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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Green Urban Drainage Infrastructure : Hydrology and Modelling of Grass Swales

Rujner, Hendrik January 2018 (has links)
The management of urban runoff has evolved along with the advancement of understanding of runoff environmental impacts. Besides the impacts on water quality in the receiving waters, the impacts on the urban hydrologic regime include reduced infiltration by the sealing of pervious land, reduced evapotranspiration by removal of vegetation, and the resulting increase of stormwater runoff peaks and volumes causing flooding, and ultimately degradation of receiving waters. In such considerations, urban stormwater management benefits from the implementation of Green Infrastructure which includes decentralized vegetative controls that capture and infiltrates rain where it falls and thus reduces and improves stormwater runoff. An example of small scale elements of Green Infrastructure are traditional grass swales. Through shallow depressions with mild side slopes grass swales collect and infiltrate stormwater from parking lots and roads, while runoff flows are attenuated and further conveyed depending on the hydraulic loading. Grass swales usually operate reliably and their maintenance needs are well understood. Their hydrological performance is, beside their dimensions and the contributing area, determined mainly by hydraulic and soil-related hydrological parameters that change with the intensity of the storm. Yet, because swales discharge to downstream drainage elements, either to the conventional sewer system or to other stormwater management facilities, the knowledge of the underlying inter-related processes and influential factors that govern the hydraulic and hydrological performance of grass swales is required. Against this background, this thesis is devoted to such questions as (i) what are the differences in the hydraulic and hydrological performance of the studied swales, (ii) how do soil characteristics, including the antecedent soil moisture, influence the swale water balance for various hydraulic loadings; and (iii) how can the related hydrological processes be simulated in high-resolution and reliably predicted using a grid-based, distributed model. For this purpose, full-scale studies were performed in three 30-m grass swale sections in Luleå, Northern Sweden, by collecting hydraulic and hydrological data based on routine storm events mimicking block-rainfall storm events of 2 months and 3 years recurrence. The resulting runoff and soil moisture data were used to calculate the swale water balance, to derive event hydrographs and to obtain calibration and validation data for model simulations. The experimental results showed that the relative swale flow volume reduction decreased with an increasing soil moisture and indicated the transition in dominating swale functions: at low initial SWC, runoff was highly attenuated (up to 74%), but for high SWC, the conveyance function dominated (with attenuation as low as 17%). Runoff flow peaks were reduced, proportionally to the volume reductions. Swale outflow hydrograph lag times varied between 5 to 15 minutes and decreased with increasing soil moisture. The swale wetness affected runoff formation, attenuation and subsequent outlet discharge and, for the short-duration events tested, only the top soil layer contributed to these findings. In the three swales tested, soils, initial soil water content, saturated hydraulic conductivity and topography varied spatially significantly. Double-ring infiltrometer measurements resulted in values of 1.78, 4.04 and 9.41 cm/hr (n=9) in the three swales tested and deviated from estimates from averages of spatially integrated infiltration rates. However, with regard to spatial variability, only the topography, described as irregularities in the swale bottom slopes affected the swale runoff dissipation and conveyance in the early phase of the events. Together with estimates of the water stored in the top soil layer, 4-32% of runoff volumes from the mimicked 2-month storm were temporarily stored. The distributed model Mike SHE was found capable of simulating swale drainage processes, when properly calibrated. Close agreement (NSE>0.8) was found not only for the measured and simulated swale outlet hydrographs, but also for the changes of the soil moisture in the top soil layer, which shows rapid increase up to the saturated soil water content, but minor or no progression in depths of 0.2 m. The model output was little sensitive to the initial soil water content, especially for low inflow which resulted in larger residuals in simulated runoff peak flows and volumes. As in field measurements, spatial variability of the initial soil water content had no effect on the swale outflow, but the accuracy of the topographical representation. The thesis findings include several implications regarding effects of the assessed parameters in the application of the model for swale flow simulation and eventually the design of grass swales. / Urban dagvattenhantering har utvecklats parallellt med en ökad förståelse för dagvattnets allmänna miljöpåver­kan. Utöver ytvattenkvalitén i recipientvatten påverkas även den hydrologiska regimen genom reducerad infilt­rationsförmåga i mark orsakad av allt tätare ytskikt samt reducerad evapotranspiration orsakad av minskad vegetationsutbredning. Detta ger både förhöjda toppflöden och avrinningsvolymer, vilket kan resultera i över­svämning och slutligen en försämrad ytvattenkvalité i recipienterna. Dagens urbana dagvattensystem förändras mot en högre grad av grön infrastruktur som en central systemkomponent. Decentraliserad omhändertagning av dagvatten såsom svackdiken utjämnar och för bort dagvattensflöden, samtidigt som de fungerar tillförlitligt och deras underhållsåtgärder är välkända. Uppbyggda med små svackor och låglutande slänter samlar svackdiken in och infiltrerar dagvatten från parkeringsytor och vägar. Dessa svackdikens hydrologiska funktion bestäms av en rad faktorer, utöver teknisk dimensionering och avrinningsområdets storlek och hydrologi, även av hydraulik och jordartsrelaterad hydrologi som förändras beroende på respektive nederbördstillfälles intensitet och varak­tighet. Eftersom svackdikens utflöde passerar nedströms liggande dagvattentekniker/anordningar, antingen konventionella ledningssystem eller andra teknologier, krävs full förståelse och kunskap om de faktorer som styr svackdikens hydraulik och hydrologi. Mot denna bakgrund fokuserar avhandlingen på frågorna (i) vilka skillnader finns med avseende på hydraulisk och hydrologisk prestanda för de studerade svackdiken, (ii) i vilken mån påverkar markartsförhållanden, inklu­sive ingående markfuktighet, svackdikens vattenbalans vid varierande hydraulisk belastning; samt (iii) hur och i vilken mån kan ovanstående simuleras högupplöst och förutsägbart, via den rutnätsbaserade distribuerade mo­dellen Mike SHE. Därför har fullskaliga studier bedrivits i två 30 m långa svackdiken i Luleå kommuns södra stadsområde, där hydrauliska och hydrologiska data insamlats baserat på standardiserade nederbördsförlopp, återskapande blockregn med 2 månaders och 3 års återkomsttid. Data för avrinning och markfukthalter använ­des för att beräkna svackdikenas vattenbalans, nederbördförloppens hydrografer samt erhålla kalibrering- och valideringsdata för modellsimuleringar. Resultaten från experimenten visade att den volymetriska flödesre­duktionen minskade relativt sett med ökande markfukthalt, indikerande en övergång för svackdikets domine­rande funktionalitet: vid låga initiala SWC var avrinningen tydligt dämpad (upp till 74%), medan för höga SWC innebar att transportfunktionen dominerade (med dämpningsgrad ner mot 17%). Avrinnande momentana topp­flöden reducerades proportionellt mot volymreduktionen. Laggtiden för svackdikets utflödeshydrograf varierade mellan 5 och 15 minuter och reducerades med ökande markfukthalt. Fuktförhållandena i svackdiket påverkade avrinningsförloppet, flödesdämpning och efterföljande utsläpp, och enbart svackdikets översta markskikt berör­des under de kortvariga bevattningscyklerna. I de tre testade svackdikena varierade jordart, initial markfukthalt, mättad hydraulisk konduktivitet och topografi signifikant. Mätningar med dubbelrings infiltrometrar gav föl­jande resultat, 1.78, 4.04 samt 9.41 cm/h (n=9), vilket avvek från medelvärdesbaserat estimat från spatialt inte­grerade infiltrationshastigheter. Med avseende på spatial variabilitet påverkade endast svackdikenas topografi, i form av ojämnheter i och nära dikesbotten, avrinningsförloppen och bortledning under den inledande fasen av regnhändelsen. Sammantaget med uppskattningar av den lagrat vatten i marklagrets toppskikt, bedöms 4-32% av svackdikets ytavrinning från ett simulerade nederbördtillfälle med 2 månaders återkomststid kunna lagras tillfälligt. Mike SHE befanns kapabel att med god noggrannhet kunna reproducera naturbundna dräneringsför­lopp och flöden i svackdiken, förutsatt tillbörlig kalibrering. God överensstämmelse (NSE>0.8) framkom inte bara mellan uppmätta och simulerade utgående hydrografer, utan också beträffande ändring av markfukthalt i ytligt marklager med snabb höjning av fukthalt upp emot full vattenmättnad. Däremot framkom endast mindre (eller total frånvaro av) överensstämmelse vad gäller markdjup av 0.2 m. Modellens output uppvisade låg käns­lighet för ursprunglig markfukthalt, speciellt gällande lågt flöde vilket resulterade i större residualer för simule­rade toppflöden och avrinningsvolymer. För fältförsöken framkom att den initiala markfukthaltens spatiala variabilitet inte påverkade utflödet från svackdiket – i motsats till noggrannheten i dikets topografiska repre­sentation. Denna uppsats belyser samband och följdverkningar beträffande påverkan från undersökta parametrar på en modell för flödes- och vattenföring i ett svackdike och framledes framtida design av svackdiken.

Components for area-efficient stormwater treatment systems

Milovanovic, Ivan January 2021 (has links)
With progressing urbanisation, treatment of urban stormwater is a vital issue that should be addressed to ensure good water quality in receiving water bodies. Treatment may be performed near the source, with different filter systems using various filter materials, or by using an end-of-pipe method, e.g. a stormwater pond. One constraint in the urban environment is the lack of available space in developed areas, where stormwater treatment facilities are needed the most. Methods developed to treat the stormwater runoff have been the focus of previous studies but the increasing standards of water quality and increasing land constraint pressures demand the further development of stormwater treatment systems. Both laboratory and field experiments are necessary to understand and improve the treatment processes as well as to evaluate how the implemented methods perform under field conditions. The aim of the thesis was to increase the knowledge about the components in stormwater treatment systems that can be used in area-efficient treatment facilities. In order to compare four potential stormwater filter materials (peat, bark, air-blown polypropylene and milkweed), column experiments were carried out using synthetic stormwater that simulated road runoff. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the impacts of the ageing of synthetic stormwater quality during laboratory testing, including dissolved metal concentrations and their impact on the estimation of filter efficiency. In a field study, a full-scale application of a zeolite filter installation was investigated, with a focus on service life and the efficiency of treating copper roof runoff. In order to further investigate a novel sedimentation device, a bottom grid structure (BGS), promoting sediment settling in a smaller area of a stormwater pond, a hydraulic modelling study was conducted to investigate the impact of the cell geometry of the structure on sediment settling and the impact of the structure on pond maintenance and sediment resuspension.  The column tests of four different filter materials showed that bark and peat had higher treatment efficiency for dissolved metals than milkweed and polypropylene, with the order of efficiency being peat>bark>milkweed>polypropylene. All four of the filter materials showed a total metal reduction of over 70%, which could be due to the separation of particle-bound metals in the columns. The ageing of the synthetic stormwater showed that dissolved metals, particularly copper, decreased in concentration, quite rapidly. During one experiment run, the dissolved copper concentration was reduced to 15% of its initial value. In order to account for the concentration changes an equation was proposed that normalised the concentration of dissolved metal over the duration of the experiment. During the observation period of 16 months, the zeolite installation removed 52% to 82% and 48% to 94% of total and dissolved copper, respectively. However, the effluent concentrations were still high (360-600 μg/l). There was also an indication of the decreasing filter performance over time with a prediction that the treatment level of total copper would drop to approximately 25% by the end of the service life of three years. The hydraulic experiments on a scaled model of a BGS showed that wider cells were on average 13% more efficient in trapping the particles than the narrower variant. The cell wall angle also had an impact (tilted walls added to the sedimentation efficiency), although the applicability of such cell structures can be questioned, as this cell shape may hinder maintenance efforts. It was also hypothesised that the inclusion of the BGS in the pond reduces the area needed for sediment settling, thus making the pond more area-efficient and easier to include in an urbanised setting.

Sustainability performance of blue-green infrastructure across seasons and with various designs

Sagrelius, Pär January 2022 (has links)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) affect societal development within multiple sectors, both strategically and at street level. For instance, SDG 6 and SDG 11 have contributed to a shift in urban stormwater management that has traditionally been pipe-based, including only control of runoff volumes, to a more multi-functional nature-based blue-green infrastructure (BGI), where"blue" areas are characterized by (temporarily or permanent) open water and "green" areas by vegetative systems. As an alternative drainage approach, the use of BGI was developed and primarily evaluated in regions with temperate climates where a recent focus has been the role of BGI as providers of multiple ecosystem services within an urban context. However, as the use of BGI expands into non-temperate zones, there is a clear need to address the fact that these nature-based systems are not only blue and green. For example, in northern climates BGI systems e.g., street-scale bioretention systems include white aspects (i.e. snow) for varying time periods. Whilst the design options for bioretention are varied and complex, (e.g., differing combinations of construction styles, filter materials and plants) research into the impact of alternative design options has focused on technical evaluations, i.e., the impact on pollution treatment and/or hydraulic control of stormwater. Knowledge of how these different bioretention designs affect other sustainability criteria, such as economic, social, and environmental aspects, needs to be fully developed. The purpose of this licentiate thesis was to characterise and compare different street-scale bioretention designs to gain a better understanding of the relative sustainability of different bioretention systems and how the use of BGI can contribute to SDG delivery. In addition, the aim was to lay the theoretical foundation for an extended BGI concept by including white urban environments within the concept of blue-green-white infrastructure (BGWI). The overall goal was to contribute with new, relevant knowledge about the relative sustainability of alternative design aspects for bioretention systems in particular and the implications for BGI in general. A review of the literature informed the identification and approaches to benchmarking a series of social, economic, and technical-environmental criteria. In a life cycle assessment and a multi-criteria analysis, 12 different designs of bioretentions were evaluated. The results showed that, although design features had a large impact on the performance of bioretentions, no single design configuration scored highest across all sustainability criteria. The best performance in relation to social criteria was associated with the use of trees and smaller volumes of pumice in the filter material mixture. In the economic criteria, costs increased when using concrete constructions and a complex mixture of filter materials. Bioretention systems with a water-saturated submerged zone and a variety of plant species outperformed the other systems in the technical-environmental criteria. The foundation of and justification for the concept of BGWI was developed in a perspective essay, including the development of a theoretical framework to support the systematic expansion of BGI to BGWI and to inform and align future studies. The framework identifies the potential for the delivery of a wider range of ecosystem services via BGWI in comparison to BGI. However, while the technical functionality of BGI in temperate climates has an established evidence base, its performance in cold climates (as BGWI) is less well evaluated with the extension of the BGI concept to BGWI identified as an opportunity to address these knowledge gaps in a way that is sensitive to seasonal variations in ecosystem service delivery (both positive and negative). The results from this licentiate thesis can be directly used in both the strategic and practical planning of sustainable urban stormwater management strategies. Specifically in the early planning stage of BGI, design considerations should be made that recognise the differing role of BGI across seasons as an opportunity to aid multifunctional urban drainage implementation and thereby, the sustainable development of cities.

Urban Stormwater Treatment with Ultrafiltration and Pulsatile Fluid Flow / Dagvattenbehanding med utrafiltrering och pulserande flöde

Kaykhaii, Saida January 2023 (has links)
Stormwater can be a potential water resource if it is treated, and the quality meets the demand, depending on the application. Various nutrients and pollutants, for example microorganisms can enter stormwater and can vary depending on time and place, as the contaminants come from different sources. Sometimes the quality of stormwater can also deteriorate during its collection and storage. Therefore, the treatment of stormwater could be necessary before reuse and before discharge into the environment. Various treatment methods exist for this purpose. Ponds, wetlands, and bioretention systems are used in various countries to remove pollutants from stormwater. In addition to these methods, the use of membranes for stormwater treatment has become of interest. The application of membrane technology in new areas such as stormwater treatment requires a great deal of research to evaluate the potential opportunities and challenges. Research has been conducted to separate one or a few pollutants from stormwater using membranes. However, more research is needed to evaluate the applicability of using membranes for stormwater treatment, and their challenges and advantages. For this purpose, three experimental studies have been carried out. Polluted snow along a road was collected and treated using an ultrafiltration membrane. To prevent any damages to the membrane, a pretreatment step was included before the membrane process. It was of interest to evaluate the membrane process ability for treating snowmelt and to evaluate the potential for water reuse depending on regulations in different countries. Another objective was to investigate the productivity of the membrane process and try to improve it by adding pulsatile fluid flow to the experimental set-up. To investigate membrane cleaning, backwashing was carried out at regular intervals, and different backwash times and two chemical cleaning combinations were used. In addition, the fouling layer on the membrane was studied using a scanning electron microscope. Afterwards, the quality of the backwash water from the membrane cleaning was analyzed, which may be helpful in the future when looking for a suitable method to recycle the backwash water. When evaluating pulsatile fluid flow, the productivity of the membrane process increased significantly as the frequency of pulses increased (from -6.6 to 82 L/m2/h). The treated snowmelt mixture was of high quality and could be used for various applications, such as wetland maintenance, toilet flushing, and other municipal use. If the treated stormwater is disinfected, it can also be reused as drinking water. In this study, the optimal backwash duration was found to be 45 s in relation to productivity, although the backwash efficiency and permeability were higher with a backwash time of 60 s. The use of chemicals (NaOH with or without NaOCl followed by HCl) could restore the pure water permeability of the membrane to 107 L/m2/h/bar-1, in average. The pure water reversibility after chemical cleaning was 96% on average. Analysis of the backwash water showed that it is a concentrated solution of stormwater pollutants. TOC concentration was 24 times higher than pretreated stormwater. In addition, the backwash water contained significant concentrations of particulate metals and the concentration factor for various metals varied between 15 to 40.

Organic micropollutants in highway stormwater and the role of a gross pollutant trap-biofilter stormwater treatment train

Beryani, Ali January 2023 (has links)
The studies which this thesis is based on assessed the stormwater quality in a highway catchment located in Sundsvall, Sweden, and examined the performance of a gross pollutant trap (GPT)-biofilter stormwater treatment train (TT) downstream of the catchment, in terms of removal efficiency, intra-event variability, and environmental risk reduction of organic micropollutants (OMPs) for the receiving water body. Assessing the occurrence and event mean concentrations (EMCs) of all OMPs in the catchment revealed that bisphenol A (BPA), octylphenol (OP), nonylphenol (NP), five carcinogenic and four non-carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and C16-C40 fractions of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) all potentially pose an environmental risk to freshwater (EMCs >PNEC: predicted non-effect concentration), while alkylphenolethoxylates, six low- molecular weight PAHs, and lighter fractions of PHCs (C10-C16) do not occur at problematic levels. In order to assess the impact of the downstream TT in mitigating the risks of the studied OMPs, the performance of the TT compartments (a GPT followed by three filter cells) was analyzed and then compared with each other to identify the importance of each design feature (i.e. pre-treatment GPT, sand-based filter media, vegetation, and chalk amendment). Overall, the TT removed most OMPs from highway runoff effectively. The GTP did not contribute to this treatment, thus, the filter sections were responsible for most of the OMP removal. The results showed that, although the non-vegetated sandfilter (SF) could moderately (<50% removal for phenolic substances) to substantially (50–80% removal for PAHs and PHCs) treat the OMPs, the vegetated biofilters (BF and BFC) considerably improved the removal performance, especially for BPA, OP, and suspended solids (TSS). This observation was explained by additional filtration processes provided by the vegetation topsoil layer, which not only enhanced the particulate/particle-bound OMP physical retention but also physiochemical adsorption of colloidal and soluble substances/fractions (such as BPA and OP). Further analysis of intra-event concentration (IEC) variations of OMPs and TSS showed that the IECs in the highway stormwater and GPT outflow varied considerably without any particular patterns over the course of the events, but first flush rarely occurred. The IEC variations were attenuated by the SF and BFC cells so that more even pollutant load discharge with no first flush was observed during the filter cells’ outflow events. Yet, the IECs for the SF cell revealed that the IECs often peak at the beginning of the effluent events (within the first 100 m3 out of maximum record of ⁓600 m3) and then decrease and become stabilized towards the end of the event. The early-phase concentration peaks exceeded the PNECs for TSS, five PAHs, BPA, and OP, a fact that was not shown by the EMC-based analysis, thus highlighted the advantage of the IEC analysis.

Vägen mot hållbar vattenanvändning: Uppsala kommuns skolfastigheter i fokus

Punitharupen, Thanika, Nilsson, Elin, Temesgen Negashe, Rodas, Johansson, Alice January 2024 (has links)
Vatten är en resurs på jorden som idag är central i många aspekter. Med en ökande population ochklimatförändringar blir vatten en begränsande resurs. I samhället krävs därmed idag en förbättradoch nyanserad vattenförbrukning där användningen optimeras och effektiviseras. I sambandmed samhällets utmaning att framställa och generera rent vatten ökar även kostnaden för vatten idagens kommuner vilket innebär en ytterligare utmaning för kommunens verksamheter. Uppsalakommun är en av kommunerna som har höjt vattentaxan och detta har de gjort med 28 %. Dettainnebär att Uppsala kommuns Skolfastigheter AB är i behov av att minska sin vattenanvändningmed 23 %. Syftet med denna rapport är därmed att hjälpa Skolfastigheter AB att kunna nå dennabesparing samt undersöka deras förbrukningsmönster. Rapporten undersökte förbrukningsmönster kring tappvattenanvändningen i sju skolor inomSkolfastigheter AB. Besparingar med snålspolande tekniker undersöktes djupare för de sjuskolorna samtidigt som en litteraturstudie undersökte recirkulerande duschar samt beröringsfriablandare som tekniska åtgärder för framtida skolor. Vilka vattenkrävande rutiner som kan finnasinom skolorna undersöktes via en zoomintervju samt en mejlintervju. Resultatet av rapportenvisar att det kan finnas årsvariationer och månadsvariationer i tappvattenanvändningen hos enskola inom Skolfastigheter AB. För samma skola förbrukade sommaren mer vatten än övrigaårstider, och helgdagar använde mindre vatten än vardagar. En eventuell rutin som krävde högtappvattenförbrukning fanns på samma skola där vatten spolade under en längre tid medan elevertvättade händerna. Snålspolande munstycken och snålspolande toaletter kunde ge en minskningpå 21.9 % vid en implementering av båda dessa tekniker i samtliga sju skolor. Beröringsfriablandare och recirkulerande duschar visade sig kunna vara åtgärder för framtida skolor. Det krävsdäremot vidare studier kring skolors användning av tappvatten för att fastställa hur stor besparingsnålspolande munstycken, snålspolande toaletter, recirkulerande duschar samt beröringsfriablandare kan ge Skolfastigheter AB idag och i framtiden. Information om vilka skolor som ärlämpligast att implementera dessa vattenbesparande tekniker hos krävs också för att utvärderamöjligheterna till besparing. Slutsatsen av rapporten är att det krävs av Skolfastigheter AB att detimplementeras vattenbesparande tekniker i kombination med rutinändringar för att nå upp tillmålet 23 % besparing.

Phosphorus removal capacity of the materials Polonite and Sorbulite : Influence of saturated falling-head hydraulic conductivity and particle size / Fosforavskiljningsförmåga hos filtermaterialen Polonite och Sorbulite : Påverkan av mättad hydraulisk ledningsförmåga och partikelstorlek

Akbaribaseri, Mojtaba January 2024 (has links)
Treatment of waste water containing high amount of anthropogenic nutrient is a matter of great necessity acknowledged extensively.  Phosphorus (P) is one of the major nutrients of waste water threatening the aquatic ecosystems. If the phosphorus amount exceeds the system limits, growth of algae and microorganisms in system starts to speed up and consumption of oxygen is hence increased. Because of depletion of oxygen by algae the system is transformed from oxygen based (aerobic) to non-oxygen based (anaerobic) system threatening the ecosystem.  The increasing removal actions of phosphorus existing in wastewater by treatment around the world contributes to preserve the natural ecosystem to a better situation. In this study a literature survey was carried out and different methods of phosphorus treatment were investigated such as wetlands filter wells, infiltration beds and filter materials. Then two mineral based filter materials, Polonite® and Sorbulite® were evaluated experimentally in laboratory conditions.   In this study hydraulic conductivity and phosphorus sorption capacity of two mineral-based filter materials were analyzed and evaluated. The objective was to investigate the hydraulic conductivity and sorption capacity of the materials. Different particle sizes were also tested aiming to find the optimum particle size of the filter materials.   The analysis was done by testing the filter materials in laboratory experiments. Two sets of hydraulic conductivity and sorption batch experiments were done for five different particle sizes, according to universal sieve numbers categories of the particle sizes: (0.25-1 mm) (1-2 mm) (2-4 mm) (4-5.6 mm) (5.6-8 mm). The adsorption mechanism was explained briefly, and the two mineral-based materials are expressed and clarified. Finally, the experiment tests to measure the hydraulic conductivity and sorption capacity were explained. The experimental work was conducted for eight different phosphate concentrations (PO4-P) and various particle sizes of Polonite and Sorbulite. The hydraulic conductivity and sorption capacity in batch experiments were measured for periods of 24 and 48 hours, respectively.  The results showed that both filter materials have high and acceptable hydraulic conductivity specifically at large particle sizes. For the adsorption capability it was observed that both materials can adsorb almost all the phosphorus in the solution. Consequently, no major distinction was seen between Polonite and Sorbulite; eventually it is concluded that the current sizes of particles are too much for such range of concentration. The solution for future studies is to carry out the sorption batch experiment for either smaller particle sizes or for higher concentration of phosphate solution. / Fosforavskiljningsförmåga hos filtermaterialen Polonite och Sorbulite - Påverkan av mättad hydraulisk ledningsförmåga och partikelstorlek. Rening av avloppsvatten som innehåller stora mängder antropogent näringsämne är en fråga av stor nödvändighet som erkänts i stor utsträckning. Fosfor (P) är ett av de viktigaste näringsämnena i avloppsvattnet som hotar de akvatiska ekosystemen. Om fosformängden överskrider systemgränserna, börjar tillväxten av alger och mikroorganismer i systemet att påskyndas och förbrukningen av syre ökar därmed. På grund av utarmning av syre från alger omvandlas systemet från syrebaserat (aerobt) till icke-syrebaserat (anaerobt) system som hotar ekosystemet.  Att ta bort den fosfor som finns i avloppsvattnet kommer att bidra till att bevara de naturliga ekosystemen i en bättre status. I denna studie genomfördes en mindre litteraturundersökning och olika metoder för fosforrening inventerades såsom våtmarksfilterbrunnar, infiltrationsbäddar och filtermaterial. Därefter utvärderades två mineralbaserade filtermaterial av Polonite och Sorbulite experimentellt i laboratorietillstånd.   I denna studie analyserades och utvärderades också hydraulisk konduktivitet och fosforsorptionskapacitet hos två mineralbaserade filtermaterial. Målet var att studera materialens hydrauliska konduktivitet och sorptionsförmåga. Olika partikelstorlekar testades i syfte att hitta den optimala partikelstorleken på filtermaterialet.   Analysen utfördes genom att testa filtermaterialen i laboratorieförsök. Två uppsättningar av hydraulisk ledningsförmåga och sorptionssatsexperiment gjordes för fem olika partikelstorlekar, enligt universella siktnummer av partikelstorlekar: (0,25–1 mm) (1–2 mm) (2-4 mm) (4-5,6 mm) (5,6-8 mm). Adsorptionsmekanismen beskrevs kortfattat och de två mineralbaserade materialens egenskaper uttrycktes och förtydligas. Slutligen förklarades experimenttesterna för att mäta den hydrauliska konduktiviteten och sorptionskapaciteten. Det experimentella arbetet bedrevs för åtta olika fosfat-koncentrationer och olika partikelstorlekar av Polonite och Sorbulite. Den hydrauliska konduktiviteten och sorptionskapaciteten mättes under perioder om 24 och 48 timmar.  Resultaten visade att båda filtermaterialen har hög och acceptabel hydraulisk konduktivitet specifikt vid stora partikelstorlekar. För adsorptionsförmågan observerades att båda materialen kan adsorbera nästan all fosfor i lösningen. Följaktligen sågs ingen större skillnad mellan Polonite och Sorbulite; slutligen drogs slutsatsen att partiklarnas nuvarande storlek är för stora för ett sådant koncentrationsområde som finns i verkliga reningssituationer. Framtida studier kan vara att utföra sorptionssatsexperimentet för antingen mindre partikelstorlekar eller för högre koncentration fosfatlösning.

Numerical Modelling of Water Exchange between Fresh- and Seawater : A study of a 2D cross-section in Forsmark, Sweden / Numerisk Modellering av Vattenutbyte mellan Söt- och Havsvatten

Poncin, Tom January 2024 (has links)
As the interest in Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) has increased, so has the need for methods to quantify the flow. This study investigates the possibility in estimating this flow through studying the exchange between fresh- and seawater with a numerical 2D model created in COMSOL Multiphysics. The study has been conducted on an area in Forsmark, Sweden, where a cross-section was created with help of the measurements and investigations of the area, primarily SKB’s investigations concerning Foremark’s suitability for the final repository of long-lived nuclear waste. Three scenarios were simulated besides the reference scenario: seasonal changes in the exchange between fresh- and seawater due to groundwater level changes, changes in the exchange due to future salinity changes in the Gulf of Bothnia, and how fractures may influence the exchange. A sensitivity analysis was conducted on these parameters. This study shows that the quantification was not possible with this method, however through studying the saltwater intrusion it is expected to observe seasonal changes in exchange between fresh- and seawater and changes in exchange between fresh- and seawater due to changes in salinity. It is also shown that fractures have a significant impact. From the sensitivity analysis of groundwater level and salinity, it shows a change in groundwater level has a larger impact on the exchange between fresh- and seawater than a change in salinity. / I takt med att intresset för submarint grundvattensutflöde (SGD) har ökat har behovet av metoder för att kvantifiera flödet ökat. Denna studie undersöker möjligheten att uppskatta detta flöde genom att studera utbytet mellan söt- och havsvatten med en numerisk 2D modell skapad i COMSOL Multiphysics. Studien har genomförts på ett område i Forsmark, Sverige, där en genomskärning har skapats med hjälp av de mätningar och undersökningar som tidigare genomförts i området, framför allt SKB:s undersökningar som behandlat Forsmarks lämplighet för slutligt förvar av långlivat kärnavfall. Tre scenarier har simulerats utöver referensscenariot: säsongsbaserade förändringar i söt- och havsvattenutbytet kopplat till förändringar i grundvattennivåer, förändringar i söt- och havsvattenutbytet kopplat till framtida förändringar i salthalten i Bottniska viken samt hur olika sprickor kan påverka söt- och havsvattenutbytet. Känsligheten i förändringar i dessa parametrar har även undersökts. Studien visar att kvantifieringen av flödet inte var möjligt med denna metod, men genom att studera saltvatteninträngningen går de att förvänta säsongsbaserade förändringar i söt- och havsvattenutbytet och förändringar i söt- och havsvattenutbytet av förändrade salthalter i den Bottniska viken samt att sprickor har stor påverkan. Av känslighetsanalysen av parametrarna grundvattennivå och salthalt så framgår att en förändring i grundvattennivå har större påverkan än en förändring i salthalt.

Vägval för vattenanvändning i Uppsalas framtida stadsdelar

Englund, Karl, Jarmander, Anna, Forsgren, Jakob, Toranian, Adela, Perman, Stina, Gannholm, Tove January 2019 (has links)
​Uppsala är en av åtta städer som på begäran av regeringen valts ut för uppdraget hållbar stadsutveckling. Projektet arbetar med stadsdelen Bergsbrunna i Uppsala där kommunen planerar att exploatera. Området planeras att täcka Uppsalas södra delar. På beställning av Uppsala kommun har en undersökning gjorts för olika lösningar inom vattenanvändning. Undersökningen ska ge ett underlag för kommunens exploateringsplaner för hållbar stadsutveckling. Detta för att kunna svara på hur vattenanvändningen ser ut med dagens tekniker i jämförelse med nya möjliga lösningar. Uppsala kommun kommer senare använda data för lösningarna som undersöks i denna rapport för att modellera vattenanvändning i modelleringsprogrammet LEAP. Enligt Uppsala Vatten använder en Uppsalabo i snitt 140 L dricksvatten per dygn. Denna rapport undersöker flera möjliga lösningar för att minska vattenanvändningen; hur vattenmätare påverkar vattenanvändningen, om regnvatteninsamling är möjligt och i vilken grad regnvatten kan ersätta dricksvatten, vattenbesparande tekniker i hushållet såsom vattenbesparande munstycken, vattencirkulerande dusch samt gråvattenåtervinning, olika tekniker för avloppssystem, stadsodling, dagvattenhantering och vegetationsklädda tak. De kvantifierade lösningarna jämförs med varandra och med Uppsala Vattens förbrukningstal. Minskad dricksvattenanvändning för diskning får störst effekt av munstyckets dimmläge (0,56 L per person och dygn). Minskad dricksvattenanvändning för dusch får störst effekt vid implementering av vattencirkulerande dusch (5,6 L per person och dygn). Minst vattenanvändning för avloppssystem får tekniken med kombination av urinsorterande system och vakuumtoalett (1,1 L per person och dygn). En lösning vars funktion väcker medvetenhet om dricksvattenanvändning hos befolkningen är individuella vattenmätaren, vilken ger en minskning av dricksvattenanvändningen med 20 %. För dagvatten och stadsodling genomförs exempelberäkningar. En riskbedömning för lösningar i denna rapport kan guida vägval. I resultatet visas särskilt två scenarion där lösningar sätts samman med hjälp av sankeydiagram. Det första scenariot visar hur dricksvattenanvändningen skulle förändras med vattenmätare och konventionella snålspolande toaletter. Detta resulterade i en besparing på upp till 31 L dricksvatten per person och dygn. Det andra scenariot kallas för “mest vattenbesparande scenario” och visar kombinationen av de mest vattenbesparande teknikerna, samt ersättning av dricksvatten med regnvatten för områdena övrigt, toalettspolning och tvätt. Detta resulterade i en dricksvattenbesparing på nästan 127 L per person och dygn. Ett resultat är även att vissa tekniker inte bör kombineras för bästa effekt. Kvaliteten på källorna som används i rapporten varierar. För att kunna genomföra beräkningar och komma fram till ett resultat har förenklingar och antaganden gjorts. Projektets begränsade omfattning gör även att många hållbarhetsaspekter bortom vattenanvändning bara berörs ytligt eller har behövts uteslutas helt. Resultaten bör därför inte användas direkt, utan kan ses som guide för fortsatta undersökningar och framtida vägval. Slutsatsen är att nya tekniker och lösningar bör vara standard för hållbar stadsutveckling inom vattenanvändning. Rapporten visar på att det finns ett stort antal möjliga lösningar som kan bidra till att minska vattenanvändningen för en hållbar stadsutveckling. / Uppsala is one of eight cities which, by request from the Swedish government, has been elected for the mission of sustainable urban development. This project centers around the city district Bergsbrunna in Uppsala, which the municipality (Uppsala Kommun) is planning to develop. The area will cover the southern part of Uppsala. By commission of the municipality, a study has been made on different methods in the field of water-use. The study will lay the groundwork for the municipality’s development plans and sustainable urban development. This with the goal to answer how the water-use is made up, with today’s methods compared to with new, possible methods. Data from the methods which have been studied in this project will later be used by Uppsala Kommun to model water-use in the modelling program LEAP.  According to Uppsala Vatten, a person living in Uppsala uses, on average, 140 L of drinking water per day. This project studies several possible methods to reduce water-use; how water-meters affect water-use, if rainwater collection is possible and to which degree drinking water can be replaced by rainwater, water-saving techniques in households such as water-saving nozzles, water circulating showers and grey water reuse, as well as different techniques for sewer systems, urban farming, urban runoff management and green roofs. The quantified methods are compared with each other and with the water consumption given by Uppsala Vatten. For washing-up, the greatest drinking water reduction is given by the nozzle’s mist-mode (0.56 L per person and day). For showering, the greatest drinking water reduction is given by a water circulation shower (5.6 L per person and day). For sewer systems and toilets, the urine sorting vacuum system gives the lowest water-use (1.1 L per person and day). A method, whose function gives awareness concerning water-use amongst the population, is the installation of individual water-meters, which reduces the use of drinking water by 20 %. For urban runoff and urban farming, examples are calculated. A risk assessment for methods studied in this project can be a guide for decision-making. The result particularly shows two scenarios where methods have been combined using Sankey diagrams. The first scenario shows how the drinking water-use would change by implementing water-meters and conventional, water-use reducing toilets. This resulted in a reduction by up to 31 L of drinking water per person and day. The second scenario is called the “most water reducing scenario” and consists of the most water reducing techniques as well as replacement of drinking water by rainwater for the categories toilet flushing, laundry and other. This resulted in a reduction by up to 127 L of drinking water per person and day. Another result shows that some methods should not be combined, for maximum effect. The quality of the references used in this project varies. To perform calculations and obtain results some simplifications and assumptions have been made. The limited extent of the project results in many of the sustainability aspects beyond water-use only being treated superficially or to no extent. Therefore, the result should not be used directly but should instead be seen as a guide to further studies and future decisions. In conclusion, new techniques and methods should be standard for sustainable urban development in water-use. The study shows that there are a great number of possible methods that can contribute to a reduction in water-use and sustainable urban development / Uppsala Energy Stories (UES)

Värmeåtervinning med spillvatten i flerbostadshus

Hurlov, Almedina January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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