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Etude anthropométrique de la main. Le volume et son utilisation pour l'aide à l'identification des personnes/Anthropometrical Study of the Hand. The Volume and its Utilization in Individuals IdentificationLefèvre, Philippe M F E 16 October 2009 (has links)
Dans nos sociétés culturelles, trois régions anatomiques sont habituellement apparentes et visibles donc identifiables : ce sont le visage et les mains. La main est donc un élément d’identification spécifique à chaque individu et reconnaissable.
En mesurant le volume de la main démembrée d’une personne, peut-on déterminer la typologie de cette personne associant, entre autres mesures de la main, le volume au poids?
La mesure du volume de moulage des mains de 109 adultes (dont 14 gauchers) est réalisée à l’aide d’un volumètre à aiguille et plusieurs équations de régression mettent en évidence les relations entre des composantes anthropométriques du corps et de ses segments avec le volume des mains.
Ensuite, le volume et des variables spécifiques des mains d’un nouvel échantillon de 88 sujets vivants sont mesurés et leur typologie est également déterminée.
Les équations de régression caractérisant les relations entre les variables des mains et la typologie estiment la stature par les longueur et largeur des mains (Main Droite : r² = .66 ; SEE = 4 cm ; Main Gauche : r² = .62 ; SEE = 4,2cm) et le poids par le volume et le périmètre de PII du 5ème doigt (MD : r² = .69 ; SEE = 6.64kg ; MG : r² = .64 ; SEE = 7,13kg)
La validation de la méthode est réalisée sur un échantillon analogue mais indépendant de 21 sujets adultes. Le poids de 90.5 % des sujets est estimé avec un écart maximum de 5.98kg et la stature de 76% de l’échantillon avec un écart maximum de 3cm.
De nombreuses techniques ont été élaborées afin de reconstruire le visage à partir du crâne d’une personne disparue ; dans le même ordre d’idée peut-on reconstruire l’aspect virtuel de la peau d’une main en disposant de son squelette ?
Des modèles informatisés, par CT Scan, des os et de la peau sont obtenus des mains d’un cadavre et d’un volontaire.
Le logiciel Lhp Builder permet la localisation des coordonnées spatiales de points de repères anatomiques osseux des modèles.
A partir de 3 repères, les relations spatiales entre les modèles sont établies et employées afin d’interpoler la peau manquante de la main.
Le volume de la « peau interpolée » et le volume de la « peau réelle » obtenus par imagerie médicale sont comparés afin de valider la méthode.
Une différence de volume de 3.5 % entre les volumes respectifs de la main du cadavre et de la main reconstruite situe le niveau de précision de la méthode.
D’autres manipulations de reconstruction sont exécutées dans des situations analogues au cadre médico-légal (enfouissement en terre de pièces animales, mise en digestion dans des produits caustiques)
Cette première approche méthodologique de reconstruction de la main semble prometteuse et la main reconstruite deviendrait un élément important pour l’identification de personnes disparues./
In our cultural society, three anatomical body parts are usually apparent so visible and thus identifiable: the face and the hands. The hand may be an element of identification specific to each individual and recognizable.
By measuring the dismembered hand volume of a person, the typology of this person associating, inter alia measurements of the hand, volume with weight could be determined ?
The volume measurement of casts hands of 109 adults (of which 14 left-handed persons) is realized using a needle volumeter and several regression equations highlight the relations between anthropometrical components of the body and its segments with the hands volume.
Then, the hands volume and specific hands variables of a new sample of 88 living subjects are measured and their typology is also determined.
The regression equations characterizing the relations between the hands variables and typology estimate the stature by hands length and width (Right hand: r² = 66; SEE = 4 cm; Left hand: r² = 62; SEE = 4,2cm) and the weight by volume and perimeter of PII of the 5 th finger (Right hand: r² = 69; SEE = 6.64kg; Left hand: r² = 64; SEE = 7,13kg).
The validation of the method is carried out on a sample similar but independent of 21 adult subjects. The weight of 90.5 % of the subjects is estimated with a maximum difference of 5.98kg and the stature of 76% of the sample with 3cm maximum.
Many techniques were elaborated in order to rebuild the face starting from cranium of a missing person; in the same order can one rebuild the virtual aspect of the hand skin while having its skeleton?
From computerized models, by CT Scan, bones and skin are obtained of hands of a corpse and a living volunteer.
The software Lhp Builder allows the localization of the 3D co-ordinates of anatomical bones landmarks of the models.
From 3 landmarks, the 3D relations between the models are established and used in order to interpolate the missing skin of the hand.
The volume of the " interpolated skin " and the volume of the " real skin " obtained by medical imaging are compared in order to validate the method.
A volume difference of 3.5 % between respective volumes of the hand corpse and the rebuilt hand estimates the level of precision of the method.
Other experiments of rebuilding are carried out in situations similar to the medico-legal framework (ground hiding of animal parts, digestion in caustic products)
This first methodological approach of hand rebuilding seems promising and the rebuilt hand would become a significant element for the identification of missing people.
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Dielectric characteristics of HTS cables based on partial discharge measurementHayakawa, N., Nagino, M., Kojima, H., Goto, M., Takahashi, T., Yasuda, K., Okubo, H. 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Wave Model and Watercraft Model for Simulation of Sea StateKrus, Kristofer January 2014 (has links)
The problem of real-time simulation of ocean surface waves, ship movement and the coupling in between is tackled, and a number of different methods are covered and discussed. Among these methods, the finite volume method has been implemented in an attempt to solve the problem, along with the compressible Euler equations, an octree based staggered grid which allows for easy adaptive mesh refinement, the volume of fluid method and a variant of the Hyper-C advection scheme for compressible flows for advection of the phase fraction field. The process of implementing the methods that were chosen proved to be tricky in many ways, as they involve a large number of advanced topics, and the implementation that was implemented in this thesis work suffered from numerous issues. There were for example problems with keeping the interface intact, as well as a harsh restriction on the time step size due to the CFL condition. Improvements required to make the method sustainable for real-time applications are discussed, and a few suggestions on alternative approaches that are already in use for similar purposes are also given and discussed. Furthermore, a method for compensating for gain/loss of mass when solving the incompressible flow equations with an inaccurately solved pressure Poisson equation is presented and discussed. A momentum conservative method for transporting the velocity field on staggered grids without introducing unnecessary smearing is also presented and implemented. A simple, physically based illumination model for sea surfaces is derived, discussed and compared to the Blinn–Phong shading model, although it is never implemented. Finally, a two-dimensional partial differential equation in the spatial domain for simulating water surface waves for mildly varying bottom topography is derived and discussed, although it is deemed to be too slow for real-time purposes and is therefore never implemented. / <p>This publication differs from the printed version of the report in the sense that links are blue in this version and black in the printed version.</p>
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Volymen i ”Skogliga grunddata” jämfört med inmätt volym : - Modell för volymberäkning / Comparison between the volume of “Forest basic data” and measured volume : - Model for volume calculationSandberg, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
Skogliga inventeringar utförs för att ge information om skogen som kan användas i olika sammanhang. De ger data om bland annat trädhöjd, ålder, grundyta, trädslagsfördelning och volym. De har historiskt utförts som fältinventeringar. På senare tid har den tekniska utvecklingen öppnat upp för möjligheten att utföra inventeringarna via fjärranalys. En metod för fjärranalys som används inom skogsbruket är flygburen laserskanning. Genom att kombinera flygburen laserskanning med Riksskogstaxeringens fältinventeringar har Skogsstyrelsen skapat produkten Skogliga grunddata. Denna produkt visar bland annat skattad volym för bestånd som ritas upp i program för geografiska informationssystem, GIS. Nätraälven Skog använder Skogliga grunddata och de har märkt att volymen inte alltid stämmer när de jämför mot inmätt volym. Felkällor som kan påverka noggrannheten i Skogliga grunddata är t.ex. fel i kartmodellerna, fel mellan systemen som skannar terrängen, mätfel vid fältinventeringarna eller fel vid beräkningar.Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på varför det finns en stor differens i volymen när Nätraälven skog jämför mellan Skogliga grunddata och inmätt volym på industri. Dessutom är syftet att urskilja parametrar som påverkar volymen och är generaliserbara på samtliga bestånd inom Nätraälvens upptagningsområde. Arbetet har som mål att efter identifiering av parametrar som påverkar noggrannheten bygga en beräkningsmodell som är applicerbar på bestånden inom Nätraälvens upptagningsområde.Arbetet utfördes som en kvantitativ studie där data från slutavverkningar användes. Jämförelser av volymskillnad och parametrar utfördes som regressionsanalyser. Fältinventeringar utfördes som kvantitativa mätningar i fält. Avverkningstrakter letades upp i ett GIS-program och ritades därefter in för att beräkna volymen via Skogliga grunddata. Denna volym jämfördes sedan mot inmätt volym. Regressionsanalyser genomfördes mellan trakternas tillgängliga parametrar och volymskillnaden mellan Skogliga grunddata och inmätt volym.I medel visade Skogliga grunddata 95% av inmätt volym, som lägst visade den 76% och som högst 128%. I 58% av trakterna låg volymskillnaden i ett intervall på 10%.Totalt har tio parametrar använts vid regressionsanalys av volymskillnaden mellan Skogliga grunddata och inmätt volym. Volymskillnaden har varit väl spridd oavsett parametrarnas storlek. Vad som framkommit i studien är att ingen av parametrarna: trädhöjd, areal, höjd över havet, ålder, stamantal, procentuell andel tall, procentuell andel gran, procentuell andel löv, medelstam eller stammar/hektar enskilt påverkar noggrannheten i Skogliga grunddata. Arbetet har också visat stor spridning i volymskillnad mellan Skogliga grunddata och inmätt volym för olika trakter. Medelskillnaden mellan volymen i Skogliga grunddata och inmätt volym var visserligen fullt acceptabel även om skillnaden trakter emellan kunde vara väldigt stor. / Remote analyses can be a good tool to facilitate silvicultural estimates. They can however contain sources of error, which can affect their accuracy. The purpose of this study was to find out why differences in volume occurred between “forest basic data”, obtained from Swedish forest agency, and measured volume in a certain area in mid-northern Sweden. The study was conducted as a quantitative study, using regression analyzes to compare the volume difference to different parameters, such as tree height, altitude, area, age and species mix. Felling areas was drawn in a GIS-program, that calculated the volume from “Forest basic data”. The volume was then compared to the measured volume obtained from sawmill and pulp companies. The average volume from “Forest basic data” was 95% of measured volume, ranging between 76% at the lowest and 128% at the highest. The study showed that the volume difference was well spread regardless of forest parameter, no specific parameter could explain the differences. A model was created to calculate the volume from “Forest basic data”, and that model improved the volume from “Forest basic data” when compared to measured volume.
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O efeito de diferentes volumes de treinamento de força nas adaptações funcionais e morfológicas da musculatura esquelética em indivíduos treinados / The effect of different strength training volumes in the functional and morphological adaptations of skeletal muscle in trained individualsDiego Lopes Mendes Barretti 18 March 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito de diferentes volumes de treinamento de força na força máxima de membros inferiores e na hipertrofia do reto femoral e do vasto lateral após quatro, oito e doze semanas em indivíduos treinados em força. Vinte e seis indivíduos jovens saudáveis do sexo masculino (idade 23,6 ± 4,6 anos, massa corporal 76,6 ± 7,5 kg, estatura 1,75 ± 0,1 cm), com tempo médio de treinamento de força (4,7 ± 4,1 anos) foram divididos em três grupos experimentais, treinamento de força alto volume (TFAV, n = 8), treinamento de força médio volume (TFMV, n = 9) e treinamento de força baixo volume (TFBV, n = 9). As medidas de força dinâmica máxima (1RM) e de área de secção transversa muscular (ASTM) do reto femoral (RF) e do vasto lateral (VL) foram realizadas nos momentos pré- treinamento, pós quatro semanas, pós oito semanas e pós-treinamento. O volume total de treinamento apresentou aumento estatístico para todos os grupos TFAV (p < 0,0001), TFMV (p < 0,0001) e TFBV (p < 0,0001) ao longo do período experimental. Os valores de 1RM aumentaram de maneira significativa após a oitava semana de treinamento TFAV (11,8 ± 4,7%; p < 0,0001) e TFMV (12,1 ± 8,5%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (9,6 ± 7,3%; p < 0,001) e no pós-treinamento TFAV (13,9 ± 3,9%; p < 0,0001), TFMV (16,7 ± 10,8%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (14,0 ± 8,1%; p < 0,0001) para todos os grupos, porém não foi observado diferença entre os grupos. A ASTM do RF apresentou aumento estatístico no pós-treinamento somente para o grupo TFAV (15,0 ± 11,9%; p < 0,0001). Apenas o grupo TFAV aumentou estatisticamente a ASTM do VL após quatro semanas de treinamento (7,71 ± 4,42%; p < 0,0001), porém todos os grupos aumentaram significativamente a ASTM do VL após oito semanas de treinamento TFAV (11,37 ± 3,88%; p < 0,0001), TFMV (9,68 ± 9,36%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (7,26 ± 3,15%; p < 0,01) e no pós-treinamento TFAV (14,54 ± 4,07%; p < 0,0001), TFMV (14,77 ± 8,24%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (8,66 ± 3,97%; p < 0,001), porém não foi observado diferença entre os grupos. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que, independente do volume adotado, os ganhos de força máxima foram semelhantes. Por outro lado, a ASTM foi influenciada pelo volume de treinamento, dado que o grupo TFAV foi o único que apresentou aumento significativo da ASTM do RF no pós-treinamento e aumentou a ASTM do VL com apenas quatro semanas de treinamento / The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different strength training volumes on muscle strength and hypertrophy of the lower limbs after four, eight and twelve weeks of strength training in strength-trained individuals. Twenty-six healthy young males (age 23.6 ± 4.6 years, body mass 76.6 ± 7.5 kg, height 1.75 ± 0.1 cm), with an average experience of strength training (4.7 ± 4.1 years) were divided into three groups, high-volume strength training (TFAV, n = 8), mid-volume strength training (TFMV, n = 9) and low-volume strength training (TFBV, n = 9). Maximum dynamic strength (1RM) and muscle cross-sectional area (MCSA) of the rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis (VL) were measured at baseline, after four weeks, after eight weeks and post-training. The total training volume significantly increased for the groups TFAV (p < 0.0001), TFMV (p < 0.0001) and TFBV (p < 0.0001) throughout the experimental period. The 1RM values increased after the eighth weeks of training, compared to baseline values, for the TFAV (11.8 ± 4.7%; p < 0.0001), TFMV (12.1 ± 8.5%; p < 0.0001), and TFBV (9.6 ± 7.3%; p < 0.001) groups, and post-training TFAV (13.9 ± 3.9%; p < 0.0001), TFMV (16.7 ± 10.8%; p < 0.0001) and TFBV (14.0 ± 8.1%; p < 0.0001) for all groups, with no difference between groups. Only TFAV group presented higher RF MCSA values at post-training (15.0 ± 11.9%; p < 0.0001). Furthermore, only TFAV significantly increased the VL MCSA after four weeks of training (7.71 ± 4.42%; p < 0.0001). All of the groups presented significantly greater VL MCSA than baseline values at eight weeks TFAV (11.37 ± 3.88%; p < 0.0001), TFMV (9.68 ± 9.36%; p < 0.0001) and TFBV (7.26 ± 3.15%; p < 0.01) and at post-training TFAV (14.54 ± 4.07%; p < 0.0001), TFMV (14.77 ± 8.24% ; p < 0.0001) and TFBV (8.66 ± 3.97%; p < 0.001), with no difference between groups. The results of this study demonstrated that, regardless of the adopted volume, the muscle strength gains were similar. On the other hand , MCSA was influenced by the training volume, since the TFAV was the only group that showed significant increase of RF MCSA post- training and increased VL MCSA with only four weeks of training
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Function statistics applied to volume rendering : transfer functions design and computational issues on discrete functions / Estatísticas em funções aplicadas a visualização volumétrica : detalhes computacionais em funções discretasBernardon, Fabio Fedrizzi January 2008 (has links)
O projeto de funções de transferência é um interessante problema que recebe muita atenção da comunidade de visualização. Diversas pesquisas tem sido conduzidas para criar melhores ferramentas e técnicas que trabalham com dados volumétricos. Existem duas grandes classes de dados: volumes estruturados e volumes não-estruturados. A maioria dos trabalhos anteriores apenas se refere a dados estruturados. Este trabalho possui dois grupos de contribuições. O primeiro diz respeito ao problema clássico de especificação de funções de transferência. Primeiramente é desenvolvido o conceito de Ensembles, que são funções de transferência desenvolvidas a partir da combinação de funções anteriores e mais simples. Também é apresentada uma abordagem de key-framing para manipular dados que variam no tempo. O segundo grupo de contribuições é um estudo aprofundado sobre o comportamento de dados não-estruturados. Problemas críticos foram descobertos e tratados para permitir uma integração quase perfeita de ferramentas usadas para dados estruturados em dados não-estruturados. Os resultados mostram a melhoria de qualidade de histogramas, e também o sistema de desenvolvimento de funções de transferência. Trabalhos futuros são sugeridos para utilizar a versão melhorada do histograma de gradiente-magnitude, assim como a exploração de novos modelos de bordas. / Transfer function design is an important problem that receives much attention from the visualization community. Several researches have inspired the creation of better tools and techniques to deal with volumetric datasets. There are two major classes of datasets, namely structured and unstructured grids. Most of the previous work has only addressed structured data. This work presents two groups of contributions of different nature. The first contribution is related to the general problem of transfer function design. It introduces the concept of ensembles, which are complex transfer functions created from standard types. It also presents a key-frame based approach to handle time-varying sequences. The second group of contributions is related with a study on several characteristics of unstructured data. Problems have been discovered and addressed to allow a seamless integration of classical structured grids tools to unstructured data. This work includes results that show improvements on a statistical analysis of the data, as well as the developed transfer function design system. Further work is suggested to take advantage of the enhanced version of the gradient-magnitude histogram, and explore different boundary model.
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Etude théorique et numérique de la combustion isochore appliquée au cas du thermoreacteur / Theoretical and numerical study of the isochore combustion applied to the case of the "Thermoreacteur"Labarrere, Laure 21 March 2016 (has links)
Un des principaux enjeux de l'industrie aéronautique est la recherche du moteur au meilleur rendement possible, pour satisfaire des contraintes économiques, techniques et environnementales. Les turbomachines bénéficient d'un constant perfectionnement depuis plus de 60 ans, et cette technologie semble avoir atteint un plateau. Une rupture technologique est aujourd'hui nécessaire, comme la combustion à volume constant (CVC). Le gain attendu est suffisant pour tenter de remplacer les systèmes actuels où la combustion se fait à pression constante. La combustion à isovolume fait appel à des mécanismes encore rarement maitrisés dans le contexte aéronautique. Sa compréhension passe par des expérimentations et des modèles théoriques et numériques. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer une théorie et un outil de simulation LES (Large Eddy Simulation) appliqué au cas du concept ‘thermoréacteur’. Ainsi, la première étape a consisté à mettre en place un outil de simulation 0D traduisant l’évolution d’un cycle moteur de type CVC (Combustion à Volume Constant). Certains modèles utilisés dans cet outil 0D sont basés sur des corrélations expérimentales. D'autres présentent des paramètres à déterminer à partir de simulations numériques. La simulation 3D d’un système de type CVC est envisageable aujourd’hui grâce aux progrès récents des méthodes LES. Ainsi, des simulations du thermoréacteur ont pu être réalisées, et confrontées aux résultats expérimentaux obtenus au laboratoire Pprime sur trois points de fonctionnement. Les variabilités cycle à cycle observées expérimentalement ont été analysées dans les calculs LES. Les vitesses importantes au niveau de l'allumage et le taux de résidus du cycle précédent semblent être les principaux facteurs à l'origine de ces variations cycle à cycle. / A major challenge for the aircraft industry is to improve engine efficiency and to reduce pollutant emissions for economic, technical and environmental reasons. Aeronautical gas turbines have enjoyed a constant improvement for more than 60 years. This technology seems to have reached such efficiency levels that a technological breakthrough is necessary. Constant Volume Combustion (CVC) offers significant gain in consumption and could replace classical constant pressure combustion technologies, currently used in aeronautical engines. Mechanisms involved in isovolume combustion are not accurately controlled in the context of aeronautical chambers. Experimental, theoretical and numerical studies should provide a better understanding of CVC devices. The objective of this thesis is to develop simulation tools to study the thermoreacteur concept. First, a zero-dimensional (0D) simulation tool is developed to describe the evolution of a CVC cycle. Models based on experimental correlations are used to build the 0D tool. Parameters have to be determined from numerical simulations. Today, the 3D simulation of a CVC system is possible thanks to the recent progress of the LES (Large Eddy Simulation) methods developed at CERFACS. Simulations of the thermoreacteur concept have been carried out, and compared to experimental results obtained at the Pprime laboratory. Three operating points have been calculated. The main conclusion is the existence of significant cyclic variations which are observed in the experiment and analyzed in the LES: the local flow velocity at spark timing and the level of residuals gases are the major factors leading to cyclic variations.
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Efeitos de diferentes volumes de treino de força nas adaptações neuromusculares de homens jovens destreinadosUghini, Cristiano Cavedon January 2014 (has links)
O treinamento de força (TF) é o método mais efetivo para aumentar tanto a força como a massa muscular. Com o intuito de potencializar os efeitos deste treino, algumas variáveis agudas como a intensidade, o tempo de intervalo entre as sessões de treinamento, a seleção e ordem dos exercícios, bem como o volume de treinamento (VT) devem ser controladas. O VT, por sua vez, tem sido foco de diversos estudos objetivando verificar a efetividade de protocolos com um baixo volume (BV) de treinamento. Todavia, os achados na literatura sobre a influência do volume de TF nas adaptações neuromusculares demonstram resultados variados dependendo da musculatura analisada, verificando assim que cada grupo muscular responde de maneira diferente. Visto que a literatura não esclareceu os efeitos do VT no músculo peitoral maior, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar as respostas de 12 semanas de treinamento de baixo volume (BV) e alto volume (AV) nas adaptações neuromusculares do peitoral maior. A fim de realizar tal objetivo, 15 homens jovens, destreinados há pelo menos 3 meses em força, realizaram um BV e AV do exercício voador, utilizando para tal os lados dominante e não dominante, os quais foram randomizados de forma pareada. O modelo de periodização adotado foi linear, iniciando com 20-18 repetições máximas (RM) e finalizando com 10-8 RM. Mensurações de força, como a contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) e teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM), bem como eletromiografia (EMG) e espessura muscular (EM) das porções clavicular e esternocostal do peitoral maior foram realizadas pré e pós-treinamento. Os resultados demonstraram que houve um incremento significativo (p<0,05) em todas as variáveis após o período de treinamento para ambos os volumes de treino, todavia ao se comparar tais aumentos entre os volumes não foram observadas diferenças significativas (1RM = 44,8 ± 13,8% no grupo BV e de 41,4 ± 14,5% no grupo AV; EM clavicular = 17,3 ± 6,2% no grupo BV e 16,4 ± 5,4% no grupo AV, EM esternocostal = 20,7 ± 10,5% no grupo BV e 20,8 ± 8,9% no grupo AV; CIVM = 27,1 ± 10,6% no grupo BV e 31,0 ± 16,0% no grupo AV; EMG = 26,7 ± 10,0% no grupo BV e 27,5 ± 7,4% no grupo AV). Assim, os resultados acima indicam que o TF com BV é tão efetivo quanto um treinamento de AV para incrementos de adaptações neuromusculares do peitoral maior em homens destreinados após 12 semanas de intervenção. / The strength training (ST) is the most effective method to enhance strength and muscle mass. Intending to potentiate the ST effects, acute variables as intensity, interval rest between sets, exercise selection and order, as well as the training volume (TV) must be controlled. The TV has been focus of several studies that aim to evaluate the efficacy of protocols with low volume (LV). However the findings in the literature about the LV influence in neuromuscular factors show different results depending on the investigated muscles, demonstrating that each muscle group responds in different ways. Regarding that literature do not clarify the TV effects in pectoralis major muscle, the aim of this study was to evaluate the neuromuscular adaptations to 12 weeks of ST with LV or high volume (HV) in the pectoralis major. Fifteen untrained (3 months) men were randomly assigned to perform one or three sets of pec deck exercise. Paired randomization was made, having 7 subjects training with LV in dominant arm and other 8 subjects training with LV in the non dominant arm. The periodization model adopted was the linear model, starting with 18-20 maximal repetition (RM) and ending with 8-10RM. Mensuration of strength (MIVC and 1MR), electromyography (EMG) and muscle thickness (MT) of clavicular and sternocostal portions of pectoralis major were realized pre and post-training. The results show a significant increase in all variables after the training period for both groups, however when the results of both groups was compared, there were no significant differences (1RM = 44,8 ± 13,8% in LV group and 41,4 ± 14,5% in HV group; MT clavicular = 17,3 ± 6,2% in LV group and 16,4 ± 5,4% in HV group; MT sternocostal = 20,7 ± 10,5% in LV group and 20,8 ± 8,9% in HV group; MIVC = 27,1 ± 10,6% in LV group and 31,0 ± 16,0% in HV group; EMG = 26,7 ± 10,0% in LV group and 27,5 ± 7,4% in HV group). Therefore, the results seems to indicate that both training methodologies (HV and LV) are effective for enhance neuromuscular adaptations of major pectoralis of untrained men after 12 weeks of training.
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Function statistics applied to volume rendering : transfer functions design and computational issues on discrete functions / Estatísticas em funções aplicadas a visualização volumétrica : detalhes computacionais em funções discretasBernardon, Fabio Fedrizzi January 2008 (has links)
O projeto de funções de transferência é um interessante problema que recebe muita atenção da comunidade de visualização. Diversas pesquisas tem sido conduzidas para criar melhores ferramentas e técnicas que trabalham com dados volumétricos. Existem duas grandes classes de dados: volumes estruturados e volumes não-estruturados. A maioria dos trabalhos anteriores apenas se refere a dados estruturados. Este trabalho possui dois grupos de contribuições. O primeiro diz respeito ao problema clássico de especificação de funções de transferência. Primeiramente é desenvolvido o conceito de Ensembles, que são funções de transferência desenvolvidas a partir da combinação de funções anteriores e mais simples. Também é apresentada uma abordagem de key-framing para manipular dados que variam no tempo. O segundo grupo de contribuições é um estudo aprofundado sobre o comportamento de dados não-estruturados. Problemas críticos foram descobertos e tratados para permitir uma integração quase perfeita de ferramentas usadas para dados estruturados em dados não-estruturados. Os resultados mostram a melhoria de qualidade de histogramas, e também o sistema de desenvolvimento de funções de transferência. Trabalhos futuros são sugeridos para utilizar a versão melhorada do histograma de gradiente-magnitude, assim como a exploração de novos modelos de bordas. / Transfer function design is an important problem that receives much attention from the visualization community. Several researches have inspired the creation of better tools and techniques to deal with volumetric datasets. There are two major classes of datasets, namely structured and unstructured grids. Most of the previous work has only addressed structured data. This work presents two groups of contributions of different nature. The first contribution is related to the general problem of transfer function design. It introduces the concept of ensembles, which are complex transfer functions created from standard types. It also presents a key-frame based approach to handle time-varying sequences. The second group of contributions is related with a study on several characteristics of unstructured data. Problems have been discovered and addressed to allow a seamless integration of classical structured grids tools to unstructured data. This work includes results that show improvements on a statistical analysis of the data, as well as the developed transfer function design system. Further work is suggested to take advantage of the enhanced version of the gradient-magnitude histogram, and explore different boundary model.
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Avaliação de pulverizador tratorizado em volume ultra baixo (UBV) para controle de insetos de brotações novas, na cultura dos citrosSilva, José Luiz da [UNESP] 16 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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silva_jl_me_jabo.pdf: 612702 bytes, checksum: 10eaf81ab013fceaeeadf68e95ced4d8 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Gravena Ltda / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a eficiência, no controle de psilídeos, pulgão-marrom-dos-citros e minadora-das-folhas e também a seletividade a Pentilia egena, da aplicação terrestre em volume ultra baixo (UBV) em pomar de laranja. Foram realizadas 03 pesquisas, sendo que a primeira pesquisa foi realizada visando avaliar a mortalidade de adultos confinados do psilídeo e seletividade sobre a Pentilia egena na estação de pesquisa da Gravena Ltda em Jaboticabal-SP, a segunda pesquisa foi realizada visando avaliar a mortalidade de ninfas do psilídeo, pulgão-marrom-dos-citros e minadora-das-folhas em ramos novos em citros e a terceira pesquisa foi realizada visando avaliar a mortalidade de adultos confinados do psilídeo, sendo estas duas últimas realizadas na Fazenda Cachoeira do São Lourenço em Matão-SP. O delineamento estatístico adotado foi em blocos casualizados com número variável de tratamentos em cada pesquisa e quatro repetições. A aplicação da primeira pesquisa foi realizada no dia 25 de março de 2010, da segunda no dia 17 de novembro de 2010 e da terceira em 03 de maio de 2011, sendo usados nas pesquisas os seguintes produtos: Boveria bassiana (2,0 kg/ha), lambda- cialotrina (0,4 L/ha), dimetoato (2 L/ha), etofenprox (0,5 L/ha), thiamethoxan (0,2 kg/ha), Imidacloprid + espirotetramate (0,25 L/ha) e imidacloprido (0,4 L/ha) usando o pulverizador Pulsfog de volume ultra baixo (U.B.V.) comparado com o tratamento com imidacloprido (0,4L/ha) usando pulverizador com lanças manuais e de jato transportado. Baseado nos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que os tratamentos, com volume ultra baixo (UBV), foram eficientes no controle de psilídeos, pulgão-marrom-dos-citros e minadora-das-folhas. Quanto à seletividade as modalidades de aplicação usadas foram classificadas de moderada a altamente tóxicos para as larvas e adultos de P. egena / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency in the control of psyllids, citrus brown aphids and the citrus leaf-miner, and also the selectivity to Pentilia egena, by using ground application in ultra-low volume (ULV) in orchard orange. Three surveys were conducted, the first survey was conducted to evaluate the mortality of adult psyllids (Diaphorina citri) confined and selectivity on the ladybug (Pentilia egena) at the Research Station of Gravena Jaboticabal Ltda. The second survey was performed to evaluate the mortality of nymphs of the psyllid, the citrus brown aphid, and citrus leaf-miner in citrus and new branches. And, the third survey was conducted to evaluate the mortality of adults confined the psyllid, the latter being held in the Farm St. Lawrence Waterfall. The statistical design used was randomized blocks with variable number of treatments in each study and four replications. The implementation of the first survey was conducted on March 25th, 2010, the second on November 17th, 2010 and the third survey on May 3rd, 2011, being used in research the following products: Boveria bassiana (2.0 kg / ha), lambda-cyhalothrin (0.4 L / ha), dimethoate (2 L / ha), etofenprox (0.5 L / ha), thiamethoxan (0.2 kg / ha), Imidacloprid spirotetramat + (0, 25 L / ha) and imidacloprid (0.4 L / ha) using the sprayer Pulsfog ultra-low volume (ULV) compared to treatment with Imidacloprid (0.4 L / ha) using manual spray booms and jet transport. Based on the results obtained it is concluded that the treatments with ultra-low volume (ULV), were effective in controlling adults and nymphs of psyllids, citrus brown aphid and citrus leaf-miner. The selectivity of the used application methods was classified as moderate (M) to high (A) toxic to the larvae and adults of P.egena
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