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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die gebruik van gevangene arbeid in die Wes-Kaapse landbou

Goussard, Yvette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research problem of this study is "The use of prison labour in die Western Cape agriculture". The aim of this qualitative-historical study was to determine how this system of labour was established, functioned and eventually came to an end. To research this topic was not easy. Most of the documentary sources have been destroyed. Therefore, the main source of information were interviews with the relevant prison wardens and guards, as well as farmers who used prison labour in the past. Prison labour played only a small part in the penal system of the Cape Colony before the nineteenth century. The focus of punishment was on the body of the criminal - inflicting physical pain. Since the early 1800's prisoners were used for the maintenance of roads and on work in Governmental gardens. Prisoners were rented ' . out to farmers, on an informal basis, since 1806. A formal system of prison labour, based on the principle of rehabilitating punishment, was introduced by the Governor John Montagu in 1843. For example, prisoners were classified according to their behavior, rather than their crimes. In 1888 free prison labour was abolished and a standard wage was introduced. The use of prison labour by private persons increased systematically after the Second World War. The reason for this was a growing labour shortage in especially agriculture. The system of farm prisons or so-called "outposts" was established to address this problem. In 194 7 the Landsdown Commission accepted the principle of farm prisons. The first farm prison was opened in 1953. The establishment of these outposts had a twofold aim: firstly, it supplied farmers with a constant source of labour. Secondly, it served as a deliverance for the state, as this would relieve the overcrowding in prisons and reduce costs. Between 1953 and 1988 a_total of thirteen outposts were established in the Western Cape. Farmers' unions carried the costs of building the prisons and were also responsible for their maintenance. The Department of Prisons was responsible for the appointment of prisonguards and their remuneration. A Central Outpost Committee was established that served as a link between the various farmers' unions and the Department. South Africa's policy on prison labour was in line with the United Nations' "Standard Minimum Rules" for the treatment of prisoners, having rehabilitation as main objective. However, this system of farm prisons clashed with the international trade ethos of the time. It was seen as "slave labour" that gave South African farmers an unfair competitive advantage. In 1988 prison labour was terminated and outposts were closed, due to the threat of sanctions and boycotts of South African agricultural products. The empirical evidence of this study largely supports the Marxist interpretation of punishment in society. According to Ma.rXism, punishment systems and prison labour serve the economic interests of the dominant classes. At the same time it also gives credence to the Weberian interpretation, in which the systematic monitoring and treatment of prisoners are a manifestation of the tendency towards increasing rationalisation in Western society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingsprobleem van hierdie studie is "Die gebruik van gevangene arbeid in die Wes-Kaapse landbou". Die doel van hierdie kwalitatief-historiese ondersoek was om vas te stel hoe hierdie sisteem van arbeid ontstaan, gefunksioneer en tot 'n einde gekom het. Navorsing van hierdie onderwerp was nie maklik nie. Die meeste dokumentere bronne was reeds vemietig. Gevolglik moes hoofsaaklik staatgemaak word op onderhoude met hoofde en bewaarders van gevangenisse, asook boere wat destyds van gevangene arbeid gebruik gemaak het. Gevangene arbeid het 'n relatief klein rol gespeel in die strafstelsel van die Kaapkolonie voor die negentiende eeu. Die klem van straf was op die liggaam van die beskuldigde - die toepassing van fisiese pyn. Vanaf die vroee 1800's 1s gevangenes egter gebruik vir die instandhouding van strate en vir werk m Regeringstuine. V anaf 1806 is gevangenes ook op informele basis aan boere uitgehuur. 'n Formele stelsel van gevangene arbeid, gebasseer op die beginsel van rehabiliterende straf, is in 1843 deur die destydse Goeweneur John Montagu ingestel. Gevangenes is byvoorbeeld geklassifiseer volgens hul optrede, eerder as hul misdaad. In 1888 is gratis gevangene arbeid afgeskaf en voorsiening is gemaak vir 'n standaard loon. Na die Tweede Wereldoorlog het die gebruik van gevangene arbeid deur privaat persone sistematies toegeneem. Die rede hiervoor was 'n groeiende arbeidstekort in veral die landbou. Laasgenoemde is hoofsaaklik aangespreek deur die stelsel van plaastronke of sogenaamde "buiteposte". In 194 7 het die Landsdown Kommissie plaastronke in beginsel goedgekeur. Die eerste plaastronk, of "buitepos" soos daarna verwys is, is in 1953 geopen. Die oprigting van buiteposte het 'n tweeledige doel gehad: eerstens, het dit vir boere'n konstante voorraad van arbeid te verskaf. Tweedens was dit vir die staat 'n uitkoms, aangesien dit die oorbevolking in stedelike tronke sou verlig en kostes sou besnoei. Daarbenewens sou hierdie nuwe stelsel hydra tot die rehabilitasie van korter-termyn gevangenes. Tussen 1953 en 1988 het daar altesame dertien buiteposte in die Wes-Kaap bestaan. Boereverenigings het die oprigtingskoste van die onderskeie tronke gedra. Hierbenewens moes hulle ook ondemeem om die tronke te onderhou, terwyl die Departement van Gevangenisse verantwoordelik was vir die beskikbaarstelling van bewaarders en hul vergoeding. 'n Sentrale Buiteposkomitee is gestig wat as skakel gedien het tussen die betrokke boereverenigings en die Departement. Suid-Afrika se beleid rakende gevangene arbeid was in pas met die Verenigde Nasies se "Standaard Minimum Reels" vir die behandeling van gevangenes, met rehabilitasie as sentrale motief. Die stelsel van plaastronke het egter ingedruis teen die intemasionale handels-etos van die tyd en is as "slawe arbeid" gesien wat vir SuidAfrikaanse boere 'n onregverdige mededingende voordeel gegee het. Uit vrese vir sanksies en boikotte van Suid-Afrikaanse landbou produkte, is gevangene arbeid gestaak en buiteposte teen die einde van 1988 gesluit. Die empiriese getuienis van hierdie ondersoek staaf in 'n groot mate die Marxistiese interpretasie van straf in die samelewing. Hiervolgens dien strafstelsels en gevangene arbeid die ekonomiese belange van die dominante klasse. Terselfdertyd steun dit die Weberiaanse interpretasie waarvolgens die sistematiese monitering en behandeling van gevangenes in tronke 'n manifestasie 1s van die tendens tot toenemende rasionalisasie in die Westerse samelewing.

An exploratory study of the EIA process involved in a low cost housing project in the Western Cape

Nell, Guillaume 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study undertakes a broad exploration of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process in South Africa through a case study analysis of the N2 Gateway Project, a low cost housing project of the new housing policy, Breaking New Ground (BNG). This study of the housing situation in South Africa is done to provide some context on informal settlements and shows why this is a significant social issue in post-apartheid South Africa. The main housing policies are discussed in order to indicate how the South African government attempts to address the housing challenges in the country, and more specifically, in the Western Cape. The overview is useful in gaining perspective about the nature of this process, including reasons why EIAs take such a long time to complete and how the effectiveness of these are determined. The key challenges and benefits of EIAs are discussed together with an analysis of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) tool. The case study analysis reveals how the EIA was not conducted in a proper way during the planning and implementation phases of the project. Together with this, various other significant matters of the project are highlighted because of the controversial nature of this project. The study reveals that it is not necessarily EIAs that are the cause of delays in the implementation of low cost housing projects, but that poor planning, fast tracking of the EIA process and completing the EIA too late in the planning procedure of the project are the main contributing factors causing the delays. The recommendations given are based on these findings, which indicate that the environmental authorization processes ought to be incorporated at a much earlier stage in the pipeline of the planning procedure, as well as transparent and more clearly defined roles should be established from the start. Better project management is also required and participation and communication between all the stakeholders involved should be given due attention. The study argues that the use of SEA can be very helpful and should be used to ensure that the proper planning mechanisms are in place. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing stel deur ʼn gevallestudie ondersoek in na die Omgewingsimpakassessering (OIA) van „n lae-koste behuising projek bekend as die N2 Gateway Projek in die Wes-Kaap provinsie, as deel van die regering se behuisingsbeleid bekend as Breaking New Ground. (BNG). Hierdie studie oor die omstandighede van die behuisingsituasie in Suid-Afrika is gdoen om konteks te gee oor informe nedersettings en te wys waarom dit ʼn belangrike onderwerp in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika is. Die belangrikste beleidstukke oor behuising word bespreek om te wys hoedat die Suid-Afrikaans regering die behuisingsuitdagings in die land aanspreek, mer spesifiek in die Wes-Kaap. Hierdie oorsig is waardevol om perspektief oor die aard van die proses te gee, wat onder andere die redes insluit waarom OIAs so ʼn lang tyd neem om te voltooi en om ook te wys hoe die effektiwiteit van laasgenoemde bepaal word. Die kern uitdagings en voordele van OIAs word bespreek sowel as ʼn analise van die wat bekend staan as strategiese omgewings assessering (SOA) instrument. Die analise van die gevallestudie wys hoedat die OIAs nie op die gepasde wyse gedurende die beplannings- en implementerings fases van die projek gedoen is nie. Hiermee saam is verskeie ander betekenisvolle faktore van die projek uitgelig as gevolg van die kontroversiële aard van die projek. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat dit nie noodwendig die OIAs is wat die vertraging in die implementering van dié lae koste behuisingsprojek tot gevolg gehad het nie. Die belangrikste faktore wat tot daartoe bygedra het, kan eerder aan swak beplanning, die versnelling van die OIA proses en die voltooiing van die OIA eers teen die einde van die projek toegeskryf word. Die aanbevelings wat gemaak word geskied teen dié agtergrond. Dit behels onder andere dat die OIA-proses vir die goedkeuring van die projek veel vroeër in die beplannings proses gedoen moes word. Te same hiermee moes daar baie duideliker aanwysings gewees het oor wie verantwoordelikheid vir uitvoering van spesifieke take moes ontvang. Beter kommunikasie en deelname van die verskillende partye wat by die projek betrokke was, is verder ʼn voorvereiste wanneer soortgelyke projekte aangepak gaan word. Die gebruik van die SOA instrument is ook belangrik en behoort in projekte soos die N2 Gateway gebruik te word sodat daar beter beplanning gedoen kan word.

Water- en soutbalanse van geselekteerde besproeide gronde van die benede Bergrivier opvanggebied

Engelbrecht, Hendrik Nicolaas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A study was conducted between 2000 and 2002 in the lower Berg River catchment of the semi-arid Western Cape Province to investigate the effect of irrigation developments (wheat fields to table grapes) on the quality of the Berg River as well as the sustainability of these developments. This study was necessitated by the mineralisation of both the Breede and Berg River, probably due to irrigation together with the higher pressure on these water resources from the growing demand for fresh water from the Cape Town metropolitan area. Water and Salt balances of two dominant soil patterns (Glenrosa/Swartland and Oakleaf/Hutton soil forms) from the catchment area were monitored at two localities. Vineyard blocks of different ages in the same soil forms were used to study the effect of irrigation over time. The electrical conductivity of the soil water extracts (ECe) was measured three times over depth at the selected sites and the quality of irrigation and drainage return-flow were monitored. Soil water storing capacities of these stony (high rough fragment' fractions) soils were also characterised for more efficient drainage quantity prediction. Glenrosa/Swartland soils showed the highest ECe's (200-400 mx.m") that decreased significantly after four to five years of irrigation and distribution became more uniform over depth. These high salt concentrations were explained due to natural occurrence of salts, mineral weathering and salts from the irrigation water. Oakleaf/Hutton soils showed lower ECe's « 200 nfS.m") but they are subject to the quality of the irrigation water, which is not that constant over years. Localised salt accumulation was observed due to the irrigation method and became more prominent over years. Drainage quantities were under predicted because of the big/high rough fragment fractions and the occurrence of preferential-flow. This prohibited the accurate calculation of the soil water house holding characteristics. It also led to the under calculation of salt return-flow, but it was very evident that the most salt retumflow occurred from the Glenrosa/Swartland soils. Effective irrigation management to achieve and maintain optimal soil water levels and to reduce the negative impact of high ECe's is essential for the sustainability of these irrigation developments. At present it does not seem that the irrigation return-flow is causing dramatic mineralisation of the lower Berg River, but it is a situation that must be monitored as the developments extent and become older (come into production). It seems that irrigation return-flow only has an influence on the quality of the river at the beginning of such a development, but after about three years the influence directly correlates with the quality of irrigation water and mineral weathering. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Studie is gedurende die jare 2000 tot 2002 in die benede Bergrivier opvanggebied van die semi-ariede Wes-Kaap Provinsie gedoen om die effek van besproeiingsontwikkelings (koringlande na tafeldruiwe) op die kwaliteit van die Bergrivier se water, asook die volhoubaarheid van besproeiingslandbou te ondersoek. Hierdie studie was genoodsaak deur toenemende versouting van beide die Breede- en Bergrivier, waarskynlik a.g.v. besproeiing, tesarne met groter druk op hierdie waterbronne van wee die groeiende aanvraag na vars water deur die Kaapstadse metropool. Water- en soutbalanse van twee dominante grondpatrone (Glenrosa/Swartland en Oakleaf/Hutton grondvorms) binne die opvanggebied was by twee lokaliteite gemoniteer. Wingerdblokke van verskillende ouderdomme binne dieselfde grondvorms is gebruik om die effek van besproeiing oor tyd te ondersoek. Die elektriese geleiding van die grondwaterekstrak (EGe) was drie maal op verskillende dieptes by geselekteerde persele gemeet en die kwaliteit van besproeiingswater en dreineringsterugvloei was deurgaans gemoniteer. Grondwaterstoringskapasiteite van hierdie klipryke ( hoe 'growwe fragment fraksie) gronde was ook gekarakteriseer vir meer doeltreffende voorspellings van dreineringshoeveelhede. Glenrosa/Swartland gronde het die hoogste EGe's getoon (200-400 mx.m') wat na vier tot vyf jaar se besproeiing aansienlik afgeneem het en meer uniform met diepte versprei was. Die hoe soutkonsentrasies is veroorsaak deur die natuurlike voorkoms van sout in die grond, minerale verwering en sout vanuit die besproeiingswater. Oakleaf/Hutton gronde het laer EGe's getoon « 200 mS.m-I ), maar hierdie gronde se soutinhoud is ook onderhewig aan die kwaliteit van die besproeiingswater en dreinering wat oor jare nie baie konstant was en nog is nie. Gelokaliseerde soutaansarneling tussen wingerdrye is ook waargeneem a.g.v. die besproeiingsmetode en dit word meer prominent oor jare. Dreineringshoeveelhede was onder-voorspel a.g.v. die groot/hoe growwe fragment fraksies en voorkoms van voorkeurvloei, wat die akkurate modellering van grondwaterhuishouding beperk het. Dit het ook daartoe gelei dat soutterugvloei ondervoorspel was, maar dit was duidelik dat die meeste soutterugvloei vanuit die Glenrosa/Swartland gronde plaasvind. Effektiewe besproeiingsbestuur, om optimale grondwaterpeile te handhaaf en om negatiewe effekte van hoe EGe te beperk, is noodsaaklik vir die volhoubaarheid van hierdie tipe besproeiingsontwikkelings. Tans blyk dit nie of besproeiingsterugvloei drarnatiese versouting van die benede Bergrivier veroorsaak nie, maar dit is egter 'n situasie wat deeglik gemoniteer moet word soos wat ontwikkelings uitbrei en ouer word (in produksie kom). Besproeiingsterugvloei het dus net aan die begin van so 'n ontwikkelling 'n invloed op die EG van die rivier, maar na ongeveer drie jaar hou die invloed direk verband met die kwaliteit van die besproeiingswater en minerale verwenng.

Improving efficiency in the public health sector by transferring selected best practices from the private health sector

Pedro, Beverley-Anne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this research report was to identify a set of strategic tools that can be transferred from the private health sector to the public health sector, to improve efficiency in the public health sector. To attain to this aim, this research report attempted to identify the selected best practices employed by successful private health providers, to determine the most effective modes to transfer these best practices, and to establish key success factors for the identified best practices. Interviews were conducted with opinion-leaders from the health industry in the Western Cape,and inputs gleaned from these individuals were useful in applying the strategic model to the public and private health sector in the Western Cape. Globally the public sector has already embarked on strategic management initiatives, through the implementation of the New Public Management-model. The introduction of NPM in a few selected countries aimed at achieving cost-efficiency, budget accountability and improved customer focus in service delivery. South Africa however still needs a unifying and all encompassing vision for public and development management to advance the ideals of Batho Pele. The use of evidence and the management of intellectual capital in the health care industry are recognised as important in decision-making. The health care trends of five selected countries (United Kingdom, United States of America, Greece, Canada, Slovakia) were researched , and demonstrated that countries face similar challenges (increasing resource demands, aging population, rapidly expanding technological possibilities, better-informed patients, rising expectations). It is recognised that business skills and knowledge, as well as investments in IT can be effective tools in moving an organisation from a reactive approach to a pro-active approach. Managers in the public sector need different competencies than managers in the private sector due to the differences between the two sectors, and thus there is a need to adapt management training. While there are examples of best practices in the South African government, there is still room for improvement. A stable political economy, political leadership, management skills of political office-bearers and the professionalism of civil servants will be decisive in this regard. The White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service provides a framework for the development of strategies to promote continuous performance improvements in quantity, quality and equity of health service provision. The areas where improvements are necessary are customer and stakeholder satisfaction, processes, organisation results, leadership and people management. The comparison between the current strategic approach in the Western Cape and a model designed for the public sector revealed that some of the steps can be developed further, namely the assessment of the internal and external environments, the development of an effective implementation process, and the reassessment of the strategies and the strategic planning process. The comparison between the current strategic approach in the Western Cape and the global best practices framework established that there is not sufficient balance between the resource and position based views, the decision-making approach is "quite formal", implementation of strategy is not a carefully planned change management process, planning is regarded as the most important part of the strategic planning process, and evaluating strategy implementation involves more than mere financial measures. It was also established that the Western Cape Department of Health's strategic stance is offensive, that it can be regarded as a prospector, that managing multiple stakeholders is a challenge and that the competitive advantage of the department is its people. The industry analysis revealed that there is still a long way to go in terms of reliable information systems to support health services. The need for a strategic approach that can respond rapidly in a turbulent environment, and the re-look strategic processes to ensure delivery of quality health care through optimal use of resources were also established by the industry analysis. It was established that a gap exists in the public health sector in respect of the strategic planning processes, and that the private health sector portrays characteristics compatible with the global best practices framework. Modes for the successful transfer of best practices were explored, namely management consulting, commercialisation and management development. Two key success factors for the transfer of best practices were identified, namely the application of the Batho Pele principles, and the recruitment and retention of suitably qualified staff. From a global strategic management perspective, it was clear that there is a definite need for the public sector to change to private sector strategic approaches. A shift from a reactive to a pro-active approach is also advisable. The global trends in public health care demonstrate the importance of political leadership, competent management, business knowledge and skills, IT investment and the use of evidence in health. It is clear that the provision of public health care in South Africa faces similar challenges to those experienced by the five countries researched. The application of the global best practices framework confirmed that there are in fact best practices employed by the private sector that can be transferred to the public sector. Most of the best practices discussed in this research report are not employed in the public sector, or only on a limited scale. The use of these practices should be explored by the public sector. In order to equip managers in the public sector with the necessary strategic management tools, training and development opportunities must include modules on strategic management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsingsverslag was om 'n stel strategiese benaderings te identifiseer wat van die privaat-gesondheidsektor na die openbare gesondheidsektor oorgedra kan word, om effektiwiteit in die publieke gesondheidsektor te verbeter. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, was daar gepoog om geselekteerde beste praktyke wat deur die privaat gesondheidsektor gebruik word te identifiseer, om te bepaal wat die mees effektiewe metodes sou wees om dit oor te dra, en om kritiese suksesfaktore vir die bepaalde beste praktyke te identifiseer. Onderhoude is gevoer met prominente leiers in die gesondheids-industrie in die Wes-Kaap, en hierdie insette was waardevol in die toepassing van die strategiese model op die publieke en privaat-gesondheidsektor in die Wes-Kaap. Op die internasionale front het die publieke sektor reeds strategiese bestuurs-inisiatiewe begin toepas, deur die implementering van die NPM-model. Die implementering van NPM in 'n paar geselekteerde lande was gemik op koste-effektiwiteit, begrotingsverantwoordbaarheid en verbeterde fokus op kliente in dienslewering. Suid Afrika het egter steeds die behoefte aan 'n oorkoepelende, verenigende visie vir publieke- en bestuursontwikkeling om uitvoering te gee aan die ideale van Batho Pele. Die gebruik van uitkomste en die bestuur van intellektuele kapitaal in die gesondheidsindustrie word erken as belangrik vir besluitneming. Die neigings in gesondheidsorg van vyf gekose lande (Verenigde Koninkryke, Verenigde State van Amerika, Griekeland, Kanada en Siovakye) toon dat die uitdagings vir gesondheid ooreenstem (verhoogde vraag na hulpbronne, verouderende bevolking, vinnige ontwikkeling van tegnologie, beter ingeligte pasiente, hoër verwagtinge). Dit word aanvaar dat besigheidsvaardighede en -kennis, sowel as beleggings in inligtingstegnologie effektief aangewend kan word om 'n organisasie van 'n reaktiewe tot 'n pro-aktiewe benadering te beweeg. Bestuurders in die publieke sektor benodig vaardighede wat verskil van bestuurders in die privaatsektor weens verskille tussen die twee sektore; daar is dus 'n behoefte om bestuursopleiding aan te pas. Daar is wel voorbeelde van beste praktyke in die Suid-Afrikaanse regering, maar daar is steeds ruimte vir verbetering. 'n Stabiele politieke ekonomie, politieke leierskap, bestuursvaardighede van politieke ampsdraers en die professionaliteit van staatsamptenare sal deurslaggewend wees in hierdie verband. Die Wit Skrif oor Transformasie van die Openbare Sektor verskaf 'n raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van strategiee om voortgesette verbeteringe in hoeveelheid, kwaliteit, en gelykheid in die voorsiening van gesondheidsorg te bevorder. Areas vir verbetering sluit in kliente en belanghebbende tevredenheid, prosesse, organisatoriese uitslae, leierskap en bestuur van mense. Die vergelyking van die huidige strategiese benadering in die Wes-Kaap met 'n model wat ontwikkel is vir die publieke sektor toon dat sommige van die stappe verder ontwikkel kan word, naamlik die evaluering van die interne en eksterne omgewing, die ontwikkeling van effektiewe implementeringsprosesse, en die herevaluering van die strategiee en die strategiese beplanningsprooes. Die vergelyking van die huidige strategiese benadering in die Wes-Kaap met die globale beste praktyke raamwerk toon dat daar nie genoeg balans is tussen die posisie- en hulpbrongebaseerde stand nie, dat besluitneming "nogal formeel" is, dat implementering van strategie nie 'n sorgvuldig beplande veranderingsbestuursproses is nie, en dat evaluering van implementering meer behels as slegs finansiele maatstawwe. Dit het ook aan die lig gekom dat die Wes-Kaap departement van gesondheid 'n offensiewe stand het, dat dit as 'n prospektor beskou kan word, en dat die bestuur van veelvuldige belangehebbendes 'n uitdaging is. Die analise van die industrie het getoon dat daar nog baie gedoen kan word in terme van betroubare inligtingstelsels om gesondheidsdienste te ondersteun. Die behoefte aan 'n strategiese benadering om vinnig te reageer in 'n turbulente omgewing, en die her-evaluering van strategiese prosesse om die lewering van kwaliteit gesondheidsdienste deur die optimale gebruik van hulpbronne te verseker, is ook bevind in die analise. Daar is ook bevind dat daar 'n gaping in die publieke gesondheidsektor is wat die strategiese beplanningsproses betref, en dat die privaat-gesondheidsektor kenmerke openbaar wat verenigbaar is met die globale beste praktyke raamwerk. Metodes vir die suksesvolle oordrag van beste praktyke, naamlik bestuurskonsultasie, kommersialisasie en bestuursontwikkeling word beskryf. Twee sleutelsuksesfaktore vir die oordrag van beste praktyke, naamlik die toepassing van die Batho Pele beginsels, en die werwing en behoud van toepaslik gekwalifiseerde personeel is identifiseer. Uit 'n globale strategiese bestuursperspektief was dit duidelik dat daar definitief 'n behoefte is vir die publieke sektor om privaatsektor strategiese benaderings aan te neem. 'n Beweging van 'n reaktiewe tot 'n pro-aktiewe benadering is beslis aan te beveel. Die globale neigings in publieke gesondheidsorg demonstreer die belangrikheid van politieke leierskap, bevoegde bestuur, besigheidskennis en -vaardighede, beleggings in inligtingstegnologie en die gebruik van uitkoms-gebaseerde bewyse. Dit is duidelik dat die voorsiening van publieke gesondheidsorg in Suid-Afrika ooreenstemmende uitdagings het met die vyf lande wat ondersoek is. Die toepassing van die globale beste praktyke raamwerk het bevestig dat daar wel beste praktyke gebruik word deur die privaatsektor, wat oorgedra kan word na die publieke sektor. Meeste van die beste praktyke hier bespreek word nie deur die publieke sektor gebruik nie, of slegs op 'n beperkte basis. Die gebruik van hierdie praktyke moet ondersoek word deur die publieke sektor. Om bestuurders in die publieke sektor toe te rus met die nodige strategiese bestuursvaardighede, moet opleidings- en ontwikkelingsgeleenthede modules insluit oor strategiese bestuur.

Socially responsible consumption : an exploratory study on the Western Cape

Korboi, Jesse B. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / Socially responsible consumption plays a major role in achieving environmental sustainability in any part of the world. The aim of this investigation was to identify whether consumers in the Western Cape are socially responsible. The research was conducted using a sample of 200 consumers in the Cape Town area as a representative sample of the Western Cape. Data were gathered from respondents by means of a questionnaire. The statistical interpretation of the survey results were done by means of constructing frequency distribution tables since the data are nominal. The results of the analysis of the data pointed out that while consumers in the Western Cape demonstrated willingness to know how products are made before buying; they do not take into consideration the environmental and social impact of their purchases, meaning that they are not socially responsible consumers. Out of 167 completed questionnaires, 36% of respondents based their buying decision on the price and quality of products. This constitutes the single largest group of respondents in the survey. The results also revealed that consumers are willing to boycott products that are proven to be unethically produced, which is a positive development. Radio and television were the main sources of information for consumers about entities. In terms of the definition of moral standards, consumers proved to be idealistic, meaning that they believe that moral standards should be viewed as universal regardless of the society in which it occurs. These findings clearly indicate that while consumers in the Western Cape are not socially responsible, there are positive indications from the survey that can be used to improve the situation. Consumers' willingness to know how products are produced before buying, the willingness to boycott products proven to be produced unethically, and their idealistic view on moral standards are all positive indications for improvement. The recommendations provided in the study, if implemented, will go a long way towards making consumers more conscious about the social and environmental impact of their purchases.

The creation of wealth through family businesses within the agricultural sector of the Western Cape

Van der Westhuizen, Winnie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Why can some family businesses survive over several generations when others cannot even be successfully carried over to the second generation? Can it be connected to the creation and definition of wealth? To create wealth for future generations implies much more than just establishing a financially healthy family business. This report examines all the other elements that are crucial to creating wealth and prosperity. In his research Mr Jaffe found that the creation of wealth and prosperity consists out of six dimensions. These dimensions are spiritual capital, financial capital, human capital, family capital, structural capital and societal capital. All of these dimensions are examined and tested in this report and members of family businesses in the Western Cape were asked for personal contributions by completing a questionnaire. From the research it is clear that some of these farmers do not have the correct and necessary structures in place to make it possible for their family businesses to survive to the next generations. Some of these dimensions are being addressed while the farmers have no idea of how important they are to the survival of their family business. Communication is one of the most compelling requirements for success and members of family businesses will have to realise how important effective and healthy communication is. Family members have to be able to communicate their expectations of each other and have to know each other's positive and negative characteristics. This will help ensure that family members are applied in areas they are strong in. To reach its full potential a family business must utilise its members to the fullest. By following these guidelines lasting wealth and prosperity can be created. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoekom kan sommige familiebesighede vir gesla9te lank corleet en ander nie eers suksesvol oorgedra word na die tweede ge51a9 nie? Het dit moontlik iets te doen met die skepping en definisie van rykdom? Om rykdom te skep vir toekomstige geslagte behels baie meer as net die daarstelling van 'n finansieel gesonde familiebesigheid. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die ander elemente wat oak van kardinale belang is in die skepping van welvaart. Mnr Jaffe het uit sy navorsing bevind dat die skepping van welvaart ses dimensies behels. Die dimensies is geestelike-kapitaal, finansiele-kapitaal, menslike-kapitaal, familie-kapitaal, strukturele-kapitaal en gemeenskapskapitaal. In hierdie tesis word hierdie dimensies getoet5 en ontleed. Daar is aan lede van landbou-familiebesighede in die Wes-Kaap gevra om hul persoonlike ervaringe te deel deur middel van 'n vraelys. Uit die navorsing is dit duidelik dat sommige van die boere nie al die regte strukture in plek het wat dit moontlik sal maak vir hul familiebesighede om die volgende paar geslagte te aorleet nie. Party van die dimensies word weer aangespreek sonder dat die boere besef hoe belangrik dit regtig vir die toekoms van hul familiebesigheid is. Lede van familiebesighede sal moet besef dat goeie, gesonde kommunikasie baie belangrik vir sukses is. Die familielede moet vir mekaar kan se wat hul verwagtinge van mekaar is en moet ook weet wat die goeie en slegte punte van die ander lede van die familie is. Oit sal daartoe bydra dat familielede aangewend kan word in die areas waarin hulle sterk is. Om die volle potensiaal van 'n familiebesigheid te bereik moet al die familielede optimaal benut word. So kan blywende rykdom geskep word vir toekomstige geslagte.

Investigating a servicisation model for the use and instillation of solar water heaters in Cape Town, South Africa

Jones, Brian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is experiencing an energy shortage and volatile supply of electricity. This situation is placing pressure on businesses and citizens and is opening avenues into the renewable sector. This study investigates servicisation as a potential means to assist in the alleviation of energy consumption on the national power grid, and answers whether servicisation in the solar water heating sector could pose as a viable business venture. The main research goal was to investigate whether servicisation within a housing estate could be favourably received. The majority of residents in this high-income bracket were more willing to invest their own capital in renewables rather than being provided with a solar water heater through servicisation. Knowledge of solar water heating is extremely poor amongst consumers, and this contributes to the lack of penetration of solar water heaters in the industry to date. To further exacerbate the situation, installations are often poorly executed, leading to negative experiences by consumers. Initially it was assumed that post 2012, all homes built would be installed with solar geysers or heat pumps, due to legislation. However, surprisingly this was not the case, as a large portion of homes built between 2012 & 2013 have not complied with this legislation.

Swartland social development policy and strategy

Holtzhausen, Marguerite 03 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research question answered by this study is what policy and strategy would give the necessary direction to Swartland Municipality’s (SM’s) social development programmes to maximise its impact on the social well-being of the community? The motivation for the study is the need to prioritise social development projects in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency in this field. The methodology used was a qualitative study by means of a conceptual analysis of the term social development, a literature study of international, national and local legislation and policies as well as group interviews with internal and external stakeholders. Social development was defined for the purposes of this study as the process of strengthening the relationships/ partnerships and linkages between people, resources and/or systems within the scope of poverty reduction, expansion of employment opportunities and social integration, with the goal to achieve well-being for individuals, groups and/or communities. Furthermore a literature study explored relevant legislation and policy documents to give clarity on the municipality’s role of social development. Main findings were that the SA Constitution as supreme law, clearly states the municipal objective is to promote social development and states four functions that relate to social development namely child facilities, basic infrastructure, public amenities and sports facilities. Furthermore social development functions in all municipal departments need to co-ordinate to maximise social development resources. Lastly the municipality’s social development programmes must be supplementary and supportive to the work of the Department of Social Development. Furthermore, engagements were held with internal and external stakeholders of Swartland Municipality and the strategic direction was determined by means of a vision, mission and strategic focus areas. The vision identified is: We build and create sustainable social development partnerships with all our people for strengthening the social fabric of the Swartland community. The social development mission is: We initiate, build and promote social development opportunities with the focus on sustainability, which specifically refers to financial viability in the long term, forming partnerships with the community and service providers, not harming the environment and operating within legal powers and functions. Five strategic focus areas flowing from the vision and mission were identified. To promote collaboration and co-ordination is the pivotal focus area. Social development has to be co-ordinated by means of a social development forum represented of all sectors (government, NGO, faith-based, business, agriculture). The other focus areas were: promoting child development/establishing child facilities, lobbying for the vulnerable, facilitating access to the economy and promoting youth development. The impact of service delivery according to the five focus areas must be measured in totality by means of the Human Development Index and reflected in the integrated development plan.

Environmentally significant morphological and hydraulic characteristics of cobble and boulder bed rivers in the Western Cape

Jonker, V. (Verno) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhDEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The interaction between moving water and the physical attributes of a river, as displayed by the channel morphology, determines the availability of physical habitat for aquatic species and thus also the condition of the ecosystem. As such, the environmental flow assessment process requires knowledge on how changes in the flow regime will affect both the morphological and hydraulic conditions within a river channel. With the increasing development of water-related infrastructure in mountain regions, knowledge of the morphological and hydraulic characteristics of rivers in the upper catchment areas is very important. Cobble and boulder bed rivers in the Western Cape are typical examples. They are characterized by steep gradients, great variability in sediment size and relatively low flow depths. The bed configuration contains a series of pools, steps, rapids, riffles and plane beds, while energy losses are high as a result of turbulence and hydraulic jumps. Due to their wideranging morphological and associated hydraulic attributes, the physical habitats within these rivers are extremely diverse, both on a spatial and temporal scale. This study addresses the interaction between moving water and the physical attributes of cobble and boulder bed rivers. Empirical, semi-empirical and theoretically based models are developed which define the hydraulic and morphological related characteristics of environmental flow components in cobble and boulder bed rivers. They cover macro scale channel deformation, the scouring of sand from the interstitial spaces between the cobbles as well as velocity-depth relationships, which prove to be key components in the assessment of environmental flow requirements in cobble and boulder bed rivers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wisselwerking tussen die vloeiende water en die fisiese eienskappe van 'n rivier, soos beskryf deur die morfologie, bepaal die beskikbaarheid van habitat vir akwatiese spesies en gevolglik ook die welstand van die ekosisteem. Kennis omtrent die impak van 'n veranderde vloei regime op beide die morfologiese en die hidrouliese toestande in 'n rivierloop is dus nodig vir die bepaling van omgewingsvloeibehoeftes. Met die toenemende ontwikkeling van water-verwante infrastruktuur in bergagtige gebiede is 'n grondige kennis van die morfologiese en hidrouliese eienskappe van riviere in hierdie bo-opvanggebiede gebiededend noodsaaklik. Spoelklip riviere in die Wes-Kaap is tipiese voorbeelde van sulke riviere. Hierdie riviere word gekenmerk deur steil hellings, 'n wye verskeidenheid sedimentgroottes, relatiewe lae vloeidieptes en hoë energieverliese as gevolg van turbulensie. Verder bevat die ri vierbed afwisselend poele en stroomversnellings en gevolglik word 'n wye verskeidenheid habitat tipes in hierdie riviere aangetref. Hierdie studie fokus op die interaksie tussen bewegende water en die fisiese eienskappe van spoelklip riviere. Met behulp van empiriese, semi-empiriese en teoretiese modelle word die morfologiese en hidrouliese eienskappe van omgewingsvloeibehoeftes in spoelklip riviere aangespreek. Dit sluit makroskaal kanaal vervorming, die uitskuur van sand tusen die spoelklippe asook die verwantskap tussen vloeisnelheid en vloeidiepte in. Hierdie aspekte kan beskou word as van die sleutel elemente vir die bepaling van omgewingsvloeibehoeftes in spoelklip riviere.

Development of an integrated pest management system for vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Signoret), in vineyards in the Western Cape Province, South Africa

Walton, Vaughn M. (Vaughn Martin) 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A survey was conducted in the Western Cape Province during the 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 seasons on mealybugs occurring in vineyards. P/anococcus ficus (Signoret) was the dominant mealybug in vineyards during this time. During this study P. ficus was recorded for the first time on roots of grapevines, which has far reaching implications for the control of this important vine leafroll virus vector as control actions were focused on above ground control. Other mealybugs presently recorded in local vineyards included Pseudococcus /ongispinus (Targioni) and Ferrisia ma/vastra (McDaniel). Pseudococcus viburni (Maskell) and Ps. so/ani Ferris were found on weeds in vineyards. Natural enemies of P. ficus recorded most frequently were species of Nephus predatory beetles, and the parasitaids Coccidoxenoides peregrinus (Timberlake), Anagyrus sp. and Leptomastix dacty/opii (Howard). Developmental studies on P. ficus and C. peregrinus indicated that the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was similar, peaking at 25°C (rm = 0.169 for P. ficus; rm = 0.149 for C. peregrinus). The net replacement rate (Ra) was higher for P. ficus than for C. peregrinus at all five temperatures tested. The Ra for P. ficus reached a maximum at 21°C (308.87) and C. peregrinus at 25°C for C. peregrinus (69.94). The lower and upper thresholds for development of P. ficus were estimated at 16.59 and 35.61°C respectively. The lower threshold for development of C. peregrinus was 8.85°C. These parameters indicated that both insects were well adapted to temperatures in the Western Cape Province. The lower minimum threshold temperature of C. peregrinus in relation to that of P. ficus suggests that C. peregrinus should be more active during winter and early spring than P. ficus. A central systematic presence-absence sampling system was developed for P. ficus. Monitoring three different plant parts on the vine indicated that new growth areas on vines adjacent to the main stem could serve as an early warning system for pending P. ficus bunch infestations. Intervention should be planned when 2 % of the stems are infested with P. ficus when using this system. Seasonal population studies of P. ficus and its natural enemies showed that stem infestation by P. ficus reached peak levels during January in Robertson and Stellenbosch and during February in the Hex River Valley. Vine mealybugs colonised new growth early in the season, followed by the leaves and eventually the bunches towards the end of the season. High stem infestations early in the season resulted in high bunch infestation levels at harvest. A density dependent relationship was evident between P. ficus populations and parasitoid populations, suggesting that the parasitoids played a mayor role in the biological control of P. ficus populations. Biological control was however only achieved towards the end of the season when damage to the crop had already occurred. Mass releases of C. peregrinus on P. ficus populations were done in order to augment biological control as an alternative to chemical control. Between five and six releases of 20 000 C. peregrinus per release were done at monthly intervals in three grapegrowing areas. Mass released C. peregrinus controlled P. ficus adequately in the Hex River Valley. Control of P. ficus using this approach was no worse than using chemical control in Robertson and Stellenbosch. C. peregrinus is commercially available and can therefore be used as an alternative to chemical control by producers. Degree day estimation was used to predict development of P. ficus populations. This information was used as an input in a P. ficus pest management model. Data acquired from P. ficus and ant monitoring were used as components to construct a decision chart. This chart can be used by producers to optimise the control of P. ficus populations using either chemical control or mass releases of C. peregrinus. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "n Studie is gedurende die 1999/2000 en 2000/2001 seisoene gedoen met die doelom die witluisspesies wat in wingerde voorkom, te identifiseer. Planococcus ficus (Signoret) is tans die dominante witluisspesie in wingerde in die Wes Kaap Provinsie. P. ficus kolonies is op wingerdwortels gevind. Dié bevinding kan verreikende gevolge hê vir die beheer van dié plaag as "n belangrike rolbladvirus vektor aangesien beheer tot dusver gefokus het op bogrondse gedeeltes. Ander witluisspesies wat in wingerde gevind is, sluit in Pseudococcus /ongispinus (Targioni) en Ferrisia malvastra (McDaniel). Pseudococcus vibumi (Maskell) en Ps. so/ani Ferris is op onkruide in wingerde gevind. Dominante natuurlike vyande van P. ficus sluit predatoriese kewertjies van verskeie Nephus spp. en die parasitoïede Coccidoxenoides peregrinus (Timberlake), Anagyrus sp. en Leptomastix dacty/opii (Howard) in. Ontwikkelingstudies op P. ficus en C. peregrinus het aangetoon dat die inhirente voortplantingstempo (rm) soortgelyk was vir beide insekte met "n maksimum by 25°C (0.169 vir P. ficus, 0.149 vir C. peregrinus). Die netto vervangingstempo (Ra) was in vergelyking met C. peregrinus hoër vir P. ficus by al vyf temperature getoets. Die Ra van P. ficus het "n maksimum bereik teen 21°C (308.87) en die van e. peregrinus by 25°C (69.94). Die teoretiese hoër en laer drempels vir ontwikkeling van P. ficus was onderskeidelik 16.59 en 35.61 oe. Die teoretiese laer drempelwaarde van ontwikkeling vir e. peregrinus was 8.85°e. Hierdie parameters dui aan dat beide insekte goed aangepas is by temperature in die Wes Kaap Provinsie. Die laer minimum drempel vir ontwikkeling van C. peregrinus in verhouding tot P. ficus impliseer dat C. peregrinus in die winter en vroeë lente meer aktief sal wees as P. ficus. 'n Sentrale sistematiese aan-afwesig moniteringsisteem met bekende vlakke van steekproefnemingsfout is ontwikkel in kommersiële wingerde vir P. ficus. Monitering van drie verskillende dele op die wingerdstok het aangedui dat die nuwe groei areas kan dien as 'n vroeë waarskuwing vir latere P. ficus trosinfestasies. Dié sisteem sal produsente in staat stelom te bepaal wanneer optrede noodsaaklik is. Daar word voorgestel dat optrede noodsaaklik is by 'n P. ficus besmettingsvlak van 2 % op die nuwe groei areas op stokke. Stambesmetting deur P. ficus het in Januarie piekvlakke bereik in Stellenbosch en Robertson, en in Februarie in die Hex Rivier Vallei. P. ficus koloniseer nuwe groei vroeg in die seisoen waarna blare en trosse aan die einde van die seisoen gekoloniseer word. Dié data dui aan dat P. ficus besmetting op nuwe groei vroeg in die seisoen 'n aanduiding kan gee van hoë trosbesmetting aan die einde van die seisoen. 'n Digtheidsafhanklike verwantskap was waarneembaar tussen P. ficus plaagpopulasies en parasitoïed populasies. Dié verwantskap dui aan dat parasitoïede die belangrikste rol speel in biologiese beheer van P. ficus populasies. Biologiese beheer van witluis is egter eers aan die einde van die seisoen bereik toe die oes reeds beskadig was. Massavrylatings van C. peregrinus is in P. ficus besmette blokke gedoen om biologiese beheer aan te help en sodoende as alternatief tot chemiese beheer te dien. Tussen vyf en ses vrylatings met 20 000 C. peregrinus is een keer per maand gedurende die seisoen gedoen. Die vrygelate C. peregrinus het P. ficus populasies voldoende beheer in die Hex Rivier Vallei. Beheer van P. ficus deur massavrylatings van C. peregrinus was soortgelyk as chemiese beheer in Robertson en Stellenbosch. C. peregrinus is kommersieel beskikbaar en kan om hierdie rede as alternatief tot chemiese beheer gebruik word. Graaddag bepaling is gebruik om die ontwikkeling van P. ficus populasies te voorspel. Hierdie inligting is gebruik as 'n verdere hulpmiddel in die P. ficus plaagbeheermodel. Inligting verkry vanuit P. ficus en mier monitering is gebruik as komponente in die opstel van 'n besluitnemingstabel. Hierdie tabel kan gebruik word deur produsente om beheer van P. ficus plaagpopulasies te optimaliseer deur chemiese beheer of massavrylatings van C. peregrinus.

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