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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Navigating different natures : the governance of National Parks in Canada

García Perez de Arce, Magdalena 08 1900 (has links)
This study was supported by Parks Canada / Les parcs nationaux jouent un rôle central à la fois dans la politique de conservation de la biodiversité et dans l'accès du public à la nature. Donc, la gestion de ces espaces est loin d'être simple. Représentant le premier service de parcs au monde avec l'un des budgets les plus substantiels pour la gestion des parcs à l'échelle mondiale, le système de parcs nationaux du Canada constitue un cas emblématique à explorer. Cette dissertation examine comment Parcs Canada gouverne les parcs nationaux, les raisonnements qui sous-tendent les processus décisionnels, les acteurs impliqués dans le processus de gouvernance, ainsi que les sujets qui sont régis. J'examine les points de vue des représentants de Parcs Canada, des organisations et des municipalités à différentes échelles, au niveau fédéral ainsi que dans deux études de cas spécifiques : le parc national Jasper en Alberta et le parc national de La Mauricie au Québec. À travers une série de stratégies de recherche qualitative déployées entre 2020 et 2023, mon étude adopte une analyse à plusieurs échelles pour explorer comment l'État négocie les tensions qui surgissent entre les différentes dimensions scientifiques, économiques et sociales qui sous-tendent la gouvernance des parcs. En m'appuyant sur 54 entretiens semi-structurés, une analyse d'archives et de documents ainsi que des supports visuels, ma thèse rassemble un cadre conceptuel ancré dans la construction sociale de la nature, la gouvernance de la conservation, le tourisme, la citoyenneté, l'espace public et l'inclusion. J'utilise une analyse de discours pour examiner les fondements des raisonnements qui sous-tendent la manière dont les scientifiques, les décideurs politiques, les planificateurs, les représentants municipaux et les chambres de tourisme comprennent et encadrent la gouvernance des parcs. Cette thèse aborde trois questions de recherche distinctes pour comprendre comment les parcs nationaux sont gouvernés. La première cherche à comprendre comment les différentes conceptualisations scientifiques de la Nature ont façonné la gouvernance des parcs nationaux. L'analyse interroge l'émergence du concept d'intégrité écologique en tant qu'élément central de la gestion scientifique contemporaine et des efforts de restauration d'écosystèmes particuliers. À travers les exemples de la gestion des arbres et des poissons, le chapitre illustre comment les scientifiques et les gestionnaires tentent de restaurer l'intégrité écologique dans des écosystèmes qui ont été historiquement transformés à la fois pour l'extraction capitaliste et l'utilisation récréative. La reproduction de l'idée de la nature sauvage, ou d'une nature vierge non habitée par les humains, sous-tend l'idée d'intégrité. En tant que tel, je soutiens que l'intégrité écologique ne reconnaît pas l'agence des humains dans les écologies passées et dans la restauration en tant que pratique scientifique. Ma deuxième question de recherche examine les motivations économiques qui influent sur la gouvernance des parcs, ainsi que la mesure dans laquelle le Canada a adopté des orientations néolibérales. Mes conclusions indiquent que, malgré les efforts récents pour augmenter les revenus basés sur la visite, Parcs Canada n'a pas pleinement adopté une logique de gouvernance néolibérale. À la place, d'autres rationales se sont développées, privilégiant l'accès gratuit à des groupes sociaux spécifiques, notamment les jeunes, les enfants, les nouveaux citoyens et les résidents permanents, afin de maintenir l'importance politique des parcs parmi les Canadiens. Bien que la pression pour étendre le rôle de l'industrie touristique persiste, je soutiens que Parcs Canada résiste à une plus grande marchandisation et privatisation. La troisième question de recherche examine comment les parcs nationaux sont conceptualisés en tant qu'espaces publics et pour qui ils sont gouvernés. Mon enquête révèle des asymétries de pouvoir dans la production des expériences de plein air, où l'accès est disponible pour certaines personnes tandis qu'il est limité pour d'autres. J'examine différentes dimensions de l'inclusion au sein des politiques des parcs nationaux, ainsi que leur mise en œuvre dans les deux études de cas. Mon argument affirme que la gestion des parcs doit encore pleinement intégrer une compréhension des besoins spatiaux et récréatifs des citoyens et des utilisateurs culturellement diversifiés. Par conséquent, les immigrants et d'autres groupes socioculturels ressentent un sentiment d'exclusion dans ces espaces publics. Les parcs nationaux sont de plus en plus considérés comme un espace clé dans la lutte pour un droit social à la nature. Mes conclusions montrent que les parcs nationaux sont des territoires où les efforts de l'État pour faire face à la perte de biodiversité ainsi que la demande collective croissante d'accès aux espaces verts publics convergent. En tant que tels, deviennent des sites d'expérimentation dirigés par l'État dans les approches envers la nature et la citoyenneté. Cette étude met en lumière les tensions et les complexités inhérentes à la gestion de ces sites, tout en explorant le processus imaginatif de création de relations alternatives entre les humains et la nature. / National parks are central to both the politics of biodiversity conservation and public access to nature. In light of this, managing these spaces is far from simple. Representing the world’s first park service with one of the most substantial budgets for park management at the global scale, Canada's national park system is an iconic case to explore. This dissertation examines how Parks Canada governs national parks, the rationales that underpin decision-making processes, the actors who are involved in the governance process, as well as the subjects who are governed. I examine the perspectives of Parks Canada representatives, organizations and municipalities at different scales, including at the federal level as well as two specific case studies: Jasper National Park in Alberta and La Mauricie National Park in Quebec. Through a range of qualitative research strategies deployed between 2020 and 2023, my study adopts a multi-scaled and multi-site analysis to explore how the state negotiates the tensions that arise between the different scientific, economic, and social imperatives that underpin park governance. Drawing on 54 semi-structured interviews, archival and document analysis as well as visual materials, my dissertation brings together a conceptual framework grounded in the social construction of nature, conservation governance, tourism, citizenship, public space, and inclusion. I use discourse analysis to examine the rationales that underpin the way diverse actors, scientists, policy makers, planners, municipal representatives, and tourism chambers understand and frame how parks are governed. This dissertation addresses three distinct research questions to understand how national parks are governed. The first seeks to understand how different scientific conceptualizations of Nature have shaped the governance of national parks. The analysis interrogates the emergence of the concept of ecological integrity as central to contemporary scientific management and efforts to restore particular ecosystems. Through the examples of tree and fish management, chapter 5 illustrates the ways scientists and managers attempt to restore ecological integrity in ecosystems that have been transformed historically for both capitalist extraction and recreational use. The reproduction of the idea of wilderness, or a pristine nature uninhabited by humans, underpins the idea of integrity. As such, I argue that ecological integrity fails to acknowledge the agency of humans in past ecologies and in restoration as a scientific practice. My second research question examines the degree to which neoliberalism has influenced financial governance of national parks in Canada. My findings indicate that, from their inception, Canadian national parks have been deeply rooted in capitalist structures. However, despite recent efforts to increase revenue based on visitation, Parks Canada has not fully embraced a neoliberal governance logic. Instead, other rationales have evolved which prioritize free access to specific social groups including youth, children, new citizens, and permanent residents as a means for sustaining the political importance of parks among Canadians. While pressure to expand the role of the tourist industry persists, I argue that Parks Canada is resisting further commodification and privatization. The third research question asks how national parks are conceptualized as public spaces and for whom they are governed. My investigation reveals asymmetries of power in the production of Canadian outdoor experiences, where access is available to some people while limited to others. I examine different dimensions of inclusion within national parks policies, as well as their implementation in the two case studies, Jasper and La Mauricie. My argument asserts that the management of parks has yet to fully embrace an understanding of the spatial and recreational needs of culturally diverse citizens and users. Consequently, immigrants and other sociocultural groups experience a sense of exclusion in these public spaces. National parks are increasingly viewed as a key space in the struggle for a social right to nature. My findings show that national parks are territories where state efforts to address both biodiversity loss as well as where an expanding collective demand for access to green public spaces converge. As such, national parks become sites of state-led experimentation in approaches towards nature and citizenship. This study illuminates the tensions and complexities inherent in managing these sites, while also delving into the imaginative process of generating alternative relationships between humans and nature.

Mothers behind bars : challenges experienced relating to child care during incarceration / Abantu baqala ibhayi : izinselele ezikhululekile ngokukhetha kwabantu ngokwenzeka / Abantu abakhululela ibhayibhile : iingxoxo ezibenzelekileyo ngokubhalwa kwabantwana ngokwenzeka

Deonarain, Sharona 19 January 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Xhosa / The study’s intent is to explore challenges experienced by incarcerated mothers relating to childcare, based at the Durban Westville Correctional Centre. The theoretic framework of this study encompasses the Relational Theory, the Gendered Pathways Theory, and the General Strain Theory. This research utilises the qualitative research technique. Semi-structured, open-ended interviewing was concluded with 15 incarcerated mothers based at the Durban Westville Correctional Centre using the probability sampling technique.The relationship between a mother and her children is of paramount importance, even for incarcerated mothers. However, incarcerated mothers are unable to tend to their childcare responsibilities due to their physical and emotional limitations presented by incarceration. Incarcerated mothers in this study expressed their challenges experienced and their need for rehabilitation programmes to help them mitigate their childcare challenges. The research reveals that some of the incarcerated mothers have experienced traumatic backgrounds inclusive of emotional strains, financial impediments, verbal abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse prior to their incarceration. Their challenges exacerbate whilst incarcerated and literature referred to denotes that their challenges continue post-release. Rehabilitation and reintegration of the offender have become the primary focus for the Department of Correctional Services seeing that its scope of service has shifted from a system of “control” to that of rehabilitation. The study indicates gaps in the rehabilitation programmes offered by the Department. Further, the study intends to make recommendations to the Department of Correctional Services on implementing rehabilitation programmes that aid and support a healthy mother and child bond. Such programmes would assist by enlightening, educating and encouraging incarcerated mothers to tighten and protect unions with their children and for the Department to offer special visitation programmes that aid such a process / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukuhlola izinselele ezitholwa omama ababoshiwe ngokuphathelene nokunakekelwa kwezingane, esekelwe eThekwini West Correctional Centre. Uhlaka lwama-theoretic walolu cwaningo luhlanganisa i-Theory Theory, i-Gendered Pathways Theory, ne-General Strain Theory. Lolu cwaningo lusebenzisa indlela yokucwaninga yekhwalithi. Izingxoxo ezinemihlangano evulekile, evuliwe ziphelile nabomama abangu-15 ababoshiwe base-Durban Westville Correctional Centre basebenzisa inqubo yokwenza isampula. Ubuhlobo phakathi komama nezingane zakhe bubaluleke kakhulu, ngisho nakumama ababoshiwe. Kodwa-ke, omama ababoshiwe abakwazi ukuthambekela emithwalweni yabo yokunakekelwa kwengane ngenxa yokwehluleka kwabo ngokomzimba nangokomzwelo okuvezwe ukuboshwa. Owesifazane abangenalutho kulolu cwaningo babonisa izinselele zabo abahlangabezana nazo kanye nesidingo sabo sokuvuselela izinhlelo zokusiza ekunciphiseni izinselelo zabo zokunakekela izingane. Ucwaningo lwembula ukuthi abanye omama ababoshiwe baye babhekana nezizinda ezibuhlungu ezihlanganisa izinkinga zomzwelo, izithiyo zemali, ukuhlukunyezwa ngamazwi, ukuxhashazwa ngokomzimba nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi ngaphambi kokuboshwa kwabo. Izinselelo zabo zikhungatheka kanti iziboshwa ezibhekiswe kuzo zikhomba ukuthi izinselele zabo ziqhubeka nokukhululwa. Ukuvuselelwa nokubuyiselwa kabusha kwalowo owenze iphutha kuye kwaba yiyona ndlela eyinhloko eMnyangweni Wezokwelulekwa Kwezempilo ngokubona ukuthi izinga labo lensizakalo lishintshile ohlelweni "lokulawula" kulokho lokuvuselelwa. Ucwaningo lubonisa izikhala ezinhlelweni zokuvuselela ezinikezwe uMnyango. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lolu cwaningo luhlose ukwenza izincomo eMnyangweni Wezokwelulekwa Kwezokuqondisa ekusetshenzisweni izinhlelo zokuvuselela ezisiza nokusekela ukuboshwa komama nengane. Izinhlelo ezinjalo zizosiza ekukhanyiseni, ekufundiseni nasekukhuthazeni omama ababoshiwe ukuqinisa nokuvikela izinyunyana nezingane zabo kanye noMnyango ukuhlinzeka ngezinhlelo ezikhethekile zokuvakashelwa ezisiza. / Injongo yesifundo kukuphanda iingxaki ezinokubanjwa koomama abavalelwe ngokubhekiselele ekunakekeleni abantwana, esekelwe kwi-Durban West Correctional Centre. Isikhokelo sobugcisa beli phofu siquka iNkcazo yobudlelwane, iNkcazelo yeGendered Ways, kunye ne-General Strain Theory. Olu phando lusebenzisa ubuchule bokuphanda. Iingxowa-ndlebe ezivulekileyo, ezivulekileyo zagqitywa kunye noomama abathunjiweyo aba-15 basekelwe e-Durban West Correctional Centre basebenzisa ubuchule bokuncedisa. Ubudlelwane phakathi koomama nabantwana bakhe bubaluleke kakhulu, kwanokuba boomama abavalelwe. Nangona kunjalo, oomama abavalelwa bengenakukwazi ukunyamekela uxanduva lwabo lokunakekela abantwana ngenxa yokunciphisa ngokomzimba nangokomzwelo owenziwe ngokubanjwa. Oomama abangabandakanyekanga kulolu cwaningo babonisa imingeni yabo kunye neemfuno zabo zokuphucula iinkqubo zokubanceda ukunciphisa imingeni yokunakekela abantwana. Uphando luyabonisa ukuba abanye babamama abavalelwe bavaleleke kwimvelaphi ephazamisayo, kuquka imingcipheko yemvakalelo, iimingcipheko zemali, ukuxhaphazwa ngamagama, ukusetyenziswa kakubi ngokomzimba nokuxhaphazwa ngokwesondo ngaphambi kokuvalelwa. Imingeni yabo inzima xa iboshwe kunye neencwadi ezibhekiswe kuzo zibonisa ukuba imingeni yabo iyaqhubeka yokukhululwa. Ukubuyiselwa kwakhona nokubuyiswa kwakhona komenzi wesono kuye kwaba yintloko ekujoliswe kuyo kwiSebe leeNkonzo zoLuleko ekuboneni ukuba ububanzi beenkonzo sele buyekelele kwinkqubo "yokulawula" leyo yokubuyiswa. Uphononongo lubonisa izikhala kwiiprogram zokuvuselela ezinikezelwa liSebe. Ukuqhubela phambili, isifundo sinenjongo yokwenza iingcebiso kwiSebe leeNkonzo zoLuleko ekuphunyezweni iinkqubo zokubuyisela ukuxhasa nokuxhasa unxibelelwano lomama nomntwana. Ezi nkqubo zinokuncedisa ngokukhanyisa, ukufundisa nokukhuthaza oomama abavalelwe ukuqinisa kunye nokukhusela iimanyano nabantwana babo kunye neSebe ukwenzela iinkqubo zokutyelela ezikhethekileyo. / Corrections Management / M.A. (Correctional Management)

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