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Perspektivní kultivary v sortimentu domácích dřevinMiksová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis titled Perspective cultivars in the range of native species deal with the native species of deciduous trees. Based on the literature review and the original field research of the model area general advantages and disadvantages of utilization of native species were summarized and the possibilities of their usage were discussed. Selected cultivars were described and categorized by growth and aesthetic values. General requirements for the utilization of the trees in cities were defined and the typology of urban habitats was created. In the practical part were assessed 1058 trees in the streets of Brno. The aim was to evaluate, how species respond to the environment of the city and to determine whether they are suitable for the usage in the streets. Following attributes were assessed: height, crown diameter, age phase, general vitality, general health, type of the surface, occurrence of a specific damage, perspective and amount of fruits. The results were confronted with the literature.
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Pomocné látky ve vinohradnictví - přípravek Rock EffectČuboň, Bronislav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis has been produced on the Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Horticulture in the fridge at the Institute of viticulture and winemaking. Its objective is to demonstrate the positive significance of the use of auxiliary substances in agriculture, or in the wine-growing. Furthermore there is characterized by instrumental Rock product Effect, which is at the same time tested product. The subject of the experiment are his inhibiting fungicide effects, specifically on powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) grape. The experimental variety is Chardonnay here. The attempt was founded in the year 2014 in the locality of Pravlov (Znojmo sub-region). The attempt was organized into 7 variations in 4 reps. The results of the experiment have been duly processed and evaluated according to EPPO methodologies. The data are processed in the attached tables and charts.
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Návrh komunikační strategie ve vybrané obciKohoutková, Hana January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Změny v senzorické jakosti balených masných výrobkůKřečková, Eliška January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Kronika jednoho života. Život a názory humpoleckého občana Josefa Čermáka (1884-1958) / The Chronicle of A Life. The Life and Opinions of Josef Čermák (1884-1958), a Citizen of HumpolecKOLÁRIKOVÁ, Adriana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a look at the life story of an agronomists, beekeeper and originally also an admirer of Russia, Josef Cermak (1884-1958). The main source was the ancestral chronicle and memoirs written by Josef Cermak which guide the reader through the life of the author. He witnessed important historic events of the twentieth century, like the two world wars, the effects of the Russian revolution, the Great Depression and the 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état. The author was inspired by historico-anthropological approaches that deal specifically with the question of one?s identity formation, self-presentation and the image of the other. The attention was also focused on the memory of Josef Cermak and methods of its formation. The work is divided into two parts. The first one deals with memory and self-presentation of the actor, in the other one the image of Russia in the eyes of the Czech lands and Josef Cermak is being addressed.
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Využití programu NI Multisim ve výuce / Use of NI Multisim program in teachingBOHÁČ, Zdeněk January 2013 (has links)
Thesis is amed on the usage of the simulation software NI Multisim Education in education on elementary and secondary school. The output of this work is many problems of chosen analog and digital technique tasks and then subsequently verification of elaborated tasks in lessons. Another part of work is user manual for simulating software MI Multisim Education. Possibilities and requirement of using simulation software in education on elementary and secondary school is investigated, so well as problems which is brought by using software on standard school. Part of the work is comparison of avaiable solutions and recommend witch software choose.
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Hodnocení skokové schopnosti hříbat / The evaluation of foals jumping abilities.MENŠÍKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work was pass judgment the jumping abilities of foals measured at freestyle jumping during one's year. By the help of videorecording and subsequently computer analyses was assessed 427 jumps in free scope performed by 6 mares and 6 stallions in year-class 2002, 2003, 2004. Video records were made out by digital video kamera CANON type DM {--} XM 2 E. Processing of video records is done through the use of a programme for work with digital video records Pinnacle Studio 9. Movement mechanics analysis is practised in a programme Lucia 32 G Version 4.11. Following parameters were observed during a jump: jump bow characterized by 4 angles formed deciding physical parts, maximum flexion of the forelimbs {--} carpal joint and fore fetlock joint, rise of the forelimbs, flexion of the hindlimbs above a jump - knee-joint, hock joint, hind fetlock joint, location of the maximum carpal flexion. To objective assessment was made evaluation by statistical packet R version 2. 2.4.1 (2006) with usage procedures of Linear Models and there was verified demonstrativeness of differences among particular horses. It is evident from the findings, that jumping abilities of horses during the horse rearing are approximately same, but some of the qualities may change by training. . The objectively values found out during judging of a jump by way of video analysis make it possible to gain more accurate pieces of information about jump abilities of a horse and these pieces of information are usable in breeding of horses for a show-jumping.
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Projekt jako vyučovací metoda při výuce fyziky / Project as an education method in teaching of physicsVEVERKOVÁ, Klára January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis tries to give to the reader basic informations about project method. It´s possible to find here the history of project method, most distinguished personalities of this method, appurtenances of project and the way of processing the project. From this diploma thesis itˇs possible to draw both theoretical description and motivation to involvement teh projects into the education. In the end of the thesis there are additionally exemplifications of two concrete projects.
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PROPAGAÇÃO VEGETATIVA DE Inga edulis Mart. POR ESTAQUIA E MINIESTAQUIAC. B. Marciana 26 February 2018 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T22:56:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / As técnicas de propagação vegetativa, como a estaquia e a miniestaquia, constituem uma alternativa de superação das dificuldades na propagação sexuada. Em especial, de espécies que apresentam características peculiares, como o Inga edulis, de produção de sementes recalcitrantes. Desta forma objetivou-se com esta pesquisa analisar o potencial da estaquia e da miniestaquia caulinar e foliar como método de propagação vegetativa para Inga edulis sob influência de diferentes concentrações de hormônio de crescimento AIB (ácido indol-3-butírico). O material vegetativo utilizado na pesquisa foi coletado de plantas adultas, presentes no arboreto da área experimental do Departamento de Ciências Florestais e da Madeira (DCFM), no município de Jerônimo Monteiro - ES, e de plantas juvenis do minijardim clonal formado na mesma área. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, testando-se diferentes concentrações de AIB. No experimento de matrizes adultas testou-se estacas foliares e caulinares de matrizes adultas, utilizando sete concentrações de AIB (0, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 e 32000 mg Kg-1), sendo cinco repetições para as estacas foliares, e quatro para as caulinares, e, em ambos, cada unidade experimental foi formada por dez estacas. No experimento de matrizes juvenis testou-se miniestacas foliares e caulinares utilizando cinco concentrações de AIB (0, 1000, 2000, 4000 e 8000 mg Kg-1), com cinco repetições e cada unidade experimental continha oito estacas. O estaqueamento foi realizado em tubetes de 55 cm3 preenchidos com vermiculita expandida. Após 45 dias em casa de vegetação foi analisada a porcentagem de estacas e miniestacas vivas, com calo e enraizadas. Nas miniestacas foliares e caulinares de matrizes juvenis foi analisado também o número de raízes, o comprimento da maior raiz, a massa seca da parte aérea, massa seca de raízes e a massa seca total. As raízes das miniestacas caulinares foram guardadas e posteriormente digitalizadas em um scanner. As imagens foram submetidas ao programa SAFIRA para quantificação da área superficial, e diâmetro das raízes. Os resultados indicam que as estacas foliares e caulinares de matrizes adultas apresentaram baixo percentual de estacas enraizadas, com calo e de sobrevivência. Verificou-se que estes experimentos não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para as variáveis analisadas em função das doses de AIB. As miniestacas caulinares e foliares de matrizes juvenis apresentaram 100% de sobrevivência, e percentuais de enraizamento acima de 70 e 85% respectivamente. Não houve efeito significativo para as variáveis analisadas nos tratamentos das miniestacas foliares. Nas miniestacas caulinares verificou-se que as diferentes concentrações de AIB não tiveram efeito significativo sobre o enraizamento, calosidade, sobrevivência, MSPA, MSR, MST e comprimento das raízes. A área superficial, o diâmetro e número de raízes foram significativamente influenciados pela adição da auxina. Constatou-se que a adição de 8000 mg Kg-1 AIB em miniestacas favorece raízes mais vigorosas e o enraizamento de miniestacas de Inga edulis pode ocorrer sem a utilização do AIB.
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The Role of Formins in Endothelial Adherens Junction RegulationMumal, Iqra January 2016 (has links)
Adherens junctions are cadherin-dependent structures that mediate intercellular
signaling and structural integrity of the endothelial barrier. Formins are a highly
conserved family of cytoskeletal remodeling proteins whose activity has been implicated
in regulating adherens junction formation in other cell-types. Therefore, we tested the
hypothesis that formin activity is essential for adherens junction assembly in endothelial
cells. A small-molecule formin inhibitor (smiFH2) was used to determine the effect of
formin inhibition on junction formation using an in vitro vascular permeability assay. We
determined that smiFH2 treatment caused a dose-dependent inhibition of junction
formation. We used siRNAs to knockdown expression of the seven formins shown to be
expressed in TIME cells and determined that individual knockdown of FHOD1, FHOD3
and Dia1 significantly increased the permeability of the endothelial monolayer.
Interestingly, FMNL2 knockdown actually potentiated barrier function. Knockdown of
the remaining formins had little or no effect on junction formation. Knockdown of
FHOD3 had the greatest inhibitory effect on junction assembly; VE-cadherin protein
levels were decreased in FHOD3-depleted cells. The FHOD3 knockdown cells were also
elongated in comparison to controls and formed thin linear adherens junctions and few
focal adherens junctions. In contrast, the morphology of FMNL2-depleted cells did not
appear obviously different from controls. In conclusion, our results suggest that multiple
formins play diverse roles in adherens junction formation and maintenance in endothelial
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