Spelling suggestions: "subject:"evaluatuation"" "subject:"evalualuation""
721 |
The relationships between the price-earnings ratio and selected risk and return and valuation modelsVan Wyk, Tyrone 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MAcc )--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The price-earnings ratio is one of a series of benchmarks developed after the
Great Depression, to measure the fair value of shares on a relative basis. It
originated from the idea that investors buy the earnings of a company and that
the price-earnings ratio provides a consensus indication of the future growth
potential of a company. Therefore, the price-earnings ratio is a rating of a
company's future profitability.
The price-earnings ratio developed, over the years, firstly, into an indicator of
the relative risk associated with a company as the market anomalies
associated with the ratio were investigated and clarified, and the theoretical
background of the ratio integrated with the portfolio theory. It is now clear that
the price-earnings ratio can be a useful indicator of the risk associated with an
investment and the uncertainty associated with the duration of the growth
phase of a company.
Secondly, the price-earnings ratio is also a growth and valuation model with a
theoretical background that can be linked to popular dividend discount models
and the growth opportunities approach to investment valuation. With the use
of the price-earnings ratio it is easy to visualise the relative profitability and the
total investment required to raise a company's rating of future profitability.
This simplicity allows one the opportunity to evaluate the reasonableness and
likelihood of the investment reaching its projected potential profit targets. Lastly, as a result of accounting changes and the different accounting rules in
force today, the price-earnings ratio also assists in the identification and
elimination of the effects of accounting on investment decisions.
It is apparent that the price-earnings ratio possesses the capabilities to assist
investors significantly with the analysis of investment opportunities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die prys-verdienste verhouding is een van 'n reeks relatiewe maatstawwe
ontwikkel na die Groot Depressie om die redelike waarde van aandele te
bepaal. Dit is gebaseer op die idee dat beleggers die winste van 'n
maatskappy koop en dat die prys-verdienste verhouding 'n konsensus
aanduiding verskaf van die toekomstige groeipotensiaal van 'n maatskappy.
As gevolg hiervan is die prys-verdienste verhouding 'n aanduiding van die
relatiewe toekomstige winsgewendheid van 'n maatskappy.
Die prys-verdienste verhouding het oor die jare ontwikkel, eerstens as 'n
aanwyser van die relatiewe risiko verbonde aan 'n maatskappy soos
abnormaliteite wat daaraan verwant is ondersoek en verklaar is, en die
teorieë onderliggend aan die verhouding ontwikkel het saam met die
portefeulje teorie. Dit is nou duidelik dat die prys-verdienste verhouding 'n
bruikbare aanduider is van die risiko wat geassosieer word met 'n belegging
en die onsekerheid wat gepaard gaan met die duur van die groeifase van 'n
Tweedens is die prys-verdienste verhouding ook 'n waardasie- en groeimodel
met 'n teoretiese agtergrond wat verband hou met die populêre dividend
verdiskonteringsmodelle en die groeigeleenthede-benadering tot waardasie.
Met die gebruik van die prys-verdienste verhouding is dit maklik om die
relatiewe winsgewendheid en die totale belegging wat benodig word om die
waarde van die relatiewe winsgewendheid van 'n maatskappy te verhoog, tevisualiseer. Hierdie eenvoud verskaf die geleentheid om die redelikheid
en die waarskynlikheid van 'n belegging om sy voorsiene
winsgewendheidsdoelwitte te bereik, te evalueer.
Laastens, as 'n resultaat van die rekeningkundige veranderinge, en die
verskillende rekeningundige reëls huidiglik van toepassing in die wêreld, help
die prys-verdienste verhouding ook met die identifikasie en die eliminasie van
rekeningkundige komplikasies op beleggingsbesluite.
Dit is duidelik dat die prys-verdienste verhouding die vermoë het om die
belegger by te staan met die ontleding van beleggingsgeleenthede.
722 |
Application of spatial resource data to assist in farmland valuationNaude, Stephanus David 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric) -- Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa more than 80 percent of the total land area is used for agriculture and
subsistence livelihoods. A land transaction is generally not a recurring action for
most buyers and sellers, their experience and knowledge are limited, for this reason
the services of property agents and valuers are sometimes used, just to get more
information available. The condition of insufficient information and the inability to
observe differences in land productivity gives rise to the undervaluation of good land
and overvaluation of poor land. The value of a property plays an important role in the
acquisition of a bond, in this context farm valuations are essential and therefore
commercial banks make more use of specialist businesses that have professional
valuers available.
The advent of the Internet made access to comprehensive information sources
easier for property agents and valuers whose critical time and resources can now be
effectively managed through Geographic Information System (GIS) integrated
workflow processes. This study aims to develop the blueprint for a farm valuation
support system (FVSS) that assists valuers in their application of the comparable
sales method by enabling them to do the following: (1) Rapid identification of the location of the subject property and transaction properties on an electronic map. (2)
Comparison of the subject property with the transaction properties in terms of value
contributing attributes that can be expressed in a spatial format, mainly a) location
and b) land resource quality factors not considered in existing valuation systems that
primarily focus on residential property.
Interpretation of soil characteristics to determine the suitability of a soil for annual or
perennial crops requires specialized knowledge of soil scientists, knowledge not
normally found among property valuers or estate agents. For this reason an
algorithm, that generates an index value, was developed to allow easy comparison
of the land of a subject property and that of transaction properties. Whether this
index value reflects the soil suitability of different areas sufficiently accurate was
confirmed by soil suitability data of the Breede and Berg River areas, which were
obtained by soil scientists by means of a reconnaissance soil survey. This index
value distinguishes the proposed FVSS from other existing property valuation
systems and can therefore be used by valuers as a first approximation of a
property’s soil suitability, before doing further field work.
A nationwide survey was done among valuers and estate agents that provided
information for the design of the proposed FVSS and proved that the need for such a
system does exist and that it will be used by valuers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Meer as 80 persent van die totale grondoppervlakte in Suid-Afrika word gebruik vir
landbou en bestaansboerdery. 'n Grondtransaksie is oor die algemeen nie 'n
herhalende aksie vir die meeste kopers en verkopers nie, hul ervaring en kennis is
beperk, om hierdie rede word die dienste van eiendomsagente en waardeerders
soms gebruik om meer inligting beskikbaar te kry. Die toestand van onvoldoende
inligting en die onvermoë om verskille in grondproduktiwiteit te identifiseer gee
aanleiding tot die onderwaardering van goeie grond en oorwaardering van swak
grond. Die waarde van 'n eiendom speel 'n belangrike rol in die verkryging van 'n
verband. In hierdie konteks is plaaswaardasies noodsaaklik en daarom maak
kommersiële banke meer gebruik van gespesialiseerde maatskappye wat oor
professionele waardeerders beskik.
Die koms van die Internet het toegang tot omvattende inligtingsbronne makliker
gemaak vir eiendomsagente en waardeerders wie se kritiese tyd en hulpbronne nou
effektief bestuur kan word deur middel van Geografiese Inligtingstelsel (GIS)
geïntegreerde werksprosesse. Hierdie studie poog om die bloudruk vir 'n
plaaswaardasie ondersteuningstelsel te ontwikkel wat waardeerders sal help in hul
toepassing van die vergelykbare verkope metode deur hul in staat te stel om die
volgende te doen: (1) Vinnige identifisering van die ligging van die betrokke
onderwerp eiendom en transaksie eiendomme op 'n elektroniese kaart. (2)
Vergelyking van die onderwerp eiendom met transaksie eiendomme in terme van
waardedraende eienskappe wat in 'n ruimtelike formaat uitgedruk word, hoofsaaklik
a) ligging en b) bodem gehaltefaktore wat nie oorweeg word in bestaande
residensieel georiënteerde waardasiestelsels nie.
Interpretasie van grondeienskappe om die geskiktheid van grond vir eenjarige of
meerjarige gewasse te bepaal vereis gespesialiseerde kennis van grondkundiges,
kennis wat nie normaalweg gevind word onder eiendomswaardeerders of
eiendomsagente nie. Om hierdie rede is 'n algoritme ontwikkel sodat die grond van
‘n onderwerp eiendom d.m.v. ‘n indekswaarde met transaksie eiendomme vergelyk
kan word. Die indekswaarde is akkuraat genoeg bevestig toe dit vergelyk is met grond geskiktheidsdata wat deur grondkundiges in die Breede- en Bergrivier gebiede
ingesamel is. Hierdie indekswaarde onderskei die voorgestelde plaaswaardasie
ondersteuningstelsel van ander bestaande eiendom waardasiestelsels en kan dus
deur waardeerders gebruik word as 'n eerste bepaling van 'n eiendom se grond
geskiktheid, voordat verdere veldwerk gedoen word.
'n Landwye opname is gedoen onder waardeerders en eiendomsagente wat inligting
voorsien het vir die ontwerp van die voorgestelde plaaswaardasie
ondersteuningstelsel, asook bewys gelewer het dat daar ‘n behoefte aan so 'n stelsel
bestaan en dat dit deur waardeerders gebruik sal word.
723 |
Company valuation and environmental valueMorys, Thomas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The natural environment has gained intensified importance in recent years (Stern, 2007) as the
depletion of free natural resources and creation of non-intentional by-products speeds up.
Especially air quality-related issues such as carbon dioxide emissions caused by non-intentional
by-products from fuel combustion intensify the pressure on nature and thereby on
human beings. Global commitments to greenhouse reduction by different nations, manifested
in the Kyoto Protocol, increase the pressure on the economic environment as they force
nations and in particular companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to the agreed
levels. This means that companies unable to meet the emission targets are forced to acquire
additional emission rights. This has an impact on the value of a company. The lower the
emissions, the more emission rights can be sold on the carbon markets. Furthermore, the less
natural environmental risk a company is exposed to, the higher its value. In general, the risk
reductions result from creating benefits for the natural environment.
This research project shows how the natural environment impacts on the value of a company.
It considers the green value, described as the overall tradable benefit from the reduction of
non-intentional by-products, of a small liquid-petroleum-gas (LPG)-converting company. It is
assumed that emission benefits created through the reduction of relevant marketable byproducts
will lead to emission credit notes, equal to emission rights, offered to companies at
the carbon spot market. This enables the companies participating on the carbon market to buy
additional emission rights.
This non-empirical report focuses on a study of the theory. Topics such as the global natural
environment, awareness of natural environment and willingness to pay for higher quality of
the natural environment, traditional valuation, and environmental accounting give an
understanding of the subject. In addition, personnel communication was used to discuss
relevant market expectations and prospects.
The outcome is a valuation approach to determine the potential value of companies. The
intention is to show that the value goes beyond a purely financial approach. From the
valuation procedure performed one can easily see that the value of a company is strongly
influenced by the green value component derived from valued environmental benefits. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die natuurlike omgewing het in die afgelope paar jaar toenemend belangrik geword (Stem,
2007) namate die uitputting van gratis natuurlike hulpbronne en die skep van toevallige
neweprodukte toeneem. Veral kwessies wat met die gehalte van lug verband hou, soos
koolsuurgasvrystellings wat deur toevallige neweprodukte van brandstofverbranding
veroorsaak word, verhoog die druk op die natuur en dus ook op die mens. 'n Wereldwye
verbintenis tot die vermindering van die kweekhuis-effek deur verskillende lande, wat in die
Kyoto Protokol inslag vind, verhoog die druk op die ekonomiese omgewing, aangesien dit
lande, en spesifiek maatskappye, dwing om hulle kweekhuis-gasvrystellings tot by die
ooreengekome vlakke te verminder. Dit beteken dat maatskappye wat nie die
vrystellingsteikens kan haal nie, gedwing word om bykomende vrystellingsregte te bekom.
Dit het 'n impak op die waarde van 'n maatskappy. Hoe laer die vrystellings, hoe meer
vrystellingsregte kan op die koolstofmarkte verkoop word. 'n Maatskappy se waarde verhoog
indien die risiko rakende die natuurlike omgewing verlaag word. Oor die algemeen is hierdie
risikoverminderings die resultaat van die skep van voordele vir die natuurlike omgewing.
Hierdie navorsingsprojek toon aan wat die natuurlike omgewing se impak op die waarde van
'n maatskappy is. Dit ondersoek die groen waarde, wat beskryf word as die algehele
verhandelbare voordeel uit die vermindering van toevallige neweprodukte, van 'n klein
vloeibarepetroleumgas-maatskappy. Die aanname word gemaak dat vrystellingvoordele wat
geskep word deur die vermindering van toepaslike verkoopbare neweprodukte daartoe sal lei
dat vrystellingskredietnotas, wat gelykstaande aan vrystellingsregte is, aan maatskappye by
die koolstoflokomark aangebied sal word. Dit stel die maatskappye wat op die koolstofmark
handel dryf in staat om bykomende vrystellingsregte te koop.
Hierdie nie-empiriese verslag fokus op 'n studie van die teorie. Onderwerpe soos die globale
natuurlike omgewing, bewustheid van die natuurlike omgewing en 'n gewilligheid om te
betaal vir 'n natuurlike omgewing van 'n hoer gehalte, en omgewingsrekeningkunde dra by
tot 'n beter begrip van die onderwerp. Verder is persoonlike kommunikasie gebruik om
toepaslike markverwagtinge en -vooruitsigte te bespreek.
Die uitkoms is 'n waardasiebenadering om die potensiele waarde van maatskappye te bepaal.
Die doel is om aan te toon dat die waarde verder as 'n suiwer finansie1e benadering strek. Uit
die waardasieprosedure wat uitgevoer is, kan maklik gesien word dat die waarde van 'n
maatskappy sterk beinvloed word deur die groenwaarde-komponent wat deur gewaardeerde
omgewingsvoordele bepaal word.
724 |
The application of a corporate governance matrix to the JSE top 40 companies in South AfricaYortt, Anna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Corporate governance in South Africa (SA) has been promoted since 1994 with the release of the King report which was the first code of corporate governance in the country. This has since been updated in 2002, and most recently in 2009. In previous independent assessments of corporate governance in South Africa, the country has been commended for its corporate governance standards.
As a large institutional investor the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) actively encourages high standards of corporate governance in the companies in which it invests. Therefore, the PIC wanted to develop a matrix to assess the current corporate governance standards of listed companies in South Africa in order to assist with investment decisions, and to actively promote high standards.
Therefore, the skills and knowledge of an expert panel were called upon in order to develop a robust assessment tool that incorporates best practice, but remains locally relevant. The intention was to not only focus on disclosure, but to also incorporate an assessment of conformance and performance. This was then applied to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) top 40 companies.
The aim of the study was not only to assess the corporate governance of these companies, but also to critically review the matrix to ensure it is an effective assessment tool. In addition the link between corporate governance, company performance, and company valuation was investigated as these variables are commonly reported in the literature to be positively correlated. Various aspects of board diversity, including age, gender and ethnicity, were also researched as this was identified as a critical issue in the South African context. Factors that have been shown to affect board diversity in the literature were also investigated. Following this the link between board diversity and company performance was studied as there is limited information regarding this relationship in the literature.
Various limitations of the matrix were identified and in many instances related to what had previously been reported in the literature. However, a significant relationship was not found between corporate governance and company performance, and, the relationship between corporate governance and company valuation was negative. This may be due to limitations of the study, and therefore, a definitive conclusion cannot be drawn. In terms of the demographics of the boards of the JSE top 40 companies, most directors fall between the ages of 51 and 60 years, 14.5 per cent of board members are female, and 32.5 per cent of directors are black. There was a trend towards a positive relationship between diversity of age and board size, while no relationship was found between shareholder diversity and board diversity, and interestingly board ethnic diversity was found to be positively correlated with company performance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Korporatiewe beheer in Suid-Afrika is sedert 1994 bevorder met die uitreik van die King-verslag wat die eerste kode vir korporatiewe beheer in die land was. Hierdie verslag is sedertdien opgedateer in 2002 en mees onlangs in 2009. In vorige onafhanklike beoordelings van korporatiewe beheer in Suid-Afrika, is die land aangeprys vir sy korporatiewe beheerstandaarde.
As ‟n groot institusionele belegger, moedig die Public Investent Corporation (PIC) aktief hoë standaarde van korporatiewe beheer aan in die maatskappye waarin hy belê. Die PIC wou daarom ‟n matriks ontwikkel om die huidige korporatiewe beheerstandaarde te beoordeel van die genoteerde maatskappye in Suid-Afrika ten einde te help met beleggingsbesluite en om hoë standaarde aktief aan te moedig.
Die kennis en vaardighede van ‟n paneel deskundiges is daarom ingeroep om ‟n robuuste beoordelingshulpmiddel te ontwikkel wat die beste praktyke sou insluit, maar plaaslik relevant sou bly. Die bedoeling was ook om nie net op openbaarmaking te fokus nie, maar ook beoordeling van nakoming en prestasie in te sluit. Dit is dan op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs (JSE) se top 40 maatskappye toegepas.
Die doel van die studie was nie net om die korporatiewe beheer van hierdie maatskappye te beoordeel nie, maar ook om die matriks krities te beoordeel om te verseker dat dit ‟n effektiewe beoordelingshulpmiddel is. Die verwantskap tussen korporatiewe beheer, maatskappy prestasie, en maatskappy waardasie is verder ook ondersoek aangesien hierdie veranderlikes algemeen in die literatuur as positief gekorreleer beskryf word. Verskeie aspekte van direksie diversiteit, insluitend ouderdom, geslag en etnisiteit, is ook nagevors aangesien hierdie sake as kritiese kwessies binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks geïdentifiseer is. Faktore wat in die literatuur geblyk het die direksie se diversiteit te beïnvloed, is ook ondersoek. Hierna is die verwantskap tussen direksie diversiteit en maatskappy prestasie ook ondersoek aangesien daar beperkte inligting oor hierdie verwantskap in die literatuur bestaan.
Verskeie beperkinge van die matriks is geïdentifiseer en hou in baie gevalle verband met dit wat reeds voorheen in die literatuur beskryf is. Geen beduidende verwantskap is egter gevind tussen korporatiewe beheer en maatskappy prestasie nie, en die verwantskap tussen korporatiewe beheer en maatskappy waardasie was negatief. Dit mag wees as gevolg van beperkings van die studie, en daarom kan ‟n beslissende gevolgtrekking nie gemaak word nie.
In terme van die demografie van die direksies van die JSE se top 40 maatskappye, is die meeste direkteure tussen 51 en 60 jaar oud, 14.5 persent van direksielede is vroulik, en 32.5 persent van direkteure is swart. Daar was ‟n tendens tot ‟n positiewe verwantskap tussen diversiteit van ouderdomme en direksiegrootte, maar geen verwantskap is gevind tussen aandeelhouer diversiteit en direksie diversiteit nie, en dit is interessant dat direksie etniese diversiteit gevind is om positief gekorreleer te wees met maatskappy prestasie.
725 |
Value investing and the business cycle in the South African contextKirsten, Rudo Stefan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Waarde- en groei-beleggingstrategieë dateer terug na Fama en French (1992) en Lakonishok,
Shleifer en Vishny (1994). Bogenoemde studies is gebaseer op vroeë navorsing wat die fokus
verskuif het om sodoende waardasieverhoudinge en maatskappygrootte te gebruik as
toonaangewende verklarende maatstawwe vir aandele-opbrengste. Toenemende studies in hierdie
beleggingsveld het die akademiese en beleggingsgemeenskap oortuig dat ’n waardegebaseerde
beleggingstrategie, gemiddeld, ’n groeigebaseerde beleggingstrategie oortref.
Waarde- en groei-eienskappe word algemeen aanvaar en deur fondsbestuurders en beleggers as
onderskeidende beleggingstrategieë aangewend. Hierdie eiesoortige beleggingstrategieë is op die
Suid-Afrikaanse mark vir die periode 1990 tot 2009 toegepas. Die beduidende veranderinge binne
die ekonomiese klimaat en aandelemarkte was die oorhoofse rede vir die insluiting van die
ekonomiese siklusse in die navorsing, spesifiek die opswaai- en afswaai-fases van die ekonomie.
Die Sharpe-, Treynor- en Inligting–prestasiemaatstawwe vir waarde- en groei-portefeuljes is in
hierdie studie vergelyk en geanaliseer.
Normaalweg word prestasie-beoordeling nie begin met ’n gedetailleerde analise van die
opbrengsverdelings om te bepaal watter prestasie-maatstaf meer voortreflik is nie. Die opbrengsdensiteit
vir alle portefeuljes is bepaal om sodoende die opbrengsverspreidings en risikooorwegings
beter te verstaan binne die onderskeie ekonomiese siklusse.
Die bevindinge binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks was wel ooreenstemmend met voorafgaande
navorsing dat waardegebaseerde investering groeigebaseerde investering oortref vir aandele met
hoër waardasieverhoudinge teenoor aandele met laer waardasieverhoudinge. Die gemiddelde
maandelikse prestasie van waarde-portefeuljes het ook groei-portefeuljes oortref in die
ekonomiese opswaai-siklusse, wat ooreenstemmend is met soortgelyke navorsing wat in ander
markte gedoen is. In die ekonomiese afswaai-siklus het groei-portefeuljes waarde-portefeuljes
oortref, ooreenstemmend met die van die Amerikaanse mark.
Die navorsing dui daarop dat waardegebaseerde investering voortreflik is oor die volle
steekproefperiode, wat beteken dat beleggers wat waarde-beleggingstrategieë volg hoër
opbrengste kan verwag in alle ekonomiese siklusse, maar die voordele sal groter wees in tye van
’n ekonomiese opswaai. Die wisselvalligheid van opbrengste binne die twee ekonomiese siklusse
is sigbaar en beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid om die ekonomiese siklus in beleggingstrategieë en
-besluite in te sluit.
Die ekonomiese siklus verbreed die dimensie tot die evaluasie van waardegebaseerde
beleggingstrategie en dit is noodsaaklik dat dit ’n geïntegreerde deel vorm van die
evaluasieproses. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Value and growth investment strategies can be traced back to Fama and French (1992) and
Lakonishok, Shleifer and Vishny (1994). The studies built on earlier work done and lead to
attention being shifted to valuation ratios and company size as leading explanatory indicators for
stock returns. Based on the accumulated evidence from studies, the academic and investment
community came to agree that value investment strategies, on average, outperform growth
investment strategies.
Value and growth, are widely recognised and used by money managers and investors as
distinctive investment strategies. These style-specific investment strategies were tested on the
South African market for the period 1990 to 2009. The significant changes within the economic
conditions and securities markets motivated the research to include the business cycle –
specifically, contraction and expansion of the economy – within the scope of this study. The
Sharpe, Treynor and Information performance ratios, that were calculated for compiled value and
growth portfolios, were compared and analysed.
The performance evaluation is not normally initiated with a detailed analysis of the return
distribution in order to determine which performance measure is superior. The return densities for
all portfolios were calculated in order to gain a better understanding of return distributions and risk
considerations within the different business cycles.
The results indicated that, within the South African context, value investing did outperform growth
investing as indicated by previous research that stocks with high valuation ratios tend to
outperform stocks with low valuation ratios. The mean monthly performance of value portfolios also
outperformed growth portfolios in the period of economic upswing, which is a similar result as that
of other markets where this kind of research has been conducted. In the economic downturn period
growth investing seems to be superior to value investing similar to that of the US market.
The study indicates that the superior performance of value investing is robust for the whole sample
period, meaning that investors will be better off investing in stocks with high valuation ratios for all
economic conditions, but the benefits of value investing would be greater during periods of
economic upswing. The volatility of returns within the two economic conditions is quite evident and
highlights the importance of incorporating business cycles into investment strategies and
The business cycle adds another dimension to value investing strategy evaluation and should be
incorporated in the evaluation process.
726 |
A strategic financial planning modelElijah, J. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This report contains a strategic management model to assess the impact on the EVA тм
of the individual business units and the consolidated group total of a Company, when
manipulating any of the key business drivers. The model has been designed to deliver
a solution to the end-user that is simple to operate and presents graphical outputs to
enhance understanding and interpretation. The sensitivity analysis, the EVA тм tree and
the financial statements are presented in Excel.
A simulation technique is used to forecast NOPAT values from a set of key drivers. The
theories used to construct the model are explained and a hypothetical example is
provided. The appendices also provide the concept of EVA тм, simulation techniques,
list of assumptions and model instructions. The report is comprehensive enough to
allow the reader to develop, implement and test a model of this nature. Opportunities
for further research are also provided. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bevat 'n strategiese bestuursmodel om die impak van individuele
besigheidseenhede op ekonomiese waardetoevoeging (Engels: EVA тм) en die
gekonsolideerde groeptotaal van 'n maatskappy, wanneer enige een van die sleutel
besigheidsdrywers gemanipuleer word, te bepaal. Die model is ontwerp om 'n
eenvoudige oplossing vir die eindgebruiker te verskaf en verskaf grafiese uiteensettings
om verstaanbaarheid en interpretasie te vergemaklik. Die sensitiwiteitsanalise,
ekonomiese waardetoevoegingsontleding en die finansiële state word in Excel
'n Simulasie tegniek is gebruik om NOPAT waardes van 'n stel sleutel drywers te
voorspel. Die teorieë wat gebruik is om die model saam te stel, word aan die hand van
'n hipotetiese voorbeeld wat voorsien word, verduidelik. Die aanhangsels voorsien die
konsep EVA тм, simulasie tegnieke, 'n lys van aannames en instruksies vir die model.
Die verslag is volledig genoeg om die leser in staat te stel om 'n model van hierdie aard
te ontwikkel, te toets en te implementer. Voorstelle vir verdere navorsing word voorsien.
727 |
Rynmar value adding process design diagnostic toolBrandt, Rynier 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "Value adding process design" entails two underlying concepts, namely
"business process" and "value adding":
Business process:
According to Dr Michael Hammer (Hammer, 1999), the recognised father of
process thinking, a business process is an "organised group of related
activities that together create customer value". The focus in the process is not
on individual units of work, which by themselves accomplish nothing for a
customer, but rather on an entire group of activities that, when effectively
brought together, create a result that customers value.
Value adding:
The concept of "value adding" can be defined in different ways depending on
the receiver of the value (shareholders, customers or employees). From a
shareholder perspective, value adding can be measured by using EVA
(Economic Value Added).
EVA is a measure of economic profit generally meaning that a positive EVA
indicates that value has been created, whereas a negative EVA means value
has been destroyed.
The perspective from which process improvement is addressed is the value
that is added for the customer, but always with the constraint of not negatively
impacting the EVA of the organisation.
Value adding process design:
"Value adding process" design entails the design of a business process or
interrelated business processes to ensure that employee and customer needs
are satisfied, whilst creating value for shareholders. The objective of this study is to develop a methodology and supporting tools
to enable a organisation to make the transition from being task focused to
becoming a truly process organisation.
The approach that is proposed is the Rynmar VAP Diagnostic Tool. The
approach consists of 5 phases, best explained by the metaphor of building a
• Setting the stage (phase 0) is identifying the need for a house, i.e. being
unhappy with the current situation to an extent that one has the burning
desire to change surrounding, even if it will cost a lot of time, effort and
financial resources.
• Visioning (phase 1) is drawing an artist impression of the house. It
involves thinking what the new house should look like, for example do I
want a Cape-Dutch house with thatched roof and white walls, or an Italian
design with tiled roof and off-white walls. Visioning is the magnetic force
that one holds on to whenever the question is asked: "Is it worth the
• Design Process (phase 2) entails applying different techniques to draw
an architectural design of the firstly the current processes, followed by the
future process that will meet the different aspects of the vision.
• Prototype & Build (phase 3) involves firstly building a small scale model
of the house to test and improve the design made in phase 3, followed by
building the actual house.
• Train & Implement (phase 4) firstly entails training the different people in
the skills required by the new process design and then implementing the
process under careful guidance of the project team, i.e. moving into the
• Continuous Improvement (phase 5) involves continuously improving the
process to ensure that incremental performance improvement is
achieved, which will lead to a dramatic cumulative improvement over time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "Waarde toegevoeging proses ontwerp" behels twee onderliggende konsepte,
naamlik "besigheidsproses" en "waarde toevoeging":
Volgens Dr Michael Hammer (Hammer, 1999), die erkende vader van
prosesdenke, kan 'n besigheidsproses definieer word as 'n georganiseerde
groep van aktiwiteite wat gesamentlik waarde skep vir 'n kliënt. Die fokus in
die proses is nie op individuele komponente van werk nie, wat individueel niks
vir die gebruiker kan vermag nie, maar eerder op 'n geïntegreerde groep van
aktiwiteite wat, indien effektief gegroepeer word, waarde skep vir 'n kliënt.
Waarde toevoeging:
Die konsep "waarde toevoeging" kan op verskillende maniere gedefinieer
word afhangende van die ontvanger van die waarde (aandeelhouers, kliënte
of werknemers). Vanuit die perspektief van 'n aandeelhouer word waarde
toevoeging gemeet deur gebruik te maak van EVA ("Economic Value
EVA is 'n maatstaf van ekonomiese wins, wat daarop neerkom dat 'n
positiewe EVA aandui dat waarde geskep (toegevoeg) is, terwyl 'n negatiewe
EVA beteken dat waarde verwoes is (waardevermindering).
Prosesverbetering word gevolglik daarop gerig om waarde toe te voeg vir 'n
kliënt, maar altyd onderhewig daaraan dat dit 'n positiewe impak op die EVA
van die organisasie sal hê.
Waarde toegevoegde proses ontwerp:
"Waarde toegevoegde proses ontwerp" behels die ontwerp van 'n
besigheidsproses of verwante besigheidprosesse wat sal verseker dat daar
aan die behoeftes van werknemers en kliënte voldoen word en terselftertyd
dat waarde geskep word vir aandeelhouers. Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om 'n metodologie en ondersteunende
gereedskap te ontwikkel wat 'n organisasie in staat stel om die transformasie
te maak van 'n taak-georiënteerde na 'n ten volle proses-georiënteerde
organisasie. Die benadering wat voorgestel word is die Rynmar VAP model.
Die benadering bestaan uit vyf fases en kan verduidelik word aan die hand
van die metafoor om 'n huis te bou:
• Definieer 'n platform vir verandering (fase 0) is om die behoefte te
identifiseer om 'n huis te bou, naamlik om ontevrede te wees met die
huidige situasie tot so 'n mate dat 'n brandende begeerte bestaan om iets
daaraan te doen, selfs al kos dit tyd, moeite en finansies.
• Skep van 'n prosesvisie (fase 1) is om 'n kunstenaarsvoorstelling te
maak van die huis. Dit sluit in hoe die nuwe huis moet lyk, byvoorbeeld 'n
Kaaps-Hollandse huis met 'n grasdak en wit mure. 'n Visie is die
magnetiese aantrekkingskrag wat 'n organisasie aan vasklou wanneer die
vraag gevra word: "Is dit die moeite werd?"
• Proses ontwerp (fase 2) behels die toepassing van verskillende tegnieke
om 'n argitekstekening van eerstens die bestaande prosesse te maak,
gevolg deur die ontwerp van toekomstige prosesse wat die visie sal
• Prototipering & bou (fase 3) behels die bou van 'n klein skaalmodel van
die huis om die ontwerp te toets en verbetering aan te bring, gevolg deur
die werklike bou van die huis.
• Opleiding & implementering (fase 4) behels eerstens die opleiding van
die betrokke partye, gefokus op die vaardighede wat benodig word om die
nuwe proses te implementer. Vervolgens word die proses implementeer
onder die waaksame oog van die projekspan, naamlik om in die huis in te
• Kontinue verbetering (fase 5) behels die kontinue verbetering van die
proses wat sal verseker dat inkrementele verbetering behaal word, wat lei
tot dramatiese verbetering opgebou oor tyd.
728 |
Determining the value of a new company with specific reference to the real option pricing theoryDe Villiers, Dirk Christiaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the trends of business moving away from large, corporate companies to small,
flexible and innovative alternatives, the need to value new companies are becoming
important. A new company generally does not have substantial historical data
available and it is therefore difficult to determine potential revenue streams and
hence accurate valuations. The focus of this study is to find an appropriate method
to attempt the valuation of a new company and this is explained by means of a case
Three basic approaches exist to value companies. The Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
method analyses risk and return to estimate a discount rate and presents the value of
the company as a Net Present Value (NPV). Relative Valuation methods compare
the fundamentals of a company to that of other companies. Contingent Claim
Valuation methods base the value of a company on the fact that decisions may be
deferred into the future until more information is evident. The basis of this valuation
technique is that of Option Pricing Theory in which the Black-Scholes technique and
binomial models are used .: This method is normally used on assets that have optionlike
features e.g. equity in a company, natural resource rights, product patents or any
decision that may be deferred into the future. Decisions (options) deferred may be
identified as growth-, staged-, flexibility-, exit-, learning- and expanding options. This
is also known as the Real Option Pricing Theory.
According to this model the investment proposal may be mapped as a series of call
options (Luehrman, 1998a). The amount of money expended in the project
corresponds to the option's exercise price (X), the present value of the asset built or
acquired corresponds to the stock price (S), the length of time the company can defer
the investment decision corresponds to the option's time to expiration (t) and the
uncertainty about the future value of the project's cashflow corresponds to the
standard deviation of return on the stock (c). Seven steps are used to obtain the
value of the call option and the value is reflected by two option-value metries namely
the value-to-cost (NPVq) and cumulative volatility (cr--Jt).The two metries are plotteá
on a graph (defined as Options Space) in order to visualize and interpret the results.
Mushroom Biomedical Systems developed three highly novel and patented products.
The company was valued using the conventional OeF method and valued as a
staged investment using the Real Option Pricing Theory according to Luehrman's
model (1998a).
The values of two products are similar using the OeF and Real Options methods.
Most of the investment capital was required during the first phases of these products
resulting in the investment of the second phases not holding high risks or value. The
value of the third product is significantly higher using the Real Options method
compared to the OeF. This is ascribed to the forced delay of phase one. The value
of this future decision is worth more than the current decision due to expected new
information that might arise. By "creating an option" value is added by forcing
management to actively make two decisions about the continuation of the project at a
future date.
Applying Real Option Pricing Theory suggests inherent value in uncertainty when
there is freedom to choose different courses of action in the face of different market
conditions. With the OeF analysis the impact of risk is seen as depressing the value
of the investment. By contrast, real options show that risk can be influenced through
managerial flexibility, which becomes a central instrument to create value. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beweging van die besigheidswêreld vanaf groot korporatiewe maatskappye na
kleiner, buigsame en innoverende alternatiewe het 'n behoefte geskep om die
waarde van sulke nuwe maatskappye te kan bepaal. 'n Nuwe maatskappy het tipies
nie historiese data beskikbaar nie wat die vooruitskatting van potensiële inkomste
strome en dus akkurate waardasies moeilik maak. Die fokus van hierdie studie is die
bepaling van 'n toepaslike metode om die waarde van 'n nuwe maatskappy te bepaal
en dit word deur middel van 'n gevalle studie verduidelik.
Drie basiese metodes bestaan om maatskappye te waardeer. Die Verdiskonteerde
Kontantvloei Stroom (VKS) metode gebruik risiko en opbrengs om 'n
verdiskonteringskoers te bepaal en reflekteer die waarde van die maatskappy as die
Netto Teenswoordige Waarde (NTW). Relatiewe Waardasie metodes vergelyk die
fundamentele eienskappe van 'n maatskappy met die van ander maatskappye. Die
Gebeurlikheids Waardasie metode koppel waarde aan die feit dat besluite uitgestel
kan word totdat meer informasie beskikbaar is. Die basis van hierdie tegniek is
Opsie Teorie waarin die Black-Scholes tegniek en binomiaal model gebruik word.
Hierdie metode word gewoonlik gebruik waar bates "opsie-tipe" eienskappe besit
soos aandeelhouding in 'n maatskappy, natuurlike mynregte; produk patente of enige
besluit wat uitgestel kan word na 'n datum in die toekoms. Besluite (opsies) wat
uitgestel word kan geïdentifiseer word as groei-, stap-vir-stap-, buigbaarheids-,
uittree-, lerings- en uitbreidingsopsies. Hierdie metode staan ook bekend as die
Ware Opsie Prysings Teorie.
Volgens hierdie metode kan 'n beleggingsgeleentheid voorgestel word as 'n reeks
koopopsies (Luehrman, 1998a). Die totale uitgawe word voorgestel deur die
uitoefeningsprys (X), die teenswoordige waarde van die bate word voorgestel deur
die aandeel waarde (S), die tydperk wat die besluit uitgestel kan word, word
voorgestel deur die opsie vervaltyd (t), en die onsekerheid van die bate se
kontantvloeistroom word voorgestel deur die standaardafwyking van die opbrengs
van die bate (c). Sewe stappe word geneem om die waarde van die koopopsie te
bepaal wat uitgedruk word deur twee opsiewaarde komponente naamlik waarde-tot-koste (NPVq) en kummulatiewe volatiliteit ((1'Jt). Die twee komponente word grafies
voorgestel (genoem Opsie Spasie) om resultate te visualiseer en te interpreteer.
Mushroom Biomedical Systems het drie unieke en gepatenteerde produkte
ontwikkel. Die maatskappy is met die konvensionele VKS metode gewaardeer en
volgens Luehrman (1998a) se Ware Opsie Prysings model as 'n stap-vir-stap opsie
Die waardes van twee van die produkte is dieselfde met die VKS metode en die
Opsie Teorie metode. Die meeste van die kapitaal is tydens die eerste fases van die
twee produkte benodig met die gevolg dat die tweede fases nie veel risiko of waarde
inhou nie. Die waarde van die derde produk is aansienlik meer met die Opsie Teorie
metode in vergelyking met die VKS metode. Dit word toegeskryf aan die gedwonge
vertraging van fase een. Die waarde gekoppel daaraan om die besluit in die
toekoms te neem is meer werd as om die besluit nou te neem a.g.v. verwagte nuwe
informasie. Deur hierdie opsie "te skep" word waarde toegevoeg omdat bestuur
gedwing word om aktief twee besluite in die toekoms te neem rakende die
voortsetting van die projek.
Die gebruik van Ware Opsie Prysings Teorie skep 'n inherente waarde wanneer daar
verskillende besluite geneem kan word soos mark kondisies verander. Met die VKS
metode word risiko gesien as 'n faktor wat waarde laat afneem. In teenstelling
hiermee dui die Ware Opsie Teorie dat risiko beïnvloed kan word deur bestuur se
vermoëns, wat 'n belangrike instrument is vir waardeskepping.
729 |
Prys-verdienste-verhoudings van genoteerde industriele maatskappyeBezuidenhout, Christiaan Willem 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 1995. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In spite of the significant role of price-earnings ratios on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. relatively little is known of the behaviour of these ratios over time.
The price-earnings ratio is the price of the company's share. divided by the company's earnings per share. In a theoretically stable environment the interpretation of the price-earnings ratio is less problematic than in an everyday unstable. non-perfect market. The problem with a non-perfect market, is that the expectations and assumptions of investors start to play a role. This is difficult to quantify. To analyse price·earnings ratios now become problematic . Based on the formula for price-earnings ratio, one can say that it represents that
which the investor is willing to pay, for one rand of the earnings of the company. A high price-earnings ratio is a function of either a big expected growth in earnings for
the company, or a very small earnings for the company in that financial year. The purpose of this study is:
1) The accomplishment of a databank which reflects the relative rank of the different companies.
2) To establish the relationship of the rank of a given year with future ranks.
The study was conducted on all industrial companies on the Johannesburg Stock
Exchange. Price·earnings ratios calculated with share prices at financial year-end, as
well as price-earnings ratios calculated with share prices three months after the
financial year·end, were used in the study. Companies included in the study were
divided into groups which have been listed for 20. 15, 10 and 5 years respectively.
Descriptive statistical methods were used to find out more about the data. To
establish the extent of the relationships between the different ranks, Spearman's
rankorder coefficient was used. Finally a databank was established to show the
different relative ranks of the different groups.
Descriptive statistics indicated that price-earnings ratios are not disrtibuted normally.
The median was therefore used in all the groups as representative of the data. The
median showed a definite upward trend over time. The medians of the price-earnings
ratios calculated on the share prices three months after financial year-end, closely follow the medians of the price-earning ratios calculated on share prices at financial
year-end. This indicates that either investors do not take the earnings of the
companies into account, or that investors' expectations of earnings are correct. It is,
however, doubtful whether investors have sufficient information at financial
year-end. Spearman's rankorder coefficient showed a definite positive and significant trend.
especially if the time-span of the tests are taken into account. Companies which
were therefore ranked high, wilt most probably be high again the following year, if
the time-span does not exceed five years.
The databank which was established to show the relative ranks of the different
companies, showed that the so-called top companies do not necessarily fall into the top positions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel prys-verdienste-verhoudings 'n belangrike rol op die Johannesburgse
Effektebeurs speel, is relatief min inligting beskikbaar oor die werking daarvan oor
die lang termyn.
Die prys-verdienste-verhouding is die prys van die maatskappy se aandeel, gedeel deur die verdienste per aandeel. Die interpretasie van prys-verdienste-verhoudings is
minder problematies in 'n teoreties stabiele omgewing as in 'n oorwegend onseker, nie-perfekte marksituasie. Die probleem in laasgenoemde tipe mark is dat
beleggersverwagtings en -aannames toenemend 'n rol begin speel. Aangesien verwagtings en aannames moeilik is om te kwantifiseer, bemoeilik dit ook die interpretasie van prys-verdienste-verhoudings. Volgens die formule verteenwoordig prys-verdienste-verhoudings dit wat beleggers
bereid is om te betaal, vir een rand verdienste van die maatskappy. 'n Groot
prys-verdienste-verhouding is 'n funksie van groot verwagte verdienstegroei van die
maatskappy, of 'n baie klein verdienste per aandeel vir die maatskappy in daardie betrokke finansiele jaar.
Die doel van die studie is:
1) Die daarstelling van 'n databank van prys-verdienste-verhoudings wat die
relatiewe rangorde van die verskillende maatskappye reflekteer.
2) Vasstelling van die verband tussen rangordes van 'n bepaalde jaar en toekomstige rangordes .
Die studie is gedoen op alle industriële maatskappye op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs. Prys-verdienste-verhoudings bereken volgens aandeelpryse op
finansiële jaareinde, asook die bereken op aandeelpryse drie maande na afloop van
die finansiële jaareinde van die betrokke maatskappy , is by hierdie studie ingesluit. Maatskappye is in vier groepe verdeel naamlik maatskappye wat onderskeidelik al
20, 15, 10 en 5 jaar genoteer is. Ter toeligting van hierdie data in die verskillende groepe, is beskrywende statistiese metodes gebruik en geinterpreteer. Spearman se
rangorde korrelasiekoëffisient is gebruik om die omvang van die verband tussen
rangordes vas te stel. 'n Databank is laastens opgestel vir die verskillende groepe wat relatiewe rangorde aantoon.
Volgens die beskrywende statistiese metodes is die prys-verdienste-verhoudings nie
normaal verdeel nie. Die mediaan is dus in alle groepe as verteenwoordigend van die data gebruik, in plaas van die gemiddelde. Die mediaan het in alle groepe 'n skerp
stygende tendens oor tyd getoon. Mediane van prys-verdienste-verhoudings bereken
op aandeelpryse drie maande na die finansiële jaareinde, het 'n sterk ooreenkoms getoon met mediane van prys-verdienste-verhoudings bereken op finansiële jaareind
aandeelpryse. Dit kan 'n gevolg wees van of die feit dat beleggers hulle nie veel
steur aan die verdienstes van maatskappye nie, of dat beleggers se verwagtings van
die maatskappye se verdienstes korrek was. Dit is egter te betwyfel of beleggers op finansiële jaareinde oor genoegsame intigting beskik.
Spearman se rangorde korrelasiekoëffisient toon 'n definitiewe positiewe en
beduidende tendens, veral as die tydsduur van die toetse wat gedoen is in ag geneem word. Maatskappye met 'n hoë rangorde sal daarom waarskynlik ook die daaropvolgende jare 'n hoë rangorde hê, veral as die tydperk nie langer as vyf jaar is
nie. Volgens die databank wat saamgestel is om die relatiewe rangordes van die verskillende maatskappye se prys-verdienste-verhoudings aan te toon. hey, sogenaamde top maatskappye nie hoog in die hiërargie van top maatskappye
gefigureer nie.
730 |
Determinants and consequences of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) reporting by UK non-financial firmsElzahar, Hany January 2013 (has links)
The study examines the level of quantity and quality of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) reporting for a sample of FTSE 350 UK listed companies over the period (2006-2010). Furthermore, it identifies the determinants of KPIs reporting and investigates its impact upon firm value. Based upon the guidance of the best practice recommended by the Accounting Standard Board (2006), the study develops a measure of disclosure quality by considering the main qualitative attributes of information which, arguably, makes KPIs information more useful to stakeholders. The distinction between disclosure quantity and quality in the study enables the researcher to get greater insights into the drivers and implications of KPIs reporting quantity and quality. The study finds a variation between UK firms in the number of KPIs disclosed with a notable low level of reporting quality, especially for non-financial KPIs. It also finds that corporate governance mechanisms play an important role in improving KPIs reporting. In particular, it shows that directors’ compensations affect the quantity and quality of KPIs disclosure. Furthermore, the study provides evidence that quantity and quality of KPIs disclosure are not derived by the same factors, and both have different impacts on firm value. Whereas, the study finds a negative association between the numbers of KPIs disclosed and firm value, a non-significant relationship is reported between KPIs reporting quality and firm valuation. Overall, this study provides evidence that disclosure quantity is not a good proxy for disclosure quality.
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