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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'un récepteur intelligent dédié aux systèmes sans fil basés sur les modulations M-OAM / Development of an intelligent receiver dedicated to wireless systems based on M-OAM modulations

Menhaj, Lamyae 12 April 2017 (has links)
Dans ces travaux de thèse, nous proposons un système de communication original permettant d’atteindre un haut débit et de répondre aux exigences de la qualité de service requise pour les communications courte portée dans le cadre du transport intelligent. Ce système se base sur la technologie Ultra Large Bande Impulsionnelle (IR-ULB) et sur un nouveau schéma de modulation nommé M-OAM (M-Orthogonal Amplitude Modulation). Les modulations M-OAM se basent sur le principe des modulations M-QAM en remplaçant les porteuses par des formes d’ondes ULB orthogonales de type MGF (Modified Gegenbauer Function). Ces modulations ont été évaluées sous les conditions d’un canal AWGN et des canaux IEEE 802.15.3a et IEEE 802.15.4a qui tiennent compte des paramètres réels de la route. En plus du haut débit exigé par les communications inter-véhiculaires, il faut assurer un échange d’informations simultané entre plusieurs utilisateurs de la route et garantir une bonne qualité de service. Dans cette optique, une nouvelle technique d’accès multiple adaptée est proposée. Chaque utilisateur a la possibilité d’utiliser la modulation OAM adéquate selon le débit désiré. Le récepteur de ce système se caractérise par un aspect intelligent grâce à l’intégration des principes de la Radio Cognitive (RC) qui permet de détecter l’arrivée du signal et d’identifier les paramètres de la modulation utilisée afin de s’y adapter d’une façon autonome. Une bonne qualité de service est assurée par la proposition d’une nouvelle technique de démodulation qui se base sur les Statistiques d’Ordres Supérieurs (SOS) permettant d’éliminer le bruit Gaussien. Les bonnes performances du système de communication M-OAM ainsi que l’ensemble des aspects proposés ont été validés expérimentalement au sein du laboratoire IEMN-DOAE. Dans la dernière partie de ce document nous avons présenté la réalisation d’un prototype de ce traitement en temps réel sur une plateforme FPGA, en exploitant des algorithmes parallélisables sur des architectures reconfigurables. / In this work of thesis, we propose an original communication system allowing to reach high data rate and to fulfill the requirements of quality of service necessary for the communications short range dedicated to intelligent transport. This system is based on the Ultra Wide Band Impulse (IR-ULB) technology and on new modulation scheme named M-OAM (M-states Orthogonal Amplitude Modulation). M-OAM modulations are based on the principle of modulations M-QAM by replacingthe carriers used for QAM modulation with orthogonal waveforms ULB type MGF (Modified Gegenbauer Function). These modulations were evaluated under the conditions of AWGN channel and IEEE 802.15 channels which take account of the real parameters of the road. Besides the high speed required by inter-vehicular communications, it is necessary to ensure simultaneous information exchange between several users of the road. Accordingly, new adaptive multiple access system is proposed. Each user has the possibility to use the adequate modulation OAM according to the desired speed. The receiver of this system is characterized by an intelligent aspect thanks to the integration of the principle of Cognitive Radio (RC) which makes it able to detect the signal arrival and to identify the parameters of the used modulation in order to adapt the demodulation in an autonomous way. A good quality of service is ensured by the proposed novel demodulation method based on the Higher Orders Statistics (HOS) to eliminate the Gaussian noise. The good performances of M-OAM communication system M-OAM as well as the whole of the suggested aspects are validated in experiments within IEMN-DOAE laboratory. In the last part of this document we presented the realization of prototype using real time processing developed on FPGA plateform and exploiting parallelisable algorithms on reconfigurable architectures.

De l'impact d'une décision locale et autonome sur les systèmes de transport intelligent à différentes échelles / The impact of local and autonomous decision on intelligent transport systems at different scales

Lebre, Marie-Ange 25 January 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse présente des applications véhiculaires à différentes échelles : de la petite qui permet d'effectuer des tests réels de communication et de service ; à des plus grandes incluant plus de contraintes mais permettant des simulations sur l'ensemble du réseau. Dans ce contexte nous soulignons l'importance d'avoir et de traiter des données réelles afin de pouvoir interpréter correctement les résultats. A travers ces échelles nous proposons différents services utilisant la communication V2V et V2I. Nous ne prétendons pas prendre le contrôle du véhicule, notre but est de montrer le potentiel de la communication à travers différents services. La petite échelle se focalise sur un service à un feu de circulation permettant d'améliorer les temps de parcours et d'attente, et la consommation en CO2 et en carburant. La moyenne échelle se situant sur un rond-point, permet grâce à un algorithme décentralisé, d'améliorer ces mêmes paramètres, mais montre également qu'avec une prise de décision simple et décentralisée, le système est robuste face à la perte de paquet, à la densité, aux comportements humains ou encore aux taux d'équipement. Enfin à l'échelle d'une ville, nous montrons que grâce à des décisions prises de manière locale et décentralisée, avec seulement un accès à une information partielle dans le réseau, nous obtenons des résultats proches des solutions centralisées. La quantité de données transitant ainsi dans le réseau est considérablement diminuée. Nous testons également la réponse de ces systèmes en cas de perturbation plus ou moins importante tels que des travaux, un acte terroriste ou une catastrophe naturelle. Les modèles permettant une prise de décision locale grâce aux informations délivrées autour du véhicule montrent leur potentiel que se soit avec de la communication avec l'infrastructure V2I ou entre les véhicules V2V. / In this thesis we present vehicular applications across different scales: from small scale that allows real tests of communication and services; to larger scales that include more constraints but allowing simulations on the entire network. In this context, we highlight the importance of real data and real urban topology in order to properly interpret the results of simulations. We describe different services using V2V and V2I communication. In each of them we do not pretend to take control of the vehicle, the driver is present in his vehicle, our goal is to show the potential of communication through services taking into account the difficulties outlined above. In the small scale, we focus on a service with a traffic light that improves travel times, waiting times and CO2 and fuel consumption. The medium scale is a roundabout, it allows, through a decentralized algorithm, to improve the same parameters. It also shows that with a simple and decentralized decision-making process, the system is robust to packet loss, density, human behavior or equipment rate. Finally on the scale of a city, we show that local and decentralized decisions, with only a partial access to information in the network, lead to results close to centralized solutions. The amount of data in the network is greatly reduced. We also test the response of these systems in case of significant disruption in the network such as roadworks, terrorist attack or natural disaster. Models, allowing local decision thanks to information delivered around the vehicle, show their potential whatsoever with the V2I communication or V2V.

Fair auto-adaptive clustering for hybrid vehicular networks / Clustering auto-adaptatif et équitable dans les réseaux véhiculaires hybrides

Garbiso, Julian Pedro 30 November 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre du développement des innovations dans les Systèmes de Transport Intelligents, les véhicules connectés devront être capables de télécharger des informations basées sur la position sur et depuis des serveurs distants. Ces véhicules seront équipés avec des différentes technologies d’accès radio, telles que les réseaux cellulaires ou les réseaux véhicule-à-véhicule (V2V) comme IEEE 802.11p. Les réseaux cellulaires, avec une couverture presque omniprésente, fournissent un accès à internet avec garanties de qualité de service. Cependant, l’accès à ces réseaux est payant. Dans cette thèse, un algorithme de clustering multi-saut est proposé avec pour objectif de réduire le coût d’accès au réseau cellulaire en agrégeant des données sur le réseau V2V. Pour faire ceci, le leader du cluster (CH, de l’anglais Cluster Head) est utilisé comme passerelle unique vers le réseau cellulaire. Pour le test d’une application d’exemple pour télécharger du Floating Car Data agrégé, les résultats des simulations montrent que cette approche réduit l’utilisation du réseau cellulaire de plus de 80%, en s’attaquant à la redondance typique des données basées sur la position dans les réseaux véhiculaires. Il y a une contribution en trois parties : Premièrement, une approche pour déléguer la sélection du CH à la station de base du réseau cellulaire afin de maximiser la taille des clusters, et par conséquent le taux de compression. Deuxièmement, un algorithme auto-adaptatif qui change dynamiquement le nombre maximum de sauts afin de maintenir un équilibre entre la réduction des coûts d’accès au réseau cellulaire et le taux de perte de paquets dans le réseau V2V. Finalement, l’incorporation d’une théorie de la justice distributive, afin d’améliorer l’équité sur la durée concernant la distribution des coûts auxquels les CH doivent faire face, améliorant ainsi l’acceptabilité sociale de la proposition. Les algorithmes proposés ont été testés via simulation, et les résultats montrent une réduction significative dans l’utilisation du réseau cellulaire, une adaptation réussie du nombre de sauts aux changements de la densité du trafic véhiculaire, et une amélioration dans les métriques d’équité, sans affecter la performance des réseaux. / For the development of innovative Intelligent Transportation Systems applications, connected vehicles will frequently need to upload and download position-based information to and from servers. These vehicles will be equipped with different Radio Access Technologies (RAT), like cellular and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) technologies such as LTE and IEEE 802.11p respectively. Cellular networkscan provide internet access almost anywhere, with QoS guarantees. However, accessing these networks has an economic cost. In this thesis, a multi-hop clustering algorithm is proposed in the aim of reducing the cellular access costs by aggregating information and off-loading data in the V2V network, using the Cluster Head as a single gateway to the cellular network. For the example application of uploading aggregated Floating Car Data, simulation results show that this approach reduce cellular data consumption by more than 80% by reducing the typical redundancy of position-based data in a vehicular network. There is a threefold contribution: First, an approach that delegates the Cluster Head selection to the cellular base station in order to maximize the cluster size, thus maximizing aggregation. Secondly, a self-adaptation algorithm that dynamically changes the maximum number of hops, addressing the trade-off between cellular access reduction and V2V packet loss. Finally, the incorporation of a theory of distributive justice, for improving fairness over time regarding the distribution of the cost in which Cluster Heads have to incur, thus improving the proposal’s social acceptability. The proposed algorithms were tested via simulation, and the results show a significant reduction in cellular network usage, a successful adaptation of the number of hops to changes in the vehicular traffic density, and an improvement in fairness metrics, without affecting network performance.

Pedestrian Protection Using the Integration of V2V Communication and Pedestrian Automatic Emergency Braking System

Tang, Bo 01 December 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The Pedestrian Automatic Emergency Braking System (PAEB) can utilize on-board sensors to detect pedestrians and take safety related actions. However, PAEB system only benefits the individual vehicle and the pedestrians detected by its PAEB. Additionally, due to the range limitations of PAEB sensors and speed limitations of sensory data processing, PAEB system often cannot detect or do not have sufficient time to respond to a potential crash with pedestrians. For further improving pedestrian safety, we proposed the idea for integrating the complimentary capabilities of V2V and PAEB (V2V-PAEB), which allows the vehicles to share the information of pedestrians detected by PAEB system in the V2V network. So a V2V-PAEB enabled vehicle uses not only its on-board sensors of the PAEB system, but also the received V2V messages from other vehicles to detect potential collisions with pedestrians and make better safety related decisions. In this thesis, we discussed the architecture and the information processing stages of the V2V-PAEB system. In addition, a comprehensive Matlab/Simulink based simulation model of the V2V-PAEB system is also developed in PreScan simulation environment. The simulation result shows that this simulation model works properly and the V2V-PAEB system can improve pedestrian safety significantly.

Distributed Intersection Management Algorithms for Autonomous Vehicles

González Pinzón, César Leonardo 17 May 2024 (has links)
[ES] Desde hace aproximadamente dos décadas, las ayudas tecnológicas a la conducciónn han ido creciendo a un ritmo vertiginoso con la intención de hacer estos sistemas más eficientes y seguros. Estas ayudas a la conducción han ido cubriendo fallos que los investigadores denominan "conducción errática" ó "comportamientos inseguros al volante" y que son decisiones arbitrarias tomadas por un conductor humano, que ponen en peligro a todos los usuarios de la carretera. Estas malas decisiones, sumadas al creciente número de viajes en coche en una ciudad hoy en día (post pandemia), muestran la necesidad de seguir haciendo propuestas tecnológicas, enfocadas a donde se producen interacciones más complejas entre vehículos; por ejemplo, una intersección en hora punta. Los desarrollos en ayudas a la conducción se han orientado en dos temas: el primero sobre la automatización de la conducción (Sistemas Avanzados de Asistencia al Conductor - ADAS y Vehículos Automatizados - AV) y el segundo sobre la gestión del tráfico vial (algoritmos centralizados o distribuidos para el control del tráfico). Aunque en la actualidad hay varias empresas automotrices y centros de investigación trabajando en los dos temas, y en especial en algunos casos eliminando de la ecuación el comportamiento humano, todavía hay carencias en las configuraciones, para que un vehículo autónomo sea capaz de tomar decisiones óptimas, frente a todas las posibles condiciones disponibles en un tráfico vial. Ahora bien, y teniendo en cuenta los dos temas antes mencionados sobre los desarrollos en ayudas a la conducción, los investigadores prevén a grandes rasgos, que para alcanzar mayores niveles de conducción autónoma en la próxima década, es necesario estudiar cómo hacer más eficientes las interacciones autónomas entre vehículos. Por ello, las intersecciones viales son un ejemplo clave, donde es posible analizar casos de interacciones de alta complejidad entre vehículos, ya que se trata de una parte de la infraestructura vial, donde los vehículos comparten carriles, vías, cruces o cambios de carril a voluntad, y que podría generar colisiones en puntos de conflicto y retrasos en los desplazamientos si no existe una cooperación adecuada. De esta forma, en esta tesis se propone una serie de algoritmos distribuidos para el control del tráfico en intersecciones, basados en el intercambio de comunicaciones entre vehículos autónomos (interacciones locales) cercano a las intersecciones y donde se muestran comportamientos emergentes en el tráfico, resultando en cruces de forma cooperativa, segura y eficiente, desde bajas a altas densidades de tráfico vehicular en las intersecciones. Esta investigación se desarrolla utilizando simuladores de tráfico vial, con calles estilo Manhattan; primero implementando escenarios menos complejos con calles urbanas de un carril, y luego incrementando la complejidad con múltiples carriles. / [CA] Des de fa aproximadament dues dècades, les ajudes tecnològiques a la conducció han anat creixent a un ritme vertiginós amb la intenció de fer aquests sistemes més eficients i segurs. Aquestes ajudes a la conducció han anat cobrint fallades que els investigadors denominen "conducció erràtica" o "comportaments insegurs al volant" i que són decisions arbitràries preses per un conductor humà, que posen en perill a tots els usuaris de la carretera. Aquestes males decisions, sumades al creixent nombre de viatges en cotxe en una ciutat avui dia (post pandèmia), mostren la necessitat de seguir fent propostes tecnològiques, enfocades a on es produeixen interaccions més complexes entre vehicles; per exemple, una intersecció en hora punta. Els desenvolupaments en ajudes a la conducció s'han orientat en dos temes: el primer sobre l'automatització de la conducció (Sistemes Avançats d'Assistència al Conductor - ADAS i Vehicles Automatitzats - AV) i el segon sobre la gestió del trànsit vial (algoritmes centralitzats o distribuïts per al control del trànsit). Encara que actualment hi ha diverses empreses automobilístiques i centres de recerca treballant en els dos temes, i en especial en alguns casos eliminant de l'equació el comportament humà, encara hi ha mancances en les configuracions, perquè un vehicle autònom siga capaç de prendre decisions òptimes, davant totes les possibles condicions disponibles en un trànsit vial. Ara bé, i tenint en compte els dos temes abans esmentats sobre els desenvolupaments en ajudes a la conducció, els investigadors preveuen a grans trets, que per assolir majors nivells de conducció autònoma en la propera dècada, és necessari estudiar com fer més eficients les interaccions autònomes entre vehicles. Per això, les interseccions vials són un exemple clau, on és possible analitzar casos d'interaccions d'alta complexitat entre vehicles, ja que es tracta d'una part de la infraestructura vial, on els vehicles comparteixen carrils, vies, creus o canvis de carril a voluntat, i que podria generar col·lisions en punts de conflicte i retards en els desplaçaments si no existeix una cooperació adequada. D'aquesta manera, en aquesta tesi es proposa una sèrie d'algoritmes distribuïts per al control del trànsit en interseccions, basats en l'intercanvi de comunicacions entre vehicles autònoms (interaccions locals) properes a les interseccions i on es mostren comportaments emergents en el trànsit, resultant en creus de forma cooperativa, segura i eficient, des de baixes a altes densitats de trànsit vehicular en les interseccions. Aquesta investigació es desenvolupa utilitzant simuladors de trànsit vial, amb carrers estil Manhattan; primer implementant escenaris menys complexos amb carrers urbans d'un carril, i després incrementant la complexitat amb múltiples carrils. / [EN] Since a couple of decades, the technological driving aids have gone growing at a dizzying pace with the intention of making these systems more efficient and safe. These driving aids have been covering failures that the researchers name "erratic driving" or "unsafe driving behaviors" and are arbitrary decisions taken by a human driver which endanger all road users. These bad decisions in addition to the increasing number of driving commutes in a city nowadays (post pandemic), show the need to continue doing technological proposals focused on where there are more complex interactions between vehicles when density increases; for instance, an intersection in rush hour. The developments in driving aids have been orientated in two topics: the first driving automation (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - ADAS and Automated Vehicles - AV) and the second road traffic management (centralized or distributed algorithms to traffic control). Although there are currently several automotive companies and research centers working in the two topics, and in special in some cases removing the equation the human behavior, there are still lacks in the configurations for an vehicle autonomous be able to make optimal decisions front to all possible conditions available in a road traffic. Now, and take into account the two topics aforementioned about driving aids developments, researchers broadly envisage that in order to reach autonomous driving levels higher (first topic) in the next decade, is necessary to study how to do autonomous vehicle interactions (second topic) more efficient. Therefore, road intersections are an instance where it is possible to analyse cases of highly complexity interactions between vehicles, because it is a part of road infrastructure where the vehicles sharing lanes, paths, crossings or lane changes at will and it could generate collisions on conflict points and time delay in the commutes if there is not an appropriate cooperation. Hence, this thesis proposes a series of distributed algorithms to traffic control on intersections, based on interchange of communications between autonomous vehicles (local interactions) near to the intersections that show emergent behaviors to crossing cooperative, safe way and efficiency with high densities the traffic system on intersections. This research is developed using simulators with Manhattan-style streets; first implementing scenarios less complex with one-lane city streets and then increase the complexity with multiple-lanes. / González Pinzón, CL. (2024). Distributed Intersection Management Algorithms for Autonomous Vehicles [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/204406

Predictable and Scalable Medium Access Control for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Sjöberg Bilstrup, Katrin January 2009 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis work investigates two medium access control (MAC) methods, when used in traffic safety applications over vehicular <em>ad hoc</em> networks (VANETs). The MAC methods are carrier sense multiple access (CSMA), as specified by the leading standard for VANETs IEEE 802.11p, and self-organizing time-division multiple access (STDMA) as used by the leading standard for transponders on ships. All vehicles in traffic safety applications periodically broadcast cooperative awareness messages (CAMs). The CAM based data traffic implies requirements on a predictable, fair and scalable medium access mechanism. The investigated performance measures are <em>channel access delay</em>, <em>number of consecutive packet drops</em> and the <em>distance between concurrently transmitting nodes</em>. Performance is evaluated by computer simulations of a highway scenario in which all vehicles broadcast CAMs with different update rates and packet lengths. The obtained results show that nodes in a CSMA system can experience <em>unbounded channel access delays</em> and further that there is a significant difference between the best case and worst case channel access delay that a node could experience. In addition, with CSMA there is a very high probability that several <em>concurrently transmitting nodes are located close to each other</em>. This occurs when nodes start their listening periods at the same time or when nodes choose the same backoff value, which results in nodes starting to transmit at the same time instant. The CSMA algorithm is therefore both <em>unpredictable</em> and <em>unfair</em> besides the fact that it <em>scales badly</em> for broadcasted CAMs. STDMA, on the other hand, will always grant channel access for all packets before a predetermined time, regardless of the number of competing nodes. Therefore, the STDMA algorithm is <em>predictable</em> and <em>fair</em>. STDMA, using parameter settings that have been adapted to the vehicular environment, is shown to outperform CSMA when considering the performance measure <em>distance between concurrently transmitting nodes</em>. In CSMA the distance between concurrent transmissions is random, whereas STDMA uses the side information from the CAMs to properly schedule concurrent transmissions in space. The price paid for the superior performance of STDMA is the required network synchronization through a global navigation satellite system, e.g., GPS. That aside since STDMA was shown to be scalable, predictable and fair; it is an excellent candidate for use in VANETs when complex communication requirements from traffic safety applications should be met.</p>

On the Performance Analysis of Cooperative Vehicular Communication

Feteiha, Mohamed January 2012 (has links)
Vehicular networking is envisioned to be a key technology area for significant growth in the coming years. Although the expectations for this emerging technology are set very high, many practical aspects remain still unsolved for a vast deployment of vehicular networks. This dissertation addresses the enabling physical layer techniques to meet the challenges in vehicular networks operating in mobile wireless environments. Considering the infrastructure-less nature of vehicular networks, we envision cooperative diversity well positioned to meet the demanding requirements of vehicular networks with their underlying distributed structure. Cooperative diversity has been proposed as a powerful means to enhance the performance of high-rate communications over wireless fading channels. It realizes spatial diversity advantages in a distributed manner where a node uses others antennas to relay its message creating a virtual antenna array. Although cooperative diversity has garnered much attention recently, it has not yet been fully explored in the context of vehicular networks considering the unique characteristics of vehicular networks, this dissertation provides an error performance analysis study of cooperative transmission schemes for various deployment and traffic scenarios. In the first part of this dissertation, we investigate the performance of a cooperative vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) system with amplify-and-forward relaying for typical traffic scenarios under city/urban settings and a highway area. We derive pairwise error probability (PEP) expressions and demonstrate the achievable diversity gains. The effect of imperfect channel state information (CSI) is also studied through an asymptotical PEP analysis. We present Monte-Carlo simulations to confirm the analytical derivations and present the error rate performance of the vehicular scheme with perfect and imperfect-CSI. In the second part, we consider road-to-vehicle (R2V) communications in which roadside access points use cooperating vehicles as relaying terminals. Under the assumption of decode-and-forward relaying, we derive PEP expressions for single-relay and multi-relay scenarios. In the third part, we consider a cooperative multi-hop V2V system in which direct transmission is not possible and investigate its performance through the PEP derivation and diversity gain analysis. Monte-Carlo simulations are further provided to con firm the analytical derivations and provide insight into the error rate performance improvement.

Analysis and Design of Vehicular Networks

Wu, Hao 18 November 2005 (has links)
Advances in computing and wireless communication technologies have increased interest in smart vehicles, vehicles equipped with significant computing, communication and sensing capabilities to provide services to travelers. Smart vehicles can be exploited to improve driving safety and comfort as well as optimize surface transportation systems. Wireless communications among vehicles and between vehicles and roadside infrastructures represent an important class of vehicle communications. One can envision creating an integrated radio network leveraging various wireless technologies that work together in a seamless fashion. Based on cost-performance tradeoffs, different network configurations may be appropriate for different environments. An understanding of the properties of different vehicular network architectures is absolutely necessary before services can be successfully deployed. Based on this understanding, efficient data services (e.g., data dissemination services) can be designed to accommodate application requirements. This thesis examines several research topics concerning both the evaluation and design of vehicular networks. We explore the properties of vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v) communications. We study the spatial propagation of information along the road using v2v communications. Our analysis identifies the vehicle traffic characteristics that significantly affect information propagation. We also evaluate the feasibility of propagating information along a highway. Several design alternatives exist to build infrastructure-based vehicular networks. Their characteristics have been evaluated in a realistic vehicular environment. Based on these evaluations, we have developed some insights into the design of future broadband vehicular networks capable of adapting to varying vehicle traffic conditions. Based on the above analysis, opportunistic forwarding that exploit vehicle mobility to overcome vehicular network partitioning appears to be a viable approach for data dissemination using v2v communications for applications that can tolerate some data loss and delay. We introduce a methodology to design enhanced opportunistic forwarding algorithms. Practical algorithms derived from this methodology have exhibited different performance/overhead tradeoffs. An in-depth understanding of wireless communication performance in a vehicular environment is necessary to provide the groundwork for realizing reliable mobile communication services. We have conducted an extensive set of field experiments to uncover the performance of short-range communications between vehicles and between vehicles and roadside stations in a specific highway scenario.

Techniques de transmission et d'accès sans fil dans les réseaux ad-hoc véhiculaires (VANETS)

Ahmad, Abdel Mehsen 09 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les réseaux véhiculaires font l'objet de recherches actives aussi bien dans le domaine des réseaux que dans celui des transports. Le potentiel des réseaux véhiculaires à fournir des services comme l'information sur le trafic en temps réel ou sur les accidents font de cette technologie un domaine de recherche très important. Ces réseaux peuvent comporter des communications véhicule-à-véhicule (V2V), véhicule-à-infrastructure (V2I), ou une combinaison des deux. La norme IEEE 1609.4 est la spécification multicanal pour l'IEEE802.11p/WAVE des réseaux véhiculaires (VANETs). Elle utilise sept canaux, l'un étant un canal de contrôle (CCH) qui est écouté par les équipements de façon périodique, et les six autres canaux sont utilisés comme canaux de service (SCH). Elle définit également une division du temps en alternance entre les intervalles CCH et les intervalles SCH. L'objet de cette thèse de doctorat est d'évaluer les performances des réseaux VANETs dans le cas des communications véhiculaires sans infrastructure, et au niveau des couches inférieures du standard 802.11p. Dans la première partie, nous proposons une approche MAC d'allocation multicanal opportuniste dans un contexte sans infrastructure. Cette approche est conforme à la norme IEEE1609.4 -2010 de l'architecture WAVE pour un fonctionnement multicanal, et elle est conçue pour des applications de services de données (non urgentes), tout en assurant la transmission des messages de sécurité routière et des paquets de contrôle. Pour maintenir la qualité de service des deux types de messages (urgents et non-urgents) en exploitant la capacité du canal, deux solutions sont proposées. Dans la deuxième partie, lorsque le véhicule sélectionne son canal et contrôle son alternance temporelle entre CCH et SCH, il commence à transmettre ses paquets, en particulier sur le canal CCH, lesquels ont une durée de péremption. Nous présentons une approche visant à minimiser les collisions des émetteurs tout en évitant la contention de début d'intervalle, en particulier dans un contexte de densité élevée de véhicules. Même si les mécanismes proposés ci-dessus diminuent le taux de collision, il n'est pas possible de les supprimer complètement. Dans la troisième partie, nous traitons le problème des collisions entre les paquets diffusés sur le CCH, en particulier quand la charge des messages transmis dépasse la capacité du canal. Pour cela, nous proposons un nouveau mécanisme de codage réseau analogique adapté à la modulation QPSK pour les messages diffusés sur le CCH. Dans cette approche des symboles connus sont envoyés avant d'envoyer les paquets pour estimer les paramètres du canal et une solution explicite est utilisée pour inverser le système de la superposition de deux paquets

On the Performance Analysis of Cooperative Vehicular Communication

Feteiha, Mohamed January 2012 (has links)
Vehicular networking is envisioned to be a key technology area for significant growth in the coming years. Although the expectations for this emerging technology are set very high, many practical aspects remain still unsolved for a vast deployment of vehicular networks. This dissertation addresses the enabling physical layer techniques to meet the challenges in vehicular networks operating in mobile wireless environments. Considering the infrastructure-less nature of vehicular networks, we envision cooperative diversity well positioned to meet the demanding requirements of vehicular networks with their underlying distributed structure. Cooperative diversity has been proposed as a powerful means to enhance the performance of high-rate communications over wireless fading channels. It realizes spatial diversity advantages in a distributed manner where a node uses others antennas to relay its message creating a virtual antenna array. Although cooperative diversity has garnered much attention recently, it has not yet been fully explored in the context of vehicular networks considering the unique characteristics of vehicular networks, this dissertation provides an error performance analysis study of cooperative transmission schemes for various deployment and traffic scenarios. In the first part of this dissertation, we investigate the performance of a cooperative vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) system with amplify-and-forward relaying for typical traffic scenarios under city/urban settings and a highway area. We derive pairwise error probability (PEP) expressions and demonstrate the achievable diversity gains. The effect of imperfect channel state information (CSI) is also studied through an asymptotical PEP analysis. We present Monte-Carlo simulations to confirm the analytical derivations and present the error rate performance of the vehicular scheme with perfect and imperfect-CSI. In the second part, we consider road-to-vehicle (R2V) communications in which roadside access points use cooperating vehicles as relaying terminals. Under the assumption of decode-and-forward relaying, we derive PEP expressions for single-relay and multi-relay scenarios. In the third part, we consider a cooperative multi-hop V2V system in which direct transmission is not possible and investigate its performance through the PEP derivation and diversity gain analysis. Monte-Carlo simulations are further provided to con firm the analytical derivations and provide insight into the error rate performance improvement.

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