotaxisgene mit der Chemotaxis-Reizwahrnehmung erbrachte. Eine derartige intermolekulare Verknüpfung wurde bislang für keinen anderen Organismus beschrieben und stellt somit eine neue Variante der Signaltransduktion innerhalb der Virulenz-assoziierten Genregulation dar. / In the present work conserved function of RpoS in E. coli was approached for its homolog in V. cholerae. Comprehensive phenotypical analysis of rpoS-mutant and wildtype revealed the involvement of RpoS in growth-phase-dependent processes, according to RpoS-function as stationary phase regulator in E. coli. In further experiments the conservation of RpoS-promoters in both species could be shown. To the contrary, the well-known function of E. coli RpoS as general stress-regulator could not be demonstrate for V. cholerae: By testing several stress conditions in survival assays, no significant differences were determined between rpoS mutant and wildtype. Additionally, the intracellular mode of RpoS accumulation in E. coli due to different stress conditions was also not observed in V. cholerae. Regarding the putative role of RpoS as a regulator for virulence-associated genes, the inhere described data support and complement the current theory of RpoS being involved in mucosal detachment of V. cholerae cells. In E. coli the intracellular concentration of RpoS is a decisive parameter for its described function. So far the homologs of the proteolysis targeting factor RssB and the ATP-depending terminal protease complex ClpXP were identified to be involved in V. cholerae RpoS-proteolysis. Further characterization also unravelled, that various stress signals slow down that degradation. But such conditions did not yield in the RpoS accumulation. Based on these differences to the E. coli dynamics of RpoS-degradation additional investigations were performed to gain more insights into the regulatory path of RpoS degradation in V. cholerae. In E. coli the ArcB kinase ist the sensor kinase for regulating the activity of RssB. In this study fexB was identified as arcB homolog in V. cholerae. But by monitoring the RpoS stability in the corresponding knock-out mutant no effect could be observed. Therefore the ArcB-system is not influencing RpoS stability in V. cholerae. Knowing, that RpoS is a major regulator for motility and chemotaxis in V. cholerae, it was investigated next whether other signal-kinases are involved in RpoS proteolysis. Thereby, the known chemotaxis kinases were tested. Knockout mutants of cheAs and subsequent analysis of RpoS half-life revealed, that cheA-1 and cheA-3 did alter RpoS proteolysis to slow down the degradation, whereas cheA-2 mutant did not. Therefore, it can be postulated, that a different mode of RpoS-proteolysis is operating in V. cholerae in which active CheA-1 and CheA-3 may be responsible for RssB phosphorylation, hence leading to RpoS degradation. That kind of interaction may also include the output signalling of the MCP-receptors regulating CheA kinase activity. Since the cheA genes are also under transcriptional control by RpoS a new regulation system can be postulated, where MCP signal output links transcriptional regulation of motility and chemotaxis via RpoS stability in a “positive feedback loop”. Additionally, data are presented, where the ATP depending protease Lon is also involved in RpoS proteolysis in an inverted manner. Lon, which in E. coli is a heat shock induced protease, seems to recognize and degrade substrates in V. cholerae operating in RpoS degradation in the RssB-depending branch. That phenotype was observed as an accelerated RpoS degradation in a lon background. Finally, the complex regulatory pathway of osmo-regulation was characterized. In E. coli RpoS plays a central role. However, in V. cholerae RpoS could not be identified to participate in osmo-regulation, instead a new defined osmostress-sensor (OsmRK) was characterized. In first analysis, it was found that osmRK knockout mutants showed a deregulated ompU expression under hyperosmotic conditions. Considering, that so far only the well known virulence regulator ToxR was identified to act on the ompU promoter, a novel regulatory network was suggested, which regulates at least further 52 genes. In summary, the components of RpoS proteolysis in V. cholerae were unravelled and characterized. Additionally, evidence could be gathered, which indicates a linkage between transcriptional control of motility and chemotaxis genes and the chemotaxis-signalling pathway. So far, such an regulatory pathway has not been described before and would represent a novel branch of signal transduction in bacteria.

Purification of Feo proteins and analysis of residues important for Feo protein interactions

Morrison, Rebecca Rose 28 February 2013 (has links)
Iron is an essential element for virtually all forms of life. Complicating matters, it is present in the insoluble ferric form in aerobic environments, while the more soluble ferrous form is found in anaerobic or reducing environments. Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the disease cholera, requires iron to survive. In order to meet the need for iron, V. cholerae expresses a variety of iron acquisition systems. One of these systems, Feo, is highly conserved among bacterial species as well as archaea and transports ferrous iron. The Feo system consists of three proteins: FeoA, FeoB, and FeoC. Previous work using the bacterial adenylate cyclase two hybrid system has shown that FeoC interacts with the cytoplasmic N-terminal domain of FeoB. However, the significance of this interaction is not known. In this study, V. cholerae Feo system proteins were analyzed for residues important for the interaction between FeoB and FeoC. In addition, FeoA and FeoC were purified for antibody production. It was found that a residue in the G protein domain of FeoB was not necessary for interaction with FeoC. However, a conserved residue in FeoC did abolish the interaction with FeoB. These results indicate that there is at least one residue important in the interaction of FeoB and FeoC, although further characterization will most likely reveal more. Antibodies to FeoA and FeoC were generated to use them for further characterization of the Feo system. / text

Sialylmimetics as Potential Inhibitors fo Vibrio Cholerae Sialidase

Mann, Maretta Clare, n/a January 2004 (has links)
Cholera is an epidemic infectious diarrhoeal disease that for centuries has proven its frightening ability to cause rapid and widespread loss of human life. All symptoms associated with cholera are a result of rapid dehydration due to infection by pathogenic strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The damaging effects associated with cholera are mainly attributed to the toxin, which is secreted by the bacterium and infects cells lining the gastrointestinal tract. A sialidase, also secreted by the bacterium, is believed to facilitate toxin uptake by the gastrointestinal epithelium. V. cholerae sialidase is therefore a potential target for therapeutic intervention. A survey of the literature reveals that sialidases from different species share common features with respect to their structure, substrate specificity and catalytic mechanism. The unsaturated sialic acid, Neu5Ac2en, inhibits most exosialidases with a dissociation constant of inhibitor of -10-4 to-10-6 M and has frequently been used as a template in the design of more potent sialidase inhibitors. In the case of V. cholerae sialidase, there have been no inhibitors reported to date that are significantly more potent than Neu5Ac2en itself The present research aimed to develop a range of mimics of Neu5Ac2en, which contain various substituents to replace the C-6 glycerol side chain, as potential inhibitors of V cholerae sialidase. The x-ray crystal structure of V cholerae sialidase was used to explore potential interactions between active site residues and C-6 modified Neu5Ac2en mimetics of known inhibitory potency. Opportunities for interactions within the glycerol side chain pocket in the active site of V cholerae sialidase are discussed. A novel synthetic strategy was developed for the synthesis of a series of glucuronidebased Neu5Ac2en mimetics starting from readily available GIcNAc. This approach was employed for the preparation of Neu5Ac2en mimetics that contained an ether or thioether substituent as replacement of the glycerol side chain of Neu5Ac2en. Progress was also made towards the synthesis of a series of C-6 acylamino Neu5Ac2en mimetics. Analysis by 1H NMR spectroscopy showed that the acylamino derivatives adopted a half-chair conformation that was similar to the conformation of Neu5Ac2en but different to the conformation adopted by the ether and thioether derivatives prepared. The inhibitory activity of the C-6 ether and thioether Neu5Ac2en mimetics prepared was evaluated in vitro using an enzyme assay. It was found that most of the derivatives inhibited V. cholerae sialidase with a K1 of approximately 1O-4 M. The derivatives containing a hydrophobic side chain were found to be slightly more potent compared to derivatives with more hydrophilic side chains. A more detailed study of binding interactions between the C-6 thioether Neu5Ac2en mimetics and V cholerae sialdiase was carried out using STD 1H NMR spectroscopy and computational molecular modelling.

Blood group O and risk of infection with Vibrio cholerae

Alodaini, Dema Abdullah 12 July 2017 (has links)
Cholera is an acute diarrheal illness burdening several developing countries caused by toxigenic Vibrio cholerae, where endemics maintain a seasonal pattern and occur more than once a year. Cholera is endemic in certain regions of Africa and South America, and southern Asia, where outbreaks are associated with poor hygiene and sanitary conditions. Every year, 3–5 million cases of cholera are diagnosed, and it causes more than 100,000 deaths worldwide. Cholera toxin is secreted by the V. cholerae bacteria and causes extreme secretory diarrhea, most commonly in poor hygiene environment. Watery diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps characterize the illness and approximately 5–10% of patients die of severe fluid loss if left untreated. The structure and function of the cholera toxin, its subunits, receptor, and impact on hyperactivation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) were sufficiently described in the 1970s. These findings fit with epidemiologic observations, which determined that the cholera toxin must first enter intestinal cells by binding to monosialoganglioside (GM1) on the host’s epithelial surface. The correlation between increase risk of V. cholerae infection and individuals with a particular ABO blood group type is unclear because of the scarce information and few studies conducted. Thus, this study reviews published research articles to better understanding the association between the blood group O and susceptibility to developing severe cholera symptoms. Several large studies have recorded an association between ABO blood groups and different infectious agents). Anthropological surveys suggest that the racial and geographic distribution of human blood types reflects tendencies towards specific erythrocyte types susceptible to infectious disease, such as cholera and malaria. Experimentally, the V. cholerae toxin has been extensively used as an experimental adjuvant, and its association with ABO groups is of practical importance for the development of an oral cholera vaccination. The results of previous studies provided strong evidence that individuals with blood type O are more vulnerable than other persons to severe cholera symptoms, even though the biologic basis for this association remains unknown.

Non-coding small RNAs regulate multiple mRNA targets to control the Vibrio cholerae quorum sensing response

Zhao, Xiaonan 09 April 2013 (has links)
The waterborne bacterial pathogen Vibrio cholerae uses a process of cell-to-cell communication called quorum sensing (QS) to coordinate transcription of four sRNAs (Qrr1-4; quorum regulatory RNAs) in response to changes in extracellular QS signals that accumulate with cell density. The Qrr sRNAs are predicted to negatively control translation of several mRNAs, including hapR, which encodes the master QS transcription factor that controls genes for virulence factors, biofilm formation, protease production, and DNA uptake. The Qrr sRNAs are also predicted to positively control vca0939, which encodes a GGDEF family protein that promote biofilm formation by elevating intracellular levels of the second messenger molecule c-di-GMP. Using complementary in vivo, in vitro, and bioinformatic approaches, I showed that Qrr sRNAs base-pair with and repress translation of the mRNA encoding HapR. A single nucleotide mutation in Qrr RNA abolishes hapR pairing and thus prevents cholera toxin production and biofilm formation that are important in disease, and also alters expression of competence genes required for uptake of DNA in marine settings. I also demonstrated that base-pairing of the Qrr sRNAs with vca0939 disrupts an inhibitory structure in the 5' UTR of the mRNA. Qrr-activated translation of vca0939 was sufficient to promote synthesis of c-di-GMP and early biofilm formation in a HapR-independent manner. Thus, these studies define the non-coding Qrr sRNAs as a critical component allowing V. cholerae to sense and respond to environmental cues to regulate important developmental processes such as biofilm formation.

Spatial distribution and thermo-climatic effects on the abundance of non-toxigenic Vibrio cholerae in Russia

Leonov, Vadim January 2023 (has links)
The identification of climate temperature-sensitive pathogens and infectious diseases is essential in addressing health risks resulting from global warming. Such research is especially crucial in regions where climate change may have a more significant impact like Russia. Recent studies have reasoned that the abundance of V. cholerae tox- is environmentally driven. The aim of the degree project is to investigate the spatial-temporal trends and thermo-climatic sensitivity of non-toxigenic V. cholerae abundance in Russia. This study employed spatial epidemiology tools to identify persistent clusters of the V. cholerae tox- isolation and areas for exploring temperature-depended patterns of the vibrio distribution. Correlation analysis was used to identify regions with temperature-driven Vibrio abundance – vibrioses and the V. cholerae tox- prevalence in water samples. GAM was applied to evaluate the relationship between V. cholerae tox- prevalence and the mean summer air temperature. The spatial analysis detected 16 persistent (7-8 year) clusters of V. cholerae tox- across the study period 2005-2021. The highest-risk areas are located between 54.70 and 55.15 latitudes. The persistent clusters should become targeted areas to improve sanitation conditions. A distinct significant thermo-climatic effect on the abundance of V. cholerae tox- in water basins was found in three Russian regions with temperate marine (the Kaliningrad region - Dwb) and sharp continental climatic conditions (the Irkutsk region - Dwb and the Republic of Sakha - Dwd). Finally, our results showed significant relationships between ambient summer temperature and vibriosis caused by V. cholerae tox- in the Rostov and Volgograd regions. Heat waves for both regions facilitated the eruption of reported vibriosis in 2007 and 2010. The study offers valuable outcomes to support simplified empirical evaluations of the potential hazards of vibrio abundance that might be useful locally for public health authorities and globally as a part of the warning system of climate change effects in Russia.

Roles of membrane vesicles in bacterial pathogenesis

Vdovikova, Svitlana January 2017 (has links)
The production of membranous vesicles is observed to occur among organisms from all domains of the tree of life spanning prokaryotes (bacteria, archaea) and eukaryotes (plants, animals and fungi). Bacterial release of membrane-derived vesicles (MVs) has been studied most extensively in cases of Gram-negative species and implicating their outer membrane in formation of extracellular MVs. However, recent studies focusing on Gram-positive bacteria have established that they also undergo MV formation. Membrane vesicles are released during normal bacterial growth, they are derived from the bacterial membrane(s) and may function as transporters of different proteins, DNA and RNA to the neighbouring bacteria or to the cells of a mammalian host. The transport of virulence factors in a condensed manner via MVs to the host cells presumably protects these proteins from degradation and, thereby, targets the host cells in a specific manner. The aim of my thesis is to investigate secretion of MV-associated virulence factors and to study interactions of MVs produced by two selected Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, i.e. Vibrio cholerae and Listeria monocytogenes, with eukaryotic host cells. Depending on whether the bacterium acts as an extracellular or intracellular pathogen, MVs may be considered to have specific functions, which may lead to the different outcomes of MV-host interactions. V. cholerae transport systems for virulence factors include the Type VI secretion system and MVs (also referred to as the “Type 0” secretion system). We have identified that the biologically active form of PrtV protease in different V. cholerae serogroups is transported via MVs. PrtV protease is essential for V. cholerae environmental survival and protection from natural predator grazing. We demonstrated that PrtV is primarily translocated via the inner membrane to the periplasmic space, where it undergoes autoproteolysis, and the truncated version of PrtV protein is packaged inside the MVs and released from the surface of bacteria. MV-associated PrtV protease showed a contribution to bacterial resistance towards the antimicrobial peptide LL-37, thereby, enhancing bacterial survival by avoiding this innate immune defense of the host. We also studied another virulence factor of V. cholerae, the pore-forming toxin VCC, which was found to be transported by MVs. MV-associated VCC is biologically active and triggers an autophagic response in the target cells. We suggested that autophagy serves as a cellular defense mechanism against the MV-associated bacterial virulence factor of V. cholerae. Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive intracellular and facultative anaerobic food-borne pathogen causing listeriosis. It causes only sporadic outbreaks in healthy individuals, however, it is dangerous for a fetus or newborn child, and for pregnant and immunocompromised people, leading to a deadly infection in one third of the cases. We have analyzed MVs produced by L. monocytogenes and their interaction with eukaryotic cells. Confocal microscopy analysis showed that MVs are internalized into HeLa and HEK293 cells and are accumulated in lysosomes. Moreover, L. monocytogenes produces MVs inside the host cells and even inside the phagosomes. We found that the major virulence factor of L. monocytogenes, the cholesterol-dependent pore-forming protein listeriolysin O (LLO), is entrapped inside the MVs and resides there in an oxidized inactive state. LLO is known to induce autophagy by making pores in the phagosomal membrane of targeted eukaryotic cells. In our studies, we have shown that MVs effectively abrogated autophagy induced by Torin1, by purified LLO or by another pore-forming toxin from V. cholerae. We also found that MVs promote bacterial intracellular survival inside mouse embryonic fibroblasts. In addition, MVs have been shown to have a strong protective activity against host cell necrosis initiated by pore-forming toxin. Taken together, these findings suggested that in vivo MVs production from L. monocytogenes might be a relevant strategy of bacteria to manipulate host responses and to promote bacterial survival inside the host cells.

Identification des mécanismes de résistance de V. cholerae aux peptides antimicrobiens

Sarrias, Marion 04 1900 (has links)
L’organisation mondiale de la santé estime que le choléra entraîne 100, 000 décès par an pour environ 4 millions de cas recensés, plaçant ainsi cette maladie comme un enjeu de santé publique majeur. Cette infection est causée par Vibrio cholerae, une bactérie à Gram négatif vivant en milieu aquatique. Face à cette agression, l’épithélium intestinal et les bactéries du microbiote agissent comme une barrière, en exprimant notamment des peptides antimicrobiens (PAM). V. cholerae, comme de nombreux pathogènes, montre une résistance accrue aux PAM. Malgré une avancée constante sur la compréhension des mécanismes de résistances bactériens aux PAM, de nombreuses inconnues demeurent, principalement en raison des techniques de mutagénèse aléatoire utilisées pour leur identification. L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier de nouveaux mécanismes de résistance impliqués dans la résistance de V. cholerae aux PAM. Grâce à des expériences de séquençage par spectrométrie masse suivi d’études bio-informatiques, nous avons identifié les protéines OmpV et Lap comme des candidates intéressantes pour être impliquées dans la résistance de V. cholerae. Alors que la souche V. cholerae A1552 délétée du gène ompV (DompV) ne semble pas présenter de défaut de croissance ou de perméabilité, nos résultats ont montré une diminution des concentrations minimales inhibitrices en différents PAM tels que LL-37. Les tests fonctionnels semblent suggérer l’implication des vésicules de sécrétion dans le mécanisme de d’OmpV face à LL-37 chez V. cholerae. / According to the World Health Organization, cholera remains a significant health problem, causing 100,000 death per 4 millions infections per year. V. cholerae, the etiologic agent of cholera and a Gram-negative bacterium, is generally transmitted via contaminated food or water. During infection, the microbiota and intestinal epithelium acts as a barrier by producing antimicrobial peptides (AMP). Resistance to AMP has emerged as a virulence factor in pathogens and specifically in V. cholerae. As AMP are considered as novel molecular therapeutic agents, it is truly important to better understand strategies of resistance of V. cholerae. The aim of this study is to identify unknown mechanisms involved in V. cholerae resistance to AMP. For this purpose, after protein sequencing by mass spectrometry (MS-MS) and bioinformatics, we identified the OmpV porin, member of the outer membrane protein family and the Lap protease as new protein candidates for strategies of resistance. We characterized the V. cholerae A1552 strain deleted for ompV (DompV). We confirmed OmpV implication in AMP resistance by minimum inhibitory concentration and did not observed any differences in growth or permeability in the presence of AMP between the wild-type (wt) and the (DompV) strains. The work presented here suggest an implication of outer membrane vesicules in V. cholerae resistance mechanisms to some AMP as LL-37.

The prevalence of Vibrio cholerae and other Vibrio spp. in surface water of rural communities in the Limpopo Province

Masindi, Wontonda 18 September 2017 (has links)
MSc (Microbiology) / Department of Microbiology / See the attached abstract below

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