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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos do pisoteio humano experimental sobre a vegetação em fragmentos de Floresta Pluvial Tropical Atlântica, São Paulo, Brasil / Experimental human trampling effect on the vegetation in fragments of the Atlantic Rain Forest, São Paulo, Brazil

Maria Francisca Roncero Siles 13 February 2009 (has links)
O crescente fluxo de visitantes em áreas naturais, com a conseqüente pressão sobre os recursos naturais, provocou o aumento da preocupação com os impactos negativos gerados. A Ecologia de Recreação estuda os impactos das atividades recreativas nos ambientes visitados, ocupando-se de fornecer resultados que sejam úteis ao manejo desses impactos. Os efeitos do pisoteio humano sobre a vegetação têm despertado particular interesse em diversos ecossistemas do mundo, com publicações concentradas basicamente nas regiões temperadas. No presente trabalho foi realizado um estudo experimental de pisoteio para avaliar a resposta da vegetação em áreas de Floresta Pluvial Tropical Atlântica em três Unidades de Conservação no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O desenho experimental foi em blocos randômicos, tendo sido aplicados quatro níveis de intensidade de pisoteio, em uma única estação, com medidas feitas imediatamente antes do impacto e repetidas em vários períodos, de modo a acompanhar a recuperação da vegetação. As variáveis analisadas foram: a cobertura vegetal total, a riqueza de tipos vegetais morfo-funcionais, a cobertura de cada tipo e a quantidade de solo exposto. No geral, confirmando estudos anteriores em outras regiões, os resultados mostraram relações não-lineares entre o nível de impacto e o efeito nas variáveis medidas na vegetação. As três áreas estudadas tiveram respostas diferentes, duas mostraram-se pouco resistentes e resilientes e outra apresentou resistência moderada e recuperação após um ano. Esses resultados podem subsidiar futuras estratégias de manejo em ambientes semelhantes. / The growing flow of visitors at natural areas, with the consequent pressure over natural resources caused an increase on concerns about the produced negative impacts. Recreation Ecology studies the impacts of recreational activities at visited environments, aiming to provide results which are useful for the management of these impacts. The effects of human trampling on vegetation have raised particular interest in several ecosystems in the world, with publications basically centered in temperate regions. An experimental trampling study was carried out in the present work to evaluate the response of vegetation in areas of Atlantic Tropical Rain Forest, at three protected areas in São Paulo State, Brazil. A randomized block design was done, on which four trampling intensity levels have been applied during an only Season with measurements taken immediately before the impact and repeated at various periods, to follow vegetation recovery. The variables analyzed were: herbaceous plant total cover, richness of plant morpho-functional types, coverage of each type and the amount of bare ground. In general, confirming previous studies in other regions, the results showed non-linear relationships between impact level and effect on measured variables on vegetation. The three studied areas had different responses, two were little resistant and resilient and the other showed moderate resistance and recovery after a year. These results can be used to subsidize future management strategies in similar areas.

家暴相對人對「未成年子女會面交往服務」之經驗與改變內涵及影響因素之探討 / Batterers’ Experiences, Changes, and Catalysts for Change in Supervised Visitation Program

陳祈安, Chen, Chi An Unknown Date (has links)
「未成年子女會面交往服務」乃是透過社工人員協助,在確保安全之前提下提供高衝突家庭親子會面。本研究旨探討家暴相對人進入未成年子女會面交往服務後,接受服務的經驗及改變內涵,並分析其中影響相對人改變之因素。本研究運用質性研究深度訪談法,採用半結構式訪談大綱,訪談了五位參與服務之家暴相對人及四位社工。運用主題分析法進行資料之分析,研究結果如下: 1.接受服務之經驗:相對人明確指出了會面服務的助益及社工協助的重要性,正向經驗的累積成為循環;負向經驗來自會面中的挫折,也看見相對人面對家暴指控及社工預設立場的掙扎與無奈。 2.家暴相對人的改變內涵:相對人自述的改變包含人際互動、復原力、自我成長及親子互動的提升;社工則觀察到親子關係提升、與同住方關係提昇、專業關係提昇、自我成長等改變內涵。子女和同住方也因會面而受益。 3.影響改變之因素:影響因素可分為兩大類:促進改變與阻礙改變。分析相對人訪談資料,促進因素為社工專業關係及維繫親情的動力;阻礙因素為聚焦於衝突及怨懟、父母雙方衝突及司法訴訟。社工則認為促進因素為社工專業關係、維繫親情的動力、相對人狀態的改變及支持資源;阻礙因素為過度聚焦於負面想法、同住方的阻礙、司法訴訟及自身侷限。 研究結果證實會面服務有助於相對人同理心及親子關係的促進且利於復原力的發展,形成正向循環。維繫親情的情感連結及身為父母的責任感是激發改變的基礎,社工的工作技巧運用在改變過程中佔有一定的影響力。過度聚焦於衝突及怨懟則阻礙改變動力的形成。最後,研究者依據本研究之結果提出實務與政策上之建議。 / The Supervised Visitation Program (SVP) provides parent-child meetings for high-conflict families with social workers’ help to ensure safety on the premises. This study addressed batterers’ experiences with SVP services and the changes they experienced because of the SVP services through an analysis of the factors that influenced those changes. In-depth qualitative interviews with five batterers and four social workers involved in SVP were conducted using a semi-structured interview schedule. This study analyzed the interview data in a thematic analysis. The research findings are summarized as follows. 1.Experiences receiving the SVP services. The batterers explicitly pointed out the helpfulness of the SVP services and the importance of the social workers’ assistance. Positive experiences were cyclically accumulated. The negative experiences were accumulated from the sense of frustration present during the meetings and their psychological struggles and helplessness related to the accusations of domestic violence and the perspectives and opinions of the social workers. 2.Changes experienced by the batterers: The batterers stated that the changes they experienced included improved interpersonal interactions, ability to recuperate, personal growth, and parent-child interactions. The changes observed by the social workers included the batterers’ personal growth and improvements in parent-child relationships, relationship with roommates, and professional relationships. The batterers’ children and roommates also benefited from the SVP. 3.Factors that influenced the changes: The influencing factors were classified as promotive factors or obstructive factors. The analysis of the batterer interview data found that the promotive factors included the social workers’ professionalism and motivational influences on maintaining family affections. The obstructive factors included overemphasis on conflicts and resentments, inter-parental conflicts, and judicial litigations. In the social workers’ opinions, the promotive factors included the social workers’ professionalism, their motivational influences on maintaining family affections, changes to the batterers’ states, and their supportive resources; the obstructive factors included excessive negativity, obstructions by roommates, judicial litigations, and the batterers’ personal limitations. The results found that SVP was beneficial for promoting the batterers’ sense of empathy, parent-child relationships, and for developing the ability to recuperate, thus creating a positive cycle. Family affections and a sense of parental responsibility were the basis of stimulating the batterers’ changes, and the social workers’ professional expertise exerted an influence on the process of the changes. In contrast, overemphasis on conflicts and resentments obstructed the formation of motivational influences for change. Suggestions for practice and policy are presented based on the study’s results.

Možnosti postupů při památkové obnově na příkladu poutního areálu v Horní Polici / Possibilities of procedures for monument restoration on the example of the pilgrimage site in Horní Police

Koutná, Marie January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the introduction of methods used in the repairs of historical and listed buildings, focusing on timber and masonry load-bearing structures. The text describes the causes and types of structural defects, as well as possible ways of rehabilitation and is also supplemented by examples of their use in practice. This should create a sample book to show which options can be selected and what needs to be considered when restoring individual elements, so that the whole process of repairs is in accordance with the principles of monument care. Possible approaches and methods of reconstruction process of listed building are then demonstrated in the ongoing overall renovation of the pilgrimage site in Horní Police, which is a national cultural monument. The work focuses on the individual buildings of the complex, the Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, the ambit that surrounds it and the entrance tower with a bell tower. The author also presents the history and description of the place of pilgrimage. Keywords Monument care, masonry load-bearing structures, timber load-bearing structures, rehabilitation, restoration, reconstruction, pilgrimage site, Horní Police, Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary

Destinationslojalitet i Stockholm : En studie om det strategiska arbetet mot internationella marknader ur ett destinationslojalitetsperspektiv

Akkaya, Adam, Åberg, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Over the past several years destination loyalty has begun to take up an increasing amount of focus within the tourism research field. While there are still a number of question marks of its different aspects and true value to the destination, the subject has been described as prioritized. On that account, the purpose of this study has been to seek understanding of how Stockholm relate to this, and how their expressed strategies towards the international market can be understood within a destination loyalty perspective. Furthermore, the DMO Visit Stockholm’s marketing and communication strategies towards foreign followers on digital platforms have been examined. To reach knowledge of this, a document study of Visit Stockholm and Svensk Turism was carried out, whereafter three interviews took place with representatives from these two organizations. Lastly, a netnographic examination was carried out of Visit Stockholm’s official webpage and their accounts on Facebook and Instagram. The results showed that strategies have yet to be expressed formally regarding destination loyalty, but that there is an awareness of the issue and that it most likely will play a bigger role in the future. In addition to that, there have been empirical findings which show that marketing and communication in fact is conducted, which can relate to destination loyalty. A challenge for Stockholm in the future will be to further take advantage of the possibilities that the digital channels offer. An active approach will be required in imposing new relations to followers and visitors, and in the retaining of existing relations. / Under de senaste åren har destinationslojalitet börjat ta upp alltmer fokus inom den turistiska forskningen. Medan det ännu finns kvar flera frågetecken över dess olika aspekter och egentliga värde för destinationen, så har ämnet beskrivits som speciellt prioriterat. Med anledning av det har syftet med denna undersökning varit att söka förståelse för hur Stockholm förhåller sig till detta, och hur deras uttalade strategier mot den internationella marknaden kan förstås utifrån ett destinationslojalitetsperspektiv. Vidare har undersökts hur DMO:n Visit Stockholms faktiska marknadsföring och kommunikation till utländska följare förs på digitala plattformar. För att nå denna kunskap utfördes en dokumentstudie av Visit Stockholm samt Svensk Turism, därefter ägde tre intervjuer rum med representanter från dessa två organisationer. Till sist utfördes även en netnografisk undersökning av Visit Stockholms officiella hemsida, samt deras konton på Facebook och Instagram. Resultaten visade att det ej i dagsläget finns några uttalade formella strategier kring destinationslojalitet, men att det finns en medvenhet kring frågan och att det troligtvis kommer att bli mer aktuellt i framtiden. Utöver detta har empiriska fynd gjorts som visar på att det faktiskt förs marknadsföring och kommunikation på sociala medier som kan kopplas till destinationslojalitet. En utmaning för Stockholm inför framtiden blir att ytterligare ta till vara på de möjligheter som de digitala kanalerna kan erbjuda. Ett aktivt arbete kommer att krävas inför skapandet av nya relationer till följare och besökare, samt bibehållandet av existerande relationer.

La parentalité d’accueil dans le contexte des visites supervisées : étude sur le point de vue des parents d’accueil

Louis-Jacques, Sherlyn 09 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre comment s’exerce la parentalité d’accueil dans le contexte des visites supervisées. À partir du point de vue des familles d’accueil, cette étude vise à décrire leur compréhension des visites supervisées; leur implication dans la planification de celles-ci; l’accompagnement qu’elles offrent à l’enfant et la communication qu’elles ont avec les différents acteurs impliqués dans les visites supervisées. Pour ce faire, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées avec quatorze parents d’accueil affiliés au programme jeunesse du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal. Les entrevues ont été soumises à une démarche d’analyse de contenu thématique. Le modèle théorique et conceptuel écosystémique de la parentalité a été utilisé pour décrire les différentes dimensions de la parentalité d’accueil dans le contexte des visites supervisées. Les résultats de cette recherche démontrent que les familles d’accueil ont une bonne compréhension des visites supervisées en termes des objectifs visés et des motifs de leur mise en place. Pour ce qui est de la planification des visites supervisées, l’implication des familles d’accueil est variable. Certaines rapportent être impliquées dans les prises de décisions tandis que d’autres témoignent se faire imposer des choix par l’intervenant. En ce qui concerne l’accompagnement offert aux enfants, des besoins de formation et/ou de coaching ont été identifiés par bon nombre de familles d’accueil. Il ressort également de cette étude que les familles d’accueil ont majoritairement des échanges positifs avec l’intervenant. Quant à la communication avec les parents d’origine, une panoplie d’expériences autant positive que négative a été rapportée par les familles d’accueil. L’analyse du discours des participants a mis en lumière des défis associés à l’exercice de la parentalité d’accueil dans le contexte des visites supervisées. Elle a également soulevé des enjeux reliés à la reconnaissance des familles d’accueil comme partenaire dans la prestation de services à l’enfant. En terminant, cette recherche offre des pistes de réflexion intéressantes concernant la parentalité d’accueil et les pratiques en matière de visites supervisées. / The main objective of this research is to understand how foster parenting is exercised in the context of supervised visitation. From the foster families' point of view, this study aims to describe their understanding of supervised visits; their involvement in their planning; the support they provide to the child; the communication they have with various parties involved in supervised visits. To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted with fourteen foster parents affiliated with the youth program division from the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal. The interviews were subject to a continuous thematization. The theoretical and conceptual ecosystemic model of parenting was used to describe the various dimensions of foster parenting. The results of this research show that foster families have a good understanding of supervised visits in terms of their objectives and the reasons for their implementation. The foster families’ involvement in the planning of supervised visits varies. Some are involved in decision-making. While others have choices imposed on them by caseworkers. As for the accompaniment of children, a need for training and/or coaching was identified by a good number of foster families. This study also shows that the majority of foster families have positive exchanges with caseworkers. As for communication with the child’s biological parents, a variety of experiences were reported by the foster families. The participants' discourse analysis highlighted the challenges of foster parenting in the context of supervised visits. It also raised issues related to the recognition of foster families as partners in the delivery of services to children. In conclusion, this research offers interesting avenues for reflection regarding foster parenting and practices for supervised visits.

Spread Out! A podcast about the pandemic, the national parks and people's place in nature.

Spehar, Morgan 11 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Resonemang kring våld : En diskursanalys av vårdnadstvister i tingsrätten / Reasoning About Violence : A Discourse Analysis of Custody Disputes in the District Court

Påve, Ina, Ubilla Falzon, Adeline January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of how district courts reason in cases where visitation is granted between children and a parent accused of violence either towards the child or the other parent. Our research question revolves around how the district court reasons regarding information about violence and to what extent the children’s opinions is taken into account in the decisions. We have examined 11 cases from 2022, collected from district courts in Skåne and Blekinge, Sweden. Discourse analysis has been employed as a suitable method to study the construction of meaning through language in the court decisions. The results show that the district court tends to focus on the parents’ difficulties in cooperation or conflicts rather than on the reports of violence within the family. In several of the judgments, violence has been reformulated through language use, where violence is described, for example, as a conflict. This results in the minimization or invisibility of the violence. The significance and severity of the violence are also diminished as the district court questions the credibility of the reports of violence. When granting visitation between a child and a potentially violent parent, the risk of violence has been minimized, and instead, the child’s need for close and good contact with both parents has been given significant weight in these decisions. The children’s opinions have been briefly described and weighed very little in the district court’s assessment in all of the judgments. When the child’s opinions have been taken into account, the district court has reasoned about how children are influenced by the parents. Often, the oldest child’s opinions have represented the views of the siblings as well.

Umgänge till varje pris?

Strihed, Matilda, Woldmar, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utifrån ett omsorgs- och delaktighetsperspektiv analysera bedömningen av barnets bästa i umgängesfrågor, i de fall där en förälder utövat våld mot den andra föräldern. För att besvara vårt syfte har vi använt oss av tre frågeställningar; Vad innebär barnets bästa för de yrkesverksamma som kommer i kontakt med barn som bevittnat våld? Vad innebär bevittnat våld för de yrkesverksamma och hur beaktas detta av de som arbetar med barnen? Hur mycket inflytande anser de yrkesverksamma att barnet ska ges vid processer som rör dem? För att samla in material utfördes sju intervjuer med yrkesverksamma som genom sitt arbete träffar barn som bevittnat våld, samt är mer eller mindre i direkt kontakt med beslut gällande umgänge mellan barn och en våldsutövande förälder. Materialet har sedan analyserats utifrån rådande lagstiftning, tidigare forskning, samt barndomssociologin och delaktighetsstegen. Vi kom i vår studie fram till att de yrkesverksamma fann att barnets bästa var att ha kontakt med båda sina föräldrar. De hade en vid uppfattning om vad begreppet bevittnat våld innefattade, dock togs detta inte till stor hänsyn i det praktiska arbetet. Från vårt resultat gick att urskilja att det är olika faktorer som spelar in i hur mycket ett barn delaktiggörs. / The purpose of the study was that from a caring and participation perspective to analyze the assessment of the best interests of the child regarding visitation matters, in cases where a parent used violence against the other parent. The purpose is broken down into three main questions; What does the best interests of the child mean to the professionals who gets in contact with children who have witnessed violence? What does witnessing violence mean to the professionals and how is this taken into account by those who work with children? How much influence considers the professionals that the child should be given in the processes that affect them? In order to answer our purpose we performed seven interviews with professionals who, through their work meet children who have witnessed violence, and are more or less in direct contact with the decision regarding visitation between children and a violent parent. The material was then analyzed based on current laws, earlier research, as well as childhood sociology and ladder of participation.Our result showed that the professionals found that the child’s best interest was to have contact with both parents. They had a broad idea of what the concept witnessed violence included, but this were not considered in the practical work. Our results also showed that there are different factors that play into how much the child was involved.

Pollen on Stigmas as Proxies of Pollinator Competition and Facilitation: Complexities, Caveats and Future Directions

Ashman, Tia Lynn, Alonso, Conchita, Parra-Tabla, Victor, Arceo-Gómez, Gerardo 01 June 2020 (has links)
Background: Pollen transfer via animals is necessary for reproduction by ~80 % of flowering plants, and most of these plants live in multispecies communities where they can share pollinators. While diffuse plant-pollinator interactions are increasingly recognized as the rule rather than the exception, their fitness consequences cannot be deduced from flower visitation alone, so other proxies, functionally closer to seed production and amenable for use in a broad variety of diverse communities, are necessary. Scope: We conceptually summarize how the study of pollen on stigmas of spent flowers can reflect key drivers and functional aspects of the plant-pollinator interaction (e.g. competition, facilitation or commensalism). We critically evaluate how variable visitation rates and other factors (pollinator pool and floral avoidance) can give rise to different relationships between heterospecific pollen and (1) conspecific pollen on the stigma and (2) conspecific tubes/grain in the style, revealing the complexity of potential interpretations. We advise on best practices for using these proxies, noting the assumptions and caveats involved in their use, and explicate what additional data are required to verify interpretation of given patterns. Conclusions: We conclude that characterizing pollen on stigmas of spent flowers provides an attainable indirect measure of pollination interactions, but given the complex processes of pollen transfer that generate patterns of conspecific-heterospecific pollen on stigmas these cannot alone determine whether competition or facilitation are the underlying drivers. Thus, functional tests are also needed to validate these hypotheses.

Parental Attachment Style: The Impact on Parental Visitation Patterns

Davis, Linda M. 12 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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