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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Near-relativistic electron events. Monte Carlo simulations of solar injection and interplanetary transport

Àgueda Costafreda, Neus 28 April 2008 (has links)
We have developed a Monte Carlo model to simulate the transport of solar near-relativistic (NR; 30-300 keV) electrons along the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), including adiabatic focusing, pitch-angle dependent scattering, and solar wind effects. By taking into account the angular response of the LEFS60 telescope of the EPAM experiment on board the "Advanced Composition Explorer" spacecraft, we have been able to transform simulated pitch-angle distributions into sectored intensities measured by the telescope. We have developed an algorithm that allows us, for the first time, to infer the best-fit transport conditions and the underlying solar injection profile of NR electrons from the deconvolution of the effects of interplanetary transport on observational sectored intensities. We have studied seven NR electron events observed by the LEFS60 telescope between 1998 and 2004 with the aim of estimating the roles that solar flares and CME-driven shocks play in the acceleration and injection of NR electrons, as well as the conditions of the electron transport along the IMF.In this set of seven NR electron events, we have identified two types of injection episodes in the derived injection profiles: short (< 20 min) and time-extended (> 1 h). The injection profile of three events shows both components; an initial injection episode of short duration, followed by a second much longer lasting episode; two events only show a time-extended injection episode; while the others show an injection profile composed by several short injection episodes. We have found that the timing of the prompt short injection episodes agrees with the timing of the hard X-rays and radio type III bursts. On the other hand, time-extended injection episodes seem to be related to intermittent radio emissions at the height of the CME leading edge or below, and sometimes to type II radio bursts. Thus, we conclude that short injection episodes are preferentially associated with the injection of flare-accelerated particles, while longer lasting episodes are provided by CME-driven shocks or post-eruptive reconnection phenomena at coronal heights lower than those of the CME-driven shocks.From the fit of the events, we have derived the transport conditions of the electrons. We have found that the electron propagation was almost scatter-free (the radial mean free path of the electrons was ~0.9 AU) during two of the events, whereas during five of the events the propagation occurred under strong scattering conditions (the radial mean free path of the electrons was smaller than 0.2 AU). Those events showing a long radial mean free path reached the maximum intensity shortly (< 15 min) after the onset of the event; whereas those events showing a small radial mean free path reached the maximum intensity more than one hour after the onset. The overall conclusion from this study is that there is a continuous spectrum of scenarios that allow for either flare or CME-driven shock NR electron injection, or for both, and that this can occur both under strong scattering and under almost "scatter-free" propagation conditions.SUBJECT HEADINGS: Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs) Sun: flares Sun: particle emission / Hemos desarrollado un modelo Monte Carlo para simular el transporte de electrones solares casi-relativistas (30-300 keV) en el medio interplanetario que tiene en cuenta los efectos de la focalización adiabática, la dispersión en ángulo de batida y los efectos del viento solar. Teniendo en cuenta la respuesta angular del telescopio, hemos desarrollado un método que permite transformar las distribuciones angulares de partículas simuladas en intensidades sectoritzadas observadas por el telescopio LEFS60 a bordo de la sonda interplanetaria ACE. Esto nos ha permitido desarrollar un algoritmo que permite, por primera vez, deconvolucionar los efectos del transporte interplanetario en las intensidades sectoritzadas observadas, con el objetivo de determinar el perfil de inyección solar de electrones y las características del transporte. Hemos aplicado el modelo al estudio de siete sucesos de electrones observados por la sonda ACE. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la inyección de electrones casi-relativistas está asociada con procesos fulgurativos, choques conducidos por eyecciones de masa coronal o con ambos, y que el transporte se puede producir tanto en condiciones muy dispersivas como en condiciones muy poco dispersivas. / RESUM:Hem desenvolupat un model Monte Carlo per simular el transport d'electrons solars quasi-relativistes (30-300 keV) en el medi interplanetari que té en compte els efectes de la focalització adiabàtica, la dispersió en angle de batuda i els efectes del vent solar. Hem desenvolupat un mètode per transformar les distribucions angulars de partícules simulades en intensitats sectoritzades observades pel telescopi LEFS60 a bord de la sonda interplanetària ACE, tenint en compte la resposta angular del telescopi. Això ens ha permès desenvolupar un algoritme que permet, per primera vegada, deconvolucionar els efectes del transport interplanetari en les intensitats sectoritzades observades, amb l'objectiu de determinar el perfil d'injecció solar d'electrons observats per la sonda ACE. Els resultats posen de manifest que la injecció d'electrons quasi-relativistes pot produir-se en processos fulguratius, en xocs conduïts per ejeccions de massa coronal o en ambdós, i que el transport es pot produir tant en condicions molt dispersives com en condicions molt poc dispersives.

Modelling SEP events: latitudinal and longitudinal dependence of the injection rate of shock-accelerated protons and their flux profiles

Rodríguez Gasén, Rosa 06 May 2011 (has links)
Gradual SEP events is one of the greatest hazards in space environment, particularly for the launch and operation of spacecraft and for manned exploration. Predictions of their occurrence and intensity are essential to ensure the proper operation of technical and scientific instruments. However, nowadays there is a large gap between observations and models these events that can lead to predictions. This work focuses on the modelling of SEP events, particularly, on the influence of the observer's relative position and of the shock strength, on the simulated SEP flux profiles. Part I of the thesis, deals with 3D MHD simulations of interplanetary shocks. We have studied the potential relevance of the latitude of the observer on the evolution of the strength of the shock and its influence on the injection rate of shock-accelerated particles; thus, on the resulting flux profiles. It is the first time that such dependence on the latitude is quantified from the modelling of SEP events, because most of the codes used so far to simulate interplanetary shocks are not 3D codes or they have been applied to near-ecliptic events. To study the influence of the latitude of the observer and the strength of the shock in the SEP flux profiles, we have simulated the propagation of two shocks (slow and fast) up to several observers placed at different positions with respect to the nose of the shock. We have calculated the evolution of the plasma and magnetic field variables at the cobpoint, and we have derived the injection rate of shock-accelerated particles and the resulting proton flux profiles to be measured by each observer. We have discussed how observers located at different positions in space measure different SEP profiles, showing that variations on the latitude may result in intensity changes of up to one order of magnitude. In Part II, we have used a new shock-and-particle model to simulate the 1 March 1979 SEP event that was observed by three different spacecraft. These spacecraft were positioned at similar radial distances but at significantly different angular positions, with respect to the associated solar source location. This particular scenario allows us to test the capability of the model to study the relevance of longitudinal variations in the shape of the intensity flux profiles, and to derive the injection rate of shock-accelerated particles. Despite the interest of multi-spacecraft events and due to the restrictions that they impose, this is just the second multi-spacecraft scenario for which their shock-particle characteristics have been modelled. For the first time, a simulation of a propagation of an interplanetary shock has simultaneously reproduced the time shock arrival and the relevant plasma jumps across the shock at three spacecraft. We have fitted the proton intensities at the three spacecraft for different energy channels, and we have derived the particle transport conditions in space. We have quantified the efficiency of the shock at injecting particles in its way toward each observer, and we have discussed the influence of the observer's relative position on the injection rate of shock-accelerated particles. We have concluded that in this specific event the evolution of the injection rate can not be completely explained in terms of the normalized velocity jump. The work performed during this thesis shows that the injection rate of shock-accelerated particles and their resulting flux profiles depend both on the latitude and on the longitude of the observer. This implies that more SEP events have to be modelled in order to quantify this conclusion on firm ground. / Els esdeveniments graduals de partícules solars energètiques (SEP) són un risc important per als astronautes i l’ instrumentació espacial. És per això que són necessàries eines de predicció de la intensitat i l'ocurrència de les tempestes de partícules solars per a garantitzar l'operativitat del material tècnic i científic embarcat. Existeix un gran buit, però, entre les prediccions del models actuals (per a ús en meteorologia espacial), i les observacions d'esdeveniments SEP. El treball realitzat durant aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en diversos aspectes de la simulació d'esdeveniments SEP. En particular, analitzem la influència de la posició relativa de l'observador i de la força del xoc en els perfils de flux derivats del nostre model combinat xoc-i-partícula. A partir de simulacions 3D, obtenim que el ritme d'injecció de partícules accelerades pel xoc depèn de la longitud de l'observador i demostrem, per primera vegada, que també depèn de la seva latitud. I es mostra que, conseqüentment, els perfils de flux detectats poden variar en un ordre de magnitud depenent de la connexió magnètica de l'observador amb el front del xoc. A més a més, presentem una simulació 2D d'un esdeveniment solar vist per tres sondes interplanetàries, pel qual s'ha ajustat, per primera vegada, l'arribada del xoc i els perfils de intensitat dels protons de diferents canals d'energia observats per cadascuna de les sondes. Així mateix, hem ajustat els salts en velocitat i camp magnètic a l'arribada del xoc, hem derivat les condicions de transport de les partícules i hem quantificat l'eficiència del xoc com a injector de partícules. La conclusió final del treball és que els futurs models de predicció d'esdeveniments SEP per a meteorologia espacial han de tenir en compte la geometria global de l'escenari solar-interplanetari.

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