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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řízení algoritmů číslicového zpracování signálů v reálném čase pomocí HTML prohlížeče / Control of Real-Time Digital Audio Signal Processing Algorithms using HTML Browser

Slováček, Martin January 2009 (has links)
VST (Virtual Studio Technology) is one of the most used for real-time audio processing. VST effects are inserted to host applications in the form of plug-ins. This thesis discusses a design of a VST host remote control using a Java applet displayed in a web browser. A graphical user interface of the applet consists of graphical controllers created in this thesis. The number of controlled parameters is passed on to the applet by server using an XML configuration file. Three types of controllers are available: a slider, a knob and a button. If a parameter value change occurs, the applet sends a message with the parameter values to the server. Subsequently, the server reacts to this change by setting the parameters of the loaded VST module. The proposed design was completely realized and practically tested.

Vacuum Steam Technology for Rapid Plasticization and Bending of Maple

Wright, Robert S. 11 August 2011 (has links)
Bending wood dates back to antiquity in the form of baskets from willow branches and when boats were no longer made of hollowed out logs. Fresh growth willow twigs are readily bent into practically any shape; however, when wood has been separated from the tree and dried it is more rigid, difficult to bend, and breakable. Steamed wood is less rigid since adding moisture and heat to wood results in plasticization. Steaming at atmospheric pressure is the common technique for wood bending where diffusion prevails as the predominant mechanism governing moisture movement. Applications using conventional atmospheric steaming are time consuming and can result in failed bends. While other wood plasticization methods exist, Vacuum Steam Technology offers a promising method that utilizes pressure differentials to accelerate the addition of steam to wood due to water vapor bulk flow and subsequently an accelerated temperature rise and moisture addition. The objectives of this work were: (1) determine whether cycles of vacuum and steaming could significantly improve the plastic-deformable state relative to the classic process of atmospheric steaming given equivalent treatment times when beginning with low moisture content (<10%) maple, and (2) compare the work required to bend to form between Vacuum Steam Technology treated maple and atmospheric-steamed maple when beginning with low moisture content (<10%) specimens. A procedure for Vacuum Steam Technology to enable rapid plasticization of maple specimens from a kiln-dried state was developed. Kiln dried maple specimens were either treated according to the Vacuum Steam Technology procedure or were atmospherically steamed for a time equivalent to the Vacuum Steam Technology treatment and then bent into a 180° semi-circular form. Vacuum Steam Technology treated specimens had 0 failed bends whereas the atmospheric steamed specimens resulted in 39% failed bends. Vacuum Steam Technology treated specimens resulted in 17% less work to bend. The results clearly indicate that Vacuum Steam Technology is a superior technique for attaining a plastic deformable state prior to bending when beginning with low moisture content maple. Additional results included time to temperature, rate of moisture content change, final moisture contents, specific gravity influence. / Master of Science

Multiplatformní přehrávač zvukových signálů / Multiplatform audio player

Malár, Ladislav January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with creating of the cross-platform audio player with the possibility of its use in the speech-language pathology clinic. The theoretical part is focused on the comparison of two multi-platform libraries, of which was one chosen for creating of the player. Subsequently on functionality SQLite database, which was also used as part of the final application. The basis of the practical part is the creation of the cross-platform audio player which is extended about database of patients and also extended about speech signal analysis with the help of VST plugin.

Simulace analogových hudebních efektů pomocí nelineárních filtrů / Simulation of analogue audio effecs using the nonlinear filters

Otoupalík, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with a simulation of analogue audio effects using the nonlinear models that replace the analogue nonlinear devices in discrete domain. The thesis describes Volterra system model and simplified Volterra system model that can be realized in two ways, either Wiener model, or Hammerstein model. The method for the analysis and modeling of audio and acoustic nonlinear systems is presented in this thesis. This method allows through knowledge of the input swept-sine signal and the response of the analogue nonlinear system to the input signal to determine the coefficients of the discrete nonlinear system. This allows simulating the analogue nonlinear system in discrete domain. The method was first tested and then used successfully for simulation of the analogue nonlinear system in discrete domain. Concretely, it was simulated a musical guitar effect of the type of distortion. Last part of this thesis is devoted a description of VST technology and an implementation of VST plug-in module, which realizations Hammerstein model.

Harmonický posun výšky tónu / Harmonic pitch shifting

Cihelková, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and implementation of audio effect for pitch shifting of monophonic singing signals. The effect can generate two pitch shifted voices from input signal in real-time, while preserving formants. Amount of the shift can be controlled via MIDI controller. The effect is implemented as VST module in the form of dynamic-link library. This work also includes theoretical introduction to related DSP techniques.

VST Plug-IN pro vodoznačení audio signálů / VST Plug-IN for audio signal watermarking

Henzl, David January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deal with digital signal proccessing methods, possibilities their processing and especially audio signal watermarking like possibility safeguard author's rights of audio content. In this thesis are foreshadoweds basic audio watermarking methods and possibilities of watermark detection. To idea generation about watermarking there is described audio watermarking method known as Echo Hiding. This method embed watermarks to audio content in time-domain while watermark detection is made in kepstral-domain by using Fast Fourier Transform and correlation function. Method is implemented like VST plug - in and along with ASIO drivers that minimize signal latency provides audio signal watermarking in real - time. Aim of the first volume of this thesis is introduction of VST technology, ASIO driver and creating VST plug – in‘s. Alternative volume of thesis deal with implementation watermarking methods in conjunction with VST technology.

Speech Analysis for Processing of Musical Signals / Speech Analysis for Processing of Musical Signals

Mészáros, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této práce je obohatit hudební signály charakteristikami lidské řeči. Práce zahrnuje tvorbu audioefektu inspirovaného efektem talk-box: analýzu hlasového ústrojí vhodným algoritmem jako je lineární predikce, a aplikaci odhadnutého filtru na hudební audio-signál. Důraz je kladen na dokonalou kvalitu výstupu, malou latenci a nízkou výpočetní náročnost pro použití v reálném čase. Výstupem práce je softwarový plugin využitelný v profesionálních aplikacích pro úpravu audia a při využití vhodné hardwarové platformy také pro živé hraní. Plugin emuluje reálné zařízení typu talk-box a poskytuje podobnou kvalitu výstupu s unikátním zvukem.

An Examination of the Correlation between Vocabulary Size and Out-of-school English / En undersökning av sambandet mellan ordförrådsstorlek och fritidsengelska

Nordquist, Helena January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates if year 9 pupils’ vocabulary size correlates with how much they engage in out-of-school English activities, and whether any specific out-of-school English activities correlate more with vocabulary size. 32 second language learners in year 9 participate in this study and the students are from two classes in the same school in a medium-sized town in Sweden. Two standardized vocabulary tests are done, namely a picture vocabulary size test (PVST) and a vocabulary size test (VST). The students also answer a questionnaire with questions about how often they engage in the following spare time activities: watching TV, playing video games, listening to music, watching YouTube, speaking or writing and reading. Parametric statistics are used to compare a high vocabulary group and a low vocabulary group in relation to their engagement in out-of-school activities. Even if this is a very small study, and no conclusions can be drawn on a larger population, the results indicate that the students’ vocabulary size correlates with how much they engage in out-of-school English activities and that the most important activities are reading and speaking or writing in English. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om ordförrådsstorlek hos elever i årskurs 9 har ett samband med hur mycket eleverna ägnar sig åt fritidsengelska. Den undersöker också om några av dessa aktiviteter har ett särskilt samband med storleken på ordförrådet. 32 elever med engelska som andraspråk i årskurs 9 deltar i studien och eleverna går i två olika klasser på samma skola i en medelstor stad i Sverige. Två standardiserade ordförrådstester genomförs; ett picture vocabulary size test (PVST) och ett vocabulary size test (VST). Eleverna får också svara på en enkät med frågor kring hur ofta de ägnar sin fritid åt följande aktiviteter på engelska: titta på TV, spela datorspel, lyssna på musik, titta på YouTube, prata eller skriva och läsa. Parametrisk statistik används för att jämföra elever grupperade efter höga och låga resultat på ordförrådstesterna i relation till hur mycket fritidsengelska de ägnar sig åt. Även om studien är mycket liten och inga slutsatser kan dras för en större population, indikerar resultaten att det finns ett samband mellan storleken på ordförrådet och hur mycket fritidsengelska elever ägnar sig åt. De aktiviteter som påverkar mest är att läsa, prata eller skriva på engelska.


Byrd, Mark Travis 01 January 2019 (has links)
The very short-term resistance training (VST) model, utilizing only 2-3 training sessions, has been used to examine early phase skeletal muscle, neural, and performance adaptations. The VST model has previously been used to examine these early phase adaptations in bilateral and unilateral, isometric, isokinetic, and dynamic muscle actions in the limbs of the upper- and lower-body. The bilateral deficit (BLD) is a phenomenon in which the sum of the forces produced unilaterally is greater than the force produced bilaterally during maximal contraction of the limbs. The appearance of a bilateral deficit has been be related to various factors; including training status and mode of training (bilateral versus reciprocal muscle actions). No previous study, however, has examined the effects of VST on the BLD. The VST model has potential implications for examining acute changes in strength and neuromuscular responses of the trained muscles. These adaptations, however, may be specific to unilateral or bilateral training. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to: 1) examine one repetition maximum (1RM) strength and neuromuscular responses (EMG AMP, EMG MPF, MMG AMP, MMG MPF) during the measurement of bilateral and unilateral leg extension exercise before and after dynamic constant external resistance (DCER) VST; 2) examine the magnitude of the BLD; 3) examine the effect of bilateral versus unilateral training on the BLD; and 4) use the neuromuscular responses measured bilaterally and unilaterally to infer about the motor unit activation strategies that may underlie the BLD and changes in 1RM strength. Twenty-four (14 males, 10 females) subjects (mean ± SD age: 23.0 ± 3.2 yr; height: 174.7 ± 8.5 cm; body mass: 75.4 ± 14.1 kg) with no resistance training experience within the last three months were randomly assigned to either the bilateral (BL) training group or the unilateral (UL) training group. The subjects completed a total of seven visits, consisting of a familiarization, pre-test visit, three training visits, and one post-test visit. The pre-test visit was used to record the subject’s electromyographic (EMG) and mechanomyographic (MMG) responses from the right and left vastus lateralis (VL) during bilateral and unilateral seated maximum isometric voluntary contractions (MVIC) and 1RM. Visits four through six were the training sessions, with each subject preforming 5 sets of 6 repetitions utilizing 65% of the 1RM for resistance where the BL group trained both limbs (right and left) at the same time and the UL group trained both limbs separately. Visit seven was the post-test and the same testing procedures as the pre-test visit were followed. Statistical analyses consisted of four-way and three-way mixed model ANOVAs, with follow up three-, two- and one-way repeated measures and/or mixed model ANOVAs, Bonferroni corrected paired, and independent samples t-tests when appropriate. An alpha level of P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant for all ANOVAs. The BL group demonstrated a significant increase (p = 0.006; 6.8%) in BL1RM pre- to post-test, but no change in unilateral summed (US1RM = right + left limb; p = 0.726) 1RM strength. The UL group demonstrated an 8.7% increase in BL strength collapsed across testing mode (BL1RM and US1RM) (p = 0.0001) and UL strength (p = 0.0001) collapsed across limb (UL left + UL right/2) from pre- to post-test. The BL group had a significant (p = 0.001) increase in the BI (indicating a decrease in the BLD) from pre- to post-test, but there was no significant change for the UL group. The BL group demonstrated a significant (p = 0.029) decrease in the EMG mean power frequency (MPF) measurement pre- to post-test, however the UL group showed no change. The unilateral movement, collapsed across limbs (unilateral left and unilateral right) also showed a significant (p = 0.022) decrease in the MMG MPF measurement pre- to post-test, whereas the BL movement showed no change. These findings indicated that BL and UL DCER training increased strength after 3 training sessions. The bilateral DCER training resulted in bilateral, but not unilateral strength increases and unilateral DCER training resulting in both bilateral and unilateral strength increases. However, bilateral training was the only mode of training that significantly decreased the BLD.

Konvoluční reverb s využitím technologie VST

Trtek, Stanislav January 2014 (has links)
Trtek, S. Convolution reverb using VST technology. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2014. The diploma thesis deals with guitar amp miking, analog and digital guitar cabinet simulation, amp modeling, digital signal processing, loudspeaker measurement using impulse response and VST -- Virtual Studio Technology. Main aim of this thesis was to implement VST plugin that realises guitar cabinet simulator reproducing typical characteristics -- dynamics and nonlinear behavior.

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