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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The function of simile in Remarque's "Im Westen nichts Neues"

De Leeuw, Howard January 1989 (has links)
Erich Maria Remarque's use of simile in Im Westen nichts Neues contributes greatly to the depth of the narrative and dispels the notion that this anti-war novel is nothing more than a simple soldier's account of the First World War. Definitions of simile and metaphor have existed since Aristotle. This study, however, treats simile as the literary equal of metaphor. Simile can be an even more powerful literary device than metaphor when cleverly and properly used. Remarque purposefully chose his more than 150 similes, many containing animal or nature images. Nearly all are used to show vividly and honestly war's reality while at the same time dismissing war's glory as a lie. Remarque also employs simile for antithesis. Seen through the perspective of the author, Remarque, and the narrator, Paul Baumer, the many similes represent the development Baumer undergoes up until the story's tragic end.

Sears homes building the American dream

Bilic, Viktorija January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Diss. / Titel auf der Beil.

Marketing architectural services : the role of the internet in marketing architectural services in the Western Cape

Grosskurth, Lisa Kathrin January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Marketing Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2008 / The research study provides an overview of the deployment of marketing by architectural practices in the Western Cape. It furthermore illustrates how the Internet is being utilised and establishes the motivations behind Web presence or its lack thereof. In recent years, an increasingly competitive landscape in the service industry, transformation in consumer buying behaviour, as well as deregulations in the professional service environment, such as the relaxation of advertising bans, make marketing an increasingly important competitive tool for architectural service providers in South Africa. However, due to the notable status and previous restrictions associated with the profession, many architectural practices are still reluctant to engage in marketing activities to promote their firms, remaining largely reactive and preserving a myopic view of marketing. In particular the use of the Internet is deemed to be a less required facet in the application of the marketing mix in this industry, which can mainly be attributed to the service provider’s lack of time and skill in this area of expertise. However, the literature suggests that the Internet can increase the opportunity for differentiation within the professional service environment, and from the marketer’s perspective, there is a considerable potential in the future profitability of marketing and Internet developments for this industry sector. Moreover, the trend that more consumers are adopting the Internet as a primary source for information emphasises the importance for architectural practices to adopt a holistic marketing approach that includes the Internet. The study revealed that there is generally a positive sentiment towards marketing, and the adoption of a Website in particular. Overall, however, most respondents seem to lack the understanding that a Website’s relative contribution to the service product and marketing success is determined by its role in the overall strategic direction of their business. A more focused marketing approach could result in a greater competitive advantage in an industry that is characterised by very low levels of differentiation. Due to the fact that professional service providers still tend to be reluctant to engage in marketing activities, it is recommended that marketing and Internet professionals start developing industry related offerings, taking into account above mentioned considerations, to proactively approach architectural practices. Furthermore, industry specific education on the benefits of marketing and the Internet to the architectural service industry, facilitated by governing bodies, marketing and IT professionals, could assist in shifting negative perceptions and bringing the marketing and architectural industry closer together, thereby encouraging mutually beneficial business relationships

Zwischen Orient und Okzident. Zu Raumdarstellungen in Essad Beys Roman „Ali und Nino“ / Tarp oriento ir okcidento. Erdvės vaizdavimas Essad Bey romane „Ali ir Nino“ / Between Orient and Occident. Representations of space in Essad Bey's novel "Ali and Nino"

Vidrinskaitė, Skirmantė 16 June 2011 (has links)
Der Orient und der Okzident sind zwei von Menschen, von Gesellschaft geschaffene räumliche Einheiten, die zu geographischen Zonen zugeordnet werden können. Gleichzeitig haben die beiden Begriffe eine kulturelle Bedeutung. Die Modernität, die Aufklärung und die Demokratie unterscheiden den Westen von den rückständig gebliebenen, undemokratischen Osten. Das Gegenbild, die Gegenidee, die Gegenpersönlichkeit und die Gegenerfahrung des Orients sind zum Eigenbild des Europäers geworden. Die Bilder der Anderen, die Abgrenzung zwischen die eigenen und fremden Kulturen hilft zur Erkennung des eigenen Identität. Jeder Handlung der literarischen Texte spielt in einem Raum. Dieser Raum stellt einen fiktiven Ort der Handlung, der gleichzeitig eine kulturelle Bedeutung hat. Die koloniale Literatur wird vor allem mit „binären Raummodelle“ geprägt. Der Raum der Handlung wird durch eine imaginative Grenze in zwei Bereichen abgetrennt, die nach bestimmten Hierarchie zugeorgnet werden: der eigene und fremde Raum. Kurban Said alias Lev Nussimbaum alias Mohammed Essad Bey ist ein Autor, dessen Wurzeln in Orient liegen. Er ist in einer toleranter, multikultureller Stadt Baku in Aserbeidschan aufgewachsen. In seinem Roman „Ali und Nino“ stellt der Autor seine Heimatstadt als eine Stadt dar, die weder zur Orient noch zur Okzident gehört, sondern ein Raum ist, wo die beiden Welten sich treffen und unmerklich in einander vermischen. Die Hauptstadt Baku von Aserbeidschan wird als eine Brücke zwischen... [der volle Text, siehe weiter] / Orientas ir okcidentas – tai dvi žmogaus sukurtos erdvės sąvokos, kuriomis apibūdinama ne tik geografinė teritorija, bet ir tam tikros kultūrinės vertybės. Pasaulis suskirstytas i dvi kategorijas: Vakarai ir Rytai. Vakarų pasauliui priskiriamos tokios vertybės kaip modernumas, švietimas ir demokratija, tuo tarpu rytų šalys laikomos atsilikusiomis kulturos ir švietimo atžvilgiu bei demokratijos stoka. Pastarajai kategorijai priskiriamos Afrikos ir Azijos valstybės, kuriose gyvena islamo išpažintojai. Edvardas Saidas nustatė, jog mūsų pasaulio suskirstymas į orientą ir oksidentą, savos ir kitos kultūros žmonių supriešinimas buvo reikalingas tam, kad suvoktume savo tapatybė. Kiekvieno literatūrinio kūrinio veiksmas vyksta tam tikroje erdvėje. Ši erdvė atlieka dvigubą funkciją: vienavertus veiksmas vyksta kūrinio autoriaus išgalvotoje vietoje, tačiau ta išgalvota vieta turi dažniausiai realių atitikmenį kasdieninėje tikrovėje. Kolonizmo epochoje orientas tapo žemesne kategorija. Oriento gyventojai buvo laikomi bejėgiais, kuriuos reikia valdyti. Tokia nuomonė buvo diegiama tekstų pagalba. Norėdama atsakyti į klausimą, kaip orientas vaizduojamas literatūriniame kūrinyje, pasirinkau autorių, kilusį iš šalies, priskiriamos orientui. Kurbanas Saidas užaugo tolerantiškumu ir daugiakultūriškumu išsiskiriančioje Azerbaidženo sostinėje. Romane „Ali ir Nino” vaizduojamas miestas, kuriame susikerta dviejų visiškai skirtingų kultūrų ribos. Baku neįmanoma priskirti nei orientui, nei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Orient and okcidentas - the two man-made space concept, which describes not only the geographical area, but also a certain cultural values​​. The world is divided into two categories: the West and East. The Western world include the values ​​of modernity, democracy and education, while the eastern countries are backward in respect of culture and education, and lack of democracy. Edward Said has found that a breakdown of our world in the Orient and Occidental, has its own culture and other people's confrontation was necessary in order to realize their own identity. For each literary work takes place in a given area. This area is twofold task: On one hand the author of the work takes place in an imaginary place, but the place is mostly a fictional counterpart of real everyday reality. Orient residents were considered to be powerless, to be managed. This perception has been installed help texts. To answer the question of how the orientation depicted in the literary piece, the author chose, originating from a country belonging to the Orient. Kurbanas Said grew up in tolerance and multiculturalism in a conspicuous Baku. In the novel "Ali and Nino" depicts a city where the two intersect completely different cultural boundaries. Tank can not be assigned to either the Orient, nor occidental. City by the bridge function, and become the third space. Novels set in the Caucasus area, the precise area. This area consists of many smaller units, which are united in a common set of a... [to full text]

Free to Hate Freedom and the survival of liberalized states confronting theemergence of political Islam; effective state solutions to the rise of Islamic politicalviolence in democratic societies.

Bowen, Lauren R. 31 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Political Reception of Erich Maria Remarque's Im Westen Nichts Neues in the Late Weimar Republic

Cogburn, Richard Jay 07 May 1993 (has links)
The novel Im Westen Nichts Neues first appeared in Germany in January 1929 and became an overnight success. Its author, Erich Maria Remarque, was a shy, quiet man who had not anticipated such success. His novel was written to be a fictitious account of the lives of a few students-turned -soldier and their comrades in the front -line trenches of World War I. This was a unique perspective on the war. The earlier books about the war had been mostly the published, factual memoirs of former officers and as such were written from an elitist and nationalist point of view. Remarque's fictional characters, conversely, were young privates doing their duty and suffering through the dehumanizing effects of their military training and life at the front. They lost touch with their past and came to be able to see nothing in their future except war. These soldiers found themselves lost between a past with which they were no longer able to identify and a future in which, because of the terror and daily life-and-death struggle they currently faced, they could not imagine being able to take anything seriously. Coming out in favor of the novel were the critics aligned with the liberal and left -liberal political arenas. This group of critics proclaimed that the novel portrayed the truth about the war in all of its horror. Having been written from the perspective of the unknown German soldier, it, unlike any other heretofore published work about the war, told the story of the every day, non-elitist soldier and his thoughts. The novel was pacifistic in nature and was therefore in line with the current world opinion, following closely on the heels of the international signing of the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact. On the other hand, the Communist left and the entire spectrum of the political right denounced Im Westen Nichts Neues as a lie and Remarque as an anti-German author bent on the degradation of the German national honor. The Communists decried the novel as being arbeiterfeindlich because it did not recognize the political- economic causes of the war and because it contained no call for the oppressed to revolt against the upper classes. They therefore deemed Remarque a member of the sterile-minded bourgeoisie. The rightists, in their denunciation of the novel, took exception to the lack of heroes and glorification of the war in the book. Kameradschaft was given the credit for heroism. This idea was repugnant to the nationalists, and in fact worked as a threat to their reason for existence. With Remarque further depicting the soldiers as acting instinctively to protect themselves from annihilation rather than fighting with thoughts of the glorious renewal of the fatherland, it was too much. They proclaimed the novel to be a lie which had been written by, among other descriptions of Remarque, a tender, pacifistic little soul who had never seen a battlefield in his life.

A community transplanted : the trans-Atlantic experience of a Swedish immigrant settlement in the upper Middle West, 1835 - 1915.

Ostergren, Robert C. January 1988 (has links)
Teilw. zugl.: @Diss.

<i>Im Westen nichts Neues</i> and <i>Johnny Got His Gun</i>: The Success of the First World War Anti-War Novel through Controversy and Depictions of Pain

Morrissey, Stephanie 01 August 2011 (has links)
Literature, films, and even the daily news often address war, an event that unfortunately has been a constant in modern society. Large scale, modern warfare with global involvement began with the First World War, and following the war, a global war literature boom occurred. Two bestselling novels whose anti-war themes still resound today, Im Westen nichts Neues (All Quiet on the Western Front) by Erich Maria Remarque and Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo, emerged from this sea of literature. Both of these novels focus on the pain that is inherent in warfare and its detrimental effects on society as well as on individual soldiers. The graphic imagery and anti-war sentiment that is present in these novels has generated controversy throughout their histories; however, the popularity of both works has prevailed, and Remarque and Trumbo’s novels remain two of the most referenced in academic disciplines as well as in popular culture. This thesis explores the long-lasting success of these two works as anti-war novels, as measured by initial sales and popularity as well as by a plethora of mass cultural adaptations.

Reflections on the life-world experiences of the adolescent "tik" use.

Swartz-Filies, Sylnita. January 2007 (has links)
<p>Substance abuse among adolescents is a global problem and South Africa is no exception. In the Western Cape there is an alarming popularity and increased use of an illicit highly addictive substance, locally known as 'tik-tik'/methamphetamine. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of this substance and there is an urgent need to address the 'tik-tik' problem in the Westen Cape. Tik/methamphetamine has thus become a great concern to educators, social workers and health practitioners in the province. The goal of this study was to explore the life-world of the adolescent methamphetamine/'tik-abusers' in order to describe their experiences of personal, social and environmental issues in the process of tik-addiction.</p>

Reflections on the life-world experiences of the adolescent "tik" use.

Swartz-Filies, Sylnita. January 2007 (has links)
<p>Substance abuse among adolescents is a global problem and South Africa is no exception. In the Western Cape there is an alarming popularity and increased use of an illicit highly addictive substance, locally known as 'tik-tik'/methamphetamine. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of this substance and there is an urgent need to address the 'tik-tik' problem in the Westen Cape. Tik/methamphetamine has thus become a great concern to educators, social workers and health practitioners in the province. The goal of this study was to explore the life-world of the adolescent methamphetamine/'tik-abusers' in order to describe their experiences of personal, social and environmental issues in the process of tik-addiction.</p>

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