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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification des lois de comportemement élastoplastiques par essais inhomogènes et simulations numériques

Khalfallah, ali 14 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Le sujet de thèse que nous abordons concerne l'identification des lois de comportement élastoplastiques anisotropes en vue de leur utilisation pour la simulation numérique des procédés de mise en forme par déformation plastique de tôles minces métalliques d'emboutissage. Nous avons essentiellement contribué à la définition et à la mise en oeuvre de stratégies et techniques d'identification des lois de comportement à partir d'essais expérimentaux. Les essais classiquement utilisés pour l'identification des modèles : la traction simple dans les axes et hors axes, la traction plane et le gonfelement hydraulique sont présentés et analysés du point de vue homogénéité des déformations pour aboutir à la relation contrainte-déformation à partir des mesures globales force-déplacement. L'identification des modèles de comportement à partir des essais inhomogènes nécessite une simulation numérique couplée avec une méthode d'optimisation (méthode du Simplexe) pour minimiser l'écart entre les résultats expérimentaux et la réponse du modèle calculée par une méthode d'élements finis. Nous avons identifié des lois de comportement élastoplastiques anisotropes avec écrouissage isotrope. Ces lois sont basées en particulier sur le choix d'une ou deux fonctions "contrainte équivalente" définissant le critère de plasticité et le potentiel plastique (cadre de la normalité non associée) ayant la même structure que la fonction seuil. Plusieurs critères quadratiques et non quadratiques sont alors utilisés. Nous avons développé une technique spécifique d'analyse de sensibilité des essais par rapport aux differents paramètres à identifier de la loi de comportement. Cette technique est mise en oeuvre sur des exemples pratiques.

On Poicarés Uniformization Theorem

Bartolini, Gabriel January 2006 (has links)
<p>A compact Riemann surface can be realized as a quotient space $\mathcal{U}/\Gamma$, where $\mathcal{U}$ is the sphere $\Sigma$, the euclidian plane $\mathbb{C}$ or the hyperbolic plane $\mathcal{H}$ and $\Gamma$ is a discrete group of automorphisms. This induces a covering $p:\mathcal{U}\rightarrow\mathcal{U}/\Gamma$.</p><p>For each $\Gamma$ acting on $\mathcal{H}$ we have a polygon $P$ such that $\mathcal{H}$ is tesselated by $P$ under the actions of the elements of $\Gamma$. On the other hand if $P$ is a hyperbolic polygon with a side pairing satisfying certain conditions, then the group $\Gamma$ generated by the side pairing is discrete and $P$ tesselates $\mathcal{H}$ under $\Gamma$.</p>

Får vi lov? : IKEA:s etablering i Karlstad sett ur ett resursberoendeperspektiv

Andersson, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
<p>IKEA is probably one of the most well known Swedish companies in the world. During thepast decades millions of people all across the globe have decorated their homes according tothe style of IKEA. But just exactly how big and influential are they? Many, if not to say all,municipalities in Sweden wants IKEA to establish and build their famous stores in one oftheir towns. But at what cost? When deciding on a municipality to establish in, IKEAnormally tends to have an advantage when it comes to controlling the conditions and terms ofthe establishment.To undertake this dissertation I use a theory based upon the inter-organizational theoriescalled resource dependency theory. The theory stresses the importance of controlling andobtaining resources as an organization among other organizations in order to survive. Fromthe theory one can see a pattern that organizations with a lot of resources tend to have biggeradvantage when dealing with other organizations.The question I want to answer was if the municipality of Karlstad has eroded its dominantplane when dealing with strong financial actors like IKEA?This is a case study of IKEA and their establishment in Karlstad. Unfortunately IKEA choosenot to be a part of the thesis due to lack of time. The method used in the dissertation is basedupon interviews with high senior officials that were involved in the establishment in one wayor another. To supplement the interviews a document study was performed.The result of the study is surprising in two ways. First of all the fact that IKEA has been sucha strong actor during the negotiations which gave them nearly whatever they asked for. Thesecond reason is the fact that the municipality has eroded its dominant plane in such anobvious way. If IKEA did want to, they could have built a store where ever they wanted.IKEA is probably one of the most well known Swedish companies in the world. During thepast decades millions of people all across the globe have decorated their homes according tothe style of IKEA. But just exactly how big and influential are they? Many, if not to say all,municipalities in Sweden wants IKEA to establish and build their famous stores in one oftheir towns. But at what cost? When deciding on a municipality to establish in, IKEAnormally tends to have an advantage when it comes to controlling the conditions and terms ofthe establishment.To undertake this dissertation I use a theory based upon the inter-organizational theoriescalled resource dependency theory. The theory stresses the importance of controlling andobtaining resources as an organization among other organizations in order to survive. Fromthe theory one can see a pattern that organizations with a lot of resources tend to have biggeradvantage when dealing with other organizations.The question I want to answer was if the municipality of Karlstad has eroded its dominantplane when dealing with strong financial actors like IKEA?This is a case study of IKEA and their establishment in Karlstad. Unfortunately IKEA choosenot to be a part of the thesis due to lack of time. The method used in the dissertation is basedupon interviews with high senior officials that were involved in the establishment in one wayor another. To supplement the interviews a document study was performed.The result of the study is surprising in two ways. First of all the fact that IKEA has been sucha strong actor during the negotiations which gave them nearly whatever they asked for. Thesecond reason is the fact that the municipality has eroded its dominant plane in such anobvious way. If IKEA did want to, they could have built a store where ever they wanted.</p>

RM³ Processing for In-plane Optical Interconnects on Si-CMOS and the Impact of Topographic Features on Losses in Deposited Dielectric Waveguides

Barkley, Edward, Fonstad, Clifton G. Jr. 01 1900 (has links)
This paper describes recent progress in a continuing program to develop and apply RM³ (recess mounting with monolithic metallization) technologies for heterogeneous integration. Particular emphasis is placed on the applicability of RM³ integration to in-plane geometries for on-chip optical clock and signal distribution and on the suitability of commercially processed IC wafers for use as substrates for rectangular dielectric waveguides. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Smooth $*$--Algebras

Peter.Michor@esi.ac.at 19 June 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in plane and cylindrical geometries

Komminaho, Jukka January 2000 (has links)
This thesis deals with numerical simulation of turbulentflows in geometrically simple cases. Both plane and cylindricalgeometries are used. The simplicity of the geometry allows theuse of spectral methods which yield a very high accuracy usingrelatively few grid points. A spectral method for planegeometries is implemented on a parallel computer. Thetransitional Reynolds number for plane Couette flow is verifiedto be about 360, in accordance with earlier findings. TurbulentCouette flow at twice the transitional Reynolds number isstudied and the findings of large scale structures in earlierstudies of Couette flow are substantiated. These largestructures are shown to be of limited extent and give anintegral length scale of six half channel heights, or abouteight times larger than in pressure-driven channel flow.Despite this, they contain only about 10 \% of the turbulentenergy. This is demonstrated by applying a very smallstabilising rotation, which almost eliminates the largestructures. A comparison of the Reynolds stress budget is madewith a boundary layer flow, and it is shown that the near-wallvalues in Couette flow are comparable with high-Reynolds numberboundary layer flow. A new spectrally accurate algorithm isdeveloped and implemented for cylindrical geometries andverified by studying the evolution of eigenmodes for both pipeflow and annular pipe flow. This algorithm is a generalisationof the algorithm used in the plane channel geometry. It usesFourier transforms in two homogeneous directions and Chebyshevpolynomials in the third, wall-normal, direction. TheNavier--Stokes equations are solved with a velocity-vorticityformulation, thereby avoiding the difficulty of solving for thepressure. The time advancement scheme used is a mixedimplicit/explicit second order scheme. The coupling between twovelocity components, arising from the cylindrical coordinates,is treated by introducing two new components and solving forthem, instead of the original velocity components. TheChebyshev integration method and the Chebyshev tau method isboth implemented and compared for the pipe flow case.

Stability of plane Couette flow and pipe Poiseuille flow

Åsén, Per-Olov January 2007 (has links)
This thesis concerns the stability of plane Couette flow and pipe Poiseuille flow in three space dimensions. The mathematical model for both flows is the incompressible Navier--Stokes equations. Both analytical and numerical techniques are used. We present new results for the resolvent corresponding to both flows. For plane Couette flow, analytical bounds on the resolvent have previously been derived in parts of the unstable half-plane. In the remaining part, only bounds based on numerical computations in an infinite parameter domain are available. Due to the need for truncation of this infinite parameter domain, these results are mathematically insufficient. We obtain a new analytical bound on the resolvent at s=0 in all but a compact subset of the parameter domain. This is done by deriving approximate solutions of the Orr--Sommerfeld equation and bounding the errors made by the approximations. In the remaining compact set, we use standard numerical techniques to obtain a bound. Hence, this part of the proof is not rigorous in the mathematical sense. In the thesis, we present a way of making also the numerical part of the proof rigorous. By using analytical techniques, we reduce the remaining compact subset of the parameter domain to a finite set of parameter values. In this set, we need to compute bounds on the solution of a boundary value problem. By using a validated numerical method, such bounds can be obtained. In the thesis, we investigate a validated numerical method for enclosing the solutions of boundary value problems. For pipe Poiseuille flow, only numerical bounds on the resolvent have previously been derived. We present analytical bounds in parts of the unstable half-plane. Also, we derive a bound on the resolvent for certain perturbations. Especially, the bound is valid for the perturbation which numerical computations indicate to be the perturbation which exhibits largest transient growth. The bound is valid in the entire unstable half-plane. We also investigate the stability of pipe Poiseuille flow by direct numerical simulations. Especially, we consider a disturbance which experiments have shown is efficient in triggering turbulence. The disturbance is in the form of blowing and suction in two small holes. Our results show the formation of hairpin vortices shortly after the disturbance. Initially, the hairpins form a localized packet of hairpins as they are advected downstream. After approximately $10$ pipe diameters from the disturbance origin, the flow becomes severely disordered. Our results show good agreement with the experimental results. In order to perform direct numerical simulations of disturbances which are highly localized in space, parallel computers must be used. Also, direct numerical simulations require the use of numerical methods of high order of accuracy. Many such methods have a global data dependency, making parallelization difficult. In this thesis, we also present the process of parallelizing a code for direct numerical simulations of pipe Poiseuille flow for a distributed memory computer. / QC 20100825

On Poicarés Uniformization Theorem

Bartolini, Gabriel January 2006 (has links)
A compact Riemann surface can be realized as a quotient space $\mathcal/\Gamma$, where $\mathcal$ is the sphere $\Sigma$, the euclidian plane $\mathbb$ or the hyperbolic plane $\mathcal$ and $\Gamma$ is a discrete group of automorphisms. This induces a covering $p:\mathcal\rightarrow\mathcal/\Gamma$. For each $\Gamma$ acting on $\mathcal$ we have a polygon $P$ such that $\mathcal$ is tesselated by $P$ under the actions of the elements of $\Gamma$. On the other hand if $P$ is a hyperbolic polygon with a side pairing satisfying certain conditions, then the group $\Gamma$ generated by the side pairing is discrete and $P$ tesselates $\mathcal$ under $\Gamma$.

Minor-minimal non-projective planar graphs with an internal 3-separation

Asadi Shahmirzadi, Arash 13 November 2012 (has links)
The property that a graph has an embedding in the projective plane is closed under taking minors. Thus by the well known Graph Minor theorem of Robertson and Seymour, there exists a finite list of minor-minimal graphs, call it L, such that a given graph G is projective planar if and only if G does not contain any graph isomorphic to a member of L as a minor. Glover, Huneke and Wang found 35 graphs in L, and Archdeacon proved that those are all the members of L, but Archdeacon's proof never appeared in any refereed journal. In this thesis we develop a modern approach and technique for finding the list L, independent of previous work. Our approach is based on conditioning on the connectivity of a member of L. Assume G is a member of L. If G is not 3-connected then the structure of G is well understood. In the case that G is 3-connected, the problem breaks down into two main cases, either G has an internal separation of order three or G is internally 4-connected. In this thesis we find the set of all 3-connected minor minimal non-projective planar graphs with an internal 3-separation. For proving our main result, we use a technique which can be considered as a variation and generalization of the method that Robertson, Seymour and Thomas used for non-planar extension of planar graphs. Using this technique, besides our main result, we also classify the set of minor minimal obstructions for a-, ac-, abc-planarity for rooted graphs. (A rooted graph (G,a,b,c) is a-planar if there exists a split of the vertex a to a' and a' in G such that the new graph G' obtained by the split has an embedding in a disk such that the vertices a', b, a', c are on the boundary of the disk in the order listed. We define b- and c-planarity analogously. We say that the rooted graph (G,a,b,c) is ab-planar if it is a-planar or b-planar, and we define abc-planarity analogously.)

Calibration of Laser Triangulating Cameras in Small Fields of View / Kalibrering av lasertriangulerande 3D-kamera för användning i små synfält

Rydström, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
A laser triangulating camera system projects a laser line onto an object to create height curveson the object surface. By moving the object, height curves from different parts of the objectcan be observed and combined to produce a three dimensional representation of the object.The calibration of such a camera system involves transforming received data to get real worldmeasurements instead of pixel based measurements. The calibration method presented in this thesis focuses specifically on small fields ofview. The goal is to provide an easy to use and robust calibration method that can complementalready existing calibration methods. The tool should get as good measurementsin metric units as possible, while still keeping complexity and production costs of the calibrationobject low. The implementation uses only data from the laser plane itself making itusable also in environments where no external light exist. The proposed implementation utilises a complete scan of a three dimensional calibrationobject and returns a calibration for three dimensions. The results of the calibration havebeen evaluated against synthetic and real data.

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