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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical analysis of multicultural education with special reference to the values issue in the South African context

Gretta, Khetsekile Nomawethu 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation is concerned with the values issue in the South African context, a multicultural education situation. South Africa is a pluralistic society. Being pluralistic, means that the country is rich in different cultures, belief- and value systems. Different cultures have different value systems. If an institution is practising multicultural education, the question is, which values are to be used? If we say the institution should use the values of the majority culture, will that not disadvantage minority cultures? If minority cultures are undermined by neglecting their cultures won't that cause conflict between minority cultures and the majority culture? Each society that is implementing multicultural education should consider that there are common human values and particular values. In multicultural education particular values are important because they show how a particular group behaves and what its beliefs and culture are. Common values develop from particular values and teachers must emphasise common values without neglecting particular values, to encourage tolerance and acceptance between different groups. / Psychology of Education / M.A. (Philosophy of Education)

A critical analysis of multicultural education with special reference to the values issue in the South African context

Gretta, Khetsekile Nomawethu 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation is concerned with the values issue in the South African context, a multicultural education situation. South Africa is a pluralistic society. Being pluralistic, means that the country is rich in different cultures, belief- and value systems. Different cultures have different value systems. If an institution is practising multicultural education, the question is, which values are to be used? If we say the institution should use the values of the majority culture, will that not disadvantage minority cultures? If minority cultures are undermined by neglecting their cultures won't that cause conflict between minority cultures and the majority culture? Each society that is implementing multicultural education should consider that there are common human values and particular values. In multicultural education particular values are important because they show how a particular group behaves and what its beliefs and culture are. Common values develop from particular values and teachers must emphasise common values without neglecting particular values, to encourage tolerance and acceptance between different groups. / Psychology of Education / M.A. (Philosophy of Education)

Prolegomena to ubuntu and any other future South African philosophy

Prinsloo, Aidan Vivian January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I consider ubuntu as a metonym for the particularly African features of South African philosophy. Given that Mbembe critiques African philosophy in general as having failed because it has been subsumed under two unreflective political movements in African thought, I consider whether or not the concept of ubuntu escapes his critique. After developing criteria for measuring the success of any philosophical concept, I conclude that ubuntu is unsuccessful. I then identify the political constraints placed on ubuntu that lead to its failure. These constraints arise from having to validate Africa as a place of intellectual worth. Considering the role of place in these constraints, I argue that a far more productive approach to ubuntu (and South African philosophy in general) is to explicitly incorporate this place into our philosophical project. I use the conceptual framework developed by Bruce Janz to provide a systematic account of place that can be used in formulating South African philosophy. I add to Janz, arguing that philosophy is a response to a particular feature of place: the mystery. By incorporating place into ubuntu, I am able to start developing a philosophical concept which can fulfil the political constraints placed on ubuntu without sacrificing its philosophical integrity. I suggest that ubuntu remains an interesting concept primarily because it promises to respond to the fragmentation of the South African place. I conclude by arguing that ubuntu should be used as the basis for a civic religion which responds to the fragmentation of the South African place. This civic religion will give rise to a significantly distinct philosophical tradition which should not succumb to Mbembe’s critique.

A critical analysis of multicultural education with special reference to the values issue in the South African context

Khetsekile, Nomawethu Gretta 01 January 2002 (has links)
The dissertation is ccncemed with the values iasue in the South African context, a multicultural education situation. South Africa is a plu~Hstfc society. Being pluralistic, means that 1he country is rich in different cultures, belief· and value systems. Different cultures haw different value systems. If an Institution is practising multicultural education, the question is, which values are to be used? If we say Ule institution should use the values of the majority culture, wiU 1hat not disadvantage minority cultures? ff minority cultures are undennined by neglecting their cultures won't that cause conflict between minority cultures and the majority culture? Each society that Is implementing multicultural education should consider that there are common human values and partia.dar values. In multicultural education particular values are important because they show how a particulat group behaves and what its beliefs and culture are. Common values dewlap from particular values and teachers must emphasise common values without neglecting particular values, to encourage tolerance and acceptance between different groups. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Philosophy of Education))

The impact of the social values of Ubuntu on team effectiveness

Poovan, Negendhri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / When examining the diversity of South Africa’s workforce, the question arises, how can organisations and their leaders facilitate a better integration of this diverse workforce into effective teams? This thesis approaches this question in three different ways. Firstly, the African value system Ubuntu is examined, with a special focus on its core social values, which are: survival, solidarity spirit, compassion and respect/dignity as outlined in Mbigi’s collective finger’s theory. Secondly, the characteristics of team effectiveness such as knowledge, skills and abilities (K.S.A’s), cohesion, shared vision and mutual trust are focused on in order to provide an understanding of the functioning of teams. Thirdly, the positive impacts of the social values of Ubuntu on specific characteristics of team effectiveness are explained and the concept of values-based leadership as one possible approach to implement these values is presented. This thesis is based on research, which is qualitative in nature and uses the grounded theory method. In this study, 14 participants were asked to respond to open-ended questions on their opinion about what constitutes a good team and how they experienced Ubuntu in their work teams as well as communities. The interviews were analysed using the methods prescribed by the grounded theory. The canons of the grounded theory method enabled the researcher to generate a theory and to develop a model which explains how the social values of Ubuntu can have a positive impact on the characteristics of team effectiveness.

Influence of values on the attitude towards cultural diversity

Becker, Jurgen Reiner 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although fifteen years have passed since the change in political dispensation in South Africa, the integration of citizens belonging to the previously disadvantaged sections of society is still progressing at a bewilderingly slow pace. Gaining access to the world of work is instrumental in the alleviation of poverty and the promotion of economic and social stability in a country still plagued by the legacy of apartheid. While South Africa is currently in the process of breaking down the scaffolding of apartheid and promoting the welfare of all South Africans along more equitably lines, the overall success of relevant initiatives fundamentally hinges on both the former oppressors and the formerly oppressed coming to terms with the past and, more importantly, engaging in a process of constitutional reconciliation and compromise to overcome unconstructive attitudes brought about through decades of colonialism, racism and segregation. Following from this, attitudes towards cultural diversity in general and, more specifically, the forces (i.e. nomological network of antecedents) that shape such attitudes, informed the research question that initiated the current study. Preliminary theorising culminated in the formulation of a tentative theoretical model explicating the relationship between various variables and the attitude towards cultural diversity. The proposed theoretical model in an effort to answer the question that initiated the research implied that values influence the attitude towards cultural diversity. Furthermore, it was argued that the relationship between values and the attitude towards cultural diversity is moderated by race and gender. The proposed theoretical model was formally assessed with the use of a convenience sample of 1 357 students from four prominent universities in South Africa (Northwest University, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, University of Stellenbosch, and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University). A quasi double cross-validation procedure was utilised whereby a single sample was divided into two equal subsamples: (a) a calibration sample and (b) validation sample. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research paradigms was utilised in the current study. Only quantitative results are reported formally, although the qualitative technique of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was utilised extensively during the stages of theorisation. The statistical analysis became naturally segmented in four distinct sections: the validation of the Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) and the Cultural Diversity Belief Scales (CDBS); the refinement of the SVS and CDBS; testing of the proposed theoretical model via Structural Equation Modelling (SEM); and testing the moderating effects of race and gender on the attitude towards cultural diversity by means of moderated regression analysis. Partial support was found for the proposed linkages between values main effects and the attitude towards cultural diversity, as well as for the moderating effects of race and gender on the value-attitude linkages. Conclusions were drawn from the results obtained and recommendations for future research have been made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel die politieke bewind in Suid-Afrika reeds vyftien jaar gelede verander het, vorder die integrasie binne die samelewing van die voorheen benadeelde gedeeltes van die bevolking teen ‘n verstommend stadige pas. Die verkryging van toetrede tot die wêreld van werk dra by tot die verligting van armoede en die bevordering van ekonomiese en maatskaplike stabiliteit in ‘n land wat steeds deur die nalatenskap van apartheid geteister word. Met Suid-Afrika tans betrokke by die aftakeling van die apartheidsteierwerk en die bevordering van die welsyn van alle Suid-Afrikaners op meer gelyke grondslag, rus die algehele sukses van relevante inisiatiewe daarop dat die voormalige verdruktes en die voormalige verdrukkers met die verlede vrede maak, maar ook meer dat hulle deur ’n proses van grondwetlike versoening en akkoord die onopbouende houdings wat deur dekades van kolonialisme, rassisme en segregasie tot stand gekom het, kan oorkom. Vanuit hierdie agtergrond het houdings teenoor kulturele diversiteit in die algemeen en, meer spesifiek, die magte (d.i. nomologiese netwerk van voorafgaande gebeure) wat aan sulke houdings vorm gee, die navorsingsvraag laat ontstaan wat tot die huidige studie gelei het. Die voorafgaande teorie-ontwikkeling het tot die formulering van ‘n tentatiewe teoretiese model gelei om die verhouding tussen verskeie veranderlikes en die houding teenoor kulturele diversiteit te ontvou. In ‘n poging om ‘n antwoord te vind vir die vraag wat tot die navorsing gelei het, het die voorgestelde teoretiese model geïmpliseer dat waardes die houding teenoor kulturele diversiteit beïnvloed. ‘n Verdere argument was dat die verband tussen waardes en die houding teenoor kulturele diversiteit deur ras en geslag gemodereer word. Die voorgestelde teoretiese model is formeel geassesseer met gebruik van ’n gerieflikheidssteekproef bestaande uit 1 357 studente vanuit vooraanstaande universiteite in Suid-Afrika (die Universiteit van die Noordweste, die Kaapse Skiereiland Universiteit van Tegnologie, die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit).’n Kwasi dubbele kruis-validering (quasi double cross-validation) prosedure is gebruik waardeur ‘n enkelvoudige steekproefneming in twee gelyke steekproewe verdeel is: (a) ‘n kalibreringssteekproef en (b) ‘n valideringsteekproef. ’n Kombinasie van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsparadigmas is in die huidige studie gebruik. Slegs kwantitatiewe resultate word formeel gerapporteer, alhoewel kwalitatiewe Kritiese Diskoers-analise (Critical Discourse Analysis) omvattend gebruik is gedurende die teoretiseringstadia. Die statistiese ontledings het op natuurlike wyse in vier duidelike afdelings verdeel: die validering van die Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) en die Cultural Diversity Belief Scales (CDBS); die verfyning van die SVS en die CDBS; die toets van die voorgestelde teoretiese model met behulp van Structural Equation Modelling (SEM); en die toets van die modererende effekte van ras en geslag op die houding teenoor kulturele diversiteit deur middel van modererende regressie-analise. Gedeeltelike ondersteuning is gevind vir die voorgestelde verband tussen hoof-effekte van waardes en die houding teenoor diversiteit, sowel as vir die modererende effek van ras en geslag op die waardes-houdings verband. Gevolgtrekkings is gemaak uit die resultate wat verkry is en voorstelle in verband met toekomstige navorsing is aan die hand gedoen.

Facilitating adolescents' morality in an urban setting : a psycho-educational perspective

Mosetla, Nathaniel Nndanduleni 20 November 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Psychology of Education) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

What future graduates will value in their leaders: a study across gender and culture

Cox, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
Effective leadership has been found to be a key determinant of organisational success. Effective leadership does not only involve the ability to influence and inspire others, it is the ability to lead subordinates according to the competencies that they value. The focus of this study is on determining what in fact the future South African graduate workforce will value in a leader. Effective leadership and the competencies that subordinate's value is especially relevant today as leadership is forced to contend with an increasingly diverse workforce. This diversity necessitates the need for a leadership style to be congruent with what subordinates of diverse genders and cultures will value, so to be effective. Existing studies have indicated that gender and culture influence what subordinate's value in a leader, however it is evident from the results of this study, that this is not entirely the case. Regarding gender, the female and male respondents in this study value similar competencies in their leader, indicating that there is no distinct set of competencies that will be valued by male and female graduates. With respect to culture, the respondents value a mixture of competencies that combine both African and Western leadership practices, values and philosophies, indicating that there is no distinct set of competencies that will be valued by African, Coloured, Indian and White graduates. On the basis of this research, the recommendation is that for leaders to be effective in the 21 st century, a leader must be loyal and inspirational, have vision and integrity and lastly must be open and honest with their subordinates

The place of African Renaissance in the South African education

Xulu, Victor Sibusiso January 2004 (has links)
Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of . DOCTOR of EDUCATION in the Faculty of Education at the University of Zululand, 2004. / This research focused on describing "The Place of African Renaissance in the South African Education". The motivating factor is how African cultures can be restored through education. The research is intended to explore how the present education system can direct African education when faced with challenges that the African Renaissance would usher in. There is need to grapple with the problem of how the process of educational transformation as embodied in the current Philosophy of Education can transmit African values, cultures, norms and beliefs. The relevant literature reviewed the African Renaissance idea and its conceptualization. It debated two perspectives surrounding it; philosophies underlying the African Renaissance; Afrocentricity and the notion of this ideal; the dichotomy between African Renaissance call and the present education system. African Renaissance and education were studied with particular reference to African centered Psychology, African Philosophy and African centered curriculum. The qualitative ideographic research method was used in this research. Data was collected through interviews. Conversational analysis drew full transcript and recorded conversations that were carried out. Qualitative research was relevant in that the phenomenon under study was "seen throush the eyes" of the African people, thereby rejectins the deleterious formulations of theories and concepts in advance. Throush qualitative research, the perceptions, the feelinss and the attitude of the African people about the place of African Renaissance in the South African education were critically analysed. The findinss of the study significantly revealed that there is a place for African Renaissance in the South African education. The study further found that: African Renaissance could revive self-esteem amons Africans and renew African consciousness; African Renaissance was an ideal worth striving for; important education considerations should not ostracise African cultural backgrounds; the incorporation of African Renaissance at school level demands broad-minded educators with a particular character. The study furthermore revealed critical challenges facing the South African Education system, the African traditional culture of Ubuntu hold much promise and should receive significant consideration in education for the realisation of African Renaissance; there is an essential need for reconstruction of African consciousness among African learners; African educators are not better positioned to facilitate African Renaissance; and there is dire need for the reawakening of African languages. The most significant aspects of the recommendations address the incorporation of African Renaissance in the South African education. Both the indigenous African education and Outcomes Based Education (OBE) Curriculum frameworks are recommended in good stead for incorporation. The implementation thereof demands unbiasness and apolitical objectives. There is demand for making the present curriculum relevant to the needs of the African people in South Africa. African education needs to be globally competitive, and emancipatory without losing the notion of African identity.

Revising the value shift hypothesis : South Africa's value dynamics between 1991 and 2001

Lombard, Karin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The World Values Survey has made a significant contribution to research in the field of values and value change, but a large amount of the research has been fashioned in a manner to tap values in industrialized and western states, rendering the theoretical models of explanation less than relevant for developing nations. This study aims to advance an understanding of value change within the South African context, particularly in light of the expansive political, social and economic changes to have transpired since 1990, whilst simultaneously addressing this issue of a lack of universal theory to understand value change. Primary amongst the theoretical frameworks addressing this issue of value change has been Ronald Inglehart's theory of a shift towards increased post-materialism in economically viable democratic countries. By subjecting survey data regarding value priorities from the South African rounds of the 1991, 1995 and 2001 World Values Survey to statistical analysis, the hypothesis of a similar situation in South Africa will be tested. After evaluating whether South Africa concurs with the post-materialist shift hypothesis, a unique dimension, including pre-materialist values, will be utilized in an attempt to establish whether South Africa has undergone any value change. This dimension is employed in the analysis of the 1995 and 2001 South African data, and whilst the value shift hypothesis promulgated by Inglehart appears largely unconcurred, an overall trend away from pre-materialism towards increased mixed type value priorities, with an ever so slight increase in materialists, has become evident. Although South Africa's value configuration is displaying an increasing convergence towards more moderate value orientations, most of the dynamics of change are manifesting themselves amongst and across various population sub-groups. South Africa's values are therefore undergoing relatively dramatic fluctuations, mainly reflected when the data are disaggregated for the various population sub-groups, the results indicating that longitudinal analysis along the pre-materialist/materialist continuum continues to be a more appropriate tool for tapping South Africa's underlying values. The consequences of these findings, for democratic consolidation, future political conflict, value change determinants and the appropriateness of this model for developing countries, will be assessed in detail. Consequently, by conducting these analyses, this research essay attempts to situate a global, but still largely Western theory, in a South African and developing world context. It thereby attempts to contribute towards filling a knowledge gap concerning the direction, degree and nature of the dynamics of value change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel die Wêreld Waardestudie sedert 1981 'n noemenswaardige bydrae gemaak het tot navorsing rakende waardes en waardeverandering, was dit tot dusver hoofsaaklik gefokus op waardes van geindustrialiseerde en westerse state. Dié fokus, het die studie grootliks van sy verklarende bruikbaarheid vir ontwikkelende lande ontneem. In hierdie opdrag sal daar gepoog word om die waardeveranderinge van Suid-Afrikaners, in die lig van die politieke- en ekonomiese omwentelinge sedert 1990, te beskryf. Dit sal gedoen word tesame met die aanspreek van die kwessie rondom die gebrek aan 'n universele teorie waarmee waardeverandering verklaar kan word. Ronald Inglehart se teorie, wat 'n skuif na post-materialistiese waardes in ekonomiese lewensvatbare state postuleer, was tot dusver die mees prominente teoretiese raamwerk wat waardeveranderinge beskryf het. Deur middel van die analise van die 1991, 1995 en 2001 data van die Suid-Afrikaanse rondte van die Wêreld Waardestudie, sal daar gepoog word om dié hipotese binne die plaaslike konteks te toets. Hierna sal 'n unieke dimensie, wat prematerialistiese waardes insluit, gebruik word om vas te stelof Suid-Afrikaners enige verandering in hul waarde oriëntasies ondergaan het. Hierdie dimensie is by die 1995 en 2001 studies ingesluit, en hoewel die resultate nie heeltemalooreenstem met Inglehart se hipotese nie, was daar 'n neiging weg van pre-materialisme in die rigting van meer gemenge waarde prioriteite, sowel as 'n baie klein toename in die aantal materialiste, merkbaar. Suid- Afrikaners blyk te beweeg in die rigting van meer gematigde waarde oriëntasies, en meeste van hierdie neigings manifesteer ditselfbinne en tussen die verskeie bevolkingsgroepe. Suid-Afrikaanse waardes ondergaan dus, in relatiewe terme, dramatiese veranderinge, wat veral na vore kom wanneer data vir die onderskeie bevolking sub-groepe afsonderlik geanaliseer word. Die resultate bevestig dat longitudinale analise in terme van 'n prematerialistiese/ materialistiese kontinuum steeds die beste metode is om waardeverandering binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te meet. Die implikasies van hierdie bevindinge vir demokratiese konsolidasie, toekomstige politieke konflik, waardeveranderinge, en die toepaslikheid van die modelop ontwikkelende lande, sal in detail bespreek word. Hierdie studie poog gevolglik om 'n universele, maar hoofsaaklik steeds Westerse, teorie in 'n Suid- Afrikaanse en ontwikkelende staat perspektief te plaas. Daar word gehoop dat sodanige studie sal bydra om bestaande tekortkominge rakende die rigting, graad, en aard, van waardeveranderinge aan te spreek. The financial assistance of the National Research Foundation (NRF) towards this research is hereby acknowledged. Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at, are those of the author and are not necessarily to be attributed to the National Research Foundation.

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