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Security analysis of the WiMAX technology in Wireless Mesh networksSiddiqui, Md. Rezaul Karim, Rahman, Sayed Mohammad Atiqur January 2009 (has links)
The IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) is the promising technique to overcome some disadvantages on the Security concern of the widespread IEEE 802.11 standard. For providing high speed wide area broadband wireless access, WiMAX is an emerging wireless technology for creating multi-hop Mesh network. Based on the wired backbone wireless Mesh networks serve to get over present dependencies of wireless system. Wireless operates on Physical later and MAC layer in the air interface to provide fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) in broad range of frequencies. Due to the lack of Physical infrastructure of wireless networks are inherently less secure. In order to protect data exchange between the MAC layer and PHY layer WiMAX specifies a security sub-layer at the bottom of the MAC layer. The security sub-layer provides privacy with SS and BS from service hijacking. For providing authentication, data traffic privacy services and key management a PKM protocol defined by the WiMAX MAC as a sub-layer where the PKM protocol is the main protocol work in the security sub-layer. WiMAX is only a “Paper based” newly established technology based on Wi-Fi system then it is tough to find out its security holes in all the way. Keeping all the fact in mind the objectives of the thesis are to analyze the WiMAX security architecture security keys (AK, KEK and HMAC) are used for authorization, authentication and key management and TEK is for secure data transmission, possible security vulnerabilities, threats and risks are classified according to different layer with 802.16 std Mesh network. In addition, vulnerabilities comparison between IEEE 802.11 and 802.16 std has been pointed out in details, as well as security improvements and possible solutions has been proposed to protect WiMAX attacks.
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Performance analysis of MIMO-OFDM Systems with focus on WiMAXHassan, Muhammad, Sattar, Abdul January 2010 (has links)
The demand of different multimedia services and different internet supported applications on mobile devices requires a high speed data rate and good service of quality. This can be obtained by implementing multiple Antenna technology on both stations i.e. User terminal and base station with an appropriate coding technique, and on the other hand MIMO can fulfill 3G & 4G demand and standard with a combination of other techniques. The MIMO diversity and MIMO multiplexing are the key factors to discuss and matter of concern is to achieve and support high speed data rate. MIMO multiplexing is a way to gain robustness and achievement in speed of data information. This thesis work describes a brief overview of WiMAX technology and MIMO-OFDM system and it also discusses the simplest Space time block code (STBC) known as Alamouti Space Time Code. The research approach is a literary survey to have theoretical understanding of the MIMO-OFDM system and WiMAX. The system‘s error performance is analyzed through simulation which showed the simulated results of Multi-Rate Resource Control (MRRC) scheme and Alamouti scheme are identical. And also the Bit Error Rate (BER) were checked for different MIMO systems, the simulation results shows that the BER improved to agreeable value also gains maximum diversity when the number of antennas increased on the receiver side. By improving the BER, we will get the better QoS. Matlab simulation has been performed, and presented the results, which shows the considerable error free transmission (FEC) for MIMO systems in WiMAX technology.
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Optimizing LDPC codes for a mobile WiMAX system with a saturated transmission amplifierSalmon, Brian Paxton 26 January 2009 (has links)
In mobile communication, the user’s information is transmitted through a wireless communication link that is subjected to a range of deteriorating effects. The quality of the transmission can be presented by the rate of transfer and the reliability of the received stream. The capacity of the communication link can be reached through the use of channel coding. Channel coding is the method of adding redundant information to the user’s information to mitigate the deteriorating effects of the communication link. Mobile WiMAX is a technology that makes use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation to transmit information over a wireless communication channel. The OFDM physical layer has a high peak average to power ratio (PAPR) characteristic that saturates the transmitter’s amplifier quite easily when proper backoff is not made in the transmission power. In this dissertation an optimized graph code was used as an alternative solution to improve the system’s performance in the presence of a saturated transmission’s amplifier. The graph code was derived from a degree distribution given by the density evolution algorithm and provided no extra network overhead to implement. The performance analysis resulted in a factor of 10 improvement in the error floor and a coding gain of 1.5 dB. This was all accomplished with impairments provided by the mobile WiMAX standard in the construction of the graph code. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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Podpora služeb reálného času v současných mobilních sítích třetí generace / Support of real-time services in recent 3G mobile networksVinkler, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
This Master’s thesis is focused on the recent 3G mobile networks. The first chapter describes an evolution of standardization 3G and surveys a gradual development of 3G networks in Czech Republic from a point of view of commercially launched technologies and assigned frequency spectrums for single mobile operators. UMTS and CDMA 2000 are briefly approached in next subchapters. The subchapter CDMA 2000 is briefly concentrated on architecture and a physical layer of this technology and characterizes main features of four revises of developmental branch CDMA 2000 1x EV-DO. The subchapter UMTS is especially focused on a comparison of air interfaces TD-CDMA and W-CDMA. New features were implemented to the recent system UMTS for a better support of real-time services. These features increasing a throughput and decreasing a delay are described in a chapter Technology HSPA. This chapter chooses the most important features and describes changes (in a control and architecture) which had to be implemented. First chapter is finished by technology WiMAX. The most recent perspective cell systems are compared with WiMAX in this subchapter and qualitative parameters of WiMAX are shown there. The three different 3G technologies (UMTS-FDD, UMTS-TDD and CDMA 2000) are lunched in Czech Republic. The second chapter briefly compares coverage of three czech mobile operators (Telefónica O2, T-Mobile and U:fon) and then presents results of qualitative parameters of used 3G technologies. The simulation conducted by software IxChariot were focused on to gauge parameters like throughput, delay, jitter, lost data, MLR and DF. The conditions for providing real-time services were specified based on simulations that were practically checked. The lab composed in last chapter should bring closer to students technology UMTS-TDD launched by T-Mobile. The students will measure the qualitative parameters of this technology with the assistance of commonly available tools.
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Návrh komunikace mezi pohybujícími se vozidly / Design of Communication system among Moving VehiclesKlampár, Marián January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to show up possibilities of inter-vehicle communication and to introduce new approaches in communication for the purpose of enhancing the security and the fluency of vehicle transportation. This thesis also highlights vulnerabilities in communication. The main goal is the analysis of existing technology and the design of protocol for data transfer with focus on minimizing handover time of informations. Part of the design is a simulation of communication based on acquired information.
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Datová síť pro smart grid v energetice / Data network for smart grid energyDurkoš, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Electric grid as we now it has been without significant change for a long time. Along with the human population grows demand for electricity, which leads to need to create more energy. Bigger interest is in ecology and use of renewable sources, although these do not have constant output which often stresses the grid. These problems are to be solved by smart grids. Smart grids are capable of adjusting energy generation to immediate demand including renewable sources to compensate energy fluctuations in grid. They provide demand response and other applications interesting for end users. Smart grids are combination of achievements in energy, informatics and communication technology. Communication, which is key part of smart grids, has to met certain requirements and can be executed by various technologies. There are described various communication technologies and a design concept of data communication in this paper.
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OBSAI Interoperability in Multi-Vendor WiMAX Base Station Architecture EnvironmentSaha, Sumanta January 2009 (has links)
Wireless networks have become a necessity with the increased mobility in human life. From cellular telephony to the Internet, all types of communication are now provided over wireless networks. However, to offer wireless network coverage over an area requires a potentially expensive infrastructure deployment. Such deployment requires base stations which until now have been completely proprietary to the equipment vendors. Moreover, proprietary equipment is almost always costly and offer less flexibility than standardized modular solutions. This situation results in a high cost for network upgradation and hinders network development. A remedy is available via modularization, hence the Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI) is trying to modularize and standardize one of the most expensive elements of the wireless infrastructure, the base station. OBSAI standards aim to modularize the base station architecture and enable true interoperability among the various modules. However, the goal has not yet been achieved due to some features of the standard. This thesis project has studied the standards and pointed out some areas that must be concentrated upon when performing interoperability tests. It also proposes several standards amendments to foster greater interoperability among the modules of a base station. This study focuses on the RP3 interface of the OBSAI specification with the goal of making truly inter-operable baseband and RF modules, thus commoditizing the modules. The result is expected to be lower cost, greater interoperability, faster time-to-market, and more cooperative research. / Langattomat laajakaistaverkot ovat tulleet välttämättömäksi osaksi liikkuvien ihmisten elämää. Lähes kaikki kommunikaatiotarpeet äänipuheluista internettiin pystytään toteuttamaan langattomien verkkojen avulla. Kuitenkin jotta langattomilla verkoilla pystytään tarjoamaan täysi peittävyys yli maan, se vaatii varsin kalliita investointeja verkkoinfrastruktuuriin. Langattomien verkkojen investoinnit koostuvat suurelta osin tukiasemista, jotka tähän asti ovat olleet kullakin verkkotoimittajalla täysin omanlaisensa toteutus. Kun jokainen verkkotoimittaja toteuttaa kaikki tukiaseman osat erilailla, se tarkoittaa että kutakin tukiaseman osia valmistetaan suhteellisesti pienempiä määriä ja sitä myötä niistä tulee mahdollisesti kalliimpia verrattuna standardoituhin modulaarisiin tukiasemaratkaisuihin. Nykyinen tilanne siis osaltaan johtaa siihen että verkkojen rakentaminen ja päivittäminen on kallista. Eräs ratkaisu tähän ongelmaan on tarjolla modulaarisessa tukiasemaratkaisussa ja siksi OBSAI, Open Base Station Initiative, pyrkii modulaarisoimaan ja standardoimaan yhden kalliimmista verkkoinfrastruktuurin osista, tukiaseman. OBSAI standardi pyrkii modularisoimaan tukiasema-arkkitehtuurin ja mahdollistamaan todellisen yhteensopivuuden tukiaseman eri osien välillä. Tätä todellista yhteensopivuutta ei ole vielä täysin pystytty toteuttamaan, johtuen tietyistä standardin epätarkkuuksista. Tässä lopputyössä on analysoitu OBSAI standardia ja identifioitu alueet, joihin pitää keskittyä, kun modulien välistä yhteensopivuutta testataan. Työn lopputulemana myös ehdotetaan useita parannuksia ja muutoksia standardiin, jotta todellinen yhteensopivuus modulien välillä saavutetaan. Painopiste lopputyössä on OBSAI standardin RP3 rajapinta, joka määrittelee kantataajuusosan (BB) ja radiotaajuusosan (RF) välisen rajapinnan. Kun OBSAI standardia saadaan parannettua työssä ehdotetuin toimenpitein, lopputuloksena on oletettavasti alhaisempi tukiaseman kokonaiskustannus, mahdollisuus käyttää yhteensopivia moduleita eri valmistajilta, nopeampi tuotteiden markkinoille vienti sekä parantunut tutkimusyhteistyö eri yritysten välillä. / Trådlösa nät har blivit en nödvändighet i vår allt mer mobila livsstil. Från mobiltelefoni till Internet, trådlösa nät erbjuder många typer av kommunikation. Men att erbjuda trådlös täckning i ett område kan kräva installation av en mängd dyrbar telekomutrustning. En sådan utbyggnad kräver basstationer som fram till nu har varit patentskyddade av respektive leverantör. Och patentskyddad utrustning är oftast både dyrare och mindre flexibel jämfört med standardiserade modulära lösningar. Resultatet är höga kostnader för att uppgradera näten och att utvecklingen försvåras. Ett botemedel är användningen av standardiserade moduler. Därfär försöker Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI) att standardisera moduler i ett av de dyraste nätelementen i trådlösa nät, basstationen. OBSAI har som mål att dela upp basstationen i definierade moduler och möjliggöra fullständig interaktion mellan olika moduler. Men på grund av vissa egenskaper hos standarden har detta inte lyckats. Denna studie har undersökt standarden och pekar på områden som man måste fokusera på när man utför tester mellan moduler. Dessutom föreslås flera tillägg till standarden för att möjliggöra bättre interaktion mellan basstationens moduler. Studien fokuserar på RP3- gränssnittet med målet att möjliggöra standardiserad interaktion mellan basbands- och radio-moduler, så att dessa moduler kan kommerisialiseras. Det förväntade resultatet är lägre kostnader, bättre interaktion mellan moduler, snabbare marknadsintroduktion och mer samarbete inom forskning och utveckling.
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Broadband Wireless Access in Disaster Emergency ResponseBai, Xin January 2006 (has links)
The “WLAN in Disaster Emergency Response” (WIDER) project has developed and implemented an emergency communication system. It provides network and communication services to relief organizations. In order to guarantee the stable and efficient connectivity with a high quality of service (QoS) for the end user, and to make the WIDER system more adaptive to the disaster area, the IEEE 802.16 specification based broadband wireless access solution is adopted. This thesis work aims at evaluating and testing the WIDER system integrated with WiMAX. By learning and analyzing the technology, the benefits and perspective for WIDER using WiMAX are described. A WiMAX solution was configured and integrated into the WIDER system. A series of tests and measurements provide us the performance of the WiMAX solution in throughput, QoS, and reality. The tests helped us to learn and verify the improvements for WIDER due to WiMAX. / “WLAN in Disaster Emergency Response” (WIDER) projektet har utvecklat och implementerat ett kommunikationssystem för katastrof situationer. Systemet tillhandahåller nätverk- och kommunikationstjänster för hjälporganisationer. För att garantera en stabil och effektiv anslutning med hög Quality of Service för användarna samt göra WIDER systemet mer anpassbart för katastrofområden, kommer Broadband wireless access som är baserade på IEEE 802.16 specifikationen att användas. Det här examensarbetet har som målsättning att utvärdera och testa WIDER med WiMax tekniken, vi beskriver olika fördelar och synvinklar med att använda WiMax genom att lära oss och analysera tekniken. En WiMax lösning konfigurerades och integrerades i WIDER systemet. En rad tester och mätningar visar WiMax-lösningens prestanda i form av throughput, Quality of Service och realitet. Testerna lärde oss och hjälpte oss att verifiera förbättringarna i WIDER i och med användningen av WiMax.
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Ontology based framework for Tactile Internet and Digital Twin ApplicationsAdhami, Hikmat 09 August 2022 (has links)
In the era of Industry 4 and Digital Twin – DT- (integrating Audio-Video, Virtual Reality,
Augmented Reality and Haptics - from the Greek word Haptikos meaning "able to touch") and the Tactile Internet (TI), it becomes obvious that telecom stakeholders need different networks requirements to provision high quality services with respect to the new standards. In reality, this era is proposed as TI, and it will achieve a true paradigm shift from content delivery to skill-set delivery network types, thanks to recent technical breakthroughs. It will build a new internet structure with improved capabilities; but it will be difficult to meet the technical needs of the TI with current fourth generation (4G) mobile communication systems. As a result, 5G mobile
communication systems will be used at the wireless edge and as a key enabler for TI due to its automated core network functionalities.
Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, most daily activities such as employment, research, and education are now conducted online rather than in person. As a result, internet traffic has risen dramatically. Nowadays, Tactile Internet is in its infancy deployment phase worldwide. For this reason, and because of the growing need of its applications, the feasibility of these applications on the existing and deployed networks infrastructures, especially in the growing countries, is thought
to be very hard, even quasi-impossible. Since 5G is not reaching yet its convergence stage (i.e. it is not deployed everywhere) and there is a huge stress on mobile communications given that the world is still facing the COVID-19 Pandemic, and since all the activities are taking place online, we propose design and implement a QoS framework to facilitate the feasibility and the applicability of the TI systems, where no 5G infrastructure is deployed. This framework will predict the most suitable network type to be deployed for certain given TI applications with certain given KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Also, this framework is scalable, in such it gives an idea of even the future Next Generation Mobile Networks types (NGMN, if necessary).
“To deal” with TI applications, means “to deal” with Haptics added to Audio and Video streams. Therefore, performance evaluation for haptic networks is required. And since there are different types of haptic networks, so interoperability is needed. Consequently, a standardization form is necessary for that purpose, to annotate and describe the haptic network. The first idea that flashes in mind, is the use of Ontologies. In these latters, we can add intelligent rules to infer additional data and predict resource requirements in order to achieve better performance. Many works in the research rely on Artificial Intelligence approaches to tackle the above-mentioned
standardization, but very few depend on ontologies, and without futuristic outcomes, especially for the optimization problem. We mean by optimization, the optimal types, methods and rules that are able to accommodate the applicability of the TI systems (here come the applications KPIs) in an acceptable environment or infrastructure (here come the networking KPIs), and even-more, to infer the most optimal network type.
To help manufacturing companies take full advantage of the TI, we propose to develop new methods and tools (ontologies) to intelligently handle the TI, DT (Digital Twin) and IoT (Internet of Things) sensor data and process data at the edge of the network and deliver faster insights. The outcomes of these ontologies, have been validated through two conducted case studies, where we simulated, in the first, TI traffic over Wi-Fi, WiMAX and UMTS (3G) infrastructures; While in the second we used 4G (LTE-A), along with SDN (Software Defined Networking) integrated to MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) as networking backbone. The results, in terms of QoS KPIs performance evaluation, present high relevance to our proposed Ontology outcomes.
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Optimum Design of Doherty RFPA for Mobile WiMAX Base StationsGhazaany, Tahereh S., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Child, Mark B., Ali, N.T., Rodriguez, Jonathan, Hussaini, Abubakar S. 09 June 2010 (has links)
Yes / RF power amplifiers in mobile WiMAX transceivers operate in an inherently nonlinear manner. It is possible to amplify the signal in the linear region, and avoid distortion, using output power back-off; however, this approach may suffer significant reduction in efficiency and power output. This paper investigates the use of Doherty techniques instead of back-off, to simultaneously achieve good efficiency and acceptable linearity. A 3.5 GHz Doherty RFPA has been designed and optimized using a large signal model simulation of the active device, and performance analysis under different drive levels. However, the Doherty EVM is generally poor for mobile WiMAX. Linearity may be improved by further digital pre-distortion, and a simple pre-distortion method using forward and reverse AM-AM and AM-PM modeling. Measurements on the realized amplifier show that this approach satisfies the EVM requirements for WiMAX base stations. It exhibits a PAE over 60%, and increases the maximum linear output power to 43 dBm, whilst improving the EVM.
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