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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude expérimentale du comportement instable d'un sable silteux : application aux digues de protection. / Experimental study of the unstable behavior of silty sand : application to protection dikes.

Nguyen, Kien Trung 10 April 2014 (has links)
Les matériaux constitutifs des digues sont souvent des sables silteux dont le comportement mécanique peut manifester une « instabilité » à des états de contraintes situés bien avant la limite de plasticité de Mohr-Coulomb. Ce mécanisme de rupture pourrait expliquer plusieurs brèches dont l'occurrence n'a pas été attribuée aux mécanismes classiques de rupture de digues telle que l'érosion interne. L'objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre, au regard de ce phénomène d'instabilité, le comportement mécanique d'un sable silteux provenant de la zone adjacente à une brèche de digue du Rhône lors de la crue de 2003, à l'aide d'essais triaxiaux.Les résultats sur le sable propre montrent que le matériau étudié est très sensible au phénomène d'instabilité. Ce dernier peut être prédit par une courbe d'instabilité reliant, au déclenchement de l'instabilité, le rapport des contraintes au paramètre d'état. L'analyse de ces résultats suggère qu'une forte contractance du matériau est la condition nécessaire pour que l'instabilité du sable lâche ait lieu et qu'une direction appropriée du vecteur d'incrément de contraintes est la condition suffisante.Les résultats sur les mélanges constitués du sable avec des fines montrent qu'un départ de fines, causé par exemple une érosion de type suffusion, favorise l'occurrence de l'instabilité dans les digues. Par ailleurs, ces résultats révèlent que l'indice des vides équivalent est un paramètre pertinent dans l'analyse du comportement du sable silteux. Le calcul de l'indice des vides équivalent nécessite la détermination du paramètre b pour lequel une nouvelle formule a été proposée. / The constitutive materials of dikes are often silty sands whose mechanical behavior can become unstable at stress states located well under the Mohr-Coulomb plasticity limit criterion. This failure mechanism could explain several dike breaches whose occurrence has not been assigned to conventional mechanisms of dike failure such as internal erosion. The objective of this thesis is to better understand, with respect to the instability phenomenon, the mechanical behavior of a silty sand which is collected in the area adjacent of a breach of the Rhone embankment dike during the flood of 2003, by means of triaxial tests.The test results obtained on clean sand show that this material is very sensitive to the instability phenomenon. The occurrence of the latter can be predicted by an instability curve relating, at the onset of instability, the stress ratio to the state parameter. The analysis of these results suggests that a strong contractiveness of the material is the necessary condition for instability of loose sand and an appropriate direction of stress increment vector is the sufficient condition.The test results obtained on mixtures of sand with fines show that a removal of fine particles caused by an erosion, such as suffusion for example, favors the occurrence of instability in the dikes. Moreover, these results indicate that the equivalent void ratio is a relevant parameter in analyzing the behavior of silty sand. The calculation of the equivalent void ratio requires the determination of the parameter b for which a new formula has been proposed.

Análise numérica de uma tubulação enterrada submetida a carregamentos móveis / Numerical analysis of a buried pipe under live loads

Angelo, Rafaela Machado de 15 February 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento de tubos metálicos enterrados, submetidos ao carregamento móvel de um veículo. Foram realizadas análises numéricas utilizando o método de elementos finitos para o cálculo da tensão vertical no solo, momento fletor, tensão normal e deformação diametral vertical do tubo. Foram analisados 630 modelos, obtidos da variação das características do solo (módulo de elasticidade) com o objetivo de representar diferentes níveis de compactação do solo, características do tubo (espessura da parede do tubo) e da altura da camada de recobrimento do solo. O programa utilizado nas análises numéricas foi o SIGMA/W do pacote Geostudio. Os resultados encontrados apontam que as maiores tensões no solo, momentos, tensões normais e deformações no tubo ocorrem devido ao carregamento móvel quando este se localiza exatamente acima do tubo. Observou-se que o aumento da espessura da camada de solo que recobre a tubulação causa uma diminuição de 15% a 55% das tensões verticais no solo, momentos fletores, tensões normais e deformações no tubo. Foram desenvolvidas equações para o cálculo das deformações para os casos estudados. Foi também desenvolvido um procedimento para a moldagem de corpos de prova de areia no estado fofo (índice de vazios máximo) para realização de ensaios triaxiais. / This paper presents a study on the behavior of buried metal pipes, subjected to the vehicle live load. Numerical analysis using the finite element method to calculate the vertical stress were made on the ground, bending moment, normal stress and diametral vertical pipe deformation. 630 models were analyzed, obtained from the variation of the soil characteristics (modulus) in order to represent different levels of soil compaction, the pipe characteristics (thickness of the pipe wall) and the height of the soil cover layer. The program used in numerical analysis was the SIGMA/W Geostudio package. The results show that the highest stresses on the ground moments, normal stresses and strains in the tube occur due to live loading when it is located just above the tube. It was observed that increasing the thickness of the layer of soil covering the pipe causes a decrease from 15% to 55% of the vertical tensions in the ground, bending moments, normal stress and strain on the pipe. Equations were developed to calculate the deformations in the cases studied. It has also developed a procedure for molding sand specimens into the soft state (maximum void ratio) to perform triaxial tests.

Estudo da influencia de diferentes composições de agregados na obtenção e caracterização do concreto autoadensável / Study of influence of different compositions of aggregates in obtaining and characterization of self compact concrete

Monteiro, Roberto dos Santos 28 May 2015 (has links)
In the face of technological advances in concrete science emerged so-called special concretes and, among these, the self-compacting concrete (SCC), developed in Japan in the 1980s. This concrete is currently considered one of the greatest advances in concrete technology in view of its numerous advantages (decrease of construction duration, decrease of concreting labor, improvement of the working environment, improvement of the quality and durability of structures etc.). The production of SCC requires different mix design methods related to those applied for conventional concrete. Among these differences are highlighted the determination of the aggregate compositions and the addition of fine materials and chemical admixtures. In the case of determining the aggregate composition, the method of unit mass has been applied in SCC. However, it is common the use of this method in binary combinations, but for ternary and quaternary combinations it is quite limited. Thus, this work aimed to analyze the influence of different combinations and compositions of aggregates, determined by the method of unit mass and void ratio, to obtaining and characterization of SCC. For this, initially the procedures of the method was standardized. It was used two types of natural fine and coarse aggregates with different physical characteristics. It was produced 9 different aggregate compositions, four binary, ternary and quaternary four. For each composition, one SCC was formulated, based on previous dosage studies. The selfcompactability properties of the concrete were analyzed by spreading, V funnel test and L box test. In case hardened state the compressive strength was determined. The results showed that different methods of execution procedures showed no differences. The method of unit mass proved to be efficient in determining aggregate compositions to supply the SCC. For the same volume and paste composition (cement, water, chemical and mineral admixtures) the quaternary composition was the most efficient in meeting the properties of selfcompactability and compressive strength. / Diante dos avanços tecnológicos na ciência do concreto surgiram os chamados concretos especiais e, dentre estes, pode-se citar o concreto autoadensável (CAA), desenvolvido no Japão, na década de 1980. Este concreto é atualmente considerado um dos maiores avanços na tecnologia do concreto tendo em vista as suas inúmeras vantagens (diminuição do tempo da obra, diminuição da mão de obra de concretagem, melhora o ambiente de trabalho, melhora a qualidade e durabilidade da estrutura e etc.). A obtenção do CAA requer métodos de dosagens diferentes dos aplicados em concretos convencionais. Dentre essas diferenças se destacam a determinação das composições de agregados e a adição de materiais finos e aditivos químicos. Em se tratando da determinação da composição de agregados o método da massa unitária vem sendo aplicado em CAA. Entretanto é comum sua utilização em combinações binárias, já para combinações ternárias e quaternárias é bastante limitado. Neste sentido, foram analisadas diferentes combinações e composições de agregados, determinadas pelo método da massa unitária e do índice de vazios, na obtenção e caracterização de CAA. Para isso, inicialmente procurou-se padronizar os procedimentos de execução do método. Utilizou-se dois tipos de agregados miúdos e graúdos naturais com diferentes características físicas, sendo produzidas 9 composições distintas, sendo quatro binárias, quatro ternárias e uma quaternária. Para cada composição foi formulado um CAA, tomando como base a dosagem em estudos prévios. As propriedades de autoadensabilidade do concreto foram analisadas através dos ensaios de espalhamento, funil V e caixa L. No estado endurecido a resistência à compressão foi determinada. Os resultados mostraram que os diferentes procedimentos de execução do método não apresentaram divergências. O método da massa unitária mostrou-se eficiente na determinação de composições de agregado para atendimento ao CAA. Para um mesmo volume e composição de pasta (cimento, água, aditivos e adições) a composição quaternária foi a mais eficiente no atendimento às propriedades de autoadensabilidade e resistência à compressão.

Análise numérica de uma tubulação enterrada submetida a carregamentos móveis / Numerical analysis of a buried pipe under live loads

Rafaela Machado de Angelo 15 February 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento de tubos metálicos enterrados, submetidos ao carregamento móvel de um veículo. Foram realizadas análises numéricas utilizando o método de elementos finitos para o cálculo da tensão vertical no solo, momento fletor, tensão normal e deformação diametral vertical do tubo. Foram analisados 630 modelos, obtidos da variação das características do solo (módulo de elasticidade) com o objetivo de representar diferentes níveis de compactação do solo, características do tubo (espessura da parede do tubo) e da altura da camada de recobrimento do solo. O programa utilizado nas análises numéricas foi o SIGMA/W do pacote Geostudio. Os resultados encontrados apontam que as maiores tensões no solo, momentos, tensões normais e deformações no tubo ocorrem devido ao carregamento móvel quando este se localiza exatamente acima do tubo. Observou-se que o aumento da espessura da camada de solo que recobre a tubulação causa uma diminuição de 15% a 55% das tensões verticais no solo, momentos fletores, tensões normais e deformações no tubo. Foram desenvolvidas equações para o cálculo das deformações para os casos estudados. Foi também desenvolvido um procedimento para a moldagem de corpos de prova de areia no estado fofo (índice de vazios máximo) para realização de ensaios triaxiais. / This paper presents a study on the behavior of buried metal pipes, subjected to the vehicle live load. Numerical analysis using the finite element method to calculate the vertical stress were made on the ground, bending moment, normal stress and diametral vertical pipe deformation. 630 models were analyzed, obtained from the variation of the soil characteristics (modulus) in order to represent different levels of soil compaction, the pipe characteristics (thickness of the pipe wall) and the height of the soil cover layer. The program used in numerical analysis was the SIGMA/W Geostudio package. The results show that the highest stresses on the ground moments, normal stresses and strains in the tube occur due to live loading when it is located just above the tube. It was observed that increasing the thickness of the layer of soil covering the pipe causes a decrease from 15% to 55% of the vertical tensions in the ground, bending moments, normal stress and strain on the pipe. Equations were developed to calculate the deformations in the cases studied. It has also developed a procedure for molding sand specimens into the soft state (maximum void ratio) to perform triaxial tests.

The plastic limit and workability of soils

Barnes, Graham Edward January 2013 (has links)
Previous thread rolling methods for the plastic limit are shown to be inadequate and inaccurate. Alternative methods for the plastic limit are shown to be imprecise and unreliable. The strength-based concept and use of the fall-cone test to determine the plastic limit are shown to be flawed. An apparatus that replicates Atterberg’s rolling technique, devised and developed by the author, is described, referred to as the Barnes Apparatus. A thread of soil is rolled between two plates configured to permit extrusion and reduction of diameter with much less operator interference than with the standard test and judgement of the crumbling condition is eliminated. Using a loading device nominal stresses are derived and from dial gauge readings diametral strains are determined for each rolling traverse of the soil thread. Toughness has previously only been studied in an empirical or qualitative manner. From plots of nominal stress vs. strain the workability or toughness of the plastic soil is determined as the work/unit volume. The apparatus and test are appropriate to a wide range of soils. Threads are tested over a range of water contents from near the sticky limit to the brittle state. Good correlations between toughness and water content display an abrupt ductile-brittle transition and give an accurate definition of the plastic limit. From the correlations useful properties are obtained such as the maximum toughness at the plastic limit, the toughness limit, the water content at zero toughness, the stiffness transition, the toughness coefficients, the toughness index and the workability index. An investigation into the significance of the soil thread diameter of 3 mm in the standard plastic limit test has found that as the water content of a soil reduces it undergoes a transition from fully plastic, to cracked, to brittle, largely regardless of the diameter of the thread. It is recommended that the 3 mm diameter requirement is withdrawn from the standard test procedure as unnecessary and emphasis placed on observing the behaviour of the soil thread as it is rolled by hand. A review of the relationship between the clay matrix and the granular particles in a soil has found that the linear law of mixtures and activity index are appropriate only at high clay contents. The terms granular spacing ratio and matrix porosity are introduced to explain the effect of the granular particles on the toughness and plastic limit. An analysis confirms that with small diameter soil threads large granular particles affect the results disproportionately. An aggregation ratio term is introduced to explain the change in toughness in the clay matrix as its water content reduces towards the plastic limit. To assess the effect of granular particles in a clay matrix on the toughness and plastic limit the results of tests conducted on mixtures of a high plasticity clay and silt, and sand particles of two different sizes are discussed. Smaller particle sizes are found to have a greater effect on reducing the toughness and the plastic limit of the clay. In the ceramics industry mixing different clays together to obtain suitable properties is common. The toughness and plastic limits of two pairs of mixed clays do not follow the linear law of mixtures but are dependent on the total clay content and the content of a dominant clay mineral.

Comparison of geoenvironmental properties of caustic and noncaustic oil sand fine tailings

Miller, Warren Gregory 11 1900 (has links)
A study was conducted to evaluate the properties and processes influencing the rate and magnitude of volume decrease and strength gain for oil sand fine tailings resulting from a change in bitumen extraction process (caustic versus non-caustic) and the effect of adding a coagulant to caustic fine tailings. Laboratory flume deposition tests were carried out with the objective to hydraulically deposit oil sand tailings and compare the effects of extraction processes on the nature of beach deposits in terms of geometry, particle size distribution, and density. A good correlation exists between flume deposition tests results using oil sand tailings and the various other tailings materials. These comparisons show the reliability and effectiveness of flume deposition tests in terms of establishing general relationships and can serve as a guide to predict beach slopes. Fine tailings were collected from the various flume tests and a comprehensive description of physical and chemical characteristics of the different fine tailings was carried out. The characteristics of the fine tailings is presented in terms of index properties, mineralogy, specific surface area, water chemistry, liquid limits, particle size distribution and structure. The influence of these fundamental properties on the compressibility, hydraulic conductivity and shear strength properties of the fine tailings was assessed. Fourteen two meter and one meter high standpipe tests were instrumented to monitor the rate and magnitude of self-weight consolidation of the different fine tailings materials. Consolidation tests using slurry consolidometers were carried out to determine consolidation properties, namely compressibility and hydraulic conductivity, as well as the effect of adding a coagulant (calcium sulphate [CaSO4]) to caustic fine tailings. The thixotropic strength of the fine tailings was examined by measuring shear strength over time using a vane shear apparatus. A difference in water chemistry during bitumen extraction was concluded to be the cause of substantial differences in particle size distributions and degree of dispersion of the comparable caustic and non-caustic fine tailings. The degree of dispersion was consistent with predictions for dispersed clays established by the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) values for these materials. The biggest advantage of non-caustic fine tailings and treating caustic fine tailings with coagulant is an increased initial settlement rate and slightly increased hydraulic conductivity at higher void ratios. Thereafter, compressibility and hydraulic conductivity are governed by effective stress. The chemical characteristics of fine tailings (water chemistry, degree of dispersion) do not have a significant impact on their compressibility behaviour and have only a small influence at high void ratio (low effective stress). Fine tailings from a caustic based extraction process had relatively higher shear strengths than comparable non-caustic fine tailings at equivalent void ratios. However, shear strength differences were small and the overall impact on consolidation behaviour, which also depends on compressibility and hydraulic conductivity, is not expected to be significant.

Comparison of geoenvironmental properties of caustic and noncaustic oil sand fine tailings

Miller, Warren Gregory Unknown Date
No description available.

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