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Patterns of infull and basin-scale architecture : Tyee Forearc Basin, and observation from a segment of New Jersey passive marginSantra, Manasij 10 October 2014 (has links)
The well-known clinoformal geometry of a basin-fill, with an alluvial to shelf segment, deep-water slope segment, and a basin floor segment, arises from the development of a wedge-shaped body of sediment at the basin-margin that has been termed a basin-margin wedge or a shelf-slope sedimentary prism. The basin-margin wedge characteristically has atopset-foreset clinoformal geometry, with its topset dominated by alluvial, coastal and shelfal processes, while its foreset is dominated by turbidite sedimentation. Tectonic configuration of the basin, sediment supply, and relative sea level variation are some of the major factors that control the development and growth of the basin-margin wedge. This dissertation documents two distinct stages of development of the basin-margin wedge at an Eocene active margin, and relates the observed variability in the nature of the shelf-margin, deep-water slope, and basin-floor deposits with these stages. The Tyee Basin in western Oregon was a forearc basin that was filled during late early Eocene and Middle Eocene under greenhouse climatic condition. The sedimentary succession of the Tyee Basin include continental, shallow-marine and deep-water sandstones that are well exposed in Coast Range area of Oregon. The variability observed within the thick and laterally extensive turbidite sandstones of the Tyee Basin led to contrasting depositional models for the Tyee basin in the past. Notably, the submarine ramp model, which provides an alternative model for deepwater coarse clastic deposition, was proposed based on the sedimentary succession of the Tyee Basin. Reconstruction of the clinoformal geometry of the Tyee Basin succession from detailed field data (more than 1000 outcrop locations) and subsurface data reveals two distinct stages of development of this active basin-margin. Each stage has a distinct style of clinoform development and a distinct character of associated sandy deepwater deposits. At the initial stage the basin-margin clinoforms appear to be small (< 250m clinoform height) and strongly progradational, with clinoform topset dominated by the feeder fluvial deposits. At this stage, sandy unconfined (not channelized) turbidite deposits accumulated on the Tyee deepwater slope and extended to the Tyee basin-floor. Large scale sediment conduits on the deepwater slope, in the form of slope channels or canyons, are notably absent in this stage. The second stage is characterized by larger clinoform height (> 500m), higher degree of topset aggradation with repeated fluvio-deltaic cycles on the shelf, and spectacular, sand-rich, well-organized turbidite channels and canyons on the slope. The slope channels active at this stage supplied coarse sediments to the basin-floor to form unusually thick basin-floor fans. The first infill stage represents the embryonic development of a basin-margin wedge on the Tyee continental margin, and could have some similarity with the previously mentioned submarine ramp model. But this was followed by a much longer period of basin-filling when repeated fluvial and shallow-marine cycles formed on the shelf and well-organized turbidite channels were active on the slope supplying sands to the Tyee Basin floor fans. It was concluded that the two stages of development of the basin-margin wedge in the Tyee Basin is controlled largely by the configuration of the basin, that is a result of the prominent topographic/bathymetric features in oceanic basement underlying the sedimentary succession of the Tyee Basin. Tectonically active hinterland and greenhouse climate may have contributed to a relatively high sediment supply to the basin. The relatively small-amplitude sea level variations expected under greenhouse climatic condition of the Early to Middle Eocene are likely to have relatively minor effect on the architecture of the basin-fill. The present work on Tyee Basin builds on earlier research on this basin, but now establishes a ground trothed clinoformal growth model, revises the existing interpretation of sediment transport direction during a major part of the basin-filling history, and demonstrates a two-stage evolution of margin accretion. The observations from the active Tyee Basin was compared and contrasted with a latest Pleistocene sediment wedge on the New Jersey outer shelf. This sediment wedge, developed under icehouse climatic condition, and on a passive margin, was studied using high resolution seismic data (CHIRP). In contrast to the sedimentary succession of the Tyee Basin, the depositional architecture of the sediment wedge on outer New Jersey shelf, which was interpreted as a set of falling stage deltaic clinothems, appears to be strongly controlled by eustatic sea level variation of latest Pleistocene. / text
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Interactions entre déformation et percolation de magma ou de fluide dans le manteau à l'aplomb des zones de subduction / Interactions between deformation and melt or fluid percolation in the supra-subduction mantleSoustelle, Vincent 02 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail apporte de nouvelles contraintes sur les interactions entre déformation et processus d'hydratation et de percolation de magma ou de fluides et leurs implications sur les propriétés sismiques dans le coin mantellique. Il se base sur l'analyse de péridotites à spinelle provenant du massif de Ronda (Espagne) et deux séries de xénolites issues de zones de subduction actives (Kamchatka, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée). L'étude structurale, pétrologique et géochimique de ces échantillons montrent qu'ils ont subi une percolation réactive de magma ou de fluide synchrone d'une déformation de haute température basse contrainte cohérente avec les condition PT de la base de la lithosphère ou de l'asthénosphère. Cette percolation réactive est responsable d'un enrichissement en pyroxènes localisés dans des bandes parallèles aux structures de déformation. Cet enrichissement est associé à la décroissance et à la désorientation des cristaux d'olivine. Le système de glissement dominant dans l'olivine est {0kl}[100], cela implique que la direction de polarisation rapide des ondes S dans la partie supérieure du coin mantellique est parallèle à la direction d'écoulement du manteau. L'enrichissement en pyroxène associé à une décroissance de l'intensité des OPR de l'olivine a pour conséquence une baisse non négligeable de l'anisotropie qui peut induire jusqu'à 33% d'erreur sur l'interprétation de la couche anisotrope. Un enrichissement en orthopyroxène peut entraîner une baisse du rapport Vp/Vs, mais ne peut expliquer des Vp/Vs <1,7 cartés dans certains avant-arcs. Cependant de telles valeurs peuvent être expliquées si l'anisotropie des péridotites du coin mantellique est prise en compte. / This work provides new constraints on the interactions between deformation and hydration process and the percolation of melt or fluids, and their implications for seismic properties of the mantle wedge. It is based on the analysis of spinel peridotites from the massif of Ronda (Spain) and two xenolith suites from active subduction zones (Kamchatka, Papua New Guinea). The structural, petrological and geochemical of these samples show that they underwent a reactive percolation of melt or fluid, which was synchronous to a deformation event occuring under high temperature and low stress consistent with the PT conditions of the base of the lithosphere or in the asthenosphere. This reactive percolation is responsible for pyroxenes enrichment localized in bands parallel to the deformation structures. This enrichment is associated with the grain size recuction and the disorientation of the crystals of olivine. The dominant slip system in olivine is {0 kl}[100], which results in fast S-wave polarization parallel to the flow direction in the mantle. The enrichment in pyroxene, associated with a decrease in the intensity of the olivine crystal preferred orientations, results in a significant decrease of the anisotropy that may induce error on the interpretation of the anisotropic layer (up to 33%). The observed orthopyroxene enrichment also lowers the Vp/Vs ratio, but cannot explain Vp/Vs < 1.7 mapped in some fore-arc mantles. Such low Vp/Vs ratios may however be explained by considering the intrinsic anisotropy of the peridotites, which is generally ignored in large-scale Vp/Vs ratio mapping of the mantle wedge.
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Využití liniového polovodičového detektoru při testování vlastností lineárního urychlovače / Using linear semiconductor detector for testing the properties of linear acceleratorMenclová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
A basic requirement for all therapeutic applications of ionizing radiation is the high accuracy of delivery of the prescribed dose to the target volume of tissue healing. Each radiotherapy department must have in the quality assurance program developed methodology for testing the operational stability, which are reviewed and approved by The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB). A part of testing the operational stability of linear accelerators is also a regular assessment and measurement of parameters of radiation field, which is done by measuring the dose profiles. The thesis presents the results of measurement and evaluation of photon beam dose profiles of a linear accelerator, measured using the line-semiconductor detector (LDA-99SC company IBA) in the automatic water phantom under the reference conditions and their comparison with results obtained from measurement with the ionization chamber under the same terms of reference. The advantage of using a linear detector is a semiconductor that consists of 99 individual detectors in one line at a distance of 5 mm from each other and is able to measure the radiation dose profile field in a much shorter time than using an ionization chamber, where only one detector output can measure dose point after point. Usage of any other independent system for...
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Discharge Coefficient Performance of Venturi, Standard Concentric Orifice Plate, V-Cone, and Wedge Flow Meters at Small Reynolds NumbersHollingshead, Colter L. 01 May 2011 (has links)
The relationship between the Reynolds number (Re) and discharge coefficients (C) was investigated through differential pressure flow meters. The focus of the study was directed toward very small Reynolds numbers commonly associated with pipeline transportation of viscous fluids. There is currently a relatively small amount of research that has been performed in this area for the Venturi, standard orifice plate, V-cone, and wedge flow meters. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program FLUENT© was used to perform the research, while GAMBIT© was used as the preprocessing tool for the flow meter models created. Heavy oil and water were used separately as the two flowing fluids to obtain a wide range of Reynolds numbers with high precision. Multiple models were used with varying characteristics, such as pipe size and meter geometry, to obtain a better understanding of the C vs. Re relationship. All of the simulated numerical models were compared to physical data to determine the accuracy of the models. The study indicates that the various discharge coefficients decrease rapidly as the Reynolds number approaches 1 for each of the flow meters; however, the Reynolds number range in which the discharge coefficients were constant varied with meter design. The standard orifice plate does not follow the general trend in the discharge coefficient curve that the other flow meters do; instead as the Re decreases, the C value increases to a maximum before sharply dropping off. Several graphs demonstrating the varying relationships and outcomes are presented. The primary focus of this research was to obtain further understanding of discharge coefficient performance versus Reynolds number for differential producing flow meters at very small Reynolds numbers.
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Do Wedge Issues Matter?: Examining Persuadable Voters and Base Mobilization in the 2004 Presidential ElectionTaylor, James Benjamin 21 April 2009 (has links)
In the 2004 Presidential Election social and wedge issues were among the most publicized mobilization tools utilized by the Bush Campaign. Specifically, same-sex marriage has been suggested as a key wedge issue that may have mobilized voters, although research differs on its impact. My contention is that these previous studies miss the point with regard to wedge issues, which is that they are useful on persuadable voters, and persuadable voters live in swing states. I estimate a logit model using 2004 American National Election Studies survey data. I utilize voters’ decisions to turn out as the dependent variable and control for respondents’ positions on terrorism, the economy, same-sex marriage, political interest, party identification, and socio-economic status. These findings demonstrate, consistent with my hypothesis, voters in swing same-sex marriage ballot measure states were more likely to turn out. These voters may not have been persuadable, but rather the Republican base.
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Transmission Properties Of Fishnet Structure As A Left Handed MetamaterialBilge, Serafettin 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Left handed metamaterials are one of the most populer topic attracting attentions of scientists nowadays. Metamaterials are engineered materials which can possess inordinary properties when compared with common materials existing in nature. The main structure investigated in this thesis is fishnet metamaterial which is a left handed metamaterial. Firstly some left handed metamaterials and their properties are surveyed. A retrieval procedure in order to obtain permittivity, permeability and refractive index of any periodic material was summarized. Left handedness of fishnet structure was investigated and proven numerically. Effects of change in polarization of an incoming wave to symmetric and asymmetric fishnet structure were searched. A parametric analysis of fishnet structure was done. Phase advance in a three layered fishnet structure was investigated and compared with phase advance in an ordinary material. Fishnet wedge structure was surveyed and negative refraction and negative phase advance in this structure are shown. Finally, some types of disorderness of fishnet structure, then its effects on transmission results and retrieval results are demonstrated. In order to obtain transmission and reflection through a material, CST Microwave Studio® / was used. A code following a numerical procedure in order to retrieve constitutive parameters of a periodic structure which was written in Matlab® / was used in this thesis.
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Do Wedge Issues Matter?: Examining Persuadable Voters and Base Mobilization in the 2004 Presidential ElectionTaylor, James Benjamin 21 April 2009 (has links)
In the 2004 Presidential Election social and wedge issues were among the most publicized mobilization tools utilized by the Bush Campaign. Specifically, same-sex marriage has been suggested as a key wedge issue that may have mobilized voters, although research differs on its impact. My contention is that these previous studies miss the point with regard to wedge issues, which is that they are useful on persuadable voters, and persuadable voters live in swing states. I estimate a logit model using 2004 American National Election Studies survey data. I utilize voters’ decisions to turn out as the dependent variable and control for respondents’ positions on terrorism, the economy, same-sex marriage, political interest, party identification, and socio-economic status. These findings demonstrate, consistent with my hypothesis, voters in swing same-sex marriage ballot measure states were more likely to turn out. These voters may not have been persuadable, but rather the Republican base.
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Assessment of aortic stenosis with special reference to Doppler ultrasoundTeien, Dag January 1986 (has links)
<p>Härtill 5 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Deformation processes in great subduction zone earthquake cyclesHu, Yan 29 April 2011 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two parts and investigates the crustal deformation associated with great subduction zone earthquake at two different spatial scales. At the small scale, I investigate the stress transfer along the megathrust during great earthquakes and its effects on the forearc wedge. At the large scale, I investigate the viscoelastic crustal deformation of the forearc and the back arc associated with great earthquakes.
Part I: In a subduction zone, the frontal region of the forearc can be morphologically divided into the outer wedge and the inner wedge. The outer wedge which features much active plastic deformation has a surface slope angle generally larger than that of the inner wedge which hosts stable geological formations. The megathrust can be represented by a three-segment model, the updip zone (velocity-strengthening), seismogenic zone (velocity-weakening), and downdip zone (velocity-strengthening). Our dynamic Coulomb wedge theory postulates that the outer wedge overlies the updip zone, and the inner wedge overlies the seismogenic zone. During an earthquake, strengthening of the updip zone may result in compressive failure in the outer wedge. The inner wedge undergoes elastic deformation. I have examined the geometry and mechanical processes of outer wedges of twenty-three subduction zones. The surface slope of these wedges is generally too high to be explained by the classical critical taper theory but can be explained by the dynamic Coulomb wedge theory.
Part II: A giant earthquake produces coseismic seaward motion of the upper plate and induces shear stresses in the upper mantle. After the earthquake, the fault is re-locked, causing the upper plate to move slowly landward. However, parts of the fault will undergo continuous aseismic afterslip for a short duration, causing areas surrounding the rupture zone to move seaward. At the same time, the viscoelastic relaxation of the earthquake-induced stresses in the upper mantle causes prolonged seaward motion of areas farther landward including the forearc and the back arc. The postseismic and interseismic crustal deformation depends on the interplay of these three primary processes. I have used three-dimensional viscoelastic finite element models to study the contemporary crustal deformation of three margins, Sumatra, Chile, and Cascadia, that are presently at different stages of their great earthquake cycles. Model results indicate that the earthquake cycle deformation of different margins is governed by a common physical process. The afterslip of the fault must be at work immediately after the earthquake. The model of the 2004 Sumatra earthquake constrains the characteristic time of the afterslip to be 1.25 yr. With the incorporation of the transient rheology, the model well explains the near-field and far-field postseismic deformation within a few years after the 2004 Sumatra event. The steady-state viscosity of the continental upper mantle is determined to be 10^19 Pa S, two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the global value obtained through global postglacial rebound models. / Graduate
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Deformation processes in great subduction zone earthquake cyclesHu, Yan 29 April 2011 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two parts and investigates the crustal deformation associated with great subduction zone earthquake at two different spatial scales. At the small scale, I investigate the stress transfer along the megathrust during great earthquakes and its effects on the forearc wedge. At the large scale, I investigate the viscoelastic crustal deformation of the forearc and the back arc associated with great earthquakes.
Part I: In a subduction zone, the frontal region of the forearc can be morphologically divided into the outer wedge and the inner wedge. The outer wedge which features much active plastic deformation has a surface slope angle generally larger than that of the inner wedge which hosts stable geological formations. The megathrust can be represented by a three-segment model, the updip zone (velocity-strengthening), seismogenic zone (velocity-weakening), and downdip zone (velocity-strengthening). Our dynamic Coulomb wedge theory postulates that the outer wedge overlies the updip zone, and the inner wedge overlies the seismogenic zone. During an earthquake, strengthening of the updip zone may result in compressive failure in the outer wedge. The inner wedge undergoes elastic deformation. I have examined the geometry and mechanical processes of outer wedges of twenty-three subduction zones. The surface slope of these wedges is generally too high to be explained by the classical critical taper theory but can be explained by the dynamic Coulomb wedge theory.
Part II: A giant earthquake produces coseismic seaward motion of the upper plate and induces shear stresses in the upper mantle. After the earthquake, the fault is re-locked, causing the upper plate to move slowly landward. However, parts of the fault will undergo continuous aseismic afterslip for a short duration, causing areas surrounding the rupture zone to move seaward. At the same time, the viscoelastic relaxation of the earthquake-induced stresses in the upper mantle causes prolonged seaward motion of areas farther landward including the forearc and the back arc. The postseismic and interseismic crustal deformation depends on the interplay of these three primary processes. I have used three-dimensional viscoelastic finite element models to study the contemporary crustal deformation of three margins, Sumatra, Chile, and Cascadia, that are presently at different stages of their great earthquake cycles. Model results indicate that the earthquake cycle deformation of different margins is governed by a common physical process. The afterslip of the fault must be at work immediately after the earthquake. The model of the 2004 Sumatra earthquake constrains the characteristic time of the afterslip to be 1.25 yr. With the incorporation of the transient rheology, the model well explains the near-field and far-field postseismic deformation within a few years after the 2004 Sumatra event. The steady-state viscosity of the continental upper mantle is determined to be 10^19 Pa S, two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the global value obtained through global postglacial rebound models. / Graduate
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