Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aireless communications"" "subject:"fireless communications""
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Simulation of Third Generation CDMA SystemsAlam, Fakhrul 31 December 1999 (has links)
The goal for the next generation of mobile communications system is to seamlessly integrate a wide variety of communication services such as high speed data, video and multimedia traffic as well as voice signals. The technology needed to tackle the challenges to make these services available is popularly known as the Third Generation (3G) Cellular Systems. One of the most promising approaches to 3G is to combine a Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) air interface with the fixed network of Global System for Mobile communications (GSM). In this thesis a signal simulator was implemented according to the physical layer specification of the IMT-2000 WCDMA system. The data is transmitted in a frame by frame basis through a time varying channel. The transmitted signal is corrupted by multiple access interference which is generated in a structured way rather than treating it as Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). The signal is further corrupted by AWGN at the front end of the receiver. Simple rake diversity combining is employed at the receiver. We investigate the bit error rate at both uplink and downlink for different channel conditions. Performance improvement due to error correction coding scheme is shown. The simulator developed can be an invaluable tool for investigating the design and implementation of WCDMA systems. / Master of Science
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Beam Steering of Time Modulated Antenna Arrays Using Particle Swarm OptimizationAbusitta, M.M., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Elfergani, Issa T., Adebola, A.D., Excell, Peter S. 22 March 2011 (has links)
Yes / In this paper, a simple switching process is employed to steer the beam of a vertically polarised circular antenna array. This is a simple method, in which the difference resulting from the induced currents when the radiating/loaded element is connected/disconnected from the ground plane. A time modulated switching process is applied through particle swarm optimisation. / Electronics and Telecommunications
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A 70-W Asymmetrical Doherty Power Amplifier for 5G Base StationsAbdulkhaleq, Ahmed M., Al-Yasir, Yasir I.A., Ojaroudi Parchin, Naser, Brunning, J., McEwan, N., Rayit, A., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Noras, James M., AbdulJabbar, N. 22 August 2018 (has links)
Yes / Much attention has been paid to making 5G developments more en-ergy efficient, especially in view of the need for using high data rates with more complex modulation schemes within a limited bandwidth. The concept of the Doherty power amplifier for improving amplifier efficiency is explained in addi-tion to a case study of a 70W asymmetrical Doherty power Amplifier using two GaN HEMTs transistors with peak power ratings of 45W and 25W. The rationale for this choice of power ratio is discussed. The designed circuit works in the 3.4GHz frequency band with 200 MHz bandwidth. Rogers RO4350B substrate with dielectric constant εr=4.66 and thickness 0.035 mm is used. The perfor-mance analysis of the Doherty power amplifier is simulated using AWR MWO software. The simulated results showed that 54-64% drain efficiency has been achieved at 8 dB back-off within the specified bandwidth with an average gain of 10.7 dB.
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Odnos energetske efikasnosti i pouzdanosti u bežičnim senzorskim mrežama / Energy-Efficiency and Reliability Trade-Off in Wireless Sensor NetworksZogović Nikola 24 October 2013 (has links)
<p>U ovoj disertaciji je kvantitativno određen odnosa energetske<br />efikasnosti i pouzdanosti u bežičnim senzorskim mrežama na<br />fizičkom sloju i sloju kontrole pristupa medijumu. Pronađene<br />su optimalne vrednosti ovog odnosa u smislu višeciljne<br />optimizacije sa Pareto pristupom, bez preferenci.</p> / <p>In this dissertation we quantify energy-efficiency and reliability<br />trade-off in wireless sensor networks at physical and medium<br />access control layers. We find the trade-off optimal solutions in<br />the sense of multi-objective Pareto optimality, without<br />preferences.</p>
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Komunikační systém malého mobilního robotu / Communication System of Small Mobile RobotPetrov, David January 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses the problem of wireless transmission between the operator station and the robot. There is a solution presented by way of testing the parameters of wireless modules, compare them in the environment and the draft protocol.
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Radio spectrum reforms and associated effects on market liberalisationLesufi, Cynthia Leungo January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Arts, in ICT Policy and Regulation, University of the Witwatersrand, 2016 / There is a common opinion among researchers and experts that efficient management of radio spectrum plays a vital role in ensuring universal access to telecommunications services. The objective of this study was to identify radio spectrum reforms and their associated effects on market liberalisation. It was postulated that appropriate radio spectrum reforms would be catalysts for market liberalisation. The evolution of command-and-control approaches in relation to market-based approaches was assessed.
The research involved literature critique, review of policies as that relates to history of radio spectrum management in South Africa and across the world, and radio spectrum regulations analysis in South Africa. Interviews of radio spectrum industry experts and documents study of the evolution of telecommunications regulatory environment with respect to radio spectrum management and market liberalisation were also used as main sources of research.
The purpose of the literature critique, review of policies, regulations and documents was to identify hints of radio spectrum reforms and measure qualitatively the extent of market liberalisation. While interviews of radio spectrum industry experts were used to ascertain industry response to strides made as far as radio spectrum and market liberalisation in South Africa.
It was observed that initially, in most parts of the world and in South Africa, market liberalisation progressed quickly despite appreciable correlation with radio spectrum reforms. Early radio spectrum reforms, such as the establishment of an independent regulator of the industry and radio spectrum, had contributed to some level of market liberalisation with creation of oligopolistic telecommunication market, and had increased to radio spectrum by Vodacom, MTN and Cell C having access to both 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands. However, perpetual practise of command-and-control, an efficient radio spectrum management encouraged hoarding.
The literature review and interview provided seven main contributions of reforms in the form of strides. These strides formed the basis for the research framework: 1) establishment of an independent regulator of the industry and radio spectrum, 2) increased access to radio spectrum, 3) service and technology neutrality on radio spectrum, 4) essential facilities to enable sharing, 5) market-based approaches radio spectrum pricing: AIP, 6) service-based competition versus infrastructure-based competition, and 7) non-rival, non-exclusive usage of radio spectrum.
The conclusion is that increasing access to radio spectrum and the independent regulator were not primary determinants of market liberalisation. An analytic framework has been used to show that market liberalisation reached a plateau phase, with a few incumbents becoming dominant and creating an oligopolistic market structure. It is at this point that further market liberalisation could be stimulated by additional radio spectrum reforms. The command-and-control approach remains the main bottleneck source for access and efficiency in radio spectrum management, which encourages rival and exclusive use of
radio spectrum. It has been observed that market-based radio spectrum reforms have also entrenched rivalry and exclusivity in the use of radio spectrum. Radio spectrum reforms that encourage non-rivalry and non-exclusivity, such as open-access to radio spectrum, are highly recommended in this research. / GR2016
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[pt] O projeto de sistemas fixos de acesso sem fio em banda
larga operando em
ambientes abertos em frequências entre 10 e 66 GHz requer
um planejamento
criterioso devido à necessidade de maximizar a utilização
da largura de banda
disponível, maximizar a capacidade da rede, garantir
requisitos mínimos de
disponibilidade e minimizar os custos em um tipo de
ambiente e em uma faixa de
frequências em que as ondas eletromagnéticas são sujeitas
a fenômenos
específicos durante a propagação. Este trabalho apresenta
os aspectos envolvidos
no planejamento de sistemas deste tipo que utilizam
topologia ponto-multiponto e
atendem à recomendação IEEE 802.16. São apresentados
modelos para previsão
de cobertura, cálculo da atenuação diferencial por chuvas
e previsão da atenuação
por chuvas considerando a não-homogeneidade das chuvas em
duas dimensões
horizontalmente. Os efeitos das interferências no
desempenho dos sistemas são
analisados em conjunto com alguns exemplos de planejamento
das células. Os
aspectos importantes para o planejamento da capacidade são
descritos e técnicas
que permitem maximizar a capacidade são apresentadas. Com
o objetivo de
organizar todas as informações para ajudar em situações
reais uma metodologia de
planejamento é proposta incluindo considerações técnicas,
mercadológicas e
financeiras. / [en] The development of outdoor fixed broadband wireless access
systems operating at 10-66 GHz frequency requires a
carefully planning in order
to maximizing the use of the bandwidth, maximizing network
capacity, assuring
minimum requirements of availability and minimizing costs
in an environment
and in a frequency band where the propagation of
electromagnetic waves are
subjected to specific issues. This work presents the
aspects related to the
development of this kind of system in a point-to-
multipoint architecture
standardized by the IEEE 802.16 recommendation. Models to
predict coverage,
estimate differential rain attenuation and predict rain
attenuation considering the
un-homogeneity of the rain in horizontal plane. The
effects of interference in the
system performance are discussed with some examples of
cell planning. The main
aspects of capacity planning are described and techniques
to maximize capacity
are presented. In order to helping the planners in
practical situations the
information are organized in a proposal of planning
methodology that includes
technical, business and marketing issues.
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Metodologia de sensoriamento e acesso dinâmico aos canais em redes de sensores sem fioTéllez Garzón, Johan Leandro January 2017 (has links)
A melhora na eficiência do uso do espectro de radiofrequência é fundamental para permitir um desempenho adequado dos diversos sistemas sem fio cuja complexidade e requerimentos aumentam a cada dia. O panorama atual de atribuição de canais é estático, tolerando assim, que o espectro de radiofrequência seja usado de forma desequilibrada, gerando com isso, problemas de coexistência em algumas faixas e subutilização de recursos em outras. Para contornar esse problema, tem sido proposta a ideia de introduzir algoritmos de cognição nos dispositivos sem fio, a fim de permitir um modelo de alocação dinâmico adicional. Neste, os usuários secundários equipados com rádios cognitivos podem utilizar de forma dinâmica os canais subutilizados de usuários primários. Um usuário primário tem prioridade de uso do canal como consequência da atribuição estática, porém, o uso do canal por um usuário secundário qualquer é oportunista e limitando ao tempo de inatividade do usuário primário em um determinado local. As redes de sensores sem fio trabalham em uma banda concorrida e são sistemas que podem melhorar seu desempenho utilizando um mecanismo de acesso dinâmico aos canais, possibilitando o aproveitamento dos períodos de inatividade de usuários primários ou aumentando sua capacidade de coexistência na banda de operação atual. Segundo a literatura pesquisada são vários os desafios existentes para conseguir um método distribuído de acesso dinâmico aos canais que considere as restrições de trocas de sinalizações, consumo de energia e complexidade dos dispositivos de uma rede de sensores sem fio. Neste contexto, propõe-se uma metodologia de sensoriamento e acesso dinâmico aos canais para uma rede de sensores sem fio considerando a simplicidade dos dispositivos. Como fatores de inovação, optou-se pela definição de uma política de sensoriamento por clusters que permite realizar uma aprendizagem cooperativa por reforço da situação dos canais de operação. Além disso, a definição de um mecanismo de acesso dinâmico aos canais fundamentado no padrão IEEE 802.15.4 permite comunicação e coordenação distribuída de forma assíncrona. O funcionamento da metodologia proposta é avaliado e comparado usando simulações e experimentos mediante um estudo de caso específico. As comparações são realizadas com métodos de seleção de canal: fixa, cega ou baseada em recompensas por acesso. Os resultados mostram a eficiência no acesso dinâmico aos canais com aumentos na taxa de entrega de mensagens e na capacidade de coexistir com as redes primárias. / The efficiency improvement of the use of radiofrequency spectrum is fundamental to allow more complex and more optimal wireless systems. The current channel allocation is static. It tolerates unbalanced use of the radiofrequency spectrum generating coexistence problems in some bands and underutilization of resources in other bands. The introduction of cognitive algorithms into wireless devices has been proposed to overcome that problem, in order to allow an additional dynamic allocation model. In this, the secondary users equipped with cognitive radios will be able to use dynamically the underutilized channels of primary users. A primary user has channel usage priority related to the static allocation, on the other hand, the use of the channel by any secondary user is opportunistic and limited to the inactivity time of the primary user in a specific place. Wireless sensor networks work in a competitive band. These systems can improve their performance using a dynamic access to the channels and consequently to enable the utilization of inactivity periods of primary users or to increase the coexistence capability at their current operation band. According to the researched literature, several challenges exist to find a distributed method for dynamic access to the channels considering the restrictions on control signaling, energy consumption and computational complexity of wireless sensor network devices. In this context, a methodology of sensing and dynamic access to the channels in a wireless sensor network considering the restrictions of the devices is proposed. As innovation, we opted for the definition of a sensing policy by clusters that allows the cooperative reinforcement learning of the situation of channels. In addition, a mechanism for dynamic access to the channels based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard is defined to allow asynchronous and distributed coordination. The behavior of the proposed methodology is evaluated and compared using simulations and experiments through a specific case study. The comparisons are performed with channel selection methods: fixed, blind and access based. The results show good efficiency in the dynamic allocation of the channels, increasing the message delivery rate and the coexistence capability.
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The design and implementation of cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm in cognitive networksTlouyamma, Joseph January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MSc.) -- University of Limpopo, 2018 / A Major concern in the past years was the traditional static spectrum allocation which gave rise to spectrum underutilization and scarcity in wireless networks. In an attempt to solve this problem, cognitive radios technology was proposed and this allows a spectrum to be accessed dynamically by Cognitive radio users or secondary users (SUs). Dynamic access can efficiently be achieved by making necessary adjustment to some MAC layer functionalities such as sensing and channel allocation. MAC protocols play a central role in scheduling sensing periods and channel allocation which ensure that the interference is reduced to a tolerable level. In order to improve the accuracy of sensing algorithm, necessary adjustments should be made at MAC layer. Sensing delays and errors are major challenges in the design of a more accurate spectrum sensing algorithm or MAC protocol. Proposed in this study, is a scheme (EXGPCSA) which incorporate sensing at the MAC layer and physical layer. Energy detector was used to detect the presence of primary users (SU). A choice of how long and how often to sense the spectrum was addressed at the MAC layer. The focal point of this study was on minimizing delays in finding available channels for transmission. EXGPCSA used channel grouping technique to reduce delays. Channels were divided into two groups and arranged in descending order of their idling probabilities. Channels with higher probabilities were selected for sensing. Three network scenarios were considered wherein a group of SUs participated in sensing and sharing their spectral observations. EXGPCSA was designed such that only SUs with higher SNR were allowed to share their observations with other neighbouring SUs. This rule greatly minimized errors in sensing. The efficiency of EXGPCSA was evaluated by comparing it to another scheme called generalized predictive CSA. A statistical t-test was used to test if there is significant difference between EXGPCSA and generalized predictive CSA in terms of average throughput. A test has shown that EXGPCSA significantly performed better than generalized predictive CSA. Both schemes were simulated using MATLAB R2015a in three different network scenarios.
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Coordinating secondary-user behaviors for inelastic traffic reward maximization in large-scale DSA networksNoroozOliaee, MohammadJavad 06 March 2013 (has links)
We develop efficient coordination techniques that support inelastic traffic in large-scale distributed dynamic spectrum access DSA networks. By means of any learning algorithm, the proposed techniques enable DSA users to locate and exploit spectrum opportunities effectively, thereby increasing their achieved throughput (or "rewards" to be more general). Basically, learning algorithms allow DSA users to learn by interacting with the environment, and use their acquired knowledge to select the proper actions that maximize their own objectives, thereby "hopefully" maximizing their long-term cumulative received reward/throughput. However, when DSA users' objectives are not carefully coordinated, learning algorithms can lead to poor overall system performance, resulting in lesser per-user average achieved rewards.
In this thesis, we derive efficient objective functions that DSA users
an aim to maximize, and that by doing so, users' collective behavior also leads to good overall system performance, thus maximizing each user's long-term cumulative received rewards. We show that the proposed techniques are: (i) efficient by enabling users to achieve high rewards, (ii) scalable by performing well in systems with a small as well as a large number of users, (iii) learnable by allowing users to reach up high rewards very quickly, and (iv) distributive by being implementable in a decentralized manner. / Graduation date: 2013
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