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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship of two seagrasses: Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima to the black brant, Branta bernicla nigricans, San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California, Mexico

Ward, David Hume January 1983 (has links)
ix, 60 leaves : maps ; 28 cm Notes Typescript Thesis (M.S.)--University of Oregon, 1983 Includes vita and abstract Bibliography: leaves 56-60 Another copy on microfilm is located in Archives

Predator-prey interrelationships and the introduced eelgrass, Zostera japonica (Aschers. and Graebn.) in the South Slough of Coos Bay, Oregon, U.S.A.

Javier, Sonia Nicolas January 1987 (has links)
x, 62 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm Notes Typescript Thesis (M.S.)--University of Oregon, 1987 Includes vita and abstract Bibliography: leaves 54-62 Another copy on microfilm is located in Archives

Does eutrophication cause greater growth of epiphytic algae on the seagrass Zostera marina?

Ljung, Angelica January 2024 (has links)
The most common eelgrass along the Swedish coast is Zostera marina. It is an ecosystem engineer which provides both nature and humans with important ecosystem services and various ecosystem functions. Eutrophication is one of the main reasons why the Swedish coast has lost a lot of Z. marina meadows. When there is more nitrogen in the ocean, it is an advantage for epiphytic algae so that they can grow faster. The epiphytic algae grow on Z. marina and reduce Z. marina from receiving light. And therefore, the aim of my thesis is to investigate the effect of eutrophication on the growth of epiphytic algae on Z. marina. I took water samples at 8 different locations (spanning 7.21 km) along the coast of Halmstad, from the mouth of river Nissan, which I hypothesize to be a main source of nitrogen, to the open sea. From the water samples nitrogen, absorbance and TOC was measured to see if there was any difference in the water composition from Nissan's outlet and seawards. Z. marina leaves were taken from two different sites on one occasion to investigate the degree of epiphytic algae on the leaves. I found that the nitrogen concentration was decreasing from the outlet of Nissan River along coast towards the open sea. Also, the growth of epiphytic algae on Z. marina was decreasing from the outlet of Nissan River along the coast towards the open sea. The growth of epiphytic algae on Z. marina was not solely dependent of the concentration of nitrogen. In Scandinavia, Z. marina meadows are one of the most diverse coastal ecosystems. On otherwise sandy and species-poor substrates, Z. marina is an important habitat for a rich epiflora and fauna so a more integrated understanding in both management and science of Z. marina's stress responses is needed.

The long-term effects of Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt invasion on Zostera marina L. and its associated epibiota

DeAmicis, Stacey Lynn January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I review how Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt, an invasive alga from Asia, has spread globally due to human activities and describe how this species can affect seagrass ecosystems. Abiotic factors such as nutrient and substratum availability may facilitate the spread of S. muticum into Zostera marina L. meadows, but analyses of seawater nutrients, and sediment particle size and % organic content revealed no significant differences between experimental quadrats in seagrass meadows either with, or without the presence of S. muticum. Phenolic compounds were examined because they form the basis of defensive mechanisms in plants and algae, therefore any change in phenolic content may affect the ability of Z. marina to protect itself from disease, herbivory and invasive species through allelopathic interactions. Results from a four year field study and multiple annual laboratory experiments showed significant reductions (p = 0.034 and p = 0.002, respectively) in the caffeic and tannic acids equivalents content of Z. marina when in the presence of S. muticum. As the abundance of S. muticum increases, other changes in the physiology of Z. marina may occur including variations in growth rates, nutrient partitioning and chlorophyll fluorescence, but data from multiple laboratory experiments illustrated no significant differences in growth. Chlorophyll fluorescence analyses revealed significant differences between treatments with and without S. muticum (p = 0.008), but pairwise comparisons indicated these differences only occurred in 2008 (p < 0.001). Significant differences were also found in nutrient partitioning amongst functional regions of the shoots (p = 0.024), but pairwise comparisons detected these differences between a biomass control treatment (ZZ: Zostera + Zostera) and the ZS (with S. muticum) and ZM (Z. marina on its own at a lower biomass per replicate) treatments (p = 0.013 and p = 0.019, respectively), but not between ZS and ZM. Previous in situ research has found negative effects of S. muticum presence on densities of kelp and other algae. Results from the long-term field study indicated significantly lower mean in situ Z. marina densities within the ZS treatment (p < 0.001). Epibiota found living on the blades of Z. marina provide food for organisms within seagrass ecosystems and also create microhabitats for other species to occupy. Alterations in the abundances of epibiota and microhabitats formed could further modify seagrass ecosystems through shifts in timing of food availability, food preferences and microhabitats created. The long-term field study data revealed significantly lower epibiota abundances within the ZS treatment (p = 0.019), but differences in biomass between treatments were not detected. Changes in the biochemistry, physiology, vegetative physiognomy and epibiota assemblages of Z. marina revealed during experimental manipulations are presented and considered within the context of long-term seagrass survival in light of increasing S. muticum invasion.

Seroprevalencija i epidemiološke karakteristike varičele i herpes zostera u AP Vojvodini / Seroprevalence and epidemiological characteristics of varicella and herpes zoster in AP Vojvodina

Medić Snežana 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Varičela (Varicella, Ovčije boginje) i herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster) su bolesti koje izaziva virus varicella - zoster. Varičela spada u najče&scaron;će dečje osipne groznice. Herpes zoster je bolest ljudi starijeg životnog doba. Imunizacija protiv varičele i herpes zostera je dala značajne rezultate u prevenciji ovih bolesti. Raspoloživi epidemiolo&scaron;ki pokazatelji nisu dovoljni za uvođenje adekvatnog programa imunizacije protiv ovih bolesti u na&scaron;oj zemlji. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se na teritoriji Vojvodine utvrde: seroprevalencija varicella-zoster virusnih antitela, epidemiolo&scaron;ke karakteristike obolelih od varičele u periodu 1994&minus;2014. godine i obolelih od herpes zostera u periodu 1997&minus;2005, uzrasno specifične incidencije i udeo hospitalizovanih u ukupnom broju obolelih od varičele odnosno herpes zostera u periodu 2010&minus;2014. godine. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje epidemiolo&scaron;kih karakteristika varičele i herpes zostera je sprovedeno retrospektivno, analizom podataka iz epidemiolo&scaron;kog nadzora. Seroepidemiolo&scaron;ko istraživanje je sprovedeno prospektivno (april 2015&minus;februar 2016). Prikupljeno je 3.570 rezidualnih seruma uz prethodno informisanje i pisanu saglasnost pacijenata. Uzorak je reprezentativan za populaciju Vojvodine, prema mestu stanovanja, polu i uzrastu. Imunokompromitovani i primaoci transfuzije krvi u poslednjih &scaron;est meseci su izuzeti iz istraživanja. Testiranje seruma je sprovedeno ELISA testom u Centru za virusologiju Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine. Referentna evropska laboratorija prosledila je referentni panel seruma koji je testiran pre i tokom testiranja banke seruma. Standardizacija rezultata je sprovedena na osnovu jednačine koju je prosledio Public Health England (PHE). Izračunata je i analizirana seroprevalencija antitela u odnosu na uzrast, pol i područje stanovanja. Istraživanje incidencije hospitalizovanih slučajeva varičele i herpes zostera sprovedeno je retrospektivno prikupljanjem podataka o hospitalizacijama. Statistički značajnim smatrane su vrednosti na nivou značajnosti p &lt; 0,05 a visoko statički značajnim p &lt; 0,01. Rezultati: Seroprevalencija antitela protiv virusa varicella-zoster u testiranom uzorku populacije Vojvodine je 84%. Utvrđen je očekivano visok procenat seropozitivne dece do navr&scaron;enih devet godina života (73,3%). Osim u uzrasnim grupama &lt; 1 i 1&minus;4 godine, seroprevalencija raste sa uzrastom. Varičela se u Vojvodini održava endemo-epidemijski sa visokim incidencijama. U posmatranom periodu, najvi&scaron;a uzrasno specifična incidencija varičele se registruje u uzrastu 5&minus;9 godina (5.824,6/100.000 stanovnika) i 0&minus;4 godine (5.000,7/ 100.000 stanovnika). Od varičele su če&scaron;će obolevali mu&scaron;karaci dok su žene značajno će&scaron;će obolevale od herpes zostera (p = 0,000 &lt; 0,01). Incidencije varičele i herpes zostera se značajno razlikuju u odnosu na mesto stanovanja. Udeo hospitalizovanih u ukupnom broju obolelih od varičele bio je od 0,7 do 0,9%. Najvi&scaron;a uzrasno specifična incidencija hospitalizovanih sa varičelom registrovana je u uzrastu 0&minus;4 godine i opada sa uzrastom. Incidencija herpes zostera najvi&scaron;a je kod starijih od 60 godina života (970,2/100,000 stanovnika), dok je incidencija hospitalizovanih slučajeva herpes zostera najvi&scaron;a kod starijih od 65 godina (105,7/100.000). Udeo hospitalizovanih slučajeva herpes zostera u ukupnom broju obolelih od herpes zostera se kretao u rasponu od 2,2 do 3,6 % ( &ge;2% ). Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da varičela i herpes zoster značajno opterećuju zdravstveno stanje na&scaron;eg stanovni&scaron;tva zbog čega postoji osnov za uspostavljanje epidemiolo&scaron;kog nadzora i kreiranje adekvatnog programa imunizacije.</p> / <p>Introduction: Varicella (Varicella, Chicken pox) and herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster) are diseases caused by the Varicella- zoster virus. Varicella is the most common children&#39;s rash-causing fever. Herpes zoster is mainly a disease of elderly people. Immunisation against varicella and herpes zoster have led to significant results in the prevention of these diseases. Available epidemiological indicators are not sufficient for introduction of an adequate program of immunization against these diseases in our country. The aim of the research was to establish: seroprevalence of varicella-zoster virus antibodies, the epidemiological characteristics of patients with varicella in the period 1994-2014. and patients with herpes zoster in the period 1997-2005, age-specific incidence and share of hospitalized patients in the total number of patients with varicella and herpes zoster in the period 2010-2014, in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Material and methods: The study of epidemiological characteristics of varicella and herpes zoster was conducted retrospectively by analyzing data from epidemiological surveillance. Seroepidemiological study was conducted prospectively (April 2015- February 2016). The total of 3.570 residual sera were collected with previously taken written informed consents of patients. Immunocompromised patients and recipients of blood transfusions in the last six months were not included in the survey. The sample was representative by residence, sex and age for population of Vojvodina. Testing of sera was conducted by ELISA tests at the Center for virusology, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina. Reference European laboratory forwarded the reference panel serum which was tested before and during the testing of serum bank. Standardization of the results was based on the equation previously sent by Public Health England (PHE). Seroprevalence of antibodies was calculated in relation to the age, sex and area of residence. Incidence of hospitalized cases of varicella and herpes zoster was determined by retrospective collection of hospitalization data. Statistically significant was considered values at a significance level of p &lt; 0,05 and highly statistically significant at p &lt; 0,01. Results: The seroprevalence of antibodies against Varicella- zoster virus in the sample of the population of Vojvodina was 84%. High percentage of seropositive children under the age of nine years of age (73,3%) was determined, as expected. The seroprevalence increases with age, except in the age groups &lt;1 and 1-4. Varicella in Vojvodina maintains endemo-epidemic mode with high incidence. In the observed period, the highest age-specific incidence of varicella is registered in the age group 5-9 years (5.824,6/100.000 inhabitants) and at the age of 0-4 years (5.000,7/100.000 inhabitants). Varicella was found significantly more often in men while herpes zoster was more often in women (p= 0,000 &lt;0,01). Incidence of varicella and herpes zoster significantly varied among the population of certain municipalities in Vojvodina. The share of hospitalized patients in the total number of patients with varicella ranged from 0,7 to 0,9%. The highest age-specific incidence of hospitalized patients with varicella was registered in the age of 0-4 years and decreases with age. The incidence of herpes zoster is highest in people over 60 years of age (970,2/100.000 inhabitants), whereas the incidence of hospitalized cases of herpes zoster was highest in patients over 65 years (105,7/100.000). Proportion of hospitalized cases in the total number of patients with herpes zoster ranged from 2,2 to 3,6% . Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that varicella and herpes zoster are significant burden of the health status of our population and there is a basis for the establishment of epidemiological surveillance and creation of an adequate program of immunization.</p>

The ecological and economic analysis of beach management strategies in Scotland

Griffin, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Coastlines are particularly susceptible to the necessary trade-offs which occur between different ecosystem services. Should the areas be managed for biodiversity or for people? Where sandy beaches are found there is usually a management decision to be made between managing for recreation or for biodiversity. Many popular tourist beaches (particularly those with a Beach Award) are often groomed with mechanical equipment to remove any stranded seaweed and associated litter which can get entangled in the wrack. This is likely to be having a negative impact on coastal biodiversity, with wide ranging implications for the entire habitat, including the intertidal zone, sand dunes and shorebirds. Beached wrack should be allowed to naturally decompose providing a habitat for numerous species of macro-invertebrates. These macro-invertebrate communities not only include many endemic species found exclusively along the strandline but they also provide a very rich source of food for shorebirds. The re-mineralised nutrients resulting from the decomposed macrophytes should then become available to provide a rich source of nutrients to dune, strandline and marine ecosystems populations of the strandline. In previous studies grooming has been shown to have a negative impact on the invertebrates of the strandline and this study reveals that tidal range has an effect on the impacts of grooming with a higher tidal range having a more negative impact on the invertebrates. A study to observe the impacts of grooming on both adult plant and seed bank communities of the sand dunes found that grooming is having a negative impact on these populations. Grooming is predominantly driven by beach managers who aspire to gain Beach Awards in order to attract tourists to their beaches. Using non-market valuation in the form of a stated preference choice experiment and a travel cost model, it was observed that Beach Awards are not valued by beach goers but are instead influenced to visit a particular beach by good bathing water quality, high levels of biodiversity and low levels of litter. It was also shown that stranded seaweed on the beach does not deter visitors. Future management suggestions include attempting to reduce the confusion arising from the presence of multiple beach awards by either removing them altogether or by making their criteria more clear and direct with consistency in their design and designation. Bathing water quality should be completely removed from the Beach Award system and real-time information in the form of electronic signage and a publicly available App should replace it.

Invasion mechanisms of Spartina anglica in salt marshes of the Bay of Arcachon and consequences for native vegetation species / Mécanismes de l’invasion de la Spartine anglaise dans les prés salés du Bassin d’Arcachon et conséquences pour la végétation native

Proenca, Barbara 05 June 2019 (has links)
Spartina anglica est une espèce exotique hybride qui peuple les zones humides littorales. Elle s’est installée dans le Bassin d’Arcachon au cours des années 1980, envahissant fortement les prés salés et les platiers vaseux préalablement occupés par, respectivement, Spartina maritima et Zostera noltei. Face aux inquiétudes suscitées par cette installation, cette thèse vise à comprendre, par une approche pluridisciplinaire, les mécanismes d’invasion et ses conséquences sur le milieu physique et sur les espèces végétales natives. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier l’occupation de niche par S. anglica et ses interactions avec deux espèces intertidales natives : S. maritima et Z. noltei.L’analyse d’images aériennes et satellitales a montré que, 30 ans après l’invasion, dans une zone densément peuplée par la Spartine native, la zone haute des prés salés a peu changé : la Spartine anglaise a occupé des niches vides et n’a pas remplacé la végétation native. Une expérience de transplantation réciproque et de mesures de biomasses confirment ce résultat, en montrant que l’espèce native offre une résistance à la colonisation de l’espèce exotique. L’expansion de la Spartine anglaise vers les replats de marée de l’intérieur du Bassin serait ainsi liée à sa capacité à tolérer les perturbations physiques, à sa forte plasticité de croissance en milieu oxygéné et riche en nutriments et à son comportement auto-facilitateur. Sa forte capacité d’ingénieur d’écosystèmes semble être liée à son système racinaire très développé, qui améliore l’aération des sols fortement anoxiques.Les effets de la colonisation par l’espèce exotique des zones intertidales basses à subtidales sur la Zostère naine sont importants sur le long-terme (dizaines d’années). En tant qu’ingénieur d’écosystèmes, la Spartine exotique favorise l’élévation du sol par sédimentation, entrainant une dessiccation du sédiment, peu favorable à la Zostère. Des mesures physiques au sein de patchs de l’espèce exotique suggèrent que l’élévation du sédiment est toutefois lente, surtout liée à une allocation de biomasse spécifique aux racines ainsi qu’à des rhizomes qui permettent de résister à l’érosion.En termes de gestion et de conservation des prés salés du Bassin d’Arcachon, ces résultats indiquent l’importance de limiter les perturbations physiques et les apports nutritifs qui pourraient rompre la résistance à l’invasion de la Spartine native. Ils supportent aussi l’idée que la Spartine anglaise pourrait être un allié robuste face à l’élévation du niveau de la mer. / Spartina anglica is a hybrid exotic cordgrass that inhabits coastal salt marshes. This species arrived in the Bay of Arcachon in the 1980s and since has importantly colonized the salt marshes and tidal flats formerly only occupied by the native Spartina maritima and Zostera noltei, respectively. This work aims at understanding, with an interdisciplinary perspective, the invasion mechanisms of this exotic cordgrass and the outcoming changes of its introduction in the Bay, both to the physical environment and to the native vegetation. Different approaches were considered in order to assess the niche occupancy by the exotic Spartina and its interactions with the native intertidal species, Spartina maritima and Zostera noltei.The analysis of aerial and satellite images has shown that, in about 30 years after the invasion, within a zone densely populated by the native Spartina, the global high marsh zone did not suffer significant changes with the arrival of the invasive species. Spartina anglica did not replace the existent marsh vegetation, it occupied empty niches along the intertidal area instead. Additionally, experimental works of cross transplantation and biomass measurements have corroborated that the native Spartina maritima offers resistance to the colonization by the exotic Spartina. It was also shown that the invasive occupies the same intertidal niche along the elevation and anoxic gradient than the native. The successful extension of Spartina anglica into the mudflat towards the inner Bay was related to its likely ability to tolerate physical disturbances, its strong growth plasticity in nutrient- and oxygen- rich patches and its self-facilitator behaviour. This latter trait is related to its strong ecosystem-engineering ability due to its prominent root system and consequent ability to ameliorate the oxygenation of highly anoxic soils.The main effect of the exotic Spartina species on the seagrass is related to its stronger ecosystem-engineering ability, favouring bed accretion up to levels that are not favourable to Z. noltei through enhancement of desiccation stress. However, hydrodynamic and altimetry measurements have shown that the process of bed accretion is slow and, due to the cordgrass’ specific preferential biomass allocation to roots, its efficiency is more linked to its resistance to erosion rather than sediment trapping.The results of this study provide relevant information for the definition of appropriate action and conservation strategies of marsh zones in the Bay of Arcachon, and in particular the importance of limiting physical disturbance and nutrient pollution that could disrupt the biotic resistance of the native cord grass. They also suggest a potentially important role of the exotic species in facing increasing Sea Level Rise.

The role of shallow seagrass meadows as habitat for fish / by Roderick Martin Connolly.

Connolly, R. M. January 1994 (has links)
Bibliography : leaves 293-304. / xii, 304 leaves : ill., maps ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Zoology, 1994

Spatial and temporal variation in the development of epiphytic diatom communities on the eelgrass, Zostera marina L.

Mutchler, Troy R. January 1998 (has links)
Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Bibliography: Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-83). Description: viii, 83 leaves : ill., map ; 29 cm.

Composition et transfert trophique de la matière organique particulaire dans le Bassin d’Arcachon

Dubois, Anne-Sophie 09 May 2012 (has links)
Les écosystèmes côtiers présentent une forte production biologique, soutenue par une grande diversité de sources de matière organique particulaire (autochtones : phytoplancton, microphytobenthos, phanérogames marines, macroalgues, épiphytes ; allochtones : apports continentaux), pouvant contribuer à la production secondaire. La diversité de ces sources complexifie de manière considérable le fonctionnement écologique des systèmes côtiers — e.g. cycles biogéochimiques, réseaux trophiques — et en rend sa compréhension difficile.Une étude spatio-temporelle réalisée en 2009 dans le Bassin d’Arcachon, une lagune semi-fermée qui abrite le plus grand herbier à Zostera noltii d’Europe, a été menée afin d'estimer l’origine et la composition des matières organiques particulaire en suspension (MOPS) et sédimentaire (MOS) et d'appréhender le devenir des différentes sources de matière organique dans le réseau trophique macrobenthique. Cette approche quantitative a été effectuée principalement à l’aide des rapports isotopiques et élémentaires (δ15N, δ13C et C/N) et/ ou des acides grasA l’échelle annuelle et en moyenne pour les trois stations étudiées, la MOPS est composée principalement de phytoplancton (48 ± 2%) mais aussi de matériel continental (19 ± 4%) et de microphytobenthos (16 ± 2%), les macroalgues et les phanérogames ne contribuant que peu (8 ± 1% et 5 ± 1%, respectivement). Cette composition, qui présente une saisonnalité (faible contribution du phytoplancton en hiver au profit des apports continentaux), est principalement dépendante du climat (température) et de l’hydrodynamique / hydrodynamique sédimentaire (apports continentaux, remise en suspension du sédiment). A l’échelle annuelle et en moyenne pour les six stations ayant fait l’objet du suivi annuel, la MOS est composée principalement de sources benthiques (phanérogames : 23 ± 3% ; microphytobenthos : 19 ± 1% ; macroalgues : 19 ± 5%), mais également de matériel continental (27 ± 8%) et de phytoplancton (11 ± 2%). A l’échelle de l’écosystème (étude printanière) la composition de la MOS est similaire — avec toutefois une plus forte contribution du phytoplancton, au dépend de la matière continentale. Elle est géographiquement homogène, ce que semble favoriser l’hydrodynamique du bassin d’Arcachon associée à sa faible profondeur. La principale différence spatiale apparaît entre le sédiment subtidal (faible contribution des macrophytes au profit du matériel continental) et le sédiment de l’herbier intertidal. L’étude des voies de transfert trophique de la matière organique particulaire a mis en évidence une organisation trophique complexe avec l’existence de sous-groupes au sein des déposivores d’interface et des brouteurs. A l’échelle annuelle et à l’échelle du Bassin d’Arcachon, le microphytobenthos et les phanérogames (incluant leurs épiphytes) soutiennent 90% de la production macrozoobenthique. Cette production secondaire est principalement effectuée par les déposivores (60%). Une forte bactérivorie a été mise en évidence notamment chez les déposivores et chez le suspensivore invasif Crepidula fornicata. Les bactéries représentent ainsi un intermédiaire important dans le transfert de MOP des producteurs primaires vers les consommateurs primaires. Toutefois la pression trophique qu’exercent les consommateurs primaires de la macrofaune benthique sur les producteurs primaires est relativement modeste puisque le macrozoobenthos n’absorbe que 10% de la production primaire totale du système, ce qui rend cette dernière potentiellement disponible pour d’autres compartiments biologiques. Malgré cela l’herbier à Zostera noltii représente une ressource importante pour la macrofaune benthique. Dans le contexte de sa régression, une disparition de l’herbier engendrerait une diminution de la biomasse du macrozoobenthos. / Abstract

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