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Zdanění příjmů ze samostatné činnosti (srovnání právní úpravy v ČR a ve vybraných zemích EU) / Taxation of self-employment income (a comparison of Czech legal regulation and the regulation of selected EU countries)Šmirausová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
aspects contribute to an increase of taxpayer's administrative costs state's enforcement costs and create a room for d
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Komparace zdanění zisků korporací v ČR a Velké Británii / Comparison of Corporate Taxation in the Czech Republic and the United KingdomŠtěpánková, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the comparison of corporate taxation in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. In the first chapter, the terms tax and tax system are described and the Czech and the UK tax systems are analysed and compared. The second chapter deals with corporate taxation, its history and current trends. It is deeply focused on the corporate taxation in the observed countries. In the third chapter the deferred tax is explained and the impact of corporate taxation rules on deferred tax is analysed. The crux of my thesis lies in the evaluation and comparison of both systems of the corporate taxation.
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Územní dopady operačního programu Podnikání a inovace / Regional Impacts of Operational Programme Enterprise and InnovationPiskač, David January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on regional impacts of Operational programme Enterprise and Innovation. Theoretical part sums up history of structural funds of the EU and gives a brief description of Operational programme Enterprise and Innovation. Practical part analyzes this programme from a perspective of Czech regions.
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Srovnávací analýza úvěrů pro financování bydlení / Comparative analysis of loans to finance housingHalász, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
My thesis focuses on the analysis of financial instruments suitable to finance own housing available in the Czech Republic, especially on mortgages, building savings loans and consumer loans, from the client's perspective. The first chapter presents these three selected options, describes them along with their most important parameters. The second chapter presents three main financial groups in the Czech Republic alongside with their selected products. Individual products are compared and evaluated using preselected examples: buying a property and a reconstruction. Last chapter describes the most common influences on the demand for loan products to finance own housing and analyses them, focusing on the interest rates and the inflation rate.
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Formáty TV reklam společnosti Vodafone a jejich vnímání českými spotřebiteli / TV Advertisement Formats Used by Vodafone and How Czech Consumers Perceive ThemŠimková, Aneta January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess using selected marketing tools how Czech consumers perceive different formats of television advertisement used by Vodafone. To this end, Vodafone TV spots aired in the Czech Republic between 2005 and 2016 were analysed focusing mainly on TV spots aired in the past few years. An integral part of this thesis is the qualitative Focus Group research method and probe questionnaires distributed among Czech consumers. The results of this research are subsequently compared with the Multicriterial research MML TGI Median Company and also with the research results of the Nielsen Company.
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Graduation theses deal with grants on renewable energy sources. Equate to possibilities supports renewable energy sources and smoothing - out whether be necessary further promotion above law 180/2005 Sb. Lockwork work smoothing - out this question for instance 3 kinds renewable energy sources, behind using two economic criteria namely net present value and internal rate of return.
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Možnosti stanovení základu daně z příjmů právnických osob při použití pravidel IFRS / The possibilities of determination the tax base of corporate income tax using IFRSKubešová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis builds on discussion about harmonization of corporate income tax. It deals with the possibility of determining the tax base of corporate tax in the Czech Republic from the profit recognized in according with IFRS. The thesis describes general differences affecting the amount of profit by using IFRS and by using Czech accounting rules. Then an analysis of several items is made, the differential impact on profit or loss when comparing the two systems is most pronounced. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest a specific adjustment of the Income Tax Law so that the tax burden when using the profit according to the IFRS is the same as in case of using the profit according to the national rules.
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Zhodnocení přínosů ze zavedení manažerského informačního systému (na vybraném podniku) / Evaluation of the gains of introduction of management information system (on the selected company)Bajer, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
The thesis "Evaluation of the gains of introduction of management information system (on the selected company)" examines the success of introduction of management information system. Theoretical part is focused on information systems, especially on life cycle, required features, settings and areas of management. Practical part describes complete research: characteristics and analysis of the company, creation of survey and the results. All the gains are identified in the results of the survey. This research extends theoretical area of management information systems and it helps the supplier as evaluation of completed implementation.
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Komparace zdanění práce ve vybraných zemích OECD (Visegradská 4 a Německo) / Comparison of labor taxation in selected countries of the OECD (Visegrad 4 and Germany)Šantrůček, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This final thesis deals with comparison of labor taxation in selected countries of the European Union: countries of Visegrad 4 and Germany. One of the essential goals was to find labor taxation for determined income levels and comparison of total labor taxation between selected countries. Next goal was to implement elements of most optimized labor taxation to Czech tax system. The first two chapters represent description of labor taxation: of personal income tax and social contributions in selected countries. Third chapter analyzes labor taxation for determined levels of income for every each country. Fourth chapter deals with the comparison of the labor taxation between selected countries and reflects differences of tax systems. Last fifth chapter analyses implementation of labor taxation elements of other examined country to the Czech tax system.
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Mzdové účetnictví / Payroll accountingFürbachová, Helena January 2011 (has links)
The graduation thesis is focused on payroll accounting according to valid legislation of year 2012.The aim was to explain the payroll in the business sector with regard to labor regulations, the finance accounting, social insurance and health insurance, income tax from employment. The graduate thesis is based on the assumption that the employees working under the same conditions of employment with the same-time and with the same wage conditions have the same net salary to be paid. Chapters are devoted to the issue of labor relations, the calculation of net earnings, deductions for health and social insurance, taxation and payroll deductions from wages. The original assumption was not clearly confirmed, because to the calculation of net earnings enter a number of aspects.
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