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A current differential feeder protection for use with leased voice frequency communications circuitsWheatley, John Malcolm January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Spatio-temporal variation in action intervals during ventricular fibrillation (VF) suggestthat the excitable gap may also be distributed spatio-temporally. The observation leadus to hypothesize that distributed pacing can be used to modify and entrain electricalactivation during VF. We tested this hypothesis using simulated VF and animal studies.
We simulated VF in a 400 by 400 cell matrix. Simulation results showed that activationpattern could be entrained using spatially distributed stimulation. Up to a certain limit,increasing stimulus strength and density led to improved entrainment. Best entrainmentwas obtained by pacing at a cycle length similar to the intrinsic cycle length.
In order to verify whether activation could be entrained experimentally, eight opticallyisolated biphasic TTL addressable stimulators were fabricated. Distributed stimulationwas tested during electrically induced VF in two canines and two swine. Resultsshowed that electrical activation could be entrained in both species. Similar to that insimulation, better entrainment was obtained with denser pacing distribution and atpacing cycle length similar to the intrinsic cycle length. As expected, entrainment wasaffected by tissue thickness. Our results show that spatio-temporally distributed pacingstrength stimuli can be used to modify activation patterns during VF.
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Génomique évolutive de l'agent pathogène de la tavelure du pommier, Venturia inaequalis, dans le cadre de la domestication de son hôte / Evolutionary genomics of the pathogen of apple scab, Venturia inaequalis, as part of the domestication of its hostDe Gracia, Marie 18 December 2014 (has links)
Les changements phénotypiques et génétiques consécutifs au processus de domestication et plus largement du passage d'un environnement sauvage aux agro-écosystèmes sont bien décrits chez les espèces végétales. Cependant, l’impact de ces changements de traits d'histoire de vie sur les populations de pathogènes infectant les hôtes domestiqués a jusqu’alors été très peu abordé. En particulier,quelles sont les conséquences sur les traits d’histoire de vie des pathogènes du passage d’un milieu sauvage caractérisé par une grande hétérogénéité d’hôtes à des agro-écosystèmes bien plus denses et homogènes génétiquement? Est-ce que le génome des pathogènes porte des signatures de changements démographiques ou de sélection en relation avec la domestication de leurs hôtes ? Ces questions traitées dans le cadre de la présente thèse ont porté sur le champignon Venturiainaequalis, agent pathogène de la tavelure du pommier, qui partage en Asie Centrale le même centre d’origine que son hôte endémique sauvage Malus sieversii. Les travaux reposent principalement sur 1)l'étude du passage de souches sauvages virulentes sur pommier résistant VF expliquant le contournement rapide de cette résistance et 2)l'étude de génomique des populations et de variations phénotypiques comparant une population de V. inaequalis échantillonnée sur M.sieversii au Kazakhstan, préalablement identifiée comme étant une relique de la population ancestrale, et d'une population Kazakhe de milieu anthropisé. Ces deux populations sont génétiquement différenciées et partiellement isolées reproductivement. L’utilisation des deux méthodes d’inférence l'une l'ABC et l'autre dadi basées sur l’alignement de 10 994 gènes échantillonnés au sein des deux populations révèlent une histoire complexe de contact secondaire, où le champignon aurait dans un premier temps « suivi » la plante hôte à travers le monde au cours de la domestication (modèle de l'hosttracking) puis échangerait à nouveau depuis peu des gènes avec la population ancestrale au Kazakhstan. Cette situation originale de remise en contact secondaire favorisant la mise en évidence d’incompatibilités génétiques, permet à la fois d’envisager de détecter des gènes impliqués dans l’adaptation à l’habitat (pommier cultivé versus Malus sieversii) et dans l’isolement reproductif post-zygotique. L’analyse des 36 génomes séquencés a ainsi permis d’identifier plus de 602 gènes présentant un indice de différentiation (Fst) supérieur à 0,7 autant de gènes verrous faisant potentiellement obstacle aux flux de gènes homogènes entre ces deux populations. Enfin, l’analyse phénotypique de ces deux populations montre que la domestication du pommier a profondément modifié les traits d’histoire de vie de V. inaequalis liés à sa dispersion. L’ensemble de ces analyses a donc permis d’identifier des locus candidats potentiellement impliqués dans des modifications des traits d’histoire de vie, et dans des barrières géniques, en lien avec la domestication du pommier. / Phenotypic and genetic changes occurring during the process of domestication are well described in plants. However, the impact of domestication in life history traits of their pathogens has been poorly studied. In particular, what are the consequences on the life history traits of pathogens that switch from the wild habitat characterized by a high host genetic and spatial heterogeneity to a much more dense and genetically homogeneous agroecosystems? Have pathogen’s genomes particular signatures of demographic changes or of selection related to the domestication of their host? Here we focused on the fungus Venturia inaequalis, causal agent of apple scab, that shares in Central Asia the same center of origin of its wild endemic host Malus sieversii. In the first part of this work we retrace evolutionary history of a population from the wild that was responsible for the rapid breakdown of the Vf resistance gene in apple orchards. We then highlight the threat of wild habitat to scab resistance apple cultivars and thus the necessity to take into account the wild in the management of resistance genes. In the second part, a comparative study based on phenotypic and genomic data was carried out between two populations sampled in Kazakhstan on M. sieversii, either in anthropized areas or in non anthropized area, the latter being identified as a relic of the ancestral population of V. inaequalis. These two populations were genetically differentiated and partially reproductively isolated. The use of two methods of inference (ABC and dadi) based on the alignment of 10 994 genes sampled in the two populations revealed a complex history of a secondary contact event. The fungus would have first followed its host worldwide by "Host-tracking" during the domestication process and then very recently it would re-exchange genes with its ancestral population in Kazakhstan. Secondary contact context is particularly favorable to detect genetic incompatibilities, this particular situation could then allow identification of genes involved in adaptation to habitat (cultivated apple versus M. sieversii) and in post-zygotic reproductive isolation. Analysis of 36 sequenced genomes has identified more than 602 genes with an index of differentiation (Fst) greater than 0.7, what represents numerous candidates genes of potential barriers to homogeneous gene flow between these two populations. Comparative phenotypic analysis between these two populations such spores size and capacity to sporulate showed that apple domestication would have also modified life history traits of V. inaequalis related to its dispersion. This study has allowed identification of candidate loci potentially involved in changes in life history traits, and genetic barriers in pathogen related to the domestication of apple.
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Čtyřnohý kráčejicí robot / Four legged walking robotFischer, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The object of this thesis is an analysis of the possibilities of a wireless communication and a sensor‘s equipment for a four legged walking robot. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part there is a particular sale’s exploration in the section of the wireless communication modules. It refers to the differences among technologies in the methods of signal transmission, the technical parameters but also in the communication protocols. The next part of this thesis is focused on sensor’s equipment with the accent on the possibility of use for a four legged walking robot. It contains a short listing of sensors, which are available in the Czech Republic with division based on the type of sensing magnitude. These two parts make a base for the last part where I have chosen suitable communication modules along with sensors and realization wireless data transfer including control and visualization. The result of this thesis is the complete communication block from the user to the robot.
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Cardiac Arrhythmia Termination on the Vascular and Organ ScaleHornung, Daniel 26 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Nákladová analýza léčby katarakty / Cost Analysis of Treatment of CataractNečasová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the cost of treatment of cataracts. The intention is to compare cataract surgery by phacoemulsification by ultrasonic method and by laser method and by using a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the effective treatment from three perspectives - patient, medical equipment and insurance. To calculate the subjective benefits of the operation the patient is using the method of VF-14, which is a tool for transferring benefits to financial units.
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Optimizing light quality for growth, nutritional quality, and food safety of lettuce in vertical farmingYuyao Kong (15355009) 27 April 2023 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>With the rapid growth in population and urbanization, an increased supply of fresh, nutritious, and safe food in urban areas is required. Relying solely on conventional agriculture for food production can be risky due to climate change and decreasing natural resources (i.e., water, and arable land). Vertical farming (VF) involves growing food crops (primarily leafy greens and small-statured fruits) at multiple levels in controlled environments with less land and water inputs. However, high operational costs have resulted in low-profit margins in VF, which are challenging the economic sustainability of the VF industry. With the present VF technology, it may be difficult to significantly reduce the operational costs. Therefore, maximizing the wholesale value of produce, which is determined by the total yield and sale price per unit quantity (or crop value), is critical for increasing profits in VF. In this research, the overall goal is to increase lettuce growth, nutritional quality, and food safety by optimizing the light quality of light-emitting diodes (LED) in VF to increase the whole value of produce and thus increase the VF profits. The objectives of the research were to (i) study the independent and interactive effects of monochromatic wavebands of light from UV-A (365 nm) to far-red (750 nm) on lettuce growth and nutritional quality; (ii) identify the effects of substituting moderate proportions of UV-A and a high proportion of UV-A coupled with far-red light in growth lighting on lettuce growth and nutritional quality; (iii) study the effects of lettuce cultivars and UV LED light on the survival of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 on lettuce in VF production.</p>
<p>In the first study, we investigated the effects of different wavebands of light ranging from UV-A (370 nm) to far-red (733 nm), both independently and in combination with commercial growth lighting on lettuce growth, incident light-use efficiency (LUEinc), and levels of phytochemicals. Results showed that the monochromatic wavebands 389 and 733 nm had positive interactions with the growth lighting on lettuce. In addition, results also indicated that UV-A light at a peak wavelength of 389 nm could potentially increase phytochemical concentrations. In the second study, the effects of 40% UV-A (UV 389 nm) and 60% UV-A (UV 389 nm) plus 10% far-red (FR 733 nm) light for growth light during the plant stationary growth stage on lettuce biomass and biosynthesis of phytochemicals were examined. Results showed that substituting UV-A for 40% growth lighting during the plant stationary growth stage for seven days resulted in significantly increased levels of beta-carotene and phylloquinone in lettuce while slightly lowering lettuce growth. And the addition of far-red light to UV-A did not result in the expected increase in vegetative growth, while the levels of phytochemicals were not affected. In the third study, we first investigated the effects of four lettuce cultivars, including oakleaf, romaine, butterhead, and leaf lettuce on the survival of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 gfp+. Results showed that leaf lettuce had the lowest while oakleaf and romaine had the highest concentrations of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 gfp+ when sampled on days 2 and 7 after the inoculation, and on day 7 after harvest and storage at 4 °C. Then we examined the feasibility of supplementing UV-A, UV A+B, and UV A+C during plant growth stages to reduce <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 gfp+ contamination on lettuce. Our results indicated that only the UV A+C light at an intensity of 54.4 μmol·m-2·s-1 for 15 minutes per day after inoculation reduced <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 gfp+ contamination by 0.33 log CFU·g-1 without affecting plant growth and levels of phytochemicals.</p>
<p>The outcomes from our research suggested that the interactive effects of monochromatic wavebands should be considered in developing light recipes. In addition, VF growers who are interested in improving the nutritional phytochemical levels such as beta-carotene and phylloquinone in lettuce while maintaining growth should consider adding a moderate proportion (< 40%) of near-blue UV-A (i.e., 389 nm) radiation during the plant stationary growth phase to growth lighting. However, shorter wavelengths of UV-A radiation are not recommended due to their negative effects on plant growth and high economic cost. For growers who are at high risk of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 contamination, it is suggested that growing leaf lettuce and supplementation of UV A+C LED light during the plant-growth period should be considered to reduce the <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 contamination levels.</p>
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ENHANCING RESOURCE-USE EFFICIENCY FOR INDOOR FARMINGFatemeh Sheibani (16649382) 03 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Vertical farming (VF) as a newer sector of controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) is proliferating as demand for year-round, local, fresh produce is rising. However, there are concerns regarding the high capital expenses and significant operational expenses that contribute to fragile profitability of the VF industry. Enhancing resource-use efficiency is a strategy to improve profitability of the VF industry, and different approaches are proposed in the three chapters of this dissertation. LEDs are used for sole-source lighting in VF, and although they recently have significantly improved electrical efficiency and photon efficacy, the Lambertian design of the illumination pattern leads to significant loss of obliquely emitted photons beyond cropping areas. In chapter 1, close-canopy lighting (CCL) is proposed as one effective energy-saving strategy, through which unique physical properties of LEDs were leveraged, and two CCL strategies (energy efficiency and yield enhancement) were characterized at four different separation distances between light-emitting and light-absorbing surfaces. Dimming to the same light intensity at all separation distances resulted in the same biomass production while significant energy savings occurred at closer distances. Significantly higher light intensity and yield were achieved under closer separation distances in the yield-enhancement strategy for the same energy input. The energy-utilization efficiency (g fresh/dry biomass per kWh of energy) was doubled in both scenarios when the separation distance between LED emitting surface and crop surface was reduced maximally. At reduced separation distances, the chance of photon escape from growth areas is less, and canopy photon capture efficiency is improved.</p><p>Optimizing environmental conditions for indoor plant production also helps improve resource-use efficiency for the nascent vertical-farming industry. Although significant technical advancements of LEDs have been made, use of efficient far-red (FR) LEDs has yet to be exploited. As a recent proposed extension to traditional photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm), FR radiation (700-750 nm) contributes to photosynthesis as well as photomorphogenesis when added to shorter wavelengths of traditional PAR. However, the interaction of FR with other environmental parameters such as CO2 is less studied. In chapter 2, the interaction effect of four FR fluxes (as substitution for red) in combination with three different CO2 concentrations were investigated at three distinctive stages of young-lettuce production. The highest biomass achieved at all stages occurred at 800 mmol mol-1 CO2 compared to 400 and 1600 mmol mol-1. A photomorphogenic effect of FR to promote leaf length was pronounced at the earliest stages of development, at which FR did not contribute to higher biomass accumulation. At more developed stages, 20 mmol m-2 s-1 of FR substituting for red contributed to biomass accumulation similar to shorter wavelengths of traditional PAR, whereas higher fluxes of FR in the light recipe resulted in undesirable quality attributes such as longer leaves.</p><p>Optimizing environmental conditions for indoor production with emphasis on light intensity and CO2 concentration at four distinctive stages of lettuce production was investigated in chapter 3. Utilizing the Minitron III gas-exchange system, light and CO2 dose-response profiles were characterized at four distinctive crop-development stages through instantaneous gas-exchange measurements at crop level. At all developmental stages, as CO2 concentration increased, photosynthesis increased up to 500 mmol mol-1, above which the incremental rate of photosynthesis was reduced. Light-dose response profiles were characterized at 400 or 800 mmol mol-1 CO2, and as light intensity increased, photosynthesis increased up to 650 mmol m-2 s-1. However, when instantaneous power (Watts) consumed for lighting was taken into consideration, power-use efficiency as the ratio of output photosynthesis increment to input power increment (to increase light intensity), decreased at higher light intensities. Vertical farming as a nascent and growing industry is facing limitations including marginal and even elusive profitability. Optimizing environmental conditions for indoor plant production such as these will help improve resource-use efficiency and profitability of the vertical farming industry.</p>
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Digital Generator Control Unit for Synchronous Brushless GeneratorMa, Xiangfei 20 May 2005 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the study, implementation and improvement of a digital Generator Control Unit (GCU) for a high-speed synchronous brushless generator. The control of variable frequency power system, a preferred candidate in More Electric Aircraft (MEA), becomes a big challenge. Compared with conventional analog GCU, digital GCU is a future trend due to the properties such as easy tuning, modification and no aging.
Control approaches adopted in the new GCU design is introduced. It has multiloop structure and model-based characteristics. Sensorless rotor position detection was used to finish Park transformation.
DSP+FPGA based controller hardware was developed in the lab. A set of hardware was designed to implement the control algorithms. VHDL-based software was developed for FPGA, which is working as a bridge between DSP and peripheral circuits. C-based software was designed to implement control algorithm inside DSP.
A testbed system was developed according to the lab capacity of CPES. The complete load transit responses were tested according to the standard ISO1540 and EN8420. Good match between simulation and experiment has been reached. Compared with benchmark controller, great improvement in both steady state and dynamic performance is realized.
A feasibility of using digital GCU in the next generation aircraft has been proved preliminarily. However, the challenge of reliability issues in digital system and software still needs further attention. / Master of Science
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Étude transitoire du déclenchement de protections haute tension contre les décharges électrostatiquesDelmas, Antoine 27 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire visent à analyser et optimiser le comportement des composants de protection haute tension contre les décharges électrostatiques (ESD) à leur déclenchement. Pour cela, deux approches ont été suivies : Un outil de mesure dédié, le "transient-TLP", a été développé. Cet outil est basé sur la correction mathématique des données mesurées à l'oscilloscope avec un système de mesure vf-TLP standard. L'erreur de mesure est inférieure à 2 %. La méthode, d'abord conçue pour des mesures sur wafer, a ensuite été appliquée pour mesurer des composants sur boîtier. A l'aide de cet outil, le comportement transitoire des protections ESD utilisées à Freescale a pu être analysé. En particulier, la simulation physique a permis de mieux comprendre l'origine physique de l'apparition d'un pic de surtension au déclenchement de ces composants et des solutions de dessin ont été proposées pour en réduire l'amplitude.
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