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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wind Turbine Wake Interactions - Characterization of Unsteady Blade Forces and the Role of Wake Interactions in Power Variability Control

Saunders, Daniel Curtis 01 January 2017 (has links)
Growing concerns about the environmental impact of fossil fuel energy and improvements in both the cost and performance of wind turbine technologies has spurred a sharp expansion in wind energy generation. However, both the increasing size of wind farms and the increased contribution of wind energy to the overall electricity generation market has created new challenges. As wind farms grow in size and power density, the aerodynamic wake interactions that occur between neighboring turbines become increasingly important in characterizing the unsteady turbine loads and power output of the farm. Turbine wake interactions also impact variability of farm power generation, acting either to increase variability or decrease variability depending on the wind farm control algorithm. In this dissertation, both the unsteady vortex wake loading and the effect of wake interaction on farm power variability are investigated in order to better understand the fundamental physics that govern these processes and to better control wind farm operations to mitigate negative effects of wake interaction. The first part of the dissertation examines the effect of wake interactions between neighboring turbines on the variability in power output of a wind farm, demonstrating that turbine wake interactions can have a beneficial effect on reducing wind farm variability if the farm is properly controlled. In order to balance multiple objectives, such as maximizing farm power generation while reducing power variability, a model predictive control (MPC) technique with a novel farm power variability minimization objective function is utilized. The controller operation is influenced by a number of different time scales, including the MPC time horizon, the delay time between turbines, and the fluctuation time scales inherent in the incident wind. In the current research, a non-linear MPC technique is developed and used to investigate the effect of three time scales on wind farm operation and on variability in farm power output. The goal of the proposed controller is to explore the behavior of an "ideal" farm-level MPC controller with different wind, delay and horizon time scales and to examine the reduction of system power variability that is possible in such a controller by effective use of wake interactions. The second part of the dissertation addresses the unsteady vortex loading on a downstream turbine caused by the interaction of the turbine blades with coherent vortex structures found within the upstream turbine wake. Periodic, stochastic, and transient loads all have an impact on the lifetime of the wind turbine blades and drivetrain. Vortex cutting (or vortex chopping) is a type of stochastic load that is commonly observed when a propeller or blade passes through a vortex structure and the blade width is of the same order of magnitude as the vortex core diameter. A series of Navier-Stokes simulations of vortex cutting with and without axial flow are presented. The goal of this research is to better understand the challenging physics of vortex cutting by the blade rotor, as well as to develop a simple, physics-based, validated expression to characterize the unsteady force induced by vortex

Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Simulations of Unsteady Delta-Wing Aerodynamics

Le Moigne, Yann January 2004 (has links)
This thesis deals with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)simulations of the flow around delta wings at high angles ofattack. These triangular wings, mainly used in militaryaircraft designs, experience the formation of two vortices ontheir lee-side at large angles of attack. The simulation ofthis vortical flow by solving the Navier-Stokes equations isthe subject of this thesis. The purpose of the work is toimprove the understanding of this flow and contribute to thedesign of such a wing by developing methods that enable moreaccurate and efficient CFD simulations. Simulations of the formation, burst and disappearance of thevortices while the angle of attack is changing are presented.The structured flow solver NSMB has been used to get thetime-dependent solutions of the flow. Both viscous and inviscidresults of a 70°-swept delta wing pitching in anoscillatory motion are reported. The creation of the dynamiclift and the hysteresis observed in the history of theaerodynamic forces are well reproduced. The second part of the thesis is focusing on automatic meshrefinement and its influence on simulations of the delta wingleading-edge vortices. All the simulations to assess the gridquality are inviscid computations performed with theunstructured flow solver EDGE. A first study reports on theeffects of refining thewake of the delta wing. A70°-swept delta wing at a Mach number of 0.2 and an angleof attack of 27° where vortex breakdown is present abovethe wing, is used as testcase. The results show a strongdependence on the refinement, particularly the vortex breakdownposition, which leads to the conclusion that the wake should berefined at least partly. Using this information, a grid for thewing in the wind tunnel is created in order to assess theinfluence of the tunnel walls. Three sensors for automatic meshrefinement of vortical flows are presented. Two are based onflow variables (production of entropy and ratio of totalpressures) while the third one requires an eigenvalue analysisof the tensor of the velocity gradients in order to capture theposition of the vortices in the flow. These three vortexsensors are successfully used for the simulation of the same70° delta wing at an angle of attack of 20°. Acomparison of the sensors reveals the more local property ofthe third one based on the eigenvalue analysis. This lattertechnique is applied to the simulation of the wake of a deltawing at an angle of attack of 20°. The simulations on ahighly refined mesh show that the vortex sheet shed from thetrailing-edge rolls up into a vortex that interacts with theleading-edge vortex. Finally the vortex-detection technique isused to refine the grid around a Saab Aerosystems UnmannedCombat Air Vehicle (UCAV) configuration and its flight dynamicscharacteristics are investigated. Key words:delta wing, high angle of attack, vortex,pitching, mesh refinement, UCAV, vortex sensor, tensor ofvelocity gradients.

Réalisation d'un magnétomètre à centre coloré NV du diamant / Realisation of a NV coulour centre based magnetometer

Rondin, Loïc 23 November 2012 (has links)
L'imagerie de champs magnétiques de faible amplitude avec une résolution spatiale à l'échelle nanométrique est un enjeu important dans de nombreux domaines de la physique et pour de multiples applications, que ce soit par exemple en science des matériaux pour le stockage magnétique de l'information, ou bien en optique quantique afin de pouvoir contrôler un spin individuel utilisé comme bit quantique, ou encore en biophysique pour l'étude structurelle de protéines par résonance magnétique. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse décrit la réalisation d'un magnétomètre à balayage fondé sur la réponse magnétique du spin électronique d'un centre coloré NV du diamant. Un tel magnétomètre présente des propriétés sans équivalent, en combinant une résolution spatiale sub-nanométrique, assurée par la dimension atomique du capteur, et une très haute sensibilité (< 1 µT/Hz^(-1/2)), ceci même à température ambiante. De plus la mesure de champ magnétique est quantitative et non perturbative, offrant ainsi un avantage majeur par rapport à la microscopie à force magnétique couramment utilisée pour l'imagerie magnétique de nanostructures. Nous aborderons, dans un premier temps, les problématiques liées à la fabrication de la sonde magnétique, constituée par un centre coloré NV unique dans un nanocristal de diamant positionné à l'extrémité d'une pointe AFM. Les propriétés de ce magnétomètre seront caractérisées en imageant le champ de fuite d'un disque dur magnétique. Cette étude nous permettra d'introduire différentes méthodes d'imagerie magnétique et de comparer leurs performances. Le magnétomètre à centre NV sera par la suite utilisé pour imager des distributions d'aimantation vortex dans des plots ferromagnétiques, dont le cœur est connu pour être l'un des objets les plus petits du micromagnétisme, le rendant extrêmement difficile à observer. Les propriétés du magnétomètre à centre coloré NV du diamant, démontrées dans cette thèse, ouvrent la voie à de nombreuse études en nanomagnétisme et en spintronique. / Imaging weak magnetic fields at the nanoscale is a challenge for many field of reasearch, and for a wide range of applications, such as in material science, for the magnetic storage of the information, or in quantum optics with the opportunity to control a single spin used as a quantum bit, or in biophysics where magnetic resonance can enable structural imaging of a protein. In that context, this thesis describes the realisation of a scanning probe magnetometer based on the electron spin resonance of a single NV colour centre in diamond. Such a magnetometer provides unprecedented properties, consisting of a sub-nanometric spatial resolution, given by the effective atomic size of the defect, combined with a high sensitivity (< 1 µT/Hz^(-1/2)), even at room temperature. Moreover magnetic field ca be measured quantitatively, with no perturbation induced, which is a major asset comparing to what can be done using the usual magnetic force microscopy technique. We will first describe the realisation of the magnetic probe, consisting of a single NV colour centre in a diamond nanocristal, grafted at the apex of an AFM tip. Properties of this magnetometer will be then characterized by imaging the stray field generated by a magnetic hard disk. Different imaging techniques will be presented, and compared during this study. Finally, magnetic vortex in patterned ferromagnetic thin film will be imaged, especially the vortex core, which is known to be one of the smallest object of micromagnetism. The exceptional properties of NV based magnetometry, demonstrated in ths work, might enable various applications in nanomagnetisms and spintronics.

Réorientation optique des cristaux liquides en présence de singularités matérielles ou lumineuses / Optical reorientation of liquid crystals in presence of material or optical topological defects

El Ketara, Mohamed 17 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse consiste en l'étude détaillée des conséquences matérielles et ondulatoires de l'application d'un faisceau laser sur l'orientation d'un film de cristal liquide nématique dans un cadre bien particulier, dénommé la réorientation optique "topologique". Cela correspond en pratique à une situation où la lumière donne naissance à un défaut d'orientation pour le champ de directeur, dont la nature dépend des caractéristiques du champ lumineux excitateur (polarisation, phase, intensité). Après avoir introduit la notion de réorientation optique topologique, identifié et discuté les conditions expérimentales permettant son apparition, le rôle de l'état de polarisation est étudié. Le cas d'un faisceau singulier, structuré en phase ou en polarisation, est ensuite traité. Enfin, la mise en évidence de nouveaux effets nonlinéaires, statique et dynamique, est démontrée. / This thesis deals with a detailed study of the material an optical waves aspects of the lightinducedreorientation of a nematic liquid crystal film in a particular framework, called the optical“topological” reorientation. In practice, it corresponds to a situation where a laser beaminduces an orientational topological defect for the director field, whose nature depends on thecharacteristics of the excitation light field (polarization, phase, intensity). First, the concept oftopological optical reorientation is introduced and the experimental conditions for its appearanceare discussed and experimentally verified. Then, the role of the polarization state of a Gaussianlight beam excitation is investigated, followed with the more complex situation of singular lightbeams with structured phase or polarization. Finally, we report on self-induced nonlinear opticalmanifestations of the topological reorientation, which include the experimental identificationand discussion of novel singular phenomena such as nonlinear spin-orbit interaction of light andself-induced vortex beam precession.

Etude expérimentale et numérique des courants d'écrantages dans les aimants supraconducteurs à haute température critique REBCO / Experimental and numerical study of screening currents in REBCO high temperature superconducting magnets

Dilasser, Guillaume 11 October 2017 (has links)
L’industrialisation de la production des conducteurs utilisant les cuprates à haute température de transition pendant les deux dernières décennies offre aujourd’hui la possibilité de nouveaux développements dans le domaine du magnétisme supraconducteur. En particulier, nous nous intéressons ici aux applications des rubans supraconducteurs REBCO. Ceux-ci font partie des rares candidats disponibles à l’heure actuelle capables de fonctionner sous des inductions supérieures à 20 T aux températures de cryogénie classique (4,2 K), ce qui les rend quasiment incontournables dans le contexte des applications haut-champ. Parallèlement, leurs températures critiques élevées apportent également la possibilité de nouvelles conceptions d’aimants pouvant fonctionner à des températures allant jusqu’à 80 K environ. Ceci ouvre notamment la porte à de nouvelles options de cryogénie moins coûteuses, comme le refroidissement par azote liquide. Néanmoins, la mise en œuvre des rubans REBCO à l’intérieur de nouveaux aimants supraconducteurs se heurte dans certains cas au problème posé par les courants d’écrantages. Ce terme désigne les supercourants induits dans le matériau supraconducteur en réponse au champ extérieur. Ces courants parasites engendrent alors des perturbations sur le champ magnétique total produit par l’aimant : réduction de son amplitude, distorsions spatiales et instabilités temporelles. Ces multiples effets entrent généralement en collision avec les exigences sur la qualité de champ produite. Ainsi, comprendre le phénomène des courants d’écrantages, être capable de prédire sa dynamique et, idéalement, disposer de solutions afin d’y remédier, sont des tâches cruciales pour assurer la réussite des futurs projets d’aimants supraconducteurs REBCO. Cette thèse propose des éléments de réponse vis-à-vis de cette problématique. Le phénomène de courants d’écrantages y est tout d’abord approché de manière expérimentale au travers de la mesure de ses effets perturbateurs sur le champ magnétique de petits aimants tests REBCO. Les données expérimentales récoltées sont ensuite employées pour étayer le développement d’un modèle numérique de simulation magnétodynamique sous l’environnement open-source GetDP. Ce modèle est par ailleurs mis à l’essai avec de bons résultats dans le cas du dipôle 5,4 T EuCARD du CERN. Enfin dans une dernière partie, une investigation expérimentale est menée sur deux techniques capables de réduire, voire de supprimer intégralement, les impacts négatifs des courants d’écrantages sur le champ des aimants REBCO : le vortex shaking et l’overshoot en courant. Au travers de ces développements, cette thèse entend fournir aux concepteurs de futurs aimants supraconducteurs REBCO des moyens d’anticiper et de traiter les problèmes posés par les courants d’écrantages. / The industrialization of the production of high-transition temperature, cuprate-based conductors during the last two decades brings nowadays the possibility of new developments in the field of superconducting magnetism. In particular, we are interested here in the applications of superconducting REBCO tapes. Those belong to the few currently available candidates that are able to operate under magnetic induction above 20 T at classical cryogenic temperature (4.2 K), what makes them almost unavoidable in the scope of high-field applications. Besides, their high critical temperatures also bring the possibility for new magnet designs capable to operate up to temperatures of about 80 K. This notably opens the door to new, less expensive, cryogenic design options, like liquid nitrogen cooling.However, the practical implementation of REBCO tapes inside new superconducting magnets encounters a problem posed by screening currents. The latter term designates the supercurrents that are induced in the superconducting material in response to an external field. These parasitic currents then give rise to perturbations in the total magnetic field generated by the magnet: lowering of its magnitude, spatial distortions and time instabilities. Those various effects collide most of the time with the requirements on the produced field quality. Thus, understanding the phenomenon of screening currents, being able to predict its dynamic and, ideally, having of solutions to remedy this issue, are crucial tasks to ensure the success of future REBCO superconducting magnet projects.This Ph.D. work suggests some elements of answer with regard to this problematic. The phenomenon of screening currents is first approached experimentally, through the measurement of its disruptive effects of the magnetic field generated by small REBCO tests magnets. The experimental data gathered are then used to support the development of a numerical model for magnetodynamic simulations in the framework of the open-source environment GetDP. This model is furthermore tested with satisfactory results on the scenario of the 5.4 T EuCARD dipole developed by CERN. Finally, in a last section, an experimental investigation is conducted on two techniques capable at reducing, or even entirely suppressing, the negative impacts of the screening currents on the field of REBCO magnets: the vortex shaking and current overshoot.Across these developments, this Ph.D. work aims at providing the designers of future REBCO superconducting magnets with tools to anticipate and handle the issues caused by the screening currents.

An Ultrasonic Method for Aircraft Wake Vortex Detection

Rodenhiser, Rebecca J 31 August 2005 (has links)
"This thesis documents the experimental proof of concept study for an ultrasonic method of wake vortex detection. A new acoustic technique is utilized to measure the circulation produced in the wake of lift-generating aircraft. Ultrasonic signals are transmitted in a path around the wake vortex, and are used to determine the average in-line velocity component along the acoustic path. It is shown herein that this velocity component is directly proportional to the net circulation value within the acoustic path. This is the first study to take this methodology and implement it in a realistic airport setting. This project included constructing a prototype and conducting field tests to prove the validity of this technology in a realistic environment setting. During field tests an acoustic path enclosed the vorticity shed behind one wing of a Piper PA-28 aircraft. Fourteen initial test flights were conducted in calm atmospheric conditions, and results show circulation values measured are comparable in magnitude and direction to expected circulations generated by the Piper PA-28 aircraft. Additional testing in various atmospheric conditions revealed the scope of practice for such a measurement technology. This study demonstrates the validity of the acoustic method in detecting aircraft wake vortices. Future investigations and applications utilizing this technique are discussed within."

Inlet Vortex Formation Under Crosswind Conditions

Horvath, Nathan Rosendo 25 April 2013 (has links)
A jet engine operating near the ground at low aircraft speeds, high thrust, and subject to a crosswind, can experience a flow separation region on the windward inlet lip and the formation of a vortex that extends from the ground to the engine fan face, known as the inlet vortex. This structure forms from a single point on the ground and is ingested by the engine. Inlet vortices are often observed during engine power-up at the start of the take-off run. They create considerable stagnation pressure losses and flow distortions at the engine fan face, compromising fan efficiency, thrust, and increasing the potential for compressor surge. Inlet vortices have enough suction power to kick up sand and rocks that are then sucked into the engine when an aircraft is operating near the ground and especially over poorly-maintained tarmac. Thus foreign object damage (FOD) becomes a serious threat for an engine under these conditions, and may lead to compressor blade erosion, deteriorating engine performance and reducing service life. The work presented here used ANSYS FLUENT to model a jet engine under crosswind. The 3-D Navier-Stokes equations were solved for compressible, unsteady flow. The mesh generated contained 5.6 million tetrahedral and wedge elements. The goal of this research was to better understand the inlet vortex formation mechanisms by studying its transient formation process, and to provide new information for future development of vortex prevention techniques. This work has shown multiple smaller inlet vortices coexisting on the ground plane during the first 0.9s of the formation process. After about 1s, these vortices are shown to coalesce and form one single inlet vortex, containing the circulation of all the smaller vortices combined. The smaller vortices were weak enough to not present danger of FOD, but once coalesced could lift up a 16cm diameter chunk of tarmac asphalt. The conclusion of this work is a recommendation for the development of a solution to the inlet vortex problem focused on preventing the coalescing of the vortex during its formation, thus eliminating the threat of FOD.

Viabilidade Populacional de Sotalia guianensis (van BÉNÉDEN, 1864) (Cetacea, Delphinidae) no Complexo Estuarino-Lagunar de Cananéia, Estado de São Paulo / Population viability of Sotalia guianensis (van BÉNÉDEN, 1864) (Cetacea, Delphinidae) in the Estuarine-Lagoon Complex of Cananéia, São Paulo State

Almeida, Inaê Guion de 06 October 2014 (has links)
Sotalia guianensis é um pequeno cetáceo costeiro encontrado ao longo do Oceano Atlântico Sul-Ocidental. Está exposta a inúmeras ameaças, tais como captura acidental em redes de pesca, tráfego de embarcações e turismo. A análise de viabilidade populacional (AVP) é uma forma de prever as flutuações e a probabilidade de persistência ou extinção de uma espécie ou população ao longo do tempo, incorporando dados demográficos, ecológicos e ambientais de populações reais em simulações computacionais de modelos estocásticos e determinísticos. O presente estudo teve como objetivos estimar densidade, abundância e realizar uma AVP para S. guianensis no Complexo Estuarino-Lagunar de Cananéia, São Paulo. Estimativas de abundância e densidade foram obtidas entre 2011 e 2012, utilizando o método de transecção linear com amostragem de distâncias, com 1.339,91 km percorridos e 83h05min em esforço. Avistou-se 241 grupos, compostos por 1 a 20 indivíduos. O programa Distance, com modelo half-normal e ajuste coseno e menor valor de AIC, estimou uma abundância de 193 indivíduos (95%IC: 158 - 237) e densidade de 2,5538 ind/km2 (95%IC: 2,0812 - 3,1337). A média de tamanho de grupo é 4,1504 indivíduos (95%IC: 3,7666 - 4,5734). De forma geral, a espécie apresenta grandes variações ao longo de sua distribuição com relação ao tamanho populacional, densidade, tamanho de grupos, distribuição nos habitats e residência. Tais diferenças estão associadas possivelmente às características físicas e ambientais de cada habitat, que interferem direta ou indiretamente na distribuição e dinâmica populacional da espécie e suas presas. Para a AVP a população foi tratada como não suplementada, sem dispersão, sem remoção, sem depressão endogâmica e a extinção foi definida como a permanência de apenas um sexo. O valor inicial da população é 193 indivíduos e demais parâmetros demográficos e reprodutivos foram estimados com base na literatura disponível. Variações de parâmetros específicos (mortalidade, capacidade de suporte do ambiente (K), variação ambiental na reprodução e catástrofe) foram inseridas nos cenários para avaliar as tendências populacionais sob diferentes ameças. Utilizou-se o programa VORTEX 9.99b. A AVP apontou para o declínio e extinção (P(E) = 1,000) da população em menos de 300 anos em todos os cenários, com taxas de crescimento de -0,082 (SD = 0,120), - 0,049 (SD = 0,107) e -0,086 (SD = 0,062), para os cenários 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente. O tempo médio para extinção foi estimado em 39,6 anos para o cenário 1, 57,3 anos para o cenário 2 e 3,3 anos para o cenário 3. As projeções geradas pela AVP apontaram cenários pessimistas, o que pode estar relacionado ao pequeno tamanho da população. As análises mostram que variações no tamanho populacional, mortalidade, K e catástrofes podem influenciar fortemente a persistência de pequenas populações. O estuário de Cananéia é um ambiente favorável e bem preservado que oferece recursos suficientes para S. guianensis, entretanto, o aumento das atividades antrópicas na área pode levar a mudanças na dinâmica populacional e alterações no habitat, comprometendo sua persistência ao longo do tempo. / Sotalia guianensis is a small coastal cetacean found along the south-western Atlantic Ocean. Through its range, is exposed to numerous threats, such as bycatch in fishing nets, vessel traffic and tourism. Population viability analysis (PVA) is a way to predict the trends and the probability of persistence or extinction of a species or population over time, incorporating demographic, ecological and environmental data of real populations in computer simulations of stochastic and deterministic models. The present study aimed to estimate density, abundance and population viability of S. guianensis in the estuarine-lagoon complex. Estimates of abundance and density were obtained between 2011 and 2012, using the distance sampling method and linear transects, with 1,339 .91 km and 83h05min in effort. It were recorded 241 groups (n) with group size between 1 to 20 individuals. The Distance program, with half-normal model and adjust cosine with the lowest AIC, estimated an abundance of 193 individuals (95% CI: 158-237) and density of 2.5538 ind/km2 (95% CI: 2.0812 - 3.1337). The average group size is 4.1504 individuals (95% IC: 3.7666-4.5734). In general, the species presents large variations throughout its distribution regarding population size, density, groups size, distribution in habitat and residence. Such differences are possibly associated with the physical characteristics of each habitat and environmental conditions that interfere directly or indirectly in the distribution and population dynamics of the species and its prey. For the PVA population was treated as not supplemented, without dispersion, without removal, without inbreeding depression, and extinction was defined as the presence of only one sex. The initial population size was 193 individuals and other demographic and reproductive parameters were estimated based on available literature for the species. Variations of specific parameters (mortality, carrying capacity of the environment, environmental variation on reproduction and catastrophe) were used to evaluate population trends under different threats and scenarios. It was used the VORTEX program v. 9.99 b. AVP pointed to the decline and extinction (P(E) = 1,000) of the population in less than 300 years in all scenarios, with growth rates of -0.082 (SD = 0.120), -0.049 (SD = 0.107) and - 0.086 (SD = 0.062), for scenarios 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The average time to extinction was estimated at 39.6 years for scenario 1, 57.3 years for scenario 2 and 3.3 years for scenario 3. The projections generated by the AVP showed pessimistic scenarios, which may be related to the small size of the population. The analyses show that variations in population size, mortality, carrying capacity and disasters can strongly influence the persistence of small populations. Cananéia estuary is a well preserved environment that offers sufficient resources to S. guianensis, however, the increase in anthropogenic activities in the estuary may lead to changes in population dynamics and habitat quality, compromising their persistence over time.

Vibração induzida por vórtices em cilindros com alta razão de aspecto: simulações numéricas e comparações com resultados experimentais. / Vortex induced vibration of circular cylinders with high aspect ratios: numerical simulation and comparison with experimental results.

Érico Almeida Santos 13 December 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o fenômeno de vibração induzida por vórtices (VIV) em cilindros com razão de aspecto elevada. Para alcançar tal objetivo, utilizou-se o código computacional denominado ANFLEX-CFD devidamente validado através de comparações com resultados experimentais. O foco do estudo é voltado para a análise do fenômeno de VIV, causado pelo desprendimento de vórtices ao redor de cilindros, e seu efeito no comportamento estrutural desses corpos rombudos. O programa computacional utiliza o Método dos Vórtices Discretos (Discrete Vortex Method - DVM) para o cálculo das forças hidrodinâmicas, acoplado ao modelo estrutural do ANFLEX que utiliza o método dos elementos finitos para resolver a estrutura e determinar seus deslocamentos. Os ensaios que serviram para comparação dos resultados foram os realizados no tanque da IFREMER, na França. Os resultados numéricos apresentaram uma boa concordância com o experimento para as maiores velocidades de corrente, o que pode ser justificado pela menor influência da tração perante o arrasto. A partir dos resultados pode-se afirmar que o ANFLEX-CFD é uma ferramenta útil na predição do fenômeno de VIV e pode se tornar uma ferramenta fundamental na determinação da vida útil à fadiga de elementos estruturais como os risers da indústria petrolífera offshore. / This thesis aims to instigate vortex-induced vibration on circular cylinders with high aspect ratio. In order to do so, the computer code named ANFLEX-CFD is employed, and this code is validated using experimental tests results. The focus of the study is to analyze VIV phenomenon caused by the vortex shedding around circular cylinders, and its effect on the structural behavior of these bluff bodies. The computer program uses the Discrete Vortex Method (DVM) for the assessment of the hydrodynamic forces, coupled with the structural model of ANFLEX that uses the finite element method to solve the structure displacements. The tests used in the comparison were the ones carried out at IFREMER tank in France. The numerical results have shown a good agreement with the experimental results at the highest current velocity as a result of the decreasing influence of the tension on the drag. As conclusion, it can be said that the ANFLEX-CFD can become a useful tool for predicting the VIV phenomenon and therefore in a near future become a fundamental tool in determining the fatigue life of structural components such as the offshore oil industry risers.

Vibração induzida por vórtices em cilindros com alta razão de aspecto: simulações numéricas e comparações com resultados experimentais. / Vortex induced vibration of circular cylinders with high aspect ratios: numerical simulation and comparison with experimental results.

Santos, Érico Almeida 13 December 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o fenômeno de vibração induzida por vórtices (VIV) em cilindros com razão de aspecto elevada. Para alcançar tal objetivo, utilizou-se o código computacional denominado ANFLEX-CFD devidamente validado através de comparações com resultados experimentais. O foco do estudo é voltado para a análise do fenômeno de VIV, causado pelo desprendimento de vórtices ao redor de cilindros, e seu efeito no comportamento estrutural desses corpos rombudos. O programa computacional utiliza o Método dos Vórtices Discretos (Discrete Vortex Method - DVM) para o cálculo das forças hidrodinâmicas, acoplado ao modelo estrutural do ANFLEX que utiliza o método dos elementos finitos para resolver a estrutura e determinar seus deslocamentos. Os ensaios que serviram para comparação dos resultados foram os realizados no tanque da IFREMER, na França. Os resultados numéricos apresentaram uma boa concordância com o experimento para as maiores velocidades de corrente, o que pode ser justificado pela menor influência da tração perante o arrasto. A partir dos resultados pode-se afirmar que o ANFLEX-CFD é uma ferramenta útil na predição do fenômeno de VIV e pode se tornar uma ferramenta fundamental na determinação da vida útil à fadiga de elementos estruturais como os risers da indústria petrolífera offshore. / This thesis aims to instigate vortex-induced vibration on circular cylinders with high aspect ratio. In order to do so, the computer code named ANFLEX-CFD is employed, and this code is validated using experimental tests results. The focus of the study is to analyze VIV phenomenon caused by the vortex shedding around circular cylinders, and its effect on the structural behavior of these bluff bodies. The computer program uses the Discrete Vortex Method (DVM) for the assessment of the hydrodynamic forces, coupled with the structural model of ANFLEX that uses the finite element method to solve the structure displacements. The tests used in the comparison were the ones carried out at IFREMER tank in France. The numerical results have shown a good agreement with the experimental results at the highest current velocity as a result of the decreasing influence of the tension on the drag. As conclusion, it can be said that the ANFLEX-CFD can become a useful tool for predicting the VIV phenomenon and therefore in a near future become a fundamental tool in determining the fatigue life of structural components such as the offshore oil industry risers.

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