Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cortex generator"" "subject:"kortex generator""
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Flow Control of Compressible Dynamic Stall using Vortex Generator JetsNaigle, Shawn Christopher 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Large eddy simulation for automotive vortical flows in ground effectSchembri-Puglisevich, Lara January 2013 (has links)
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is carried out using the Rolls-Royce Hydra CFD code in order to investigate and give further insight into highly turbulent, unsteady flow structures for automotive applications. LES resolves time dependent eddies that are modelled in the steady-state by Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models. A standard Smagorinsky subgrid scale model is used to model the energy transfer between large and subgrid scales. Since Hydra is an unstructured algorithm, a variety of unstructured hexahedral, tetrahedral and hybrid grids are used for the different cases investigated. Due to the computational requirements of LES, the cases in this study replicate and analyse generic flow problems through simplified geometry, rather than modelling accurate race car geometry which would lead to infeasible calculations. The first case investigates the flow around a diffuser-equipped bluff body at an experimental Reynolds number of 1.01 times 10 to the power 6 based on model height and inlet velocity. LES is carried out on unstructured hexahedral grids of 10 million and 20 million nodes, with the latter showing improved surface pressure when compared to the experiments. Comparisons of velocity and vorticity between the LES and experiments at the diffuser exit plane show a good level of agreement. Flow visualisation of the vortices in the diffuser region and behind the model from the mean and instantaneous flow attempts to explain the relation or otherwise between the two. The main weakness of the simulation was the late laminar to turbulent transition in the underbody region. The size of the domain and high experimental Reynolds number make this case very challenging. After the challenges faced by the diffuser-equipped bluff body, the underbody region is isolated so that increased grid refinement can be achieved in this region and the calculation is run at a Reynolds number of 220, 000, reducing the computational requirement from the previous case. A vortex generator mounted onto a flat underbody at an onset angle to the flow is modelled to generate vortices that extend along the length of the underbody and its interaction with the ground is analysed. Since the vortex generator resembles a slender wing with an incidence to the flow, a delta wing study is presented as a preliminary step since literature on automotive vortex generators in ground effect is scarce. Results from the delta wing study which is run at an experimental Reynolds number of 1.56 times 10 to the power 6 are in very good agreement with previous experiments and Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) studies, giving improved detail and understanding. Axial velocity and vorticity contours at several chordwise stations show that the leading edge vortices are predicted very well by a 20 million node tetrahedral grid. Sub-structures that originate from the leading edge of the wing and form around the core of the leading edge vortex are also captured. Large Eddy Simulation for the flow around an underbody vortex generator over a smooth ground and a rough ground is presented. A hexahedral grid of 40 million nodes is used for the smooth ground case, whilst a 48 million node hybrid grid was generated for the rough ground case so that the detailed geometry near the ground could be captured by tetrahedral cells. The geometry for the rough surface is modelled by scanning a tarmac surface to capture the cavities and protrusions in the ground. This is the first time that a rough surface representing a tarmac road has been computed in a CFD simulation, so that its effect on vortex decay can be studied. Flow visualisation of the instantaneous flow has shown strong interaction with the ground and the results from this study have given an initial understanding in this area.
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The flow field around a low pressure turbine (LPT) blade cascade model with and without flow control is examined using ejector nozzle (EN) and vortex generator jet (VGJ) geometries for separation control. The cascade model consists of 6 Pak-B Pratt andamp; Whitney low pressure turbine blades with Re = 30,000-50,000 at a free-stream turbulence intensity of 0.6%. The EN geometry consists of combined suction and blowing slots near the point of separation. The VGJs consist of a row of holes placed at an angle to the free-stream, and are tested at two locations of 69% and 10.5% of the suction surface length (SSL). Results are compared between flow control on and flow control off states, as well as between the EN, VGJs, and a baseline cascade with no flow control geometry for steady and pulsatile blowing. The EN geometry is shown to control separation with both steady and pulsatile blowing. The VGJs at 69% SSL are shown to be much more aggressive than the EN geometry, achieving the same level of separation control with lower energy input. Pulsed VGJs (PVGJ) have been shown to be just as effective as steady VGJs, and results show that a 10% duty cycle is almost as effective as a 50% duty cycle. The VGJs at 10.5% SSL are shown to be inefficient at controlling separation. No combination of duty cycle and pulsing frequency tested can eliminate the separation region, with only higher steady blowing rates achieving separation control. Thus, the VGJs at 69% SSL are shown to be the most effective in controlling separation.
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Experimental studies on shock boundary layer interactions using micro-ramps at Mach 5Saad, Mohd Rashdan January 2013 (has links)
Shock boundary layer interactions (SBLI) is an undesirable event occurring in high-speed air-breathing propulsion system that stimulates boundary layer separation due to adverse pressure gradients and consequently lead to ow distortion and pressure loss in the intake section. Therefore it is essential to apply ow control mechanisms to prevent this phenomenon. This study involves a novel ow control device called micro-ramp, which is a part of the micro-vortex generator family that has shown great potential in solving the adverse phenomenon. The term micro refers to the height of the device, which is smaller than the boundary layer thickness, δ. It is important to highlight the two main novelties of this investigation. Firstly, it is the first micro-ramp study conducted in the hypersonic ow regime (Mach 5) since most of the previous micro-ramp studies were only performed in subsonic, transonic and supersonic flows. Another novelty is the various experimental techniques that were used in single study for example schlieren photography, oil-dot and oil- ow visualisation and conventional pressure transducers. In addition, advanced ow diagnostic tools such as infrared thermography, pressure sensitive paints (PSP) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) were also employed. T
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Effects of Spanwise and Discrete Disturbances on Separating Boundary Layers on Low Pressure Turbine BladesReimann, Daniel D. 20 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Flow measurements were made on two highly loaded, low pressure turbine blade configurations in a low-speed, linear cascade facility. The L1M blade has a design Zweifel coefficient of 1.34 with a peak cp near 47% cx (mid-loaded) and the Pack B blade has a design Zweifel coefficient of 1.15 with a peak cp at 63% cx (aft-loaded). Flow velocity and surface pressure measurements were taken for Rec=20,000 and 3% inlet freestream turbulence. For these operating conditions, a large separation bubble forms on the blade suction surface, beginning at 59% cx and reattaching at 86% cx on the L1M blade and a non-reattaching bubble beginning at 68% cx on the Pack B. A spanwise row of discrete vortex-generating jets located at 59% cx on the Pack B and 50% cx on the L1M were used as a separation control device and were pulsed at a frequency of 5 Hz with a duty cycle of 25%. The Pack B with its open separation bubble proved to be a better candidate for VGJ control than the L1M with its closed separation bubble. Further studies were made on the Pack B blade comparing wake and VGJ effects. A wake generator was used to simulate the periodic passing of upstream wakes through the blade passage for the Pack B configuration. The wake passing frequency of 4.5Hz was set to match a typical engine flow coefficient for a low pressure turbine. Data were taken using PIV and a hot-film anemometer mounted on a blade following device. Velocity, turbulence, and intermittency measurements were made along the suction surface of the blade to characterize the bubble dynamics and transitional behaviors for both the presence of unsteady wakes and pulsing VGJs. The wakes caused early breakdown of the separated free shear layer resulting in a thinning of the separation region. The VGJs caused an upstream disturbance which convects downstream, temporarily pushing off the separation bubble. Overall, both wakes and VGJs suppress the size of the steady-state separation bubble, though through different mechanisms. Three-dimensional aspects of the jet disturbance are studied by investigating the effects of the VGJs at two spanwise locations.
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A computational study for the utilization of jet pulsations in gas turbine film cooling and flow controlKartuzova, Olga Valeryevna 29 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Effects of Louver Length and Vortex Generators to Augment Tube Wall Heat Transfer in Louvered Fin Heat ExchangersSanders, Paul Alan 21 October 2005 (has links)
There are several different types of compact heat exchangers used in applications where small size and weight are required. One particular type of compact heat exchanger, the louvered fin heat exchanger, has been used heavily in the automotive and air conditioning industries. Over the last several decades, the majority of the work towards improving louvered fin exchanger efficiency has focused on designing more efficient fins by optimizing fin parameters like louver angle, fin pitch, louver pitch, and louver length. At this point in time, many improvements to standard louver geometry have been made, so other surfaces and methods of enhancing exchanger performance need to be studied if any significant future efficiency gains are to be expected.
This thesis presents a detailed experimental study that has two major foci relative to the performance of the louvered fin compact heat exchanger. The first is to determine the effect of louver length on pressure drop and tube wall heat transfer, which is the primary heat transfer surface in the heat exchanger. The second is to augment tube wall heat transfer with the use of delta winglets placed on the fins near the tube wall. These studies were completed on a 20X scale model of a louvered fin exchanger with a fin pitch to louver pitch ratio of 0.76 and a louver angle of 27°, over a Reynolds number range based on louver pitch of 230 < ReLp < 1016. The three louver lengths evaluated were 100%, 82%, and 70% of the fin height and delta winglet experiments were performed for louver length to fin pitch ratios of 100% and 70%. Heat transfer results for the louver length tests show that decreasing louver length leads to increases in tube wall heat transfer of 0% to 50% depending on Reynolds number. Also, delta winglets placed on the fins near the tube wall have been shown to produce average tube wall heat transfer augmentations of up to 52%. / Master of Science
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Practical Applications of Delta Winglets in Compact Heat Exchangers with Louvered FinsLawson, Michael James 13 October 2006 (has links)
Compact heat exchangers are widely used by the automotive industry in systems that cool engine components. Louvered fin heat exchangers are used over their continuous fin counterparts because of the significant advantages they provide in heat transfer efficiency, while only causing small increases in overall pressure losses. With the recent emphasis that has been placed on reducing fuel consumption, decreasing the size of the compact heat exchanger has become an important concern. With reduction in size comes not only weight savings, but also a decrease in frontal area in a vehicle that must be dedicated to the heat exchanger, allowing for more aerodynamic vehicle designs.
Air-side resistance on the tube wall and louvered fin surfaces comprises over 85% of total resistance to heat transfer in louvered fin heat exchangers. The tube wall surface is considered the primary surface for heat transfer, where the temperature between the working fluid and convecting air is at a maximum. Recent studies have shown that implementing delta winglets on louvered fins along the tube wall is an effective method of augmenting tube wall heat transfer. In this thesis, the effect of delta winglets is investigated in both two- and three-dimensional louvered fin arrays. For both geometries, winglets are simulated in a manufacturable configuration, where piercings in the louvered fins that would result from the winglet manufacturing process are modeled.
Using the two-dimensional geometry to model tube wall heat transfer was shown not to accurately predict heat transfer coefficients. In a two-dimensional geometry, winglets were found not to be an effective means for augmenting tube wall heat transfer and caused only 8% augmentation. Using the three-dimensional geometry, winglets with simulated piercings were observed to cause up to 24% tube wall heat transfer augmentation, with a corresponding increase in pressure losses of only 10%. / Master of Science
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Computational fluid-dynamics investigations of vortex generators for flow-separation controlvon Stillfried, Florian January 2012 (has links)
Many flow cases in fluid dynamics face undesirable flow separation due to ad-verse pressure gradients on wall boundaries. This occurs, for example, due togeometrical reasons as in a highly curved turbine-inlet duct or on flow-controlsurfaces such as wing trailing-edge flaps within a certain angle-of-attack range.Here, flow-control devices are often used in order to enhance the flow and delayor even totally eliminate flow separation. Flow control can e.g. be achieved byusing passive or active vortex generators (VGs) for momentum mixing in theboundary layer of such flows. This thesis focusses on such passive and activeVGs and their modelling for computational fluid dynamics investigations. First, a statistical VG model approach for passive vane vortex genera-tors (VVGs), developed at the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm andthe Swedish Defence Research Agency, was evaluated and further improvedby means of experimental data and three-dimensional fully-resolved computa-tions. This statistical VVG model approach models those statistical vortexstresses that are generated at the VG by the detaching streamwise vortices.This is established by means of the Lamb-Oseen vortex model and the Prandtllifting-line theory for the determination of the vortex strength. Moreover, thisansatz adds the additional vortex stresses to the turbulence of a Reynolds-stresstransport model. Therefore, it removes the need to build fully-resolved three-dimensional geometries of VVGs in a computational fluid dynamics mesh. Usu-ally, the generation of these fully-resolved geometries is rather costly in termsof preprocessing and computations. By applying VVG models, the costs arereduced to that of computations without VVGs. The original and an improvedcalibrated passive VVG model show sensitivity for parameter variations suchas the modelled VVG geometry and the VVG model location on a flat plate inzero- and adverse-pressure-gradient flows, in a diffuser, and on an airfoil withits high-lift system extracted. It could be shown that the passive VG modelqualitatively and partly quantitatively describes correct trends and tendenciesfor these different applications. In a second step, active vortex-generator jets (VGJs) are considered. They were experimentally investigated in a zero-pressure-gradient flat-plate flow atTechnische Universitä̈t Braunschweig, Germany, and have been re-evaluated for our purposes and a parameterization of the generated vortices was conducted. Dependencies of the generated vortices and their characteristics on the VGJsetup parameters could be identified and quantified. These dependencies wereused as a basis for the development of a new statistical VGJ model. This modeluses the ansatz of the passive VVG model in terms of the vortex model, theadditional vortex-stress tensor, and its summation to the Reynolds stress ten-sor. Yet, it does not use the Prandtl lifting-line theory for the determinationof the circulation but an ansatz for the balance of the momentum impact thatthe VGJ has on the mean flow. This model is currently under developmentand first results have been evaluated against experimental and fully-resolvedcomputational results of a flat plate without pressure gradient. / <p>QC 20120511</p>
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