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Utilização das diretivas RoHS e WEEE para equipamentos eletromédicos fabricados no Brasil / Using of RoHS and WEEE directives for electromedical devices from Brazil manufacturesPidone, Leandro Augusto 15 June 2011 (has links)
Dentro das exigências restritivas visando à mitigação de danos ambientais, várias ações estão sendo tomadas em termos mundiais, destacando-se os países onde a mobilização social e tomadas de decisão são mais efetivas. Entre estas ações as diretivas RoHS e WEEE, ambas da comunidade européia, destacam-se como interessantes procedimentos que se somam para a prevenção do uso de substâncias tóxicas e redução de emissão ao meio ambiente de resíduos sólidos de eletrônicos após o uso. Atualmente, em termos mundiais, não se observa o uso de tais procedimentos no que tange aos equipamentos eletromédicos após o término de vida útil e descarte. Este trabalho faz um estudo de ambas diretivas utilizando-se um equipamento eletromédico de fabricação nacional, um eletroestimulador. O equipamento foi criteriosamente desmontado e seus componentes classificados com base em sua classe de material e composição química. Após a desmontar e catalogar os componentes quanto à classe de materiais e composição química, foram sugeridos alguns procedimentos. Para atender a diretiva RoHS, a substituição de metais pesados presentes na liga utilizada na soldagem dos componentes eletrônicos. Para atender a diretiva WEEE, o processamento de resíduo de placa de circuito impresso inertizado em vidro. Deste modo verifica-se que os procedimentos adotados para cumprir com as duas diretivas européias foram adequados para os equipamentos eletromédicos tanto de fabricação nacional como internacional. / Within the restrictive requirements aimed at mitigating environmental damage, several actions being taken globally, highlighting the countries where social mobilization and decision making are more effective. Among these actions the RoHS and WEEE, of the European community, stand out as interesting procedures that are in addition to preventing the use of toxic chemicals and reducing emissions to the environment of electronic waste after use. Today, in the world is unusually such procedures with respect to electrical equipment after the end of useful life and its disposal. This work is a study of both using an electromedical equipment manufactured in Brazil, an electrostimutator. The equipment was carefully dismantled and its components classified based on their specific device and chemical composition. After removing and cataloging the components of the different kind of materials and chemical composition, suggested some procedures. To meet the RoHS directive, the replacement of nocive metals in the alloy used in soldering of electronic components. To meet the WEEE directive, the processing of waste printed circuit board inerted glass. Thus it appears that the procedures adopted to comply with two European directives were adequate for the electrical equipment manufacturing both domestically and internationally.
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Utilização das diretivas RoHS e WEEE para equipamentos eletromédicos fabricados no Brasil / Using of RoHS and WEEE directives for electromedical devices from Brazil manufacturesLeandro Augusto Pidone 15 June 2011 (has links)
Dentro das exigências restritivas visando à mitigação de danos ambientais, várias ações estão sendo tomadas em termos mundiais, destacando-se os países onde a mobilização social e tomadas de decisão são mais efetivas. Entre estas ações as diretivas RoHS e WEEE, ambas da comunidade européia, destacam-se como interessantes procedimentos que se somam para a prevenção do uso de substâncias tóxicas e redução de emissão ao meio ambiente de resíduos sólidos de eletrônicos após o uso. Atualmente, em termos mundiais, não se observa o uso de tais procedimentos no que tange aos equipamentos eletromédicos após o término de vida útil e descarte. Este trabalho faz um estudo de ambas diretivas utilizando-se um equipamento eletromédico de fabricação nacional, um eletroestimulador. O equipamento foi criteriosamente desmontado e seus componentes classificados com base em sua classe de material e composição química. Após a desmontar e catalogar os componentes quanto à classe de materiais e composição química, foram sugeridos alguns procedimentos. Para atender a diretiva RoHS, a substituição de metais pesados presentes na liga utilizada na soldagem dos componentes eletrônicos. Para atender a diretiva WEEE, o processamento de resíduo de placa de circuito impresso inertizado em vidro. Deste modo verifica-se que os procedimentos adotados para cumprir com as duas diretivas européias foram adequados para os equipamentos eletromédicos tanto de fabricação nacional como internacional. / Within the restrictive requirements aimed at mitigating environmental damage, several actions being taken globally, highlighting the countries where social mobilization and decision making are more effective. Among these actions the RoHS and WEEE, of the European community, stand out as interesting procedures that are in addition to preventing the use of toxic chemicals and reducing emissions to the environment of electronic waste after use. Today, in the world is unusually such procedures with respect to electrical equipment after the end of useful life and its disposal. This work is a study of both using an electromedical equipment manufactured in Brazil, an electrostimutator. The equipment was carefully dismantled and its components classified based on their specific device and chemical composition. After removing and cataloging the components of the different kind of materials and chemical composition, suggested some procedures. To meet the RoHS directive, the replacement of nocive metals in the alloy used in soldering of electronic components. To meet the WEEE directive, the processing of waste printed circuit board inerted glass. Thus it appears that the procedures adopted to comply with two European directives were adequate for the electrical equipment manufacturing both domestically and internationally.
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Reciclagem de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos: separação de ABS e HIPS por flotação. / Separation of ABS and HIPS from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by froth flotation.Solange Kazue Utimura 11 July 2014 (has links)
Os resíduos eletroeletrônicos vêm aumentando no mundo e contribuem com a escassez de recursos naturais e com a ocupação de espaços em aterros que estão esgotando sua capacidade de disposição de resíduos. Uma alternativa é a reciclagem dos resíduos eletroeletrônicos e para viabilizar o processo, é importante conhecer a composição dos materiais para direcionar tecnologias e conseguir sua recuperação. Esses resíduos possuem uma diversidade de plásticos que, ao serem reciclados, garantem o seu reaproveitamento como fonte de matéria prima para a produção de materiais poliméricos. O ABS (copolímero: Acrilonitrila Butadieno Estireno) e o HIPS (Poliestireno de Alto Impacto) são dois tipos de polímeros muito utilizados nas indústrias de eletroeletrônicos. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a separação do ABS e do HIPS para a reciclagem, utilizando as Técnicas de Tratamento de Minérios como a separação por flotação. Para a separação dos polímeros, os resíduos eletroeletrônicos foram desmantelados manualmente e os componentes plásticos foram separados por tipo e cor. Os plásticos separados, foram cominuídos no moinho de facas e classificados por meio do ensaio granulométrico. Os ensaios de flotação foram conduzidos em uma coluna de vidro, utilizando se de soluções de álcool etílico e de ácido acético em diferentes concentrações. As soluções atuaram como agentes hidrofilizantes de superfície, permitindo a separação desses polímeros. Na flotação com o etanol, os experimentos mostraram os melhores resultados na concentração de 20% em massa, com a pureza de HIPS de 96% e do ABS de 98%. Na flotação com o ácido acético, os ensaios mostraram os melhores resultados na concentração de 40% em massa, com a pureza do ABS de 96% e de HIPS de 86%.A flotação com 20% de concentração de etanol apresentou melhor eficácia na recuperação e na pureza do HIPS e do ABS em relação à flotação com 40% de ácido acético. / The speed in which new technologies are being developed stimulates the rapid obsolescence of electronic equipment. Hence electronic waste grows at high rates all over the world and has become an environmental issue due to its accumulation in landfills. In order to reduce these environmental impacts, a feasible solution is recycling. Recycled allows its reuse as a source of raw material for the production of polymeric materials as well as for energy generation. ABS (copolymer: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) and HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene) are the most common polymers used in the electro electronic industry. The aim of this work is to study the separation of ABS and HIPS using the froth flotation technique. Froth flotation is a process of separating the solid particles through differences in their surface characteristics. The reason for using this technique is that gravimetric methods are unlikely to produce good results due to the similar specific weights of both materials. Froth flotation also is difficult as both plastics are water repellent (hydrophobic). The samples were manually dismantled, with plastic components separated by type and color. After that, comminution was performed in a knife mill and grain sizes separated in screen. The flotation tests were conducted in a glass column, using ethyl alcohol and acetic acid solutions with different concentrations. These solutions were used to increase the hydrophilic characteristics in the surface of ABS, and to make possible the separation of these polymers. When floating with ethanol, the experiments showed the best results at a concentration of 20% in weight, with purity levels of 96% of HIPS and 98% of ABS. When floating with acetic acid, the tests showed the best results at the concentration of 40% in weight, with purity levels of 96% of ABS and 86% of HIPS.The flotation with 20% in weight of ethanol concentration showed better results in recovery and purity of HIPS and ABS in comparison to the 40% acetic acid.
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Reciclagem de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos: separação de ABS e HIPS por flotação. / Separation of ABS and HIPS from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by froth flotation.Utimura, Solange Kazue 11 July 2014 (has links)
Os resíduos eletroeletrônicos vêm aumentando no mundo e contribuem com a escassez de recursos naturais e com a ocupação de espaços em aterros que estão esgotando sua capacidade de disposição de resíduos. Uma alternativa é a reciclagem dos resíduos eletroeletrônicos e para viabilizar o processo, é importante conhecer a composição dos materiais para direcionar tecnologias e conseguir sua recuperação. Esses resíduos possuem uma diversidade de plásticos que, ao serem reciclados, garantem o seu reaproveitamento como fonte de matéria prima para a produção de materiais poliméricos. O ABS (copolímero: Acrilonitrila Butadieno Estireno) e o HIPS (Poliestireno de Alto Impacto) são dois tipos de polímeros muito utilizados nas indústrias de eletroeletrônicos. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a separação do ABS e do HIPS para a reciclagem, utilizando as Técnicas de Tratamento de Minérios como a separação por flotação. Para a separação dos polímeros, os resíduos eletroeletrônicos foram desmantelados manualmente e os componentes plásticos foram separados por tipo e cor. Os plásticos separados, foram cominuídos no moinho de facas e classificados por meio do ensaio granulométrico. Os ensaios de flotação foram conduzidos em uma coluna de vidro, utilizando se de soluções de álcool etílico e de ácido acético em diferentes concentrações. As soluções atuaram como agentes hidrofilizantes de superfície, permitindo a separação desses polímeros. Na flotação com o etanol, os experimentos mostraram os melhores resultados na concentração de 20% em massa, com a pureza de HIPS de 96% e do ABS de 98%. Na flotação com o ácido acético, os ensaios mostraram os melhores resultados na concentração de 40% em massa, com a pureza do ABS de 96% e de HIPS de 86%.A flotação com 20% de concentração de etanol apresentou melhor eficácia na recuperação e na pureza do HIPS e do ABS em relação à flotação com 40% de ácido acético. / The speed in which new technologies are being developed stimulates the rapid obsolescence of electronic equipment. Hence electronic waste grows at high rates all over the world and has become an environmental issue due to its accumulation in landfills. In order to reduce these environmental impacts, a feasible solution is recycling. Recycled allows its reuse as a source of raw material for the production of polymeric materials as well as for energy generation. ABS (copolymer: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) and HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene) are the most common polymers used in the electro electronic industry. The aim of this work is to study the separation of ABS and HIPS using the froth flotation technique. Froth flotation is a process of separating the solid particles through differences in their surface characteristics. The reason for using this technique is that gravimetric methods are unlikely to produce good results due to the similar specific weights of both materials. Froth flotation also is difficult as both plastics are water repellent (hydrophobic). The samples were manually dismantled, with plastic components separated by type and color. After that, comminution was performed in a knife mill and grain sizes separated in screen. The flotation tests were conducted in a glass column, using ethyl alcohol and acetic acid solutions with different concentrations. These solutions were used to increase the hydrophilic characteristics in the surface of ABS, and to make possible the separation of these polymers. When floating with ethanol, the experiments showed the best results at a concentration of 20% in weight, with purity levels of 96% of HIPS and 98% of ABS. When floating with acetic acid, the tests showed the best results at the concentration of 40% in weight, with purity levels of 96% of ABS and 86% of HIPS.The flotation with 20% in weight of ethanol concentration showed better results in recovery and purity of HIPS and ABS in comparison to the 40% acetic acid.
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Critical success factors for implementation of green IT in developing countries: : The case of E-waste in Kenyakhan, yasir Ali, Kulecho, Ann January 2012 (has links)
As much as going green is a very popular topic of discussion and much emphasis is put on the subject, not all areas, topics and locations are explored. Some continents have effectively, strategically and efficiently addressed the problem while others are still fighting to address it. We undertook this research to find out what it takes to ensure that the e-waste problem is solved in a developing country. The purpose of the study was to investigate what factors contributed at a financial, technological and environmental level to the prosperity of the e-waste project in Kenya. The financial factor attempts to investigate if any economic value is achieved. The technological factor investigates if there is any new technology added to the recycled and the technology used to breakdown the e-waste.The environmental factor deals with how the environment is affected by e-waste. To achieve this, a questionnaire, interviews and reports were used to collect data. The semi-structured approach of the interviews employed allowed us to achieve an in-depth approach of collecting data. This in turn helped us collect many different views of the subject. Various theories where used in addition to the data collected so as to give an interpretation and create scenarios of various outcomes should the models be applied. The translation of this data led to results showing that not all the three factors have to be in place to ensure success. Depending on which theory was applied some factors become more attainable than others. However all three factors are achievable and attainable when dealing with green IT. It became apparent that other factors like sensitization, government involvement and extended producer responsibility apart from the three did also have a direct impact on the result.
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Lead-Free Solder Business Strategy - A case study for "A" company.Hsu, Chuang-Yao 11 August 2006 (has links)
Along with the increasing global environmental ism and the interest in green products, protecting the natural environment is essential to survival and economic development. The future marketing and promotion of products, in additional to the traditional variables of price and quality, requires consideration of a third variable - the environmental-friendly products. Many countries establish regulations to limit the application of ¡§lead¡¨ and other hazardous material. WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) mandates recycling of electrical and electronic products. RoHS (Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment) restricts 6 controlled materials starting on 2006.07.01. The ¡§lead-free¡¨ trend had unprecedented impact in the field of electronics.
In the global industrial supply chain, Taiwan plays an important role in the manufacturing (OEM/ODM) stage. The Taiwan electronic industry¡¦s supply chain, in dealing with buyer¡¦s demands for green products have to take appropriate strategies to maintain the production competitive superiority of the global marketing.
Facing the coming of the green electronic era, this research, with the aim on the solder industry and its future economic development, studies how the industry could effectively use the available resources, analyzes the internal operations and the external factors. Using the case study for A company, what are the feasible business model can apply? This research is hopping to elevate Taiwan¡¦s international competitiveness in light of the green revolution in the electronic industry.
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Waste Management : Förbättringsförslag av återvinningsprocessen inom hemelektronikbranschenEngström, David, Lundgren, Marcus, Nilsson, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
Titel: Waste Management – Förbättringsförslag av återvinningsprocessen inom hemelektronikbranschen. Bakgrund: I en bransch som kännetecknas av snabb teknologisk utveckling är det viktigt att se till att de produkter som kommer ut på marknaden också tas om hand på ett bra sätt i slutet av sitt funktionella liv. Hur ser återvinningsprocessen hos företagen ut idag och vad kan göras för att minska de växande problem som framkommer i samband med den ökade konsumtionen? Genom att granska fenomenet Waste Management avser uppsatsen angripa slöseri i logistikflödet och finna förbättringar av dagens återvinningsprocess av uttjänta hemelektronikprodukter. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga återvinningsprocessen inom branschen för hemelektronik i syfte att identifiera potentiella förbättringsåtgärder med det samhällsekonomiska målet att uppnå ett större returflöde i logistiksystemet ur ett företagsperspektiv. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod som gjorts baserat på en flerfallsstudie. Primärdata har samlats in genom semi-strukturerade besöksintervjuer och asynkrona individuella intervjuer online utifrån ett bekvämlighetsurval. Studien intar ett positivistiskt synsätt och det vetenskapliga angreppssättet är abduktivt. Analysen utgörs enligt en mönsterjämförelse med avseende på produkttyper, kompensation och information till kund. Slutsats: Författarna kommer efter analys av funktionsflödesschema och mönsterjämförelse fram till ett antal punkter för förbättring vilka kan leda till ökad andel återvunna EOL-produkter. Dessa är; införande av ett fast returcenter, omhändertagande av ett större produktsortiment, föra statistik över returer, tydligare information till kund och kompensation för inlämnade produkter. Författarna kommer även fram till att det råder stora skillnader i hur man i dagsläget arbetar med Waste Management inom de olika företagen, där vissa företag är mer ambitiösa än andra. Företagen har mycket att lära av varandra och inom samtliga studerade företag finns något att förbättra.
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From Europe, to the Agbogbloshie ScrapyardSimon, Strand January 2018 (has links)
The challenge of sound e-waste treatment is something that is a global concern when relating to good business practices, safe working conditions, information security and environment. This research applies a holistic view of the illegal trade of e-waste from Europe to Ghana by aiming to highlight some of its drivers. By applying an adapted RV-model to identify the actors engaged in smuggling and rational choice theory to analyse market incentives this research identifies legal and procedural weaknesses that enable the illegal shipment of e-waste. The actors identified to target West Africa was in general smaller groups. These groups have established routes and transit points that complicate the international coordination of enforcers and inhibit their capacity to build strong cases against criminals. They target countries within the EU with limited enforcement capacity, high shipping volumes and low penalty rates for environmental crimes to exploit the domestic responsibility of enforcement and sentencing. They also mask e-waste as used electronics which is not heavily regulated and for which there is a strong Ghanaian market demand and employs a large number of workers in the informal sector, with the supply chain with an estimated 200,000 people employed. The main problems identified was enforcement procedures, international and domestic coordination, relative cost for formal recycling, lack of alternatives for workers and officials as well lack of deterring sentencing. This has led to secondary effects such as poor environmental and health protection as well as physical- and data-security.
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Beslutsprocesser : om beslut i ett öppnare EuropaEknor, Tomas, Kallunki, Kristoffer January 2005 (has links)
<p>Miljö- och samhällsbyggnadsdepartementets Johan Gråberg ansåg att Sverige låg långt fram med sina insamlingskvantiteter av elavfall och att det vore bra om Sverige blev en förebild för övriga Europa. Men den svenska modellen med producentansvar reglerar idag endast producenternas ansvar att samla in och förbehandla elavfall, den säger mycket lite om hur transporterna ska ske med hänsyn till infrastruktur och miljö. Den svenska modellen går därför inte att använda i Europa då insamlingen och transporterna skulle öka transportbehovet och nyttjandet av tunga lastbilar med släp (Kallunki & Eknor 2005, s. 39-41). Detta går emot de miljömål och de miljöbestämmelser som finns i Europa (Nationalkommittén för Agenda21 och Habitat 2002, s. 37-39). Det går även emot de miljömål som finns i Sverige (prop. 1997/98:145, s. 44-162). Av denna anledning ville författarna undersöka hur myndigheterna kunde skapa en lag som löser problemet med insamling av uttjänta elektr(on)iska produkter, samtidigt som lagen inte tog hänsyn till att följderna blev onödigt stora och att den även gick emot vissa av de miljömål som fanns uppsatta.</p><p>Det svenska ledarskapet är inriktat på att nå samförstånd i besluten, vilket kräver dialog och en ömsesidighet i accepterandet av en gemensam uppfattning (Edström & Jönsson 2000, s. 166-167). Detta ger utrymme för att intressenterna ska kunna vara med i utformandet av lagen. Under arbetet med utformandet av producentansvaret var många aktörer med skilda intressen och på olika nivåer involverade. Men det var det ekonomiska intresset och det ekologiska intresset som var de i särklass starkaste spänningspolerna under hela den svenska beslutsprocessen.</p><p>Spänningarna mellan idésystemen förstärktes alltså genom regeringens sätt att låta de som belastas av ett beslut få utforma det. När regeringen överlät ansvaret att sätta målen för producentansvaret på en kretsloppsdelegation bestående av alla olika aktörsgrupper uppstod intressekonflikten mellan de ekonomiska och ekologiska intressena. Lösningen blev i god svensk anda en kompromiss. Målet på lång sikt skulle i enlighet med regeringens direktiv till Kretsloppsdelegationen och den dominerande växtidén bli att skapa ett system med minimal miljöpåverkan. Men det kortsiktiga målet blev att snabbt upprätta ett rikstäckande insamlingssystem med så hög insamlingsgrad som möjligt. I och med detta stöttes transportfrågorna bort helt, de uteslöts från nätverket som arbetade med lagen, alltså löstes ett problem men ett nytt skapades. När El-Kretsen bildades för att lösa insamlingsproblematiken var den geografiska täckningen och en hög insamlingsgrad de enda målfaktorerna.</p> / <p>Mr Johan Gråberg at the Ministry of the Environment was of the opinion that Sweden is one of the best countries in the world when it comes to recycling electronic waste. Mr Gråberg also said that it would be good for Sweden if the Swedish system could be used in other countries in Europe. However, the Swedish model only considers the responsibility of the producers for collecting and recycling electrical and electronical products. There is no consideration of the impact on the infrastructure and the environment caused by the increased transportations. This lack of consideration to the increased transports and use of heavy traffic is the reason that the Swedish model cannot be used in the rest of Europe (Kallunki & Eknor 2005, s. 39-41). This goes against the environmental goals and policies that are used in Europé (Nationalkommittén för Agenda21 and Habitat 2002, s. 37-39), as well as to the environmental goals set up in Sweden (prop. 1997/98:145, s. 44-162). With this background, the authors wished to study why the Swedish government created a law to solve the problem with collecting electronic waste, while the same law did not consider the consequences, especially the unnecessarily large needs for transportation, which goes against some of the environmental goals set up by the Swedish government.</p><p>Swedish leadership is based on the attempt of reaching consensus when taking decisions, a leadership which calls for dialogue and a mutual acceptance of a common understanding (Edström & Jönsson 2000, s. 166-167). This leaves an opening for interests to take part in the construction of new laws. When constructing the responsibility of the producer for collecting waste, many parties with separate interests and at different levels in the hierarchy were involved. However, by far the strongest opposition during the process of the decision in Sweden was found between the economical and the ecological interests.</p><p>The tension between the two idea systems was thus reinforced by the way the government allowed those who would be burdened by the decision to partake in the construction of the decision. When the government turned over the responsibility of setting the goals for the responsibility of the producer to a delegation of recycling, the Kretsloppsdelegationen, consisting of all different interest groups, the conflict of interest between the economical and the ecological parties arose. In good Swedish spirit the solution to this conflict turned into a compromise. The long term goal would, according to the directive from the government to the Kretsloppsdelegationen and the predominant idea of growth, be to create a system with as little impact as possible on the environment. However the short term goal turned out to be a nation wide collection system, implemented as soon as possible and with the highest possible level of collection. Due to this speedy implementation the transportation issue was out of the picture. The transportation interests were excluded from the network that was working with the law, thus solving one problem but creating another one. Once the El-Kretsen was founded in order to solve the problems with the collection of the waste, geographical coverage and a high level of collection were the only bench-marks considered.</p>
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Beslutsprocesser : om beslut i ett öppnare EuropaEknor, Tomas, Kallunki, Kristoffer January 2005 (has links)
Miljö- och samhällsbyggnadsdepartementets Johan Gråberg ansåg att Sverige låg långt fram med sina insamlingskvantiteter av elavfall och att det vore bra om Sverige blev en förebild för övriga Europa. Men den svenska modellen med producentansvar reglerar idag endast producenternas ansvar att samla in och förbehandla elavfall, den säger mycket lite om hur transporterna ska ske med hänsyn till infrastruktur och miljö. Den svenska modellen går därför inte att använda i Europa då insamlingen och transporterna skulle öka transportbehovet och nyttjandet av tunga lastbilar med släp (Kallunki & Eknor 2005, s. 39-41). Detta går emot de miljömål och de miljöbestämmelser som finns i Europa (Nationalkommittén för Agenda21 och Habitat 2002, s. 37-39). Det går även emot de miljömål som finns i Sverige (prop. 1997/98:145, s. 44-162). Av denna anledning ville författarna undersöka hur myndigheterna kunde skapa en lag som löser problemet med insamling av uttjänta elektr(on)iska produkter, samtidigt som lagen inte tog hänsyn till att följderna blev onödigt stora och att den även gick emot vissa av de miljömål som fanns uppsatta. Det svenska ledarskapet är inriktat på att nå samförstånd i besluten, vilket kräver dialog och en ömsesidighet i accepterandet av en gemensam uppfattning (Edström & Jönsson 2000, s. 166-167). Detta ger utrymme för att intressenterna ska kunna vara med i utformandet av lagen. Under arbetet med utformandet av producentansvaret var många aktörer med skilda intressen och på olika nivåer involverade. Men det var det ekonomiska intresset och det ekologiska intresset som var de i särklass starkaste spänningspolerna under hela den svenska beslutsprocessen. Spänningarna mellan idésystemen förstärktes alltså genom regeringens sätt att låta de som belastas av ett beslut få utforma det. När regeringen överlät ansvaret att sätta målen för producentansvaret på en kretsloppsdelegation bestående av alla olika aktörsgrupper uppstod intressekonflikten mellan de ekonomiska och ekologiska intressena. Lösningen blev i god svensk anda en kompromiss. Målet på lång sikt skulle i enlighet med regeringens direktiv till Kretsloppsdelegationen och den dominerande växtidén bli att skapa ett system med minimal miljöpåverkan. Men det kortsiktiga målet blev att snabbt upprätta ett rikstäckande insamlingssystem med så hög insamlingsgrad som möjligt. I och med detta stöttes transportfrågorna bort helt, de uteslöts från nätverket som arbetade med lagen, alltså löstes ett problem men ett nytt skapades. När El-Kretsen bildades för att lösa insamlingsproblematiken var den geografiska täckningen och en hög insamlingsgrad de enda målfaktorerna. / Mr Johan Gråberg at the Ministry of the Environment was of the opinion that Sweden is one of the best countries in the world when it comes to recycling electronic waste. Mr Gråberg also said that it would be good for Sweden if the Swedish system could be used in other countries in Europe. However, the Swedish model only considers the responsibility of the producers for collecting and recycling electrical and electronical products. There is no consideration of the impact on the infrastructure and the environment caused by the increased transportations. This lack of consideration to the increased transports and use of heavy traffic is the reason that the Swedish model cannot be used in the rest of Europe (Kallunki & Eknor 2005, s. 39-41). This goes against the environmental goals and policies that are used in Europé (Nationalkommittén för Agenda21 and Habitat 2002, s. 37-39), as well as to the environmental goals set up in Sweden (prop. 1997/98:145, s. 44-162). With this background, the authors wished to study why the Swedish government created a law to solve the problem with collecting electronic waste, while the same law did not consider the consequences, especially the unnecessarily large needs for transportation, which goes against some of the environmental goals set up by the Swedish government. Swedish leadership is based on the attempt of reaching consensus when taking decisions, a leadership which calls for dialogue and a mutual acceptance of a common understanding (Edström & Jönsson 2000, s. 166-167). This leaves an opening for interests to take part in the construction of new laws. When constructing the responsibility of the producer for collecting waste, many parties with separate interests and at different levels in the hierarchy were involved. However, by far the strongest opposition during the process of the decision in Sweden was found between the economical and the ecological interests. The tension between the two idea systems was thus reinforced by the way the government allowed those who would be burdened by the decision to partake in the construction of the decision. When the government turned over the responsibility of setting the goals for the responsibility of the producer to a delegation of recycling, the Kretsloppsdelegationen, consisting of all different interest groups, the conflict of interest between the economical and the ecological parties arose. In good Swedish spirit the solution to this conflict turned into a compromise. The long term goal would, according to the directive from the government to the Kretsloppsdelegationen and the predominant idea of growth, be to create a system with as little impact as possible on the environment. However the short term goal turned out to be a nation wide collection system, implemented as soon as possible and with the highest possible level of collection. Due to this speedy implementation the transportation issue was out of the picture. The transportation interests were excluded from the network that was working with the law, thus solving one problem but creating another one. Once the El-Kretsen was founded in order to solve the problems with the collection of the waste, geographical coverage and a high level of collection were the only bench-marks considered.
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