Spelling suggestions: "subject:"water chemistry."" "subject:"later chemistry.""
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Habitat use by white-winged and surf scoters in the Mackenzie Delta Region, Northwest TerritoriesHaszard, Shannon 09 December 2004
Apparent long-term declines of white-winged and surf scoter (<i>Melanitta fusca </i> and <i>M. perspicillata</i>) populations in the northern boreal forest have raised concern for these sea duck species. Reasons for population declines are not well understood but some evidence suggests that factors associated with events on the breeding grounds may be responsible. Breeding ground changes could adversely affect abiotic or biotic characteristics of upland or wetland habitats or key food sources for breeding females or ducklings, which in turn may lower productivity or recruitment. Like most boreal-nesting ducks, virtually nothing is known about wetland habitat preferences of scoters. Determining habitat features that scoters need to breed successfully, and how habitat changes in the boreal forest affect scoters, is an important step in understanding their ecology and developing conservation initiatives. Thus, my overall goal was to look for evidence of habitat selection in scoters at two spatial scales by characterizing biotic and abiotic features of areas used by scoter pairs and broods, and comparing these features with those of areas not used by scoters. Habitat characteristics and scoter use of wetlands in recently burned forest was also contrasted with unburned forest to determine whether habitat change caused by fire could affect patterns of habitat use by scoters.<p> I used remote sensing data as a tool to delineate coarse-scale patterns of habitat use by scoter pairs and broods. Results indicate that although scoters may not settle on wetlands in areas dominated by burned vegetation two years following the fire, three years after the fire I found no difference in scoter pair or brood use between wetlands in burned and unburned upland. I found that surf and white-winged scoter pairs often co-occurred on wetlands. I was unable to find any evidence to support the prediction that scoters prefer wetlands with irregular shorelines that might enhance pair isolation and offer greater protection to ducklings from severe winds and wave action. <p> Based on fine-scale wetland habitat characteristics, scoter pairs and broods used wetlands with more abundant food, a finding that is consistent with many other waterfowl studies. However, unlike some previous waterfowl studies, I did not find a consistent correlation between total phosphorus levels and amphipod abundance or wetland use by scoters. Very high total nitrogen to total phosphorus ratios in sampled wetlands lead me to speculate that wetlands in my study area may be phosphorus limited. I did not detect a difference in fine-scale features of wetlands surrounded by burned versus unburned vegetation. This study of scoters in the northern boreal forest was among the first to determine why scoters use specific wetlands or areas and not others.
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Changes in discharge rates and their effects on water chemistry of White River in MuncieWogomon, Lori L. 03 June 2011 (has links)
This study was conducted from June, 1976, to May, 1977 on the White River in Muncie. Data were collected to provide information concerning the effects that changes in discharge had on various water chemistry parameters. The following parameters were measured: alkalinity concentration, dissolved oxygen concentration, specific conductance, hydrogen ion concentration, turbidity, temperature, nitrate concentration, nitrite concentration, ortho- and meta-phosphate concentrations. At the time of each sample, discharge measurements were calculated and averaged.At the conclusion of sampling, the 34 measurements for each parameter were graphed and statistically analyzed. The parameters appeared to separate into two groups: Group A, which contained those parameters which seemed to be affected by discharge, and Group B, which contained those parameters which seemed to be unaffected by discharge. Group A parameters included nitrate concentration, nitrite concentration, turbidity, ortho- and meta-phosphate concentrations. Group B parameters included dissolved oxygen concentration, hydrogen ion concentration, specific conductance, and alkalinity concentration.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306
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Habitat use by white-winged and surf scoters in the Mackenzie Delta Region, Northwest TerritoriesHaszard, Shannon 09 December 2004 (has links)
Apparent long-term declines of white-winged and surf scoter (<i>Melanitta fusca </i> and <i>M. perspicillata</i>) populations in the northern boreal forest have raised concern for these sea duck species. Reasons for population declines are not well understood but some evidence suggests that factors associated with events on the breeding grounds may be responsible. Breeding ground changes could adversely affect abiotic or biotic characteristics of upland or wetland habitats or key food sources for breeding females or ducklings, which in turn may lower productivity or recruitment. Like most boreal-nesting ducks, virtually nothing is known about wetland habitat preferences of scoters. Determining habitat features that scoters need to breed successfully, and how habitat changes in the boreal forest affect scoters, is an important step in understanding their ecology and developing conservation initiatives. Thus, my overall goal was to look for evidence of habitat selection in scoters at two spatial scales by characterizing biotic and abiotic features of areas used by scoter pairs and broods, and comparing these features with those of areas not used by scoters. Habitat characteristics and scoter use of wetlands in recently burned forest was also contrasted with unburned forest to determine whether habitat change caused by fire could affect patterns of habitat use by scoters.<p> I used remote sensing data as a tool to delineate coarse-scale patterns of habitat use by scoter pairs and broods. Results indicate that although scoters may not settle on wetlands in areas dominated by burned vegetation two years following the fire, three years after the fire I found no difference in scoter pair or brood use between wetlands in burned and unburned upland. I found that surf and white-winged scoter pairs often co-occurred on wetlands. I was unable to find any evidence to support the prediction that scoters prefer wetlands with irregular shorelines that might enhance pair isolation and offer greater protection to ducklings from severe winds and wave action. <p> Based on fine-scale wetland habitat characteristics, scoter pairs and broods used wetlands with more abundant food, a finding that is consistent with many other waterfowl studies. However, unlike some previous waterfowl studies, I did not find a consistent correlation between total phosphorus levels and amphipod abundance or wetland use by scoters. Very high total nitrogen to total phosphorus ratios in sampled wetlands lead me to speculate that wetlands in my study area may be phosphorus limited. I did not detect a difference in fine-scale features of wetlands surrounded by burned versus unburned vegetation. This study of scoters in the northern boreal forest was among the first to determine why scoters use specific wetlands or areas and not others.
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Kemiska och fysiska effekter i ytvatten efter skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014 / Chemical and physical effects in surface waters after a wildfire in Västmanland, Sweden 2014Landahl, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Under sommaren 2014 bröt den största skogsbranden ut i modern svensk historia. Branden startade i närheten av Sala och totalt brann cirka 14 000 ha. Till följd av klimatförändringar förväntas medeltemperaturen öka och nederbörden minska under sommarhalvåret i Sverige, vilket ökar risken för skogsbränder. Skogsbränder kan ha betydande effekter för akvatiska ekosystem och ett flertal studier av skogsbränders effekter har visat på förhöjda halter av näringsämnen, bas- och anjoner. Det branddrabbade området domineras av skogsmark, öppna torvmarker samt sjöar. Området har påverkats av ett intensivt skogsbruk och försurning. Med syfte att analysera brandens hårdhet och dess vattenkemiska effekter, utvärderades och klassificerades brandhårdheten. Analysen indikerade att ökad brandintensitet orsakat ökad brandhårdhet samt att skogsbeklädda dikade torvområden varit känsligare än öppna torvmarker. I området provtogs nio bäckar och tio sjöar. Under de första tre månaderna efter branden observerades höga halter av ammoniumkväve och sulfat i samtliga bäckar och i de flesta sjöarna inom det branddrabbade området. I Gärsjöbäcken var medianhalterna av ammoniumkväve 79 gånger högre efter branden. De höga ammoniumkvävehalterna medförde höga nitratkvävehalter till följd av nitrifikation. Surhet bedöms ofta genom pH och ANC (Acid neutralicing capacity) som är ett vattens förmåga att neutralisera en stark syra. Den initiala sulfatpulsen orsakade en sänkningav ANC i samtliga bäckar. Efter pulsen ökade ANC till följd av ökat läckage av kalium, kalcium och magnesium efter branden. Buffertkapaciteten varierade i bäckarna och i Myckelmossbäcken observerades högst sulfathalter och lägst ANC-värden. I april var ANC fortfarande lägre i Myckelmossbäcken än i övriga bäckar. Totalfosforhalterna ökade efter branden men inte i samma utsträckning som ammoniumkvävehalterna. Korrelationsanalyser gjordes mellan brandhårdhet och vattenkemiska parametrar. Maxhalterna av ammoniumkväve korrelerade positivt med svedd öppen torvmark och hårt brända kronor i skogsbeklädd torvmark. Det indikerade att när organiskt material förbränndes i öppna och skogsbeklädda torvmarker vid måttliga förbränningstemperaturer ökade läckaget av ammoniumkväve. / During the summer of 2014 the largest wildfire in Swedish modern history occurred. The fire was ignited in a forest close to the Swedish town Sala and incinerated a total of 14 000 ha. The frequency of wildfires is expected to increase, due to effects of climate change such as increased temperature and decreased precipitation during the summer months. Wildfires can have a considerable impact on aquatic ecosystems and previous studies of wildfires have shown elevated concentrations of nutrients, cat- and anions. The area of the fire mainly consists of forestland, peatland and lakes and has been affected by acidification and intensive forestry. To assess the fire severity and the effects on the water chemistry, the fire severity was analyzed and classified. The analysis indicated that increased fire intensity caused increased fire severity and that drained forested areas were more vulnerable to fire than undrained peatland. Measurements of water chemistry were conducted at nine streams and ten lakes inside the affected area. During the initial three months of the post-fire period large peaks of ammonium-nitrogen and sulphate were observed in the streams and in a majority of the lakes. In the stream Gärsjöbäcken the median concentrations of ammonium-nitrogen were 79 times higher after the fire. Due to nitrification the elevated concentrations of ammonium-nitrogen caused elevated concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen. ANC (Acid Neutralizing Capacity) and pH are often used to assess the acidity in surface waters, where ANC is the water’s ability to neutralize a strong acid. The initial peak of sulphate caused a drop in ANC but after the peak had past ANC increased due to elevated concentrations of base cations. The measured streams and lakes had different buffering capacity and in one stream Myckelmossbäcken the highest concentrations of sulphate and weakest buffering capacity were observed. In April ANC were still lower in Myckelmossbäcken than in other measured streams. Correlation analysis of fire severity and water chemistry indicated that the maximum concentrations of ammonium-nitrogen increased with severely burned canopies in drained forested peatlands and in scorched open peatland.
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Geochemical and isotopic investigation of the rate and pathway of fluid flow in partially-welded fractured unsaturated tuffDavidson, Gregg Randall, 1963- January 1995 (has links)
Fluid flow rates and pathways in partially-welded, fractured, unsaturated tuff are investigated in a sloping borehole (DSB-1) cored from the surface to a perched aquifer at the Apache Leap near Superior, Arizona. Suspected water-bearing fractures were identified in the borehole using video and geophysical logs. Pore water extracted from cores associated with these fractures proved to have elevated ¹⁴C activity relative to pore waters from intermediate depths. Pore water from the deepest fracture interval contained post-bomb ¹⁴C. Low tritium concentrations in most samples indicates imbibition from each flow is small relative to the volume of water in the pores, but cumulative imbibition over time is significant based on ¹⁴C distribution through the unsaturated zone. The saturated zone beneath DSB-1 is a mixture of fracture flows with older aquifer water. Estimates based on ¹⁴C and ³H data indicate half of the water in the local aquifer originated from fractures near DSB-1. Geochernical models incorporating pore-water, surface-runoff, aquifer-water and mineral chemistry suggest that fracture flow may also be the predominant source of recharge for the older aquifer water. Water and carbon are extracted from core samples using uni-axial compression and a new vacuum distillation technique. Distillation is shown to be an effective method when carbon extraction is not possible by other methods. Mass yields from distillation provide evidence that there may be a substantial reservoir of carbon adsorbed to mineral phases. Carbon-14 activity of formation air samples from intervals with low air permeability reflect the composition of water imbibed from fracture flows at those depths. In zones of higher permeability, atmospheric contamination is suspected even though SF₆ (injected as a tracer during drilling) concentrations had not diminished. An independent investigation on the carbon isotopic composition of soil-zone CO₂ demonstrates the need to correct soil-respired CO₂ samples for CO₂ contamination in base reagents and for fractionation during sample collection. The minimum δ¹³C-shift from soil CO₂ to soil-respired CO₂ is also shown to be a function of the δ¹³C of soil organic material rather than a fixed 4.4%₀ as previously thought.
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Temporal Variations in Spring Water Chemistry and Comparison of Variable Paleozoic Aquifer Discharges in the Ridge and Valley Province of Northwestern GeorgiaCostello, Oliver Wood 21 April 2009 (has links)
The fluctuations in solute concentrations from eight springs in the Ridge and Valley Province in northwestern Georgia were used to determine flow types and to measure each aquifer’s ability to remove contamination. The target springs are located along a northeast trending line in the Ridge and Valley Province of northwest Georgia. This study determined and interpreted the fluctuations in chemistry of each of the sampled spring’s water based upon temporal variations of precipitation in the area and variations in the chemistries measured at each weekly sampling event. Analysis determined that carbonate springs that showed characteristics of diffuse flow, including stable conductance during variable rain events and greater than zero saturation indices increase the potential for the aquifer to filter potential contaminants before the spring discharge. This study attempts to show that by identifying pre-filtered drinking water sources quickly is possible, through field and laboratory analysis.
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The ecohydrology of the Franschoek Trust Wetland: water, soils and vegetationKotzee, Ilse January 2010 (has links)
<p>The research was driven by a need to increase the knowledge base concerning wetland ecological responses, as well as to identify and evaluate the factors driving the functioning of the Franschhoek Trust Wetland. An ecohydrological study was undertaken in which vegetation cover, depth to groundwater, water and soil chemistry were monitored at 14 sites along three transects for a 12 month period. The parameters used include temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, chloride, bicarbonate, sulphate, total nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and phosphorus. T-tests and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were used to analyze trends and to express the relationship between abiotic factors and vegetation.</p>
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Diatom communities in New Zealand subalpine mire pools: distribution, ecology and taxonomy of endemic and cosmopolitan taxaKilroy, Catherine January 2007 (has links)
Mire pools – shallow water-bodies in peat-forming wetlands – are a characteristic feature of New Zealand’s subalpine and alpine landscapes (>1000 m a.s.l.), yet have been the subject of few biological studies to date, particularly of their algal communities. This research focuses on these subalpine systems, and on their diatom communities. Despite the established paradigm of ubiquitous dispersal in micro-organisms, recent taxonomic studies have confirmed a distinctive endemic component in the freshwater diatom flora of the New Zealand / Tasmania / East Australian region. In this study, I examined benthic diatom communities from >320 freshwater sites throughout New Zealand and showed that over 20% of species may be confined to this region. The endemic diatom species had highest densities in stable, unproductive environments, particularly in high-altitude mire pools and tarns. In most cases, non-endemic taxa coexisted with endemic species. This raised questions about (1) the special characteristics of mire pools and tarns (since endemism might be expected in areas that have unique environmental characteristics), and (2) the mechanisms that have allowed existing endemic taxa to withstand displacement by common cosmopolitan taxa, which, by definition, are successful colonisers. I addressed these questions using two years of data from four subalpine mire pools (Bealey Spur wetland, near Arthur’s Pass, South Island). Physico-chemical data showed that water chemistry of these pools may differ from that of many Northern Hemisphere mire systems with respect to the relationship between pH and dissolved ions (especially calcium). This may be due to a combination of high pH rainfall, high rainfall quantities that limit the acidification effects of humic substances, and possibly vegetation differences. Therefore, some endemic taxa may be confined to these habitats because of the characteristic properties of the pools. I investigated the effects of disturbances in these stable environments. In the largest pool endemic species were shown to decline as wind-induced substrate disturbance increased. Endemic species also declined in two pools following small-scale experimental substrate disturbances. In all cases, non-endemic species remained unchanged. The distinctive species Eunophora cf. oberonica was responsible for much of the observed decline in endemic species abundances, which was evidently due to destruction of their specialised habitat within the cyanobacterial mats that made up the pool substrates. I explained pool-specific responses of diatom communities to disturbances by drawing on recent theory of invasibility as an intrinsic environmental property. I further investigated species coexistence by examining several general patterns of interspecific coexistence described for macroscopic organisms (e.g., abundance – occupancy, abundance – persistence). Patterns in mire-pool diatom communities were generally similar to those in larger organisms, and did not differ with respect to geographical range size (endemics vs. non-endemics), except at the scale of single pools. At this scale, endemic taxa, in particular E. cf. oberonica, can persist as dominant species. All the community analyses were underpinned by detailed taxonomic studies, from which I assessed over 40% of the more common species in the pools to be either endemic or likely to be endemic. Two species occurring in the study area are formally described as new species. Overall, this work highlights the vulnerability of this hidden component of New Zealand’s biodiversity to disturbances and environmental changes.
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Temporal effect on nitrogen removal in a subsurface flow constructed wetlandHanson, Carter Curtis January 1996 (has links)
A subsurface flow constructed wetland planted with the common reed (Phragmites australis) and softstem bulrush (Scirpus validus) was built in East Central Indiana. The objective of this study was to determine if temperature had an effect on nitrogen (N) removal from the wetland. The research was conducted from the first week of October 3, 1995 to the first week in December 5, 1995 why the wetland froze. Water samples were taken from 5 samplings sites in the system. Each sample was analyzed for organic-N, ammonia, nitrate, and total-N. In the system statistically significant amounts of organic-N, nitrate, and total-N were removed. Ammonia lever reductions, however, were not significant. Organic-N had a mean removal of 37% (8 mg/1) 'Nitrate had a mean removal of 96% (2.3 mg/1). Total-N removal over the sampling period averaged 30% (12 mg/1). The N results were regressed against air and wastewater temperatures. Wastewater temperature was more important because it had a direct impact can the plants and microbes in the system. Warmer temperatures sustained a higher metabolism for the biota in the system. Air temperature had an indirect impact on efficiency of N removal from the wastewater flowing through the wetland. The primary impact .: f the air temperature was on water temperature which then affected the metabolism of or a nc ns in the wetland cell. Greater removal efficiencies were seen during high temperature periods and lower removal efficiencies were noted when the temperatures were low. / Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
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Evaluating the effectiveness of commercial nitrifying bacteria in a constructed wetlandSmith, Timothy R. January 1996 (has links)
This research was conducted to determine the effects of commercially available nitrifying bacteria in a constructed wetland. The study was conducted at Paws, Inc., near Desoto, Indiana during the summer of 1995. The wetland, called Solar Aquatics Treatment System (SAS), was developed by Ecological Engineering Associates and constructed in a, greenhouse. The commercial nitrifying bacteria (Bacta-Pur), contained Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter Spp. and have been added to the wetland for the past five years to aid in the removal of nitrogen.Water samples were taken from the wetland and analyzed for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, dissolved oxygen, hydrogen ion concentrations and water temperature from Monday through Friday for three weeks. A baseline was established from these samples. After three weeks of testing the addition of Bacta-Pur to the wetland was discontinued.To determine whether these additional bacteria were needed, testing without the Bacta-Pur was conducted for three weeks. These samples were collected and analyzed for the same parameters as those used to establish baseline information.Ammonia concentrations were significantly lower without the addition of Bacta-Pur bacteria. There were no significant differences for concentrations of nitrite and nitrate. The water temperature was higher in the three weeks when no Bacta-Pur was added. This was due to the increase in ambient temperature which caused the water temperature in the SAS to increase. Since the nitrogen compounds either remained the same or decreased in concentration at the effluent without the addition of bacteria, the addition of Bacta-Pur is not needed in order to remain in compliance with EPA regulations for effluent standards.A container experiment was conducted to provide an' environment that had no introduced bacteria before the addition of Bacta-Pur. There were no significant differences for the nitrogen compounds between wastewater samples with addition and without addition of Bacta-Pur bacteria. / Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
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