Spelling suggestions: "subject:"citamin a"" "subject:"bitamin a""
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Some effects of vitamin A on the characteristics of oviduct fluids of the ewe.Kalra, Dina Bandhu January 1972 (has links)
No description available.
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The Vitamin C content of fresh, dehydrated, and stored cabbage and potatoes as measured both chemically and biologically.Gass, Marcia Jean. January 1949 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Vitamin E Supplementation in Late Gestation Cattle and Evaluation of Vitamin E, Cholesterol, and Phospholipid Relationships in Bovine Serum and Serum LipoproteinsBass, Roger Thompson II 24 July 1999 (has links)
The effects of vitamin E supplementation during late gestation were evaluated in dairy or beef cattle in three experiments. Dairy cows were injected with vitamin E and selenium (Se) in one study; beef cows were offered oral vitamin E supplementation via a free-choice vitamin-mineral mix in two studies. Breed-related effects were also evaluated. Jerseys had higher blood Se and lower serum vitamin E concentrations than Holsteins at dry-off and higher blood Se concentrations than Holsteins 3-4 weeks pre-calving and at calving. Selenium supplementation increased blood Se concentrations at calving. Treatment did not affect serum vitamin E concentrations at calving or post-calving, nor blood Se concentrations post-calving. Beef cattle consuming supplemental vitamin E (treatment) had greater responses to treatment when calving in late winter than when calving in late summer. Treated multiparous cows calving in winter had increased serum and colostral vitamin E concentrations but treatment did not affect colostral or serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations of their calves. Calves from treated, multiparous cows calving in winter had increased 205-day adjusted weaning weights (AWWs). Treatment did not affect colostral vitamin E or IgG concentrations of nulliparous heifers calving in winter, nor serum vitamin E or IgG concentrations, or AWWs of their calves. Six hundred IU supplemental vitamin E/head/day did not affect serum vitamin E concentrations of dams, colostral vitamin E or IgG concentrations, serum vitamin E or IgG concentrations, or growth of calves in the summer-calving herd. Breed-related differences in vitamin E concentrations and AWW occurred in both herds. Consumption of 600-1000 IU vitamin E/cow/day (treatment) during late gestation via a free-choice vitamin-mineral mix increased vitamin E concentrations in serum and the lipoprotein fraction containing no apolipoprotein B (non-ApoB) from 1-2 weeks pre-calving to calving. Treatment group calves had higher vitamin E concentrations in serum and non-ApoB than control group calves. Treatment did not affect cholesterol or phospholipid concentrations in serum or the lipoprotein fractions of either cows or calves. Treatment increased vitamin E cholesterol (VEC) and vitamin E phospholipid (VEPL) ratios in the serum and non-ApoB of cows and calves. Various breed-related differences also occurred. / Ph. D.
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Određivanje vitamina B1, B2 i B3 primenom hronopotenciometrije i hronopotenciometrijske striping analize / Determination of vitamin B1, B2 and B3 by means of chronopotentiometry and chronopotentiometric stripping analysisBrezo-Borjan Tanja 14 October 2019 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove doktorske disertacije razvijene su elektroanalitičke metode za određivanje pojedinih vitamina B grupe. Za određivanje vitamina B<sub>1</sub> i B<sub>3</sub> primenjena je adsorpciona hronopotenciometrijska striping analiza (AdHSA) na tankoslojnoj živinoj elektrodi kao radnoj elektrodi, dok je za određivanje vitamina B2 primenjena hronopotenciometrijska analiza (HA) na dvema geometrijski različitim elektrodama od staklastog ugljenika: planarnoj disk elektrodi i elektrodi u vidu procesne posude. U cilju optimizacije metoda ispitan je uticaj najznačajnijih eksperimentalnih faktora. Optimalni eksperimentalni uslovi za određivanje vitamina B<sub>1</sub> su podrazumevali primenu 0,2 mol/l citratnog pufera vrednosti pH 6 kao pomoćnog elektrolita, potencijala i vremena akumulacije od -1,313 V i 50 s, redom, i struje rastvaranja depozita od 1,9 – 6,1 μA. Odgovarajući eksperimentalni faktori za određivanje vitamina B<sub>2</sub> su bili: 0,025 mol/l HCl kao pomoćni elektrolit, inicijalni potencijal od 0,023 V i struja redukcije od 0,8 – 4,2 μA, dok su optimalni radni uslovi za određivanje vitamina B<sub>3</sub> obuhvatali primenu 0,05 mol/l citratnog pufera pH 6, potencijala akumulacije od -1,405 V pri vremenu akumulacije od 15 s, i struji rastvaranja u intervalu od 1,4 – 15,1 μA. U slučaju određivanja vitamina B<sub>2</sub> primenom radne elektrode u vidu procesne posude ispitan je i uticaj aktivne površine radne elektrode na analitički signal vitamina B<sub>2</sub>. Optimalna vrednost aktivne površine radne elektrode iznosila je 13,4 cm<sup>2</sup>. Pod optimalnim eksperimentalnim uslovima, dolazilo je do elektrooksidacije molekula vitamina B<sub>1</sub> i B<sub>3</sub> na tankoslojnoj živinoj elektrodi u analitičkom koraku, dok se vitamin B<sub>2</sub> redukovao na elektrodama od staklastog ugljenika. U okviru validacije metoda definisani su opsezi linearnosti, određene su vrednosti granice detekcije i granice kvantitativnog određivanja, ocenjena je preciznost i ispitane su interferencije. Uz odgovarajuće uslove rada, dobijena je dobra linearnost analitičkog signala od sadržaja za sva tri ispitivana vitamina. Ostvarene su granice detekcije od 1,64 mg/l za vitamin B<sub>1</sub>, 0,076 mg/l za vitamin B<sub>2</sub> uz primenu planarne disk elektrode i 0,018 mg/l (vitamin B<sub>2</sub>) uz primenu procesne posude od staklastog ugljenika kao radne elektrode. Ostvarena granica detekcije za vitamin B<sub>3</sub> je iznosila 2,20 mg/l. Nakon optimizacije i validacije, razvijene metode HA i AdHSA primenjene su za određivanje vitamina B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub> i B<sub>3</sub> u komercijalnim multivitaminskim dodacima ishrani i multivitaminskim instant napicima. Tačnost razvijenih metoda je potvrđena paralelnim analizama izvedenim primenom visokopritisne tečne hromatografije.</p> / <p>Within the scope of this doctoral dissertation, electroanalytical methods for the determination of several vitamins of the B-complex are developed. For the determination of vitamin B1 and B3 adsorptive chronopotentiometric stripping analysis was applied, with mercury film electrode as the working electrode. For vitamin B2 determination, the chronopotentiometric analysis was performed on two geometrically different glassy carbon working electrodes: the planar disc electrode and the process vessel electrode. The most important experimental parameters of the analysis were investigated and optimized. For vitamin B<sub>1</sub> determination, the optimized experimental conditions were: 0,2 mol/l citrate buffer pH 6 as the supporting electrolyte, accumulation potential of -1,313 V, accumulation time of 15 s and the oxidation current between 1,9 μA and 6,1 μA. The appropriate experimental factors for vitamin B<sub>2</sub> determination included 0,025 mol/l HCl solution (supporting electrolyte), initial potential of 0,023 V and reduction current in the range from 0,8 – 4,2 μA, whereas the optimal working parameters for vitamin B3 determination were as follows:0,05 mol/l citrate buffer pH 6, accumulation potential of -1,405 V, accumulation time of 15 s and dissolution current from 1.4 – 15.1 μA. When the process vessel was used as the working electrode, the optimal volume of the analyzed solution i.e. the active surface area of the electrode was optimized. The optimal value of the active surface area was 13,4 cm2. As well, under the optimal experimental conditions, vitamin B<sub>1</sub> and vitamin B3 underwent electrooxidation process in the analytical step, whereas vitamin B<sub>2</sub> was electrochemically reduced on glassy carbon electrodes. A validation procedure of the optimized methods was performed by evaluation of the following parameters: linearity, the limit of detection (LOD), the limit of quantitation (LOQ), precision, selectivity, and accuracy. Under optimal working conditions, the linearity of the proposed methods was very good. The achieved limits of detection were 1.64 mg/l for vitamin B<sub>1</sub>, 0,076 mg/l for vitamin B<sub>2</sub> (planar disc electrode) and 0,018 mg/l (process vessel electrode) and 2,2 mg/l for vitamin B<sub>3</sub>.<br />After optimization and validation procedures, the developed methods were applied for vitamin B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub>, and vitamin B<sub>3</sub> determination in commercially available multivitamin supplements and instant multivitamin beverages. The accuracy of the proposed methods was tested by parallel HPLC analyses of the same samples.</p>
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Effect of controlled vitamin B-6 intake and pyridoxine supplementation on B-6 status of smokersSindihebura-Ruhumba, Pascaline 05 May 1999 (has links)
Previous studies have found that smoking may have a negative effect on
vitamin B-6 indices and have demonstrated a possible association between smoking
and depressed plasma pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP) concentration. Individuals with
plasma PLP values below the adequate level of 30 nmoles/L might benefit from
consumption of vitamin B-6 supplements, but no data are available on vitamin B-6
status in smokers consuming a controlled vitamin B-6 intake and receiving a vitamin
B-6 supplement. The objectives of this research were to assess vitamin B-6 status in
smokers as compared to non-smokers receiving a controlled diet and to evaluate the
effect of an oral vitamin B-6 supplementation in these subjects.
The vitamin B-6 (B-6) status of 5 (four males / one female) smokers (S) and 4
(three males / one female) non-smokers (NS) was assessed. A constant diet was fed
for 20 days and provided 1.95 mg of B-6 or 1.65 mg of B-6 for males and females,
respectively. For the last 10 days, an additional 2-mg of pyridoxine (PN) was given
daily. Blood samples were collected on days 1.7, 11.14 and 21; and 24 hour urine samples were collected daily. Urinary 4-pyridoxic acid (4-PA) and total B-6 (UB6)
excretion, plasma B-6 vitamers (PLP, PN, pyridoxal and 4-PA) and red blood cell
PLP (RBC PLP) concentrations, as well as plasma alkaline phosphatase activity
(APA) were determined. Mean plasma PLP, 4-PA, and RBC PLP concentrations
were significantly lower (P [less than or equal to] 0.05) at all time points in S compared to NS. With a
daily supplement of 2-mg vitamin B-6, the mean plasma PLP concentration of S
increased 85.8% but was 48.5% lower than that of NS consuming 1.65-1.95 mg/d of
B-6. Mean plasma pyridoxal concentrations were not different between S and NS
before and after supplementation. Excretion of 4-PA was not significantly different
between S and NS, but the mean values of 4-PA excretion were consistently greater
in NS compared to that of S throughout the 20-day study. The percent of ingested B-6 excreted as 4-PA for the S and NS was 38 and 49 in the non-supplemented period,
and 47 and 53 in the supplemented period, respectively, indicating that non-smokers
excreted more 4-PA than smokers. However, the difference in 4-PA excretion
between S and NS was not significantly different both before and after
supplementation (P>0.05). In addition, there was no significant difference between S
and NS for plasma PN concentration, AP, and UB6 excretion for both periods.
Results suggested an adverse effect of smoking on B-6 metabolism, thus an increased
requirement of vitamin B-6 in smokers. A 2-mg PN supplement was sufficient to
bring the concentration of plasma PLP in smokers to the level suggested as adequate,
but it didn't bring it to the level of non-smokers. / Graduation date: 1999
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The isolation and quantitation of 1α,24R,25-trihydroxyvitamin D from plasmaSainten, Adrienne Charlene, Sainten, Adrienne Charlene January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Clinical Practice Recommendations for Screening Patients with Type-2 Diabetes for Vitamin D Deficiency: An Integrative Literature ReviewGeier, Stephanie Eileen, Geier, Stephanie Eileen January 2016 (has links)
Type-2 diabetes is a nationally growing health concern. Previous literature has implicated that vitamin D deficiency and type-2 diabetes are interconnected. At this time there are no guidelines in place to guide the evaluation or treatment of vitamin D deficiency in type-2 diabetic patients. In order to create up to date guidelines for the treatment and evaluation of vitamin D deficiency in type-2 diabetic patients an integrative literature review was conducted using EMBASE, PubMed, and CINAHL. The literature review resulted in 44 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The literature review resulted in the creation of five clinical recommendations. The most significant change to current clinical standards includes screening all type-2 diabetic patients for vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D supplementation is not recommended for use in treating type-2 diabetes, diabetic complications, or preventing the progression from prediabetes to diabetes. However, type-2 diabetic patients with vitamin D deficiency should be treated with vitamin D supplementation to improve indirect health outcomes and prevent morbidity and mortality.
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Sorghum pericarp pigments are associated with the contents of carotenoids and provitamin AShen, Yanting January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science Institute - Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health / Weiqun Wang / Sorghum is a staple crop consumed in certain regions of Africa and Asia, where vitamin A deficiency is prevalent. However, the correlation of sorghum intake and vitamin A deficiency is inconsistent. The objective of this study was to identify and quantify the carotenoids and pro-vitamin A in the selected sorghum accessions with various pericarp pigments by using LC-MS. Among of total five carotenoids (α-carotene, β-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and β-cryptoxanthin) that were identified and quantitated, three (α-carotene, β-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin) are precursors of vitamin A. The highest content of total carotenoids was detected in the sorghum accessions with yellow pericarp (PI656096, PI585374, PI563448, PI585351), while the highest β-carotene content was found in the accessions with brown or yellow pericarp (PI655996, PI656096, PI585374, PI563448, PI585351). The lowest carotenoids were found in the accessions with white pericarp (PI533943, PI656112, PI565121, PI560493). The pro-vitamin A was 584.9 ± 38.9 ng/g DW in yellow pericarp, 250.6 ± 28.9 ng/g DW in brown pericarp, and 89.0 ± 12.3 ng/g DW in white pericarp, respectively. It appeared the phenotypic diversity of sorghum pericarp colors was strongly associated with the contents of carotenoids and pro-vitamin A, indicating a different impact of various sorghum varieties on vitamin A deficiency and suggesting a possible prevention of vitamin A deficiency by breeding certain sorghum varieties with pericarp pigments.
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Die Möller-Barlow-Erkrankung - ein einheitliches Krankheitsbild oder eine verkannte Form der Kindesmisshandlung? / Möller-Barlow disease - an unified clinical picture or a misjudged kind of child abuse?Geers, Nina January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Obwohl die Geschichte der Kindheit seit Jahrhunderten auch mit Kindesbestrafung, Kindesmisshandlung und sogar Kindstötung verbunden ist, definierten erst Ende der 40er Jahre zunächst J. Caffey und F. N. Silverman, in den 60er Jahren jedoch vor allem H. Kempe und R. E. Helfer das Krankheitsbild des „battered child“ mit den Trias: • radiologisch nachweisbare subperiostale Blutungen mit Verkalkungen, Frakturen und traumatischen Gelenkabsprengungen • Subduralergüssen und • Retinablutungen. Diese Symptome mögen in ihrer Gesamtheit zwar spezifisch für eine traumatische Einwirkung sein, doch ist eine detaillierte, insbesondere radiologische Diagnostik zum Ausschluss anderer Leiden von großer Wichtigkeit. Eine medizinhistorische Aufarbeitung der ersten pädiatrischen Röntgenbilder zwischen 1895 und 1910 zeigt, dass ein damals häufig diagnostiziertes Krankheitsbild die Möller-Barlow Krankheit war, die erstmal von J. Möller im Jahre 1859 beschrieben wurde. Schon damals galt sie überwiegend als Vitamin-C-Mangelerkrankung des Säuglings und Kleinkindes, die sich klinisch vor allem in Form einer hochgradigen Berührungsempfindlichkeit sowie Extremitätenschwellungen äußerte. Dies konnten C. Hart und O. Lessing durch Tierexperimente bestätigten. Dank ihrer, sowie auch J. Schoedels, C. Nauwercks und C. Schmorls vielzähliger makro- und mikroskopischer Studien konnten die charakteristischen Befunde • verkalkte subperiostale Blutungen • metaphysäre Trümmerfeldzonen • zentrale Osteoporose und • Verbreiterung und Auftreibung der Knorpel-Knochen-Grenzen erhoben werden. Schon damals wiesen jedoch bedeutende Kinderärzte wie O. Heubner darauf hin, dass die wirkliche Pathophysiologie erst unzureichend geklärt sei. Seit 1915 wurden kaum weitere Original-Kasuistiken publiziert und heute wird das Krankheitsbild nur noch in Einzelfällen beobachtet. Eine Bewertung der vor 1910 angefertigten Röntgenbilder von Kindern, bei denen M.-B. Krankheit diagnostiziert wurde, lässt keinen einheitlichen Befund erheben und zumindest ein Teil der pathologischen Auffälligkeiten könnte aus heutiger Sicht durchaus als Folge traumatischer Einwirkungen im Sinne eines Schütteltraumas mit subperiostalen Blutungen interpretiert werden. Die Tierexperimente weisen aber auch darauf hin, dass ein exzessiver Vitamin-C-Mangel subperiostale Hämorrhagien entstehen lassen. Des Weiteren lassen die bei der M.-B. Krankheit beschriebenen Röntgenveränderungen auch eine Vielzahl von Differentialdiagnosen zu, wie z. B. die Rachitis, das Menkes-Syndrom, die Lues connata, die Osteogenesis imperfecta, die akute Leukämie und vor allem die Kindesmisshandlung. Resümierend sollte die Erstbeschreibung radiologischer Veränderungen des typischen Schütteltraumas im Säuglings- und Kleinkindesalter um mindestens 50 Jahre vorverlegt und die M.-B. Krankheit vor allem als medizinhistorisches Phänomen differenter Ursache angesehen werden. Radiologische Veränderungen in Form subperiostaler Blutungen, Verkalkungen und einer gestörten Ossifikation sind in erster Linie als Folgen eines Schütteltraumas anzusehen, doch sollte bei der Differentialdiagnostik auch an Ernährungsstörungen mit Vitamin-C-Mangel gedacht werden. / Although the history of childhood is associated with child abuse, punishment and even killing of children, first J. Caffey and F. N. Silverman in the forties and H. Kempe and R. E. Helfer in the sixties defined the battered child syndrome with the trias: • subperiostal haemorrhage with calcification, fractures and articular divulsion • subdural extravasation and • retinal bleeding. A medical-historical evaluation of the first paediatric roentgenographies between 1895 and 1910 shows an often diagnoses clinical picture: the Möller-Barlow disease, which seemed to be a vitamin c deficiency disease in infants. Typical findings were calcified subperiostal haemorrhage, metaphyseal comminuted zone and widening of the chondro-osseous zone. The radiographic findings from children who suffered from Möller-Barlow disease could be also due to child abuse or other differential diagnosis such as rickets, Menkes-syndrome, Lues connata, osteogenesis imperfecta or acute leukaemia. To sum up, the first description of radiographic alterations in abused infants should brought forward for at least 50 years and the Möller-Barlow disease could be seen as a medical-historical phenomenon.
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Gas chromatography-mass fragmentographic analysis of serum 1[alpha], 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.January 1991 (has links)
by Priscilla Miu-kuen Poon. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. / Includes bibliographical references. / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.1 / ABSTRACT --- p.2 / CONTENTS / Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.4 / Chapter 1.1 --- Discovery of vitamin D / Chapter 1.2 --- Bioavailability of vitamin D and its metabolites / Chapter 1.3 --- Metabolism of vitamin D and its metabolites / Chapter 1.4 --- Mode of action of vitamin D / Chapter 1.5 --- Vitamin D-related diseases / Chapter 2. --- METHODS OF MEASURING VITAMIN D AND ITS METABOLITES --- p.32 / Chapter 2.1 --- Deproteinization / Chapter 2.2 --- Extraction / Chapter 2.3 --- Separation / Chapter 2.4 --- Quantitation / Chapter 3. --- OBJECTIVES --- p.51 / Chapter 4. --- MATERIALS & METHODS --- p.52 / Chapter 4.1 --- Materials / Chapter 4.2 --- General methods / Chapter 4.3 --- Blood collection / Chapter 4.4 --- Radioreceptor assay / Chapter 4.5 --- Serum treatment / Chapter 4.6 --- High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) / Chapter 4.7 --- Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) / Chapter 4.8 --- "Serum 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 analysis" / Chapter 4.9 --- Application of the established GC-MS method / Chapter 4.10 --- Study on hypercalcaemia of tuberculosis / Chapter 5. --- RESULTS --- p.66 / Chapter 5.1 --- Analysis of vitamin D3 standard / Chapter 5.2 --- "Analysis of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 standard" / Chapter 5.3 --- Separation of vitamin D3 metabolites / Chapter 5.4 --- "Analysis of lα,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in serum samples" / Chapter 5.5 --- Study on hypercalcaemia of tuberculosis / Chapter 6. --- DISCUSSIONS --- p.118 / Chapter 6.1 --- Derivatization / Chapter 6.2 --- Optimization of GC-MS parameters / Chapter 6.3 --- Sample pre-treatment / Chapter 6.4 --- "GC-MS analysis of serum lα,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3" / Chapter 6.5 --- Study on hypercalcaemia of tuberculosis / Chapter 7. --- CONCLUSION --- p.129 / LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS --- p.131 / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.134 / LIST OF TABLES --- p.137 / REFERENCES --- p.139
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