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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of landscape structures affecting biodiversity in the Hanveden and Tyresta green wedges

Andréen, Sigrid January 2015 (has links)
The green wedges of Stockholm are meant to support a high level of biodiversity as well as cultural and recreational services but evaluating the spatial development of the wedges is difficult because their delineation has changed since they were first used in a regional development plan. This study examines a part of the Hanveden and Tyresta wedges in southern Stockholm, with the goal to use robust ecological theory to evaluate the development of the wedges from 1992 until today with focus on conserving a high level of biodiversity. Using an already existing GIS-based method of identifying connectivity weaknesses in the wedges, more weaknesses were found in 2010 than in 1992 although the total area of the wedges had only declined 3.3%. The shape of the wedges had also changed, with more narrow parts in 2010 than in 1992. To more effectively compare the development of factors in the landscape that are relevant for biodiversity, this study proposes a new method using the common shrew and hazel grouse as surrogate species. The total area loss for the common shrew was 2.96% from 1991 to 2013 and 2.23% for the hazel grouse. Fragmentation increased for both species. A large part of the greenspaces relevant to the surrogate species are covered by the green wedges, meaning that important cultural and recreational values identified by the county council are also present in areas relevant to the surrogate species. Using surrogate species to delineate and monitor the green wedges could enhance the cultural and recreational qualities of the wedges, emphasize the need for connectivity planning, identify ecologically important parts of the greenspaces as well as provide a tool for following up the development of the urban greenspaces of Stockholm. However, formulating goals relevant to biodiversity is important to fully evaluate development and municipal cooperation is needed.

Optical Metrology Using Small Angle Optical Wedges - Few Investigations

Kommaraju, Jayasri 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Pleistocene and Holocene Climate Reconstruction at Two Moose Lake, Central Yukon, Using Stable Isotopes and 14C-DOC Radiocarbon from Ice wedges, Pore Ice and Buried Sediments

Grinter, Michael January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to reconstruct the Sedimentary, Cryostratigraphic and Paleoclimatic history of Two Moose Lake, central Yukon using a new analytical technique for dating ice wedges using Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC). During two field seasons in August 2013 and April 2014, 442 samples were collected from a newly exposed headwall of a thaw slump with 7 ice wedges and over 4m of sediment. Using cryostratigraphy, granulometry, stable isotopes and 18 14C-DOC ages, 4 stratigraphic units were delineated: 1) a sediment-rich ice layer inferred to be of glacial origin (>32ka BP); 2) a silt-rich layer deposited during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (~10 to 8.2ka BP); 3) a silt with organics layer deposited from ~8ka to 6.4ka BP, and 4) a paleo-active layer and modern active layer. 14C-DOC dating indicated two periods of ice wedge activity at Two Moose Lake, the first during the late Pleistocene (31,608 to 12,990 yr cal BP) and from the mid-Holocene to present (6,328 to 892 yr cal BP). The presence of late-Pleistocene aged ice wedges at Two Moose Lake supports the common belief of an unglaciated central Yukon during the most recent McConnell glaciation from 29.6 to 13ka BP. Values for δ18O from the Holocene- and Pleistocene-aged ice wedges were 2-3‰ and 5-9‰ depleted compared those of modern precipitation from Mayo (-22.32‰). Medium-resolution (2-4cm) sampling along with multiple 14C-DOC samples along a transect allowed for the creation of a continuous δ18O and temperature age profile to be developed from multiple ice wedges, showing a strong consistency between overlapping ages. The reconstruction of the paleoclimate of Two Moose lake is consistent with known events from southern Yukon including the Boutellier Inderstadial, a cold unglaciated central Yukon during the McConnell Glaciation, warming during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) followed by an extreme cooling event at 8.2ka BP, a cooling event at 4.2ka BP, and the subsequent warming to present temperatures.

Investigation of Through-Tenon Keys on the Tensile Strength of Mortise and Tenon Joints

Shields, Lance David 19 August 2011 (has links)
A timber frame is a structural building system composed of heavy timber members connected using carpentry-style joinery that may include metal fasteners. A common variant of mortise-and-tenon joints are keyed (or wedged) through-tenon joints. No research on the behavior of wedged joints in timber frames is available. This research provides design knowledge of keyed through-tenon joints from experimental observations and comparisons between mathematical models and experimental measurement. Evaluation of through-tenon keyed mortise and tenon joints was performed by measuring tensile load and stiffness of white oak (Quercus alba) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) joints with four- and 11-inch tenons with one and two keys and comparing these results to mathematical models developed from the National Design Specification of Wood Construction (NDS), General Dowel Equations for Calculating Lateral Connection Values (TR-12), and engineering mechanics. Variables included joint species (white oak or Douglas-fir), protruding tenon length (four or 11 inches), and number of keys (one or two). Joints were tested to ultimate load, then model input specimens were cut from tested joints and additional key stock to generate inputs for joint load predictions that were compared to experimental joint load results for validation. Forty joints were tested with white oak keys and six of these joints were retested with ipe (Tabebuia) keys. Joints with four-inch tenons behaved in a brittle manner with tenon failures. Most joints with 11-inch tenons behaved in a ductile manner with key bending and crushing failures. Joint load and stiffness was similar between white oak and Douglas-fir joints. Joints with 11-inch tenons had greater load and stiffness than with four-inch tenons. Joints with two keys had greater load and stiffness than joints with one key, after normalizing joint load and stiffness responses on key width. Joints retested with ipe keys had greater load than joints originally tested with white oak keys. Tenon relish (row tear-out) failure was predicted for all joints with four-inch tenons. Horizontal key shearing was predicted for all joints with 11-inch tenons. Ratios of predicted ultimate joint load divided by experimental ultimate joints load (calculated/tested) or C/T ratios were used to validate the models chosen for load prediction. C/T ratios showed that ultimate load model predictions over predicted joint load which was due to occurrence of unpredicted tenon failures and simultaneously occurring key failures where models predicted key failures independently. Design safety factors (DSFs) were developed by dividing experimental ultimate joint load by governing allowable (design) load predictions. C/T ratios and DSFs were most similar between white oak and Douglas-fir joints and most different between joints with one and two keys. Alternative design values (ADVs) were developed for comparison to design load predictions. Comparisons between ADVs and DSFs showed that model predictions were most conservative for joints fastened with denser keys than joint members. / Master of Science

The green wedges of Stockholm - past, present and future : Development over time, changes in distribution and inclusion in urban planning

Orveland, Frida January 2019 (has links)
With an increasing urban population, urban areas around the world face great challenges in sustaining its inhabitants without losing its natural values. Fragmentation of the urban green areas is inevitable, causing the biodiversity to decline and the ecosystem services to weaken. In Stockholm, ten large green areas stretch from the inner parts of the city outwards to the more rural parts of the county -these are called the green wedges of Stockholm. The green wedges bring nature closer to the urban dwellers and strengthen the urban ecosystems, which provides the citizens with vital ecosystem services. The population of Stockholm is growing rapidly and is expected to increase with almost 50% by 2050, putting a massive pressure on the development of new dwellings. Suitable and vacant areas for exploitation are rare and so the green areas around and within the city are often encroached or destroyed. The green wedge area is decreasing due to exploitation and there is no real means of protection for a majority of the wedges. The comprehensive plans [översiktsplaner] and regional plans [regional planer] are not legally binding, hence the continuous infringing of the green wedge area. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive picture of the green wedges of Stockholm, its past, present and future challenges as well as possible solutions. By using methods such as GIS analysis, a decrease of green wedge area in the new regional development plan RUFS 2050 compared to the old regional development plan RUFS 2010 was found. The green wedges are diminishing and only a small part, 24 %, is protected. New ways of protecting the green wedge area could be relevant to enable a suitable inclusion within urban planning. A sustainable urban region with a healthy and sound population is dependent on green areas close to residential areas. When encroaching parts of the green wedges it will have an impact on the green infrastructure within the whole of Stockholm County, which, inevitably, will affect the urban ecosystems that provide essential ecosystem services to the city dwellers. There is a need for a clear political vision, proper legally binding guidelines as well as improved and extensive inter-municipal collaborations to make the future of the green wedges prosperous.

Urban Mutualism

Mestvedt Borgen, Sigrun January 2021 (has links)
The city of Stockholm has set the goal to build 140 000 new residential units by 2030 to meet the demand of a growing urban population. Simultaneously we are seeing a decline in biodiversity in and surrounding the city. Some of the main factors are climate change, pollution, overexploitation and habitat destruction. As cities grow, they have the potential to aid or accelerate these problems, depending on how this urban growth is approached.In current urban development projects in Stockholm, we increasingly see large scale, high exploitation projects that view efficiency and profitability as their main goal. Biodiversity is largely considered an afterthought. We are chipping away at natural habitats and infrastructure, which has dramatic consequences for other species and ultimately ourselves.This thesis is a study on the city’s impact on biodiversity, and how new developments in Stockholm relate to our surrounding ecosystems. It is an investigation of how we, as urban dwellers, can live with nature. It is also an exploration of how we, as architects and urban planners, can shape cities for urban mutualism.

Cenários de baixo carbono para o setor energético do Estado de São Paulo / Low Carbon Scenarios for the State of Sao Paulo\'s energy sector

Jhonathan Fernandes Torres de Souza 31 January 2019 (has links)
Políticas de mudanças climáticas estabeleceram diversas metas de redução de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) que estão vigentes atualmente. Dentre estas, a 21º Conferência das Partes realizada pela Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (em Paris, 2015) foi um marco na universalização dos esforços internacionais, e promoveu o protagonismo regional como suporte ao alcance das metas propostas nas contribuições nacionalmente determinadas. No Estado de São Paulo, diferentemente do quadro nacional, o setor de energia representa mais da metade do saldo total de emissões de GEE. Estudos de baixo carbono para o setor energético têm proposto cenários audaciosos, baseados em tecnologias não plenamente maduras e alta demanda por fontes renováveis. O presente trabalho propõe uma abordagem alternativa visando a mitigação das emissões de GEE, além de analisar os impactos na demanda energética total do Estado, até o presente não analisada na sua totalidade no âmbito regional. O objetivo do estudo foi produzir dois cenários de baixo carbono para o setor energético do Estado de São Paulo até 2050. O primeiro cenário (CBC1) buscou averiguar se é possível cumprir as metas de redução por uma ótica conservadora. O segundo cenário (CBC2), de caráter exploratório, visou ser mais audacioso em relação ao CBC1, tomando medidas radicais para atingir o máximo resultado de mitigação. O cenário de referência (BAU) teve como base a demanda energética final em 2015, projetada até 2050 através do Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia. As tecnologias de baixo carbono no CBC1 foram levantadas na base de metodologias provadas para o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), e expandidas para o CBC2 com base em uma revisão da literatura. No CBC1, as três medidas de mitigação propostas seriam capazes de reduzir 16% das emissões totais do cenário BAU no período de análise, entretanto as emissões continuariam no mínimo 19% acima da emissão do setor no ano base de 2005. Por outro lado, o CBC2 possui seis medidas capazes de reduzir 69% das emissões do cenário BAU e, a partir de 2044, as emissões líquidas são negativas, disponibilizando aos demais setores 5% da mitigação total até 2050. A implantação do baixo carbono também reduz a demanda total energética em até 2% no ano final, entretanto há demandas específicas, como a de biodiesel, que são consideravelmente aumentadas. O trabalho discute os resultados à luz da literatura e apresenta as principais barreiras impostas aos cenários propostos, assim como as incertezas e limitações da análise. Além disto, contribui metodologicamente para que futuros estudos possam avaliar a possibilidade de cumprimento de metas de redução em outras regiões ou setores da economia, considerando uma ótica conservadora baseada no MDL / Climate change policies have established several greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. Among them, the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (held in Paris in 2015) was a milestone for the universalization of international efforts, and the promotion of a regional activism in supporting to the goals proposed by the national determined contributions. In the State of Sao Paulo, in opposition to the national profile, the energy sector represents more than half of the total GHG emissions. Low carbon studies for the energy sector have proposed audacious scenarios based on not yet mature technologies and high renewable energy demand. The present work proposes an alternative GHG mitigation approach, and in addition it analyzes the impacts on Sao Paulos total energy demand, which was not yet entirely analyzed by other regional studies. The study has aimed to produce two low carbon scenarios for State of Sao Paulos energy sector by 2050. The first scenario (LCS1) attempted to verify whether GHG reduction targets can be reached by a conservative approach. The second scenario (LCS2) is exploratory and has aimed to be more audacious than LCS2, through radical measures aiming to the maximum mitigation result. The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario has been based on the States final energy demand, beginning in 2015 and forecasted until 2050 with data from the Decennial Energy Expansion Plan. Low carbon technologies for LCS1 have been selected among the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) proven methodologies. The framework has been expanded for LCS2 based on a literature review. On the one hand, three measures proposed in LCS1 would be able to reduce 16% of BAU total emission in the analyzed period; however, emissions remain at least 19% above 2005 baseline emission. On the other hand, LCS2 has six measures able to reduce 69% of BAU total emissions and, from 2044; net emissions would be negative, which enables 5% of total mitigation for other sectors by 2050. The low carbon implementation also reduces total energy up to 2% in the 2050, although there are specific demands, such as biodiesel, that will significantly increase. The work discusses the results vis-à-vis the literature and presents the main barriers imposed to low carbon scenarios, as well as uncertainties and limitations of the analysis. Moreover, it methodologically contributes to future studies that may assess the potential of a conservative approach based on CDM, regarding other regional and sectorial contexts

Cenários de baixo carbono para o setor energético do Estado de São Paulo / Low Carbon Scenarios for the State of Sao Paulo\'s energy sector

Souza, Jhonathan Fernandes Torres de 31 January 2019 (has links)
Políticas de mudanças climáticas estabeleceram diversas metas de redução de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) que estão vigentes atualmente. Dentre estas, a 21º Conferência das Partes realizada pela Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (em Paris, 2015) foi um marco na universalização dos esforços internacionais, e promoveu o protagonismo regional como suporte ao alcance das metas propostas nas contribuições nacionalmente determinadas. No Estado de São Paulo, diferentemente do quadro nacional, o setor de energia representa mais da metade do saldo total de emissões de GEE. Estudos de baixo carbono para o setor energético têm proposto cenários audaciosos, baseados em tecnologias não plenamente maduras e alta demanda por fontes renováveis. O presente trabalho propõe uma abordagem alternativa visando a mitigação das emissões de GEE, além de analisar os impactos na demanda energética total do Estado, até o presente não analisada na sua totalidade no âmbito regional. O objetivo do estudo foi produzir dois cenários de baixo carbono para o setor energético do Estado de São Paulo até 2050. O primeiro cenário (CBC1) buscou averiguar se é possível cumprir as metas de redução por uma ótica conservadora. O segundo cenário (CBC2), de caráter exploratório, visou ser mais audacioso em relação ao CBC1, tomando medidas radicais para atingir o máximo resultado de mitigação. O cenário de referência (BAU) teve como base a demanda energética final em 2015, projetada até 2050 através do Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia. As tecnologias de baixo carbono no CBC1 foram levantadas na base de metodologias provadas para o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), e expandidas para o CBC2 com base em uma revisão da literatura. No CBC1, as três medidas de mitigação propostas seriam capazes de reduzir 16% das emissões totais do cenário BAU no período de análise, entretanto as emissões continuariam no mínimo 19% acima da emissão do setor no ano base de 2005. Por outro lado, o CBC2 possui seis medidas capazes de reduzir 69% das emissões do cenário BAU e, a partir de 2044, as emissões líquidas são negativas, disponibilizando aos demais setores 5% da mitigação total até 2050. A implantação do baixo carbono também reduz a demanda total energética em até 2% no ano final, entretanto há demandas específicas, como a de biodiesel, que são consideravelmente aumentadas. O trabalho discute os resultados à luz da literatura e apresenta as principais barreiras impostas aos cenários propostos, assim como as incertezas e limitações da análise. Além disto, contribui metodologicamente para que futuros estudos possam avaliar a possibilidade de cumprimento de metas de redução em outras regiões ou setores da economia, considerando uma ótica conservadora baseada no MDL / Climate change policies have established several greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. Among them, the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (held in Paris in 2015) was a milestone for the universalization of international efforts, and the promotion of a regional activism in supporting to the goals proposed by the national determined contributions. In the State of Sao Paulo, in opposition to the national profile, the energy sector represents more than half of the total GHG emissions. Low carbon studies for the energy sector have proposed audacious scenarios based on not yet mature technologies and high renewable energy demand. The present work proposes an alternative GHG mitigation approach, and in addition it analyzes the impacts on Sao Paulos total energy demand, which was not yet entirely analyzed by other regional studies. The study has aimed to produce two low carbon scenarios for State of Sao Paulos energy sector by 2050. The first scenario (LCS1) attempted to verify whether GHG reduction targets can be reached by a conservative approach. The second scenario (LCS2) is exploratory and has aimed to be more audacious than LCS2, through radical measures aiming to the maximum mitigation result. The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario has been based on the States final energy demand, beginning in 2015 and forecasted until 2050 with data from the Decennial Energy Expansion Plan. Low carbon technologies for LCS1 have been selected among the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) proven methodologies. The framework has been expanded for LCS2 based on a literature review. On the one hand, three measures proposed in LCS1 would be able to reduce 16% of BAU total emission in the analyzed period; however, emissions remain at least 19% above 2005 baseline emission. On the other hand, LCS2 has six measures able to reduce 69% of BAU total emissions and, from 2044; net emissions would be negative, which enables 5% of total mitigation for other sectors by 2050. The low carbon implementation also reduces total energy up to 2% in the 2050, although there are specific demands, such as biodiesel, that will significantly increase. The work discusses the results vis-à-vis the literature and presents the main barriers imposed to low carbon scenarios, as well as uncertainties and limitations of the analysis. Moreover, it methodologically contributes to future studies that may assess the potential of a conservative approach based on CDM, regarding other regional and sectorial contexts

Διερεύνηση της επίδρασης σφηνών στα ηλεκτρομαγνητικά χαρακτηριστικά τριφασικής ασύγχρονης μηχανής

Παναγιώτου, Παναγιώτης 05 February 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία σχεδιάστηκε με χρήση του προγράμματος OPERA Electromagnetic Design ένας Ασύγχρονος Τριφασικός Κινητήρας κλωβού σε δύο διαστάσεις και μελετήθηκε η συμπεριφορά αυτού και των χαρακτηριστικών ηλεκτρομαγνητικών μεγεθών του κατά την τοποθέτηση ημιμαγνητικών σφηνών στις αυλακώσεις του στάτη. Έγινε χρήση σφηνών διαφορετικού μεγέθους και κατασκευασμένων από ημιμαγνητικά υλικά. Έτσι, προέκυψαν τρεις (3) νέοι κινητήρες που στην έκταση της παρούσας εργασίας καλούνται ΄΄μοντέλα΄΄. Στη συνέχεια, με τη χρήση αυτών των μοντέλων έγινε Ηλεκτρομαγνητική Ανάλυση με τη Μέθοδο των Πεπερασμένων Στοιχείων (FEM-Finite Element Method or FEA-Finite Element Analysis) που χρησιμοποιεί το λογισμικό OPERA. Επίσης, μελετήθηκε η επίδραση που έχει το σχήμα και το υλικό κατασκευής των σφηνών στα ηλεκτρομαγνητικά μεγέθη και τη λειτουργική συμπεριφορά του κινητήρα. Τέλος, εξετάστηκαν οι επιδράσεις που επιφέρει το κλείσιμο του ανοίγματος των αυλακώσεων –συναρτήσει, πάντα, του μεγέθους/σχήματος των σφηνών- στο ηλεκτρομαγνητικό πεδίο και στις χαρακτηριστικές του Ασύγχρονου Τριφασικού Κινητήρα. Εξετάστηκαν τόσο τα χωρικά και χρονικά μεγέθη, όσο και η συμπεριφορά αυτών στο πεδίο της συχνότητας (αρμονική ανάλυση – αρμονικό περιεχόμενο). Έγινε αξιοποίηση των γεωμετρικών και ηλεκτρικών χαρακτηριστικών ενός συγκεκριμένου τετραπολικού κινητήρα κλωβού, ισχύος 4kW, με 28 αυλακώσεις στο δρομέα και 36 αυλακώσεις στο στάτη. Ο σχεδιασμός των κινητήρων έγινε με τη συμβατική μέθοδο, ήτοι με χρήση των σχεδιαστικών εργαλείων που προσφέρονται μέσω της επιφάνειας εργασίας του προγράμματος και όχι με χρήση κώδικα. Πλεονέκτημα της μεθόδου αποτελεί το γεγονός ότι για τους τρεις κινητήρες που προέκυψαν με την τοποθέτηση των διαφόρων σφηνών δεν απαιτήθηκε εκ νέου σχεδιασμός, αλλά προσαρμογή της εκάστοτε χρησιμοποιηθείσας σφήνας στο αρχικό μοντέλο κινητήρα. Κατά τη μελέτη όλων των μοντέλων λάβαμε υπόψιν τόσο τη γραμμική όσο και τη μη γραμμική Β-Η χαρακτηριστική του σιδηρομαγνητικού υλικού. Η ανάλυση οδήγησε στο συμπέρασμα ότι με τη χρήση των κατάλληλων σφηνών μπορούμε να επιτύχουμε εξομάλυνση των κυματομορφών του ρεύματος και της ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ροπής και μείωση των ανώτερων αρμονικών. Όλα αυτά οδηγούν σε βελτίωση του βαθμού απόδοσης του κινητήρα. / The influence of semi-magnetic wedges on the electromagnetic variables and the harmonic content in 3-phase squirrel cage induction motors.

Are there alternatives to greenbelts? : evidence from a new land-use transport interaction model for Greater Beijing

Ma, Mingfei January 2017 (has links)
Urban greenbelts are considered a key instrument for shaping sustainable urban growth and protecting the environment in a large number of cities in the world. In most cities, there is a widely shared belief that urban greenbelts are beneficial to the natural environment. By contrast, there is little understanding of the underlying economic impacts of greenbelts and other green space configurations in fast growing cities. The unprecedented rate and scale of urbanisation in the emerging economies has brought the role of greenbelts into an even sharper focus. In cities within these fast growing economies, the urban population is expected to double in the coming decades, which means that greenbelts are under great pressures to adapt to the large forthcoming growth. Few existing urban models are capable of addressing the dynamic nature of the urban transformations and predicting the impacts of urban greenbelts in the developing world. This prompts us to develop a new modelling method that is capable of assessing the impacts of different configurations, scales and locations of green spaces. We then use it to examine alternative futures to the greenbelt through a case study of Greater Beijing. The method we developed is a new variant in the land use-transport interaction (LUTI) model family. This model is capable of addressing the non-equilibrium nature of urban land use and transport development and the equilibrium nature of the day-to-day adaptations made by businesses and citizens. This LUTI model aims to answer the following questions: what are the short-term and long-term economic impacts of a greenbelt on a fast growing city? Which alternative green space configuration performs better in terms of economic well-being and travel costs? Where and how much should the greenbelt land be progressively reshaped or released as the city grows? The new LUTI model is calibrated and validated using data collected for 1990, 2000 and 2010 for Greater Beijing, The model is first tested retrospectively through revisiting the past greenbelt policies in Beijing from 1990 to 2010. Then the impacts of different future green space configurations from 2010 to 2030 are predicted and assessed through quantifying economic costs/benefits and travel costs for socio-economic groups. The model results suggest that under rapid transformative urban change, the configuration, scale and location of a greenbelt have a significant impact on a city’s economic efficiency. Such impacts will transcend the greenbelt boundary, and even the boundary of Beijing Municipality, onto the entire city region. A narrow greenbelt launched in the early age of urban expansion could lead to spatial mismatch of residents and jobs. A wide and strictly controlled ring-shaped greenbelt is not the highest performing intervention either, in terms of economic well-being. The green-wedges configuration is a remedial policy that balances the economic efficiency and environmental benefits. Intensive development around metro/rail stations in the designated greenbelt could reduce spatial costs and promote sustainable travel modes. This implies that a careful siting of new development within existing designations of the greenbelt can be beneficial in terms of economic well-being and sustainable transport.

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