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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tvorba síťového ovladače pro rodinu operačních systémů Windows / Creation of network drivers for the Windows family of operating systems

Krkoš, Radko January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the approach in designing and implementing a driver marking network traffic for quality of service provision. In the beginning distinct technologies usable for the driver development are discussed and compared to each other while the most suiting candidate is chosen for driver development. Next the thesis discusses the design of the driver according to specification and depicts a list of more specific requirements affecting the driver design itself. The focus point in design is the least possible impact on network traffic performance and the running system itself. In addition to the driver an application programming interface usable from user mode is designed and so the system as a whole ensures the marking of network traffic entirely. In the end the created driver architecture is described and the application programming interface is described in terms of use.


Sufran, Mansor 01 December 2019 (has links)
Steel structures have been in use in high-rise structures since its more economical as compared to the use of concrete. The steel frames constructed fall under ordinary moment-resisting structures or special moment-resisting structures. Since the occurrence of Northridge earthquake in 1994 and Kobe earthquake in 1995, a lot of research has been done on causes of structural failure as well as remedies to the faults previously present in the building before the occurrence of the earthquake.

Análisis Técnico de la Huella Hídrica como Indicador de Sustentabilidad del Uso del Agua en la Producción del Concentrado de Cobre en División El Teniente de Codelco

Garcés Valenzuela, Manuel Antonio January 2011 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar, desde una perspectiva técnica, el potencial uso de la Huella Hídrica (WFP, por su sigla en inglés), como un indicador de sustentabilidad en la minería del cobre en Chile, aplicado a la producción de concentrado de cobre en la División El Teniente (DET) de Codelco. La WFP es un indicador que determina la cantidad de agua consumida por un producto a lo largo de su cadena de suministro y posteriormente, mide los diferentes impactos asociados a estos consumos. Este indicador tiene tres componentes, dependiendo del origen del agua consumida y las alteraciones con que el agua es devuelta al sistema: la WFP Verde, la WFP Azul y la WFP Gris. Para aplicar este indicador, se usó la metodología propuesta por el Water Footprint Manual 2009 (HOEKSTRA, et al., 2009 a), a los procesos de producción del concentrado de cobre de la DET. Se desarrolló, además, un esquema simplificado de los procesos de la DET y su manejo de agua, se realizó un cálculo preliminar sobre la WFP del concentrado de cobre de la DET para los años 2008, 2009 y 2010, y se analizaron los resultados obtenidos. La WFP del concentrado de cobre varió entre los 40 y los 61 m3agua/tonelada de concentrado de cobre, dependiendo de los límites geográficos definidos. Del análisis realizado, se desprende que las principales contribuciones a la WFP del concentrado de cobre en la DET fueron: el agua con alto contenido de sulfato descargada al estero Carén (WFP Gris), el agua trasvasijada de cuenca hacia el tranque Carén (WFP Azul) y el agua evaporada (WFP Azul). En la aplicación de la metodología de la WFP en la DET se encontraron las siguientes limitaciones: las variaciones de su valor aplicado a la DET están influenciadas por la cantidad de lluvia caída, más que por cambios en el manejo de agua de la División,su metodología no es precisa en cuanto al criterio para delimitar los límites geográficos del sistema, su cálculo no considera la calidad de agua de las fuentes, aunque esto se podría considerar en la etapa de evaluación de impactos de la WFP, y las normas ambientales que rijan el sistema en estudio determinan el valor de la WFP Gris. Además, se determinó que su valor está influido por la ley del mineral, lo cual es una ventaja con respecto al make up, desde un punto de vista del uso sustentable de recursos. Se concluye que la WFP es una herramienta adecuada como indicador de consumo de agua. Sin embargo, se deben realizar nuevos estudios para adecuar la metodología de la WFP, referidos a definición de límites geográficos, consideración de calidad de agua de las fuentes y estandarización en la aplicación de diferentes normas ambientales. Además, se debe desarrollar por parte de la DET y la minería en general, sistemas de manejo de datos de consumo y gestión de agua, con el fin de mejorar el uso de este indicador en la industria minera, permitiendo una contribución al desarrollo sustentable del país.

Estudo de caso:sociabilidade entre os beneficiados pelo Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador em uma empresa no município Rio Grande da Serra / Case study: sociability among the beneficiaries of the Worker Food Program at a company in the city Rio Grande da Serra

Silva, Zoraia Moura da 19 October 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O ato de se alimentar é complexo, sofrendo influência de diversos fatores. O Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador (PAT) foi criado pela Lei 6.321, de 14/4/1976. Considerando a importância da sociabilidade ao se alimentar, é factível afirmar que estudos que analisam a sociabilidade em Políticas Públicas que atuam na alimentação são importantes para o delineamento dos programas. OBJETIVOS: Verificar se existe uma relação entre o ato de se alimentar no trabalho e a sociabilidade entre os beneficiados de uma empresa que faz parte do PAT na modalidade autogestão. METODOLOGIA: Foi realizado um estudo de caso exploratório em uma empresa cadastrada no PAT na modalidade de autogestão, localizada no município Rio Grande da Serra. Como instrumento para a coleta dos dados, optou-se por análise documental, entrevista aberta com a nutricionista, bem como entrevista estruturada com os trabalhadores. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Para a análise dos dados, realizou-se uma triangulação dos resultados. Aceitaram participar da entrevista 294 trabalhadores, compondo 54 por cento dos 543 trabalhadores daquela fábrica. Os cargos ocupados eram na grande maioria operacionais, incluindo operador de máquina de produção (64,3 por cento ) e prensista (10,1 por cento ). Suas funções requererem força física, e isso se refletiu no gênero dos participantes: 234 homens (79,6 por cento ) e 60 mulheres (20,4 por cento ). A maior concentração das idades para os homens (56,6 por cento ) é a faixa mais jovem (19 a 29 anos). Do total, 56 por cento consideraram as refeições servidas muito boas, e 40 por cento , boas. Dos entrevistados, 52 por cento referiram permanecer apenas entre 15 e 30 minutos no refeitório, 44,9 por cento até 15 minutos e apenas 3,1 por cento permaneciam entre 30 minutos e 1 hora. Esse dado é preocupante, pois indica uma pequena permanência da maioria deles no local, o que pode revelar uma má escolha dos horários nas refeições pela empresa, o que impossibilitaria o estabelecimento de relações mais profundas entre as pessoas. Questionados sobre quem era(m) sua(s) companhia(s) na hora da refeição, 85,7 por cento afirmaram estarem com colegas do mesmo setor, 9,2 por cento colegas de outro setor, 3,1 por cento sozinhos. 48 por cento dos colaboradores afirmaram ter uma relação muito boa com seus colegas de trabalho, 50 por cento referiram uma boa relação. Sobre o que acham do refeitório: 44,90 por cento consideravam bom, e 22,45 por cento muito bom, pois o ambiente era bom para se descontrair e descansar (29,9 por cento ), havia boa limpeza e higiene (23,9 por cento ), alimentação era boa e saudável (11,8 por cento ). Os que não gostavam do local alegaram barulho insuportável (1,5 por cento ), refeitório com odor desagradável (1,5 por cento ) e falta de uma televisão (1,5 por cento ). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos com as entrevistas e análise documental demonstraram que a presença do PAT na empresa pode ter contribuído para uma maior sociabilidade entre os beneficiados / INTRODUCTION: The act of eating is complex and it is influenced by many factors. The Worker Food Program (WFP) was established by the 6321 Act on 4/14/1976. Considering the importance of sociability when eating, it is feasible to say that studies examining sociability in Public Policies which concern eating are important for the design of the programs. OBJECTIVES: To determine if there is a relation between eating at work and socializing among the beneficiaries of a company that is part of the WFP in the selfmanagement mode. METHODS: We conducted an explanatory case study in a company registered at the WFP in the form of self-management, located in the Rio Grande da Serra County. As an instrument for data collection, we chose to do document analyses, open interviews with the dietitians as well as structured interviews with the workers. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The analysis of the data was performed by screening of the results. 294 workers agreed to participate in the interviews, making up 54 per cent of a total of 543 workers in that factory. The job positions were overwhelmingly operational in nature, including machine operator (64.3 per cent ) and press operator (10.1 per cent ). Their duties require physical strength and this reflected in the participant gender: 234 were men (79.6 per cent ) and 60 were women (20.4 per cent ). The largest age groups for men (56.6 per cent ) was of young adults (19-29 years of age). 56 per cent thought the meals which were served at work were very good and 40 per cent thought they were only good. 52 per cent of respondents reported spending just 15 to 30 minutes in the cafeteria, 44.9 per cent up to 15 minutes and only 3.1 per cent spent between 30 minutes and 1 hour in the cafeteria. These findings are particularly worrisome because they indicates that the workers did not stay very long in the cafeteria, which may reveal a poor meal schedule choice by the companies, which would consequently make it impossible to establish deeper relationships with co-workers . When asked who they shared their meal time with, 85.7 per cent said they shared it with peers that worked in the same sector, 9.2 per cent said they shared it with people from other sectors, 3.1 per cent said they spent it alone. 48 per cent of the respondents reported having a very good relationship with their coworkers, 50 per cent reported a only good relationship. When asked about what they thought of the cafeteria: 44.90 per cent thought it was only good and 22,45 per cent thought it was very good, for different reasons: because the environment was good to relax and rest (29.9 per cent ) because it was clean and wholesome (23.9 per cent ), because the food was good and healthy (11.8 per cent ). Those who disliked the cafeteria claimed it was due to: unbearable noise (1.5 per cent ), unpleasant odors (1.5 per cent ) and lack of a television (1.5 per cent ). CONCLUSION: The results of interviews and document analyses showed that the WFP in a specific company may have contributed to greater sociability among the beneficiaries

Estudo de caso:sociabilidade entre os beneficiados pelo Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador em uma empresa no município Rio Grande da Serra / Case study: sociability among the beneficiaries of the Worker Food Program at a company in the city Rio Grande da Serra

Zoraia Moura da Silva 19 October 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O ato de se alimentar é complexo, sofrendo influência de diversos fatores. O Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador (PAT) foi criado pela Lei 6.321, de 14/4/1976. Considerando a importância da sociabilidade ao se alimentar, é factível afirmar que estudos que analisam a sociabilidade em Políticas Públicas que atuam na alimentação são importantes para o delineamento dos programas. OBJETIVOS: Verificar se existe uma relação entre o ato de se alimentar no trabalho e a sociabilidade entre os beneficiados de uma empresa que faz parte do PAT na modalidade autogestão. METODOLOGIA: Foi realizado um estudo de caso exploratório em uma empresa cadastrada no PAT na modalidade de autogestão, localizada no município Rio Grande da Serra. Como instrumento para a coleta dos dados, optou-se por análise documental, entrevista aberta com a nutricionista, bem como entrevista estruturada com os trabalhadores. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Para a análise dos dados, realizou-se uma triangulação dos resultados. Aceitaram participar da entrevista 294 trabalhadores, compondo 54 por cento dos 543 trabalhadores daquela fábrica. Os cargos ocupados eram na grande maioria operacionais, incluindo operador de máquina de produção (64,3 por cento ) e prensista (10,1 por cento ). Suas funções requererem força física, e isso se refletiu no gênero dos participantes: 234 homens (79,6 por cento ) e 60 mulheres (20,4 por cento ). A maior concentração das idades para os homens (56,6 por cento ) é a faixa mais jovem (19 a 29 anos). Do total, 56 por cento consideraram as refeições servidas muito boas, e 40 por cento , boas. Dos entrevistados, 52 por cento referiram permanecer apenas entre 15 e 30 minutos no refeitório, 44,9 por cento até 15 minutos e apenas 3,1 por cento permaneciam entre 30 minutos e 1 hora. Esse dado é preocupante, pois indica uma pequena permanência da maioria deles no local, o que pode revelar uma má escolha dos horários nas refeições pela empresa, o que impossibilitaria o estabelecimento de relações mais profundas entre as pessoas. Questionados sobre quem era(m) sua(s) companhia(s) na hora da refeição, 85,7 por cento afirmaram estarem com colegas do mesmo setor, 9,2 por cento colegas de outro setor, 3,1 por cento sozinhos. 48 por cento dos colaboradores afirmaram ter uma relação muito boa com seus colegas de trabalho, 50 por cento referiram uma boa relação. Sobre o que acham do refeitório: 44,90 por cento consideravam bom, e 22,45 por cento muito bom, pois o ambiente era bom para se descontrair e descansar (29,9 por cento ), havia boa limpeza e higiene (23,9 por cento ), alimentação era boa e saudável (11,8 por cento ). Os que não gostavam do local alegaram barulho insuportável (1,5 por cento ), refeitório com odor desagradável (1,5 por cento ) e falta de uma televisão (1,5 por cento ). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos com as entrevistas e análise documental demonstraram que a presença do PAT na empresa pode ter contribuído para uma maior sociabilidade entre os beneficiados / INTRODUCTION: The act of eating is complex and it is influenced by many factors. The Worker Food Program (WFP) was established by the 6321 Act on 4/14/1976. Considering the importance of sociability when eating, it is feasible to say that studies examining sociability in Public Policies which concern eating are important for the design of the programs. OBJECTIVES: To determine if there is a relation between eating at work and socializing among the beneficiaries of a company that is part of the WFP in the selfmanagement mode. METHODS: We conducted an explanatory case study in a company registered at the WFP in the form of self-management, located in the Rio Grande da Serra County. As an instrument for data collection, we chose to do document analyses, open interviews with the dietitians as well as structured interviews with the workers. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The analysis of the data was performed by screening of the results. 294 workers agreed to participate in the interviews, making up 54 per cent of a total of 543 workers in that factory. The job positions were overwhelmingly operational in nature, including machine operator (64.3 per cent ) and press operator (10.1 per cent ). Their duties require physical strength and this reflected in the participant gender: 234 were men (79.6 per cent ) and 60 were women (20.4 per cent ). The largest age groups for men (56.6 per cent ) was of young adults (19-29 years of age). 56 per cent thought the meals which were served at work were very good and 40 per cent thought they were only good. 52 per cent of respondents reported spending just 15 to 30 minutes in the cafeteria, 44.9 per cent up to 15 minutes and only 3.1 per cent spent between 30 minutes and 1 hour in the cafeteria. These findings are particularly worrisome because they indicates that the workers did not stay very long in the cafeteria, which may reveal a poor meal schedule choice by the companies, which would consequently make it impossible to establish deeper relationships with co-workers . When asked who they shared their meal time with, 85.7 per cent said they shared it with peers that worked in the same sector, 9.2 per cent said they shared it with people from other sectors, 3.1 per cent said they spent it alone. 48 per cent of the respondents reported having a very good relationship with their coworkers, 50 per cent reported a only good relationship. When asked about what they thought of the cafeteria: 44.90 per cent thought it was only good and 22,45 per cent thought it was very good, for different reasons: because the environment was good to relax and rest (29.9 per cent ) because it was clean and wholesome (23.9 per cent ), because the food was good and healthy (11.8 per cent ). Those who disliked the cafeteria claimed it was due to: unbearable noise (1.5 per cent ), unpleasant odors (1.5 per cent ) and lack of a television (1.5 per cent ). CONCLUSION: The results of interviews and document analyses showed that the WFP in a specific company may have contributed to greater sociability among the beneficiaries

A survey of optimization methods for solving the inverse shortest path routing problem

Sandberg, Richard January 2010 (has links)
Ruttningen av trafik i IP-nätverk sker ofta med hjälp av bågvikter som bestämmer vilken väg trafiken tar (kortastevägruttning). Problemet här är att avgöra ifall det existerar en uppsättning vikter givet ett önskat ruttningsschema. Den hör rapporten undersöker prestandan hos ett antal modeller och optimeringsprogram avsedda att lösa denna typ av problem som ofta kallas inversa kortastevägruttningsproblemet. Undersökningen visar att det existerar en stor skillnad mellan modellerna och optimeringsprogrammen och att modellen baserad på cykelbaser löst med CPLEXdualopt lösaren är snabbast. / The routing of traffic in IP networks is often done with a set of weights that determinewhich way the traffic will go (shortest path routing). The problem here is todetermine if there exists a set of weights for a desired routing pattern. This thesis willinvestigate the performance of a number of different models and solvers for solvingthis type of problem which is usually called the inverse shortest path routing (ISPR)problem. The models tested are the same as described in [1]. The different solversused are mainly the linear CPLEX solvers but also a few multi commodity networksolvers. The tests showed that there is a big performance difference between the models andsolvers and that the cycle bases model solved with the CPLEX dualopt solver wasthe fastest overall.

Small scale farmers’ access to and participation in markets : The case of the P4P program in western Kenya

Skjöldevald, Maja January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to understand how small scale farmers navigate the market to access and participate in the formal maize market to improve their revenue, utilising the case of the P4P program inKenya. The empirical material was collected during fieldwork in Kenya. Qualitative methods were found to be the most suitable for this thesis. The methods that was utilised were a case study strategy, semi structured interviews, focus groups, observations and analysis of secondary sources. In this study different approaches about farmers’ organisations (FO) and small scale farmers’ access to and participation in markets have been utilised to create an analytical context. The study found that food markets in developing countries are lacking in infrastructure, market information and bank credit. The dynamics of the Kenyan market are even more complicated due to its two different marketing channels. Using collective action has the farmers overcome many of these limitations. One change is in the farmers’ mind set from viewing agriculture as a hobby to a business. The farmers have been criticised for defaulting on their contracts, whereas WFP has been criticised delays in payments. Some FO:s have been more successful than others which are a reflection of the barriers within the P4P program itself.

Malnutrition Through Constructivism: How International Organizations Succeed in Sustaining Nutrition Interventions in Kenya

Ali, Elham 01 January 2015 (has links)
International organizations (IOs) such as the United Nations Children’s Fund have immense power in influencing state agenda and policies in issues in health such as advocating micronutrient interventions in developing countries. Scholarly literature classifies IOs as “norm entrepreneurs” who can alter state behavior through many forms of rhetoric. The theoretical model, constructivism, notes that IOs are autonomous actors in their decision-making who use states as tools to pursue their own interests. Thus, how do these IOs succeed in sustaining malnutrition-related interventions and programs in Kenya? In this thesis, I argue that IOs can effectively improve malnutrition outcomes by improving the allocation and accessibility of nutritional resources and services, setting an institutional framework for implementing and sustaining programs at hand, and fostering the operation of tools that will assist interventions to scale-up to national nutrition policies. To accomplish this, specific IOs possess external effects such as political will, strong funding, and a multi-sectoral nutrition approach, and multilateral IOs have internal factors such as authority, autonomy, and are able to find opportunities in uncertain situations. I also argue that IOs presented in this paper have made limited strides in reducing aggregate malnutrition rates of stunting, wasting and underweight in Kenya. I ground my analysis on constructivism to understand IO behavior towards malnutrition interventions for children under five in Kenya.

Making a meal of it: the World Food Programme and legitimacy in global politics

Ross, D. A. January 2008 (has links)
The world faces many complex and difficult problems at the global level – problems that are increasingly recognised as requiring political as much as technical solutions. While such issues are often taken to concern, in broad terms, global governance, more specifically, the political aspects of such governance are fundamentally linked to interactions between the United Nations system and the power exercised by the United States of America (US). One important and distinctive arena within which these interactions can be viewed is the international food aid regime, and its central organisation, the World Food Programme (WFP) - an area lacking in concerted political science study in recent years. This thesis is concerned with the role of the US in shaping the legitimacy of the WFP within the institutional context of the international food aid regime. Legitimacy is defined as deriving from the three elements of inclusion, accountability and effectiveness. The WFP and international regime are, it is argued, well respected, relatively effective, and enjoy high levels of legitimacy. At a micro level there are many specific historical and localised factors resulting in this legitimacy; at the macro level many of these factors can be linked to the interaction of norms and interests between the US and the regime. / In particular, the regime’s development and success has been closely related to both a congruence between the US domestic feed-the-hungry norm and the regime’s international feed-the-hungry norm, and a process of divergence between those norms. It is this normative interplay that has enabled US power to be deployed and constrained in a manner resulting in high levels of legitimacy for the WFP. While in many respects this has limited WFP’s capacity to do more with the problem of global hunger than merely ameliorate it, the nature of the problem is much bigger than the capacities of any single operational agency of the United Nations.

English Word Formation Processes: The use of affixations and implications for second language learning : A Case Study of Swedish Secondary Schools Grades 7-9

Håkansson, Jeannette January 2021 (has links)
This work explains the types of affixation errors second language learners make when learning English word formation processes, especially derivational and inflectional affixations. The data for the study were collected as primary sources from two secondary schools in Sweden. The data were analyzed with the use of Error Analysis noted by Corder (1967) and the error analysis framework adapted by Ellis et al. (2005, p. 57). The method chosen was to identify, classify, describe,and evaluate derivational and inflectional affixation errors. In total 2,812 answers were retrieved. The results consist of some findings, for example, some of the derivationaland inflectional affixations errors were noticed to be intralingual and interlingual. Also, the nature of the errors issuch that they are either transferred, omissive, additive or substitutive errors. Moreover, the errors were also due to overgeneralization, including substitutionerrors, or additive errors. Previous research findings showedstudents make grammatical errors with letter insertions, letter omission, or substitutionerrors. This study made the same findings as students made errors of letter insertion, letter omission, substitution errors, and errors due to overgeneralization. Some of the most difficult derivational and inflectional affixation errors were also noticed across all the grades.

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