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Étude des propriétés non-linéaires et de l’origine du bruit d’oscillateurs à transfert de spin à base de vortex : vers le développement de nano-dispositifs radiofréquences spintroniques / Study of the origin of noise and the nonlinear properties of vortex based spin transfer oscillators : towards the development of spintronic radio-frequency nano-devicesGrimaldi, Eva 16 June 2015 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse vise la compréhension et la maitrise des mécanismes physiques menant à l’excitation du mode gyrotropique de vortex magnétique par transfert de spin, et en particulier l’origine des sources de bruit affectant sa dynamique. Ce travail est effectué dans la perspective de parvenir à l’amélioration des propriétés radiofréquences de ces dispositifs appelés Spin Transfer Oscillator.En effet, ces oscillateurs ont l’avantage d’être de taille submicronique (quelques dizaines à quelques centaines de nm), d’être compatibles avec les technologies CMOS et d’être résistants aux radiations. De plus, les mécanismes d’aimantation mis en jeu leur assurent une forte dépendance de la fréquence avec le courant, i.e. une bonne accordabilité, ainsi qu’une réponse dynamique rapide i.e. une agilité élevée. Cependant, différentes questions restent en suspens quant à la possibilité d’améliorer leurs conditions d’oscillations, leur puissance et la cohérence de leurs oscillations.Un premier aspect de mon travail de thèse a été d’étudier l’influence des fluctuations thermiques sur la dynamique entretenue du mode gyrotropique du cœur de vortex. Un des résultats a été de montrer que le bruit de phase du mode gyrotropique résulte majoritairement de fluctuations de phase issues directement des fluctuations thermiques auxquelles s’ajoutent des fluctuations d’amplitude converties en fluctuations de phase. Grâce à un modèle analytique, nous avons pu mettre en évidence le rôle important joué par les non-linéarités des forces agissant sur le vortex. De plus, nous avons pu mesurer les paramètres caractéristiques de l’oscillateur, à savoir, la rapidité à changer sa fréquence mais aussi le facteur de couplage amplitude-phase.La seconde étape de mes travaux a consisté à améliorer les conditions d’obtention de signal rf. Un résultat majeur de ce travail a été l’obtention d’un signal rf puissant en absence de champ magnétique. Les puissances mesurées sont de quelques centaines de µW correspondant à des largeurs de raie faibles allant de quelques centaines de kHz à quelques MHz. Cette spécificité est rendue possible pour une structure complexe de l’oscillateur où la couche magnétique qui polarise en spin le courant a une aimantation perpendiculaire et est différente de la couche de référence pour la magnétorésistance.La troisième étape a été d’optimiser le rendement de l’oscillateur. Un des résultats marquants est que nous avons pu mesurer une puissance rf émise record s’élevant à 3.6 µW, encore jamais obtenue à température ambiante pour les oscillateurs à transfert de spin à base de vortex. Ces fortes puissances résultent du développement de nouvelles jonctions à base de FeB effectués par le groupe de S. Yuasa (AIST, Japon) pour lesquelles l’amélioration de la qualité de la jonction, nous a permis d’obtenir une magnétorésistance atteignant 125% .La faible taille de l’oscillateur a donc un coût qui se paye en termes de bruit de phase. Une solution qui permettrait de résoudre cette limitation et d’améliorer la cohérence des oscillations est la synchronisation mutuelle de plusieurs oscillateurs à transfert de spin au travers des courants rf émis par chacun. Ainsi, la dernière étape de ma thèse a été d’étudier le comportement du mode gyrotropique lorsqu’il est soumis à un courant alternatif. Un résultat important a été de montrer, grâce à une étude expérimentale appuyée sur un modèle analytique, le rôle crucial des non-linéarités et des symétries des forces de synchronisation du mode excité.Ces différents travaux nous ont fournis les outils pour mieux comprendre la dynamique du vortex magnétique et nous ont amené à mettre en place un banc de mesure original pour lequel l’oscillateur se synchronise sur lui-même. En fonction du retard avec lequel le signal émis par l’oscillateur est réinjecté, nous avons pu montrer pour la première fois que la fréquence, la puissance mais aussi la largeur de raie des oscillations peuvent être modulées. / The main goal of this thesis is the understanding of the physical mechanisms and the subsequent control of the properties at the origin of the spin transfer induced magnetic vortex gyrotropic motion in confined systems. In particular the origin of the noise affecting the dynamics has been investigated. This work has been performed with a view to improving the radiofrequency (rf) properties of the so-called Spin Transfer Oscillator (STO).The advantages of such oscillators are their sub-micron size (from few tens to hundreds of nanometres), their compatibility with CMOS technologies and their radiation hardness. Moreover, the magnetization dynamics involved permit a large tunability of frequency as a function of the applied current and a high agility i.e. a fast dynamical response. Nevertheless, several open questions exist regarding the possible optimization of the sustained oscillation conditions and the improvement of the STO power and spectral coherence.The first aspect of my work was to investigate the influence of thermal fluctuations over the sustained vortex core gyrotropic motion. One of the key results of my thesis was to show that the phase noise results from direct phase fluctuations from thermal fluctuations plus amplitude fluctuations converted to phase noise. With an analytical model, we were able to highlight the major role played by the non-linearities of the forces acting on the vortex core. In addition, we were able to measure the characteristic parameters of the oscillator, namely, the speed of frequency response to perturbations as well as the phase-amplitude coupling coefficient.The second important part of my work has been to improve the conditions for obtaining an rf signal. An important result of this work was the measurement of a powerful rf signal in the absence of a magnetic field. The measured powers are a few hundred milliwatts and correspond to low linewidths, ranging from a few hundred kilohertz to a few megahertz. The zero field behaviour was made possible due to the complex structure of the oscillator where the magnetic layer which polarizes the spin current has a perpendicular magnetization, in contrast to the in-plane polarized reference layer.The third step was to optimize the performance of the oscillator. One of the striking results of this thesis is that we measured a record rf output power, up to 3.6 µW, the largest obtained at room temperature for vortex based STOs so far. This high output power results from the development of new FeB based junctions made by the group of Pr. S. Yuasa (AIST, Japan), where the improvement of the quality of the junction allowed us to obtain a magnetoresistance up to 125%.The small size of the oscillator has a cost that is paid in terms of the phase noise. One possible solution that would solve this limitation and enhance the coherence of the oscillations is via mutual synchronization of several STOs through rf currents emitted by each oscillator. Thus, the last stage of my thesis was to study the behaviour of gyrotropic motion when subjected to an alternating current. An important result was to show, through an experimental study in conjunction with an analytical model, the crucial role of the non-linearities and symmetries of the synchronization forces.These various studies have provided us the tools to better understand the dynamics of magnetic vortex and led us to develop an original tester for which the oscillator synchronizes itself with its own rf signal. Depending on the delay at which the oscillator is fed back, we showed for the first time that the frequency, the power and also the linewidth of the oscillations can be modulated.
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Density Profile of a Quantized Vortex Line in Superfluid Helium-4Harper, John Howard 05 1900 (has links)
The density amplitude of an isolated quantum vortex line in superfluid 4He is calculated using a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii (G-P) equation. The generalized G-P equation for the order parameter extends the usual mean-field approach by replacing the interatomic potential in the ordinary G-P equation by a local, static T matrix, which takes correlations between the particles into account. The T matrix is a sum of ladder diagrams appearing in a diagrammatic expansion of the mean field term in an exact equation for the order parameter. It is an effective interaction which is much softer than the realistic interatomic Morse dipole-dipole potential from which it is calculated. A numerical solution of the generalized G-P equation is required since it is a nonlinear integro-differential equation with infinite limits. For the energy denominator in the T matrix equation, a free-particle spectrum and the observed phonon-roton spectrum are each used. For the fraction of particles in the zero-momentum state (Bose-Einstein dondensate) which enters the equation, both a theoretical value of 0.1 and an experimental value of 0.024 are used. The chemical potential is adjusted so that the density as a function of distance from the vortex core approaches the bulk density asymptotically. Solutions of the generalized G-P equation are not very dependent on the choice of energy denominator or condensate fraction. The density profile is a monotonically increasing function of the distance from the vortex core. The core radius, defined to be the distance to half the bulk density, varies from 3.7 A to 4.7 A, which is over three times the experimental value of 1.14 A at absolute zero.
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Přepínání spinových vortexů v magnetických nanodiscích / Switching of spin vortices in magnetic nanodiscsHladík, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the switching of spin vortices in magnetic nanodisks. First, the basic concepts of (micro)magnetism are defined and existing theoretical and experimental achievements in the field of switching of the two basic characteristics (chirality and polarity) of magnetic vortex are summarized. Then the principle of dynamic switching of magnetic vortex chirality using in-plane magnetic field pulse with a well defined amplitude and duration is presented. There is no need to use a certain shape of nanodisks or asymmetry in magnetic field distribution. Nanostructures were prepared by the multi-step electron beam lithography and ion beam sputtering. Individual steps of sample preparation and optimization for the magnetization dynamics measurements are described. Finally, the experimental measurements of the dynamic switching of chirality on prepared samples obtained by transmission x-ray microscopy at the synchrotron Advanced Light Source at Berkeley, USA are presented and discussed.
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Studium vortexových stavů v magnetostaticky svázaných magnetických nanodiscích / Spin vortex states in magnetostaticaly coupled magnetic nanodisksVaňatka, Marek January 2015 (has links)
Magnetic vortices in ferromagnetic disks are curling magnetization structures characterized by the sense of the spin circulation in the plane of the disk and by the direction of the magnetization in the vortex core. Concepts of memory devices using the magnetic vortices as multibit memory cells have been presented, which brought the high demand for their research in many physical aspects. This work investigates the magnetostatic coupling in pairs of ferromagnetic disks to clarify the influence of nearby disks or other magnetic structures to the vortex nucleation mechanism. To ensure that the vortex nucleation is influenced only by the neighbouring magnetic structures, the randomness of the nucleation process was studied in single disks prior to the work on pairs of disks. We had to ensure that the vortex nucleation is influenced only by the neighbouring magnetic structures and not by an unwanted geometrical asymmetry in the studied disk. Lithographic capabilities were inspected in order to achieve the best possible geometry. Further we present a concept of electrical readout of the spin circulation using the anisotropic magnetoresistance, which allows automated measurements to provide sufficient statistics. To explain the magnetoresistance behaviour, numerical calculations together with magnetic force microscopy measurements are presented.
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Réponse dynamique d’un nano-oscillateur spintronique à un signal rf pour le développement de nouveaux détecteurs rf ultra-miniatures / Dynamic response of a spintronic nano-oscillator to an rf signal for the development of new ultra-miniature rf detectorsMenshawy, Samh 25 March 2019 (has links)
Les nano-oscillateurs spintroniques présentent des propriétés remarquables en termes de détection radiofréquence. Leurs tailles nanométriques, leur fonctionnement à température ambiante et leurs compatibilité CMOS en font des candidats sérieux pour apporter la fonction d’analyse spectrale instantanée dans des systèmes embarqués. Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur les propriétés de détection des STNOs à base de vortex magnétiques. Un des effets conférant aux STNOs la possibilité de détecter un signal rf est l’effet diode de spin. Une source rf permet de créer le signal à détecter. Lorsque la fréquence du courant rf injecté dans le STNO correspond à sa fréquence de résonance, une tension de rectification est créée à ses bornes. La mesure de cette tension par un simple voltmètre permet alors de déterminer la présence d’un courant rf. L’étude de l’évolution de la fréquence de résonance en fonction du rayon du STNO, du courant dc et du champ magnétique a mis en avant la possibilité de choisir la fréquence de résonance et de l’accorder avec ces paramètres. Dans une perspective applicative, cette propriété est essentielle pour allouer un STNO à une fréquence spécifique à détecter. De plus, la taille nanométrique des STNOs permettent d’envisager un système composé d’un réseau de milliers, voire de millions de STNOs contenues sur une puce fonctionnant à température ambiante. Cependant plusieurs problématiques se posent. La sensibilité du STNOs à un signal rf extérieur doit permettre de déterminer l’état d’occupation d’un canal de fréquence par une simple mesure de la tension ou par un comparateur de tension. Cela nécessite une variation de tension de l’ordre de la dizaine de mV. L’effet diode de spin ne permettant pas d’atteindre de telle variation, un autre effet, mesuré pour la première fois à l’Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, appelé expulsion de vortex magnétique, est étudié. Ce phénomène a lieu quand le cœur de vortex franchit les bords du STNO lors de sa dynamique induite par transfert de spin. Grâce à cet effet, l’amplitude de la variation de tension peut atteindre jusqu’à 25 mV dans les STNOs caractérisés dans le cadre de nos travaux. De plus, ce phénomène est également accordable en fréquence. Dans une perspective applicative, un réseau de STNO doit être crée afin d’allouer un STNO à une gamme de fréquence spécifique et ainsi couvrir une large bande de fréquence. La répartition du courant rf vers tous les STNOs est donc une problématique à laquelle nous avons apporté une solution. L’excitation du cœur de vortex par un champ rf nous permet en effet d’exciter un grand nombre de STNO grâce à une ligne inductive lithographiée au-dessus des STNOs. La possibilité d’expulser le cœur de vortex, dans ces conditions, a été démontré. Nous avons alors étudié la dynamique du cœur de vortex induite par un champ rf lors de l’expulsion. Ces études temporelles et fréquentielles nous ont non seulement apporté des informations sur le temps de détection d’un signal rf par le STNO mais aussi sur son aimantation dans le régime d’expulsion. De plus, l’accord en fréquence du STNO est possible même lors de l’excitation du cœur de vortex par un champ rf. Enfin, ces études nous ont permis de mettre en place, étape après étape une preuve de concept démontrant la faisabilité de la détection rf avec des nano-oscillateurs spintronique. Les différentes études du phénomène d’expulsion du cœur de vortex alliées à un travail technique de conception et de fabrication considérable a permis de converger vers une solution qui constitue un point de départ vers le développement d’un détecteur d’occupation de spectre spintronique large bande, tenant sur une puce et fonctionnant à température ambiante. / Spintronic nano-oscillators have remarkable properties in terms of radio frequency detection. Their nanoscale sizes, room temperature operation, and CMOS compatibility make them serious candidates for providing instantaneous spectral analysis in embedded systems. This thesis concerns the detection properties of magnetic vortex-based STNOs. One of the effects conferring on STNOs the possibility of detecting a rf signal is the spin diode effect. An rf source is used to create the signal to be detected. When the rf current frequency injected into the STNO corresponds to its resonant frequency, a rectification voltage is created at its terminals. The measurement of this voltage by a simple voltmeter makes possible to determine the rf current presence. The evolution study of the resonance frequency as a function of the STNO radius, the dc current and the magnetic field has highlighted the possibility of choosing the resonant frequency and tuning it with these parameters. From an application point of view, this property is essential for allocating an STNO to a specific frequency to be detected. Furthermore, the STNO nanometric allows us to envisage a network of thousands, even millions of STNOs contained on a chip operating at ambient temperature. However, several problems arise. The STNO sensitivity to an external rf signal must allow to determine the occupancy state of a frequency channel by a simple measurement of the voltage or with a voltage comparator. This requires a voltage variation of ten mV order. The spin diode effect doesn’t allow to achieve such variation. Another effect, measured for the first time at the Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, called magnetic vortex expulsion, is studied. This phenomenon occurs when the vortex core crosses the STNO edges during its spin transfer induced dynamics. Thanks to this effect, the voltage amplitude variation can reach up to 25 mV in the STNOs characterized during this thesis. Moreover, this phenomenon can be tuned. From an application perspective, a network of STNOs must be created in order to allocate an STNO to a specific frequency range and thus cover a broad frequency band.The rf current distribution to all STNOs is therefore a problem to which we have brought a solution. The excitation of the vortex core by a rf field allows us to excite a large number of STNO thanks to an inductive line lithographed above the STNOs. The possibility of expelling the vortex core under these conditions has been demonstrated. We then studied the vortex core dynamics induced by an rf field during the expulsion. A time and frequency domain studies not only provided us detection time information of an rf signal by the STNO but also on its magnetization in the expulsion regime. Moreover, the STNO frequency tuning is possible even when the vortex core is excited by an rf field. Finally, these studies enabled us to implement step by step a proof of concept demonstrating the rf detection feasibility with spintronic nano-oscillators. The various studies of vortex core expulsion combined with a considerable technical work of design and manufacture finally allowed us to converge towards a solution that constitutes a starting point towards the development of a broadband spintronic spectrum occupancy detector, contained on a chip and operating at room temperature.
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Investigation of the Lock-in behavior of an eccentrically rotating cylinder in regard to turbomachinery application.Samarbakhsh, Sina January 2014 (has links)
Interaction of fluctuating vortex shedding with blade vibration can lead to a new class of aeromechanical instability referred as Non-synchronous vibrations. Investigating a well-known case that shows similar NSV features such as a circular cylinder can develop the understanding of physics behind NSV. A common approach to further investigating the vortex induced vibration is to control the motion of the cylinder and allowing the response of the wake to the motion to be studied in isolation. It has been found very important to carefully match the experimental conditions between free and controlled vibration. Many of research in the field of vortex induced vibration apply a rigid cylinder mounted horizontally and moving transversely to the flow stream as a paradigm for understanding the physics behind this phenomenon. Regarding the difficulties of implementation of vertically moving cylinder in experimental study, vortex dynamic and lock-in behavior of eccentrically rotating cylinder is studied in this M.Sc. Thesis. The main focus of this research is to understand to what extend a general feature of free vortex-induced vibration can be observed in the case of eccentrically rotating cylinder. If the present case captures the essential characteristics of freely oscillating cylinder the results of the forced motion via eccentrically rotating cylinder can be applied to predict the motion of an elastically mounted body. To do so a CFD model is established to predict the response, vorticity structure in near wake, timing of vortex shedding and the range of lock-in region over specific parameter space of the introduced alternative case. A commercial CFD code, Ansys/CFX, was implemented to perform this numerical study. Existences of synchronization region, striking similarity in lift force coefficient and wake mode have been observed in the current study.
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On shape derivative and free-boundary problems in vortex dynamics / 形状微分と渦力学における自由境界問題についてUda, Tomoki 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第20153号 / 理博第4238号 / 新制||理||1609(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科数学・数理解析専攻 / (主査)教授 坂上 貴之, 教授 上田 哲生, 教授 國府 寛司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Turbine Passage Vortex Response to Upstream Periodic DisturbancesScott, Mitchell Lee January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Three-Dimensional Flow Measurements Around a Mechanical Flapping WingHardester, Eric R. 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Man has always been fascinated by the flight of birds and insects. First attempts at flight involved flapping wings to mimic the birds and insects that had been observed in flight. Fixed wings proved to be a more practical approach and have been used for over 100 years for manned flight. Emphasis has been placed on flapping wing designs for micro air vehicles (MAVs) as research has shown that challenges arise in lift generation and stability in fixed wing flight as the scale decreases [1].This research explores the use of 3D, time-resolved, Synthetic Aperture PIV (SAPIV) in measuring flow velocities on the mechanical flapping wing of a MAV in tethered flight. The vortical structures on the MAV are measured using both SAPIV and 2DPIV to be able to analyze 2D and 3D velocity fields. The 3D vorticity plots and 2D slice vorticity plots show the three-dimensional nature of the Leading Edge Vortex (LEV) and Trailing Edge Vortex (TEV). 2DPIV plots and 2D slices from the 3D data show general agreement in the structure and behavior of the flow around the flapping wing. The lift and thrust generated by the MAV are measured using a force gauge. The wing tip is tracked in 2D and 3D for synchronization of the measured lift forces with the flow field measurements from the SAPIV. The positive and negative circulation are plotted against the measured lift and thrust forces. The measured lift and thrust forces from the force gauge are then compared to the calculated lift and thrust forces from the measured 3D circulation found through the SAPIV flow field measurements. A plane measured parallel to the LEV and TEV vortex cores allows the defining of a unit vector that is directed normal to the top of the wing and the LEV and TEV cores. The decomposition of the unit vector allows for the calculation of the lift and thrust generated by the circulation around the wing. The comparisons between the measured and calculated forces show good agreement in the case of the measured and calculated lift forces.
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Analytic & Numerical Study of a Vortex Motion EquationBueller, Daniel 01 January 2011 (has links)
A nonlinear second order differential equation related to vortex motion is derived. This equation is analyzed using various numerical and analytical techniques including finding approximate solutions using a perturbative approach.
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