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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma abordagem patento-cientométrica para avaliação de empresas inovadoras

Motta, Gustavo da Silva 18 October 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-03-23T18:23:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Motta, Gustavo da Silva.pdf: 3216520 bytes, checksum: 560d0a5648b54998acc11f8b6fa3e65b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-03-23T21:43:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Motta, Gustavo da Silva.pdf: 3216520 bytes, checksum: 560d0a5648b54998acc11f8b6fa3e65b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-23T21:43:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Motta, Gustavo da Silva.pdf: 3216520 bytes, checksum: 560d0a5648b54998acc11f8b6fa3e65b (MD5) / Esta tese tem o objetivo de propor uma abordagem patento-cientométrica para avaliação de projetos inovadores, por fundos de capital de risco. Observa-se a importância dos investimentos dessa natureza no desenvolvimento de empresas de base tecnológica e seus impactos positivos no desenvolvimento econômico de regiões e países. Entretanto observa-se, também, que os gestores dos fundos de investimento têm dificuldade para objetivar a avaliação das propostas de investimento. Para tanto, está estruturada em cinco capítulos, dos quais três correspondem a artigos de natureza científica submetidos nos últimos seis meses à avaliação para publicação em periódicos nacionais e internacionais de expressivo reconhecimento na área desta pesquisa. Os outros dois capítulos são a introdução e a meta-conclusão. Método: na primeira fase, que envolve os Capítulos 2 e 3, foram selecionados dois casos de empresas investidas pelo fundo Criatec, para a construção de indicadores cientométricos e patentométricos e avaliação do potencial destes para a compreensão das tecnologias analisadas quando de sua avaliação; na segunda fase, que envolve o Capítulo 4, foi realizada uma análise comparativa de cinco empresas, considerando os indicadores cientométricos e patentométricos construídos na primeira fase, agrupados pelos critérios não financeiros (tecnologia, mercado, desinvestimento e equipe) de análise de propostas de investimento. Resultados: conclui-se que os indicadores cientométricos e patentométricos, além de auxiliar na compreensão dos aspectos relacionados aos critérios não-financeiros abordados neste estudo (tecnologia, mercado, desinvestimento e equipe), contribuem para a construção de um método de priorização de investimento de capital de risco. A metodologia empregada pode ser útil à instrumentalização de processos de seleção de projetos pelos investidores de risco, ao incorporar um maior conhecimento a respeito da dinâmica da produção em ciência e tecnologia relacionada ao produto das empresas sob análise, além de, em uma análise comparativa, poder facilitar o processo de escolha entre diversos projetos. This thesis aims to propose a patento-scientometric approach for evaluation of innovative projects by venture capital funds. This study highlights the importance of such investments in the development of technology-based firms and their positive impacts on the economic development of regions and countries. However, it is also observed that the managers of venture capital funds find it difficult to objectify the evaluation of investment proposals. Therefore, it is structured in five chapters, three of which correspond to scientific articles submitted in the last six months to review for publication in national and international journals of significant recognition in this research area. The other two chapters are the introduction and meta-conclusion. Method: In the first phase, which involves Chapters 2 and 3, we selected two cases of investees by Criatec Fund for the construction of scientometric and patentometric indicators and evaluating the potential of these technologies to understanding the analyzed upon its review; in the second phase, which involves Chapter 4, we performed a comparative analysis of five companies considering scientometric and patentometric indicators built in the first phase, grouped by nonfinancial criteria (technology, market, divestment and team) analysis of investment proposals. Results: concludes that scientometrics and patentometrics indicators, in addition to helping the understanding aspects of the non-financial criteria related in this study (technology, market, divestment and team), contribute to building a method of prioritizing venture capital investment. The methodology can be useful tools for the selection process of projects by venture capitalists, by incorporating a greater knowledge about the dynamics of production in science and technology related to the product of the companies under review, and, in a comparative analysis, able to support the process of choosing between several projects.

Les outils de gestion, transporteurs et régulateurs des logiques institutionnelles : cas de deux organisations de capital-risque solidaire / Management artifacts, carriers and regulators of institutional logics : two case studies of venture capital funds solidarity oriented

Château Terrisse, Pascale 14 November 2013 (has links)
La théorie néo institutionnelle permet de penser les outils de gestion dans la société et dans l'interaction avec les acteurs des organisations. Ce travail montre la complexité des instruments de gestion et les envisage tour à tour comme : des éléments symboliques neutres à l'activité de l'organisation adoptés par souci de légitimité et diffusés par des mécanismes isomorphiques, des objets rhétoriques porteurs de langage et de catégorisations et transformés par les acteurs organisationnels, des artefacts transportant des logiques institutionnelles multiples naissant dans le champ organisationnel. Cette thèse pose l'existence d'un nouveau rôle pour les outils de gestion, celui de régulateur des contradictions entre logiques institutionnelles. Sur le plan empirique, avec une méthodologie qualitative mêlant approches longitudinales multi niveaux et recherche intervention, les logiques institutionnelles du champ de la finance solidaire en France et de deux organisations de capital-risque solidaire sont analysées. Les outils de gestion de ces deux organisations sont étudiés. Les outils créés avec le chercheur, les pactes d'actionnaires et les chartes, véhiculent les logiques institutionnelles des fonds. Le changement des pactes d'actionnaire et les comités d'investissement permettent de révéler que les outils de gestion gèrent les tensions entre logiques institutionnelle en les éliminant, les compartimentant ou les intégrant. Les résultats de cette étude permettent de discuter le degré d'incompatibilité entre les logiques en fonction de leur perméabilité, des métiers représentés dans les organisations et des pratiques considérées. Ils autorisent également une formalisation des liens entre outils de gestion et logiques institutionnelles ainsi qu'entre logiques institutionnelles présentes dans l'organisation et rôle des outils de gestion. Enfin, un process socio technique d'hybridation de logiques institutionnelles est proposé. / Institutional theory describes management artifacts as embedded in the society and in interactions with organizational actors. This work is aiming to grasp the complexity of management apparatus and analyzes it as: first, symbolical element neutral for the organizational activity, adopted for legitimacy and diffused by isomorphic mechanisms; then, rhetorical objects generating languages and categorizations, transformed by actors; finally, as artifacts carrying multiple institutional logics. This thesis postulates that management artifacts can also regulate contradictions between institutional logics. A qualitative methodology combining longitudinal multi-level approaches and research action, is revealing the institutional logics of the organizational field of interdependent finance and of two interdependent venture capital funds. The management apparatus of these funds is studied. New management tools created during the research action, charters and shareholders' agreements are carrying venture organizations' institutional logics. A change in a shareholders' agreement and the management system of the investment decision-making process in a venture fund, named investment committees, divulge that management apparatus handle tensions between institutional logics by eliminating one of them, compartmenting or integrating them. The results of this study acknowledge different degrees in the contradictions between institutional logics related to their permeability, the professions represented in the organization, the practices looked at. They contribute also to formalize links between management artifacts and institutional logics. We lastly propose a model combining two processes that explicate how multiple logics can blend and how tensions can be handled.

Investments in Fintech in the Time of Covid-19 : Exploring the Impact of Covid-19 on the Venture Capital Funds Investment Approach in Fintech

Cvijetic, Damjan, Skoog, Nils January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to generate а comprehensive understanding of how the Covid-19 pandemic has influenced the investment approach of venture capital funds in the Fintech industry. This aims to bring further insights into how venture capital investors react to the Covid-19pandemic. Furthermore, this research aims to identify the degree to which this reaction is аconsequence of rational decision-making instead of cognitive biases. Simultaneously, this paper will provide insights into the future trajectory of the Fintech industry, showing how major global events such as the pandemic can shape its direction whilst bringing new perspectives to similar phenomena. The following theories are tested against the findings in order to clarify if and where specifically new knowledge is created: Innovation diffusion theory, Rational Choice Theory, Behavioural Finance (with the addition of the Adverse Selection Principle), and Real options theory. A qualitative method base, an exploratory approach with а subjective ontological approach, an interpretive epistemological approach, and an abductive research approach was chosen as suitable research philosophies. A literature review was conducted to uncover areas of interest that require more investigation. The effect of the pandemic on the investment approach in the FinTech industry was identified as а key area for research. The research is based on semistructured interviews with venture capital investors in Sweden. Empirical evidence was generated through an interview with eight venture capital investors at relatively high levels of specificity in terms of the professional hierarchy. The empirical data were analysed using interpretive content analysis which is а thematic data analysis approach. The results of this study provide evidence that the Covid-19 pandemic has indeed had a significant influence on the investment approach within the Fintech industry. The empirical evidence suggests that the pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital solutions which in turn has fostered growth and competition and attracted interest from investors. With this said findings revealed that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused а change in investor approach. Additionally, the participants revealed а multitude of varying responses which indicates complexity and uncertainty in the investment landscape.

Private equity funds

Lamacz, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
LAMACZ, L. Private equity funds. Brno: Mendel University in Brno. 2014 The subject of this diploma thesis is investing through Private equity funds. Based on the research of factors that affect the profitability of private equity funds, the author has drawn up an investment recommendation. The research subject is relation between profitability and the denominated currency of the fund, Morningstar rating, the level of market capitalization, dividend yield and domicile of the fund. In diploma thesis, the author also compares the profitability of investments in the sector and regionally focused private equity funds with profitability of investments in stock indexes focused on the same sectors and regions. The thesis also offers an analysis of supply of private equity funds in the US market and analysis of the impact of financial crises that began in the fall of 2007 on the profitability of private equity funds. The final part is devoted to the presentation of the results attained and their discussion with other authors' similar themes.

Rizikos ir privataus kapitalo fondų veiklą įtakojančių aplinkos veiksnių Lietuvoje vertinimas / External assumptions evaluation of private equity and venture capital funds performance in Lithuania

Pukas, Audrius 19 August 2008 (has links)
Europos Sąjungoje bei daugelyje kitų valstybių, rizikos ir privataus kapitalo fondai (toliau RPKF) yra svarbus įrankis skatinant inovacijų diegimą įmonėse, darbo vietų kūrimą, pelningumo ir kitų įmonių finansinių rodiklių gerėjimą, kitaip sakant – ekonomikos augimą. Todėl tokio tipo investicijų augimas ypač pasižymi besivystančiose Rytų ir Vidurio Europos šalyse, tuo tarpu Lietuvoje RPKF paplitimas, jų sukuriama pridėtinė vertė ekonomikoje bei veiklos vystymosi galimybės yra labai mažos lyginant su kitomis šalimis, kurios pagal ekonominius rodiklius yra panašaus išsivystymo lygio. Šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti bei įvertinti pagrindinius RPKF kūrimąsi ir veiklą lemiančius aplinkos veiksnius Lietuvoje bei pateikti rekomendacijas ir nuomonę, kokie žingsniai turėtų būti atlikti, siekiant vystyti rizikos ir privataus kapitalo sektorių Lietuvoje. Darbe yra nagrinėjami teoriniai rizikos ir privataus kapitalo fondų finansavimo aspektai, pagrindiniai veiklos principai bei struktūra, nustatomi investicijų vertės k��rimo būdai bei pateikiamos pagrindinės teorinės prielaidos tokiems fondams atsirasti. Apžvelgiami rizikos ir privataus kapitalo įtakos ekonomikos augimui empiriniai tyrimai, pats sektorius bei situacija Europoje ir Lietuvoje. Plačiau tiriami aplinkos veiksniai, įtakojantys rizikos ir privataus kapitalo fondų veiklą Lietuvoje, bei pateikiamas jų įvertinimas. Atsakoma į klausimą, ar nagrinėjami veiksniai yra priešiški ar palankūs RPKF kurtis, investuoti ir vystytis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Private equity and venture capital funds (later on PEVCF) are one of the most important tools in innovation stimulation, employment enhancement and profitability creation process. Though this type of investment process is especially growing with importance in developing Central and Eastern European countries, in Lithuania it is rather insignificant despite vast Governmental programs to stimulate innovations in small and medium size corporate sector. The main goal of this paper is to analyze and evaluate main factors that determine establishment and development of PEVCF in Lithuania; to offer suggestions and opinion about what kind of further steps should be done in order to develop private equity and venture capital sector in Lithuania. The paper analyses theoretical aspects of PEVCF financing, main activity principles and structure; main value creation approaches and theoretical assumptions to create such PEVCF are determined; empirical results how PEVCF influence on economy’s performance, PEVCF sector and current situation in Euro region. The paper provides with more detailed analysis of PEVCF activity factors in Lithuania and evaluates their importance, answers the question, if these factors are positively or negatively correlated with PEVCF establishment and development in Lithuania. The paper concludes that main external assumptions of private equity and venture capital funds performance in Lithuania are positively correlated. Main recommendations how to improve... [to full text]

Um estudo comparativo entre os indicadores de inovação utilizados pelos métodos de scorecard para o cálculo de ativos intangíveis com os utilizados pelos fundos de capital de risco para investimentos em empresas spin-offs acadêmicas incubadas. / A Comparative Study between Innovation Indicators Used by Scorecard Methods for Calculation of Intangible Assets with Funds Used by Risk Capital Investments in Companies Spin-offs Academic Incubator.

Leonardo Lehnemann Agostinho Martins 13 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho pretende verificar o alinhamento entre os indicadores de inovação utilizados pelos métodos Scorecard de mensuração dos ativos intangíveis e pelas agências governamentais nacionais e internacionais com aqueles utilizados pelos fundos de capital de risco na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para investimento em empresas spin-offs acadêmicas incubadas. A metodologia constou de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os métodos de mensuração e valoração dos ativos intangíveis, indicadores de inovação propostos por agências governamentais nacionais e internacionais e fundos de capital de risco que atuam na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Além de serem aplicados questionários nas empresas de fundos de capital de risco desta cidade. Foram levantados diversos métodos Scorecards na literatura com seus indicadores, além dos indicadores de inovação de agências governamentais nacionais e internacionais. Adicionando-se a isso, identificou-se o foco de investimento, o processo de seleção, o método utilizado de avaliação de oportunidades de investimento e indicadores relevantes para as empresas de capital de risco da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Observou-se que os ativos intangíveis, entre eles os de inovação, não são avaliados individualmente. A informação obtida com as empresas que receberão investimentos dessas empresas de capital de risco é utilizada para se entender a origem dos fluxos de caixa projetados e os principais fatores de risco. E esses dados aplicados ao método do fluxo de caixa descontado permitem que se estime o valor da empresa. Pela vasta experiência dos gestores dos fundos de capital de risco com micro e pequenas empresas inovadoras, espera-se que o estudo das práticas deste segmento traga importantes reflexões para as discussões relativas aos ativos intangíveis e a inovação. / This work aims to verify the alignment between innovation indicators used by Scorecard methods of measuring intangible assets, and by national and international government agencies with those used by venture capital funds in the city of Rio de Janeiro, for investment in incubated academic spin-offs. The methodology consisted of a literature review on the methods of measurement and valuation of intangible assets, innovation indicators proposed by national and international government agencies and venture capital funds that operate in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to being applied questionnaires in venture capital companies in this city. Many Scorecards methods have been raised in the literature with their indicators, beyond the innovation indicators of national and international government agencies. Adding to this, it identified the focus of investment, the selection process, the method used for evaluating investment opportunities and relevant indicators for companies of venture capital in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Final It was observed that intangible assets, including those of innovation, are not evaluated individually. Information obtained from the companies that receive investments of these venture capital companies is used to understand the origin of the projected cash flows and the main risk factors. And these data applied to the discounted cash flow method allows them to estimate the value of the company. For the vast experience of the fund managers of risk capital with innovative micro and small enterprises, it is expected that the study of the practices of this segment brings important insights to discussions relating to intangible assets and innovation.

Um estudo comparativo entre os indicadores de inovação utilizados pelos métodos de scorecard para o cálculo de ativos intangíveis com os utilizados pelos fundos de capital de risco para investimentos em empresas spin-offs acadêmicas incubadas. / A Comparative Study between Innovation Indicators Used by Scorecard Methods for Calculation of Intangible Assets with Funds Used by Risk Capital Investments in Companies Spin-offs Academic Incubator.

Leonardo Lehnemann Agostinho Martins 13 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho pretende verificar o alinhamento entre os indicadores de inovação utilizados pelos métodos Scorecard de mensuração dos ativos intangíveis e pelas agências governamentais nacionais e internacionais com aqueles utilizados pelos fundos de capital de risco na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para investimento em empresas spin-offs acadêmicas incubadas. A metodologia constou de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os métodos de mensuração e valoração dos ativos intangíveis, indicadores de inovação propostos por agências governamentais nacionais e internacionais e fundos de capital de risco que atuam na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Além de serem aplicados questionários nas empresas de fundos de capital de risco desta cidade. Foram levantados diversos métodos Scorecards na literatura com seus indicadores, além dos indicadores de inovação de agências governamentais nacionais e internacionais. Adicionando-se a isso, identificou-se o foco de investimento, o processo de seleção, o método utilizado de avaliação de oportunidades de investimento e indicadores relevantes para as empresas de capital de risco da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Observou-se que os ativos intangíveis, entre eles os de inovação, não são avaliados individualmente. A informação obtida com as empresas que receberão investimentos dessas empresas de capital de risco é utilizada para se entender a origem dos fluxos de caixa projetados e os principais fatores de risco. E esses dados aplicados ao método do fluxo de caixa descontado permitem que se estime o valor da empresa. Pela vasta experiência dos gestores dos fundos de capital de risco com micro e pequenas empresas inovadoras, espera-se que o estudo das práticas deste segmento traga importantes reflexões para as discussões relativas aos ativos intangíveis e a inovação. / This work aims to verify the alignment between innovation indicators used by Scorecard methods of measuring intangible assets, and by national and international government agencies with those used by venture capital funds in the city of Rio de Janeiro, for investment in incubated academic spin-offs. The methodology consisted of a literature review on the methods of measurement and valuation of intangible assets, innovation indicators proposed by national and international government agencies and venture capital funds that operate in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to being applied questionnaires in venture capital companies in this city. Many Scorecards methods have been raised in the literature with their indicators, beyond the innovation indicators of national and international government agencies. Adding to this, it identified the focus of investment, the selection process, the method used for evaluating investment opportunities and relevant indicators for companies of venture capital in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Final It was observed that intangible assets, including those of innovation, are not evaluated individually. Information obtained from the companies that receive investments of these venture capital companies is used to understand the origin of the projected cash flows and the main risk factors. And these data applied to the discounted cash flow method allows them to estimate the value of the company. For the vast experience of the fund managers of risk capital with innovative micro and small enterprises, it is expected that the study of the practices of this segment brings important insights to discussions relating to intangible assets and innovation.

Le capital-risque étranger en Inde

Rorato, Fabien 16 December 2011 (has links)
Le capital-risque repose sur un investissement en capital dans des sociétés ayant besoin de financement pour se développer. La rémunération de ce financement, essentiellement basée sur des plus-values de cession des parts acquises, est dépendante de l’environnement économique. Si l’Europe ne connait plus la croissance passée, d’autres pays, couramment qualifiés «d’émergeants » peuvent revêtir un intérêt particulier pour l’investisseur. C’est le cas de l’Inde qui connait une croissance économique considérable aidée par un régime d’investissement étranger qui a été progressivement libéralisé depuis 1991. Cet ouvrage examine donc le régime indien du capital-risque étranger. Il procède pour cela en trois phases. L’ouvrage s’attache dans une première partie à l’étude des différentes procédures d’entrée permettant au capital-risqueur étranger d’investir en Inde. Ces procédures sont au nombre de trois : l’Investissement Direct Etranger qui est une procédure générale d’investissement international dans le capital de sociétés indiennes, l’Investissement Etranger en Capital-Risque qui est une procédure spéciale réservée aux investissements réalisés par des fonds étrangers agréés, et l’investissement au travers d’un fonds d’investissement indien. Sont ensuite étudiés les instruments disponibles en Inde qui permettent la réalisation, sinon l’optimisation d’une opération de capital-risque. Ils peuvent être de capital, de dette ou hybrides. Enfin, l’ouvrage examine la sortie de l’investissement au travers d’une étude de l’introduction en bourse, de la cession et de la liquidation de la société. Cette dernière partie fait apparaitre que si l’Inde dispose d’un système financier extrêmement performant, ses procédures collectives mériteraient d’être améliorées. / Venture Capital is based on an investment in Equity of Companies which need financing to grow. The price of this financing, mainly based on gains from the sale of securities acquired, is dependent on the economic environment. If Europe doesn’t know the past growth, other countries, commonly called as « emerging », may be of particular interest for investors. This is the case of India which is experiencing considerable economic growth helped by a foreign investment regime widely liberalized since 1991. This work examines the foreign venture capital regime in India. It proceeds in three steps. The first part focuses on different entry procedures allowing foreign venture capitalist to invest in India. There are three procedures: Foreign Direct Investment is a general procedure of foreign investment in equity, Foreign Venture Capital Investment is a special procedure reserved for investment by approved foreign venture capital funds, and investment through an Indian Venture Capital Fund. Second part focuses on securities which allow to realize, if not optimize, a venture capital investment. They can be instruments of equity, debt or both. Finally, this work examines the exit of investment though a study of IPO process, sale of security and winding up of company in India. This last part shows that if India has a highly efficient financial system, its bankruptcy regulation needs to be improved.

Ekonomický vývoj podniků financovaných rizikovým kapitálem / Economic Development Ventures Funded by Venture Capital

Gavalcová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is evaluate the economic development of firms, which are founded by venture capital through selected economic characteristics. Based on results of the analytical part is evaluated progress of venture capital in selected companies and are formulated founded facts in relation to investment of venture capital.

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