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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aukcijski agregacioni algoritmi za izbor izvršioca u bežičnim muti-hop mrežama elektronskih senzora i aktuatora / Auction Agregation Algorithms for Task Assignment in Wireless MultihopElectronic Sensor and Actuator Networks

Mezei Ivan 12 July 2012 (has links)
<p>Polazeći od prostog aukcijskog algoritma (SAP) za izbor izvršioca u<br />bežičnim senzorskim i aktuatorskim mrežama u ovoj disertaciji su<br />uvedena dva poboljšanja tog algoritma (multi-hop komunikacija i<br />lokalizacija). Predloženo je i pet novih aukcijskih agregacionih<br />algoritama koji koriste tehniku agregacije da bi smanjili<br />komunikacione troškove. Treća grupa doprinosa ove disertacije se<br />odnosi na primenu aukcija za poboljšanje postojećeg iMesh algoritma<br />za pronalaženje izvršioca. Eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju<br />svojstva algoritama i njihove prednosti u odnosu na postojeće.</p> / <p>Two improvements of the simple auction protocol (SAP) for the task<br />assignment in wireless sensor and actuator networks is proposed in this<br />dissertation (multi-hop communications and localization). Five new auction<br />aggregation algorithms for the task assignment are proposed with the goal to<br />minimize the communication costs. One of the auction aggregation algorithms<br />is also used to improve existing iMesh service discovery algorithm.<br />Experimental results show the characteristics of the proposed algorithms and<br />advantages over the existing ones.</p>

Plug and play reconfigurable solutions for heterogeneous IoT

Mikhaylov, K. (Konstantin) 27 March 2018 (has links)
Abstract The world is rapidly developing into a networked society, where people, machines, data, services and applications are tightly integrated by means of information and communications technology. The members of Wireless Sensor requires solutions to support the unprecedented level of the system’s pervasion and heterogeneity, solutions which are missing today. Today’s device-level design procedures are an obstacle in the transition to this heterogeneous future, which demands diverse Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including low-end and low-power ones. Reducing the design and production costs of devices in low to mid-scale production quantities, requires new approaches to cope with application versatility. To address this problem, this thesis proposes a novel wireless sensor and actuator network (WSAN)/IoT device design methodology based on the combination of two approaches: platform-based design and autoconfiguration, that are applied to hardware (HW) and software (SW) components. Unlike the state-of-the-art methodologies, the methodology proposed enables more flexibility both during the design and after device deployment, while reducing the development expenses and time-to-market. Although neither of the two these approaches is fundamentally novel on its own, in this thesis they are employed in, and adapted to, extremely resource restricted systems. The feasibility of the methodology is shown by the development of technology artifact representing a Plug-and-Play enabled WSAN/IoT device platform. The new devices are assembled from HW modules, encapsulating the various power supply, processing, transceiver, sensor and actuator units, or sets of those. The central control unit of a device automatically identifies the HW, and configures the SW accordingly. The technology enablers for this - the HW and SW architectures and interfaces – are reported in this thesis. Experimentation confirms the viability of the proposed concepts and mechanisms. The utility of the designed solutions has been shown by a series of successful research projects and experimental results. / Tiivistelmä Maailma on nopeasti muuttumassa verkottuneeksi yhteisöksi, jossa ihmiset, koneet, tiedot, palvelut ja sovellukset ovat integroituneet tiiviisti yhteen tieto- ja viestintätekniikan avulla. Tämän dynaamisen ihmisten ja koneiden välisen yhteisön jäsenillä on erilaisia ja jopa ainutlaatuisia kykyjä. Tämän vision toteutuminen edellyttää toistaiseksi puuttuvia ratkaisuja, jotka tukevat ennennäkemättömän laajalle levinnyttä ja hajanaista järjestelmää. Nykyiset laitetason suunnittelumenetelmät estävät siirtymisen tähän heterogeeniseen tulevaisuuteen, joka edellyttää monipuolisia IoT-laitteita (Internet of Things, esineiden internet), mukaan lukien yksinkertaiset ja vähän virtaa kuluttavat laitteet. Tuotantomääriltään pienten ja keskisuurten laitteiden suunnittelu- ja tuotantokustannusten vähentäminen edellyttää uusia lähestymistapoja sovellusten monipuolisuuden vuoksi. Tutkielmassa ehdotetaan tämän ongelman ratkaisuksi uutta langattomien antureiden ja toimilaitteiden verkon (WSAN) / IoT-laitteiden suunnittelumenetelmää, joka perustuu näiden kahden lähestymistavan yhdistelmään: käyttöympäristöön perustuva rakenne ja automaattinen määritys, joita sovelletaan sekä laitteisto- että ohjelmistokomponentteihin. Toisin kuin nykyiset johtavat menetelmät, ehdotettu menetelmä on joustavampi sekä suunnitteluvaiheessa että laitteen käyttöönoton jälkeen. Tämä vähentää kehityskustannuksia ja laitteen markkinoille tuomiseen tarvittavaa aikaa. Vaikka kumpikaan menetelmä ei ole lähtökohtaisesti uusi, tutkielmassa niitä käytetään järjestelmissä, joissa on äärimmäisen rajoitetut resurssit, ja ne sovitetaan niihin. Menetelmän käyttökelpoisuutta esitellään kehittämällä Plug and Play –yhteensopivaa WSAN-/IoT-laiteympäristöä edustava tekninen artefakti. Uudet laitteet kootaan laitteistomoduuleista, joissa on erilaisia virtalähteitä, prosessori-, lähetin-vastaanotin-, anturija toimilaiteyksikköjä tai niistä koostuvia kokonaisuuksia. Laitteen keskusyksikkö tunnistaa laitteiston automaattisesti ja konfiguroi sen. Tutkielmassa kerrotaan, mitä teknologiaa eli laitteisto- ja ohjelmistoarkkitehtuureja ja -rajapintoja sovelluksessa on käytetty.

Energy-Efficient Network Protocols for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks

Vedantham, Ramanuja 15 August 2006 (has links)
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have a wide variety of applications in civilian, medical and military applications. However, the nodes in such a network are limited to one type of action: sensing the environment. With increasing requirements for intelligent interaction with the environment, there is a need to not only perceive but also control the monitored environment. This has led to the emergence of a new class of networks, referred to as wireless sensor and actor networks (WSANs), capable of performing both sensing and acting tasks on the environment. The evolution from WSNs, which can be thought of as performing only read operations, to WSANs, which can perform both read and write operations, introduces unique and new challenges that need to be addressed. In this research, the fundamental challenges required for effective operation of WSANs are analyzed from the following three different perspectives: (i) operation correctness, (ii) resource optimality, and (iii) operation performance. The solutions proposed to address the challenges are evaluated with the optimal solution and other competing approaches through analytical and simulation results. The feasibility of the proposed solutions is demonstrated through a testbed implementation.

Roteamento em Redes de Sensores Sem Fios Com Base Em Aprendizagem Por Refor?o

Campos, Leonardo Rene dos Santos 19 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:56:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoRSC_DISSERT.pdf: 726277 bytes, checksum: d47bf4e8090a3b1fadc03b4c34ebecda (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-19 / The use of wireless sensor and actuator networks in industry has been increasing past few years, bringing multiple benefits compared to wired systems, like network flexibility and manageability. Such networks consists of a possibly large number of small and autonomous sensor and actuator devices with wireless communication capabilities. The data collected by sensors are sent directly or through intermediary nodes along the network to a base station called sink node. The data routing in this environment is an essential matter since it is strictly bounded to the energy efficiency, thus the network lifetime. This work investigates the application of a routing technique based on Reinforcement Learning s Q-Learning algorithm to a wireless sensor network by using an NS-2 simulated environment. Several metrics like energy consumption, data packet delivery rates and delays are used to validate de proposal comparing it with another solutions existing in the literature / A utiliza??o das redes de sensores e atuadores sem fio nas plantas das ind?strias vem crescendo nos ?ltimos anos, trazendo v?rios benef?cios em rela??o aos sistemas cabeados, como flexibilidade na instala??o e manuten??o da rede. Tais redes consistem basicamente de um n?mero possivelmente grande de dispositivos sensores e atuadores pequenos e aut?nomos que possuem capacidade de comunica??o sem fio. Os dados coletados pelos sensores s?o enviados seja diretamente ou passando atrav?s de n?s intermedi?rios pela rede at? uma esta??o-base conhecida como n? sink. O roteamento nesse ambiente ? uma quest?o essencial j? que est? intimamente ligado ? efici?ncia energ?tica e consequentemente ao tempo de vida da rede. Este trabalho investiga a aplica??o de uma t?cnica de roteamento baseado no algoritmo Q-Learning de Aprendizagem por Refor?o a uma rede de sensores sem fio atrav?s de simula??es no ambiente NS-2. Diversas m?tricas como consumo de energia, taxa de pacotes entregues com sucesso e atrasos s?o utilizadas para validar a proposta comparando-a com outras solu??es existentes na literatura

Auto-configuration, supervision et contrôle d'entités physiques par l'intermédiaire de réseaux de capteurs et actionneurs / Self-configuration, monitoring and control of physical entities via sensor and actuator networks

Hu, Zheng 22 January 2014 (has links)
Les entités physiques prises en compte par les applications dites M2M dans les télécoms sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus hétérogènes. Le défi adressé par ce travail est donc l’intégration, et la configuration automatiques de toutes ces différentes variétés d’entités physiques d’une façon homogène dans les systèmes M2M, en généralisant les approches de configuration automatique déjà connues et utilisées pour les objets communicants numériques. Cette thèse présente un cadre théorique général et des mécanismes de base pour l’identification de modèles de telles entités physiques dans les systèmes d’information embarqués répartis, en englobant dans une même approche les équipements et les sous-ensembles de l’espace, faisant se rejoindre les points de vue ”internet des objets” et ”environnement interactif” dans une nouvelle vision unifiée de l’intelligence ambiante. Ce travail, motivé initialement par les applications à la gestion d’énergie domestique, cherche à intégrer au réseau local de la maison des entités physiques qui ont un impact énergétique mais ne sont dotés d’aucune connexion réseau, ce qui correspond à une extension qualitative du périmètre de l’Internet des Objets. Cette intégration se fait de manière tout à fait similaire à ce qui est fait classiquement pour des équipements numériques état de l’art, c’est-à-dire par des mécanismes de découverte et configuration spontanés. Ces mécanismes comportent les étapes suivantes : détection de la présence d’une entité physique par analyse de la coïncidence d’évènements significatifs reçus de capteurs ; sélection d’un premier modèle générique représentatif de l’entité physique détectée depuis une ontologie de référence en analysant des données reçues les capteurs ; création d’un composant logiciel représentant l’entité physique détectée, à partir du modèle sélectionné, et associant les capteurs et actionneurs utiles ; supervision et contrôle de l’entité cible par l’intermédiaire de ce composant logiciel ; mise à jour incrémentale du modèle de l’entité identifiée par analyse des données issues des capteurs associés. Ce travail est parti d’applications dans l’environnement de la maison, pour lesquelles il a été validé et mis en œuvre. Mais notre approche a vocation à être généralisée et étendue à des environnements comme les bâtiments ou la ville, en offrant suivant le même principe une infrastructure partagée pour toutes les applications M2M dans ces environnements / The physical entities which are taken into account by Machine to Machine (M2M) telecom applications are more and more heterogeneous. The challenge addressed by our research is the automatic integration and configuration of all these types of physical entities in M2M systems, with a homogeneous solution that generalizes self-configuration approaches used for networked digital devices. This thesis presents a general theoretical framework and basic mechanisms for the identification and configuration of such physical entity models in distributed embedded information systems. Our approach deals jointly with equipment and space entities encompassing the ”Internet of Things” (IoT) and ”interactive environment” viewpoints in a renewed interpretation of ambient intelligence. This work has been motivated initially by home energy management applications, trying to integrate into the Home Area Network all home entities that play a role in energy management, but do not have a networked interface of their own. This corresponds to a qualitative extension of the perimeter of the Home Area Network. This integration is achieved in a way similar to what is done for state of the art digital devices, through a spontaneous discovery and configuration mechanism, with the following stages: detection of the presence of a physical entity by analyzing the coincidence of significant events detected by sensors; selection of the first generic model corresponding to the detected physical entity from a reference ontology, on the basis of received sensors data; creation of a software component representing the detected physical entity, based on the selected model, associated with relevant sensors and actuators; provision of application interface for monitoring and control of the target entity through this intermediate software component; iterative update of the identified entity model on the basis of data from associated sensors. The proposed approach has been validated and implemented in home environments, but it is intended to be generalized and expanded to environments such as buildings or cities, offering a similarly shared infrastructure for all M2M applications in these environments

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