Spelling suggestions: "subject:"women inn church work."" "subject:"women iin church work.""
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An exploratory study of women's experiences and place in the church: a case study of a parish in the Church of the Province of Southern Africa (CPSA), diocese of Cape TownSparrow, Isabel January 2006 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / This mini-thesis is a small-scale exploratory case study into the experiences of eight mature women members of a particular parish in the Church of the Province of Southern Africa (CPSA) situated in the Diocese of Cape Town. Using qualitative feminist research methodologies, this study sets out to explore how this group of non-ordained women perceives their roles in the church structure. The study examines what initially attracted the participants to this parish and what motivates them, despite the challenges, to continue performing their voluntary licensed and unlicensed roles in the church. It then goes on to consider the contradictory ways in which their roles as individuals, gendered as women, serve to simultaneously reinforce and challenge the patriarchy of the church. In this respect the participants often held conflicting views within themselves, thus demonstrating the complexities surrounding such issues. Upon reflection the researcher acknowledges that, similar to the participants, she also holds contradictory views on some of these issues. The research therefore identifies and explores three main themes in this regard, firstly the reasons why women originally joined the parish church, secondly the ways in which these women are active in the church and lastly the ways in which women’s activities simultaneously challenge and reinforce the patriarchy and continued male domination of church. / South Africa
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Non-professional congregational leadership in the United Methodist Church: identifying factors affecting levels of female participationMackall, Janet Ely 01 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Women in the CCAP Nkhoma synod : a practical theological study of their leadership rolesChifungo, Phoebe Faith 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: “Leave her alone, why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me … I tell
you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will
also be told, in memory of her” (Mark 14:6, 9). This is how Jesus Christ perceives woman;
with gratitude, dignity and respect. Unfortunately, women have often been ill-treated,
discriminated against and even oppressed by her own fellow human beings of the opposite sex
just because she was born a woman. Many women have asked themselves, “Why was I born a
woman?” Questions such as these motivated the researcher to carry out this current study on
The purpose of this dissertation is to: (1) Determine through an in depth literary analysis factors
that have contributed to the desperate position of women leadership in CCAP Nkhoma Synod.
(2) To conduct empirical research in the different congregations of the Synod among members
of Chigwirizano cha amai, church elders and reverends. (3) To explore a new model of reading
and interpreting New Testament texts with regards to addressing the problem of the lack of
women in leadership positions in the CCAP Nkhoma Synod.
The research has shown that women in the CCAP Nkhoma Synod are denied leadership
positions because of historical, cultural and biblical factors. Historically, the first Dutch
Reformed missionaries who came to Malawi used a patriarchal type of leadership, which sidelined
women from leadership positions. Culturally, it was discovered that people brought their
cultural beliefs along with them to church, that a man is superior, powerful, respectful and a
controller; while woman are considered to be weak, inferior and submissive. Through Social
Identity Theory, it was discovered that these beliefs and actions of considering themselves to
be superior and better than women, were influenced by aspects such as self-categorization and
stereotyping. This means that the moment men categorized themselves as reverends and elders,
they automatically compare themselves with the other group, in this case, “Chigwirizano cha
amai”. This resulted in stereotyping women as weak and powerless, not qualified to carry out
leadership roles. The research has shown that the biblical factor is the main contributor as to why the church has
silenced women up till now. Texts like 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and 1Timothy 2:11-12 have
been used to oppress women from exercising their godly given leadership gifts and skills. This
is why a new theory of interpreting the Word of God has been suggested in this dissertation. It is called the “Multi-dimensional Approach”. This new approach1 will be achieved by rereading
the Scriptures through three aspects, namely, the literary, social-historical and
theological-rhetorical aspects. The researcher remains optimistic that through this process of
re-reading the texts, the Chewa culture and missionary history, as well as people’s mindsets,
attitudes and beliefs will change in favour of women leadership.
This research sought to answer the following questions: (1) To what extent are historical and
cultural factors, and particularly factors pertaining to the interpretation of the Bible, responsible
for the lack of women in leadership positions in the CCAP Nkhoma Synod? (2) Complex as it
may be to explore and measure the impact of these factors, would it be possible to substantiate
and verify such influences empirically? (3) Once this has been done, would it for instance be
possible to identify alternative readings of history, culture and the Bible? These three questions
were very crucial in that they guided the researcher to know the real problem and how this
problem can be solved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “Laat staan haar,” het Jesus gesê. “Waarom maak julle dit vir haar moeilik?” Sy het ʼn goeie
daad aan my gedoen... Dit verseker Ek julle: Oral waar die evangelie in die hele wêreld
verkondig word, sal daar ook vertel word wat sy gedoen het, tot herinnering van haar.” (Mark
14:6, 9). Dit is die manier waarop Jesus na vroue gekyk het, met dankbaarheid, waardigheid en
respek. Ongelukkig is vroue dikwels sleg behandel, teen gediskrimineer en selfs onderdruk
deur manspersone, net omdat hulle as vroue gebore is. Menige vrou het haarself al gevra,
“Waarom is ek as vrou gebore?” Vrae soos hierdie het die navorser gemotiveer om hierdie
studie te onderneem.
Die doel van hierdie navorsing is: (1) Om deur ʼn literatuurstudie die faktore wat tot die
desperate situasie van vroue leierskap in die CCAP Nkhoma Sinode bygedra het, te ondersoek.
(2) In empiriese navorsing onder lede van die sogenaamde Chigwirizano cha amai (vroue
groep), ouderlinge en predikante van verskillende gemeentes van die Sinode te doen. (3) Om
ʼn nuwe model vir die lees en interpreteer van die Nuwe Testament met die oog daarop om die
probleem van die afwesigheid van vroue in posisies van leierskap in die CCAP Nkhoma Sinode
te ontwikkel.
Die navorsing het getoon dat vroue in die CCAP Nkhoma Sinode uit posisies van
leierskap gehou word as gevolg van historiese, kulturele en Bybelse faktore. Histories het die
eerste Nederlandse sendelinge wat na Malawi gekom het ʼn patriargale vorm van leierskap
gevestig wat vroue van die begin af uitgesluit het. In kulturele verband is daar gevind dat die
mense hulle tradisionele kulturele oortuigings ook in die kerk ingedra het, soos dat die man
verhewe is bo die vrou, magtig en in beheer, terwyl vroue as swakker beskou word,
minderwaardig en passief. Met behulp van Sosiale Identiteitsteorie is gevind dat hierdie
oortuigings en handelinge van mans dat hulle meerderwaardig en beter as vroue is, deur aspekte
soos self-kategorisering en stereotipering beïnvloed is. Dit beteken onder andere dat die
moment wat mans hulleself as predikante en ouderlinge kategoriseer, hulle onmiddellik
hulleself met ander groepe vergelyk, in die geval die Chigwirizano cha amai. Dit dra tot verdere
stereotipering van vroue by, naamlik dat hulle swak en magteloos is en daarom nie vir posisies
van leierskap geskik is nie. Die navorsing het getoon dat die faktor wat die grootste bydrae gelewer het tot die rede
waarom die kerk die vroue se stemme stil gemaak het, verband hou met die wyse waarop die
Bybel gelees word. Tekste soos 1 Kor 14:34-35 en 1 Tim 2:11-12 is dikwels gebruik om vroue
daarvan te weerhou om hulle God-gegewe gawes van leierskap te ontwikkel en uit te leef. Dit
is waarom ʼn nuwe model vir die interpretasie van die Skrif voorgestel word, wat uit literêre, sosiohistoriese en teologies-retoriese aspekte bestaan. Die navorser bly hoopvol dat deur ʼn
herlees van die tekste die Chewa kultuur en missionêre verlede, asook die ingesteldheid van
mense, hulle houdings en oortuigings ten gunste van vroue in posisies van leierskap sal
Die navorsing het gepoog om die volgende vrae te beantwoord: (1) Tot watter mate het
historiese en kulturele faktore en dan spesifiek faktore wat met die interpretasie van die Bybel
verband hou, tot die gebrek aan vroue in posisies van leierskap in die CCAP Nkhoma Sinode,
bygedra? (2) Om ondersoek te doen tot watter mate hierdie faktore ook deur middel van
empiriese navorsing bevestig kon word, wel bewus van die kompleksiteit van die situasie. (3)
Om op grond van laasgenoemde ondersoekend te kyk na moontlike alternatiewe maniere
waarop die geskiedenis, die kultuur en die Bybel gelees kan word? Hierdie drie vrae was
voortdurend in die gedagtes van die navorser en het die dryfkrag gegee in die navorser se soeke
na die onderliggende redes wat tot die sentrale probleem bygedra het.
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Empowering the local church through mentoringSaxon, James. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (D.Min.)--Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC, 2005. / Abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 313-323).
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Rethinking gender and authority in Christ increasing knowledge and changing attitudes about women in ministry at Saint John Church-Baptist, Chicago, Illinois /Freeman, Ricky. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lombard, Ill., 2002. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 121-132).
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Rethinking gender and authority in Christ increasing knowledge and changing attitudes about women in ministry at Saint John Church-Baptist, Chicago, Illinois /Freeman, Ricky. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lombard, Ill., 2002. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 121-132).
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An historical analysis of the participation of women in the North American Christian Convention, 1927-2003Holland, Heather Elise January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M. Div.)--Emmanuel School of Religion, 2005. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 60-61).
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Pastoral care with women participating in church leadership: reflections on the Skuiling processBarker, Kim Elise 30 November 2005 (has links)
No summary available / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Aspects of a biblical theology of womenhoodPatterson, Dorothy Jean Kelley 12 1900 (has links)
Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th.(Systematic Theology)
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Towards a gendered theology of works : a case study of the paid and unpaid work experiences of Indian Christian women in Pietermaritzburg.Marie, Rowanne Sarojini. 19 July 2013 (has links)
This study investigates the paid and unpaid work experiences of Indian Christian women in Pietermaritzburg as they would inform a framework for a gendered theology of work. Intersecting gender and development theory with theologies of work, the study asserts that gender, particularly as it relates to understandings of what constitutes "work", has been neglected by theologians.
In order to better understand the "work" roles of women, gender and development theorist, Caroline Moser (1993) has provided a framework. She asserts that women‘s work roles can be categorized in three important ways namely, productive work, reproductive work and community work. The gender-based division of labour has contributed to socially ascribed gender roles that cause women to be primarily responsible for monotonous, exasperating, tiring, time-consuming and economically unrewarding activities. Men on the other hand occupy "productive" roles that are economically rewarding and community roles that are usually seen as prestigious. Similar roles carried out by women are often not rewarded and are undervalued. Due to the social construction of differentiated gender roles, tasks associated with the reproduction of society fall almost entirely to women. Moser‘s (1993) conceptualization of women‘s roles is useful in this study, highlighting the different types of work that Indian women are involved in. However, this gendered analysis has not been prevalent in existing theologies of work. Rather, these focus solely on doctrinal, class or ethics perspectives. Furthermore, it is argued that these theologies of work are developed without the first-hand knowledge of the experiences, struggles and challenges that workers themselves encounter. This is particularly the case for women workers.
In order to investigate women‘s work experiences in this study, extensive fieldwork was carried with a group of Indian Christian women in Pietermaritzburg. Four research tools, namely a questionnaire, a 24-hour time study diary, semi structured interviews and focus group discussions were developed and employed to better understand their work roles. The findings revealed that Indian women continue to remain confined to these roles of productive, reproductive and community work because of the impact of culture as well as religion. While some Indian women have entered the productive market and are financial contributors to households, they still assume the roles that are culturally seen as 'women‘s work‘. In addition, their theological understandings and Biblical interpretations of work have resulted in women remaining acquiescent to such roles which are often depicted as 'the ideal woman‘. In a context where women find themselves immersed in roles of production, reproduction and community work, it is crucial that theological reflection engages these work experiences which are intertwined with women‘s faith practices. This study is an attempt to do this as it offers a framework that points toward a gendered theology of work. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.
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